Page 1: Save the Elephant! Earlston High · PDF filegroup, String quartet, Ukulele group, Choral group and Guitar ... Webber’s Phantom of the Opera in June. Another ambitious project but

Message from Mr Sinclair

Dear Parent/Carer,

It has been a busy start to 2016 with

pupils and staff hard at work. Last

week, I was privileged to attend our

Burns Supper – another outstanding

event at EHS.

It was also great to see a packed hall

for our senior information evening and

to meet with so many of you personally.

We will be holding a further event for

parents/carers of S1/S2 later this

term to share with you key information

for session 2016/17.

I have been amazed by the positive

partnerships we have with our parents

and community - it is truly amazing

what we can achieve when we work


I look forward to continuing in that

tradition to make our school the best it

possibly can be.

Kind regards,

Mr Sinclair

Rights Respecting School

In this newsletter and subsequent

editions, you will see a banner making

reference to an Article number and

right. These relate to the United

Nations Convention on the Rights of a

Child. As part of the school’s

commitment to becoming a Rights

Respecting School, the aim is to raise

awareness amongst students, staff and

parents about children’s rights and

highlight opportunities where pupils at

Earlston High School have made the

most of such rights.

Dates for the diary

Fri 12 Feb - In-service day for staff

Mon 15 to Wed 17 Feb - holidays

Thursday 18 Feb—back to school

Thurs 10 March - Quiz and curry night

to raise funds for EHS

Earlston High News Respect - Responsibility - Honesty - Commitment - Excellence

February 2016

Meet Mr Sinclair

At the start of December, a smartly

suited gentleman walked into Earlston

High School and introduced himself as

the new head teacher: Mr Justin Sinclair.

The S6 media committee was keen to

interview Mr Sinclair for their in-school

newsletter – The Eden - and here is an

excerpt from that interview.

Originally from Dundee, Mr Sinclair

studied for his Accountancy degree at

Dundee University before moving to

Glasgow University to complete his

teaching qualification. His first teaching

post was at Forrester High School as a

Business Education teacher and he’s

taught at schools in Midlothian, Perth and

Kinross, Dumfries and Galloway and at

George Heriot’s in Edinburgh. Teaching

wasn’t his initial career path though, Mr

Sinclair did begin his career as an


Clearly finding his path after auditing,

he’s worked his way up the ranks, most

recently working as the Depute Head at

Dumfries High School and then Head

Teacher of Langholm Academy and its

associated primary schools.

Q: What were your first impressions of Earlston High School?

I’ll be honest - I knew from day one that

this was an outstanding school. I got such

a warm welcome from parents, students

and staff, and the depth of pride in

Earlston is tangible. I was lucky enough to

attend the Christmas dances within a few

weeks of joining the school, and the

quality and attendance were very


Q: It’s January! What’s your New Year’s resolution?

“To get fit!”

Q: What changes would you like to see made in the school in 2016?

To me, since this is already an

outstanding school, it’s not so much

changes as maintaining high standards in

areas such as work, uniform, and respect

for the school.

Q: What is your favourite thing about working in education?

Seeing young people grow and fulfil their

talents and potential is definitely the

most rewarding part if my job. It’s also a

real privilege to work with such exciting

and dynamic people every day.

Q: What three words would describe you as a teenager?

Talkative, certain and humorous.

Q: Finally, is there anything else you would like to say to the pupils of Earlston High School?

Please continue to help make this school

the best it can be - and thank you for all

your support so far. And, ultimately, work

hard and enjoy your time here!

Jack and Eve (S6 Media Committee)

School Hockey

The school hockey players

have had a very busy first

term with weekly fixtures

being played here at the

school and at a number of

schools across the Borders.

All of the teams from S1 through to the 1st XI have played

some exceptional hockey and achieved some excellent results.

The first XI did well to make it into the semi-finals of the

U18 Cup Competition before being put out in a fiercely

contest match against local rivals, Galashiels Academy. The

S3 girls fought brilliantly throughout a very competitive S3

Cup Competition to make it all the way through to the final.

The girls played their socks off but were unlucky to be on

the wrong side of a 3-2 result.

This term sees a lot more fixtures coming up for the girls.

The first couple have sadly had to be cancelled due to the

weather however we remain optimistic that the next couple

of months will allow the girls back out onto the pitches. The

girls will also have their upcoming respective tournaments in

February and March for which we hope to get as many of the

players out representing the school.

House System

T h e H o u s e

C h a m p i o n s h i p

continues on into

2016 with the

'Quiz of the Year' event running during the first week back.

There were about 60 eager contestants who decided to

come in and try their luck at the six rounds of questions

delivered by the school's one and only Quiz Master, Mr Kidd.

Amongst the competitors, were a couple of staff teams who

were under pressure to beat the pupils. Luckily, for them,

they ended up victorious in first and third place with a group

of seniors walking away with the silver medal.

This term looks ahead to many more events and competitions

from a Spelling Bee, to an obstacle course, to some good old

orienteering. The House and Sports Captains will also be

organising their own events for pupils and staff alike to


The current House scores are as follows:

Leader - 839

Eden - 844

Teviot - 591

Turfford - 517

Tweed - 808.

Inter-House Quiz 2016

Our highly anticipated 'Quiz of the Year' finally went ahead

after being postponed last term. There were several rounds

to the Quiz including a sports round and an entertainment

round. The event was hosted by our very own Quiz Master,

Mr Kidd.

There were 57 participants on the day, including a number of

staff, who challenged for the title in teams of up to 5

people. After five gruelling rounds of questions relating to

everything and anything from 2015, the Guidance staff

emerged victorious.

Well done to everyone who took part and to all who helped

organise and run the Quiz. The next House event is a Film

Quiz – who will be the victors then?

Robert (Turfford House Capt)

Geography — Save the Elephant!

(BR) Freya Reid, Annaliese Stewart Richardson, Beth Allan,

Eve Sinclair, Judi Gunn (FR) Lucy Maxwell, Lilyana Stamen-


We were lucky to have Judi Gunn, a local elephant expert

and conservationist come into school to speak to our S1 pu-

pils about the rescue of elephants around the world. The

pupils entered a competition to express their knowledge

about their learning experience, in a range of formats, draw-

ings, posters poems.

The winning entries by Eve and Beth received a sponsored

elephant for the year in Asia. The runners up received an

assortment of elephant goodies to celebrate their success.

Well done girls!

Page 2: Save the Elephant! Earlston High · PDF filegroup, String quartet, Ukulele group, Choral group and Guitar ... Webber’s Phantom of the Opera in June. Another ambitious project but



With fabulous comperes, who based their appropriate

continuity on the theme of the evening - EggHeads, the first

act of the annual Christmas Concert contained all the musical

groups which rehearse out with class time. A dramatic opening

of the pipes and drums welcomed the appreciative audiences.

Following this were performances from the Windband, String

ensemble, Junior Choir, Woodwind group, Jazz band, Scottish

group, String quartet, Ukulele group, Choral group and Guitar

group. Closing the first act was the entire ensemble performing

“I Wish it could be Christmas Everyday”. Sincere thanks must

go to the music department and visiting instructors for their

expertise and hard work at bringing the best out of these

terrific musicians and


From the moment Mother

Goose started, the fabulous

senior choir presented

brilliant singing, acting and

lively dancing. Onstage they

were supported by great

sound, l i ght ing , set ,

tremendous costumes and

the accompanying band. It

was a full house for the two

night run.

Zoe Daniel narrated and kept

things moving with the plot

beautifully. Poor Mrs Elsie

Goose, played outstandingly

by Lewis Wilde, is an all-

round good sort: kind and generous to all even though she is as

poor as a church mouse. Together with the large chorus of

neighbours, orphans and villagers, a wonderful variety of lively

songs and dances were witnessed to set the scenes.

Unfortunately pure goodness of spirit cannot pay the pompous

Squire Tightfist’s (Gregor Milligan) rent and so eviction stared

her in the face.

Help was at hand in the form of the Good Fairy (Ella Inglis)

singing and acting to perfection and recognising Mrs Goose’s

selfless qualities rewarded her with the gift of Priscilla (Gregor

Davis) in a spectacular goose costume who lays golden eggs.

To all intents and purposes Mrs Goose is now happy. Not so,

says the Demon King (Gareth

Williams) who was loved by the

audiences despite being the

token baddie and long-time

adversary of the Good Fairy.

He intended to show that

nobody is ever really content

with their lot. In a fabulous

mirror sequence with Mother

Goose and the Dolly Bird (Josie

Patterson), who played the

“dumb blonde” to perfection,

Mother Goose finally realises

that beauty is only skin deep.

The supporting cast was equally

wonderful . Miss Frost’s (Leia

Mackinnon) rendition of “Let it Go”

just as the goose laid the golden egg

was priceless. Harry the Hammer

(Mitchell Green), Alfred Shifter and

Sons (Billy Davenport, Finlay

Anderson and Ross Mackay) all

contributed to a hilarious, well-acted

and slick panto. Under the direction

of Mr J Thomson it was another

amazing show and we are very proud

of the entire cast and supporting

production team. A special mention

must go to Jan Baird for her show

stopping choreography. Yet again, a

great night’s entertainment from all concerned at Earlston High


We look forward to the Borders’ premier of Andrew Lloyd

Webber’s Phantom of the Opera in June. Another ambitious

project but thanks to Mr Thomson, his team and the students,

Earlston High School will no doubt rise to the occasion.


Narrator, Zoe Daniels

Mrs Elsie Goose, widow Lewis Wilde

Squire Tightfist, her landlord Gregor Milligan

Miss Frost, bank official Leia McKinnon

Harry the Hammer, builder Mitchell Green

Orphans : Neve Clark, Melissa Taylor, Catriona lamb, Richeldis

Brosnan, Mhairi Biggar, Eliana Capstick, Evan Anderson

A tramp, Alasdair Russell

Alfred Shifter and Sons Billy Davenport, Finlay Anderson Ross


The Good Fairy, Ella Inglis

The Demon King, Gareth Williams

Mrs Goose’s neighbours: Eilidh Angus, Lauren Faulkner ,Lara

Frew ,Penny Threadgall, Katrina Smith, Chyna Broughton, Robyn

Smith, Rebecca Cove, Amy Thomson, Morgan Smith, Mellisa

Toner, Aimee Goodship, Mhairi Chirnside, Catherine McQuarry,

Samantha McKinley

Dolly Bird, Josie Paterson

The Chorus Villagers/Towns people

Chorus of Townspeople /Royal Guests: Amy Gibb, Iona Young,

Amy Young, Isla Gibb, Kara Nearing, Grace Does, Mhairi Kyle,

Alice Fife, Phoebe Gordon, Lucy Morgan, Hastings Isobel Stone,

Anna Grieve, Hannah Jones, Louisa Faircleugh, Tala Fairbairn,

Isla Reid, Rosie Fletcher, Amelia Adams, Aline Vary, Morven

Reid, Sara Meddie, Zoe Lynsey

Celebrating Burns

Firstly, a huge thank you to everyone who ventured out on the

dark and wet Wednesday evening to attend the Burns Supper

to celebrate the life and work of Robbie Burns. A fantastic

evening full of haggis, humour and hilarity, was enjoyed by all!

The evening started off with a warm welcome to students,

parents and teachers from a lively, tartan clad Mr Kidd. Sixth

year pupil, Sean Crighton then recited the beautifully

memorised Selkirk Grace before the soup was served by kind

S4 volunteers. Earlston High’s very own String Quartet,

composed of Kaelin Farnish, Charlie Moore, Ed McVean and

George Stokes, performed a lovely selection of traditional

pieces throughout the evening including Robbie Burns’ Red, Red Rose. The haggis was superbly piped in by 3rd year pupil

Corri Campbell, and 6th year pupil Gregor Davies followed suit

with the delivery of the very entertaining ‘Address to the

Haggis’, complete with dramatic actions, much to the delight

of the company. A delicious meal of haggis, neeps, and tatties

was served for all to enjoy.

After eating, The Immortal Memory was given by Mr Bryson,

who kept the company entertained with some amusing

memories of Robbie Burns in his childhood and then Graeme

Hastie of Kelso Burns club impressed all with his terrific

rendition of Tam O’Shanter.

Depute Head Boy, Conall Howard, succeeded in offending the

majority of females in the room with his witty and cheeky

Toast to the Lassies, compromised of some interesting stories

and his own views about the girls. But his charm won everyone

over in the end as he praised and thanked the girls at

Earlston. Getting her own back on Conall, Head Girl Sophie

MacBrayne offered the Reply to the Lads, with some equally

entertaining comments, and the pair raised some laughs.

The evening was rounded off with a Vote of Thanks from

Depute Head Girl Lauren Meager before the company joined in

with a cheerful rendition of Auld Lang Syne.

Sophie (S6)

A Few More New Faces at EHS

In recent weeks we welcomed some new

teaching staff at EHS.

In the English and Literacy faculty, we

welcomed two new teachers - Mrs

Robertson and Mrs Caldock. Mrs

Robertson joined us from Musselburgh

Grammar School where she had been

teaching for six years.

Mrs Caldock arrived just after Christmas

and previously worked at a school in


In the Science faculty, we welcomed Ms C

Campbell who teaches Science and Physics.

She is a familiar face in the Borders as she

has taught at Berwickshire High School and

Eyemouth High School.

Mrs J Colmar took up her post in the Maths

and Numeracy faculty this month too.

Working in Support for Learning and across

the school supporting students is Mrs L

Fairbairn, who joined the

Pupil Support faculty in


After the February break, we welcome Mr

N Alston to the Health and Well-Being

faculty. Mr Alston, currently a PE teacher

at Buckhaven Academy, takes over from Mr

S Henderson, who moved to a promoted post at Jedburgh

Grammar school. Congratulations to Mr Henderson and

welcome to all new staff at EHS.



The Support for Learning

department held a Christmas

Gift Fair on Friday December

11th. It was well attended and

we raised over £100. The gifts

sold were either made in the

department or were articles

made in Technology and

finished in Support. Several pupils contributed their time -

sanding, painting, varnishing and covering. Thank you for

their, and our shoppers, support. Items not sold are going to

be put up for sale at Parents' Night.

We hope to buy sensory play items for the department.
