Page 1: ScalaNC - Scalable heterogeneous link aggregation enabled ......The background for the development of a novel com-munication methodology is the need for an e cient and robust communication

ScalaNC - Scalable heterogeneous link aggregationenabled by Network Coding

Daniel Behnke, Matthias Priebe, Sebastian Rohde, Karsten Heimann, and Christian WietfeldTU Dortmund University, Communication Networks Institute (CNI)

Otto–Hahn–Str. 6, 44227 Dortmund, Germany{daniel.behnke, matthias.priebe, sebastian.rohde, karsten.heimann, christian.wietfeld}

Abstract—The aggregation of multiple carriers andeven heterogeneous links is a well established methodto boost data rates in wireless networks. At the sametime, Network Coding has been proven as an efficientand robust mechanism to distribute content in meshnetworks or cloud storages. In this paper, we introducewith ScalaNC a new method of heterogeneous linkaggregation, which requires no changes in the networkinfrastructure and incorporates Network Coding to al-low for a scalable trade-off between speed, latency andsecurity in terms of confidentiality (information distri-bution) of the aggregated end-to-end connection. Theproposed method is particularly useful in emergencyresponse scenarios, in which first responders need toaccess cloud storages to retrieve data in harsh commu-nication environments. Using the scalable parameteri-zation the users can increase real-time capability, speedor security depending on the actual needs. ScalaNCis validated with an experimental setup, in which theincrease in real-time capability, goodput and securitywith high packet error rates was demonstrated: whilethe goodput of an aggregated link operated with Mul-tipath TCP is reduced to around 50% with occurringpacket errors, the ScalaNC -enabled aggregated linkmaintains stable goodput.

I. Introduction

Starting from a first description of the idea in the year2000 [1], Network Coding has gained attention in researchto optimize the coding procedures and adapt the ideato different use cases. Starting point for the research ofNetwork Coding was the increase of packet throughput in asimple wired network with butterfly topology [2]. With theuse of methodologies like opportunistic listening NetworkCoding is sensible in wireless networks as well [3]. Aslightly different application are mobile storage clouds [4],Network Coding is used to offer a decentralized approachto store data maintaining high availability.

The research project SecInCoRe aims to enable col-laboration and data-exchange between emergency servicesand stakeholders [5]. Fig. 1 exemplifies the use-case asemergency situations like forest fires do not stop at na-tional borders. Specific events like pandemics have im-pacts on societies in many countries. Contingency mea-sures can be supported by an enhanced collaborationbetween the different emergency services. Using a Cloud-based Emergency Information System (CEIS) allows for

knowledge sharing and communication between differentorganizations.

Fig. 1: Use-Case: Scalable Multi-Link Cloud Access forEmergency Response

One important aspect of such a system is the secureand reliable access to the CEIS on the incident scene.Depending on the availability, different communicationtechnologies like WiFi, 4G networks or even LPWAN areused. The aim is to utilize each communication link inan appropriate manner, enhancing overall user experienceregarding speed, real-time data and security of sensitiveinformation. To fulfill these aims we developed a scalableheterogeneous over the top multi path communicationconcept in order to manage several communication linksin parallel and employ Network Coding to enable a smoothtransition from maximum performance to maximum reli-ability.

The remainder of the paper is organized as follows:First, we analyze existing approaches of Network Codingand multi-link usage in Section II. In Section III, weintroduce our approach for ScalaNC, the Network Coding-enabled scalable link aggregation. Consequently, we depictour laboratory setup in Section IV and present our resultsin Section V. We conclude the paper by summarizing ourresults and providing an outlook to ongoing research inSection VI.

c©2017 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses,including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, collecting new collected worksfor resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.

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II. Related work to ScalaNC in research andapplications

As described previously, Network Coding has a widefield of application and has been analyzed in differentnetwork environments. In [2], a theoretical analysis for dif-ferent network states are presented. Zhao et al. comparedthe analytical and measured performance in IEEE 802.11networks, showing that the performance match in basicscenarios, but side effects as heterogeneous links reducesthe gain in high-load scenarios [6]. For these scenarios ananalytical model is presented in [7].

Many myths about the usage of Network Coding havebeen addressed in [8], showing that no excessive overheadis needed and potential applications for Network Codingexceed the basic example of butterfly networks. Thereforeit is stated that Network Coding can be a useful addition inan end-to-end approach and with our proposed techniquewe want to go further in that direction. Hence, it isimportant to underline that Network Coding can be usedin practice as analyzed in [9].

Our approach works on layers above TCP and UDP,but it is possible to adapt the TCP implementations toNetwork Coding as demonstrated in [10]. First steps havebeen done to outline the usage of Network Coding in multi-link networks with Multipath TCP (MPTCP) [11][12].Results regarding the performance gain of Network Codingin multi-link scenarios are presented in [13] as well asan architecture approach to combine Network Coding andSoftware-Defined Networking for future 5G networks.

In contrast to these approaches where every relay nodehas to be adapted to use Network Coding and allowingMPTCP packets, we want to provide an end-to-end ap-proach considering the network in between as transparent.We thus make use of the existing transport layer protocolUDP and implement ScalaNC as an over the top protocolin user space. Subsection III-B elaborates in more detailon related multipath solutions.

III. ScalaNC - NC enabled scalable linkaggregation

In this section, the multipath communication architec-ture and the Network Coding as superstructure is intro-duced.

A. Key Performance Indicators

The background for the development of a novel com-munication methodology is the need for an efficient androbust communication capability in the mentioned mobileuse cases. Based on the needs, the protocols are evaluatedconsidering the following key performance indicators.

• SpeedThe goodput indicates the applicability of the differ-ent protocols for continuous data streams like videostreams as well as file transfer time needed.

• Real-time dataFor real-time data, latency is critical. Hence, the

latency of packet transmissions using MPTCP iscompared to the latency with ScalaNC. The NetworkCoding principle of coding a generation of 10 symbols(cf. Section III-C) before transmission might increasethe latency of data transmission.

• Security (data confidentiality)In [14] the authors analyze the security of distributedcloud storage. Referring to that deliberations, we con-sider the information distribution as a measure for theparts of the whole information that are transmittedon each link. The aim is to reduce the informationdensity on each link in order to increase the securityin terms of confidentiality regarding attacks on thecommunication. To measure the information distri-bution, we are using the Theil-Index as basis. TheTheil-Index [15] describes the measure for economicinequality, in our case the overall income is the num-ber of packets sent on all links with a mean incomeµ

µ =1




xi (1)

with number of links N and the number of packets xsent on link i. The Theil-Index is therefore defined as

T =1








In order to ease the interpretation of the index wescale it to take values from [ 1N 1]. An Information Dis-tribution Index (IDI) of 1 indicates evenly distributedinformation for all links, an IDI of 1

N indicates thatall information has been transferred using one link.

IDI = e−T (3)

B. UDP driven multipath connection

The increasing need for high data rates and resilientcommunication capabilities in many emergency situationsand 5G development motivates the usage of multiplenetworks at the same time. This includes heterogeneoustechnologies like high capacity cellular networks (e.g. LTE)and WiFi ad-hoc networks, but also low capacity LPWANlinks such as LoRa.

ScalaNC aggregates multiple single path communica-tions via UDP (through fixed sender/receiver relation-ships) to an aggregated multipath. This aggregated mul-tipath, makes use of different physical paths, and enablesdynamic selection of the best path for every single packet.In particular, contradicting performance guarantees suchas maximum performance by using all links by meansof their maximum achievable throughput or maximumdistribution of packets by even spreading on a per packetbasis. In order to enable this type of communication anadditional scheduling layer must be introduced betweenthe application and the UDP relationships that deals with

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In Future





For HTTP/2

IETF Draft IETF Draft


DistributionEncryption TLS 1.3

Fig. 2: ScalaNC in comparison to other solutions

the distribution of packets on the different paths.Fig. 2 classifies ScalaNC in comparison to other

well-known solutions. Google also recently announcedQUIC as an UDP based drop-in replacement ofTCP/TLS/HTTP/2 [16]. Facebook introduced TransportOver UDP (TOU) as an Internet draft [17]. In addition,there have been other abandoned approaches focusing onTCP like MCTCP [18] or [19]. ScalaNC stands out fromthese approaches by enabling the use of UDP in a reliablefashion, forward error correction in combination with fullcross-platform capability and a quality of service interfaceto the application. Hence, the main benefits of ScalaNCare:

• End-to-end connectionNo need to adapt all routing nodes on the path

• UDP usageFast connection establishment

• Path scheduling algorithmsOptimize usage of available paths by flexible andadaptive scheduling algorithms

• Application-driven optimized resource allocationContext sensitive scheduling based on applicationinformation

• Security (data confidentiality)The used scheduling algorithm provides a sufficientinformation distribution in order to avoid transmit-ting all information on one link.

Network Coding guarantees in order delivery of all datapackets to the application. Additionally, in a first step, ascalable scheduler based on link capacities, in regards todistribution and performance is implemented.

C. ScalaNC – Network Coding and scalable Link Aggrega-tion

The Scalable Link Aggregation enabled by NetworkCoding (ScalaNC ) overview as depicted in Fig. 3 visualizesthe two key integrations for the multipath communication:

1) Scalable Network CodingUsing Network Coding, it is possible to create ad-ditional redundant packets (Forward Error Correc-tion, FEC), those packets allow the recovery of the

origin data even if some packets are lost during thetransmission. The user can parameterize the codingspecifications between two poles. On the one handgoodput and eavesdropping protection can be opti-mized by using a low amount of redundancy packets,on the other hand reliability and robustness can beoptimized by using a high amount of redundancypackets.

2) Link Distribution ManagementIn order to address the increase data confidentiality,the information should be distributed on all availablelinks. If one link is attacked, the origin data cannotbe restored completely.

The influence of these parameterizations on the perfor-mance criteria will be evaluated in Section V. The next twosubsections give an in depth look on the layers of ScalaNCand describe the transmission and scheduling principles.


Fig. 3: ScalaNC Overview

1) Scalable Network Coding and transmission manage-ment: The uncoded data created by an application isprocessed first by Network Coding. Received data fromupper layers is divided into predefined chunks, so calledgenerations which consist of a fixed number of networkcoded symbols. Hence, if random linear Network Codingalgorithms are used, nearly infinite numbers of codedpackets can be derived from the uncoded source data, eachof them holding a part of information from the whole gen-eration, this is called pure coding. For further informationon Network Coding principles itself refer to [2]. The codedsymbols are passed to the Link Distribution Managementin the following step. According to the available links andenabled scheduler, this layer decides on the used link(s)depending on the pre-requirements of the data.

For the data transmission on the link UDP is used.In contrast to the approach shown in [13], ScalaNC usesthis way of transmission to give every application an easyway to get link aggregation capability without requiringchanges to the system architecture itself as it is neededwhen using MPTCP.

Furthermore it overcomes the MPTCP problem, thateven if standardized, middleboxes or firewalls can reject

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MPTCP headers because of their rules, destroying linkaggregation capability. Nevertheless UDP based transmis-sions suffer the reliability of TCP transmissions due to thelack of retransmissions. Therefore, ScalaNC introduces afeedback system to ensure correction of lost data.


Fig. 4: ScalaNC Sequence Diagram

Fig. 4 presents the procedure of ScalaNC transmission.The transmission of data starts by sending one completegeneration. If the predefined generation size of linear in-dependent symbols, in this case 10 symbols, is completelyreceived the generation can be decoded. The receiveracknowledges the reception of a generation with an ACKmessage. If the transmission of a symbol is unsuccessful aswith symbol 10 of generation 2, a new symbol is encodedand transmitted to substitute the lost symbol. As everysymbol has a part of the whole information, it is not impor-tant to retransmit exactly symbol 10. Decoding can startwhen 10 linear independent packets are received. Hence,Network Coding makes retransmission management easierin comparison to standard ARQ techniques. Retransmis-sions are initiated after a fixed time out period whichhas been determined experimentally. In future researchthe determination of the retransmission time out will beadapted to a measured Round-Trip-Time value. In orderto cope with the delay in networks multiple generationscan be encoded at the same time.

Besides retransmission ScalaNC also supports the cre-ation of forward error correction packets to correct oc-curring errors in advance. Another infrequent type oferror that can occur in the transmission of network codedsymbols is receiving a linear dependent symbol. A lineardependent symbol is a successful received packet whichcarries no new information for the decoding process andtherefore needs a retransmission.

Our proposed technique is aware of individual linkcapacities and therefore avoids congestion of the network.

The sending and receiving nodes use the same structure.As we use multiple encoders and decoders at the sametime, received symbols are matched to the correspondingdecoder. If a decoder has received a complete generation,it is decoded and acknowledged. The decoded data isforwarded to the application.

In Table I the Network Coding parameters are pre-sented. In our scenarios, we differentiate two cases: First,transmitting certain files, e.g. case studies, from the cloudto the rescue services at the incident scene with a fixedand known amount of packets to be transmitted as fastas possible. Second, video streams are transmitted to thecloud and therefore to connected head quarters.

Network Coding is parameterized with a generation sizeof 10 symbols. This means a generation is completelyreceived after 10 symbols. This provides fast encoding anddecoding speeds and is a common generation size used inother research, e.g. [13], as well. The used coding schemeis pure coding, that means in contrast to systematiccoding, that every symbol is coded. The advantage of thatprocedure is that assuming the usage of multiple paths, incase of one eavesdropped link, the attacker cannot decodethe whole information, because only a part of the wholedata is received.

TABLE I: Network Coding parameters

Parameter ValueCoding algorithm Pure CodingGeneration size 10 symbolsSymbol size 1427 ByteFEC 0% to 100%

2) Link Distribution Management: ScalaNC gives theopportunity to increase the confidentiality of data bytransmitting as less information as possible on one link.In case of eavesdropping the information density on onelink makes it very difficult to decode even parts of thedata. The information density on one link is the leastif every link transmits the same amount of data, thatmeans when the packets are evenly spread on all links. Weare introducing a scalable packet distribution algorithmin order to spread the traffic on all available links n inthe most evenly manner and being able to influence theachievable throughput. The maximum achievable data rateof each single link cap(i) has to be known in advance tobe able to calculate the distribution.

The crucial factor for an even distribution of packetsis the throughput of the slowest link in the setup. Whenthe packets shall be distributed in an even manner thelink capacity of the slowest link cannot be exceeded, so alllinks have to adapt to the throughput of the slowest link.This results in the minimum achievable throughput of theaggregated multilink which is called minTP and can becalculated by multiplying the slowest link throughput withthe number of links n. If a higher throughput is needed byan application, the distribution cannot be fully equal butcan be scaled in order to keep the information density oneach link as low as possible. Using the following equationthe intended throughput aimTP for a parameter x, x ∈[0, 1] can be computed.

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aimTP (x) = minTP + (maxTP −minTP )× x (4)

The lower bound is the mentioned minTP , the upperbound is the cumulated link throughput maxTP of allavailable links cap(i):

maxTP =n∑


cap(i) (5)

The throughput range can be quantized by the user byparameterizing x, in this work 10 intermediate steps arepossible.

After the intended throughput is determined, the linkdistribution LD for all links has to be calculated. This isdone using an iterative process, starting with the ”slowest”link. This link will be fully loaded using his full throughputcap(i). The remaining part of the load in order to achievethe aimTP has to be distributed on the other links, inthe best case each remaining link can be loaded with thesame traffic otherwise the second slowest link will be fullyloaded. Afterwards, the computation process continueswith the next link. Using the following equation the partof the aimTP LD can be calculated for each link i.

LD(i) =

cap(1)aimTP , i=1



n−(i−1) , i > 1 ∧1−



n−(i−1)≤ cap(i)


cap(i)aimTP , i > 1 ∧






For each packet, a link will be selected in order toestablish this distribution. By respecting individual linkcapacities our proposed technique avoids congestion, whilekeeping information density on each link as low as possiblefor data rate values between minTP and maxTP of theaggregated multi link.

IV. Experimental Setup

Considering the use case definition in Section I, we areusing two nodes in our setup. One represents the cloudsystem, while the other one represents a mobile node atthe incident scene. Both nodes are connected via multipleheterogeneous links to a virtual network. The networkitself is transparent for the nodes besides the maximumlink capacities which are known.

Fig. 5 depicts the experimental setup. Three links areestablished between the two nodes. A bare metal switchis used to parameterize each link in terms of capacity andpacket error rates. The network emulation tool netem [20]is used for the parameterization.

Table II provides the scenario parameters for the differ-ent runs. The link capacity differs in three configurations,using two heterogeneous configurations (A and C) and ahomogeneous configuration (B). In all three configurationsseveral packet error rate parameters are used in order to

Fig. 5: Experimental setup for multiple paths

TABLE II: Measurement series

Parameters Link 1 Link 2 Link 3Configuration A

Capacity 60Mbit/s 20Mbit/s 10Mbit/sPER-SET 1 0% 0% 0%PER-SET 2 5% 5% 5%PER-SET 3 15% 10% 5%

Configuration BCapacity 15Mbit/s 15Mbit/s 15Mbit/sPER-SET 1 0% 0% 0%PER-SET 2 5% 5% 5%PER-SET 3 15% 10% 5%

Configuration CCapacity 75Mbit/s 10Mbit/s 5Mbit/sPER-SET 1 0% 0% 0%PER-SET 2 5% 5% 5%PER-SET 3 15% 10% 5%

show results for no packet errors, minor amount of packeterrors and a significant amount of packet errors.

Network Coding is implemented using the kodo li-brary [21]. In this setup, UDP connections are used forNetwork Coding and compared to MPTCP provided bythe Linux Kernel Multipath TCP project [22]. The usedcongestion control algorithm is cubic for MPTCP.

V. Performance evaluation

In this section, we evaluate the performance of ScalaNC.In a first step, the influence of Forward Error Correctionand Link Distribution Management is analyzed to findoptimal parameters. Next, ScalaNC is compared to thewell-known MPTCP in common setups. Concluding, wepresent the performance and the parameterization fortypical requirements in emergency communication.

A. Influence of Forward Error Correction

In a setup with three heterogeneous links, the influ-ence of Forward Error Correction for Network Coding ongoodput and latency is analyzed. The capacity of thelinks is parameterized following Config A with 60Mbit/s,20Mbit/s and 10Mbit/s with PER distribution of 15%,10% and 5%.

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Fig. 6: Goodput and latency for different FEC parameters

Fig. 6 depicts the results for different FEC parame-terization starting at 0% up to 100%. As expected, thegoodput is continuously decreasing with increasing FEC,this is caused by the rising number of redundant packets.Remarkable is that these redundant packets help to repairoccurring packet errors. The naive expectation is a bisec-tion of the goodput for a FEC of 100% in comparison tothe FEC of 0%, hence a goodput of 39Mbit/s is expected,the results demonstrate the effect of redundant packets byincreasing the goodput up to 44Mbit/s.

The other graph presents the latency of the datatransmission. This is the average time for a successfultransmission of 10 coded symbols. The latency is reducedby higher FEC due to the redundant packets. A saturationcan be recognized for FEC values higher than 50%.

B. Influence of Link Distribution Management

The used setup differentiates in terms of link capacity.The first link provides a capacity of 75Mbit/s, secondlink provides 10Mbit/s and third link provides 5Mbit/s(Configuration C). Using this setup, the influence of LinkDistribution Management (cf. Fig. 7) is analyzed, thereforeFEC 0% is used to minimize Forward Error Correctioninfluence. The goodput is rising linearly as intended.The Information Distribution Index (IDI) is an indicatorfor the link distribution of the three links and providesinformation about the eavesdropping protection of thetransmission. The uniform link distribution provides anIDI of 1, the information density transmitted on one linkis minimal, which provides the highest security against

eavesdropping, but the goodput is reduced to 15Mbit/s(minTP ). The drawback of the rising goodput is the de-crease of IDI, down to 0.6 for the balanced link distributionusing the capacity of all links to reach maximum goodput.

Fig. 7: Goodput and IDI for different link distributionparameters

C. Comparison against MPTCP

Analyzing the results, we are using a parameterizationto provide the best performance in terms of goodput.Hence, we are not using FEC and the balanced linkdistribution. In two capacity configurations three differentpacket error rate sets are used to compare the performanceof ScalaNC and MPTCP.

In Configuration A, the capacity of the links providea theoretical maximum of 90Mbit/s (maxTP ). In Fig. 8the results are presented. Without any packet errors,the goodput is the same for both protocols (87Mbit/s),the latency is lower for MPTCP. With occurring packeterrors the goodput for MPTCP is decreasing to 46Mbit/srespectively 44Mbit/s, the latency is rising to approx.200ms. On the contrary, ScalaNC provides a relativelystable goodput of 78Mbit/s respectively 76Mbit/s, thelatency is slightly increasing to 50ms.

To conclude, ScalaNC is more stable to packet errorsthan MPTCP. In order to assess the results, a differentconfiguration is analyzed as well. After the heterogeneouslink capacity in Configuration A, we are using the samecapacity of 15Mbit/s on all three links in Configuration B(cf. Fig. 9).

Again, in the basis setup without any packet errors, thegoodput for both protocols is the same with 43Mbit/s by

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Fig. 8: Performance evaluation of ScalaNC (solid lines)and MPTCP (dashed lines) in Configuration A

a maxTP of 45Mbit/s. In this configuration, the influenceof packet errors on MPTCP is even more remarkable. Thegoodput is reduced to 23Mbit/s respectively 13Mbit/s.Using ScalaNC the goodput is very stable, this protocol isable to compensate almost all packet errors. The goodputis reduced to 41Mbit/s and 39Mbit/s, latency is rising to40ms. For MPTCP the latency is rising up to 280ms.

As a first conclusion, the results have shown thatScalaNC is able to handle occurring packet errors verywell and is providing very stable performance in thosesituations.

D. Parameters for real world situations

In this section, we aim to present results for differ-ent usual communication scenarios. Basis is once againConfiguration A with packet error rates of 15%, 10%and 5%. The following scenarios provide characteristicrequirements regarding the communication system:

1) Real-time multimedia transmission: In this scenario,a multimedia stream, e.g. a live feed from a camerasurveying the incident scene, has to be transmitted. Hence,the latency of the transmission should be very low andgoodput has to be sufficient. Fig. 10(a) provides the resultsfor such a scenario. With a FEC of 50% it is possibleto reduce the latency significantly and a balanced linkdistribution provides best goodput.

2) Maximum security: If the data is very sensible, it isthe aim to avoid transmitting all information on only onelink. With a FEC of 0% and uniform distributed load, it

Fig. 9: Performance evaluation of ScalaNC (solid lines)and MPTCP (dashed lines) in Configuration B

is possible to achieve maximum security. Even if two linksare attacked, only a maximum of 66.6% of the whole datacan be retrieved. Here, a goodput of 30Mbit/s is possible.

3) Large file transfer: In this scenario, a large amountof data has to be transmitted as fast as possible fromsender to receiver. Hence, the aim is to achieve maximumgoodput. Therefore, the number of redundant packets(FEC) is 0 and a balanced link distribution is used. Withthis parameterization, the goodput rises up to 79Mbit/swith the drawback of a higher latency and reduced secu-rity.

4) Mixture of different data types: Finally, we providea common scenario, where different communication activi-ties take place. Hence, it is the aim to find an equilibratedparameterization providing good performance in all threecharacteristics. With a FEC of 50% and a link distributionvalue 5, the latency is very low (13ms), the goodputachieves 40Mbit/s and the IDI is at 0.92.

VI. Conclusions and Further Work

In this work, we have introduced ScalaNC, a novelscalable link aggregation protocol based on Network Co-ding using multiple available communication technologiesat the same time. Our performance evaluations demon-strate the advantage of this approach in scenarios withnetwork access over three different links. ScalaNC is veryrobust against PER. It is suitable in scenarios with harshchannel conditions due to mobility or rural areas withlimited network coverage. Depending on the knowledge or

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(a) Real-time multimedia (b) Maximum security

(c) Large file transfer (d) Mixture of different datatypes

Fig. 10: ScalaNC in real world communication scenarios

variety of the communication environment ScalaNC canbe parameterized to meet the current requirements in aoptimal manner.

In future experiments, ScalaNC will adapt to chang-ing communication conditions automatically. Additionally,different Network Coding varieties such as on-the-fly co-ding will be considered in order to reduce the latency evenmore.


The research leading to these results has received funding fromthe European Union Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013) under grant agreement no◦607832 (project SecInCoRe) andthe European Union’s Horizon 2020 (H2020) research and innova-tion programme under the Grant Agreement no◦644657 (projectAutoMat - Automotive Big Data Marketplace for Innovative Cross-sectorial Vehicle Data Services). The text reflects the authors’ views.The European Commission is not liable for any use that may be madeof the information contained therein. For further information and Part of the work onthis paper has been supported by Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft(DFG) within the Collaborative Research Center SFB 876“ProvidingInformation by Resource-Constrained Analysis”, project A4 and theGerman Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) for theproject LARUS (Supporting Maritime Search and Rescue Missionswith Unmanned Aircraft Systems, 13N14133).


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