Page 1: SCDHHS Medicaid Enterprise - Responsibilities Matrix SCDHHS Project Management Office (PMO) Enterprise Systems Steering Committee RMMIS Leadership ... maintain integrated master project

SCDHHS Medicaid Enterprise - Responsibilities Matrix SCDHHS Project

Management Office (PMO)

Enterprise Systems Steering Committee

RMMIS Leadership

IV&V SIOPS Vendor Solution Provider(s)

Architecture Review enterprise system architecture process and documentation as needed

Provide access to Enterprise Architecture documentation to non-technical stakeholders (Agency Leadership, etc.)

Maintain and update enterprise system architecture documentation knowledgebase

Generate and maintain system architecture and design templates to support Agency ITIL goals and deliverables

Provide solution design standards

Provide solution design review assessments and approval for gate reviews

Consult with SIOPS Vendor on solution design and data/functional integration requirements

Review and approve design documents and design change recommendations

Recommend design modifications if necessary

Establish Enterprise Architecture strategy

Review and approve system architecture design changes recommended by RMMIS Leadership

Coordinate with Enterprise Systems to evaluate and approve design changes

Review design documents

Analyze system and architecture design for ability to support Agency IT goals and deliverables

Recommend design modifications, if necessary

Configure Enterprise Architecture to ES standards in support of SP integrations

Evaluate system architecture and provide integration guidance for a multi-vendor implementation, including the recommended approach to leveraging common, shared components between RMMIS solutions.

Review Medicaid Enterprise system architecture requirements of SPs and direct oversight of support vendors to ensure solution and service design conform to SCDHHS IT standards.

Manage, along with ES, enhancements to the policies, processes, and procedures (including improvements to accommodate a multi-vendor environment) related to: o Overall

architecture review and assistance

o Solution architecture assistance

o Data architecture review and

Compare system architecture and design templates to developed solution

Develop solution design documents

Recommend system architecture changes to SIOPS Vendor based on solution needs

Recommend design modifications, if necessary

Page 2: SCDHHS Medicaid Enterprise - Responsibilities Matrix SCDHHS Project Management Office (PMO) Enterprise Systems Steering Committee RMMIS Leadership ... maintain integrated master project

SCDHHS Project Management Office (PMO)

Enterprise Systems Steering Committee

RMMIS Leadership

IV&V SIOPS Vendor Solution Provider(s)

assistance, including data governance planning

o Service catalog development and maintenance

o Interface and batch operations architecture review and assistance

Document architecture changes required to accommodate enhancements to the Medicaid Enterprise.

Program Governance

Establish ITIL-based Agency governance model

Maintain and update governance and program management knowledgebase for use by all program contributors

Review SIOPS Vendor adherence to Project Governance standards

Convene monthly program oversight meetings

Direct RMMIS program leadership on process and technology investments

Provide oversight of program metrics, PMO governance review results, and program strategic plan and roadmap

Execute strategic directions of Steering Committee

Design and develop program strategic plan and roadmap

Review SIOPS Vendor adherence to Project Governance standards

Identify strategic project risks and recommend mitigation solutions to RMMIS Program Leadership and Steering Committee

Conduct independent audits or reviews of program deliverables and recommend remediation action items where applicable

Execute strategic and tactical instructions provided, including those that may be added during the Contract.

Adhere to governance model established by the SCDHHS PMO.

Document governance policies and processes for the entire life cycle (e.g., phases such as implementation, operations, etc.) in support of a system developed using a multi-vendor approach, including: o Environment

management o Concurrent

development policies

o Configuration management policies

Execute tactical directions of SIOPS Vendor

Adhere to governance model established by Agency PMO

Page 3: SCDHHS Medicaid Enterprise - Responsibilities Matrix SCDHHS Project Management Office (PMO) Enterprise Systems Steering Committee RMMIS Leadership ... maintain integrated master project

SCDHHS Project Management Office (PMO)

Enterprise Systems Steering Committee

RMMIS Leadership

IV&V SIOPS Vendor Solution Provider(s)

o Master schedule management

Ensure SPs use Medicaid Enterprise tools to support the Medicaid Enterprise’s processes, policies, and procedures.

Maintain Medicaid Enterprise document repository to support multiple vendors, and establish usage guidelines.

Participate in Steering Committee meetings monthly or as directed by RMMIS Leadership

Coordinate and participate in required SCDHHS PMO gate reviews for the SIOPS and SPs.

Adhere to strategic and tactical instructions provided in accordance with the CDML.

Project Planning/ Schedule

Establish and maintain program and individual project schedule and schedule templates

Review all solution providers’ schedules (including SIOPS vendor) adherence to project planning/schedule standards

Provide expectations for program and project execution to RMMIS Leadership

Review and approve individual and consolidated project schedules

Edit schedules to conform to strategic directions of Steering Committee

Review individual and consolidated project schedules

Review progress against budget and schedule

Analyze project risks and recommend mitigation solutions for schedules

Utilization of SCDHHS PMO templates and standards to establish and maintain integrated master project schedule (IMS), which will include the consolidation of individual project schedules provided by internal and external SPs. Guidance on these requirements are documented in the CDML.

Report consolidated schedule, configuration, integration, and/or

Create project schedules using Agency PMO templates

Page 4: SCDHHS Medicaid Enterprise - Responsibilities Matrix SCDHHS Project Management Office (PMO) Enterprise Systems Steering Committee RMMIS Leadership ... maintain integrated master project

SCDHHS Project Management Office (PMO)

Enterprise Systems Steering Committee

RMMIS Leadership

IV&V SIOPS Vendor Solution Provider(s)

operations schedule changes to RMMIS Leadership.

Track dependencies and escalate any scheduling conflicts if scheduling trade-offs are required.

Coordinate release schedules across multiple environments.

Establish and maintain project resource planning and utilization tracking process.

Adhere to strategic and tactical instructions provided in accordance with the CDML.

Project Management

Establish and monitor project initiation process for used by SIOPS vendor

Collaborate with SIOPS Vendor and RMMIS Leadership on Agency project management requirements

Establish and maintain list of approved PMO and Medicaid Enterprise platform tools (code repository, documentation, test, etc.) for use SIOPS Vendor

Coordinate as needed with the SIOPS vendor regarding project management standards

Review project management status reports and provide strategic direction to RMMIS Leadership

Review key metrics, deliverables and milestone results

Consult with SIOPS Vendor and Solution Provider(s) on adhering to Agency project management and deliverables management requirements

Direct daily activity of SIOPS Vendor

Monitor individual and consolidated project schedules against service level agreements (SLAs)

Manage corrective actions, as necessary

Review recommended changes and updates to project management processes, as needed

Communicate list of approved PMO and Medicaid Enterprise platform tools (code repository,

Monitor individual and consolidated project progress against SLAs

Research and recommend risk mitigation solutions for project execution

Consult with RMMIS Leadership on risk mitigation and other key project delivery issues

Provide monthly reporting on IV&V

Recommend changes and updates to processes, as needed

Monitors the inclusion of state goals / objectives and all federal MMIS requirements in requests for proposal and contracts

Monitors the adherence to the state’s software

Work with the SCDHHS PMO to establish project initiation, project management, and management processes; train SIOPS staff and SPs to ensure conformance to processes; recommend changes to processes.

Provide weekly and monthly project updates on both SP and Contractor as applicable.

Leverage the Medicaid Enterprise documentation repository for project documentation.

Adhere to strategic and tactical instructions provided in accordance with the CDML.

Manage daily activity of individual project(s)

Provide weekly and monthly project and deliverable updates to SIOPS Vendor

Use only approved Agency PMO and Medicaid Enterprise platform tools (code repository, documentation, test, etc.) to manage and record development and testing of solution(s)

Page 5: SCDHHS Medicaid Enterprise - Responsibilities Matrix SCDHHS Project Management Office (PMO) Enterprise Systems Steering Committee RMMIS Leadership ... maintain integrated master project

SCDHHS Project Management Office (PMO)

Enterprise Systems Steering Committee

RMMIS Leadership

IV&V SIOPS Vendor Solution Provider(s)

documentation, test, etc.) for use by Solution Provider(s)

Ensure SIOPS use of approved Agency PMO tools, processes, policies and procedures

development life cycle (SDLC)

Review change management

Service Management

Review enterprise service architecture process and documentation and service catalog as needed

Establish and maintain ITIL-based service catalog standard

Define service operational standards and requirements

Define system architecture standards

Provide service design review assessments and approval for gate reviews

Design service governance process

Establish Service Architecture strategy

Review and approve business process modification requests made by RMMIS Leadership

Approve or reject service solutions offered by Solution Provider(s)

Review business architecture documentation

Evaluate and recommend business process modifications where needed

Maintain Agency ITIL-based service catalog

Review design documents

Analyze business architecture and solution design for ability to support Agency program goals

Recommend design modifications, if necessary

Provide a process to ensure alignment with ITIL V3 Service Management best practices.

Establish and maintain an engagement model for joint operations of applications and infrastructure, including development, documentation, and management of processes and procedures for an ITIL Service Catalog. Model must provide enough detail for SPs to leverage, including roles and responsibilities, SLAs, and KPIs.

With SCDHHS, establish guidelines and procedures for service reuse, including when service reuse is required and how to request permission to use a service.

Coordinate with SCDHHS and SPs to ensure maximum sharing of business processes, data, and technologies. Instances where the Contractor and/or SPs do not comply

Compare business architecture documentation to developed solution

Develop service solution design documents

Recommend business architecture changes to SIOPS Vendor based on solution needs

Recommend design modifications, if necessary

Page 6: SCDHHS Medicaid Enterprise - Responsibilities Matrix SCDHHS Project Management Office (PMO) Enterprise Systems Steering Committee RMMIS Leadership ... maintain integrated master project

SCDHHS Project Management Office (PMO)

Enterprise Systems Steering Committee

RMMIS Leadership

IV&V SIOPS Vendor Solution Provider(s)

will be communicated by the Contractor to RMMIS Leadership.

Support SPs in conforming service offerings to SCDHHS business processes, recommending business process modifications as needed.

Establish and maintain comprehensive Medicaid Enterprise capacity, availability, and security management processes as related to integration hub components for SP systems.

Ensure SPs use application capacity forecasts to recommend system modifications and issue appropriate change requests.

Service Level Management

Review Performance Management process and documentation as needed

Establish and maintain ITIL-based performance management processes and policies for Medicaid Enterprise

Develop Performance Management Plan for Medicaid Enterprise, directed by Steering Committee

Review and participate in regular service level management reporting with a focus toward continuous service improvement.

Approve performance management strategy for Medicaid Enterprise

Review and approve SLAs for SIOPS Vendor and Solution Provider contracts

Review and approve Performance Management Plan and updates

Review and approve performance plans and performance improvement recommendations provided by SIOPS Vendor; mitigation strategies provided by IV&V

Submit Performance Management Plan updates to Steering Committee for review and approval

Enforce use of approved Agency PMO tools, processes, policies and procedures

Review performance management and performance improvement plans

Analyze risks to service component performance and recommend mitigation strategies to RMMIS Leadership

Leverage ITIL V3 Service Level Management and use SLAs to govern relationships between internal and external SPs.

Evaluate and provide metrics to RMMIS Leadership related to SLA oversight of SPs, taking into account daily, weekly, and seasonal variations in capacity demands.

Execute performance management plan and processes for Medicaid Enterprise.

Submit Performance Management Plans to SIOPS Vendor for review and approval

Implement performance plans and performance improvement initiatives at direction of SIOPS Vendor

Page 7: SCDHHS Medicaid Enterprise - Responsibilities Matrix SCDHHS Project Management Office (PMO) Enterprise Systems Steering Committee RMMIS Leadership ... maintain integrated master project

SCDHHS Project Management Office (PMO)

Enterprise Systems Steering Committee

RMMIS Leadership

IV&V SIOPS Vendor Solution Provider(s)

Maintain and update performance management processes and policies for the Medicaid Enterprise while ensuring platform conforms to SCDHHS requirements.

Solution Requirements

Establish and maintain requirements traceability process and tool(s)

Manage requirements knowledgebase

Review solution requirement process and documentation as needed

Review and approve enterprise-level requirements provided by SIOPS Vendor

Provide strategic direction for designing and developing solutions to meet program- and enterprise-level goals and deliverables

Analyze key solution-specific and enterprise level product backlogs, including process and technical tasks for requirements

Identify and facilitate access to Agency subject matter experts (SMEs) and Product Owners

Review solution-specific decisions made by agency Product Owners and SIOPS Vendor; advise on conforming solutions to program and enterprise strategy

Enforce use of approved Agency PMO tools, processes, policies and procedures

Analyze solution-specific and enterprise level product backlogs, including process and technical tasks for requirements

Compare product backlogs to program- and enterprise-level goals and deliverables established by Steering Committee; perform gap analysis

Identify potential gaps to RMMIS leadership and recommend updates to product backlogs

Review completeness and reasonability of MMIS concept of operations, architecture, and designs

Review accuracy of capture of interfaces and data sharing requirements with systems external to the MMIS

Review viability and completeness of the data transition plan

Review traceability of requirements through design, development, and testing

Review capacity management, including consideration of future vendors’ support and release plans for underlying databases, software, and hardware

Implement processes and technical tasks necessary for RMMIS solutions to meet Medicaid Enterprise-level requirements, advising SPs as necessary.

Manage requirements gathering sessions and schedules for configuration and integration activities.

Develop and manage Medicaid Enterprise-level requirements backlog for fully integrated RMMIS Program.

Review Medicaid Enterprise-level requirements with RMMIS Leadership.

Review SP design documentation to ensure design is in alignment with enterprise architecture, maximal reuse of components, and that the design accommodates adequate integration between components.

Provide comprehensive Medicaid Enterprise-

Develop and manage solution-specific product backlog

Conduct solution-specific requirements gathering sessions with agency SMEs and Product Owners

Implement process and technical tasks for solution-specific requirements

Validate solution-specific requirements with SIOPS, Agency SMEs and Product Owner

Page 8: SCDHHS Medicaid Enterprise - Responsibilities Matrix SCDHHS Project Management Office (PMO) Enterprise Systems Steering Committee RMMIS Leadership ... maintain integrated master project

SCDHHS Project Management Office (PMO)

Enterprise Systems Steering Committee

RMMIS Leadership

IV&V SIOPS Vendor Solution Provider(s)

level requirements traceability, including the ability to track user stories and technical tasks from backlog through all levels of distributed testing.

Adhere to strategic and tactical instructions provided in accordance with the CDML.

Business Architecture

Generate and maintain business architecture documentation

Consult with SIOPS Vendor on agency business architecture requirements

Maintain and update business architecture knowledgebase

Evaluate the solutions provided by SPs and determine the business impact.

Provide recommendations for changes to the business architecture.

Coordinate with SCDHHS PMO and RMMIS Leadership on business architecture requirements.

Adhere to strategic and tactical instructions provided in accordance with CDML.

Security Review enterprise security process and documentation as needed

Develop and manage procedures for configuration management, patch installation, and malware prevention for all servers and devices involved in service delivery

Review and approve recommended updates to security strategy and related documentation

Communicate security and audit standards

Communicate system security and audit standards

Review recommended updates to security strategy provided by SIOPS Vendor; send to Security and Steering Committee for approval

Review security design documents

Analyze security strategy and protocols for ability to maintain privacy and security of Medicaid Enterprise

Review risk management

Adequacy of system security and privacy policies, plans, technical designs, and implementations

Implement a risk-based approach to integrating security into all SIOPS initiatives and efforts.

Implement a role-based, least-privilege approach to controlling access to the Medicaid Enterprise and business-critical, confidential, protected, private or

Develop and maintain solution-related documents required for security audits, internal controls, and control testing

Document controls for separation of data and security information at solution level

Document procedures for background checks on privileged access

Page 9: SCDHHS Medicaid Enterprise - Responsibilities Matrix SCDHHS Project Management Office (PMO) Enterprise Systems Steering Committee RMMIS Leadership ... maintain integrated master project

SCDHHS Project Management Office (PMO)

Enterprise Systems Steering Committee

RMMIS Leadership

IV&V SIOPS Vendor Solution Provider(s)

Coverage and integrity of all system testing, including stress testing and testing of interfaces between modules and with external partner systems

otherwise sensitive data.

Develop and maintain Medicaid Enterprise documents and artifacts required for MARS-E compliance requirements, system security audits, security controls assessment and distributed testing activities.

Document procedures for background checks on privileged access to servers, applications, or customer data.

to servers, applications, or customer data

Implement solution and database access controls and monitoring process to detect and report inappropriate behavior on solution

Portal Identity Federation

Ensure solutions meet SCDHHS identity management and federation standards.

Establish identity management and federation standards for non-organizational users.

Enhance and extend the portal standards.

Maintain and update portal documentation, including coding and SP-specific configurations.

Communicate portal standards and guidelines to development teams and verify that they are followed.

EDS Design and Development

Review EDS design and development process and documentation as needed

Provide review assessments and approve enterprise data strategy; logical and physical models for enterprise databases

Manage enterprise data model knowledgebase

Review and approve enterprise data strategy; logical and physical models for enterprise databases

Establish and maintain logical and physical data models for Operational Data Store (ODS) and data marts

Establish EDS Design and Development strategy

Advise RMMIS Leadership on strategic impact of changes to enterprise data model

Review enterprise data design documents

Analyze risks of data design and changes to data integrity and security

Recommend risk mitigation strategies to RMMIS Leadership

Enhance and extend EDS.

Review and approve EDS changes made by SPs.

Maintain and update EDS logical and physical models.

Maintain and update EDS documentation, including coding and configuration standards.

Recommend changes to enterprise data layer to support solution requirements

Maintain and update solution-specific logical and physical data models

Page 10: SCDHHS Medicaid Enterprise - Responsibilities Matrix SCDHHS Project Management Office (PMO) Enterprise Systems Steering Committee RMMIS Leadership ... maintain integrated master project

SCDHHS Project Management Office (PMO)

Enterprise Systems Steering Committee

RMMIS Leadership

IV&V SIOPS Vendor Solution Provider(s)

Establish and maintain enterprise data layer infrastructure

Advise SIOPS Vendor on Medicaid database and electronic data interchange (EDI) standards

Review and approve recommended changes to enterprise data layer

Review and assess solution designs in relation to service operational and technology architecture standards.

Communicate EDS standards and guidelines to development teams and verify that they are followed.

Integration Hub Design and Development

Manage ESB and data integration knowledgebase

Provide framework and guidelines to connect solutions to integration hub and ESB

Establish and maintain ESB infrastructure

Review and approve SIOPS recommended ESB changes

Review and assess solution designs in relation to service operational and technology architecture standards

Design framework and guidelines for integration hub infrastructure

Define and manage governance for multi-tenant activities within the integration hub.

Review Enterprise Service Bus (ESB) process and documentation as needed

Establish Integration Hub Design and Development strategy

Review and approve ESB design

Advise RMMIS Leadership and/or Enterprise Services on strategic impact of changes to ESB

Review and approve SIOPS recommended ESB changes

Review and approve recommended ESB changes to Steering Committee

Review ESB design documents

Analyze risks of ESB design and changes to data integrity, security, and system performance

Recommend risk mitigation strategies to RMMIS Leadership

Enhance and extend ESB.

Recommend ESB changes to ES.

Execute, manage, and update Medicaid Enterprise-level data and service integrations to the ESB.

Review, assess, and approve SP data and service integrations to the ESB.

Maintain and update integration hub documentation, including coding and configuration standards.

Communicate integration hub standards and guidelines to SP development teams and provide an approach to verify that they are followed.

Perform solution-specific data and service integrations with the ESB at the direction of the SIOPS Vendor

Maintain and update integrations as needed

Recommend changes to the ESB to the SIOPS Vendor

Page 11: SCDHHS Medicaid Enterprise - Responsibilities Matrix SCDHHS Project Management Office (PMO) Enterprise Systems Steering Committee RMMIS Leadership ... maintain integrated master project

SCDHHS Project Management Office (PMO)

Enterprise Systems Steering Committee

RMMIS Leadership

IV&V SIOPS Vendor Solution Provider(s)

New Application Design and Development

Review New Application Design and Development process and documentation as needed

Maintain application design and development knowledgebase

Provide Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) development standards

Review and approve production schedule generated by SIOPS Vendor

Monitor application development activity and advise SIOPS Vendor on managing development schedule risk

Review and approve enterprise-level design documents

Participate in product demo sessions and approve demonstrated output

Review and approve SIOPS recommended changes

Review and assess solution designs in relation to service operational and technology architecture standards.

Provide architecture standards review assessments and approvals for applications at gate reviews

Provide operational standards review assessments and approval for applications at gate reviews

Establish New Application Design and Development strategy

Participate in product demo sessions

Advise RMMIS Leadership and/or Enterprise Services on strategic priorities for application development schedule

Review and approve SIOPS recommended changes

Establish agency Product Owners for each application

Participate in product demo sessions and approve demonstrated output

Review and approve recommended changes to Steering Committee

Analyze solution-specific and enterprise level product backlogs, including process and technical tasks for requirements

Compare planned application development activity to actual completed

Identify development performance gaps to RMMIS leadership and recommend updates to product backlogs

Ensures the incorporation of the standards and conditions for Medicaid IT into design and development

Review the reflection of the state’s MITA goals and plans into actual MMIS design and development

Review configuration management that is robust and includes state or developer configuration audits against configuration baseline

Ensure solutions are designed in alignment with SCDHHS guidelines for service reuse and architecture standards, including identifying areas where the solution is not in alignment with SCDHHS guidelines and architecture.

Execute Medicaid Enterprise SOA development strategy and recommend strategy changes to RMMIS Leadership.

Provide architecture guidance to SPs for integration and use of ESB services.

Organize and conduct regular product demo sessions for RMMIS Leadership to illustrate development progress.

Review and approve solution-specific design documents generated by SPs, editing design documents to align with SCDHHS standards.

Maintain release schedule to include Medicaid Enterprise and solution-specific effort; update daily when appropriate.

Communicate new application standards and guidelines to development teams and verify that they are followed.

Design and develop solutions in support of Agency requirements

Adhere to SOA development strategy at direction of SIOPS Vendor

Submit all application design documents to SIOPS Vendor for review and approval

Maintain production schedule and submit updates to SIOPS Vendor daily

Conduct solution-specific demonstrations at product demo sessions

Page 12: SCDHHS Medicaid Enterprise - Responsibilities Matrix SCDHHS Project Management Office (PMO) Enterprise Systems Steering Committee RMMIS Leadership ... maintain integrated master project

SCDHHS Project Management Office (PMO)

Enterprise Systems Steering Committee

RMMIS Leadership

IV&V SIOPS Vendor Solution Provider(s)

Maintain and update documentation, including coding and configuration standards.

COTS/SaaS Solution Configuration

Review COTS/SaaS Solution Configuration process and documentation as needed

Establish and maintain ITIL-based service asset and configuration management processes

Maintain application configuration management knowledgebase

Approve configuration management plans, reports, and configuration changes submitted by the SIOPS Vendor

Monitor application development activity and advise SIOPS Vendor on managing development schedule risk

Review and approve enterprise-level design documents

Participate in product demo sessions and approve demonstrated output

Review and approve SIOPS recommended changes

Define technical reference architecture (TRA) standards and requirements

Provide TRA review assessments and approvals for solutions and configurations at gate reviews.

Provide review assessment of transition activities for signoff that configuration items have been transitioned

Establish COTS/SaaS Solution Configuration strategy

Participate in product demo sessions

Advise RMMIS Leadership on strategic priorities for application development schedule

Review and approve SIOPS recommended changes

Establish agency Product Owners for each application

Review and approve recommended changes to Steering Committee

Analyze solution-specific and enterprise level product backlogs, including process and technical tasks for requirements

Compare planned application development activity to actual completed

Identify development performance gaps to RMMIS Leadership and recommend updates to product backlogs

Develop, execute, and update configuration management processes for all Medicaid Enterprise services.

Ensure all environment configurations remain synchronized.

Supply and maintain configuration management tools.

Maintain and update configuration documentation, including coding and configuration standards.

Track and report on configuration changes.

Provide configuration management reports.

Establish guidelines for physical and logical separation among development, distributed testing, pre-production training, production and disaster recovery environments, and the process for deploying and backing out of configuration items.

Maintain master copies of new software versions in a secure library, accessible by SCDHHS, and update configuration

Use and maintain approved configuration management tools

Establish configuration baselines as reference points for rebuilds

Provide ability to revert solution to previous, stable configuration as needed

Page 13: SCDHHS Medicaid Enterprise - Responsibilities Matrix SCDHHS Project Management Office (PMO) Enterprise Systems Steering Committee RMMIS Leadership ... maintain integrated master project

SCDHHS Project Management Office (PMO)

Enterprise Systems Steering Committee

RMMIS Leadership

IV&V SIOPS Vendor Solution Provider(s)

to the operational structure successfully

databases as necessary.

Communicate configuration standards and guidelines to development teams and verify that they are followed.

Data Governance Review Data Governance process and documentation as needed

Establish and maintain ITIL-based data governance process

Maintain data governance knowledgebase

Establish MDM solution

Assign Data Steward to establish and maintain data definitions and usage protocols

Establish priorities and strategic goals for data governance process

Approve hiring of Data Steward

Review and approve Master Data Management (MDM) solution design

Review risk mitigation strategies provided by IV&V; recommend too Agency PMO to update and implement

Enforce use of approved Agency PMO tools, processes, policies and procedures

Review data governance strategy documents

Analyze risks of data governance strategy to data integrity, privacy, and security

Recommend risk mitigation strategies to RMMIS Leadership

Review reasonability, thoroughness, and quality of MITA self-assessment, concept of operations, information architecture, and data architecture

Manage MDM solution.

Execute MDM strategy at direction of SCDHHS data stewards.

Manage SP adherence to data definitions and usage protocols.

Design and develop solutions adhering to data definitions and usage protocols

Data Management

Review Data Management process and documentation as needed

Establish and maintain ITIL-based data management process

Maintain data management knowledgebase

Define data integration, warehousing, and interface standards

Review risk mitigation strategies provided by IV&V; direct SIOPS Vendor to implement

Monitor EDI traffic to and from integration layer

Establish Data Management strategy

Advise RMMIS Leadership on strategic impact of data management strategy

Review and evaluate data management strategy and operations Analyze risks to data quality and integrity and recommend mitigation strategies to RMMIS Leadership

Develop data interface and batch operations architecture.

Manage solution interface(s) with integration hub.

Monitor EDI traffic to and from integration hub using SCDHHS supplied tools.

Manage interface troubleshooting and root cause analysis of interface failures.

Implement interface risk mitigation strategies at direction of RMMIS Leadership.

Develop data interface(s) between solution and integration hub at direction of SIOPS Vendor

Support repair of interface failures at direction of SIOPS vendor

Testing Develop and document Agency PMO and

Approve promotion of tested solution(s) For

Provide access to user acceptance

Review individual test plans, test scripts and

Coordinate and execute several

Develop, document, and manage process

Page 14: SCDHHS Medicaid Enterprise - Responsibilities Matrix SCDHHS Project Management Office (PMO) Enterprise Systems Steering Committee RMMIS Leadership ... maintain integrated master project

SCDHHS Project Management Office (PMO)

Enterprise Systems Steering Committee

RMMIS Leadership

IV&V SIOPS Vendor Solution Provider(s)

Medicaid Enterprise solution and infrastructure testing strategy, templates and policies

Establish and maintain ITIL-based service validation and testing

Manage and update testing knowledgebase

Develop PMO Agency Test Plan (includes both distributed and non-distributed testing), approved test environment requirements, test script template and test case result template

Perform User Acceptance Testing (UAT)

Review SIOPS and Solution Provider(s) testing and defect results for each PMO-approved test phase (e.g., For Solution Provider(s): Dev/Unit Test, Quality Assurance (QA) Test, Systems Integrated Testing (SIT); For SIOPS: Integrated QA and Integrated UAT)

Review Testing process and documentation as needed

Solution Provider(s): Dev/Unit Test, Quality Assurance (QA) Test, Systems Integrated Testing (SIT); For SIOPS: Integrated QA and Integrated UAT, and Prod environments

Review testing plans

testing (UAT) participants from relevant Agency program areas

Enforce use of approved Agency PMO tools, processes, policies and procedures

test results for each test cycle

Analyze risks related to; the upcoming test cycle and/or release schedule and recommend mitigation strategies to RMMIS Leadership

testing stages with controlled test environments.

Provide distributed-testing dashboard report of test results and release readiness recommendations to RMMIS Leadership.

Develop and document distributed-testing strategy and policies including, but not limited to, detailed SCDHHS, Contractor, and SP roles and responsibilities; timelines; documentation requirements; script requirements; automated testing requirements; dashboard reporting requirements; and release and code promotion requirements. These must be approved by the SCDHHS PMO and ES prior to implementation.

Execute and coordinate distributed-testing strategy to test the integration of SP solution(s) with the Medicaid Enterprise.

Provide complete distributed-test results to RMMIS Leadership as stipulated in the CDML.

Provide distributed-test status information to RMMIS Leadership as

for application-specific Dev/Unit Test, SIT, UAT, regression, and performance testing

Conduct Enterprise-level testing activities at direction of SIOPS Vendor

Develop and maintain test plans, automated test scripts, and test results per Agency PMO requirements

Provide testing results to SIOPS vendor

Page 15: SCDHHS Medicaid Enterprise - Responsibilities Matrix SCDHHS Project Management Office (PMO) Enterprise Systems Steering Committee RMMIS Leadership ... maintain integrated master project

SCDHHS Project Management Office (PMO)

Enterprise Systems Steering Committee

RMMIS Leadership

IV&V SIOPS Vendor Solution Provider(s)

stipulated in the CDML.

Adhere to strategic and tactical instructions provided in accordance with CDML.

Engage and coordinate User acceptance testing activities with SCDHHS in accordance with the established testing strategy.

Solution Implementation

Establish and maintain ITIL-based service transition processes

Review Solution Implementation process and documentation as needed

Review and approve release schedule weekly

Approve promotion of code to Prod

Advise SIOPS Vendor on mitigation of release risks and issues

Approve all solution modifications recommended by SIOPS Vendor

Establish Solution Implementation strategy

Review release schedule monthly

Advise RMMIS Leadership on release priorities

Communicate agency PMO release process

Enforce use of approved Agency PMO tools, processes, policies and procedures

Monitor release activity

Analyze scheduled release activities vs. completed

Advise RMMIS Leadership on release risks and issues and recommend remediation strategies

Develop, manage, and update SIOPS release management process to support multi-vendor approach.

Coordinate deployment of release activities to all SCDHHS approved environments.

Mitigate release risks and issues with SPs.

Manage SIOPS integrated release schedule.

Provide weekly SIOPS integrated release schedule to the SCDHHS PMO and RMMIS Leadership.

Manage promotion of code to production environment using SCDHHS supplied tools.

Track all potential integrated solution modifications (enhancements, defect fixes, etc.) and recommend prioritization to RMMIS Leadership.

Complete work packages and/or release packages for scheduled releases

Promote code to Prod at direction of SIOPS Vendor

Report release risks, issues, and schedule Agency PMO-approved changes to SIOPS Vendor and remediate as necessary

Page 16: SCDHHS Medicaid Enterprise - Responsibilities Matrix SCDHHS Project Management Office (PMO) Enterprise Systems Steering Committee RMMIS Leadership ... maintain integrated master project

SCDHHS Project Management Office (PMO)

Enterprise Systems Steering Committee

RMMIS Leadership

IV&V SIOPS Vendor Solution Provider(s)

Adhere to strategic and tactical instructions provided in accordance with the CDML.

Training Enforce use of approved Agency PMO tools, processes, policies and procedures

Develop and deliver training to SIOPS and SP staff related to EDS, the integration hub, and portal.

Develop and deliver training to SIOPS and SP staff related to SCDHHS PMO project management processes and procedures.

Provide oversight to the SPs as they develop solution-specific training.

Coordinate Medicaid Enterprise training using a Contractor-provided training calendar.

Develop and propose methods of knowledge transfer (training, coaching, materials, etc.) to build skills and experience for SCDHHS staff as appropriate.

Using documentation best practices and standards, establish and support training documentation repository.

Coordinate with the SCDHHS PMO and ES to develop competency, skills, and tools necessary to develop sustainable project management and technical capabilities.

Page 17: SCDHHS Medicaid Enterprise - Responsibilities Matrix SCDHHS Project Management Office (PMO) Enterprise Systems Steering Committee RMMIS Leadership ... maintain integrated master project

SCDHHS Project Management Office (PMO)

Enterprise Systems Steering Committee

RMMIS Leadership

IV&V SIOPS Vendor Solution Provider(s)

Adhere to strategic and tactical instructions provided in accordance with the CDML.

Hosting Provide systems and server management standards

Design hosting service levels to meet agency availability requirements

Disaster Recovery/ Business Continuity (DR/BC)

Review DR/BC process and documentation as needed

Establish and maintain ITIL-based service continuity management (e.g. Disaster Recovery/Business Continuity (DR/BC)

Manage disaster recovery knowledgebase

Establish disaster recovery/business continuity test requirements

Communicate with SIOPS Vendor and Solution Provider(s) of disaster policy and procedures

Review and approve disaster recovery plans as related to agency business continuity requirements

Review and approve disaster recovery/business continuity strategy and plan; plan updates; risk mitigation recommendations

Establish the DR/BC strategy

Review disaster recovery risk mitigation recommendations provided by IV&V; promote to Steering Committee for approval

Review recommended updates to integrated Disaster Recovery/Business Continuity Plan provided by SIOPS Vendor; promote to Steering Committee for approval

Execute Disaster Recovery/Business Continuity Plan in event of local or statewide disaster or major outage

Review adequacy of Disaster Recovery/ Business Continuity Plan

Review results of any executed Disaster Recovery test or lessons learned documentation from an actual event

Analyze Medicaid Enterprise disaster risk exposure; recommend mitigation strategies to RMMIS Leadership

Maintain and execute a detailed disaster recovery/business continuity plan that meets approved disaster recovery requirements. Approved plan needs to include details regarding data, backups, storage management, and contingency operations that are capable of restoring the Medicaid Enterprise within required recovery timeframes.

Execute DR/BC strategy and applicable plan components for Medicaid Enterprise in event of disaster or major outage.

Coordinate involvement of SPs, SCDHHS, hosting provider(s), and State Division of Technical Operations (DTO) for DR/BC distributed testing or an actual event occurrence: o Plan and schedule

Disaster Recovery distributed testing.

Perform disaster recovery/business continuity activities according to the Agency Disaster Recovery/Business Continuity Plan and at the direction of the SIOPS Vendor

Develop action plan(s) to address issues or vulnerabilities found during disaster recovery/business continuity testing or actual event occurrence

Perform assigned tasks in accordance with the Disaster Recover/Business Continuity Plan in event of local or statewide disaster or major outage

Page 18: SCDHHS Medicaid Enterprise - Responsibilities Matrix SCDHHS Project Management Office (PMO) Enterprise Systems Steering Committee RMMIS Leadership ... maintain integrated master project

SCDHHS Project Management Office (PMO)

Enterprise Systems Steering Committee

RMMIS Leadership

IV&V SIOPS Vendor Solution Provider(s)

o Coordinate all SP and State activities required to complete the test.

o Track and report disaster recovery distributed test results and/or actual event lessons learned documentation to RMMIS Leadership.

o Develop action plan(s) to address issues or vulnerabilities found during disaster recovery/business continuity testing or actual event.

o Recommend updates to DR/BC to RMMIS Leadership.

Participate in annual planning for technology refresh in compliance with hardware and software vendor licensing and upgrade requirements.

Maintain master copies of new software versions in a secured software library and update configuration databases.

Hardware and Software Procurement

Review Hardware and Software Procurement process and documentation as needed

Recommend hardware and software upgrades and change for annual technology refresh effort

Page 19: SCDHHS Medicaid Enterprise - Responsibilities Matrix SCDHHS Project Management Office (PMO) Enterprise Systems Steering Committee RMMIS Leadership ... maintain integrated master project

SCDHHS Project Management Office (PMO)

Enterprise Systems Steering Committee

RMMIS Leadership

IV&V SIOPS Vendor Solution Provider(s)

Modular Certification of MMIS Modules

Medicaid Enterprise


Review the Medicaid Enterprise Certification process and documentation as required by MECT2.1 which includes the Medicaid Enterprise Certification Life Cycle (MECL).

The IV&V contractor will evaluate and make recommendations about the state artifacts that are required for MMIS milestone reviews based on the MECT.

Coordinate required certification project artifacts with the SCDHHS PMO and RMMIS Leadership. The Medicaid Enterprise Certification Life Cycle (MECL) guidance is available in the procurement library

Provide required information for Certification Progress Reports.

Demonstrate that required items related to EDS, the integration hub, and portal, and SP integration included on the Technical Architecture checklists were completed.

Participate in required certification milestone reviews as outlined in the MECL: o Operational

Readiness Review o MMIS Certification

Final Review

Work with SCDHHS and other SPs to accomplish certification activities, including: o Process for

monitoring and reporting on certification tasks

o Risk and issue mitigation relating to the certification process

o Requirements traceability

Page 20: SCDHHS Medicaid Enterprise - Responsibilities Matrix SCDHHS Project Management Office (PMO) Enterprise Systems Steering Committee RMMIS Leadership ... maintain integrated master project

SCDHHS Project Management Office (PMO)

Enterprise Systems Steering Committee

RMMIS Leadership

IV&V SIOPS Vendor Solution Provider(s)

Provide a roadmap that demonstrates the SIOPS efforts to support the State in achieving the Seven Conditions and Standards: o Modularity

Standard o MITA Condition o Industry Standards

Condition o Leverage

Condition o Business Results

Condition o Reporting

Condition o Interoperability


Organizational Change Management (OCM)

Review OCM process and documentation as needed

Recommend and/or implement business operational process changes to meet RMMIS Program requirements for provider operations

Design OCM strategy for RMMIS Program

Advise RMMIS Leadership on execution of OCM strategy

Review and approve OCM road map

Design OCM strategy for each project (i.e., module integration) within RMMIS program; conduct gap analysis on Agency readiness for RMMIS

Establish OCM road map

Coordinate with Agency communications group(s) to support OCM effort

Enforce use of approved Agency PMO tools, processes, policies and procedures

Monitor progress of OCM road map

Analyze OCM road map risks and recommend mitigation solutions

The Contractor will coordinate with: o SCDHHS Agency

Communications and the SCDHHS PMO for information distribution in accordance with SCDHHS communications standards

o SCDHHS for staff training (SCDHHS will be responsible for conducting training)

o SCDHHS PMO for coordination of Organizational Change Management (OCM) and initiation of resulting program improvement initiatives

Identify stakeholder impacts to include

Page 21: SCDHHS Medicaid Enterprise - Responsibilities Matrix SCDHHS Project Management Office (PMO) Enterprise Systems Steering Committee RMMIS Leadership ... maintain integrated master project

SCDHHS Project Management Office (PMO)

Enterprise Systems Steering Committee

RMMIS Leadership

IV&V SIOPS Vendor Solution Provider(s)

the following training needs: o Transition support o Organizational or

reporting structure design recommendations

o Future business process redesign

Application Management

Review O&M process and documentation as needed

Establish and maintain ITIL-based service operations processes

Establish and maintain service operations strategy

Manage and update service operations process knowledgebase

Provide review assessment of service operations functions and processes to ensure alignment with service operational strategy

Manage service operations strategy according to processes established by the SCDHHS PMO.

Manage and enhance service operations processes.

Leverage the Medicaid Enterprise documentation repository for project and O&M documentation.

Maintain and enhance Medicaid Enterprise operational process documentation and be accountable for effective execution.

Change Management

Establish and maintain ITIL-based Agency PMO change management process

Review Change Management process and documentation as needed

Approve change classifications (e.g., impact, priority, risk) and change authorization process

Advise RMMIS Leadership on execution of Change Management strategy

Enforce use of approved Agency PMO tools, processes, policies and procedures

Review change management

Oversee, execute, and manage change and release management processes, maintain overall accountability for all system change management activities.

Develop, manage, update, and implement change management processes for all Medicaid Enterprise services and integrate those into the SCDHHS PMO change management process.

Submit solution change requests to SIOPS

Recommend solution-specific changes to SIOPS Vendor for inclusion in release schedule

Page 22: SCDHHS Medicaid Enterprise - Responsibilities Matrix SCDHHS Project Management Office (PMO) Enterprise Systems Steering Committee RMMIS Leadership ... maintain integrated master project

SCDHHS Project Management Office (PMO)

Enterprise Systems Steering Committee

RMMIS Leadership

IV&V SIOPS Vendor Solution Provider(s)

Implement change classifications (impact, priority, risk) and change authorization processes based on the SCDHHS PMO change management process.

Execute Medicaid change management plan to support multiple vendors and coordinate deployment to all environments.

Modify configuration database, asset management artifacts, and service catalog (if applicable) to reflect implemented changes.

Track and analyze all potential modifications (e.g., problems/defects, enhancements, projects across infrastructure) and report to SCDHHS for prioritization and approval to commence.

Coordinate and document change management and release management schedules across application, OS, hardware, database management systems, storage, network, facilities and other changes; provide schedule of planned changes to the SCDHHS PMO for review.

Page 23: SCDHHS Medicaid Enterprise - Responsibilities Matrix SCDHHS Project Management Office (PMO) Enterprise Systems Steering Committee RMMIS Leadership ... maintain integrated master project

SCDHHS Project Management Office (PMO)

Enterprise Systems Steering Committee

RMMIS Leadership

IV&V SIOPS Vendor Solution Provider(s)

Develop, document, and manage the processes and procedures for production deployment (including roll-back planning).

Coordinate change requests across SPs, and for each release, ensure the SP who submits the change request has developed a business contingency/back-out plan.

Ensure all vendors comply with change/release management policies and procedures, and that environment configurations remain synchronized.

Adhere to strategic and tactical instructions provided in accordance with the CDML.

Events Management

Review Problem Management process and documentation as needed

Establish and maintain ITIL-based problem and incident management processes and policies for Medicaid Enterprise

Provide end-user and super-user support to generate Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) and desk reference guides, deliver on-site support, and escalate issues to tier one help desk, as needed

Prioritize defects and enhancements for SIOPS Vendor and Solution Provider(s) to address

Approve problem management strategy for Medicaid Enterprise

Review and approve incident management process improvement recommendations provided by SIOPS Vendor

Review and approve recommended solutions to recurring problems

Enforce use of approved Agency PMO tools, processes, policies and procedures

Review problem and incident management processes and policies

Analyze risks to service operations and recommend mitigation strategies to RMMIS Leadership

Monitor problem and incident tickets and resolution efforts

Execute incident management processes and policies for issues related to EDS, the integration hub, portal, and solutions implemented by SPs.

Review and recommend updates to SCDHHS’ event, incident, access, and problem management policies, procedures, tools, and standards to align with the new multi-vendor environment.

Implement problem and incident management processes and policies at direction of SIOPS Vendor

Integrate with multi-tiered support structure and escalation process at direction of SIOPS Vendor

Conduct root cause analysis as directed by SIOPS Vendor

Log problem and issue updates into ticket tracking system consistent with Agency ITIL-based

Page 24: SCDHHS Medicaid Enterprise - Responsibilities Matrix SCDHHS Project Management Office (PMO) Enterprise Systems Steering Committee RMMIS Leadership ... maintain integrated master project

SCDHHS Project Management Office (PMO)

Enterprise Systems Steering Committee

RMMIS Leadership

IV&V SIOPS Vendor Solution Provider(s)

Review and approve recommended solutions to recurring problems

Maintain master list of all known defects and enhancements for the Medicaid Enterprise

Implement and manage a multi-tiered support structure and escalation procedures that include security incident management and critical problem (e.g., system outage) processes. Support structure should include a service desk with self-service and request fulfillment capabilities.

Lead process for resolving critical incidents (e.g., system outage) as they relate to EDS, the integration hub, and portal.

Develop problem and incident classification, prioritization, workflow, escalation, communication, and reporting processes to achieve Contractor and SP contract SLAs.

Manage entire problem and incident life cycles, including detection, root cause analysis, status reporting, repair, and recovery.

Maintain master list of all known defects and enhancements for the Medicaid Enterprise.

Develop a Medicaid Enterprise knowledge base using incident and problem information.

processes and policies

Review status of open incidents

Review progress toward problem resolution

Participate in process of resolving critical incidents (e.g. system outage)

Recommend solutions to recurring problems

Provide end-user and super-user support to generate Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) and desk reference guides, deliver on-site support, and escalate issues to tier one help desk, as needed

Page 25: SCDHHS Medicaid Enterprise - Responsibilities Matrix SCDHHS Project Management Office (PMO) Enterprise Systems Steering Committee RMMIS Leadership ... maintain integrated master project

SCDHHS Project Management Office (PMO)

Enterprise Systems Steering Committee

RMMIS Leadership

IV&V SIOPS Vendor Solution Provider(s)

Coordinate system incident management reporting, tracking, prioritization, escalation, and resolution activities with RMMIS Leadership and end-user community.
