
Sayreville, New Jersey June 5, 2012 6:30 P.M. Pursuant to notice posted at the Board Offices, given to each Board member, one local newspaper, and the Borough Clerk as required by Chapter 231, Public Law 1975, the Board of Education of the Borough of Sayreville held a Regular Meeting on June 5, 2012. An Executive Session took place at 6:30 P.M. followed by the Regular Meeting at 7:30 P.M. The meeting was held in the Cafeteria at Sayreville War Memorial High School. President Macagnone called the meeting to order at 6:30 P.M. Members present were: Mr. Balka, Mrs. Batko, Mr. Biesiada, Mr. Brodzinski, Mr. Ciak, Mrs. DePinto, Mrs. Raccuia, Mrs. Trapp and Mr. Macagnone. Also present were: Superintendent Alfano, Assistant Superintendent Zeichner, and Business Administrator/Board Secretary D’Andrea. Motion by Mr. Biesiada, second by Mr. Ciak. Roll call vote. Nine yes votes recorded. Motion carried. Yes votes recorded by Mr. Balka, Mrs. Batko, Mr. Biesiada, Mr. Brodzinski, Mr. Ciak, Mrs. DePinto, Mrs. Raccuia, Mrs. Trapp and Mr. Macagnone. The Board went into Executive Session at 6:31 P.M. in accordance with the following Resolution. Also present were: Superintendent Alfano, Assistant Superintendent Zeichner, Business Administrator/Board Secretary D’Andrea, and Board Attorney Busch of the Schwartz, Simon, Edelstein and Celso law firm.


Whereas Section 8 of the Open Public Meetings Act, Chapter 231, P.L. 1975 permits the exclusion of the public from a meeting in certain circumstances; and WHEREAS, this public body is of the opinion that such circumstances presently exist. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Education of the Borough of Sayreville, County of Middlesex, State of New Jersey, as follows:

1. The public shall be excluded from discussion of and action upon the hereinafter specified subject matters.

2. The general nature of the subject matter to be discussed is as follows:

PERSONNEL -Director of Curriculum -Appointment of Wilson School Principal -Non-Union Staff Salaries - 2012-13 ATTORNEY-CLIENT PRIVILEGE -RSC Potential Litigation -Grievances – SEA #22-26 STUDENT DISCIPLINE -HIB – HS 76/172 3.It is anticipated at this time that the above-stated subject matter shall be made public at such time as the need for non-disclosure no longer exists.

4. This Resolution shall take effect immediately.

Combined Agenda/Regular Meeting June 5, 2012

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The Board reopened the meeting at 7:34 P.M. Members present were: Mr. Balka, Mrs. Batko, Mr. Biesiada, Mr. Brodzinsky, Mr. Ciak, Mrs. DePinto, Mrs. Raccuia, Mrs. Trapp and Mr. Macagnone. Also present were: Superintendent Alfano, Assistant Superintendent Zeichner, Business Administrator/Board Secretary D’Andrea, Curriculum and Instruction Director Aguiles, and Pupil Personnel Services Director Duffy. PRESENTATION

Orangutan Project HS Top Ten Students HS Transitions Program


Monthly Technology Work-Order Report Monthly Maintenance Work-Order Reports

APPROVAL OF MINUTES Motion by Mr. Ciak, second by Mrs. Trapp. Roll call vote. Nine yes votes recorded. Motion carried. Yes votes recorded by Mr. Balka, Mr. Batko, Mr. Biesiada, Mr. Brodzinski, Mr. Ciak, Mrs. DePinto, Mrs. Raccuia, Mrs. Trapp and Mr. Macagnone. The Board voted to table the Executive Session #2 from the minutes of the May 15, 2012 meeting. (No motion was made to approve minutes). STUDENT COUNCIL REPRESENTATIVE’S REPORT


ATTORNEY’S REPORT DISTRICT HIGHLIGHTS SUPERINTENDENT’S REPORT OVERVIEW BUILDING AND GROUNDS 1. The Board of Education approved the use of the Sayreville War Memorial High School main gymnasium, one auxiliary gymnasium, boys’ varsity baseball, girls’ varsity softball, junior varsity fields and cafeteria from Monday, July 16 through Friday, July 20, 2012 from 8:00 AM to 3:00 PM for an instructional baseball camp by the Blue and Gray Baseball Camp. Custodians will be scheduled without overtime. FINANCE 1. The Board of Education approved the list of bills dated June 5, 2012 prepared by the Board Secretary in the amount of $872,107.61 for the Operating Account. Mr. Biesiada expressed concerns about Verizon.

Combined Agenda/Regular Meeting June 5, 2012

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2. The Board of Education approved the list of bills dated June 5, 2012 prepared by the Board Secretary in the amount of $130,228.83 for the Cafeteria Account. 3. The Board of Education approved the May 2012 payroll prepared by the Board Secretary in the amount of $4,915,263.58 for the Payroll Account.

4. The Board of Education approved the list of bills dated May 31, 2012 prepared by the Board Secretary in the amount of $5,597.48 for the Athletic Account. 5. The Board of Education approved the following resolution: Mr. Balka asked, “Why a three year contract?” Mrs. Batko voted no on the appointment and expressed her concerns. Mr. D’Andrea explained the process for the appointment

WHEREAS, the Sayreville Board of Education (“Board”) has the desire and need to contract for insurance consulting services in order to secure competitive rates for Health Benefits Insurance; and

WHEREAS, the Public School Contracts Law, N.J.S.A. 18A:18a-1 et seq.(“PSCL”) provides that the procurement of insurance consulting services may be negotiated and awarded by resolution at a public meeting without public advertising for bids and bidding therefore pursuant to N.J.S.A. 18A:18A-5a(10); and

WHEREAS, the PSCL provides that the advertising exception for insurance consulting services shall be implemented in accordance with the requirements for contracting for extraordinary unspecifiable services (“EUS”) as set forth in N.J.S.A. 18A:18A-5a(2); and

WHEREAS, competitive quotations were solicited pursuant to N.J.S.A.18A:18A-37 and N.J.A.C. 5:34-2.3 and quotations were received from the vendors listed on the attached certification; and

WHEREAS, the Board has determined that the proposal submitted by Doyle Alliance Group is the most advantageous to the Board based upon price and other factors, including the following: continued professional services and advice from the Account Executive and supporting team members for the past twelve years which has enabled the District to see renewal rates below market trends and successful strategies for negotiations; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that Board hereby incorporates the foregoing paragraphs by reference; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Board award a contract for health insurance consulting services to Doyle Alliance Group at no direct cost to the Board (all payments to the vendor shall be through commissions paid directly from the insurance providers to the consultant); and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that the term of the contract shall be from July 1, 2012 through June 30, 2015 with the option to renew the contract for one two-year or two one-year extensions pursuant to N.J.S.A. 18A:18A-42; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Business Administrator/Board Secretary is hereby directed to cause notice of this action of the Board to be published in the Board’s official newspaper pursuant to N.J.S.A. 18A:18A-5a; and be it

Combined Agenda/Regular Meeting June 5, 2012

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FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Business Administrator/Board Secretary and Board Attorney are hereby authorized to take all necessary and appropriate steps to carry out this action of the Board.

It must be noted that Mrs. Batko voted no on the following resolution. 6. The Board of Education approved the following resolution:

WHEREAS, the Sayreville Board of Education (“Board”) has the desire and need to contract for insurance consulting services in order to secure competitive rates for Property/Casualty Insurance; and

WHEREAS, the Public School Contracts Law, N.J.S.A. 18A:18a-1 et seq.(“PSCL”) provides that the procurement of insurance consulting services may be negotiated and awarded by resolution at a public meeting without public advertising for bids and bidding therefore pursuant to N.J.S.A. 18A:18A-5a(10); and

WHEREAS, the PSCL provides that the advertising exception for insurance consulting services shall be implemented in accordance with the requirements for contracting for extraordinary unspecifiable services (“EUS”) as set forth in N.J.S.A. 18A:18A-5a(2); and

WHEREAS, competitive quotations were solicited pursuant to N.J.S.A.18A:18A-37 and N.J.A.C. 5:34-2.3 and quotations were received from the vendors listed on the attached certification; WHEREAS, the Board has determined that the proposal submitted by Willis HRH is the most advantageous to the Board based upon price and other factors, including the following: and continued professional services and advice from the Account Executive and supporting team members for the past seven years which has enabled the District to control renewal rates for Worker’s Compensation and various other lines of insurance; and

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that Board hereby incorporates the foregoing paragraphs by reference; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Board award a contract for property and casualty insurance consulting services to Willis HRH at no direct cost to the Board (all payments to the vendor shall be through commissions paid directly from the insurance providers to the consultant); and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that the term of the contract shall be from July 1, 2012 through June 30, 2015 with the option to renew the contract for one two-year or two one-year extensions pursuant to N.J.S.A. 18A:18A-42; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Business Administrator/Board Secretary is hereby directed to cause notice of this action of the Board to be published in the Board’s official newspaper pursuant to N.J.S.A. 18A:18A-5a; and be it

FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Business Administrator/Board Secretary and Board Attorney are hereby authorized to take all

Combined Agenda/Regular Meeting June 5, 2012

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necessary and appropriate steps to carry out this action of the Board.

7. The Board of Education approved the disposal for the purpose of recycling, the following servers which are no longer needed for school purposes:

Model  Serial  Server Name  Location 

PowerEdge 4300 H05AK SESMAIN Selover

Proliant DL380 D312LDN1H682 SESMAIN2 Selover

Proliant ML350 6J26KQV13011 MS_GHOST MS PowerEdge 1500SC J9K7H11 MSREAD MS

PowerEdge 4300 226X4 AES_IGP-M3 Arleth

PowerEdge 4300 H05AH EES_M3 Eisenhower

PowerEdge 2500 DZBZR01 EES_WSUS Eisenhower

PowerEdge 4300 H05AJ TES_M3 Truman

Power Edge 2500 GZBZR01 TES_WSUS Truman

PowerEdge 4300 H05AL WES_M3 Wilson

PowerEdge 2500 CZB2R01 WES_WSUS Wilson

8. The Board of Education approved a contract with Middlesex Regional Educational Services Commission for Educational Cooperative pricing System #26EDCP in the amount of $12,220.

9. The Board of Education approved Middlesex Regional Educational Services Commission for Lease Purchase Bidding/Financial Advisory Services in the amount of $2,250. 10. The Board of Education approved the School Business Administrator/Board Secretary to Advertise for Bid Lease Purchase of Technology. Mrs. Batko questioned, “Why an increase?” Mr. D’Andrea explained that it was due to an increase of services required. 11. The Board of Education approved the amendment to the contract for MDW Educational Services, LLC as Teacher of the Blind and Visually Impaired Services from $30,000 to $50,000 for the period of July 1, 2011 to June 30, 2012. 12. The Board of Education approved the amendment to the contract for Janet Chizmadia as Clinical Social Worker Services from $36,000 to $56,000 for the period of July 1, 2011 to June 30, 2012. PERSONNEL (NON-CERTIFIED)

1. The Board of Education agreed to honor the retirement of Bernadine Santos, cafeteria worker at the Eisenhower Elementary School, effective July 1, 2012. 2. The Board of Education accepted the resignation of Richard Schombert, maintenance worker for the District, effective June 1, 2012.

3. The Board of Education approved the contractual retirement payment for the following: YEARS IN NAME POSITION LOCATION AMOUNT DISTRICT Sandra Jacko Paraprofessional Eisenhower $4,243.80 28

4. The Board of Education approved the following salary corrections (for longevity), for the 2011-12 school year as follows: 2011-12 2011-12 NAME ASSIGNMENT BASE LONG. SALARY

Combined Agenda/Regular Meeting June 5, 2012

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Barbara Morris Para/LLD/Eisen. $25,318 $1,080 $26,398

Beverly Nathan Support Sec/Sp. Svs. $39,114 $ 720 $39,834

5. The Board of Education approved retroactively, the transfer of Shu Hui Chiu from part-time paraprofessional at the Truman Elementary School to a part-time paraprofessional at the Samsel Upper Elementary School in the Project Before Class, on an as-needed basis, effective May 23, 2012. 6. The Board of Education approved a lateral transfer for Linda Kudrak from part-time secretary at the Sayreville Middle School to part-time secretary at the Eisenhower Elementary School, effective September 1, 2012 for the 2012-13 school year. 7. The Board of Education approved the following Cafeteria/District Satellite Managers for the 2012-13 school year as follows:

Last Name First Name


Location Step

2012-13 Base

2012-13 Stipend

2012-13 Salary

Sullivan Karen

District Satellite Manager

MS 5 $39,168 $650 $39,818

Caro Margarita Café. Mgr. SUES 6 $30,567 $650 $31,627 Mannino Nancy Café. Mgr. MS 6 $30,567 $650 $31,627 Lieberman Patricia Café. Mgr. HS 6 $30,657 $650 $31,627

8. The Board of Education approved the following list of long-term hourly cafeteria workers for school year 2012-13, to work on an as-needed basis, at an hourly rate of $21.00, not to exceed 29.5 hours per week:



Borusovic Jennie 3 ½

Crisafi Patricia 3 ½

Peck Deborah 3 ½


Mattiello Michele 3 ½

Taylor Tammy 3 ½


Cadigan Elizabeth 3 ½

Galante Lorraine 3 ½

Osmond Glenda Kay 3 ½


Hayes Diane 3 ½ Mazzarisi Antoinette 3 ½ Rasa Patricia 3 ½


Cetta Lisa 3 ½

Ferro Frances 3 ½

Gruytch Carol 3 ½

Johnsen Susan 3 ½

Miles Elaine 3 ½


Basile Maria 3 ½

Carbonaro Carol 3 ½

Connors Mary Ann 3 ½

Kelly MiSoon 3 ½

Lodzinski Jennifer 3 ½

Luciano Debra 3 ½

Metry Manal 3 ½

Moran Elayna 3 ½

Combined Agenda/Regular Meeting June 5, 2012

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Remo Laura 3 ½

Schiavone Cynthia 3 ½

Zawistoski Diane 3 ½

High Alfonso Kimberly 3 ½ Bansemer Diane 3 ½

Consiglio Kathleen 3 ½

Cosentino Ann 3 ½

Deleto Mary Ann 3 ½

Johnson Christina 3 ½ Knoll Eleanor 3 ½ Lefton Victoria 3 ½

Manning Felicia 3 ½ Rice Ellen 3 ½ Terzuole Darlene 3 ½ Wisenfelder Paula 3 ½

9. The Board of Education approved the following long-term hourly cafeteria workers (hired from July 1, 2011 to present) for school year 2012-13, to work on an as-needed basis, at an hourly rate of $12.50, not to exceed 29.5 hours per week:


Lieberman Tremaine 3 ½

MS Demetrio Lisa 3 ½

Dunne Dawnmarie 3 ½


Appleby Sandra 3 ½

Cetta Michele 3 ½

10. The Board of Education approved the employment of the following cafeteria aides at the assignments as indicated for school 2012-13 at the rate of $10.50 per hour. Cafeteria aides will work approximately two hours per day only on days when schools are in session:

Arleth Cruz Susan Imperato Jean Marra Donna O'Hara Christine

Eisenhower Galloway Donna Menzel Gaetana Tricarico Lorraine Tsaptsinos Ann Marie

Truman Crawley Dora Tamburri Theresa Vitti Laurie

Wilson Eck Christine Munier Connie Wingerter Florence

UES Cena Julie Connors Barbara Dattile-Fago Gina Samra Joanne

Combined Agenda/Regular Meeting June 5, 2012

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11. The Board of Education approved the employment of the following bus drivers for school year 2012-13 at the hourly rates and longevity indicated:


2012-13 SALARY

Bottomly Erin 1 $ 23.42 Dahl Terilyn 4 $ 27.59 $ 1,125 Farag-Azzer Ehsan 1 $ 23.42 Figueroa Lori 3 $ 26.18 $ 710 Jackson Monica 4 $ 27.59 $ 710 Jedrusiak Anna 4 $ 27.59 $ 945 Kennedy Janet 4 $ 27.59 $ 945 Kunzman Kathleen 4 $ 27.59 $ 1,290 Leon Joanne 4 $ 27.59 $ 1,180 Mele Lena 4 $ 27.59 $ 710 Morgan Rosa 4 $ 27.59 $ 710 Nizolek Diane 4 $ 27.59 $ 945 Nizolek Rosanne 4 $ 27.59 $ 1,125 Olkiewicz Peter 4 $ 27.59 $ 710 Poplowski Alexis 4 $ 27.59 $ 945 Przybylski Stanislawa 2 $ 24.83 $ 655 Santiago Olga 3 $ 26.18 $ 710 Scarpa Dominick 4 $ 27.59 $ 710 Ventre Luigi 1 $ 23.42

12. The Board of Education approved the employment of the following Mechanics/Bus Mechanics for school year 2012-13 at the following salaries: Anderson Barry Head Mechanic 8 $ 67,024 $ 735 $ 67,759 Ascolese Robert Bus Mechanic 4 $ 42,724 $ 735 $ 43,459

13. The Board of Education approved the employment of the following part-time secretaries, on an as-needed basis, not to exceed 29.5 hours per week, for school year 2012-13, at an hourly rate of $15.75:

14. The Board of Education approved the employment of the following

secretaries for school year 2012-13 at the assignments and salaries listed:


2012-13 STEP

2012-13 BASE

2012-13 LONG.

2012-13 SALARY


Braun Regina 7 $45,166 $ 720 $45,886

Craig Dianne 12 $54,072 $ 720 $54,792

Droulette Barbara 4 $41,890 $ 650 $42,540

Goldmann Donna 1 $36,590 $36,590

Grossmann Maureen A. 12 $54,072 $ 1,500 $55,572

Major Susan 12 $54,072 $ 1,500 $55,572

Wlodarczyk Patricia 6 $44,490 $ 720 $45,210


Havens Karen Wilson Main Office

Jones Angela Selover Dir. Of Curr.

Kudrak Linda Eisenhower Main Office

Sollecito Grace Arleth Main Office

Von Gonten Palma Truman Main Office

Combined Agenda/Regular Meeting June 5, 2012

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Ambrosio Carol Sue 12 $51,098 $ 1,700 $52,798

Appleby Linda 11 $47,053 $ 1,600 $48,653

Berish Kathryn 10 $46,453 $ 720 $47,173

Giovenco J. Eileen 4 $39,994 $ 650 $40,644

Gulick Karen 9 $44,665 $ 720 $45,385

Jankowski Nancy Off $57,652 $ 1,800 $59,452

Kaprowski Susan 11 $47,053 $ 1,500 $48,553

Meyer Christine A. Off $57,652 $ 2,000 $59,652

Morris Karen M. 6 $44,131 $ 720 $44,851

Peterson Nancy 9 $44,665 $ 1,600 $46,265

Raducha Jolanta 3 $36,272 $ 650 $36,922

Ritter Margaret 4 $39,994 $ 720 $40,714

Ryan Lori A. 5 $41,151 $ 650 $41,801

Shouldis Lori 11 $47,053 $ 1,500 $48,553

Skarzynski Kathleen Off $53,920 $ 1,500 $55,420

Thasites Sharon 7 $44,490 $ 720 $45,210


Lennon Lorraine 10 $41,014 $ 720 $41,734

Midgley Donna 10 $41,014 $ 720 $41,734

Mokrzycki Carol 9 $39,994 $ 720 $40,714

Muller Shirley 12 $44,817 $ 1,700 $46,517

Nathan Beverly 9 $39,994 $ 720 $40,714

Restivo Grace 6 $36,272 $ 650 $36,922

Seeger Eileen 9 $39,994 $ 720 $40,714

Swan Rose 12 $44,817 $ 1,600 $46,417


Marrazzo Kim 12 $37,580 $ 720 $38,300

Young Joanne 5 $29,138 $ 650 $29,788

15. The Board of Education approved the employment of the following bus aides, on an as-needed basis, for school year 2012-13 at a rate of $14.51 per hour:

3 1/2 HOUR AIDES Becofsky Theresa Genovese Concetta Korth Kathleen Rizvi Ambreen Rochford Maureen Ueland Joan

6 1/2 HOUR AIDES Gers Patricia

Combined Agenda/Regular Meeting June 5, 2012

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McCarthy Joan Schifman Mindy Sylvester Joan

16. The Board of Education approved the employment of the following paraprofessionals, on an as-needed basis, for school year 2012-13, at the salaries below:


2012-13 LONG.

2012-13 SALARY

Adamcik Anne $ 25,824 $ 650 $ 26,474 Aich Laurie $ 25,824 $ 650 $ 26,474 Andrews Keri $ 25,824 $ 650 $ 26,474

Apito Nancy $ 25,824 $ 1,080 $ 26,904 Araneo Cheryl $ 25,824 $ 650 $ 26,474 Aronowitz Annette $ 25,824 $ 720 $ 26,544 Batko Cynthia $ 25,824 $ 720 $ 26,544 Bongiorno Patricia S. $ 25,824 $ 720 $ 26,544

Carinha Michelle C. $ 25,824 $ 720 $ 26,544 Cavalieri Angela $ 25,824 $ 1,080 $ 26,904 Danielsen Kathleen $ 25,824 $ 720 $ 26,544 Das Jolly $ 25,824 $ 720 $ 26,544 DeCandia Gina $ 25,824 $ 720 $ 26,544 Dellafave Nancy $ 25,824 $ 650 $ 26,474 Deluco Eleanore $ 25,824 $ 720 $ 26,544 Dunn Dorothy $ 25,824 $ 1,135 $ 26,959

Esposito Deborah $ 25,824 $ 720 $ 26,544 Eveigan Donna $ 25,824 $ 650 $ 26,474

Frank Susan $ 25,824 $ 650 $ 26,474

Frisch Dorothy R. $ 25,824 $ 720 $ 26,544 Fulbrook Dawn $ 25,824 $ 650 $ 26,474 Gala Susanne $ 25,824 $ 650 $ 26,474 Greco Donna $ 25,824 $ 720 $ 26,544 Haney Kerry $ 25,824 $ 720 $ 26,544 Henn Maryellen $ 25,824 $ 1,135 $ 26,959

Islam Jesmeen A. $ 25,824 $ 720 $ 26,544 Jung Sharron $ 25,824 $ 720 $ 26,544 Karwecki Susan $ 25,824 $ 650 $ 26,474 Kerr Mary-Jayne $ 25,824 $ 720 $ 26,544 Kulpa Doreen $ 25,824 $ 650 $ 26,474 Lembo Amy $ 25,824 $ 650 $ 26,474 Lewandowski Marleen $ 25,824 $ 720 $ 26,544

LoMastro Sonia $ 25,824 $ 1 ,025 $ 26,849 Lorentz Jo Ann $ 25,824 $ 1,025 $ 26,849 Lyon Joann $ 25,824 $ 1,025 $ 26,849 Manente Ann Marie $ 25,824 $ 650 $ 26,474

Masterson Joellen $ 25,824 $ 650 $ 26,474 Melanaski Anna Marie $ 25,824 $ 650 $ 26,474 Mezzina Coleen $ 25,824 $ 720 $ 26,544 Morales Maritza $ 25,824 $ 650 $ 26,474 Morris Barbara $ 25,824 $ 1,080 $ 26,904 Myatt Dawn Marie $ 25,824 $ 720 $ 26,544 Ortizio Doreen $ 25,824 $ 720 $ 26,544 Parse Victoria $ 25,824 $ 720 $ 26,544 Pearson Maryalice $ 25,824 $ 720 $ 26,544 Provenza Janice M. $ 25,824 $ 720 $ 26,544 Rivera Migdalia $ 25,824 $ 650 $ 26,474 Roberts Rosemarie $ 25,824 $ 720 $ 26,544 Romanello Maureen $ 25,824 $ 1,135 $ 26,959 Scavone Cheryl $ 25,824 $ 650 $ 26,474 Seaman Carol $ 25,824 $ 720 $ 26,544 Shah Antala H. $ 25,824 $ 720 $ 26,544 Shah Ashita $ 25,824 $ 720 $ 26,544 Siriday Laurie $ 25,824 $ 720 $ 26,544 Sivilli Camille $ 25,824 $ 720 $ 26,544

Combined Agenda/Regular Meeting June 5, 2012

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Wisk Patricia $ 25,824 $ 1,300 $ 27,124 Wright Dawn $ 25,824 $ 720 $ 26,544 Zammit Virginia $ 25,824 $ 720 $ 26,544

17. The Board of Education approved the following part-time paraprofessionals at the hourly rates indicated below:




Anderson Maureen

$10.40Aperawic Karen $12.40Attardi Samantha $12.40Boyd Nadine $12.40Braile Melissa $10.40Chiu Shu Hui $12.40Fitzgibbons Patricia $10.40

George Bernadette $10.40

Godwin Debra $12.40Kyriacou Angela $10.40Link Ilene $12.40Malik Janice $10.40Mangiaracina Barbara $10.40Meyers Debra $10.40Mottley Beth Ann $12.40Raza Uzma $10.40

Scirica Lisa $10.40

Schumm Dinah $12.40

Siddiqui Salma $12.40

Toor Lakhvir $12.40Tramontana Eleonora $12.40

18. The Board of Education approved the employment of the following maintenance/custodial staff, as per the Teamsters’ Contract, for the 2012-13 school year at the salaries and assignments indicated below:



STEP 2012-13 BASE

2012-13 BLACK SEAL

2012-13 LONG.

2012-13 OTHER

2012-13 LEAD

2012-13 SALARY


Adamiec Frank HS 3 PM-11 PM 7 $ 31,938 $ 1,200 $ 560 $ 33,698

Attanasio Bryan MS 3 PM-11 PM 7 $ 31,938 $ 1,200 $ 560 $ 1,000 $ 34,698

Benitez Brian Wilson 3 PM-11 PM 3 $ 28,545 $ 28,545

Brown Thomas HS 3 PM-11 PM 5 $ 30,290 $ 1,200 $ 31,490

Carr Barry UES 7 AM-3 PM Off $ 46,772 $ 1,200 $1 ,080 $ 49,052

Chang Chung-Ming Arleth 3 PM-11 PM Off $ 35,176 $ 1,200 $ 720 $ 37,096

Czarnecki Alan E. HS 6AM-2 PM Off $ 37,291 $ 1,200 $ 720 $ 39,211

Forestano John HS 3PM-11PM Off $ 38,973 $ 1,200 $1 ,025 $ 41,198

Francik Edward Arleth 3 PM-11 PM 5 $ 30,290 $ 1,200 $ 31,490

Gawron Michael Wilson Day Lead 9 $ 33,338 $ 1,200 $ 560 $ 1,000 $ 36,098

Grzes Joyce Truman 3 PM-11 PM 7 $ 31,938 $ 1,200 $ 560 $ 33,698

Guth Ronald MS 3 PM-11 PM 9 $ 33,338 $ 1,200 $ 560 $ 35,098

Halilaj Sal V/A-T-Sat. 7 AM-3 PM 3 $ 28,545 $ 28,545

Hausler Robert A. MS 7 AM-3 PM Off $ 58,684 $ 1,200 $ 1,400 $ 61,284

Heaney Ronald HS 3 PM-11 PM 9 $ 33,338 $ 1,200 $ 560 $ 35,098

Henrich Edward MS 3 PM-11 PM 2 $ 27,900 $ 27,900

Horoshko Thomas MS 3 PM-11 PM Off $ 56,908 $ 1,300 $ 58,208

Koblos Steven MS 7AM-3:30

PM 8 $ 32,638 $ 1,200 $ 560 $ 2,000 $ 36,398

Kuligowski Eugene R. V/A 3 PM-11 PM Off $ 35,827 $ 1,200 $ 720 $ 37,747

Kuligowski Michael HS 3 PM-11 PM 8 $ 32,638 $ 1,200 $ 560 $ 34,398

Kurczeski John HS 3 PM-11 PM 4 $ 29,445 $ 1,200 $ 1,000 $ 31,645

Lykosh Mitchell MS 3 PM-11 PM 3 $ 28,545 $ 1,200 $ 29,745

McCann Edward MS 3 PM-11 PM 2 $ 27,900 $ 1,200 $ 29,100

Combined Agenda/Regular Meeting June 5, 2012

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McGirr James District 3 PM-11 PM 2 $ 27,900 $ 27,900

Meyer Paul UES Night Lead 8 $ 32,638 $ 1,200 $ 560 $ 1,000 $ 35,398 Mozdzen James HS 3 PM-11 PM 3 $ 28,545 $ 28,545

Mraz Jack Eisen Day Lead 9 $ 33,338 $ 1,200 $ 560 $ 2,000 $ 37,098

Narkiewicz Halina UES Day Lead Off $ 34,642 $ 1,200 $ 560 $ 2,000 $ 38,402

Narkiewicz Victor HS Day Lead Off $ 58,658 $ 1,200 $ 1,300 $ 61,158

Novak Mary HS 11 AM-7 PM Off $ 36,533 $ 1,200 $ 720 $ 38,453

Orzo George UES 3 PM-11 PM 2 $ 27,900 $ 27,900

Palmer Debra Truman 3 PM-11 PM 4 $ 29,445 $ 1,200 $ 30,645

Rabago Jennifer UES 11 AM-7 PM 8 $ 32,638 $ 1,200 $ 560 $ 34,398

Rajchel-Strugala Dorota HS 3 PM-11 PM 3 $ 28,545 $ 1,200 $ 29,745

Roberts Dale Selover Day Lead Off $ 38,973 $ 1,200 $ 1,025 $ 41,198

Saddler Wendy UES 3 PM-11 PM 7 $ 31,938 $ 1,200 $ 560 $ 33,698

Schombert John Arleth 3 PM-11 PM 7 $ 31,938 $ 1,200 $ 560 $ 33,698 Scupp Gregory E. Eisen 3 PM-11 PM 9 $ 33,338 $ 1,200 $ 560 $ 35,098

Seamanik Corey M. Arleth Day Lead Off $ 38,973 $ 1,200 $ 1,025 $ 1,000 $ 42,198

Sokolowski Dennis Truman Day Lead Off $ 56,598 $ 1,200 $ 1,300 $ 1,000 $ 60,098

Stomiany Thomas HS 3 PM-11 PM Off $ 37,291 $ 1,200 $ 720 $ 39,211

Treihart, Jr. Charles MS 7 AM-3 PM Off $ 37,291 $ 1,200 $ 720 $ 39,211

Twardos Ronald UES 3 PM-11 PM 3 $ 28,545 $ 1,200 $ 29,745

Vichorec Peter HS 3 PM-11 PM 6 $ 31,238 $ 1,200 $ 32,438

Wilkowski Stanley HS 7 AM-3 PM 10 $ 34,035 $ 1,200 $ 560 $ 35,795

Wojtaszek Matthew Wilson 3 PM-11 PM 10 $ 34,035 $ 1,200 $ 560 $ 35,795

Zwiercan Janina SUES 3 PM-11 PM 6 $ 31,238 $ 1,200 $ 32,438


Holmes Robert District Grounds Off $ 35,976 $ 1,200 $ 720 $ 37,896

Proudman Barry District Grounds Off $ 35,976 $ 1,200 $ 720 $ 37,896

Zink Douglas M. District Grounds Off $ 42,481 $ 1,200 $ 1,025 $ 44,706


Carroll Shawn District Maintenance Off $ 39,892 $ 1,200 $ 720 $ 41,812

Cierpial Richard District Maintenance 9 $ 34,349 $ 1,200 $ 560 $ 36,609

Coderre William District Maintenance 6 $ 33,149 $ 1,200 $ 500 $ 34,849 Kolmansperger James District Maintenance Off $ 46,782 $ 1,200 $ 1,025 $ 8,600 $ 57,107

Kubian Jr. Clement W. District Maintenance 3 $ 30,711 $ 30,711

Perone Thomas District Maintenance 3 $ 30,711 $ 30,711

Sadowski Kenneth District Maintenance Off $ 39,174 $ 1,200 $ 720 $ 41,094


Coyle Joseph F. District Stock Clerk Off $ 51,215 $ 1,200 $ 1,080 $ 53,495

Iorio Michael District Truck Driver 9 $ 34,138 $ 1,200 $ 560 $ 35,898

19. The Board of Education approved the employment of the following Campus Monitors at the Sayreville War Memorial High School, for school year 2012-13, at the salaries indicated below: 2012-13 NAME POSITION STEP SALARY Michele Ciprich Campus Monitor 4 $33,759 Leonard Foderaro Campus Monitor 8 $38,312 Ronald Morgan Campus Monitor 9 $39,442 20. The Board of Education approved the following professional days at the amounts listed in addition to mileage at the employee’s respective contractually negotiated rate. Name Professional Day Date Registration Fee Diane Nizolek Train the School Bus Driver Trainer

for School Business 7/16, 17,18, 19, 20/12


Luigi Ventre Train the School Bus Driver Trainer 7/16, 17, 18,

Combined Agenda/Regular Meeting June 5, 2012

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for School Business 19, 19, 20/12 $469.00

21. The Board of Education approved the following support personnel to the substitute or temporary help lists for school year 2011-12 and school year 2012-13. All applicants are certified for substituting. All substitute applicants cannot be used as a substitute employee until their name appears on an approved substitute list issued by the Superintendent’s Office.

Bus Aide

Roman, Iris

Cafeteria Aide *Onushkanich, Anna

Roman, Iris

Cafeteria *Onuskanich, Anna

Roman, Iris

Paraprofessional *Costa, Julia

Margiotto, Gina

Custodian *Minnick, William

*Nizolek, Rosanne *Conditional upon final approval by the N.J. Department of Education and the Board further authorizes the submission of an application for emergency hiring pursuant to N.J.S.A. 18A:6-7.1 et seq., N.J.S.A. 18A:39-17 et seq. or N.J.S.A. 18A:6-4.13 et seq. PERSONNEL (CERTIFIED)

1. The Board of Education agreed to honor the retirement of Barbara Warren, Basic Skills Teacher at the Sayreville Middle School, effective October 1, 2012. 2. The Board of Education accepted the resignation of Wendy deGottal, Special Education Mathematics Teacher at the Sayreville War Memorial High School, effective July 1, 2012. 3. The Board of Education approved the contractual retirement payments for the following: YEARS IN NAME POSITION LOCATION AMOUNT DISTRICT Georgia Baumann Principal Wilson $48,579.43 49 Wayne Lewis Health/PE MS $16,553.83 39 Nancy Prysiazny Social St. MS $15,280.46 37 Sharon Pugliese Music Eisenhower $16,553.83 40 4. The Board of Education granted retroactively, an unpaid medical leave of absence to Lisa Lewis, Resource Room Teacher at the Truman Elementary School from April 19 through May 14, 2012. 5. The Board of Education approved the following salary corrections (for longevity), for the 2011-12 school year as follows: 2011-12 2011-12 NAME ASSIGNMENT BASE LONG. OTHER SALARY Dawnrae Lawrence-Force Soc. Wkr./HS $82,253 $1,600 $125 $83,978

Combined Agenda/Regular Meeting June 5, 2012

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It must be noted that Mrs. Batko voted no on the following: 6. The Board of Education approved the following lateral transfers for school year 2012-13: 2011-12 2012-13 NAME ASSIGNMENT ASSIGNMENT Victoria Kilpatrick MS/LAL HS/LAL Michael Weinert HS/Basic Skills English MS/LAL 7. The Board of Education approved the Summer 2012 employment of guidance counselors at the Sayreville Middle School and the Sayreville War Memorial High School for the following number of days at the following rates of pay: TOTAL PER DIEM NAME LOCATION DAYS RATE TOTAL JOSEPH ABRUSCATO  HS  5  $425.39  $2,126.95 

DANIEL FELDMAN  HS  5  $416.89  $2,084.45 

PAULA SCHNORBUS  HS  8  $270.64  $2,165.12 

MEREDITH CARROLL  HS  9  $249.89  $2,249.01 

NIKKI PANZA  HS  9  $249.89  $2,249.01 

DANA CORSINI  HS  9  $236.89  $2,132.01 

KIM GIBSON  MS  5  $249.89  $1,249.45 MARIA RUNFOLO‐MCCORMACK  MS  6  $328.89  $1,973.34 

8. The Board of Education approved the following salary adjustments for a

person achieving a change in credit or degree status for school year 2012-13:

a. Alicia Berry, Grade 1 Teacher at the Eisenhower Elementary School, from BA to BA+30 = $48,853 Salary (Step 5).

b. Erin Brown, Special Education Teacher at the Samsel Upper Elementary School, from BA to BA+30 = $50,853 Base + $125 Stipend = $50,978 Salary (Step 6).

c. Kaitlyn Miller, LAL Teacher at the Sayreville Middle School, from BA to MA = $48,853 (Step 4).

d. Kulsum Farooqui, Mathematics Teacher at the Sayreville Middle School from MA to MA+30 = $52,853 (Step 6).

9. The Board of Education approved the Sayreville Public Schools district Mentor Plan for 2012-2013.

10. The Board of Education approved the employment of the following personnel for school year 2012-13 at the salaries and assignments indicated below.

Name Location Assignment 2012-13 Salary Effective

Dates Track

Deverin, Jeffery

(K. Holsworth)

Wilson School

Replacement Grade 2 Teacher

Prorated $44,753

(BA, Step 1)

9/1/2012 thru


Non Tenure

*Feliz, Marta (W. DeGottal)

SWMHS Resource

Center Teacher

$48,853 + $125 Stipend= $48,978

(MA, Step 4)

9/1/2012 thru

6/30/2013 Tenure

*Ivy, Marcus (A. Atterbury)


Health/ Physical

Education/ Driver Ed

$45,253 (BA, Step 2)

9/1/2012 thru

6/30/2013 Tenure

Combined Agenda/Regular Meeting June 5, 2012

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Menden, Melissa

(Y. Kronowski)

Eisenhower School

Grade 1 Teacher

$44,753 (BA, Step 1)

9/1/2012 thru

6/30/2013 Tenure

Seaman, Carol

(New Position)

Eisenhower School

In Class Resource Teacher

$44,753 + $125 Stipend= $44,878

(BA, Step 1)

9/1/2012 thru

6/30/2013 Tenure

Wasserman, Eve

(R. Fontana)

Eisenhower School

In Class Resource Teacher

$47,753 + $125 Stipend= $47,878

(MA + 30, Step 1)

9/1/2012 thru

6/30/2013 Tenure

It must be noted that Mr. Balka abstained on Mrs. Eichner, it must be noted that Mr. Balka, Mrs. Batko and Mr. Biesiada voted no on Mr. Aguiles and Mr. Brodzinski abstained on Mr. Aguiles.

11. The Board of Education approved the employment of the certified personnel as per Attachment A, for the 2012-13 school year.

12. The Board of Education approved the following professional days at the

amounts listed in addition to mileage at the employee’s respective contractually negotiated rate.

Name Professional Day Date Registration Fee Ben Isabella Basketball Sports Specific Training

Presentation 6/11/12


Ronald Mancini Differentiating Instruction with Technology


$78.00 Title IA

Dena Mazur Adding Interactivity to Your SmartBoard Lessons


$78.00 Title IA

Jennifer McGough Differentiating Instruction with Technology


$78.00 Title IA

John Wojcik Basketball Sports Specific Training Presentation



13. The Board of Education approved the following support personnel to the

substitute or temporary help lists for school year 2011-12 and school year 2012-13. All applicants are certified for substituting. All substitute applicants cannot be used as a substitute employee until their name appears on an approved substitute list issued by the Superintendent’s Office.

Elkomos, Nivert Margiotto, Gina

Niziolek, Barbara Prysiazny, Nancy

Szabo, Robert Warren, Barbara

*Conditional upon final approval by the N.J. Department of Education and the Board further authorizes the submission of an application for emergency hiring pursuant to N.J.S.A. 18A:6-7.1 et seq., N.J.S.A. 18A:39-17 et seq. or N.J.S.A. 18A:6-4.13 et seq. POLICY 1. No report CURRICULUM

Combined Agenda/Regular Meeting June 5, 2012

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1. The Board of Education accepted the Harassment, Intimidation and Bullying Reports and Findings for Reports #166-2011-12 to -#176-2011-12.

2. The Board of Education approved the following personnel for Curriculum Revisions for the 2011-12 school year:

Subject Grade Stipend Applicant


General Science HS $1200 Lauren Gassman, Sonya Goldstein Chemistry CP HS $1200 Lauren Gassman, Tyneesha Stokes World Languages Spanish Grades 6-8 MS $1200 Lara Azambuja, Ingrid Hernandez Spanish I HS $1200 Genevieve Corrales, Jennifer Pesci Spanish II HS $1200 Rochell Alves, Jacquelyn Benavides Spanish III HS $1200 Digna Mathias, Erika Messina Spanish IV HS $1200 Hugo Alcolea LAL English 9CP HS $1200 Melissa Roden, Jacqueline Samara English 9 & 10H HS $1200 Lizabeth Victorero-Mongone, Michelle

Scarpari English 11CP HS $1200 Jacqueline Samara, Lizabeth Victorero-

Mongone Reading 10 HS $1200 Megan Scanielo CO-CURRICULUM 1. The Board of Education approved the use of the Sayreville War Memorial High School auditorium on June 11, 2012 from 3:00 PM to 5:00 PM for the R.E.P. Workshop classes to hold a concert in support of their fifth album release, Constant Crossroads. The Album is comprised of songs written, performed, edited and produced by students in Mr. Craft’s Fedora Productions R.E.P. Workshop classes. Admission is free. 2. The Board of Education approved a Parent Orientation for the incoming fourth-grade parents to be held in the gym at the Samsel Upper Elementary School on Wednesday, June 6, 2012 from 7:00 PM to 8:00 PM. 3. The Board of Education approved a TAG trip to Washington DC from October 26 through October 28, 2012 for the Samsel Upper Elementary TAG students, at no cost to the Board. 4. The Board of Education approved the use of the high school auditorium and cafeteria on June 7, 2012 from 5:30 PM to 8:00 PM for the Sayreville War Memorial High School National History Honor Society Induction Ceremony. SUPPORT SERVICES

1. The Board of Education approved the following transportation contracts contained in BID#2011-12-01 for school year 2012-13 and awarded to the lowest responsible bidder:

Combined Agenda/Regular Meeting June 5, 2012

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Route School # Of Days Total Per Diem Cost

Cost Per Annum

Contract: KAB#3 – Keyport Auto Body Shop, Inc.

12/CC Children’s Center 210 $289.00 w/aide


12/RU Rugby School 210 $296.00 w/aide


Contract: BRN#1 – Browntown Bus Service, Inc. 12/ALC Academy Learning

Center 210 $247.00

w/aide $51,870.00

Contract: DUR#2 – Durham School Services LP 12/CLL/1 Center for Lifelong

Learning 210 $235.65

w/aide $49,486.50

Contract: DAP#1 – George Dapper, Inc. 12/CLL/2 Center for Lifelong

Learning 210 $225.16

w/aide $47,283.60

12/LV Lakeview School 210 $222.23 w/aide


Contract: KEN#1 – Kensington Bus Company, Inc. 12/HS Harbor School 210 $260.75

w/aide $54,757.50

12/NRS New Road – Somerset 210 $187.50 $39,375.00Contract: RAP#6 – Irvin Raphael, Inc. 100-MS/4 Sayreville Middle 182 $111.99 $20,382.18100-UES/9 SUES 182 $112.00 $20,384.00Contract: DUR#1 – Durham School Services LP 113-MS/16 Sayreville Middle 182 $99.50 $18,109.00113-E/5 Eisenhower 182 $99.50 $18,109.00121-HS/4 SWMHS 182 $97.50 $17,745.00121-A/SCAR Arleth 182 $97.50 $17,745.00UES/10 SUES 182 $183.56 $33,407.92Contract: FST#1 – First Student, Inc. 116-CMC/1 Cardinal McCarrick HS 180 $117.48 $21,146.40116-T/PUR Truman 182 $140.13 $25,503.66119-SJBA/1 St. Joes/Bishop Ahr 180 $119.13 $21,443.40119-A/YEL Arleth 182 $134.96 $24,562.72Contract: KAB#1 – Keyport Auto Body Shop, Inc. HS/20 SWMHS 69 $114.00 $7,866.00HS/21 SWMHS 69 $114.00 $7,866.00MS/21 Sayreville Middle 69 $111.00 $7,659.00MS/22 Sayreville Middle 69 $111.00 $7,659.00Contract: WEH#6 – Wehrle Bus Service, Inc. E/2 Eisenhower 182 $141.33 $25,722.06UES/19 SUES 182 $141.33 $25,722.06

2. The Board of Education approved the following trip:

a. On Thursday, June 7, 2012, twenty-four students from the Samsel Upper Elementary School, two teachers, and two paraprofessionals to the Sayreville Middle School to familiarize self-contained students with the faculty and building. One Board bus will be utilized at a cost of $56.05 (salary $54.10 – fuel $1.95) to be paid by the Board of Education. Alternate date: Friday, June 8, 2012.


Concerns about Insurance Broker Wilson School Principal – Any Internal candidates?

SUPERINTENDENT’S REPORT APPROVAL Motion by Mrs. DePinto, second by Mrs. Trapp. Roll call vote. Nine yes votes recorded. Motion carried. Yes votes recorded by: Mr. Balka, Mrs. Batko, Mr. Biesiada, Mr. Brodzinski, Mr. Ciak, Mrs. DePinto, Mrs. Raccuia, Mrs. Trapp and Mr. Macagnone. The Board approved the Superintendent’s Report in its entirety except where noted.

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PERSONNEL – (CERTIFIED) #14 Motion by Mr. Ciak, second by Mrs. Trapp. Roll call vote. Seven yes votes recorded, two no votes. Motion carried. Yes votes recorded by Mr. Biesiada, Mr. Brodzinski, Mr. Ciak, Mrs. DePinto, Mrs. Raccuia, Mrs. Trapp and Mr. Macagnone. No votes recorded by Mr. Balka and Mrs. Batko. The Board of Education approved the employment of Carmen Davis for school year 2012-2013 at the salaries and assignments indicated below. *Davis, Carmen Wilson Principal Prorated 7/l/2012 Tenure (G. Baumann) School $107,895 thru (Step 6) 6/30/13 Principal’s Salary Guide DELEGATE TO THE NEW JERSEY SCHOOL BOARDS ASSOCIATION

Kevin Ciak


Mr. Macagnone – Redistricting – Question/Answer on WEB


Mr. Biesiada commented on the following; - Telephone Conversion - Excess Surplus - Special Education Committee - Samsel Teachers

Mrs. Batko questioned, “Why change Roll Call process?” Mrs. Raccuia explained.

PUBLIC PARTICIPATION Mrs. Batko was thanked for her attendance at the Eisenhower PTO Meeting. Mrs. Batko commented on the following:

-Policy Revisions for Academic Competitions -Status of Redistricting -Establishment of Special Education Committee -Clarification on Definition of Special Education

Motion by Mr. Biesiada, second by Mr. Ciak. Roll call vote. Nine yes votes recorded. Motion carried. Yes votes recorded by Mr. Balka, Mrs. Batko, Mr. Biesiada, Mr. Brodzinski, Mr. Ciak, Mrs DePinto, Mrs. Raccuia, Mrs. Trapp and Mr. Macagnone. The Board adjourned the meeting at 9:16 P.M.

Emidio D’Andrea Business Administrator/Board Secretary

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