Page 1: Scene - · I am surprised how many nice people there are in ... It was then I thought this isnt fun anymore

Scene August 2017

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Cycling in Snowdonia

Based at Beddgelert the

Deans had a couple of 50

mile rides, each climbing

over 4,000ft.

Beautiful but tough riding

taking in mountains and


Neil also spent a day cycling onto

Anglesey (75 miles & 6,000ft)

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Club Scene August 2017

Hull Thursday rc

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Letter from the editor

This month we have

Photos from the Deans in Snowdonia

Club Scene: coming events and farewell to Barry Trotter

Social Scene: Watch-out for Wales – it can bite, A ride with the Gerries, 67 Miles – One of my Magic Numbers, September Jaunts. More BIG G feedback.

Racing Scene: Track Adventures, Ennerdale racing

TT Scene: Neil Storms to 10 Record, Close but no Cigar!, Spout Hill

Muddy Scene: Coaching Day at Dalby Forest & Upcoming Events

Odds & Sods: Jim’s Library

Barry Trotter Please can you send contributions for September Scene to arrive by September 21st. (The earlier the better). Thank you to, Paul Kilvington, Richard Dean, John Ulyatt, Kyle Butler, Lee Coulson, Neil Cleminshaw, Jymmy Trevor, Dave Millson, Neil Dean and me for contributing to this month’s newsletter. Amanda Dean, Scene Editor, [email protected]

Dates for your 2017 Diary

Humberside TT Championship: Saturday 23rd

September Organiser Richard Guymer - CTT website

Downhill Race: October TBC

Organiser Dave Millson

Presentation Dinner: Saturday 25th November

Organisers George Leighton and Amanda Dean – save the date, details coming soon

No Committee Meeting during August (Summer Recess)

therefore no minutes

Next Committee Meeting 4th September - All Welcome

Meeting held at Hull Sports, Chanterlands Ave, Hull, 7.30pm

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Farewell Barry Trotter 26th October 1936 – 5th August 2017

A more detailed history of Barry’s racing achievements will be in September Scene.

See below for some of our thoughts of Barry and photos (mostly) courtesy of Jim Sampson

It is with much regret that I have to report that Barry Trotter

sadly passed away on Saturday 5th August after a short


Barry had been a club member for over 60 years and was known to many local cyclists as a long time stalwart of Hull Thursday Road Club. He had a very successful racing career and followed this up in later years by devoting countless hours to club activities in many roles, culminating in organising the East Yorkshire Classic.

I'm sure that everyone who knew Barry has some fantastic memories of time spent in his company. Personally, I will remember many great weekends with Barry, Molly and the full HTRC gang caravanning in The Lake District, Yorkshire Dales and Yorkshire Moors. After a hard days riding we would spend many happy hours reminiscing in the local pub.

Paul Kilvington Club President

Barry and Mol

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Steve Jennings: Oh no. This is very sad news. Barry helped me get starting in cycling as a 12 year old young lad back in 1973. RIP Barry, you will always be in my memories.

Geoff Backshall: A cyclist and a gentleman. Sincere condolences to all family and close friends from fellow cyclists at City Road Club. Tail winds Barry.

Beryl Forester: Great memories, good times shared over the past 60 years.

Barry & Big G

David Jacketts: Really sad to hear. Bishop Wilton will continue to make me smile and always think of Barry. A true club man and a gent.

Mark Walker: The term legend is often used too loosely nowadays but he certainly was in these quarters. I didn’t know Barry that well but you were always guaranteed a smile from him. The endless hours timekeeping at local TTs for mine and others benefit shouldn’t be forgotten either.

Mark McKeown: Lovely bloke. Condolences to family and loved ones.

Ronnie Fletcher: Sorry to hear such sad news. I found Barry to be a thoroughly nice man, condolences to all the Trotter Family

Derek Palmer: There are cyclists and then there is Baz Trotter absolutely class reunited with Big G. Amazing men. Sad Day. Memories of spending some Sunday mornings riding the lanes. Happy days gone but never forgotten.

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Amanda Dean: Neil and I have only known Barry for a few years but consider ourselves lucky to have crossed his path. It was always a pleasure to be in his company.

He was there, at my first (terrifying) time trial, volunteering as usual to time keep with Gil. He safely pushed me off.

It was good to see Barry recently at Ray’s 90th gathering when he was in pretty good health and high spirits talking of getting back on an electric bike next year.

Lee Coulson: Sad news for family and friends. Thoughts go to them right now. Barry always gave time to club activities and the club will miss him. Enjoyed talking with him at this year’s Keith Carter RR with a big smile as always...

Gil and Barry in their tandem days:

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Social Scene August 2017

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Watch-out for Wales – it can bite: Richard Dean.

Hull Thursday rider Richard Dean takes a road trip to chase the Dragon. You know the town is tough when two muscle men are arm-wrestling on a table outside a bar in the street. Inside the jukebox is playing Cher: “If I could turn back time.” Sadly the clock on the wall is broken. No one is dancing around the silver mirror ball.

Rich: “It looks great, let’s go in!”

Derek: “No! John will kill us. If they don’t kill us first (he said: pointing to the sweating wrestlers)!” We are in the Welsh seaside port of Caernarfon at 7.30pm looking for a pub to kick back in. I want to raise the English flag at the bar.

After three days covering 180 miles and 16,000ft of climbing, it is time to relax.

Wales is a culturally diverse place, just like this bar. We have seen drug addicts in Newport and been chased by a travelers’ Pug. It is beautiful and wild. I was dive-bombed by a bird of prey next to a Victorian hydro dam.

The Dragon ride - a south to north route through Wales - is a real eye opener in many ways.

Myself, John and Derek are 40-plus. A mixed ability cycling trio, who like an annual road trip (the likeness to the three musketeers ends quickly). We have done coast-to-coast (Whitehaven to Hornsea) twice and needed a new challenge. Wales, using a hire van at both ends, seemed a good idea in a Hull pub last November.

“Get out of it!” shouts John flicking the V sign at the pug dog which has been chasing him for 500 metres. He is navigating the Sustrans cycle path in Newport through a travelers’ caravan camp; newly located on the cycle path. This dog can run. He is not giving up. The pug seems determined to give his ankle a nip.

Derek and I scream with laughter. Flicking two fingers up at a dog? How is that going to work?

“I wasn’t going to kick it,” said John, scowling. “I’m sure it got the message.”

Indeed it did. The pug gave up. We plough on. There are many idle hands around the suburbs of Newport as we mock Swansea’s bid to be the next UK city of culture. Drunks and drug addicts slouch in underpasses. But, if you avert your eyes, it is heavenly riding along 50 miles of disused canal tow paths and country lanes to Hay-on-Wye. The four mile, 12% descent into town – the Gospel pass – had us all singing. We checked into a 16th century B&B (£120 for three for the night) and I dashed to the pub to order food before the 9pm watershed.

The literature festival has made the town famous. But I was not impressed. John spots a Dr Who book in the window of a fine book store - mmm... fine literature? As I wander lonely as a Time Lord…. I think not.

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I am surprised how many nice people there are in Wales. I say that tongue-in-cheek. The American visitors staying in our B&B left the next morning paying £300 for a taxi to Bath!! What a rip off. Nice taxi driver.

The next day we pass a village called Three Cocks. You can imagine the amusement among three men with nothing better to talk about. We promised ourselves to get the street sign made into a tattoo in the style of the Fleur-de-Lis when we got to Caernarfon.

John really did think the second day would be flat. How wrong could he be? The day had the profile of a chainsaw. We were carrying all our luggage. Thus we did 90 miles at a depressingly slow pace of 11mph. Derek was balking at every hill, and they came one after another. “My leg’s got cramp. Sorry fellas! I am bonking.” Every excuse you could imagine.

“Oh No!” groaned John at the sight of another 16% climb. I can’t help but laugh. “It’s Wales! What did you expect?”

What I did notice though was the absence of cyclists. Why? The home of Geraint Thomas and Luke Rowe should surely have inspired more clubs. The reality is it’s tough. Too tough for most people? If I lived there, I’d want to explore more of Wales.

We reached New Town for a café stop at 3pm. It was then I thought this isn’t fun anymore. Not only were we three hours behind schedule, it was clear we would not reach Bala before 8pm.

Tour riders would have long been resting by now.

“This is torture.” “How can you do this in a day?” became a repeated mantra from my friends. We rolled in to Bala at 7pm to see Helen and Ron in their Victorian guest house. Helen said: “I didn’t think you were coming. Cyclists don’t normally arrive this late.”

“Well you didn’t tell us about the hills,” said John as he flopped on his bed. “Can you put my bike in a skip?” Everyone had suffered.

But as we settled down I found the delight of my Sky Go app. I caught up the tour drama.

“You fell asleep holding your phone in your hand,” relayed Derek the next morning.

The final day was a triumph. Although we set off in rain, Snowdon was nothing like the Black Mountains. We ambled along eating the miles with me towing a chain through the valleys of north Wales. Three men had stopped in their Porsches for a drone to photograph their toys. Not to be outdone - 100 motorcycles formed a somber funeral road party. The riders sported T-shirts with the words RIP Tonto on the front. They formed a human road block to assemble near poor Tonto’s last resting place. They placed Teddy bears and flowers near a crash helmet hung from a tree.

We flew into Caernarfon for 3pm and a hostel next to the castle walls. This brings us full circle to my introductory search for a watering hole. So what did I think of Wales? Fantastic, a climber’s paradise. If you have not been then you really don’t know what you are missing on your doorstep. Forget Majorca. Head for the Dragon – just watch out for the arm-wrestlers. The locals can bite. …. MMMM

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A ride with the Gerries: John Ulyatt

Tune-In Radio 'Good Time Oldies' whilst having a soak finished off a great day. ALL OR NOTHING - THE SMALL FACES.

(STEVE) STRANGE day YESTERDAY. Either the sun was hiding behind the cloud or beaming down on us - ALL OR NOTHING really.

The Gerries met 10am at Skidby Mill. The Peleton headed to Malton and the autobus to Sledmere.

Off we went via (THESE BOOTS WERE MADE FOR) WALKINGTON/Etton/(JOE) SOUTH Dalton/Driffield and up The Cowlam ( FRANKIE) VALLI to Sledmere for lunch.

Tuna and cucumber sandwich with a pot of SHA LA LA LA LEE = £7.25. Bit more (ZOOT) MONEY than normal.

We had 2 newbies with us today who really must learn how to ride in a group. 'COME ON guys, LET'S STICK TOGETHER' was heard several TYMES.

Slightly KOOL (AND THE GANG) when we left up the hill to the monument and down the 3 mile descent to Garton on the Wolds. A RIGHT (SAID FRED) turn to Kirkburn and onto Bracken by which time the sun was blazing. Our SMALL FACES were a mixture of RED (RIVER ROCK) and BROWN (SUGAR). Once again one of the newbies kept JUMPING (JACK FLASH) off the front! 'WHATCHA GONNA DO ABOUT IT?!' Well IN MY MINDS EYE' we need to have a word in the pub.

Up Frow Brow and through Bentley to The Half Moon in Skidby for just before 3.30pm for a couple of beers.

A nice FREE drink as Mike G was 76 (No TROMBONES though!). CONGRATULATIONS Mike and THANK U VERY MUCH for the drink.

A lovely ride on the bike on a hot humid day. Just the (WHEN I'M) 64 miles today. Nice to see Jim out with us on his new ultra fast bike.

As Sue said 'From Young Mods to Old Sods'!

Usual linger in the bath listening to some of my Fave tracks.

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Social Scene August 2017

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67 Miles – One of my Magic Numbers: John Ulyatt

The Gerries met YESTERDAY at The Humber Bridge which has just been granted (LEW) GRADE 1 STATUS (QUO) which it thoroughly deserves. THE WEATHER GIRLS forecast a HEATWAVE with some RAIN. Our MAGIC NUMBERS were 11 in the Peleton and 15 in the autobus. The Sun shone

and our SHADOWS were long as headed over the (ROGERS) WATERS of the Humber - a right MOTLEY CRUE. Our PILOT for today was Mark (CONNIE) FRANCIS and our destination was The Dunn Deal cafe at Nettleton Nr. Caistor. My legs were a bit MIKI AND GRIFF after a hard ride on Monday. Our route took us via Croxton, past the AIRPORT into Brocklesby Park. Onward to Gt Limber/SWALLOW (MY PRIDE)/ Cuxwold and into Rothwell. From here we took the very pleasant bridle way through Rothwell Top FARM. A quick left and right past the enormous Golf (MICHAEL) BALL monitoring station and down the (EDNA) SAVAGE descent of Whitegate Hill to the cafe. Beans on TOAST with a pot of SIMON DEE and a Scone = £6.95. Cracking cafe and we are always made very welcome. Our RETURN (TO SENDER) took us via Moortown/Howsham/Cadney/Brigg and up Worlaby Hill past the GOLDEN (EARRING) Statue with the big boobies. We rode (TOMMY) QUICKLY along the ridge and down into Barton before crossing the bridge heading to the (FIVE) STAR Inn at Willerby for a couple of BLOOD SWEAT AND TEARS. It was Gil's 78 birthday so drinks all round!! 67 miles on a hot/clammy day with no rain whatsoever in jolly good company as usual. Another reason why 67 means something to me is that I was born at 67 Exchange St, off Sculcoates Lane and here is a picture of me sat on the road admiring Johnny Warriner’s Bogey!!

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Geriatric Jaunts – September Rides

06-Sep-17 Ganstead Roudabout Carnaby Ship John Savage 13-Sep-17 Skidby Allerthorpe Half Moon Chuck Evans 20-Sep-17 Humber Bridge Messingham Star Mick Adams 27-Sep-17 Greenwood Ave Skipsea Ship Vic Moody

More BIG G “Thankyous” Would just like to thank Paul and John and all the other members and helpers of HTRC for all your hard work over the ten years of running the Big G. Graeme would have been amazed what a success it has been ,and how people have loved cycling his beloved East Yorkshire roads. Thank you from the Forester family. Beryl Forester I would like to send a big thank you are your team for organising and hosting the Big G Sportive it was a thoroughly enjoyable day for both myself and my family. We had 3 generations of the Horner / Fearnley’s riding with my father aged 75 who has recently taken up cycling and my two nephews aged 13 & 15 all riding the 60k route and enjoying their first ever sportive event! This made it a memorable day for us seven of us. I do hope there are many more to come. Please pass on my thanks to the team! Russell Horner

Cycling in Wales: Neil and Mandy

Just filling a hole … It is a bit of a drive and it does rain … but on a good day the cycling is fabulous. Hills and mountains, mostly quiet roads. Plenty of off-road cycling too.

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Racing Scene August 2017

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Track Adventures: Kyle Butler

I don't even know where to start! Looking back over the last couple of months, I've done a lot of endurance league racing, with a few Sprinters league days and the British National Masters Championship. The British National Master Championship: I set out with high hopes putting down a PB of 11.68 but then to lose my first race I had to go the long way round by winning a 3up (1v1v1) repechage, which put me back in the running for the top 4.

Facing the fastest qualifier next I went out guns blazing hard and fast with a seated drive, caught him a little off guard but unfortunately he still managed to chase me down using the banking to his advantage and caught me in the last turn. Therefore, I ended up racing for third but unfortunately, that didn't pan out for me either only scooping up 4th.

A month later it was Sprinters League down in Lee Valley, with feeling good and PB ing in the Masters I experimented using a bigger gear ratio hoping to be stronger and being able to turn a bigger gear to get faster, but with running a bigger gear it changes the tactics on how you take on the qualifying TT. I fell short here and didn't manage to get on top of my gear and just fought it the whole way round, putting in an all-time worst of 12.89. Qualifying around 20th, so feeling rubbish knowing that every race was going to be a fight if I wasn't on form. Racing in the B Sprint, tactically I was on point, winning my heat, semi-final and final, all in all a shame about the qualifying time but still a very good days racing, climbing from 20th to 13th.

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Racing Scene August 2017

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With the Sprinter League Days falling almost once a month I get my weekly fix of racing the In Pursuit League at York Sport on a Tuesday evening (weather permitting). The league is dominated by endurance riders and the races are all very endurance orientated, but as the league stands I believe I hold 3rd place, having to really choose my races so I can pick up those elusive league points. BC points are on offer as well and are awarded in races of over 12 laps (3km) which I have picked up quite a few of, now holding a 2nd category race license.

Hopefully all my training is paying off, many a weekend I find myself at York, training, doing sprint efforts and working on tactics.

Last Sprinters League day was the 19th of August over in Newport. Again, a really strong field of sprinters turned up making breaking into the top 12 impossible, having to settle with racing in the B Sprint. Once again riding the track tactically really well winning my first heat, to then have to race against only Jess Crampton who is current British National Sprint Champion (and qualified faster than me)....... it was daunting rolling up to the line with her national bands on her kit but unbelievably to me I held my nerve

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Racing Scene August 2017

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and rode another good race and finished 1st. I managed a 3rd place overall in the Sprint and then qualified for the Keirin final which was a seriously fast race in which I was under geared and came 7th.

Currently the main target is the British Nationals Championships in January so I'm smack bang in the middle of a strength phase, I’m reducing my carbohydrate intake and putting more miles into commuting, which makes racing rather awful but we still do it.

Looking to the future, Saturday the 26th of August myself and Josh Dunham of Team Swift will be competing together in the British National Tandem Championship, being held at York velodrome. Josh is already British National Tandem Road Race Champion so I'm really hoping I'm going to be a worthy Stoker replacing his normal team mate. So wish me luck.

Ennerdale 3rds/4ths Crit - 31/08/17: Lee Coulson

So the grand opening of our city's very own traffic free race circuit had finally arrived. There had been lots of scepticism from different corners of the city but I didn't care, I was just happy to have the circuit here. To say I was without concerns though isn't exactly true as when Richard Guymer and myself had viewed the circuit a month or so previous, we'd been told it would be ran anti-clockwise and the start/finish would only be some 6 metres from the final 180 degree bend. We were worried of the ensuing last corner dog fight finish. Also, I wondered that at race speed the long sweeping corners would actually only be able to be free-wheeled but I'd have to test that out. I was greatly surprised on arrival that windy Monday night to see the women's race being ran clockwise and apparently ours would be too! Excellent, that meant a long 300 metre run to the line, far better. A good few laps during the warm up and I'd been testing my theory on cornering and I'd concluded I was pretty confident at pedalling through the corners up to about 28mph, so bring on the race... Over thirty riders lined up for the start which, considering all the circuit hype seemed low, but on reflection it was a Monday tea time, during school holidays, there hadn't been much advertising and there was more than a good chance of chaos! I mean rain!

We were off, 60 minutes plus 5 laps and Nathan Wilson took off from the line with his customary start line attack which meant for a quick settling in period and lung burn but it was short lived. What it did do though, unfortunately for many of the 4th cats and some people who I assumed were along to 'give racing a go at last', was provide a hard first 5-10

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Racing Scene August 2017

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laps and many of them got dropped quite quickly. I reflected later that I hoped it hadn't put anyone off racing. The race proved fast and furious at times with solo attacks coming one after the other. The problem was the headwind along the long start/finish straight meaning that after 4/5 laps, these solos were being swallowed up. Screw it, I didn't care, I was having far too much fun racing this new circuit and getting to grips with being daring on the corners that before I'd known it I was having an attack myself. I was away 40 metres maybe but after the second or third time into the wind I thought 'wow, this is strong and it bloody hurts'! But one corner later John Leach from Cliff Pratts reached me and shouted his commitment and off we went together, burying ourselves. Well, I say ‘ourselves’ but what I actually mean is, I was! He was far stronger than me and I was struggling to hold his wheel after each of my efforts. I wondered if he'd ride away and have a go himself but he didn't and as he'd torn me apart one too many times I'd slowed and so he and I got swallowed up after another 3 or 4 laps together. I sat in around 6th wheel to recover and stay out the wind a while but to try and be close enough to react with whatever I had left should any meaningful attacks happen. More solos came and went. The odd pair went and came back. I'd found my legs again and was helping drag back different attacks. John Leach again and a rider from SSL got together and away a little and I mentioned to another rider that John seemed strong and he replied 'yeah and that lad he's with is an 18 minute 10 man'! I thought, if we don't quash this now then that's the win gone and they'll be away. I rode hard on the front for half a lap to try and drag the group’s speed up and instigate the chase and it worked, we got them within the next couple of laps. Then the clouds came over as predicted and it darkened with me fearing for the worst but the rain wasn't too heavy or long lasting. It did however make me feel a little nervous cornering but the grip seemed to stay quite well but I made sure I toned the power down when cornering all the same. Before we knew it the lap board was under 10 and although the pace had dropped a little we still weren't hanging around. Soon everyone was thinking of their finish and Nathan had another go from a couple laps out which didn't work but got the speed of the chasing group right up and as we exited the second to last corner I was in third wheel. I didn't want to go too early especially into the wind but the first move from behind went down the right with me waiting on the left and before the last long sweeping right hand bend. I was now maybe 9/10th but I stayed tucked in and built the speed onto the straight, following wheels and with maybe a hundred metres to go got out the saddle and gave it full gas. Jumping left then moving right and taking places. The line neared too soon and I counted 6th place but maybe 10 metres behind the winner. I felt like I had a little more to give or could have held the effort for longer so in hindsight I should have kicked earlier. Oh well, I was happy to have picked up some points and had had a lot of fun along the way. The circuit was great, very flowing, smooth and grippy. I look forward to the next event on there whether it be racing or as part of Thursday’s putting on some action. Let's get our support behind this circuit as it will benefit all cyclists not just the racers. It will even help other sports too, so let's play our part in making it a success for now and for years to come.

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TT Scene August 2017

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Neil Storms to 10 Record: Neil Cleminshaw

On 29th July 2017 lifelong Hull Thursday RC member Neil Cleminshaw turned back the clock in the Drighlington BC Open Time Trial to break the Veteran's 10 mile record (20:02 set by Jymmy Trevor in 2016) and improve his 10 year old lifetime Personal Best of 20:04 set as a Senior in 2007. As the Boothferry V718 A63 course was subjected to 25mph gusting South Westerly winds today, Neil feels that his next target has to be the long standing 20 year old 'Best-Ever 10' HTRC record of 19:39 set in 1997 by Hull fastman Joel Wainman.

Neil Averaged an impressive 324 Watts to stop the clock with an incredible new record time of 19:59 with an average speed of just over 30 mph.

Neil, now aged 47, was truly delighted by his 'exceptional performance' and is so proud to become the 2nd ever First Claim Hull Thursday Road Club member in its 109 year history to have broken the iconic 30mph barrier whilst representing the club in a solo ten mile Time Trial. This underlines Neil's current form as it's his 2nd Club Record in 8 Days; having slashed the Veterans 25 Club record by almost 2 minutes the previous Saturday with a time of 51:11. Joining Thursday aged 11, now in his 37th year as a club member, this significant objective was a long time coming, but was successfully achieved with total determination, faith in his own abilities, hard training, support from his family and utilisation of the latest equipment.

Neil's steed for the 2017 season is a stealthy looking Giant Trinity Advanced Pro frameset, completed with Sram Red 10 speed groupset, Rotor Flow Powermeter, Zipp wheels and Fizik saddle. His aero-positioning has been refined and improved upon over the years with a new Giro Aerohead helmet appears to be helping too!

In the same event Hull Thursday RC was represented by: Jymmy Trevor 20:48 Andrew Carroll 21:36 Richard Walker 22:05 JP Pretorius 22:07

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CLOSE BUT NO CIGAR! Jymmy Trevor I missed out on improving the Hull Thursday R.C. Vets '50' record by a slim margin of just 2 seconds clocking 1:50:15 for the slightly long course in Teesside which really measured 50.2 miles! Frustrating but pleased to have clocked in excess of 27.2mph over the '50' distance, a distance I favour over the short stuff. Rich Walker also pulled a good ride out of the bag with a 2:01:48 performance. Rich Walker and me were pretty pleased with our performances as we entered to race on the superfast T502 course, but due to roadworks the course was changed to the much slower T502/3 course, involving 2 climbs of Clap Bank and 2 climbs of Knayton Bank and three turns, quite nasty. Other local racers are listed below:

Jymmy 1:50:13

Susan N Stewart Pickard (Vive Le Velo) 1:52:51

Andy Askwith (Brid CC) 1:53:59

Ed Neilson (Vive Le Velo) 1:55:14 (PB)

Mark Symons (City Road Club) 2:01:22

Richy 2:01:48 (PB) Seb Pickard (Vive Le Velo) 2:01:59 (PB)

Report from Spout Hill - HTRC Time Trial Series: Paul Kilvington

A lovely summer evening for a change and a good turnout for the pain fest of the Jack McGlone hill climb at Spout hill Brantingham Fin Pickering once again showed his talent and anti-gravity skills with a convincing win in a time only 7 seconds off the all time record. Dave Shackleton once again rode as a guest but had to make do with second place albeit a good margin in front of 3rd place Danny Posnett, Neil Cleminshaw and Paul Campbell completed the top 5 all with sub 3 minute rides. Paul Amanda: Lee Coulson was 6th place and commented to me in an impressed way: “how could Finley put 40 seconds into me!” My response: “I suspect due to around 40kgs….”

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Muddy Scene Month 2017

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Coaching Day at Dalby Forest – Ben Lawson: Dave Millson

Paul Campbell and me had a 1:2 mountain bike skills coaching day at Dalby forest with Ben Lawson from

We were hoping he could teach some old dogs some new tricks! We have both been mountain biking over 25 years, whilst gaining a massive amount of skills we had also picked up some bad habits.

Ben was recommended by team Pickering, both Finn & Hermione having honed their skills under his watchful eye.

We had asked to work on skills to increase our speed in a race situation such as jumps, drops and cornering. We started on Adderstone field focusing on wheelies, manuals and bunny hops, piecing them together over a small ramp. We then moved onto part of the red route on a log drop and some small tabletop humps. Using slow motion video we could see exactly what we were doing right and wrong.

With confidence and technique improving we took on a larger rock drop. Where I would have been slowing down and rolling over I was keeping my speed and launching off and landing with style.

After lunch and a good natter in the sun back at Adderstone field we took on some table top jumps in Dixon's Hollow over the forest drive road. Lastly, we worked on body position, line and speed on tight low bermed corners.

Ben was very knowledgeable and had valuable advice; both Paul and I came away feeling much more skilful and confident. Ben followed up with an email of what we had talked through so we could continue practicing what we had learnt. If you feel you have any areas for improvement on a mountain bike or cyclo-cross I would recommend getting in touch with Ben at

Page 18: Scene - · I am surprised how many nice people there are in ... It was then I thought this isnt fun anymore

Muddy Scene Month 2017

Hull Thursday rc

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Up Coming Events:

Vive le Cross: City Road Club,

Costello 6th September

Holme Valley MTB 10th September:

3 Routes, lanes and bridleways main race 30miles. Mass start, times and positions.

Calderdale MTB 8th October.

26 miles lanes and bridleways. Mass start, times and positions.

A little bit muddy: Sat 2nd September 09:30 social ride from

the Humber bridge car park A mixture of bridle paths, back roads and dirt tracks. Just under 50 miles in total. Cyclo-x, mountain bike or hybrid will be OK. Let Neil Prewer know via Facebook if you are interested.

Page 19: Scene - · I am surprised how many nice people there are in ... It was then I thought this isnt fun anymore

Odds & Sods Scene August 2017

Hull Thursday rc

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Jim’s Training Library Thank you to Jim Sampson who has donated his training books to the club.

Available to Hull Thursday members to borrow without charge. Library goes to all Committee Meetings or email [email protected]

Title Author Bike Fit Bicycle Road Racing Cycle Racing Tactics Cycling Climbs of Yorkshire

Phil Burt Edward Borgsewicz Roger St. Pierre Simon Warren

Dynamic Human Anatomy William Whiting Endurance Sports Nutrition Suzanne Girard Eberle Flow in Sports Susan Jackson High Performance Cycling Asker Jeukendrup Keep on Running Eric Newsholme, Tony Leech, Glenda Duester

King of Sports Peter Ward

Performance Cycling James Hopker

Periodisation Training for Sports Tudor Bampa Practical Fitness Testing Morc Coulson, David Archer Serious Cycling Edmond Burke Smart Cycling Arnie Baker Sports Injury Clinic Various Sports Nutrition Guide Book Nancy Clark Strength Training Anita Bean The Advanced Cyclist training Manual Luke Edwardes-Evans The Complete Manual of Sports Science Wilf Paish The Mental Athlete Kay Porter Training and Racing with a Power Meter Understanding Sports Massage

Hunter Allen Patricia Benjamin

Page 20: Scene - · I am surprised how many nice people there are in ... It was then I thought this isnt fun anymore

Scene August 2017

Hull Thursday rc

Email articles for Scene to [email protected] For club information visit: Page 20 of 20

Young Barry Trotter Barry Trotter – Winnats

Billy Holmes, Barry Trotter, Tosh Underwood & Mike Dawson
