
A Critical Time for America and the World

Saviours’ Day 2012 has arrived!

By Ashahed M. Muhammad -Asst. Editor-

CHICAGO ( - Anticipation and excitement are growing as final preparations are being made for Saviours’ Day 2012, marking 82 years of the Nation of Islam’s existence in North America.

Each year, to commemorate the birth of its founder Master W. Fard Muhammad, members from around the world make the journey to Chicago, Illinois, during the last week of February for a time of fellowship, networking, information dissemination and spiritual renewal.

The keynote address by the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan is always the highlight of Saviours’ Day weekend. This year, Minister Farrakhan’s subject “What Will 2012 Bring to America, The World, and Black and Oppressed People” is scheduled to be delivered February 26 at the United Center, the multimillion-dollar arena, which seats over 20,000.

Student Min. Ishmael Muhammad, Min. Farrakhan’s assistant at Mosque Maryam, the international headquarters of the Nation of Islam, said everything the Minister said would happen in 2011 came to pass, and “sets the stage for something even bigger to manifest in 2012.”

On the domestic front, racially tinged rhetoric is escalating as President Barack Obama seeks a second term in office, and the wealth gap between the “haves and the have nots” is growing. Despite nice-sounding reassurances from the country’s financial leaders, Black people are slipping further behind.

“For Black people, we recognize now that we have to take a different direction. The direction that we have taken and the hope that was raised in having a Black man as president has not addressed the needs of our community and we are slipping further and further behind. So the economic program and blueprint of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad that the Minister will present Saviours’ Day is important for us as a people to examine and to look at because our survival is at stake,” said Mr. Muhammad.

Mr. Muhammad described 2012 as a “critical year” on the international front as well. Israel’s desire to obtain Western backing to attack the Islamic Republic of Iran has generated global concern, the Palestinian-Israeli conflict remains unresolved, American-led drone wars targeting Pakistan, Yemen and Somalia have continued as well as unrest in several Muslim countries. Minister Farrakhan is valuable to humanity because he is the only leader offering divine guidance boldly telling the

world what God has revealed through scripture and what is prophesied to come, he said.

“When you are divinely guided, that is Minister Farrakhan’s value to Black people, to America and to the world who want to get a better perspective on what is happening, because of all of the world religious leaders or spiritual leaders and teachers—if you listen to them—they are not telling the people what is happening based upon the books that they teach the people from,” said Mr. Muhammad. “If you are not helping the people to see that what is written in The Gospels is being fulfilled, what is written in the Qur’an is being fulfilled, then of course, how can you expect them to show the people that the Book is actually alive and that what was prophesied is being fulfilled if they can’t see and understand the Scripture? That’s the value of a Louis

Farrakhan.” Student Min. Ava

Muhammad, said she is looking forward to participating in this year’s workshops and plenary sessions. She is scheduled to be a panelist for the major plenary session titled “Business is Warfare: The Secret Relationship Between Blacks and Jews.” Mrs. Muhammad said the Nation of Islam’s growth and development are measured by the tone of

Minister Farrakhan’s messages, and the approach to the subjects examined by those participating in the workshops and sessions.

“We are now moving in a phase of the Nation of Islam’s growth where we are being able to utilize scientific methodology. Now that we know what is wrong with this world, now that we have been introduced to ‘God’ and introduced to ‘Self,’ Minister Farrakhan has now moved from a teacher to commander,” Ava Muhammad continued. “He is no longer—if we pay attention—dealing with persuading us to accept the Theology of the Teachings of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad.”

Mrs. Muhammad said the Minister has delivered the word so clearly that no one—especially Black people—at this point can say that they do not understand.

“So now it is a conscious choice that every individual will make as to whether they will accept their identity as ‘The Children of Israel,’ as the ‘Asiatic Black Man,’ the ‘Lost Members of the Tribe of Shabazz,” said Mrs. Muhammad. “We can either accept our identity now as the real Children of Israel or, we can reject that, and meet the fate of our slave masters and their children.”

Volume 3, Issue 6 2012

A Critical time for America and the World

Scheduling Ademah Muhammad,

Saviours’ Day 2012 Convention coordinator said he has worked with the members of the Nation of Islam’s executive council to make sure this year’s convention will be memorable for all who make the journey. The plenary sessions and workshops cover a variety of topics and will be held Feb. 24th and 25th at the Stephens Convention Center in Rosemont, Illinois, he added.

“The major plenary sessions during Saviours’ Day 2012 are going to be streamed live via the internet,” said Ademah Muhammad. “The workshops and plenary sessions are going to be awesome because of their relevance and the time we are living in,” he added.

One major plenary session titled “9/11:What Really Happened and Why?” will examine all angles of the events which took place on that day in 2001 and all that followed. America and its allies have invaded several countries using the events of 9/11 as a cover to curtail civil liberties at home and abroad. The recently signed 2012 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) by President Obama, opens the door to crackdown on political dissent. Islamophobia in America and Europe has reached dangerous levels. Members of Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth will be present to deliver their technical knowledge and experience to those at Saviours’ Day and those watching throughout the world.

Last year, many enjoyed the Historic Bus Tour, which takes riders on a citywide sightseeing journey highlighting the Nation of Islam’s historical landmarks located throughout the city, including the opulent Mosque Maryam and the National House, where the leader of the Nation of Islam resides. Last year, there were two buses taking the tour, this year, four buses will be

utilized for the sightseeing tour, and the seats are already sold out.

An annual favorite is Mother Khadijah Farrakhan’s Children’s Village, which is free for all children who register during Saviours’ Day. As always, those children who attend will have an opportunity to have their pictures taken with the First Lady of the Nation of Islam.

Additionally, dozens of entries from all across the United States are expected for the 2nd Annual Saviours’ Day Essay and Art Competition. This year’s theme for the competition is “My Idea of Heaven on Earth.” The first place winner of the essay

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A Critical time for America and the World contest will receive a Kindle reader and the winner of the art contest will receive a $200 cash prize. The winners will be announced during the Saviours’ Day weekend, and their work will appear in The Final Call.

Another very popular presentation at Saviours’ Day is the Nation of Islam’s Historical Exhibit containing documents, clothing and photos providing a rare glimpse into the storied history of the NOI. New “Table Talks” featuring recorded words directly from the mouth of the Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad will also be available during the weekend. The Table Talks Project is an oral history initiative to preserve and promote community-led research, preservation, and documentation of the Nation of Islam’s rich cultural legacy.

Last year, Minister Farrakhan announced to the world that he found something in the technology of auditing developed by Church of Scientology founder L. Ron Hubbard. The Minister said he believed auditing could be of use to the members of the Nation of Islam in their efforts to become better Muslims, while at the same time increasing their ability to improve existing conditions within their communities. Hundreds of Nation of Islam members have become Certified Dianetics Auditors and many others have embarked on the journey to study other beneficial aspects of Scientology. National Student Auditing Department coordinator A’ishah Muhammad announced that on Feb. 24 a large graduation ceremony is planned for those who have completed the study course to become auditors.

Also on Feb. 24, later that evening, the stars come out as Newell Apparel presents “A Rising Woman: Giving Birth to a New Way of Life” fashion extravaganza. Seating is limited and tickets are available for $100, $65 and $35. The event takes place at the Crowne Plaza Hotel ballroom.

This year’s Drill Competition promises to be exciting as elite teams covering

a variety of age groups engage in righteous competition displaying the discipline and precision that have for decades been the hallmark of the Nation of Islam’s Fruit of Islam and Muslim Girls’ Training and General Civilization Class. The drill competition will take place Feb. 25 at the Rosemont Theater, just a short walk from the Stephens Convention Center.

As always, the Vending Expo will be available throughout the entire conference with friendly hours and affordable deals on many goods and services that can only be found during Saviours’ Day.

______________________________ (For more information including hotels, schedule, registration and

tickets visit

New York Slavery Just twenty years before the Civil War, most dock workers,

coachmen, shoeshiners, barbers, maids, tailors and waiters had been Black people. By 1860 Blacks had been forced out of these jobs and replaced by Irish. Some companies printed circulars warning their employees that a vote for Lincoln cut off their Southern business, and there would be little work and increased Black competition. This, indeed, was a commonly held belief among the white laboring classes. This belief generated the hysteria that led to the mayhem of the New York Draft Riots.

As a rule, New York businessmen endeavored to maintain their profitable relationship with the slave-holding South and to “put down” abolitionists. Not surprisingly, New York City’s export merchants dealing chiefly in cotton condemned all anti-slavery movements.

New York resident Samuel Morse, the inventor of the telegraph, believed that slavery was a divine institution, and as a matter of conscience he considered abolition a sin.

New York Religious Leadership: New York religious

groups had no qualms about supporting Black slavery. This reality moved one writer to observe that New York’s religious behavior “laid bare the misconception so frequently voiced that the God of the North frowned on slavery.”

James W. White, an Irish immigrant and New York city judge, founded a Roman Catholic newspaper that stridently defended slavery.

Jews represented about one percent of the city’s population but they had 27 synagogues with many congregation members of “considerable influence.” The most prominent rabbi in America was Dr. Morris Raphall, who severely criticized the well-known Christian antislavery minister Henry Ward Beecher of Brooklyn: “How dare you denounce slaveholding as a sin. When you remember that Abraham, Isaac, Jacob [and] Job...were slaveholders, does it strike you that you are guilty of something little short of blasphemy?”

The New York Draft Riots: Racial violence has as much

a place in the history of New York as in deepest Mississippi. The thirst for Black blood was no less a part of the white New Yorker than the thirst for Jewish blood was for the 20th-century Nazi. The New-York Evening Post in 1834 seems to agree:

The fury of demons seems to have entered the breasts of our misguided populace. Like those ferocious animals which, having once tasted blood, are seized with an insatiable thirst for gore, they have an appetite awakened for outrage, which nothing but the most extensive and indiscriminate destruction seems capable of appeasing. The cabin of the poor Negro, and the temples dedicated to the living God, are alike the objects of their blind fury. The rights of private and public property, the obligations of law, the authority of its ministers, and even the power of the military, are all equally spurned by these audacious sons of riot and disorder. What will be the next mark of their licentious wrath it is impossible to conjecture. The threat of Civil War fanned every racist tendency within

white New York. When, in 1863, Uncle Sam came looking to fill a Union army recruitment quota of about 30,000 New Yorkers, white males violently objected. The draft exempted rich folks, who simply paid $300 to escape enlistment altogether—which

outraged the lower-class whites. They had also been told that the war was being fought “for niggers” and this brought them to a boil.

The contemptuous mostly Irish immigrants were too cowardly to confront Uncle Sam or the white merchant class, for whom the war was really fought. Their natural response was to resort to ruthless violence against helpless Blacks.

(from the book HIDDEN

