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Page 1: SC 17th Mar 2014

Scrutiny Committee MONDAY 17TH

MARCH 2014 NOTES Present: James Carroll, Jodie Bird, John Pinkney, Hannah Graham, Rob Entwistle, Matthew Hand, Mike Patrick, Georgina Ramsden 1 Apologies

Apologies were received from Jamie Watson 2 Minutes of the Previous Meeting The minutes of the meeting on 27th January 2014 were approved. 3 Summary Report of the Officers’ individual and team objectives and their main

campaigns planned for the year The Officers’ objectives were noted and approved. 4 A brief written report from the Officers on the work they have done The Officers’ written reports were accepted by the Committee. Q: JC noted he does know anything yet. Q: Are the safe spaces just in Middlesbrough JC noted they are in Middlesbrough but this plan is to extend the project in time. As funding is for students the project was entitled ‘ Student Safe Spaces’ but it is for community outreach but as a charity can’t put money into initiatives that are not for students. Q: How long does will the £1.8m funding last? HG noted is covers full time and part time placements so will last to the end of the course. Q: What do you intend to pass on to your successors? HG noted she would like her successor to continue the Student Charter and the Star Awards JC noted he would like his successor to continue to lobby for mental health and student safety provision and the Think Housing charter JP noted he would like student engagement to continue and grow, the Think Housing campaign, lobby for the 5th Officer for partnership Colleges. JP noted the conversations WR will have with the VC will drive what all the Officers are pushing for Q: What would you, the Committee, like to see the new Officers continue? The committee noted they would like to see the officers’ main initiatives continue and student engagement as the Officers are so visible so it can’t be left to slide

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5 Short report from the President confirming the working hours of each Officer Trustee since the last meeting

The working hours of each Officer were noted. The Committee noted JC’s hours have started to rise again. JC noted he was been working on campaigns and had community meetings which take place in the evening. JP noted at the next meeting the Officers will bring the holiday sheets so can see how many they have left to take before the end of June. Action: Officers to bring their holiday sheets to the next meeting. 6 A short report of the Officer Trustees attendance at Students’ Union, University and

external meetings that have taken place since the last meeting The paper showing the meetings each Officer attended was accepted by the Committee. JP noted a new meeting that WR would attend. The new Chair of the Board of Governors will meet regularly but informally with WR without the VC meaning they can be more open which is a good result. 7 Any other papers requested by the Committee or referred by other bodies of the SU There were no additional papers. 8 Date of next meeting Monday 17th March 2014 at 5pm
