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Printed and published by


National Association for the Blind, New Delhi

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About the book

Part – I

The Persons with disability Act, 1995(PWD act)

Integrated Education for the Disabled Children

Sarva Siksha Abhiyan

Children’s Education Allowance

Income Tax Act

Jeevan Vishvas

Aids and Appliances (ADIP Scheme)

Subsides and Concessions

Railway Concession

Telecommunication (Preference in Allotment of STD booths/PCO)

Air Travel Concessions

Inland and Foreign Postage

Customs concessions

National Trust Act, 1999

Nirmaya: A Health Insurance Scheme

Uddyam Prabha- An Incentive scheme to Promote

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Gyan Prabha- Scholarship Scheme

SAMARTH- Residential Services

Legal Guardianship





Disability Pension


Aids and appliances

Other concessions/facility




Disability pension



Aids and appliances

Hostel Facility

Other concessions/Facilities

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Disability pension



Aids and appliances

Other concessions/facilities

Himachal Pradesh



Disability pension



Incentive for marrying disabled

Aids and appliances

Other concessions/Facilities

Jammu and Kashmir


Financial assistance


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Aids and appliances

Other concessions/facilities




Disability pension



Incentive for marrying a disabled

Aids and appliances

Other concessions/Facility




Disability Pension



Other concessions/facility

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Persons with deafblindness have the right to “equal opportunities” and “full participation” as enshrined in the constitution of India. The needs of persons with deafblindness are unique and individualistic and deserve distinct attention and support.

The Government of India and the state governments of Chandigarh, Delhi, Haryana, Himachal Pradesh, Punjab, Rajasthan and Utrakhand have implemented a number of schemes for the benefits of persons with disabilities (PWDs). However, deafblindness/multi sensory impairment is not recognized as a separate category under the Persons with Disabilities Act, probably because these are low incidence disability and are hidden in the community. This has often led to difficulties in availing appropriate disability certificate and also access government schemes and social security benefits unlike the single category disabilities as per the Persons with Disability Act (PWD), 1995.

Deafblind persons, their families and the community are neither aware of the support and schemes extended by the government nor do they have an access to them. Most of them often find it difficult to find out if a certain scheme can be availed by them or not. Also there is much difficulty in understanding the legal language used in the policy implementation circles. Most of the information available is very generic to understand, and families having deafblind children and adults fail to comprehend and find suitable schemes available for them. This leaves deafblind children, adults and their families unable to utilize the benefits entitled to them, appropriately.

National Association for the Blind (India), as Regional Learning Centre (RLC) on Deafblindness for North Zone, and a partner of Sense International (India) has been constantly assessing the information needs across various users of the region and is bringing out this booklet on schemes most suitable for deafblind persons and their families with the support of Sense International (India) and European Union.

The focus of these schemes is to ensure that PWDs, especially deafblind persons and their families live a life with dignity and equality. This is a booklet for ready usage of relevant schemes, for deafblind people themselves, parents, teachers and also professionals in the field of deafblindness. This is a comprehensive package covering the schemes and concessions from the central and the States and Union Territory governments in the region.

Though utmost efforts are being made to ensure that the information in this booklet is accurate, this is only a guide to the reader and not an authoritative statement of the law. National Association for the Blind (India), Sense International (India) and European Union do not accept any legal liability or responsibility.

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The Persons with Disabilities Act, 1995

 The persons with disabilities Act, 1995 (Equal Opportunities, Protection of Rights and Full Participation) Act, 1995


Free education for every child with disability in an appropriate environment till the age of 18 years.

3% reservation in admission to educational institutions

3% reservation in jobs

preference in allotment of land, house sites, place of business

[Note- In order to be eligible for any concession/ benefits, the minimum degree of disability should be 40%.]

Document required availing benefits under this act –

Disability certificate

Proof of residence /ration card

Voter ID

Proof of income

Birth certificate

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SCHEME - Integrated Education for the Disabled Children

This scheme provides educational opportunities for persons with disabilities in any regular school with other children.


Books and stationery allowance of Rs.400/- p.a.

Uniform allowance of Rs.50/- p.a. Transport allowance of Rs.50/- per month Actual cost of equipment subject to a maximum of Rs 2,000 per month

for five years Reader allowance of Rs 50 per month in case of blind children up to

Class V

Document required

Disability certificate

Proof of residence /ration card

Voter ID

Proof of income

Birth certificate


Principal of School

SCHEME- Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan

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This scheme promotes education for all. Under this scheme children with disabilities can get education in any regular school till the age of 18 years.


The student with disabilities from standard 1st to 7th can get Rs. 1000 per annum.

The students with disabilities of standard 8th and above can get scholarship raging from Rs. 1500 to Rs. 5000 per annum

[Note: Students with 40% of disability and whose parent’s annum income is less than 50,000 can avail scholarship for education. The forms for applying for the scholarship are available at the office of Social Defense Officer from 15th June to 31st august every year.]

The documents required for availing the scholarship are:

Disability Certificate

Income Proof of the parents

Copy of result of previous academic session


District Education Officer

SCHEME -   Children’s educational allowance (CEA)

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The reimbursement of tuition fee in respect of children with disabilities of the Central government employees has been enhanced to Rs.1000 p.m. (from class I to XII).

[Note- For student with disabilities studying in any institution i.e., aided or approved by Central/State/UT or whose fees are approved by any of these authorities, CEA paid is reimbursable irrespective of whether the institution is recognized or not. In Such cases, the benefits will be admissible between age limits of 5 to 22 years.]

Documents need to avail the benefits –

Disability certificate

Proof of residence /ration card

Voter ID

Proof of income

Birth certificate


District Education Officer

SCHEME - Income Tax Act


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The assess of the Hindu Undivided Family (HUF) would be entitled to a deduction of Rs. 75,000 in respect of any expenditure for medical treatment (including nursing), training and rehabilitation of handicapped dependent.

Document required

disability certificate

Proof of residence /ration card

Voter ID

Proof of income

Birth certificate


Income tax office




Under this policy person with disabilities of a joint family can get benefits after the death of a family member (who has taken the insurance policy).

[Note- The premiums under Jeevan Aadhar are eligible for tax benefit under Sec. 80DD of Income Tax Act, 1961.]


Officer, Jeevan Bima Nigam

Scheme- Assistance to Disabled Persons for Purchase/Fitting of Aids/Appliances (ADIP Scheme)

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Quantum of Assistance to Disabled

The amount of assistance will be as follows:

Amounts of assistance on base of total income

Total income Amount of Assistance

Upto Rs 6,500/- per month Full cost of aid/appliance

Rs. 6,501/- to Rs 10,000/- per month

50% of the cost of aid/Appliance

Types of Aids/Appliances to be provided

The following aids and appliances may be allowed for each type of disabled individual. However, any other items as notified from time to time by the Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment for the purpose will also be allowed

Visually Disabled

Learning equipments

Science learning equipments

Braille writing equipments

Communication equipments for persons with deafblindness

Low vision aids

Special mobility aids for visually disabled people Hearing Disabled

Hearing Disabled

Various types of hearing aids

Educational kits like tape recorders/CD player etc.

Assistive and alarming devices

Communication aids, like, portable speech synthesizer etc

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Documents required:

Disability certificate

Proof of residence /ration card

Voter ID

Proof of income

Birth certificate

Contact –Regional Rehabilitation Training Centre



Severely Disabled person (at least 40% severity) above 18 but below 65 years of age and below the poverty line will get Rs. 200 p.m. from central govt. and state government are also requested to contribute at least a similar amount to the beneficiaries, for a monthly assistance of Rs. 400.

Documents required

Disability certificate

Proof of residence /ration card

Voter ID

Proof of income

Birth certificate

Contact-Social Defense Officer

Subsidies and Concessions

Railway concession

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As per the order of ministry of railway and government of India, following concessions are available for the persons with disability

Person with visually impairment or mental retardation traveling alone or with a escort can get benefits of following concessions by presenting a certificate of government doctor or by registered medical practitioner

First class -75% concession

Second class- 75% concession

Third class- 75% concession

Seasonal class- 75% concession

 Person hearing impairment traveling alone or with an escort can get benefits of following concessions by presenting a certificate of government doctor or by registered medical practitioner

First class -50% concession

Second class- 50% concession

Third class- 50% concession

Seasonal class- 50% concession


[Note- person with hearing aid is allowed 50 % concession in both in first and second class but concession is not available for the escort

Person with hearing impairment is permitted to travel 2- tier A.C. on payment of concessional fare for first class and full surcharge for 2 tier A.C. sleepers.

Telecommunication (Preference In Allotment of STD booths / PCO)

Minimum Qualifications-

VIII or Middle School passed from rural areas.

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Matriculation or High School from urban areas.

Air Travel Concessions

Indian Airlines allow 50% concession fares to blind persons on single journeys.

Inland and foreign postage

Blind literature packets are exempted from registration fee, acknowledgement fee, fees for the attested copy of the receipt and payment of postage. Postage free packets will be transmitted by surface route only. If sent by air regular airmail charges will be applicable.


Customs concessions

Individuals: The Central Government exempts specified goods, if imported by a handicapped or disabled person for personal use, from full customs and additional duty.

 Institutions: Institutions for the blind may import equipment and apparatus for the education and training of the blind, free of customs duty, if the equipment is received as bonafide gifts.

Import of audio cassettes from libraries/agencies:  Books and magazines recorded on audio cassettes are exempted from customs duty when imported from libraries and agencies for the blind.


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The National Trust is a statutory body under the Ministry of Social Justice & Empowerment, Government of India and set up under the National Trust for the Welfare of Persons with Autism, Cerebral Palsy, Mental Retardation & Multiple Disabilities Act (Act 44 of 1999)

Our Objectives

To ensure people with disabilities lead independent life with dignity

To support & strengthen NGOs & other service providers

To appoint legal guardian to take care of the need of people with disabilities

Major Activities

Training & Awareness Programmes

Capacity Building Programmes

Shelter, Care Giving & Empowerment Programmes

Our Network

Non Govt. Organisations at field level

Local Level Committees at District level

State Nodal Agency Centres & Partners (SNAC & SNAP) at State & Divisional level

State Level Advisory Committee at State Govt. level headed by State Secretary/Principal Secretary looking after Social Welfare & Disability



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This scheme is applicable for Persons with Autism, Cerebral Palsy, Mental Retardation and Multiple Disabilities.


It has a single premium across age band Provides same coverage irrespective of the type of disability covered under the National Trust Act

Insurance cover upto 1.0 lakh Rs.

All persons with National Trust disabilities will be eligible and included and there will be no 'selection'

Families possessing below poverty line card (income below 15,000 per month) are exempted from paying any amount of premium.

Procedure to apply

Any person who falls under the categories of disabilities mentioned under National trust Act can apply for this Scheme in the prescribed format enclosed and submit it to the nearest organization registered with the National Trust or State Nodal Agency Center(SNAC) of the National Trust. On successful enrolment and approval, health card will be issued to each beneficiary.

(Note-Procedure to submit are provided on page number)


This scheme is applicable for Persons with Autism, Cerebral Palsy, Mental Retardation and Multiple Disabilities.

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This scheme provides incentive up to 5% for BPL families (income below 15,000 per month) and 3% for other categories. For example, a disabled person below poverty line will get upto 5% of 1 lakh loan amount i.e. Rs. 5000/- pa for 5 years.

Documents required along with the form

Attested copy of Disability Certificate

Attested copy of Proof of loan received, loan account no., interest rate, repayment mode, period and EMI

Details of the Project for which loan is taken

Any other relevant documents

SCHEME-“SAMARTH” (Centre Based Scheme)


Samarth is a “Centre Based Scheme (CBS)” for Residential Services, both Short Term (Respite Care) and Long Term (Prolonged Stay). Vocational training is mandatory under the scheme.

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Types of Services

This Scheme provides for Residential facilities. Mainly focus on early intervention, special education or integrated school, open school, pre-vocational and vocational training, employment oriented training, recreation, sports etc.


1.    Shared accommodation (2 students in one room), separate rooms for boys & girls.

2.    Kitchen with dining hall, providing nutritious and Balance diet.

3.    Adequate toilets for boys and girls.

4.    Laundry facilities.

5.    Indoor and Outdoor games.

6.    Recreational facilities, TV with cable.

7.    Dance and Music.

8.    Regular outing.

9.    Celebration of festivals and birthdays.



The Parents / Guardian Society of Children of Govt. Institute of Mentally Retarded Children, GIMRC, Sector-32,


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E-mail: [email protected]


Manovikas Comprehensive Rehabilitation and Research Center

A-267, Surajmal Vihar, Delhi-110 092

Ph. 011-22377771, 65422367, 20310633

E-mail: [email protected]

Mother Home Karuna Path Integrated Learning Rehabilitation Institute, Lions Charitable Hospital,

G T Karnal Road, Libaspur, Delhi – 110 042

Tel. 011-27299636

E-mail – [email protected]

Society for Child Development Cottage 15, Oberoi Apartments, 2, Sham Nath Marg, Delhi - 110 054Tel.011-41727004

[email protected]


Sadhu Basant Residential Care,

Sular, Patiala-147 001, Punjab

Tel . 0175-2304436,2304878

E-mail: [email protected]

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Indian Red Cross Society

Distt. Branch, Red Cross Bhavan,

Sadiq Chowk, Faridkot-1151203, Punjab


[email protected]


Prayas Sansthan, Prachya Shodh Peeth,

30 C 1 Road, Bhopalpura, Udaipur, Rajasthan

0294-2410812,93515 49074

E-mail: [email protected]

Navjyoti Manovikasa Kendra,

Sector-10, Behind Central Academy School,

Chopsani Housing Board, Jodhpur-342 008,


Navdisha Vikas Samiti,

C-6, Hasan Kahn Mewati Nagar,

Alwar-301 001, Rajasthan


Rajasthan Mahila Kalyan Mandal, Vishwamitra Ashram, Village Chachiyawas, Via Gagwana dist. Ajmer ,Rajasthan

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E-mail: [email protected]

Shikhar Society for the Welfare of Mentally Handicapped,

2-N-3, Dadabari, Kota (Rajasthan) – 324 009

Tel. 0744-2501776,2504188

E-mail: [email protected]

Jubin Spastic Home & Charitable Trust,

195/196 Sukharia Shopping Centre,

Sriganganagar, Rajasthan



[email protected]

Shri Savariya Bahuuddaishiya

Viklang Seva Sansthan

Jaton Ka Mohalla, Chanderiya,

Chittorgarh, Rajasthan-312 025

Tel.01472-256817, 9828536817

[email protected]

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The National Trust Act empowers the local committees to appoint legal guardians for persons with Autism, Cerebral palsy, Mental Retardation & Multiple disabilities. Persons with disabilities are not enough capable to protect their interests and properties so national trust has decided to appoint a legal guardian who could handle the legal processes and protect the properties of the ward after the age of 18.

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Parent, Relative or any other registered organization can apply for legal guardianship


Local Level Committee



For pursuing post schooling any professional course or vocational training and other creative activities from recognized institutions for self employment or employment of the person is entitled to avail scholarship amount of Rs. 700 per month.

Documents required along with the form:-

Academic records (attested copy of certificates and Marks sheet)

Proof of annual income, e.g. Salary Slip, Latest Income Tax Return

Attested copy of Disability Certificate

Course fee receipt (if any) with break up of each item duly paid during the academic session.

Course Completion certificate (at the end of the course)

Procedure to apply for National Trust’s schemes:-

You can contact State Nodal Agency (SNAC) or State Nodal Agency-Partner (SNAP) and collect the form from their office

You can download the form from official website of National Trust ( and send it on the concerned agencies mentioned below.

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State Nodal Agency Centre



Akansha loins den

Jal vihar colony,

Raipur- 492007, Chandigarh

Phone no-0771-2427468

Email: [email protected]

SNEH sampada vidyalaya

32, Bunglow chowk sector-8

Bhilai nagar durg chandigarh

Phone no-0788-2242853

Email: [email protected]


Action for ability development and inclusion (AADI)

2, balbir saxena marg,

Howzkhas new delhi-110016

Phone no-011-26531947/26531508

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Email: [email protected]

Himachal Pradesh

Udaan parents and guardian society

of mentally challenged children of shimla

Block-30, set no-1, phase- 3

New Shimla-171009

Phone no: 0177-2673247/0177-2670638

Email: [email protected]

Sahyog Bal Shravan Viklang Kalian Samiti

Sahyog School for special children

New redcross bhawan, Mandi

Phone no: 01905-223539

Email: [email protected]


Arpan institute for mentally handicapped children

Ghandhi nagar, Rohtak-124001

Ph. 268255/245588

Email: [email protected]

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Disha vocational training and rehabilitation center

Near shanidev mandir, Hisar Road

Sirsa, Haryana



Email: [email protected]


Navjeevani School for special education

Sular, Patiala- 14700


[email protected]

The north India cerebral palsy association (Ashirwad)

1298/4 B, phase 2 Karnail singh nagar

Pakhowal Roa, Ludhiana

Ph. 0161-2564551/5004666

Email: [email protected]

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Prayas 343,

Lane no 2

Raja Park, Jaipur- 302004

Ph. 0141-2711018

Email: [email protected]

Rajasthan Mahila kalian mandal

Vishwamitra ashram

Village – Chachiyavas,

Via gagvana dist, Ajmer

Ph. 0145-3290439

Parichaya shodh peeth Prayas

30 AC 1, Bhopalpura,



Email: [email protected]


Raffel Raider Chashire International

Center P.O Box- 157

Mohini road Trans Ripsana nadi


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Ph. 01352674901

Email: [email protected]

Sharpe viklag samiti

Village Lolti


The- Thereli,

Dist- chamoli


Email: [email protected]




The state government has reserved 1% vacancy each for the visually impaired person, the deaf & the orthopedically handicapped in Class III & Class IV services of Govt and comparable posts in the public sector and local bodies.

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Govt. employees can also get 5% of the basic pay or Rs.100/- per month (whichever will be less) as conveyance allowance for attending office.

Contact- District Employment Officer


Scholarship / Stipend: Day Scholars

Class I to Class VIII                Rs.200/-

From Class IX onwards Rs.300/-

Contact- Principal of school

Disability Pension / Social Security Pension:Disabled persons with disabilities in the age group of 18 years and above who are disabled to the extent of 40% and are residents of Union Territory of Chandigarh and their family income does not exceed Rs.150/- P.M get disability pension @ Rs.100/-p.m.

Contact- Family welfare office

Assistance for purchase of aids and appliances:

Income Assistance

Up to Rs. 200/- P.M. 90% of the cost

Rs. 201/- to Rs. 400/- P.M. 75% of the cost

Rs. 401/- to Rs. 600/- P.M. 50% of the cost

Contact- District Rehabilitation Centre

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Free bus travel for blind in C.T.U. buses.

Contact- Officer, State Transport

Other concessions/facilities:

Rehabilitation Centre for Handicapped Children:

Handicapped children are treated free of cost for one time in this centre. The Centre is having the facilities of Consultant Doctors, Speech Therapists, Prosthetic Technician, Clinical Psychologists, Medical Social Workers and Trained Teachers. 

Government Institute for Mentally Retarded Children, Sector 32, Chandigarh:

It imparts education to the extent possible as well as provides Vocational Training in certain trades. 

Bhavan Vidyalaya, Jaisukhpal Hathi Sadan, Sector 27, Madhy, Marginal, Chandigarh:

The institution imparts education to those children whose I.Q. is low and are slow in learning. 

Society for the care of Blind, Sector 26, Chandigarh:

This is a residential school being run by a Voluntary Organisation in a spacious building built by the society. It imparts education up to matric level and also runs vocational courses for the rehabilitation of blind students.

Institution for Deaf and Dumb Children, Sector 11, Chandigarh:

A Voluntary Organization is also running the institution and it imparts primary education, including Speech Therapy and Vocational Courses.



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The state government has decided that 1% vacancy each for the visually impaired person, the deaf & the orthopedically handicapped in Class III & Class IV services of Govt. and comparable posts in the public sector and local bodies.

The upper age limit is relaxed by 10 years for handicapped persons for applying in Govt. jobs.

During their service period they can also get conveyance allowance. This allowance will be 5% amount of their basic monthly income or Rs. 100, whichever will be less will be offered to the disabled employees.

Contact: District Employment Officer



The Delhi Government awards scholarship at the following rate:

For class I to V Rs. 50/- p.m.

For Class VI to VIII Rs. 70/- p.m.

Contact- Principal of school

Disability pension/Social security pension:

Disabled persons in the age group of 0 to 60, get disability pension @ Rs.1000/-p.m.

Disabled persons get Rs.5000/- as one time economic assistance.

Contact – Family Welfare Office

Unemployment Allowance:

Disabled persons registered in employment exchange get Rs.50/-p.m. as unemployment allowance.

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Disabled persons get assistance for self-employment.

Contact- District Employment Office

Bus concession:

Free for blind and 50% for escorts.

Contact- Officer, State Transport

Hostel Facility:

Hostel facility for college going blind boys at Sewa Kutir is available. Free boarding, lodging, medical care, scholarship, training, library facilities, tape recorder etc. are available.

Assistance for purchase of aids and appliances:Income Assistance

(i) Up to Rs.200/- p.m. 90% of the cost

(ii) Rs.201/- to Rs.400/- p.m. 75% of the cost

(iii) Rs.401/- to Rs.600/- p.m. 50% of the cost

Contact- District Rehabilitation Centre

Other facilities:

5% reservation in allotment of DDA shops/kiosks

1% reservation in DDA plots

2% reservation in Municipal shops


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1% post is reserved for each category of Visually Handicapped, Hearing Handicapped and Orthopedically Handicapped persons in govt jobs. 

The upper age limit is relaxed by 10 years for handicapped persons for applying in Govt. jobs.

During their service period they can also get conveyance allowance. This allowance will be 8% amount of their basic monthly income or Rs. 150, whichever will be less will be offered to the disabled employees.

Contact- District Employment Officer


The State Govt. awards scholarship to the handicapped students at the following rates: 

Rates of Scholarship from Class I to Class VIII 

Class Amount

Visually handicapped I to IV 100

Mentally Handicapped V to VIII 150


Contact- Principal of school

Disability pension/social security pension:

Disabled persons of age group of 18 to 60 years and having 100% disability and whose family income is below poverty line get disability pension @ Rs.750/-p.m. 

Contact- Family welfare department


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Unemployment allowance:

Disabled persons, who have registered in employment exchange, get unemployment allowance at the following rates:

QualificationAllowance (Rupees per


Matric/Middle pass Diploma Holder 150

Graduate/Matric Pass Diploma Holder 200

Post Graduate/Graduate Diploma Holder


Assistance for self-employment:

Haryana Financial Corporation gives loan to all types of handicapped for starting self-employment.

Contact- District Employment Office


The State Government gives free bus pass

Contact- Officer, State Transport

Aids and Appliances:

The State Government is providing aids and appliances free of charge through the Saket Hospital, Chandi Mandir and also provides free transport facility throughout the State for visiting the hospital from their residence and back. 

Contact- Saket Hospital, Chandi Mandir

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Other Concessions/facilities:

1.5% houses are reserved for visually impaired person.

Deaf & dumb person get vocational training during which they get free rationing & free lodging/boarding & medical facilities.

Retainership allowance @ Rs.1000/-p.m. is given to 100 blind caners working in the ICDS projects in the State

Blind employees get priority in allotment of Govt. quarter.

University blind students get Rs.160/-p.m. as reimbursement of food expenses.

Free tape recorder and cassette to blind students at graduate and post-graduate level.




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Reservation1% post is reserved for each category of Visually Handicapped, Hearing Handicapped and Orthopedically Handicapped persons in govt jobs. 

One out of 15 posts are reserved in Public Sector Undertaking's (PSU's) and Board /Corporations.

Conveyance allowance @ Rs.75/- P.M. is available to the Govt. employees.

The upper age limit is relaxed by 5 years for applying in Govt. jobs

Contact- District Employment Officer

Education 5% seats in I.T.I's are reserved for disabled.

The State Govt. awards scholarship to handicapped students from Class I to VIII.

Vocational training: Free training and accommodation is provided to the disabled

Free text books in Braille to all visually impaired students in the state

Contact – District Education Officer

Disability pension/Social Security pensionDisability pension of Rs.330/- P.M. for those whose individual income is less than Rs.6,000/- P.M. There is no age limit. 

Contact- Family Welfare Department

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EmploymentUnemployment allowance:

Disabled persons registered in employment exchange, get unemployment allowance.

Assistance for self employment

Only under the NHFDC (National Handicapped Finance and Development Corporation)

Contact- Employment Officer in Special . Employment Exchange


Person with disability gets free bus travel facility. 

Contact- Officer, State Transport

Incentive for marrying disabled:The State Govt. gives Rs.15, 000/- as marriage incentive to normal person marrying a disabled.

Contact- Family Welfare Department

Assistance for purchase of aids & appliances:

Full reimbursement of Aids and Appliances whose monthly income is less than Rs.5, 000/- is made while 50% discount is given to those whose income is between Rs. 5,001/- to Rs. 8,000/- P.M

Note- Person should not have received

Contact- District Rehabilitation Centre

Other Concession

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In Himachal Pradesh Two Special cell in employment exchanged for disabled are working in Kangra and Shimla.

District Rehabilitation Centre

1. Dharamshala,

2. Hamirpur

3. Shimla

One CRRC (Composition Regional Rehablitation Centre) at Sundernagar Mandi

There are three residential Special school for disabled persons at Dharamshala, Dhali (Shimla) and Sundernagar (Mandi) run by the government.




1% post is reserved for each category of Visually Handicapped, Hearing Handicapped and Orthopedically Handicapped persons in govt jobs. 

During their service period they can get conveyance allowance. 

Handicapped Government employees get conveyance allowance

Contact- District Employment Officer

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Financial Assistance:

Disabled persons get monthly financial assistance @ Rs.400/- P.M

Assistance for self employment:

Handicapped persons get assistance for self employment.

Contact- District Social Welfare Officers

Assistance for purchase of aids and appliances:

Disabled persons get Artificial Limbs and Appliances including Hearing Aid under Prosthetic Aid scheme.

Contact- Artificial Limb Centre,

Barzulla, Srinagar

Free medical facility: Free medical facilities are being given to the inmates of the Home for the Handicapped.

Contact: Director,

Social Welfare Department 



1% jobs each for Blind, Deaf & Orthopedically Handicapped in Govt. and comparable posts, in PSUs and local bodies.

The upper age limit is relaxed up to 10 years.

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Conveyance allowance is paid @ 5% of the salary subject to maximum of Rs. 100/-p.m.

Contact- District Employment Officer Educational

2% seats are reserved for admissions in B.Ed. Courses. This admission is open to blind persons also.

Free education for visually impaired at panjab university


Scholarships rates are as follows:Up to Matriculation Rs. 200/- p.m. For studies beyond Matric Rs. 300/- p.m.

The income criteria for parents in all cases would be Rs. 2,500/- p.m. in the case of one disabled child and Rs. 3,000/- p.m. in the case of two disabled children. 

Contact- Principle of School

Disability Pension/Social Security Pension:

An amount of Rs. 250/- P.M. is given to the disabled persons. The amount is payable from the first of the month in which the medical certificate issued. The income criteria is as follows: 

Applicant should have income of less than Rs. 1000/- p.m.

In case of married person, the income of both should not exceed Rs.1500/- p.m. 

In case of parents, the income criteria is Rs. 2,500/- p.m. for one handicapped child and Rs. 3,000/- p.m, for two handicapped children. 

Contact- District Social Security Officer


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Unemployment allowances:

Unemployment allowance @ Rs. 400/-p.m. for undergraduates and Rs. 300/-p.m. for graduates and above is being paid. This is being given from the date of registration in the employment exchanges.

Contact- Employment Officer of Special . Employment Exchange

Assistance for self-employment:

Punjab Financial Corporation gives loan of Rs. 2.00 Lakhs where the disabled person is required to contribute only 10% as against 25% from others. In the case of loan up to Rs. 50,000/-, disabled person need not be an artisan. 

Contact- All Nationalized Banks


Free for blind and 50% for escorts

Contact- Officer, State Transport

Incentive for marrying a disabled:

New scheme envisaging payment of marriage grant of Rs. 5,000/- to any person marrying Visually Handicapped girls is being introduced. 

Contact- Family Welfare Officer

Assistance for purchase of aids & appliances:

The Govt. pays for the cost of limb according to the income of the applicant as per the criteria mentioned below: Income up to Rs. 300 per month: full cost Income between Rs. 300 - 500 per month: half of cost

Contact- District Rehabilitation Centre


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1% post is reserved for each category of Visually Handicapped, Hearing Handicapped and Orthopedically Handicapped persons in govt jobs. 

The upper age limit is relaxed up to 10 years.

During their service period they can also get conveyance allowance. This allowance will be 5% amount of their basic monthly income or Rs. 75/-, whichever will be less will be offered to the disabled employees.

Contact- District Employment Officer


Government providing free education from class 1st to 12th

The student with disabilities from standard 1st to 8th can get scholarship of Rs. 500 p.m. and conveyance allowance of Rs 300 p. m.

Scholarship is given to those disabled students whose parents income is less 40,000 per a.m. The details of which is as follows: 


I to IV Rs. 40 upto ten months

V to VIII Rs. 50

Reader's allowance is provided to blind students only. 

Contact- Principal of School

5% grace mark is given in the qualifying exam in all competitive examination. 

5% of marks wherever minimum percentage of marks is prescribed in any examination. 

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Training Centre: District Rural Development Agency conducts training for vocational purposes. Pay/Stipend of Rs.100/- P.M. to local trainees and Rs.125/- P.M. to outsiders are given. 

Reimbursement of Rail/bus fare: To and fro rail fare or actual fare is admissible to the handicapped for appearing in any examination/interview for training & employment purpose. 

Supply of textbooks and other educational material: The Social Welfare Department is supplying textbooks free of cost to students who are Visually Handicapped, Hearing Impaired and Mentally Handicap

Contact- District Education Officer

Disability pension:

Disabled persons of 8 years of age and above and have disability get Rs.400/-P.M.,

The State Govt. gives Rs.25, 000/- as marriage incentive to normal person marrying a disabled.

Contact- Family Welfare Department  

Employment Assistance for self-employment

Trained disabled person can get loan for self-employment up to Rs.10,000/- at 4% Interest. 

The rate of subsidy in rural area is 33.3% subject to maximum of Rs.3,000/- while in urban area the rate is 50% with maximum of Rs.5,000/-.

Contact – All Nationalized Banks 

Unemployment allowance

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Disabled graduate get Rs.600/- and post graduate get Rs.250/- as unemployment allowance for a period of 2 years or till they get employment, whichever is earlier. The applicant should have passed in Ist or IInd division from a recognized institute.

Contact- Employment Officer of Special

. Employment Exchange

Vishvas yojna

Under this scheme, person with disabilities can get loan upto Rs 1 lakh. The rate of subsidy is 30%. To avail this benefit, Person with disabilities should have an annual income less than Rs 50,000/-.

Along with the form, following document are necessary to be attached

Income Proof

Disability Certificate and Identity card

Caste Certificate

Residence proof

Sayukta sahayta Scheme

Under this scheme person with disabilities of 8 years of age and above can get financial assistance of Rs. 5000 for Aids and Appliances or for setting up small scale business.

Documents required

Income Proof

Disability Certificate and Identity card

Caste Certificate

Residence proof

Age proof

Contact – Social welfare department

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Free bus travel is provided to disabled persons.

Contact- Officer, State Transport

Other Concessions/facilities:

The blind and the deaf get priority in allotment of Govt. accommodation where ever possible.

No fee is payable for issue of certificate for the disabled persons. 

1.5% of the houses constructed by Rajasthan Housing Board are reserved for the Disabled.

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To avail benefits of all above mentioned state wise schemes, following documents are required

Disability certificate

Proof of residence /ration card

Voter ID

Proof of income

Birth certificate

Disability Certificate

With this certificate disabled persons can get benefits of the schemes and concessions declared by the government.

Document Required

Four Passport Size Photographs

Two Full size photographs

Attested copy of Ration Card of the applicants


Civil Surgeon in any near by hospital


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A. For education/scholarship1. District Inspector of Schools.

2. District Education Officer.

3. District Social Welfare Officer.

4. Directorate of Education.

5. Superintendent, Vocational Rehabilitation Centre for Handicapped.

6. Principal of School

B. For Training1. Principal, Industrial Training Institute.

2. Superintendent, Vocational Rehabilitation Centre for Handicapped.

3. Directorate of Employment & Training.

4. Director, Directorate of Technical Education and Training.

5. Vocational Training Institute specifically meant for the disabled persons.

6. Industries Promotion Officer, Block Development Officer of your area.

7. Project Officer, District Rural Development Agency of your district.

8. Manager (Cottage Industries), District Industries Centre of your district.

9. Head of Government Training Institute of your area.

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C. For Employment 1. Superintendent, Vocational Rehabilitation Centre

2. Employment Officer of Special Employment Exchange for Physically Handicapped of your state.

3. Employment Officer In-charge, Placement Cell of Handicapped, District Employment Exchange of your district.

4. Placement Officers of leading voluntary organisations working for employment of disabled persons.

5. Refer advertisement of Staff Selection Commission, Union Public Service Commission, Banking Service Recruitment Board, Post & Telegraph Department, State Public Service Commission and Collectorate advertisements in which number of vacancies are being advertised as reserved for the disabled persons.

6. Director, Directorate of employment.

D. For Self-employment1. Superintendent, Vocational Rehabilitation Centre.

2. Director, Directorate of Social Welfare.

3. District Social Welfare Officers.

4. Project Officer, District Rural Development Agency of your District.

5. Manager (Cottage Industries), District Industries.

6. All the Nationalised Banks.

7. Sub-Divisional Officer, Telephone Division of your area for telephone booth.

8. Chairman of Municipal Corporations, Municipalities, NACs for allotment of kiosks, selling outlets, license for cart-puller etc.

9. President - Lions Club, Rotary Club, Y's Men Club and other social clubs/societies.

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Ganpati Educational Society

Near Telephone Exchange


Dist- solan- 173207

Ph. 01796-262699

Email: [email protected]


Humanity Welfare Society

Bijbehara, J&K- 192124

PH. 09469064964

Email: [email protected]


Global Institute for childhood disability

58 Lawrence Road

Amritsar- 143001

Ph. 0183-3292267

Email: [email protected]

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St. Fransis Home, Pathankot

Jandwal, Dalhousie Road,


Ph. 911870-207000

Email: [email protected]

The North India Cerebral Palsy Association (Ashirwad)

1298/4 B, phase 2 Karnail singh nagar

Pakhowal Road


Ph. 0161-2564551/5004666

Email: [email protected]


Parichaya Shodh Peeth Prayas

30 AC 1, Bhopalpura,


Ph. 1294-241812

Email: [email protected]

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Umang Special School

¾ Kabir Avenue SFS Aggarwal Farm

Mansrover Jaipur- 302020

Shiv Jyoti KDS Manovikas School

Mator Road, Khairthal


Ph. 01460-684690

Email: [email protected]


Sharp Memorial for the Blind

Rajpur Road

Dehradun- 248001

Ph. 0135-2734238/2733188

Email: [email protected]

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Application Format 

1. Name ________________________________________

               (As in Matriculation certificate / school records)     

2. Address ______________________________________   


                    __________State__________Pin____________Tel no. (of any)


3. Date of Birth_________________________________       

4. Sex (Please specify M-Male, F-Female) : __________      

5. (i) Type of disability (Please specify) ________________(Autism, Cerebral Palsy, Mental Retardation or Multiple Disabilities)        

6. Percentage of disability (Pl. enclose an attested copy of disability certificate)       

7. Educational Qualifications :  

Examination Passed

Name of the Institution

Name of the Board/University

Major Subject

Aggregate marks obtained & % thereof

Class / Division

Class VIII          

Matric / Secondary


Sr. Secondary/ Intermediate


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In case of grades, please mention equivalent & % of marks and also enclose authenticated conversion formula       

8. Family Income per annum (In Rs.) __________________(please enclose Income Certificate)      

9. (i) Course applied for (Complete name) _______________________ (ii) Academic Session ________________________(iii) Duration __________________________(iv) Date of Admission __________________      

10. Name and address of the Institution where course will be under taken   _____________________________________________________________________________      

11. Whether hosteller or a day scholar please specify ________________       

12. If hosteller, please specify whether provided by the institution or own arrangement and address of the hostel : ___________________________________________________________________________________ (please enclose proof)       

13. Details of Scholarship / Stipend / Financial assistance being received for the same course (if any)       

14. Any other information applicant wishes to provide       

15. Undertaking 

I hereby declare that information provided above is true to the best of my knowledge and I am aware that providing wrong information will make me liable to legal action and recovery of scholarship amount at the sole discretion of the National Trust.       


 Name & Signature of the Applicant

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Application Format


1. Name ________________________________________

(As in Matriculation certificate / school records)

2. Address ______________________________________



3. Tel no. (of any) __________________________

Date of Birth_________________________________

4. Sex (Please specify M-for male, F-Female) : __________

5. (i) Type of disability (Please specify) ________________

(Autism, Cerebral Palsy, Mental Retardation or Multiple Disabilities)

6. Percentage of disability (Pl. enclose an attested copy of disability certificate)

7. Purpose of Loan :

(Pl. attach details, if any)

8.Details of Loan taken

SNo        Particulars Details

 (a)Name of the Institution,  branch and address from which loan taken


 (b) Loan Account No.  

 (c) Amount of Loan  

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 (d) Rate of Interest  

 (e) Mode of Repayment  

 (f) EMI  

 (g) Security given for the  loan


 (h)Any other relevant information



Name & Signature of the applicant


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About deafblindness

Deafblindness is a unique disability. It is a combination of vision and hearing impairment. Many deafblind people may not be totally blind, but the combination of vision and hearing loss leads to unique challenges. Many deafblind children develop additional physical, sensory and learning difficulties. Whether deafblindness accurs from birth or later in life, the effects can be challenging.

National Association for the Blind

National Association for the Blind (NAB) is the Regional Learning Centre (North Zone) for developing services for deafblind people in Delhi, Haryana, Jammu & Kashmir, Punjab, Rajasthan and Uttrakhand. NAB works with deafblind children and facilitates their development by providing early intervention, assessment, education, vocational training and rehabilitation.

Sense International (India)

Sense International (India) is a registered charitable trust and a pioneering facilitator of services to support people with deafblindness through out India. We presently reach out to about 37,000 deafblind people and their families through 37 partners including 4 Regional Learning Centres on deafblindness across the country. Together we envision a world in which all deafblind people are full and active members of the society.

For further information

Regional Learning Centre (North Zone)

National Association for the blind

Sector- 5, R.K.Puram

New Delhi- 1100

Email- [email protected]

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Deafblind helpline toll free no. : 1800 233 7913

