Page 1: Savvy Traveler-Travel Markets Insider

TFWA/FDFA Issue October/November 2014 106



With business and personal travel

at an all-time high, the spread of germs,

bacteria and viruses is of growing concern

for many travelers. Yet traveling with liquid

sanitizers can be extremely inconvenient, if

not banned outright by security regulations.

Two savvy young women, Margarita

Floris and Tina Aldatz, who were business

partners living on opposite sides of the

country, got fed up with the lack of conve-

nient and sanitary traveling conditions, and

tackled the problem head on. They devel-

RSHG�D�QHZ�SURGXFW�FROOHFWLRQ�WKDW�EHQH¿WV�travelers and improves sanitary conditions

no matter the location.

Their solution is Savvy Traveler, a

new line of smart, simple and safe solutions

for the on-the-go consumer.

Floris and Aldatz describe their Savvy

Traveler solution as a premier lifestyle

brand offering daily use products in

convenient kits and single-use packets that

are disposable, eco-friendly and made in


“Savvy Traveler is dedicated to overall

travel wellness while offering stylish

lifestyle components for both personal

and surface use,” says company president

Floris. “Our American-made, state-of-the-

art, impeccably designed product line helps

consumers conveniently carry all of their

must-haves while they travel for a healthy,

easy on-the-go experience.”

Floris tells TMI that the Savvy

Traveler creators spoke with a number of

DLUOLQH�RI¿FLDOV�ZKHQ�SXWWLQJ�WRJHWKHU�WKH�products, and received enthusiastic support

along with suggestions.

Floris and Aldatz have a history of

creating innovative products. The two

invented a product that improved shoe

comfort for millions of women called Foot

3HWDOV��DQG�DUH�FRQ¿GHQW�WKH\�KDYH�FUHDWHG�a new product line that improves traveling

conditions for millions of travelers world-


The collection of products covers a

range of applications and come with fun,

appealing names:

Freaky Klean, a high performance

surface wipe technology kit containing an

individually wrapped sanitizing surface

wipe, and another individually wrapped

sanitizing hand wipe, for a 2-step process

that controls germs, disinfects, and wipes

away viruses, and long lasting bacteria.

True Klean. Antibacterial wipes

enriched with aloe and vitamin E. Available

in individual kits or 3-pack, these easy to

stash and carry portable antibacterial wipes,

keeps hands clean and kill 99.9% of germs.

Blockout. A kit of 3 SPF 30 Sunscreen

wipes made with a natural, non-irritating

and non-greasy formula, that provide hours

of sun protection.

Buzzoff insect repellent wipes provide

strong, long-lasting, DEET-free protection

against mosquitoes. In a non-toxic, long

lasting formula that is safe for children.

Takeoff facial cleansing wipes, contain

an oil-Free formula with vitamin E that

conditions as it cleanses. For all skin types,

made with aloe vera, cucumber, chamo-

mile, marshmallow & tea and plant botani-

cal extracts

IntheKlear lens and screen cleaning

wipes provide streak-free and lint-free

wipes for glass lenses, computers, tablets,

and smartphone screens.

Restart pick me up wipes with natural

peppermint and a blend of six oils that

soothes away stress and fatigue.

Landing Strips freshening wipes, elim-

inate dirt, sweat and odor, are portable and

ÀXVKDEOH��DQG�PDGH�ZLWK�ERWDQLFDO�H[WUDFWV�of aloe vera, chamomile, marshmallow,

cucumber, oat and vitamin E.

Other sets include: Naked Nails, nail

polish remover wipes, Stripdown water-

proof makeup remover wipes, No Sweat

antiperspirant wipes, and Speakeasy, smile

refresher wipes, and Stepupz shoe shine


All of the above are available in indi-

vidual kits or 3-packs.

Of special interest for airport, cruise

and border stores, there are three 12-piece

travel kits, one for her, one for him, and

a travel kit for sport, each presented in a

reusable zipper pouch. The women’s travel

kit, for example, contains Strip Down, Take

Off, Landing Strip, Naked Nails, Speak

Easy and No Sweat. The other two travel

sets have their own appropriate assortment.

The company has also developed a

variety of POS merchandising units.

For more information, go to www. To discuss stock-

ing the line, interested buyers can reach

Floris at [email protected]

Savvy Traveler founders Margarita Floris and Tina Aldatz