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  • 5/23/2018 Scam by Emma Harrison


    S.C.A.M by Emma Harrison


    byEmma Harrison

    Chapter One


  • 5/23/2018 Scam by Emma Harrison


    S.C.A.M by Emma Harrison

    Ill tell you what your problem is, Mike. You suk at blu!!in",# $yler%rooks sai&, tossin" a ouple more hips into the pot in the enter o! the

    table. You 'ust &ont ha(e a 1mendaciousnature. An& that is why . . . I am"oin" . . . to kik . . . your . . . ass.#

    $he other "uys aroun& the !elt)toppe& poker table lau"he&. I *feignedonern as $yler turne& his baseball ap aroun& bakwar& an& leane& bak inhis hair. I let him smile his triumphant smile !or a moment, &elayin" hismisery !or !un. Hey. At least I a&mit it. I en'oy takin" my !rien&s &own.$hats what pokers all about, isnt it+

    ell, unless youre in it !or the money. %ut onsi&erin" our bi""est potto &ate was a whoppin" !orty)two buks, no one aroun& here was "oin" homea -illionaire. ope. /ur "ames were really 'ust e0uses to "et to"ether an&talk smak.

    An& your problem is, %rooksy, youre a bombasticass,# I replie&,allin" his bet. 2ets see what you "ot.#

    3ull house. 2a&ies o(er tens,# $yler announe&, turnin" his two holear&s o(er. Sure enou"h4when a&&e& to the 5communalar&s, he &i& ha(e a

    !airly sweet han&. $hree 6ueens an& two tens. ot ba& at all. %ut not as "oo&as . . .

    7Foileda"ain, my !rien&,# I sai&, turnin" o(er my two threes.

    /h8# the "uys aroun& the table heere& an& "roane&.

    $ylers !ae !ell with a satis!yin" plop. Ian /Connor, my best !rien&an& the ultimate poker host, reahe& o(er to slap my han&. A&& my threes tothe two in the ri(er an& that "a(e me !our o! a kin&. It ha& been 9audaciouso! me, allin" $ylers bet with two tens out there as well. He oul& ha(e ha&

    1 mendacious dishonest2 feigned faked3 bombastic overblown4 communal. by a group rather than individuals5 foiled thwart (hinder or prevent)6 audacious bold


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    S.C.A.M by Emma Harrison

    !our tens, a!ter all. %ut I took my hanes. Its not o!ten that I &o that. Mybettin" style is usually base& on my :innateparsimony. %ut sometimes, you'ust "otta roll the &ie.

    He totally wa0e& your ass8# %ra& 2akler rie& ;mirthfully.

    Shut up, 2akler,# $yler "rumble&.

    It is a shame how !our little threes an beat your bi" ol& royals,# I sai&.

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    S.C.A.M by Emma Harrison

    hane to win my money bak.#

    Ian "lane& at me an& I shru""e&. 3ine by me,# I sai&. I ha& sometime. An& we all knew $yler woul&nt be 1mollifieduntil I "a(e in. He was

    the sorest loser o! the "roup.

    All ri"ht. /ne more,# Ian sai&.

    He shu!!le& an& &ealt the ar&s. I pulle& my hole ar&s to me an&heke& the orners. $otal rap. A se(en an& a three, unsuite&. A lesser manwoul& ha(e !ol&e& ri"ht there, but in my 15innate 17munificenceI tosse& aouple hips in the pot anyway. 2et $yler ha(e a hane at a bi""er take.hat &i& I are+ I was "oin" home twenty buks up anyway. %esi&es, I knew

    i! I !ol&e& ri"ht o!! the bat, he woul& ha(e ma&e a sene.So, you "uys wanna ome o(er my plae tomorrow !or the Yankee

    "ame+# $yler aske&, toyin" with his hips as Ian &ealt the !lop.

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    S.C.A.M by Emma Harrison

    I ant,# I sai&, my !ae heatin" up. $his was "oin" to hurt. Its ouranni(ersary.#

    Aw8# they all horuse&. issin" noises an& a !ew inappropriate "roans

    !ollowe&. ittle Mikeys "ot a wi!ey,# Chris tease&. I stare& strai"ht at thepot as my !ae burne&.

    Is heerlea&er)"irl !inally "onna "i(e it up+# $yler aske&. Cu- i! sheis then you are &e!initely o!! the hook. $hat "irl has "ot a sik4#

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    S.C.A.M by Emma Harrison

    the &ealer "ettin" up in the mi&&le o! a "ame, but we were a bit more asualaroun& here. He took my hips an& ounte& out my ash, keepin" the**requisiteten perent ut !or the house. 2ike Ian nee&e& any more money.

    %ut hey, I &i&nt *begrudgehim his earnin"s. $he weekly "ame was hisi&ea, an& he &i& supply all the 'unk !oo& that we *5devourede(ery week.

    ik a little il&at ass tomorrow,# he sai&, slappin" the ash into myhan&.

    You "ot it, brotha,# I replie&.

    $hen I hea&e& out into the ni"ht to a horus o! "oo& luk#s. I ha& tolau"h as I lose& the &oor behin& me. My !rien&s were so *7predictable. $he

    only thin" that always "ot me out o! a poker "ame without a hu"e*9

    clamoro! protest was a pre(ious !ootball ommitment. In Hillsi&e it was all aboutshool spirit.

    $hey think theyre omin" into our house an& takin" us &own+8#Curtis Sprin"er shoute&, pain" up an& &own the loker room in his shoul&er

    pa&s an& !ootball pants. aw, man8 o way &o they ome in to our housean& take us &own. You !eel me+8#

    $he team roare& its appro(al, an& we all heere& an& hollere&.

    Sprin"ers pre"ame rile)ups were a lon")honore& tra&ition. othin" "ot thea&renaline pumpin" better. I yanke& my 'ersey o(er my hea& an& was aboutto 'oin in an *:impromptuhu&&le when Coah Dinal&i alle& my name !romhis o!!ie.

    Diley8 Diley8 Hey8 et in here8#

    My heart &roppe&, an& I au"ht Curtiss eye as the row& aroun& him"rew more an& more *;frenetic. He shru""e& an& "ot bak to his ritual. I

    ** requisite reuired* begrudge disapprove*5 devoured ate greedily*7 predictable unsurprising*9 clamor noise*: impromptu i$provised*; renetic frenied


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    S.C.A.M by Emma Harrison

    "rabbe& my helmet an& !ollowe& a!ter Coah. I knew I ha&nt &one anythin"wron". Anyone who knows me will tell you I am the *=epitomeo! the "oo&y)"oo&y4that its ne0t to impossible !or Mike Diley to &o anythin" wron". %ut

    that &i&nt mean that bein" alle& out by authority !i"ures &i&nt still !reakme out.

    hats up, Coah+# I aske&, steppin" into his small, s6uare o!!ie.

    Ha(e a seat,# he sai&, easin" onto his @ricketyhair.

    He pulle& the re& baseball ap !rom his hea& an& srathe& at the bal&spot in the enter o! the rin" o! blon& hair. Fh)oh. $his was serious. I sat onthe e&"e o! the (inyl seat, my heart poun&in". I "uess this was another way to

    kik)start the a&renaline.Mike, I alle& you in here to let you know that there are souts in the

    bleahers to&ay,# he sai&. A ouple o! the SFYs are omin" out to ha(e alook an& 1assessyour per!ormane.#

    I !elt like someone ha& 'ust han&e& me a tiket to the Super %owl.$heyre here !or me+# I aske&.

    /! ourse they are. ho else+# Coah Dinal&i aske&. As !ar as Ireall, youre the only one here who broke two o! the lon"est)stan&in" ewYork State hi"h shool passin" reor&s last year.#

    I beame& with pri&e. Souts. Here !or me. $his was it. $his was myhane at a sholarship. I ha& been hopin" !or a *boonlike this my entire li!e

    but ha& ne(er allowe& mysel! to belie(e it woul& atually happen. E(er sineI was !ourteen years ol& I ha& been workin" o&& an& part)time 'obs, tryin" tosa(e up !or olle"e. My parents are both teahers, an& they lo(e their 'obs,

    but we(e all known !or a lon" time that we were "oin" to !all into that!inanial ath)**4that we woul&nt ha(e enou"h money !or olle"e tuition

    but woul& appear too well o!!# !or !inanial ai&.

    *= epitome ideal e*a$ple@ rickety. in'lined to shake as fro$ weakness or defe't

    1 assess evaluate* boon blessing


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    S.C.A.M by Emma Harrison

    ow, its 'ust the state shools this a!ternoon, not that thats anythin"to shake a stik at,# Coah sai&, leanin" his bee!y arms on his &esk. %ut you&o well out there to&ay, "et some bu-- "oin", ne0t week we oul& be hostin"


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    S.C.A.M by Emma Harrison

    $hey all heere& their appro(al.

    Di"ht8 ow were "onna run the twenty)yar& hook.

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    S.C.A.M by Emma Harrison

    $ime stoo& still. I oul&nt breathe. $he &u&e sho(e& me !arther into theearth as he stoo& up, but his e0tra punishment &i&nt matter. $he bleaherse0plo&e& in a !ren-ie& heer, 57melodiousto my ears.

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    S.C.A.M by Emma Harrison

    always, while &a&s usually messy hair was hi&&en un&er a baseball ap. Histheory was that i! he ha& to look put)to"ether all week to be a "oo& rolemo&el !or his stu&ents, he oul& "et a little 71slovenlyon the weeken&s.

    Mike8 reat "ame8# my !ather sai&, "i(in" me the han&shakeone)shoul&ere& hu".


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    S.C.A.M by Emma Harrison

    e oul&nt be happier !or you, ki&,# my &a& sai&, "i(in" me a realhu" this time.


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    S.C.A.M by Emma Harrison

    aa&emi skills. She was the 9;erudite oth)hik with a 9=disgruntledweekly olumn in the shool newspaper. I ha& seen her aroun& shool withher sun) :@eschewing, :1pallid !rien&s, an& she was pretty ute4in that

    psyho, :*disenfranchisedway. Her olumn &i& always make me lau"h,thou"h.

    Sorry8# she shoute& with a shru".

    Yeah. hate(er,# I sai& un&er my breath.

    My heart rate was 'ust returnin" to normal as I ma&e my way aroun& the"ym. I oul&nt wait to !in& Mary an& "et a bi" on"ratulatory kiss. I wante&to tell her all about the souts an& the "uy !rom %u!!alo. %ut mostly I wante&

    to talk about toni"ht, about our anni(ersary:

    excursion. hen she hear& theromanti e(enin" I ha& planne&, she was "oin" to :5rhapsodizeabout whatan ama-in" boy!rien& she ha&.

    I ame aroun& the bak orner o! the "ym, an& my heart stoppe&.Su&&enly, all my :7meticulousplans ame rashin" &own aroun& me. $hiswas wron". It oul&nt be. It was an :9aberration. %ut e(en a!ter I blinke& a!ew times, the sene staye& the same Bresse& up a"ainst the brik wall,makin" out with an ::appallingly:;crudelak o! :=modesty, were a "uy in a

    leather 'aket an& a "irl in a heerlea&in" uni!orm. A "irl with auburn hair.My "ut twiste& in pain an& my &u!!el ba" &roppe& o!! my shoul&er. I&

    !oun& Mary all ri"ht, with her ton"ue &own

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    S.C.A.M by Emma Harrison

    Chapter Two

    hat the hell is this+# I blurte&.Mary an&

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    S.C.A.M by Emma Harrison

    Mike, I4#

    Mary, tell me you werent 'ust kissin" this i&iot,# I sai&, seethin".

    Hey, man. hy &ont we all 'ust hill !or a se+#

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    S.C.A.M by Emma Harrison

    hats "oin" on here, Mary+# I aske& almly, tryin" to appear =5stoic.I &i&nt want to ome o!! as a bi" baby here. I oul& han&le whate(er wasomin". I hope&. How lon" ha(e you been =7dissembling+#

    Mary hesitate& a moment, kikin" the toe o! her heerlea&in" sneakerinto the &irt beneath her !eet. Sine the summer,# she sai& !inally, hu""in"hersel!.

    $wo months+8# I blurte&, all the bloo& rushin" to my hea&. So muh!or bein" =9impervious. I oul&nt belie(e she ha& been sneakin" aroun&

    behin& my bak !or two whole months8 How+ hen+ An& why him+ o&,Mary. I =:abhor

  • 5/23/2018 Scam by Emma Harrison


    S.C.A.M by Emma Harrison

    I ha& thou"ht I was !allin" in lo(e with her. %ut I oul&nt tell her thatnow. It seeme& so 1@*tritean& 1@naive. An& sayin" it wasnt "oin" to 1@5abatethis pain that was wrenhin" my heart. It woul& only make it worse.

    Mary reahe& out !or my arm like she was "oin" to om!ort me, but Ipulle& away. ere o(er. /b(iously,# I sai&.

    A tear spille& &own her heek. Mike4#

    I ha& to "et out o! there. I! I stoo& there !or one more seon& I was"oin" to "o o!! on a 1@7tirade about how she oul& stu!! her 1@9gratuitousemotion. About how she was the one who ha& srewe& this all up. About howI oul&nt belie(e I ha& e(er truste& someone like her. So instea&, I 'ust

    turne& an& walke& away, i"norin" her as she shoute& my name.$hat e(enin" I sat alone in my li(in" room in !ront o! the Yankees pre)

    "ame show, 1@:wallowing in sel!)pity. I was so an"ry that I ha& atuallyonsi&ere& "oin" out an& 1@;scouringthe town !or a party an& some ran&om"irl to hook up with, but I ha& ne(er been a 1@=vindictiveperson. $hat 'ustwasnt me. So instea&, I ha& 11@resolved to 111reposeon the so!a an& thinkabout where it ha& all "one wron". I ha& e(en &rawn all the urtains o(er thewin&ows to "et it as &ark in the room as possible. All the better !or11*

    vilifyingmy e0 an&11

    beratingmysel! !or my blin&ness./! ourse, my "lass)is)hal!)!ull mother ha& other i&eas.

    Mihael, you shoul& really "o out to that party $yler is ha(in",# she

    1@* trite unoriginal1@ naive inno'ent1@5 abate stop1@7 tirade rant1@9 gratuitous unwarranted (un#ustifiable)

    1@: wallowing re$aining helpless1@; scouring sear'hing1@= vindictive spiteful11@ resolved de'ided111 repose lie down11* vilifying slandering11 berating 'hewing out, severely rebuking


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    S.C.A.M by Emma Harrison

    sai&, strai"htenin" up aroun& me, pikin" up the empty hip ba" an& so&aans that were pilin" up on the o!!ee table. She ha& no i&ea $ylers &a& waso!!erin" !ree beer. I! she ha&, there was no way she woul& be 115proddingme

    to "o. Sittin" here alone is not "oin" to 117allaythe pain o! a breakup.#She was ri"ht, o! ourse. My mother has a ertain 119acumen!or matters

    o! the heart. %ut that &i&nt mean I ha& to listen to her. 3or the moment Inee&e& to !eel the 11:anguish.

    /ne ni"ht, Mom,# I sai&. Gust let me be &epresse&, okay+#

    You &ont want to talk about it+# she aske& hope!ully.

    I shook my hea&. 3or the moment I was 11;taciturn. An& besi&es, i! I

    starte& talkin" to her about it, she mi"ht "et a "limpse o! my se(ere 11=enmitytowar& Mary, an& I &i&nt want her to see that. I& talk to her about it whenI& ha& more time to ool o!!.

    She smile& at me in a 1*@forlornway, all my "arba"e "athere& up in herarms. Ill or&er you a pi--a. Sausa"e an& peppers "oo&+#

    I mana"e& to li!t the orners o! my mouth. $hanks.#

    As she le!t the room, Ian walke& in. I "uess my !ather ha& let him into

    the house. I was so out o! it I ha&nt e(en hear& the &oorbell.Maybe you an heer him up,# my mother tol& him as they passe&

    eah other in the &oorway.

    You "ot it, Mrs. Diley,# he sai&. $hen she was "one, an& he eye& me1*1dubiously.

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    S.C.A.M by Emma Harrison

    $hats what happens when you !in& out that 1**fidelityis too muh toask !or !rom the "irl you lo(e,# I sai& 1*acerbically.

    Ian si"he&. He &roppe& &own onto the ouh ne0t to me. I1*5empathize, Mike. I &o,# he sai&. You remember how rushe& I was when%eky broke up with me.#

    I no&&e& an& sat up a little. $his was e0atly what I nee&e&4someoneto 1*7validatethe pit o! &espair I was 1*9mired in.

    An& thats why Im here to tell you that this shoul& be a &ay o!elebration, my !rien&8# he heere&.

    hat+# I blurte&. $his ha& 'ust taken a weir& turn.

    Its 1*:imperative, Mike8 $he 1*;yokeis o!!8 Youre !ree8 You shoul&be out there partyin", ha(in" a "oo& time8# he heere&, "raspin" myshoul&er. ow lets "o o(er to $ylers house an& "et oursel(es1*=hammered8#

    I si"he&. You soun& like my mom.#

    Your mom tol& you to "et hammere&+# he aske&.

    I smirke&. o. She wants me to "o out thou"h. She &oesnt want me to

    !"#fostermy &epression.#Smart woman,# he sai&. So lets "o. 11$obrietyis not the presription

    !or a ni"ht like this. %elie(e me.#

    2ook, man, I appreiate your omin" o(er here. Deally,# I sai&. %ut

    1** fidelity faithfulness1* acerbically bitterly1*5 empathize feel 'o$passion for

    1*7 validate 'onfir$1*9 mired stu'k1*: imperative ne'essary1*; yoke burden1*= hammered. very drunk1@ foster en'ourage11 sobriety soberness


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    S.C.A.M by Emma Harrison

    Im not "oin" out. You an i! you want, but I 'ust &ont !eel like it.#

    You sure+# he aske&.

    Im sure,# I sai&


    decisively.$hats ool, brotha,# he sai&, sittin" bak as the Yankees took the !iel&.$eams "onna play the same whether Im here or there.#


    o problem, man,# he sai&. %ut I really &o think this breakup is a"oo& thin". You "ot better stu!! to spen& your time on anyway.#

    I &o+# I aske&.

    Are you ki&&in"+# he aske&. 3ootball, shool, impro(in" your poker"ame . . .#

    I whake& him in the arm, an& he lau"he&, whih ma&e me rak my!irst real smile sine that mornin"s win. /kay. So maybe e(erythin" was"oin" to be all ri"ht. E(entually.

    /n Sun&ay mornin" it took a lot o! e!!ort !or me to pull mysel! out o!be&, but I oul&nt spen& the entire &ay 1ruminatingabout Mary an& her15wantonways. I ha& a history paper &ue that week, an& I ha& been 17remisslately, 19procrastinatingon the researh. So instea& o! stayin" un&er theo(ers, I showere& an& &resse& an& hea&e& !or the Hillsi&e Bubli 2ibrary.

    ormally I woul& ha(e 'ust hit the Internet, but Mr. eeks, my historyteaher, was an ol&)shool "uy with 1:antiquated i&eas. He wante& us to1;gleanall our !ats !rom atual books an& swore he woul& be able to tell the&i!!erene in our work. I wasnt sure i! I belie(e& this, but I wasnt about to

    put it to the test. My "ra&es were too important.

    1* decisively with 'ertainty1 ruminating thinking15 wanton i$$oral17 remiss delinuent (failing in what duty reuires)19 procrastinating delaying1: antiquated old1; glean. gather! as of natural produ'ts


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    S.C.A.M by Emma Harrison

    It was 1=tediouswork, pa"in" throu"h the in&e0es o! all those hea(yhistory 15@tomes, but the librarys 151pacificatmosphere ha& a almin" e!!eton me. I sat bak in one o! the ushione& hairs near the win&ow an&

    15*peruseda book on orl& ar I. Aroun& me people whispere&, an& pa"esturne&, an& su&&enly I reali-e& my ne"ati(e !eelin"s were startin" to 15wane.Yester&ay ha& been aw!ul, ob(iously, but here I was, &oin" my homework,ha(in" another &ay. $he worl& ha& not ome to a 155catastrophicen&.

    I !oun& the setion I was lookin" !or, on ermanys role in the war, an&took out my notebook. As I was srathin" (arious notes an& i&eas out on the

    pa"e, I saw somethin" out o! the orner o! my eye. I looke& up 'ust assomeone outsi&e the win&ow went areenin" by on a skateboar&, 'umpe& the

    parkin" lots urb, an& lan&e& on the asphalt o! the 157adjacentplay"roun&.It was inter

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    S.C.A.M by Emma Harrison

    was "oin" to be a 171debacle. Her truks hit the ol& balane beam, an& shesli& &own the len"th o! it, keepin" per!et balane an& lan&in" "rae!ully atthe !ar en&. $hen she took o!! to &o it all o(er a"ain.

    My heart poun&e& insanely in my hest. $his "irl was "oo&. An& &arin".An& 17*impetuous. An& man, was it se0y.

    inter ma&e another run an& another per!et trik. Intri"ue&, I marke&my plae in my book an& walke& outsi&e to the park. I ha& no i&ea what tosay to her, so I 'ust ho(ere& near the open "ate. She saw me an& threw a17winsomesmile o(er her shoul&er.

    Hey there, !ootball star,# she sai&, sli&in" o(er on her boar&.

    You know who I am+# I aske&.E(eryone knows who you are,# she sai&. %esi&es, you use& to han"

    out at my house with my brother.

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    S.C.A.M by Emma Harrison

    I smirke&. I "uess you think !ootball an& shool spirit are 17:vapid,huh+# I aske&.

    She shot me a look, like &uh.#

    $hen what were you &oin" at the "ame yester&ay+# I shot bak, allin"her out on her 17;hypocrisy.

    17=%ockingthe heerlea&ers,# she sai& matter)o!)!atly, still spinnin".

    A sha&ow must ha(e rosse& my !ae as I thou"ht o! Mary, beauseshe stoppe& an& put her han& o(er her mouth 'okin"ly. /ops. 3or"ot youre&atin" one o! them.#

    ot anymore,# I sai& automatially.

    inter smile& slowly. She skate& bak o(er to me an& "rabbe& my armas she 'umpe& o!! her boar&. It 19@skitteredpast us an& into the !ene. Sherolle& her bi" eyes up at me an& smile&.

    You know, !ootball star, i! you want to ask me out, you shoul& 'ustask,# she sai&. $his "irl was not bi" on 191pretense.

    My heart skippe& a beat. I ha&nt atually reali-e& until that moment,with her lookin" at me in that teasin" way, that I really &i& want to ask her

    out. It was 19*uncanny. She oul& rea& my min& be!ore I oul&. At !irst Iwasnt sure whether it woul& be 19expedient, my bein" on the reboun& an&all. %ut why not+ Mary ha& alrea&y mo(e& on. An& besi&es, inter was

    pretty, an& !unny, an& athleti. Blus she was the e0at opposite o! Mary, an&at the moment, I ha& a 195predilection!or "irls who were nothin" like my e0.

    All ri"ht. hat are you &oin" 3ri&ay ni"ht+# I sai&.

    17: vapid dull

    17; hypocrisy de'eitfulness17= mocking ridi'uling19@ skittered. glided easily along a surfa'e191 pretense posturing (adopting a vain 'on'eited posture)19* uncanny strange19 expedient worthwhile195 predilection preferen'e


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    S.C.A.M by Emma Harrison

    I "ot a hot &ate,# inter sai&, pushin" hersel! up on her tiptoes an&"rinnin". Her breath smelle& like "rape bubble "um. ith you.#

    Chapter Three

    /h, wow. I ha& no i&ea she woul& be there.

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    "entleman behin& us 1:*upbraidedus. He "a(e me a 1:sternlook, like I wassomehow inters 1:5accomplice. I &i&nt see how 1:7excrement was

    pro!ane, but I shushe& her anyway.

    Sorry. Sorry,# she sai& to me, then to him, thou"h her amuse& smilewas anythin" but 1:9penitent. She 1::hunkered&own in her seat an& ate a!ist!ul o! poporn, an& !or a !ew minutes I thou"ht she was atually &one. In1:;hindsight, that was a stupi& assumption.

    $he thin" is, I lo(e you,# the "uy on the sreen sai&. E(en i! you arethe most 1:=impertinentwoman I know.#

    inter lau"he& lou&ly. At least a &o-en people turne& aroun& an&1;@

    scowled. $he woman on the sreen swoone& an& kisse& the "uy a"ain./h, ome on8# inter shoute&. KI lo(e you e(en i! you are the most

    impertinent woman I know+ He shoul& "et a slap !or that line8#

    Some woman stoo& up in the !ront o! the theater. oul& you shut upalrea&y+#

    Gust then, a srawny usher ame in an& knelt &own ne0t to intersaisle seat. He looke& at me with 1;1trepidation4I was about three times hissi-e4then &irete& his omments at inter.

    E0use me, Miss, but Im a!rai& talkin" &urin" the !ilm is1;*prohibited,# he sai&, his A&ams apple bobbin" up an& &own.

    1:* upbraided repri$anded1: stern serious1:5 accomplice assistant (esp. in wrongdoing)1:7 excrement. waste $atter (as urine or sweat but esp. fe'es) dis'harged fro$ the


    1:9 penitent regretful1:: hunkered. sat on heels1:; hindsight retrospe't1:= impertinent irrelevant1;@ scowled. frowned with displeasure1;1 trepidation worry1;* prohibited forbidden


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    inter a&opte& an innoent 1;facade. I wasnt talkin".#

    $he usher looke& at me 1;5skepticallyas the people behin& us lau"he&an& "roane&. I shru""e&. It wasnt as i! I oul& 1;7refutehis ausation. Im

    sorry, but I hear& you mysel!,# he sai&.

    ell Im sorry that this mo(ie suks,# inter sai&.

    I lau"he&. I oul&nt help it. $he usher looke& like he 'ust wante& to &ie.Im a!rai& Im "oin" to ha(e to ask you to lea(e,# he sai&. %oth o! you.#

    Are you ki&&in" me+ Youre 1;9banishing me !rom the theater+#inter sai&. %ut Im ha(in" so muh !un8#

    $he usher looke& at me 1;:imploringly. He was startin" to sweat, an& Ioul& tell he was a!rai& I was "oin" to start a !i"ht, or at the (ery least makemore o! a sene than inter alrea&y ha&.

    Maybe we shoul& 'ust "o,# I sai& to inter, takin" pity on this poor"uy. A!ter all, he was 'ust tryin" to &o his 'ob.

    Yeah+# she aske&, wi&enin" her eyes at me.

    Yeah. 2et these people wath the rest o! the mo(ie. Im star(in"anyway,# I sai&. Is there anyplae we an 1;;procurea bur"er aroun& here+#

    I whispere& to the usher.He smile& in relie!. Apparently my beha(ior was 1;=atypical o! the

    situations he usually enountere& aroun& here.

    Most 1=@expeditiously, sir. Goes rill is 'ust aroun& the orner,# he sai&1=1graciously.

    1; facade false appearan'e1;5 skeptically doubtfully

    1;7 refute deny1;9 banishing e*ile1;: imploringly. in a besee'hing $anner1;; procure obtain1;= atypical unusual1=@ expeditiously pro$ptly (with little or no delay)1=1 graciously 'o$passionately


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    /kay. I! you want to bow to the Man, well bow to the Man,# shestoo& up an& han&e& the rest o! her poporn to the usher. Ha(e a snak onme.#

    I sli& out o! my seat an& !ollowe& her up the aisle, to the tune o!thun&erous applause !rom the rest o! the theater. Di"ht be!ore we "ot to the&oor, inter turne& aroun& an& 1=*curtseyed, an& a !ew people lau"he&. Sonot e(eryone hate& us. e were still rakin" up when we hit the si&ewalk.

    I "otta say, I(e ne(er been boote& be!ore,# I tol& inter.

    Deally+ Happens to me all the time,# she sai& happily, pullin" her(el(et 'aket loser to her.

    hy am I not surprise&+# I aske&, amuse&.Im sorry. Are you ma&+ Its 'ust that mo(ie was so 1=prosaic,# she


    Atually, it was kin& o! ool. ettin" kike& out, I mean,# I sai& withpri&e.

    Yeah. You are suh a ba&ass now,# she tease&.

    Ha ha,# I sai& !latly. Anyway, Im sorry you hate& it. I thou"ht "irls

    like& romanti ome&ies.#ell, youre not &ealin" with your a(era"e "irl,# she sai&, takin" my


    I looke& &own at our entwine& !in"ers, surprise&. %ut in a "oo& way.inter was, han&s &own, the most 1=5extroverted, !unny, 1=7unsettling "irlI& e(er known. An& I like& it.

    Im "ettin" that i&ea,# I sai&.

    inter smile& slowly, then stoo& on her tiptoes an& pulle& me to her. Itwas the most intense kiss I ha& e(er e0periene&. 3or the !irst time I reali-e&

    1=* curtseyed. bended the knees in a gesture of respe'tful greeting1= prosaic uni$aginative1=5 extroverted outgoing1=7 unsettling. disturb the 'o$posure of


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    that there was no way I ha& been in lo(e with Mary. %eause e(en thou"hshe was hotter than hot, kissin" her ha& ne(er !elt like this.

    An& 'ust !or the reor&, I &o like romanti ome&ies,# she sai& when

    she pulle& away.

    ha+# I sai&, my hea& still swimmin".

    I lo(e them. I 'ust lo(e to 1=9deridethem an& lau"h at them, thats all. Imean, &i& it not look like I was ha(in" !un in there+# she aske&, arhin" oneeyebrow.

    I blinke&. oo& point.#

    inter lau"he& an& "rabbe& both my han&s, leanin" bak to pull me!orwar&. Come on. 2ets "o "et you some !oo&, !ootball star,# she tease&.

    I smile& an& !ollowe& her &own the street. Di"ht then I woul& ha(e!ollowe& her anywhere.

    hen I arri(e& at Ians house !or our re"ular 3ri&ay ni"ht "ame, therewas an e0tra poker table set up in the basement, all 1=:glossyan& new. $here"ular "uys were there, but a ouple o! ki&s !rom the 'unior lass were1=;milling aroun& as well, eatin" hips !rom a basket near the wall an&

    lookin" aroun&1==

    skittishly, like they were a!rai& someone was "oin" to'ump them an& kik them out. I &roppe& my (arsity 'aket on the ouh an&slappe& han&s with Ian.

    hats with the new bloo&+# I aske&.

    ell, I reali-e& that ha(in" suh a *@@finitenumber o! players was anunneessary *@1hindranceto my *@*augmented inome,# Ian sai& *@sagely,

    1=9 deride ridi'ule

    1=: glossy sleek1=; milling. $oving about in a 'onfused $anner1== skittishly. in a unpredi'table and e*'itable (espe'ially of horses) $anner*@@ finite having an end*@1 hindrance obsta'le*@* augmented. added to or $ade greater in a$ount or nu$ber or strength*@ sagely wisely


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    puttin" on a businesslike *@5demeanor. So I thou"ht I& put the wor& out,"et a !ew more people in. %esi&es, it mi"ht be "oo& to *@7infuse the "amewith some new ener"y.#

    ew meat, you mean,# Chris sai&, 'oinin" the on(ersation an&lappin" Ian on the bak. $his was the most *@9sagaciousmo(e you(e e(erma&e, man. ell take these little losers !or all they(e "ot.#

    Ian an& I both lau"he&. ow, now, Chris. 2ets not "et too oky,# I'oke&. E(eryone here has an e6ual hane o! winnin".#

    Chris looke& at me an& so!!e&, rollin" his eyes. $hey wish.#

    He walke& o(er to one o! the 'uniors, took a hip ri"ht out o! his han&,

    an& poppe& it into his mouth. He stoo& there, hewin" it in the ki&s !ae,*@:goadinghim. 2ukily, the ki& was smart enou"h to let it sli&e. $his ni"htwas "oin" to be interestin".

    All ri"ht, e(eryone, lets "et starte&,# Ian alle& out, takin" his plae as&ealer at our usual table. $yler, it seeme&, ha& been tappe& to run the new"ame4he took the seat o! authority there. I settle& in with Chris, %ra&, an& aouple o! the new "uys.

    Ian &ealt the hole ar&s, an& I heke& my &raw. 3i(e an& three, suite&.ot ba&. 2ooke& like I was "oin" to ha(e an *@;auspiciousni"ht. Gust as Iwas about to put in my !irst hips, the &oor to the basement opene&, an&e(eryone !ell silent. 3or a split seon&, Im sure we all thou"ht we were*@=snagged, but then our (isitors steppe& throu"h the &oor, an& e(eryonelooke& at me.


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    $here wasnt a "uy in the room who &i&nt know what ha& "one onbetween me,

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    $he 'uniors at my table "lane& at me *1=quizzically, an& I no&&e& atthem. $hey "ot up **@instantaneouslyan& mo(e& to the wall to wait theirturn. I e(en kike& a hair out !or

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    You stole my "irl!rien&, my !rien&s an& I are makin" o!! with all yourmoney. Seems like an **equitableoutome to me, I thou"ht.

    /kay, e(eryone ante,# Ian sai& as he shu!!le& the ar&s.

    Some people play with bi" an& little blin&s an& a rotatin" &ealer, but inour "ames, Ian was always the &ealer, so we ha& a re"ular ante. e eahthrew in two &ollars worth o! hips, then Ian &ealt the ar&s. I "lane& at

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    e all looke& at

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    !or you, there woul&nt be a "ame. An& i! there wasnt a "ame, I woul&ntha(e been able to rub

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    hy not+# I sai&. $heres a *77profusiono! wealth in this town. hynot use it to our a&(anta"e+ e in(ite all the most *79insipidrih ki&s to the"ame an& then *7:reapthe rewar&s.#

    Ian lau"he& an& pike& up the hip bo0 to stow it in the abinet. Youha(e one bi" ni"ht an& all o! a su&&en youre a poker *7;prodigywith &esi"nson *7=fleecingthe upper lass.#

    Hey, &ont *9@demonize me,# I sai& *91defiantly. It was 'ust asu""estion.#

    I know. Chill,# he sai&, walkin" o(er an& leanin" on the bak o! one o!the hairs. Im not sayin" its a ba& i&ea. Im all !or "ree& as muh as the

    ne0t "uy. I 'ust &ont want to make a rash &eision. I mean, i! all the "uysome in here an& start losin" ma& ash, theyre "oin" to think Im*9*culpable.#

    So we wont in(ite them all,# I sai&. Most o! them woul&nt be ableto buy in anyway.#

    Ian eye& me &oubt!ully, an& I knew what he was thinkin". $hat Ioul&nt really buy in either. I !elt *9agitated, an& my skin heate& up.

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    Chapter Four

    Hey, man. So "la& you "uys in(ite& me to this thin",# $opher Dosssai&, &ippin" a tortilla hip into a *95vato! melte& heese. He !lippe& his lon"

    blon& hair o(er his shoul&er. $heres ne(er anythin" to &o aroun& this stupi&town.#

    $opher ha& 'ust mo(e& to ew York !rom Cali!ornia the year be!ore,an& all we really knew about him was that he li(e& in one o! the bi""esthouses in town an& was absent !rom shool at least one a week. hih, o!

    *95 vat. a large open vessel for holding or storing liuids


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    ourse, ma&e him mysterious an& there!ore *97covetedby all the la&ies. He&alrea&y &ate& most o! the hottest hiks in shool, whih meant most o! the"uys hate& him. %ut his ob(ious wealth 6uali!ie& him !or the "ame, an& now

    that he was here !or the "ame, he seeme& like a pretty ool "uy. I wasatually kin& o! surprise& Mary ha&nt set her si"hts on him instea& o!

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    my &rink.

    /h, sorry,# he sai&. Ill "et ya another one.#

    $hen he


    lopedo!! towar& the si&e table where the so&a bottles an& iebuket sat, uttin" throu"h the rest o! the row& that ha& "athere& in Iansbasement. All the wealthiest "uys in shool were there, brin"in" with them a*:9preponderanceo! &esi"ner lothes, o(erprie& olo"ne, an& state)o!)the)art ell phones. ot to mention attitu&e. $hese "uys ha& attitu&e omin" outtheir ears. $he *::decibelle(el was alrea&y sta""erin", an& it only seeme& to"row lou&er with eah passin" moment, as one "uy a!ter another (ie& !or theattention o! the "roup.

    /kay, Im startin" to think that maybe this wasnt the best i&ea,# Isai&, "lanin" at the &oor behin& me.

    Ians eyes wi&ene&. Are you *:;intimatingthat you want to lea(e+#

    ot intimatin". Im sayin" it !lat out,# I replie&. I think I shoul& "o.#

    Im *:=perplexed,# Ian sai&, a wrinkle appearin" abo(e his nose.asnt this your i&ea+#

    I know, &u&e,# I sai&, rollin" my nek aroun&. Its 'ust . . . e(er sine I

    took that money out o! the bank this mornin" I(e been kin& o! ner(ous.#

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    I &ont know . . . ,# I *;hedged.

    %esi&es, you hear& what $opher sai&. ere per!ormin" a publiser(ie here,# Ian tol& me.

    I looke& at him &oubt!ully.

    ere sa(in" these "uys !rom their *;5ennui8# Ian announe&.

    I lau"he&. You ha(e a point there,# I sai&. %ut E, you know how har&I(e worke& to sa(e up all this money. You know all the sari!ies I(e ma&e.

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    *=@crescendo. $he nati(es were "ettin" restless. 2ets "et this party starte&,#Ian tol& me. et out there an& work that poker *=1prowess.#

    Ill try,# I sai& with a shru".

    Ian le(ele& me with a serious stare.

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    starin" &own at the table.

    here is

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    o way,# Ian replie&, wi&e)eye&. See+ You were all worrie& aboutyour bank aount, but now its "oin" to be @9repletewith ash.#

    My heart thumpe& as I stare& at the @:ornate&esi"n on top o! the

    pro!essional hips Ian ha& sprun" !or. Yeah.#

    hats the matter now+# Ian aske&. inners remorse+#

    o,# I sai&. o. Its 'ust . . . how am I "oin" to e0plain the su&&en@;influxo! money to my parents+#

    Ian blinke&. either one o! us ha& thou"ht o! this. ell, better thane0plainin" a su&&en @=dearth, ri"ht+#

    oo& point,# I replie&.

    Still, as the other "uys returne& to the table, I was !eelin" a stron"1@inclinationto 6uit while I was ahea&. $hat was my usual M./. anyway,an& now that I reali-e& that my new inome was "oin" to ren&er me suspet,I was e(en more inline& to bail. I ha& ne(er tol& my parents about our poker"ames, not e(en the little ones. In their eyes, riskin" money was an11egregiousrime. %ut be!ore, I ne(er ha& trouble hi&in" it4anythin" I wonwas silly poket money. $his kin& o! ash was "oin" to be a lot har&er to1*stow.

    I think Im "onna ash out,# I announe&, one e(eryone was seate&.

    Cool, &u&e,# $opher replie&, while another "uy, Gonah, slappe& myhan& amiably.

    hat+ You(e "otta be ki&&in" me,# 2uas proteste&.

    A ouple o! the other "uys "rumble& as well. $alk about a divisiveannounement. E(eryone looke& at 2uas, unom!ortable.

    @9 replete full@: ornate e*'essively de'orated@; influx the pro'ess of flowing in@= dearth shortage1@ inclination tenden'y11 egregious flagrant (outrageously bad or reprehensible)1* stow. fill by pa'king tightly


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    Come on, man,# 2uas sai&, sittin" up strai"ht an& raisin" his palmson the table. I !oun& mysel! hopin" he ha& washe& them a!ter &oin" his

    business. You "otta at least "i(e us a hane to win some o! our money

    bak.#Yeah,# one o! the other "uys horuse&.

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    the !ew hips I ha& le!t represente&, in !at, the last o! my money.

    I! I &i&nt win this han& I woul& be srewe&. So (ery, (ery srewe&.

    So, wha&aya say, Diley+# 2uas aske&, "rinnin". /ne more han&. Ibelie(e you(e only "ot the ash !or one more han&.#

    I stare& at the *1wilybastar&, wishin" I oul& **incineratehim with myeyes, Superman style. It was his !ault4his !ault I was still there, his !ault Iwas &own. I oul& ha(e walke& out o! here a winner, but he ha& "oa&e& meinto stayin". ell, I oul&nt bak &own now. I still ha& one more shot, an& Iwasnt "oin" to let this 'erk run me out o! here.

    Sure,# I sai& *genially. /ne more han&.#

    You sure about that, man+# Ian aske&.

    Gust &eal me in,# I sai& throu"h my teeth. I knew it was probably afatuous&eision, but I &i&nt nee& my best !rien& allin" me on it.

    Ian &i& as I sai&. As I pulle& my whole ar&s to me, I sai& a little prayer.It &i&nt work. I ha& a two an& a 6ueen, unsuite&. ot that it mattere&. hatthe hell was I "oin" to &o with a two an& a 6ueen+

    You !ol&in", Diley+# 2uas tease&.

    I ma&e my !ae *5impassive, e(en thou"h insi&e I was a *7maelstromo! &oubt, "uilt, an& !ear. I pike& up a ouple o! hips an& threw them in.

    hat the hell,# I sai&, li!tin" a shoul&er.

    $he seon& my hips were in the pot I wante& to *9retract the bet.hat was I &oin"+

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    woul& be a mirale i! I &i&nt "o bust.

    I "lane& *:furtivelyat Ian as he &ealt the !lop.

    imme a mirale here, bu&&y. i(e me anythin", I thou"ht.$he !lop was a ten, a two, an& a kin". I ha& a pair o! twos. $otal


    %ut $opher an& Gonah both !ol&e&, "oo& si"n. Maybe e(eryone ha& rapar&s.

    $he !i!th "uy at the table, $homas somethin" or other, threw in twohips. I took a &eep breath. 2uas wathe& me are!ully. My stak o! hipswas patheti. I ha& alrea&y lowere& mysel! into the *;quagmire. My solehope o! re&eemin" mysel! was to somehow win this han&. An& I &i& ha(e ashot. ith a 6ueen I oul& pull out two pair. /r maybe e(en a !ull house. Ilooke& at 2uas an& my pri&e won out o(er my lo"i. I saw $homass bet.

    2uas tappe& his !oot un&er the table as he onsi&ere&. A !eelin" o!su&&en hope *=permeatedmy soul. $his was a lassi tell. He was ner(ous.He &i&nt ha(e the ar&s. He took a &eep breath an& saw my bet.

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    hear the &eath @knellsoun&in". hat were the hanes that one o! the two6ueens was still in his han&, let alone sittin" atop the &ek+ I! I wasnt soner(ous, I mi"ht ha(e been able to !i"ure out the math, but as it was, you

    oul&nt e(en ha(e 1elicitedthe answer to * L * !rom my brain.

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    o, its not,# I sai&. It is so not "oin" to be all ri"ht.#

    I appreiate& his e!!ort, but as o! that moment, I was ;inconsolable. Aso! that moment, my li!e was o(er.

    I sat outsi&e on the !ront steps o! my house !or a lon" time, !eelin"=morosean& 5@dejected, won&erin" what the hell I was "oin" to &o ne0t. Itwas a ool /tober e(enin", an& a 51tranquilbree-e rustle& the lea(es in thetrees on our !ront lawn. I took a &eep breath, hopin" it woul& lear my hea&.3all was my !a(orite time o! year, an& I normally lo(e& this type o! weather.It meant !ootball an& pep rallies an& parties. I usually !oun& it ener"i-in". %uttoni"ht I oul&nt ha(e !elt more 5*lethargic. $he (ery i&ea o! walkin" intomy house e0hauste& me.

    My parents were in the li(in" room, wathin" $, obli(ious to the5reprehensible 55transgression their son ha& 'ust ommitte&. I oul&nt57disclose to them what I ha& &one. Gust ima"inin" the looks o!&isappointment they woul& throw at me ma&e me sik to my stomah. My!la"rant &isre"ar& !or their rules, !or their belie!s, woul& rush them. I ha&always been the 59paradigmo! the per!et son4workin" har&, "ettin" "oo&"ra&es, suee&in" at sports. I ha& ne(er "i(en them a sin"le reason to ha(e a5:modicumo! &oubt in me. An& now, in one ni"ht, I ha& kille& all that.

    I ha& to !in& a way to !i0 this be!ore they "ot our bank statements an&saw the 5;discrepancybetween this one an& the last. An& until I &i&, keepin"the seret !rom my parents was 5=paramount.

    ; inconsolable beyond being 'o$forted= morose gloo$y5@ dejected affe'ted or $arked by low spirits51 tranquil 'al$5* lethargic sluggish

    5 reprehensible bla$eworthy55 transgression violation57 disclose reveal59 paradigm typi'al e*a$ple5: modicum s$all portion5; discrepancy disagree$ent5= paramount alli$portant


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    I took a &eep breath, !ore& mysel! to stan& up, an& went insi&e. $herethey were, u&&le& up to"ether on the ouh. $he senario was so 7@placidan& normal, it almost &i&nt make sense to my 71off(kilterbrain. My mom

    looke& up !rom the $ when she saw my sha&ow.Hi, Mihael8

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    &own an& think. It was 'ust one 79digression. I woul& !i0 it. I ha& to. I 'ustha& to attak this problem with the 7:fervencywith whih I ha& I attake&e(ery other obstale in my li!e.

    Fn!ortunately, I ha& no i&ea where to be"in.

    Chapter Five

    As I walke& into shool on $hurs&ay mornin", I was barely7;cognizant. I ha&nt slept at all, an& e(en thou"h my heart was poun&in" as

    i! I& 'ust run ten miles, my brain was all !u--y an& e0hauste&. I !elt like Iha& suke& &own ten ups o! super)a!!einate& o!!ee, then !ollowe& it upwith a sleepin" pill. My bo&y ha& no i&ea what to &o with itsel!.

    79 digression deviation (different fro$ an a''epted nor$)7: fervency enthusias$7; cognizant aware


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    In the !ront hall, a bunh o! my teammates were 7=cavorting aroun&with a !ootball, tossin" it bak an& !orth an& playin" a mini "ame. A &o-en"irls stoo& a"ainst the walls, "i""lin" an& throwin" out !lirtatious "lanes.

    $wo &ays a"o I woul& ha(e 'oine& in the "ame, but this mornin" the wholethin" seeme& so 9@inaneto me. I was not in an 91ebullientmoo&.

    Mike8 Cath8# $im %rittan alle& out, 9*lobbing the ball in my&iretion. I au"ht it, tosse& it 9languidlybak to him, an& kept walkin".

    hats the matter, man+# one o! the "uys alle& a!ter me.

    ot now,# I sai&. I "uess when I was e0hauste& an& "uilt)ri&&en, I alsobeame 95laconic. I was learnin" all kin&s o! thin"s about mysel! lately.

    Fn!ortunately, none o! it was "oo&.As I approahe& my loker, I saw that inter was waitin" !or me. Gust

    the si"ht o! her heere& me up onsi&erably. She looke& a&orable in a plai&miniskirt an& &enim 'aket 97embellished with 99rhinestones, ountry)western style. $here was no &oubt that inter

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    wath In(asion to"ether+# she 9;prompted.

    /h, o&,# I sai&, rollin" my eyes lose&. I am so sorry. I "ot homelater than I thou"ht I woul& !rom Ians, an& I 'ust . . .#

    I was 9=berefto! e0uses. I shoul& ha(e alle& her anyway. I 'ust4

    3or"ot,# she supplie& with a smirk. So Im !or"ettable. $hats ool.Its "oo& to know, atually. Maybe I shoul& onsi&er "ettin" a boob 'ob. Itstoo late to "row lon" le"s, but . . .#

    I lau"he&. ery !unny,# I sai&. You &o any o! that an& Ill ne(er speakto you a"ain.#

    oul&nt be muh o! a han"e,# she sai& with an o(erly &ramati si"h.

    Her wor&s may ha(e soun&e& like a :@rebuke, but I oul& tell !rom here0pression that she wasnt atually ma&. inter was not the ball)an&)haintype o! "irl. She was 'ust messin" with me. %ut I !elt ba& anyway. E(en moreso beause instea& o! talkin" to her, whih woul& ha(e been !un, I ha& been

    busy losin" all my money like an i&iot. hy ha&nt I 'ust staye& home an&kept my phone &ate+ I! only I oul& "o bak in time. $hat was e0atly what Iwoul& &o.

    Im sorry. I really am,# I sai&, leanin" !orwar& an& plain" my!orehea& a"ainst the ool metal o! the loker. Im suh an asshole.#

    All ri"ht, all ri"ht.

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    I looke& &own into her onerne& "reen eyes an& !elt e(en worse yet.2ittle &i& she know she was &atin" a total moron who oul&nt e(en hol& onto his own ash.

    You are a total loser, I :chidedmysel!. You &ont &eser(e a "irl thisool.

    Im !ine,# I tol& her. An& then I was sa(e& by the !irst bell. I& better"et to lass.#

    I opene& my loker, "rabbe& a !ew books, an& then slamme& it. Har&.

    /kay,# she sai&. %ut later, at lunh, youll tell me whats wron".#

    Yeah. /kay,# I sai& 6uikly, :5dismissively. ell talk at lunh.#

    $hen I "a(e her a &ry kiss on the heek an& ran o!! to lass on the othersi&e o! the shool. I walke& throu"h the &oor 'ust as the seon& bell ran".

    Mr. Diley8 ie o! you to 'oin us,# Mr. eeks, my history teaher,"reete& me with his wrinkle& !ae set in its usual, :7doure0pression.

    $he seon& I saw what he was &oin", I wante& to :9abscond!rom theshool an& ne(er look bak. He was plain" papers !ae &own on e(eryones&esks. e ha&nt reently taken a 6ui- so that ha& to mean4

    Bop 6ui-8# he announe&, plain" the last paper on my empty &esk atthe !ront o! the room. Hope you all &i& your rea&in" last ni"ht8#

    I &roppe& into my hair, relie(in" my now 6uakin" le"s, an& pulle& outa pen. hat ha& I been thinkin"+ Mr. eeks was ::notorious!or his pop6ui--es, but we ha&nt ha& one all year. /! ourse he woul& "i(e one on themornin" a!ter I ha& ompletely skippe& my homework !or the !irst time e(er.Fsually, I was so :;fastidiousabout my work that e(en my parents ur"e me

    : chided 'ensured severely or angrily:5 dismissively in a indifferen'e or disregard $anner:7 dour harsh:9 abscond leave se'retly:: notorious wellknown! unfavorably:; fastidious pi'ky


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    to take breaks. ow there was "oin" to be a hu"e :=blemishon my reor&,an& Mr. eeks was "oin" to ;@pegme as ;1indolentan& irresponsible !or therest o! the year.

    You ha(e thirty minutes to omplete the 6ui-,# Mr. eeks sai&, sittin"&own behin& his ;*commodious&esk. $urn your papers o(er. . . now.#

    $here was a rustlin" o! pa"es, an& then e(eryone set to work. Benilsan& pens srathe& all aroun& me, but as I ran my eyes &own the list o!6uestions, my ;compunction was ompoun&e&. I &i&nt know a sin"leanswer. ot one thin" looke& !amiliar. /h yeah. eeks was "oin" to be;5lavishingme with praise a!ter this per!ormane.

    I &ei&e& to start with the multiple)hoie setion an& 'ust start"uessin". Maybe, 'ust maybe, I woul& be lukier to&ay than I ha& been lastni"ht.

    %y the time lunh rolle& aroun&, I was a wrek. All I oul& think aboutall mornin" was my bank aount, the balane that use& to be there, an& the

    balane that was there now. hat my parents woul& &o one the situation ha&been ;7elucidated. $hat was the worst part4thinkin" about how&isappointe& they were "oin" to be. I nee&e& to talk to someone. I nee&e& to

    on!ess an& maybe e(en "et;9

    absolution. %ut sine there was no priest onampus, an& I wasnt that reli"ious anyway, I &ei&e& to take inter on asmy new ;:confidant. It ma&e per!et sense. I oul&nt tell Ian that I ha& lostthe bank. I was too ashame&. An& besi&es, inter was so &i!!erent !rome(eryone else I knew, maybe she woul& ha(e a &i!!erent perspeti(e. Maybeshe oul& ome up with a solution I ha&nt e(en thou"ht o! yet. 2ike, I &ont

    := blemish taint;@ peg 'ategorie

    ;1 indolent lay;* commodious spa'ious; compunction guilt;5 lavishing e*'essively e*pending;7 elucidated $ade 'lear;9 absolution forgiveness;: confidant one to tell se'rets to


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    know, sellin" a ki&ney or somethin".I took her outsi&e to the pini tables at lunh. It was a sunny !all &ay,

    an& e(en thou"h there was a ool bree-e in the air, the sun was stron" enou"h

    to keep us warm. inters skin was ;;luminous in that li"ht, an& I 'ustwishe& we oul& sit out there an& talk about somethin" easy, or e(en makeout a little4&o somethin" normal. %ut I ha& pretty muh kille& that

    possibility with my !lash o! irresponsibility. $here was no normal !or meto&ay.

    So instea& I spille& out the whole aw!ul story. inter was "reat,unsurprisin"ly. She listene& attenti(ely throu"hout the ;=sordid tale, butwhen I !inally "ot to the atual amount o! money I& lost, she =@balked. In

    !at, I think she almost hoke& on her ba"el.Are you ki&&in" me+# she aske&, sukin" &own some so&a to lear her

    throat. Blease tell me youre ki&&in".#

    /kay, I ha&nt e0pete& her to be happy !or me, but I also &i&nt e0pether to look at me like I was some kin& o! =1nefarious =*fiend. It was mymoney I ha& lost, a!ter all, not hers.

    o. Im not ki&&in",# I sai& =brusquely. $hats why they all it a

    hi"h)stakes "ame.#

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    pi--a away !rom me, no lon"er wantin" to stare at the slowly =7congealingheese.

    ell, thanks !or your =9candor, I "uess,# I sai&. I knew she was ri"ht,

    o! ourse. $hats why I !elt so horrible.

    So . . . what are you "oin" to &o+# she aske& sympathetially.

    ot a lue,# I sai&. Any i&eas+#

    Sell a ki&ney+# she su""este&.

    I lau"he& hal!)hearte&ly. How ha& I known she was "oin" to say that+

    Maybe you shoul& tell your parents,# she su""este&.

    o. I ant &o that,# I sai& !irmly.hy+ You &ont know. $hey mi"ht be totally un&erstan&in" about it,#

    she replie&.

    o. Its not an option,# I sai&. $hey woul& ne(er look at me the sameway a"ain.#

    inter eye& me with ob(ious pity. $his on(ersation wasnt "oin" aswell as I ha& hope& it woul&. I wante& her to o!!er her =:condolences, make

    me !eel better. %ut now it was lear that there was no way to make me !eelbetter about a mistake I ha& alrea&y ma&e.

    Im 'ust "onna ha(e to win it bak,# I sai&, takin" a sip o! my so&a.

    /h, yeah. $heres a "oo& plan,# she sai& sarastially.

    hat+ It oul& work,# I replie&.

    Fh, maybe it woul& be better i! you 'ust =;capitulateto la&y luk,#inter su""este&. You know, 6uit while youre not ahea&. At least you still

    ha(e some money in the bank. I! you play an& lose, you oul& en& up withnothin".#

    =7 congealing be'o$ing solid=9 candor honesty=: condolences sy$pathy=; capitulate give in


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    /kay, I see your point. An& its a ==judiciousar"ument,# I tol& her.%ut its a hane Im "oin" to ha(e to take.#

    hy+# she aske&.

    Ha(e you not been listenin" to me+# I aske&, my (oie risin". Myparents are "oin" to kill me.#

    3irst o! all, no theyre not. $heyre not atually "oin" to kill you. $heymay be &isappointe&, but theyre not "oin" to take the li!e o! their one an&only son,# she sai& !latly. Seon&ly, &o you not see how 5@@fraught with!laws this plan is+ 2ets say, 5@1hypothetically, you "o o(er to Ians an& playa !ew han&s. You win a ouple an& youre up a little, but not enou"h. So you

    start bettin" a little more, playin" a little more &an"erously. $hen all you(e"ot to &o is lose one bi" han& an& youre bak where you starte&. /r worse.#

    ow. She was really 5@*launchinga 5@polemichere.

    Your on!i&ene in me is 5@5heartening. Deally,# I sai&.


    Im not "oin" to lose it all bak,# I tol& her.

    /h, so now youre 5@7clairvoyantall o! a su&&en+# she aske&. ow

    you know e0atly what ar&s youre "oin" to be &ealt+#$he "irl &i& not want me to play.

    ell, i! Im &ealt ba& ar&s, Ill !ol&,# I tol& her.

    You still lose money when you !ol&,# she pointe& out.

    E(en in the mi&st o! this ar"ument an& my tension, I was impresse& thatshe knew anythin" about poker. I really &i& like this "irl. $oo ba& I met her

    == judicious wise5@@ fraught full5@1 hypothetically theoreti'ally5@* launching establishing5@ polemic aggressive (verbal) atta'k5@5 heartening. en'ouraging5@7 clairvoyant possessing of a si*th sense


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    ri"ht when my li!e was totally !allin" apart. I took a &eep breath an& leane&!orwar&.

    2ook, this is the only hoie I ha(e,# I tol& her. I ha(e to put that

    money bak be!ore my parents reali-e its "one. I 'ust ha(e to.#

    inter looke& at me !or a lon" moment, an& I won&ere& i! she was"oin" to "et up an& walk away an& ne(er look bak. %ut instea&, she &roppe&

    bak in her hair, poppe& a piee o! ba"el into her mouth, an& shru""e&.

    ell, then. I "uess I wish you luk.#

    $hat 3ri&ay ni"ht I sat at my re"ular poker "ame with my !rien&s, myle" bounin" up an& &own un&er the table as I waite& !or %ra& to make his

    bet. $he table was silent, an& tension "rippe& the room. %oth my !ault. I ha&been 5@9caustican& impatient e(er sine I walke& in, two thin"s that &i&nte0atly 5@:engender5@;camaraderie. $his was suppose& to be a !un "ame, aasual thin", but toni"ht I ha& turne& it into a war.

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    money, an& at that moment I &i&nt are where it ame !rom. 511variceha&taken o(er. ell, that an& !ear.

    Come on, %ra&. %e a man,# I sai&. $here isnt e(en any real money in

    that pot yet.#

    Yeah, well, my 51*diminutive payhek be"s to &i!!er,# %ra& sai&,throwin" his ar&s &own. I !ol&.#

    He sho(e& away !rom the table, "ot up, an& "rabbe& his 'aket.

    hats your problem, man+# I aske&, stan&in" as well. hen &i& youbeome so 51irascible+#

    Me+# %ra& shot bak, sho(in" his arms into his 'aket. I &ont e(enknow who the hell you are, man. You(e been more 515mercurialtoni"ht thanmy "irl!rien& at that time o! the month.#

    I snorte& a lau"h an& looke& at the other "uys. $hey all a(oi&e& my"a-e. Su&&enly I !elt a pit o! "uilt start to !orm in my stomah. hat waswron" with me+

    Come on, man,# I sai&, !i"htin" !or 517equanimity.

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    hips I oul& now all my own. %ra& turne& aroun& an& slamme& the &oor onhis way out. I oul& !eel e(eryone starin" at me, an& I starte& to sweat.

    So, you "onna &eal or what+# I snappe& at Ian.

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    two pair with my two !ours an& the two tens on the table. ow I oul& e(enpull out a !ull house, potentially.

    e all put in our bets. Chris raise& a"ain. I saw his bet. A trikle o!

    sweat ran &own my heek !rom my temple.

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    oul&nt belie(e I ha& lost e(en more money. $he situation was o!!iially5*:exigent. Fnless some 5*;magnanimous5*=benefactorsu&&enly swoope& in!rom on hi"h with a hu"e hek or some unknown wealthy relati(e &ie& an&

    5@bequeathedhis estate to me, I was in serious trouble.My parents were out to &inner, so at least I ha& the house to mysel! to

    wallow in my 51despondency. I walke& into my room an& lose& the &oor6uietly behin& me. I sat &own on the e&"e o! my be& an& looke& at the lok.It was 1@ p.m. 3ootball ur!ew ha& starte&. $he ni"ht strethe& out in !ront o!me like a tunnel o! torture. I knew there woul& be no sleep, that I woul& tossan& turn all ni"ht thinkin" about what I ha& &one an& that i! I &i&nt sleepsoon I woul& 5*tank in the "ame tomorrow. /ne ni"ht o! hi"h)stakes

    "amblin", an& I ha& ruine& e(erythin". hy ha& I e(er ome up with thatstupi& i&ea+

    I ha& to 5chalk it all upto e"o. It ha& !elt so "oo& to take

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    $here it was. A per!et 59presage. Gust when I was 5:floundering!or away out, a way out appeare&.

    My heart starte& to poun&, an& my palms were instantly bathe& in

    sweat. /nline poker. /! ourse. I &i&nt ha(e to wait !or the e&nes&ay an&3ri&ay ni"ht "ames to win bak my money. An& I &i&nt ha(e to !eel like Iwas 5;fleecingmy !rien&s. $hese thin"s were a(ailable *5: with stran"ers!rom aroun& the worl& puttin" up their ash.

    %ut theyre &an"erous, a little (oie in my min& tol& me. %eausetheyre a(ailable all the time, you an also lose all the time.

    %ut e(en as I thou"ht this, I !oun& mysel! likin" on the link. I was


    duresshere, an& I was rea&y to "rab at any li!e)preser(er thrown myway. I took a &eep breath as I was welome& in to the olor!ul website. Itlooke& pretty ool. $he minimum bets were 55@nominal, so I oul& be551circumspectwhile !eelin" out the situation. %esi&es, I bet a lot o! the

    people playin" on this site ha& ne(er e(en playe& be!ore. I woul& be ane0pert amon" a 55*plethorao! 55novices. All in all, it seeme& like the per!etway to "et ahea& on my &ebt.

    I like& the Si"n Fp# button an& rea& throu"h the steps 555entailedin

    beomin" a member. I ha& to be *1, o! ourse, but that was easy enou"h to557fudge. I ha& my hek ar& with my name on it, whih also happene& to bemy !athers name. $he bene!its o! bein" a 'unior.# %oth o! our names wereon my bank aount as well, so they ha& no way o! knowin" I wasntMihael Senior. 3eelin" 559intrepid an& in ontrol !or the !irst time sine

    59 presage o$en5: floundering. walking with great diffi'ulty5; fleecing. ripping off5= duress under threat

    55@ nominal insignifi'ant551 circumspect 'autious55* plethora abundan'e55 novices beginners555 entailed involved557 fudge. ta$per! with the purpose of de'eption559 intrepid adventurous


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    e&nes&ay ni"ht, I 6uikly si"ne& up. %e!ore I knew it, I was reatin" asreen name4MikeyNSr,# 'ust !or "oo& measure4an& I was welome& intoa "ame.

    I took a &eep breath as the &ealer# aske& me to plae my !irst bet. $he"oo& thin" about this was there were no &istrations. o one aroun& me

    bein" 55:obstreperous or 55;irksome. $he ba& thin" was 55=legerdemainwoul& be muh easier4not 'ust !or me, but !or e(eryone. I woul&nt be ableto see anyones tells or rea& their eyes, whih was a bi" part o! the "ame. %utI !i"ure& that as lon" as I was 57@diligentan& pai& attention, I oul& ome outon top.

    I like& on the mouse an& plae& my !irst bet.

    Chapter $ix

    Satur&ay mornin" was our away "ame a"ainst ashin"ton Hi"h. I wasso e0hauste& as I boar&e& the bus with my teammates, I 571contemplated57*abdicating my 6uarterbak position to the bakup, Charlie arner. Hewoul& learly &o a muh better 'ob than I woul&. I mi"ht ha(e &one it i! I&i&nt know !or sure that Coah woul& hunt me &own an& skin me ali(e. $hiswas an important "ame a"ainst one o! the most 57redoubtableopponents on

    55: obstreperous noisy55; irksome. so la'king in interest as to 'ause $ental weariness55= legerdemain sleightofhand ($anual de*terity in the e*e'ution of tri'ks)57@ diligent dedi'ated571 contemplated thought about57* abdicating giving up57 redoubtable for$idable


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    our she&ule. I ha& to be there, as muh as my brain was somewhere else4on my omputer, to be e0at.

    I ha& been up hal! the ni"ht playin" at ith eah "ame

    I starte& I tol& mysel! it was the last one, but then I woul& be up a bit an& mya&renaline woul& take o(er, wantin" to win more. I! I was su&&enly &own, Iknew I oul&nt lo" o!! beause I ha& to win my money bak. eitherwinnin" nor losin" oul& 575induceme to turn o!! the &amn omputer. An&now I was payin" the prie. I was yawnin" like ma&, my hea& was allmu&&le&, an& all I oul& think about was "ettin" throu"h the &amn "ame so Ioul& "et home an& start bettin" a"ain.

    I was an 577execrablehuman bein".

    As Coah "athere& us to"ether in ashin"ton Hi"hs (isitor lokerroom !or his weekly pre)"ame 579oration, I sat at the bak o! the row&,sukin" &own my seon& De& %ull o! the mornin". I &uke& behin& some o!the bi""er linemen, tryin" to 57:eludethe oahs attention. He wasnt bi" ona!!eine, always tellin" us it was 57;deleterious to our trainin" an& woul&stunt our "rowth. Fn!ortunately, to&ay I woul& be useless without it.

    All ri"ht e(eryone, lets remember the "ame plan,# Coah sai&. $heir

    run "ame is !or rap an& they know it, so what are they "onna &o+#$heyre "onna throw, Coah,# $im shoute&.

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    I yawne& hu"ely, hi&in" my "apin" mouth behin& my han&. /ut on the!iel& I oul& hear ashin"ton Hi"hs marhin" ban& start up their pre)"ameshow, an& the 57=cadenceo! the &rums 59@lulledme towar& sleep.

    I want no mery on the &e!ense8# Coah shoute&, earnin" some heersin reply. I want to keep our o!!ense on the !iel&. An& when our o!!ense is onthe !iel&, what are we "onna &o+#

    eep em "uessin"8# someone shoute&, ausin" me to blink my eyesopen. I yawne& a"ain.

    $hats ri"ht8# Coah heere&. ow, Diley8 here are you+8#

    E(eryone turne& aroun& to look at me at the e0at moment my mouth

    strethe& wi&e in another tremen&ous yawn. Silene permeate& the room.Coah shot me a look o! 591tacit&is"ust, as i! I ha& 'ust ommitte& the mostheinous 59*effronteryknown to man. hih, I suppose, I ha&. Here he was,tryin" to 59catalyze the team !or what was sure to be a 595combative,597relenting"ame, an& his aptain an& 6uarterbak was yawnin" ri"ht in his!ae.

    599bort8 Abort8 My brain rie&, lon" be!ore my lun"s took notie.

    I snappe& my mouth shut. Di"ht here, oah,# I sai&. My eyes watere&!rom e0haustion.

    A bunh o! the "uys lau"he&, an& Coah narrowe& his eyes at me. ebotherin" you, Diley+# he aske&.

    o, Coah,# I replie&, my !ae burnin".

    %eause we an all lea(e you alone i! you nee& to take a nap,# he sai&,

    57= cadence rhyth$

    59@ lulled rela*ed591 tacit silently e*pressed59* effrontery sha$eless boldness59 catalyze inspire595 combative warlike597 relenting. gave in! as to influen'e or pressure599 abort end abruptly


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    rossin" his bee!y arms o(er his hest. More hukles.

    o, Coah. Im !ine. Sorry,# I replie&.

    oo&. %eause to&ay, o! all &ays, I nee& your hea& in the "ame,# hesai&.

    I know, Coah,# I replie&.

    All ri"ht then. Han&s in.#

    A ouple o! the "uys 'ostle& an& moke& me as we all hu&&le& up an&plae& our han&s in the enter o! the irle. ormally I 59:cherished these59;insularmoments, alone with the team, "ettin" rea&y !or battle. $o&ay I 'ustwante& to be home. Still, I ha& to play alon". I ha& to make e(eryone thinkthat I was as psyhe& up as the rest o! them.

    Car&inals on three,# Coah sai&. Dea&y+ /ne, two, three4Car&inals8#

    e all shoute& to"ether, then heere& an& lappe& as the irle broke upan& we hea&e& !or the &oors. I walke& up to Coah on the way out, lookin"!or a way to 59=expiate my 5:@misdeed. /utsi&e, the "uys were alrea&ymakin" 5:1ribald'okes about the ashin"ton Hi"h heerlea&ers, who were

    also on their way to the !iel&.Im sorry about that, Coah,# I tol& him. Gust ha& a har& time sleepin"

    last ni"ht.#

    You all ri"ht, Diley+ You look a little 5:*wan,# he tol& me, learlyonerne&.

    Yeah. Im "oo&, Coah. Dea&y to play,# I tol& him, e(en as mye0hauste& bo&y proteste&. $his was ri&iulous. I was a har&y, youn" "uy.Coul&nt I ha(e a ouple sleepless ni"hts an& still !untion+

    59: cherished appre'iated59; insular isolated59= expiate $ake a$ends for5:@ misdeed. i$proper! wi'ked or i$$oral behavior5:1 ribald. hu$orously vulgar5:* wan si'kly


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    oo&. %eause you know youre the 5:linchpino! this o!!ense,# hesai&, slappin" my shoul&er pa&. I! I "otta sen& arner out there, werethrou"h.#

    I know, Coah.#

    All ri"ht. 2ets "et out there an& "i(e em hell,# Coah sai&.

    You "ot it,# I tol& him.

    I pulle& my helmet on o(er my hea& an& 'o""e& a!ter the team, hopin"my a&renaline rush woul& kik in soon an& be enou"h to sustain me throu"h!our 6uarters.

    A 5:5cacophonyout on the street 5:7joltedme awake, an& as I li!te& myhea&, an 5:9acutepain shot ri"ht throu"h my skull. Sunli"ht 5::accostedmyeyes, an& as I trie& to blink them !ree o! tears, I looke& aroun& in on!usion.hat &ay was it+ here was I+ as it mornin" or a!ternoon, or. . .

    An& why the hell ha& I !allen asleep on my &esk+

    I trie& to li!t my arm, but it was 5:;flaccidan& !ull o! pins an& nee&les.My !ae ahe&, an& when I touhe& it I reali-e& it ha& been in&ente& with&o-ens o! tiny little marks !rom the keyboar&. I ha& atually passe& out with

    my heek presse& a"ainst it. Mike Diley ha& hit a new low.$he moment I thou"ht this, the reali-ation ame o(er me, an& I

    remembere& what I ha& &one. I sat there, starin" at my omputer sreen,whih still &isplaye& the "ame room. My balane stare& bakat me, the (ery si"ht o! it 5:=castigatingme !or my i&ioy %A2ACE O@.

    I lose& my eyes as the nausea ro&e o(er me. It was Mon&ay mornin".$hat noise out on the street was the soun& o! "arba"e truks omin" !or

    5: linchpin one that holds a group together5:5 cacophony harsh noise5:7 jolted. 'aused to $ove with a sudden #erky $otion5:9 acute sharp5:: accosted atta'ked5:; flaccid li$p5:= castigating punish

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    pikup. It was a shool &ay an& I ha& been up hal! the ni"ht, losin" han& a!terhan& on my omputer. An& my none0istent balane wasntthe worst part. $he worst part was that i! I ha& opene& my banks website, my

    sa(in"s aount balane woul& ha(e rea& e0atly the same way.I ha& emptie& it out. Somewhere aroun& * a.m. I ha& "one all)in on a

    strai"ht, thinkin" there was no way I oul& lose. 3eelin" as i! I were on thebrink o! winnin" it all bak, rather than on a 5;@precipiceo! &isaster. An&instea&, I ha& lost it all to a "uy !rom

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    all har"es.

    I "a(e her my most 5;;ingenuous look as she took in the so&a ans,empty ba" o! hips, an& whirrin" omputer.

    Mihael, were you up all ni"ht stu&yin"+# she aske&, runnin" her han&o(er my matte& hair.

    /h, thank "oo&ness. She thou"ht I was bein" responsible4whihsomehow only ma&e me !eel e(en worse than I alrea&y &i&.

    Sweetie, you know Im all !or har& work, but I ant 5;=condoneyousleepin" at your &esk,# she sai& li"htly, plantin" a kiss on top o! my hea&.

    Sorry, Mom,# I sai&, !akin" 5=@somnolencean& yawnin". In atuality,my pulse was poun&in" !ast enou"h to keep me awake !or &ays. I "uess I

    'ust lost trak o! time.#

    She smile& an& uppe& my !ae with her han&. 2ookin" into her5=1earnesteyes, I atually !elt like ryin". She lo(e& me so muh an& thou"htI was suh a "oo& ki&. 2ittle &i& she know the irresponsible, 5=*wretched'erkI ha& beome.

    Hop in the shower,# she sai&. Ill make you break!ast.#

    $here was nothin" I oul& &o but 5=accede. o on like it was a normalmornin", like my entire worl& was not !allin" apart. As she 5=5shuffled o!!towar& the kithen, I "ot up an& went about preten&in" to be the ol& MikeDiley.

    %ut the ol& Mike Diley was o!!iially "one. As I walke& into shool Iwas remin&e& that e(en my peers were aware that I ha& han"e&. $he halls

    5;; ingenious 'lever5;= condone e*'use5=@ somnolence sleepiness5=1 earnest serious5=* wretched e*tre$ely bad5= accede give 'onsent5=5 shuffled. walked by dragging one+s feet


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    be!ore !irst perio& were 5=7desolate, li!eless. Beople shot me pityin" looks or'ust a(oi&e& my "a-e alto"ether. Mon&ay mornin"s were usually !ull o!5=9acclaiman& 5=:accolades!or me an& the rest o! the !ootball team, but that

    mornin" the stu&ents an& teahers alike were 'ust won&erin" where it ha& all"one wron".

    Yes, to a&& insult to in'ury, ashin"ton Hi"h ha& whippe& us onSatur&ay, lar"ely &ue to my two 5=;interceptions, one o! whih ha& been run

    bak !or a touh&own. It ha& been a 5==grievous mistake4I ha& totallymisrea& the &e!ense, an& it ha& ost us the "ame. $he !at that 7@@myriad

    people were now tryin" to 7@1propme up 'ust ma&e the whole thin" !eelworse.

    Youll "et em ne0t time, Mike,# one o! the G players sai& to me inthe hallway.

    ell 7@*drub them at states,# Mr. Dowe, my math teaher a&&e&,slappin" me on the shoul&er.

    All this 7@commiseratingle!t me 7@5discomfitedan& &own. hat wase(en more 7@7disconcertingwas that I ha&nt thou"ht about the "ame allmornin". I was so obsesse& with the way I ha& srewe& mysel! an& my!amily last ni"ht, I ha&nt e(en onsi&ere& the way I ha& srewe& the wholeshool on Satur&ay. ow I reali-e& that it probably woul& ha(e been smart!or me to 'ust stay home.

    So, &u&e8 Deally ran us into the "roun& on Satur&ay, huh+# 2uas sai&,lau"hin" as he walke& by.

    5=7 desolate barren5=9 acclaim applause5=: accolades positive a'knowledg$ents5=; interceptions. the a't of 'at'hing a football by a player on the opposing tea$

    5== grievous grave7@@ myriad a great nu$ber7@1 prop. support by pla'ing against so$ething solid or rigid7@* drub troun'e (beat thoroughly and 'on'lusively in a 'o$petition or fight)7@ commiserating. feeling or e*pressing sy$pathy or 'o$passion7@5 discomfited e$barrassed and perple*ed7@7 disconcerted 'onfused


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    Im sure he e0pete& me to "o o!! on him, but all I oul& &o was si"h inresi"nation. 3or"et "oin" home. $his 7@9abnegation was e0atly what Inee&e&. I &eser(e& to be punishe&.

    I lope& into history lass 'ust be!ore the bell ran". Mr. eeks walke& inan& pulle& a 7@:sheaf o! papers out o! his battere& leather brie!ase. An7@;ominous silene !ell o(er the room. /ur 6ui--es. He ha& "ra&e& our6ui--es. Gust what I nee&e&.

    All ri"ht, e(eryone, settle &own,# he alle& out, e(en thou"h e(eryonewas alrea&y settle&. ow, I ha(e here your pop 6ui--es !rom last week, an&I ha(e to say I wasnt (ery please& with the results. I &i&nt think my6uestions were all that 7@=abstruse, but apparently they were.#

    $his was not "oo&. I! people who ha& atually &one the rea&in" ha&!oule& up, I was in &eep trouble.

    ow I e0pet that those o! you who &i&nt bother to &o yourhomework last week will take this as a lesson,# he sai&, walkin" up an& &ownthe aisles an& han&in" the papers bak. His anient shoes s6ueake& an&s6uishe&, 71@frayingmy alrea&y !rie& ner(es. $he ne0t pop 6ui- will bemuh more 711comprehensive. I! you &i&nt &o well on this one, the ne0t will

    be e0tremely &i!!iult !or you, so spen& the time an& &o the rea&in".#He plae& my 6ui- !ae &own on my &esk an& looke& at me

    71*reprovingly. ot a "oo& si"n.

    /ne you(e all ha& a hane to stu&y your "ra&es, well "et starte&talkin" about Amerias role in orl& ar II,# he sai&, mo(in" towar& his&esk. Ill "i(e you a ouple o! minutes to "o o(er your work.#

    My han&s 6uakin", I turne& the pa"e o(er slowly an& the "ra&e at the

    7@9 abnegation giving up7@: sheaf. bundle7@; ominous foreboding7@= abstruse diffi'ult71@ fraying. wear away by rubbing711 comprehensive e*tensive71* reprovingly with s'orn


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    top 71truncatedmy breath. A bi", !at, re& 3 stare& bak at me. My !irst 3e(er. An& the !eelin" o! ol& &rea& that ame o(er me ma&e me 715wistful!orthe &ays when a C was a bi" 717calamity. $here were re& marks e(erywhere.

    A 6uik "lane o(er the pa"e tol& me that I ha& "otten e0atly one answerorret. I knew that the hu"e si-e o! the 3 was inten&e& to 719impingeon my

    psyhe an& it totally worke&. $his was not part o! the normal 71:vicissitudeso! aa&emi per!ormane. $his ha& happene& beause o! the poker "ame. Itwasnt 'ust a!!etin" my bank aount, but my entire li!e. I! I &i&nt &osomethin" to turn thin"s aroun& soon I was "oin" to be 71;relegated to the71=remediallass !or the rest o! my senior year.

    I oul&nt let this happen. I !ol&e& the paper in hal! an& sho(e& it in my

    ba". It was time to re"ain ontrol o! my li!e.$he seon& the bell ran", I was out the &oor. I ha& spent Mr. eekss

    entire leture 7*@concocting a plan, an& now that I ha& one, I wante& toe0eute it as 6uikly as possible. It was time to take 7*1correctiveation. Itwas time to put the ol& Mike Diley bak into play be!ore it was too late.

    Hey, !ootball star8# inter "reete& me, pushin" away !rom the wall bymy loker as I bree-e& by. She stoppe& me an& wrappe& her arms aroun& mynek. hats "oin" on+#

    Hey,# I sai&, "i(in" her a 7**perfunctorykiss an& 7*extricatingmysel!!rom her "rip. I knew I shoul& stop an& "i(e her a little attention. A!ter all,she ha& spent most o! Satur&ay ni"ht tryin" to heer me up a!ter my

    71 truncated shortened715 wistful drea$y717 calamity disaster719 impinge trespass

    71: vicissitudes flu'tuations71; relegated de$oted (assigned to a lower position, redu'e in rank)71= remedial spe'ial edu'ation7*@ concocting 'reating7*1 corrective 'ountera'ting7** perfunctory auto$ati'7* extricating freeing


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    7*5abysmal"ame, but I &i&nt ha(e time 'ust now. Sorry. I "ot somethin" Iha(e to &o.#

    ie to blow me o!!8# she 7*7admonished, allin" a!ter me.

    Ill be ri"ht bak8# I alle& o(er my shoul&er.

    I 'ust hope&

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    Yeah,# he replie&. hy+#

    ell I was won&erin" i! you wante& to ome this week,# I tol& him.e ha& a "reat time last week. I !i"ure& you4#

    Yeah, I hear& about your "reat time,# he 7@interjectedwith a smirk.

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    o&. Mary wathe& us uriously, 7:twiddlingher hair aroun& her !in"er.

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    hat+# I replie& with a "rin.

    /ne seon& you 755ostracizeme, an& the ne0t you think you an 'ustome o(er here an& Ill !all at your !eet+# she &eman&e&. Maybe your ol&

    "irl!rien& was all puppy &o" like that, but youre with me now.#

    ee-. 3reak out a little why &ont you+# I sai&. ho knew you wereso hi"h)maintenane+# I 'oke&.

    I was in a "oo& moo&, !eelin" li"hter than I ha& in &ays, an& I e0pete&her to pik up on it4to lau"h an& 'oke bak. %ut instea& her eyes lou&e&o(er.

    Ha ha,# she sai& !latly. hy &ont you "i(e me a all when you "et

    that 757discombobulatedhea& o! yours in or&er+#$hen she turne& aroun& an& strutte& &own the hall, lea(in" me 759slack(

    jawedbehin& her. hat on earth ha& 'ust happene& here+

    Chapter $even

    /kay. So I ha& blown inter o!! at !irst, whih was not ool. A!ter all,with all the insanity in my li!e ri"ht then, she was the best thin" I ha& "oin"

    755 ostracize banish757 discombobulated 'onfused759 slack-jawed. having the $outh open! espe'ially as an indi'ation of astonish$ent


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    !or me. It was total 75:serendipity that someone so ool an& !unny an&75;vivacious ha& ome into my li!e ri"ht when e(erythin" else was so75=odious. $here was no way I wante& to srew up our 77@nascentrelationship,

    so I &ei&e& to make it up to her. I ame up with a per!et plan, an& I wante&it to be a surprise. So that &ay at lunh, I in(ite& her o(er to stu&y later thatni"ht. She looke& at me a bit suspiiously when I aske&, but a"ree&.

    My parents ha& a B$A meetin" that e(enin", so inter an& I woul&ha(e the plae to oursel(es. She showe& up ri"ht on time, an& when Ianswere& the &oor, I was nearly stunne& by her 771pulchritude. Fn&er her&enim 'aket, she wore a white sweater with a !urry ollar, an& her heekswere !lushe& pink !rom the hilly autumn air. E(ery time I saw her, I swear

    she "ot more an& more "or"eous.Hi8 $hanks !or omin",# I sai&.

    Hey there, !ootball star,# she sai& with a smirk. She shru""e& out o!her 'aket an& sho(e& it at me rather rou"hly as she passe& me by. Shestoppe& at the entryway to the li(in" room, where I ha& &imme& the li"htsan& lit a bunh o! an&les. /n the table was an o(er!lowin" bowl o! poporn,se(eral smaller bowls o! an&y, an& a stak o!

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    in(ite& me o(er here to Kstu&y, # she sai&, throwin" in some air 6uotes, onthe one ni"ht your house is &eserte&, I knew you ha& only one thin" on yourmin&.#

    She looke& at me with a teasin", knowin" smile. I stare& at her !rom the&oorway. Your min& works in mysterious ways,# I sai&.


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    All ri"ht. Cant blame me !or tryin",# I sai&, pullin" away with myhan&s raise&. She rolle& her eyes at me. %ut seriously, I 'ust wante& toapolo"i-e !or blowin" you o!! by the lokers,# I tol& her. I ha& a lot on my

    min&, but its no e0use.#

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    mo(ie in.

    inter smile&. You ha(e no i&ea.#

    e settle& bak into the ouh to"ether to wath, an& as inter urle&into my si&e, I reali-e& I ha&nt !elt
