Page 1: Save our surrounding by various methods




Page 2: Save our surrounding by various methods
Page 3: Save our surrounding by various methods

What is surrounding?

Surrounding is the

environmental condition of a


The area in which something

Exists or lives.

Page 4: Save our surrounding by various methods
Page 5: Save our surrounding by various methods

Nowadays our surrounding

is getting polluted.

This is because we are polluting it.

We are polluting it in

number of ways .

We are wasting the number of things.

Today we have to save it.

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Page 7: Save our surrounding by various methods

There are many ways to Save our surroundings:-

Spread the world. Get your friends to help you save the environment.

Use Compact Fluorescent Light Bulbs. These are a common product, sold in most stores that sell

regular light bulbs. They're the swirly ones. They last longer and shine brighter than normal light

bulbs, too, so you're not wasting your money! Do not shut them off if you're NOT gone for 15

minutes or more, it doesn't save any energy, but contributes to the problem

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Page 9: Save our surrounding by various methods

Turn it off when it's not in use, and at night. This includes

electronics like computers, lights, etc. Instead of using sleep mode,

literally turn the computer off, you can save around 40 watt-hours

per day - $14 a year.  When not in use, sinks and other items do not

have to be running.

You don't have to rinse before using the dishwasher. If you skip

rinsing your dishes before putting them in the dishwasher, you can

save gallons of water. You can also save time -The time it takes for

the water to heat up, and the energy it consumes

Use cold water for the washer, and only wash clothes when you

have a full load. Instead of using hot water all the time, use cold

water. In fact, use cold water at any available opportunity. It saves a

ton of energy.

Vegetarians are eco-friendly too! By going vegetarian for Lent,

once a month, or even once a week, you can save about 2,500

gallons of water-- Just by not eating a pound of beef! Animals raised

on rainforest land are slaughtered to be made into hamburgers-- And

so are the trees around them. For each animal made into a

hamburger have gone approx. 55 square feet of forests.

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Page 11: Save our surrounding by various methods

Use less napkins. If you cut back on napkins, or try to use paper-towels

and whatnot that are one-ply, it is said that you can save a whole lot. If one-

ply causes any discomfort to you, of course you should stop using it, but

maybe you can try to use one less napkin.

Use both sides of the paper. Try to write smaller, and use less spaces. That

doesn't mean you have to cram all your writing in, but try to save paper

while being neat.

Be creative with your gift-wrapping. You can save that newspaper instead,

and use it to wrap gifts! Reuse gift bags, wrapping paper, ribbons, and

bows. Use old maps. Be creative, it's the thought that counts!

Use cold water in the shower. Freezing, right? And showers, too, why not

baths? Baths use a lot more water than the regular shower does. While hot

showers can be soothing and warm once in a while, cold showers actually

help your hair lock in moisture, making it nice and frizz-free! This also saves

the energy it takes to heat hot water. You still want to feel comfortable in

your own home, so don't do this if it makes you too cold or uncomfortable!

Shave 2 minutes off your shower and save nearly 10 gallons of water!

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Page 13: Save our surrounding by various methods

Say no to bottled water. Eco-friendly can be helpful to your wallet as

well. When you use plastic, bottled water, you throw the bottle away

and pay for it more than once. When you use a reusable container with

your tap water, you can save so much money!

Get a garden, plant a tree. Plants, trees especially help the

environment. They give us clean air and shade on those hot summer

days. Try to plant a tree every year or so, try planting a tree for each

member of your family every year. That makes it creative and

meaningful, and you set a good example for them. Get them involved;

Spread the word!

Get some exercise! Why take the car when you're going down to the

corner store? Take the bike or just walk. Walk or bike everywhere

within reasonable distance, and you can save a lot on gas while being


Cruise control. 15% better mileage? Considering the gas prices, and

the environment you can save, it sounds like a pretty good idea. I don't

know much about cars, but what's not to like?

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Reuse! Second hand stores, items on the curb, and items in

the dump are all your treasure and someone's trash. (One

mans trash is another mans treasure, anyone?) Also give

your old things to second hand stores, charities, and online

selling websites like Ebay, Kijiji, Craigslist, and the like.

Recycle. The usual plastic water bottles, newspaper, paper,

etc. But also recycle old cell phones, glass, wire clothes-

hangers, aluminum, and anything else you can think of that

is available to be recycled. Look up what is allowed to be

recycled near you, and start a compost for stuff that isn't

allowed (Not garbage, throw that into the trash).

Use rechargeable batteries.

Reusable shopping bags help. They're sold at most grocery

stores for around $1.

Switch to solar panels. These are a more expensive option,

but they can and do help.

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Thank youMade by:

Harshpreet KaurVII-A

Roll no.- 15RIMT World School
