
SBI 3A Unit #3 Test

SBI 3U Unit #2 TestName_______________________________

Diversity of Living Things/56

Part A – Multiple Choice [12 marks] - Answer the following questions on this paper by circling the most correct answer.

1. There are ______ known kingdoms utilized for classifying living organisms.

a. 3

b. 4

c. 5

d. 6

2. Prokayrotic cells are believed to have come into being:

a. 3.5 billion years ago.

b. 1.5 million years ago.

c. 700 000 years ago.

d. 6 billion years ago.

3. In terms of genetic relatedness our DNA is _______ similar to a macaque monkey and ________ similar to a chimpanzee.

a. 93%; 98%

b. 50%; 95%

c. 95%; 50%

d. 98%; 93%

4. In terms of comparing blood proteins, a horseshoe crab is most similar to a:

a. Blue crab

b. Fiddler crab

c. Spider

d. Tanner crab

5. A phylogenetic tree is us

6. ed

7. :

a. as a definite theory about the evolutionary history of groups of organisms

b. to test alternative hypothesis about differences in branching history

c. as a reference of classification across kingdoms

d. the exact same as cladogram.

6. A cladogram is used:

a. as a definite theory about the evolutionary history of groups of organisms

b. to test alternative hypothesis about differences in branching history

c. as a reference of classification across kingdoms

d. the exact same as phylogenetic tree

7. Bacteria can be classified on how they acquire their energy and how they get their carbon. Photoautotrophs get their:

a. energy from light, carbon from CO2

b. energy from light, carbon from sources other then CO2

c. energy from breaking down inorganic substances

d. energy from breaking down organic substances

8. Endosymbiosis is believed to be true due to:

a. the concept of two membranes for some organelles. The outer is similar to eukaryotic membrane however inner resembles eubacteria membrane.b. Some organelles possessing their own DNA and that DNA contains coding sequences that resemble bacterial genes more than eukaryotic genes.c. Chloroplasts and mitochondria both involve redox reactions.d. Both a and b.

9. Bacteria can be classified on how they acquire their energy and how they get their carbon. Chemoheterotrophs get their:

a. energy from light, carbon from CO2

b. energy from light, carbon from sources other then CO2

c. energy from breaking down inorganic substances

d. energy from breaking down organic substances.

10. Bacteria can be classified on how they acquire their energy and how they get their carbon. Chemoautotrophs get their:

a. energy from light, carbon from CO2

b. energy from light, carbon from sources other then CO2

c. energy from breaking down inorganic substances

d. energy from breaking down organic substances

11. Bacteria can be classified on how they acquire their energy and how they get their carbon. Photoheterotrophs get their:

a. energy from light, carbon from CO2

b. energy from light, carbon from sources other then CO2

c. energy from breaking down inorganic substances

d. energy from breaking down organic substances

12. Bacteria can be classified based on their shape. Round shaped bacteria are known as:

a. cocci

b. bacilli

c. spirilli

d. icosahedral

Part B: True or False (10 ish marks)

Answer the questions in the blanks provided by indicating (T) for a true response and (F) for a false response. If your response is F, please indicate the incorrect portion and correct the statement so that it is true.

1. ___ Fungi are non-motile and obtain nutrients through photosynthesis.

2. ___Bacteria can be classified based on their shape. Rod shaped bacteria have the suffix ~bacilli.

3. ___Warm blooded (endothermic) vertebrates have a greater requirement for a four-chambered heart than fish or


4. ___The cerebrum is the “thinking” part of the brain. As we move from more complex to less complex vertebrates the cerebrum continues to get larger and larger.

5. ___Viruses can take on many shapes and forms. Two examples are as a bacteriophage and as an icosahedral.

6. ___ The catchall kingdom is the animalia kingdom. There is a fair amount of controversy surrounding this

kingdom in that it should be subdivided further due to the wide variety of organisms that have been placed within it.

7. ___If conditions are favourable and there is plenty of food a fungus will reproduce through sexual reproduction.

8. ___The three main groupings of protists are: Protozoa, Algae & Slime moulds.

9. ___Endospores are used to transfer genetic information between viruses.

10. ___The process by which bacteria divide and reproduce is known as binary fusion.

Part B - Short Answers[28 marks]

Make sure that you answer all questions in full sentence format on paper provided by you. If you are including a diagram make sure that you include an explanation for that diagram and that it is fully labeled. Be sure that you are thorough with your answering leaving nothing to question.

1. What is binomial nomenclature and why is it considered better then a common name approach used for a vast period of our naming history? (2)

2. Put these Latin names in order from the most general to the most specific: (4)

Order – Perciformes

Family – Dactyloscopus

Class – Actinopterygii

Kingdom – Animalia

Phylum – Chordata

Species – tridigitatus

Genus - Dactyloscopus

The fish you have identified is called a sand stargazer. What is its binomial nomenclature scientific name?

3. Scientists use a variety of different techniques to try to determine relatedness between organisms. Discuss and explain 2 of the techniques that a scientist might be inclined to use to help determine relatedness between organisms. Ensure that you include specific examples wherever possible for each of the 2 methods. (4)

4. If we are to speak about genetic relatedness then there must be events that are causing organisms to change slightly over time. Explain the two main points associated with genetic variation. (4)

5. Why are antibiotics not prescribed for viral diseases such as the common cold? (2)

6. Based on the phylogenetic tree diagram above, state whether each of the following statements is true or false and explain why.

a. The giant panda’s closest living relative is the red panda. (2)

b. Pandas, bears and raccoons all have a common ancestor. (2)

c. The most recent common ancestor of giant pandas and bears is different from the most recent common ancestor of red pandas and raccoons. (2)

7. Viruses can reproduce using the lytic cycle. Explain, using a series of diagrams and a written explanation, what this is and why it is so tricky. (6)
