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Study: Adoption of AI services/ Reasons for low performance


1. The study will be undertaken at a low performing CBC in Yavatmal district. The performance of CBCs in Yavatmal is lowest among all the project districts.

2. A questionnaire for collecting data for reasons for non adoption of AI services by the cattle owners will be prepared and administered to atleast 50 families who are not participating in the breeding programme.

3. A focused group discussion with the stake holders viz participating and non participating families, CBC incharge, project staff, government officials related to livestock development in the area will be undertaken.

4. On the basis of information received from all the sources mentioned above reasons for low performance will be documented.

5. A course of action for improving performance, if it is within the reach of the project, will be advised.

Factors responsible for low performance: (for CBC profile to be made on the basis of these factors)

Livestock Insufficient cattle population in the area Rearing of cattle undertaken for production of bullock/ draught purpose

Market Milk marketing not available/ milk route Prices of milk non remunerative

Low profit / no profit from dairy enterprise

Infrastructure availability Alternative breeding services available at cheaper cost/competition Non availability of reliable veterinary services

Farming system and Livelihood system Farming system not conducive Shortage of fodder/ crop residue Free grazing resulting in natural service Migration Alternative sources of income available to the community No tradition of dairy farming/ milk production Lack of manpower/ family labour for undertaking dairy enterprise

Awareness level Low awareness about dairy enterprise as income generation activity

CBC Staff efficiency Quality of breeding service provided by project CBC non satisfactory Lack of effective extension about crossbreeding and breeding services Lack of motivation in the CBC staff

Location specific agro-climatic conditions and communication problems Environment (temperature/ humidity/ rainfall etc) not conducive to rearing of crossbreds/ dairy animals Scattered area/ habitation Communication problem for giving AI call/ breeding service

Cultural Sale of milk is considered as taboo

Miscellaneous High cost of AI services

Any other

Questionnaire for families not availing breeding services

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Name of the farmer: _______________________________________________

Village: ____________________________________________________

CBC: _________________________________________________________

Number of breedable (above three years age) cattle and buffaloes

No. of Cattle No. of Buffalo Total

Reason for not availing breeding services of the CBC

Livestock Rearing of cattle undertaken for production of bullock/ draught purpose

Market Milk marketing not available/ milk route Prices of milk non remunerative Low profit / no profit from dairy enterprise

Infrastructure availability Alternative breeding services available at cheaper cost/competition Non availability of reliable veterinary services

Farming system and Livelihood system Farming system not conducive Shortage of fodder/ crop residue Free grazing resulting in natural service Migration Alternative sources of income available to the community No tradition of dairy farming/ milk production Lack of manpower/ family labour for undertaking dairy enterprise

Awareness level Low awareness about dairy enterprise as income generation activity

CBC Staff efficiency Quality of breeding service provided by project CBC non satisfactory Lack of effective extension about crossbreeding and breeding services Lack of motivation in the CBC staff

Location specific agro-climatic conditions and communication problems Environment (temperature/ humidity/ rainfall etc) not conducive to rearing of crossbreds/ dairy

animals Scattered area/ habitation Communication problem for giving AI call/ breeding service

Cultural Sale of milk is considered as taboo

Miscellaneous High cost of AI services? If yes, what cost they are prepared to pay?

Any other reasons


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Name of the CBC

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Date of establishment and age of the CBCNumber of villages Average distance from HQFarthest distance from HQAre the villages scattered? Maximum temperature in the summerNo of APL families ( Having more than five acres of rainfed land )No of BPL families ( Landless/ marginal/ less than five acres of rainfed land) Cropping pattern

Kharif Rabi

Irrigation facility Nil (rainfed)/ low/ moderate/ highAvailability of breeding service in the area other than project CBCA.I Charges Average AI/ monthHighest AI recorded No. ------------ Month &Yr---------Availability of milk collection centers in the areaAverage price for milk paid to the producersAvailability of cattle market in the area. Where is the nearest cattle market located and how far? Availability of grazing land for cattle Availability of green fodder in the area other than rainy seasonHow existing crossbred cows cope to high temperature in summer / No CB animalsIs cotton seed cake/ cattle feed fed to milking cowsWhat feed (roughage and concentrates) is fed in different seasons

Rainy(July to Oct) Winter (Nov to Feb) Summer (Mar to June)

CBC in-charge’s opinion regarding low response to AI


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Village: ________________CBC_____________Tal_____________ Dist___________

Number of persons in the FGD: ________________________________

Factors responsible for low performance: (for CBC profile to be made on the basis of these factors)

Livestock Insufficient cattle population in the area Rearing of cattle undertaken for production of bullock/ draught purpose

Market Milk marketing not available/ milk route Prices of milk non remunerative

Low profit / no profit from dairy enterprise

Infrastructure availability Alternative breeding services available at cheaper cost/competition Non availability of reliable veterinary services

Farming system and Livelihood system Farming system not conducive Shortage of fodder/ crop residue Free grazing resulting in natural service Migration Alternative sources of income available to the community No tradition of dairy farming/ milk production Lack of manpower/ family labour for undertaking dairy enterprise

Awareness level Low awareness about dairy enterprise as income generation activity

CBC Staff efficiency Quality of breeding service provided by project CBC non satisfactory Lack of effective extension about crossbreeding and breeding services Lack of motivation in the CBC staff

Location specific agro-climatic conditions and communication problems Environment (temperature/ humidity/ rainfall etc) not conducive to rearing of crossbreds/ dairy animals Scattered area/ habitation Communication problem for giving AI call/ breeding service

Cultural Sale of milk is considered as taboo

Miscellaneous High cost of AI services

Any other