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Cameron Colquhoun Saw plot analysis

Title Sequence:

The Blue highlights a sense of mystery and sadness in the title when the word “Saw” comes up. The eerie ringing creates a dark atmosphere which forces the reader to be scared as the chanting is almost cultish.


The two characters we see awaken in a bathroom, the horror like environment create a sense of mystery but also gets the audiences adrenaline pumping because of the neglect this bathroom has had which has forced it to look the way it does. The film is clever in introducing the characters as their names are revealed as part of Jigsaws game and that reveals who they are while they themselves tell the audience about their story.


The dead body on the floor highlights that this film revolves around death and suffering but also that the audience can expect to see a lot of blood and guts because of the way the body is looking. The horror aspect is immediately caught in this opening scene.
