
SES Eagles Are Blooming With Good Character

May 2016

Eagle Edition

Saukville Elementary School

Greetings Saukville Elementary Students, Parents and Community Members:

Welcome to the last Eagle Edition of the 2015-2016 school year. It has gone fast but it has been an outstanding school year at SES. I want to start by thanking the Saukville Parent Association (SPA) for all they have done to support our efforts. Their work has gone a long way in helping us keep current with our instructional technology as well as literacy resources for students. They will also be donating $5000 to upgrade our playground equipment. The officers for next year include Kara Stasik, (President), Nate Olson (Vice-President), Vanessa Marratt (Treasurer). They deserve a lot of credit for stepping up to lead our parent organization. I would also like to thank Melissa Bergin and Terri Miller for serving on the board the past couple of years.

At SES we also have countless volunteers help out in so many other ways. We have parents and grandparents who volunteer for the many student activities like, High Interest Day, Winter Wonderland, Storybook Theatre, Walk, Bike, Rollerblade, Breakfast Program, Book Fair, Homework Club, Field Day, Jump Rope for Heart as well as the many grade level field trips and activities. We just want you all to know how much we appreciate the time you spend helping us out. We know how busy everyone is. Lastly, I would like to conclude by thanking all the parents/guardians for allowing us to work with your children. I really feel we have a special place at SES and we are just a reflection of our great families and the community as a whole. Because of everyone’s support we have been able to provide our students with an outstanding educational environment.

Have a wonderful summer!

And as always… GO EAGLES! Mr. Brakke

Trustworthiness Respect Responsibility Fairness Caring Citizenship

End of Year Checklist

All outstanding fees must be paid. Meds have been picked up in office. All library/classroom books have been returned. Lost and found has been checked for items.

Mice From Outer Space

This year Rob and Tanya Haswell put together another wonderful Storybook Theatre production. The performance was “Mice from Outer Space” and the students at SES did an amazing job once again. There were 77 students from Kindergarten to 4th Grade who participated on stage speaking, singing, dancing, and putting on quite the show! But that isn’t the only participation there was from SES students! Some of our 4th Graders made up the stage crew, in charge of making sure all the props were in the right places at the right times. Students from Grades 1 through 4 also helped made the stage decorations.

Of course there were all the wonderful parents who volunteered their time to make this amazing production possible. Volunteers helped with everything from rehearsals, stage set-up, making props, costumes, and more! Storybook is truly a unique opportunity for our Eagles. It allows the children to shine on stage, show off their talents, and try new things. Saukville Elementary is the only school in the district that participates in Storybook and it is something to be proud of! At the afternoon show, the students performed for a packed house as Dunwiddie and Lincoln Elementary students joined us. Parents, family and friends enjoyed an evening performance. The students did a marvelous job at both performances and the audience sang their praises!

Bravo Eagles!!! Looking forward to next year’s show!

Eagle Art By Mrs. Grover

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You’re Amazing!

Thank you to all of our dedicated parents and volunteers for the time, talent, and countless hours you donated to help the students and staff at SES. With your incredible support, we have once again had a wonderful school year.

You are truly the best!

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4th Grade News

Weather Day On April 21, the entire fourth grade made a trip to Miller Park for Weather Day. Students learned about different aspects of weather and how that weather pertains to Wisconsin. Following a brief introduction from TMJ4’s weather team, students were able to participate in experiments and explore the ball park. The day concluded with the Brewers playing the Minnesota Twins. It was a great day!

3rd Grade News

Multiplication World Series Third grade held their annual Multiplication World Series! All the third graders did a fantastic job learning their multiplication facts and competing in our weekly Math Baseball challenges. In the end, Team Carson had the best record. Team Maggie and Midnight Seekers tied, so we used total runs scored to decide who would go to the World Series. Team Maggie won the tie-breaker! Team Carson ended up winning the final contest, but EVERYONE was a winner as we enjoyed our delicious banana splits served up by Mrs. Barnes’s class. Thank you to our great hosts and congratulations to all for doing such an awesome job learning your facts!


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Muffins With Mom

2016-2017 Registration

Plans and scheduling are already in the works for next school year. Watch your email for more info. Registration Day is Wednesday, August 10 from 7am-7pm.

2nd Grade News

The End of Year Countdown! In second grade we have been counting down the days to the last day of school! Each day we have an exciting activity planned. So far we have had a lot of fun! We’ve had days like: hat day, gum day, ice cream day, drawing day, and a favorite of many is our egg crack off day! We are celebrating the end of being second grad-ers and all that we have accomplished this year! We still have days to look forward to like wreck the room, vaca-tion day and unusual hair day! What a lot of fun in second grade!

Kindergarten Kapers

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The Kindergarten hallway got TRASHED! The kindergarten teachers surprised the students by filling their hallway with garbage for Earth Day on April 21. The students helped to collect and sort the items in the classroom as part of a lesson to learn about reducing, reusing, and recycling trash. Kindergarteners also learned other easy ways for them to help the environment at home.

In April the students who have been participating in Gill’s Reading Challenge, were surprised with a visit from Gill himself from the Chinooks baseball team. Gill presented our 2nd base winners with their prize for reading 10 minutes every night at home. Congratulations to those kindergarten friends who earned a ticket to a game!

Way to be super readers!

Lastly, in May kindergarten took a field trip to Bookworm Gardens in Sheboygan. The gardens are always full of surprises for our students to find. We learned about some new authors, listened to a few good books, and saw the exiting things beginning to grow there! What a wonderful trip!


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High Interest Day

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The Eagle Way

We do the right thing because it is the right

thing to do.

Stay informed this summer by logging on to our district

website at For all the district information.

There's lots of valuable info so be sure to add this to your favorites.

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“Note-Worthy” News from Music By Mrs. Berchem

Kudos to ALL of our students on an amazing Spring Showcase! We proudly sang our hearts out, to our new favorite song, SES Is Awesome! (based on the Lego Movie song, Everything Is Awesome, with newly added lyrics by the 4th grade SGL) Students all took part in grade-level rotations, to showcase large group presentations in music, and phy-ed, strolled through the art show in the cafeteria, their classrooms, the Book Fair, and the hallway displays. We hope you liked our new format this year!

*4th graders dabbled in music composition this quarter. While learning about careers in writing music for modern day technology, they had their hand in writing and creating lyrics for our recorder piece, Storm Clouds. We also loved creating and playing xylophones and drumming along with the piece. 4th Graders did an excellent job with their recorder unit! Hopefully you’ve heard some demos at home!

*3rd and 4th graders have been introduced to Gioachino Rossini’s William Tell Overture, and Edvard Grieg’s famous work, In the Hall of the Mountain King. They enjoyed learning the stories behind both compositions. Thanks to proceeds from the 2015 Young Americans summer camp, our 3rd graders will be introduced to a couple of chords on our new Ukuleles the last couple weeks of school!

*1st and 2nd graders were introduced to a little Japanese language and culture, through the folk song about frogs called, Kaeru No Uta. Each student cooperatively learned to play the melody on glockenspiel and xylophone. We also took a little trip to the Caribbean Islands, and experienced playing the steel drums to one of our new favorites, Four White Horses. Be sure to also ask your students about one of the phrases they’ve learned to remember the lines and spaces of Treble Clef Staff!

*Kindergarten took a little trip to the West Indies in music, and have been learning partner clapping and stick rhythms along with xylophones for the folk song, Tingalayo! We are working hard on our Kindergarten Celebration songs! We’ve grown and learned SO much this year!

News from Guidance and the Psychology Corner  

By Ms. Brown, Psychology/Guidance

In Guidance, we have been working our way through the Ready Set Relax curriculum. This teaches children how to calm their bodies using muscle relaxation and mental imagery. All students K5 to 4th grade participated. In addition, we just recently finished our unit on Emotion Management. We talked about high levels of emotions (level 5). These can be anger, excited, sad, frustrated, or surprised. I taught specific skills to each class on how to “bring our levels down” when we are too emotional for any reason. We discussed how our brains and bodies most effective levels are “1s and 2s”. These levels and strategies are from research based strategies of My Incredible 5 point Scale and the Zones of Regulation. These self-regulation tools are used across SES in classrooms and in Guidance classes. Strategies taught include deep breathing, positive self-talk, counting, take a break, and asking for help. These tools are easily transferrable to the home setting. I’ve included links so parents can gather more information if they’d like.

Have a safe and wonderful summer!

It's hard to believe another school year is complete! It was a great year with some changes that SPA made, like moving Fall Fest to Winter Wonderland. Thank

you to all the families for being accepting of these changes. Also thank you to all the parents and caregivers who volunteered their time this school year with all the SPA sponsored events. These events would not be possible without all our wonderful volunteers!

We are working with Mr. Brakke to solidify our playground purchases with the money that was raised this school year.

Lastly thank you to Terri Miller and Melissa Bergin for their time and commitment to the SPA Executive Board. They will be missed! We are glad to welcome Vanessa Marratt as the new Treasurer and Nate Olson as the new Vice President. We are still looking for a Secretary so if anyone is interested please contact Kara Stasik at [email protected]

Have a wonderful summer and see you next school year!

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A Great Big Thank You!!

We would like to recognize a team of individuals who without their patience and dedication our lunchroom would not be the same. Thank you to our wonderful Lunch Hostess Mrs. Bergin, and to our awesome Lunchroom Supervisors Mrs. Cox, Mrs. Elgin, Mrs. Gibeaut, Mrs. Henning, Mrs. Landing, Mrs. Lisowski, Mrs. Meyer, Mrs. Phillips, Mrs. Sabin, and Mrs. Schueller who make sure lunchtime runs smoothly.

You’re the greatest!!

1st Grade News

Earth Day In Celebration of EARTH DAY, the first grade classes took advantage of the beautiful weather to clean up their nature center. Nice job First Grade!

The First Grade started their ABC Count Down to the end of the school year with "A" is for ART! With a variety of supplies they had great fun just creating!! What a fun way to end the year!

Shalom Wildlife Sanctuary

First grade enjoyed another wonderful trip to Shalom Wildlife Zoo! We learned so much about animal habitats, adaptations, and how animals change with the seasons. The students were able to pet a fisher and a baby fox. They fed goats, emus, donkeys, rabbits and pigs. They even got to run with BROWN BEARS! What a wonderful day of learning and experiencing animal life!

Mr. Brown's fourth grade class came to help Mrs. Bretl's first graders edit and revise their fiction stories. What a great afternoon!


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Physical Education News By Mrs. Piontek 4th Grade: Had a great trip to JCC on May 24! Some of the fun things we got to do were Archery, Climbing Tower, Rowing, Ropes Course, GeoCaching, GaGa game , Frisbee Golf, and Pirate Ball. 2nd Grade Field Trip: We love to go out and into the community for our field trips! Second graders especially loved an afternoon of swimming and playing at our local YMCA to follow up on our SPLASH Water Safety Program! The YMCA comes to our school to teach large group safety lessons and then we head over to the YMCA for in the water safety and some fun! This is a great introduction to our summer time activities! I have to say, everyone left the YMCA very tired! Swimming lessons are a good summer activity! Please think about signing up for lessons so that all our students are safe around water. What did we do? We just finished our fitness testing for students in 1st through 4th grade! They did a fantastic job! Students were tested in curl-ups, push-ups, flexibility, and endurance! Other areas we covered include:

4 square Baseball Kickball Throwing/Catching Following directions Taking turns/Problem Solving Manipulative Stations Dollar Days Team work/Cooperation Health/Personal Hygiene

Walk/Bike/Rollerblade: On May 25, we ended the day with a walk for K – 2 grades. Third and Fourth grades had the option to walk, rollerblade or bike. Rollerbladers went about 2 miles! And this isn’t for the beginner biker, they rode for about 3 miles. The weather was perfect and the students really enjoyed all the parents who came out to go with them!! Shoes! I know it is close to the end of the year, but all students need a pair of gym shoes for class. Some are too small to wear or have no laces. Please take the time to help your child be prepared for an active physical education class. Shoes should be a GOOD tennis shoe. Flat shoes used for skateboarding can cause foot problems. WE RUN A LOT! Students need a good shoe! Field Day: VOLUNTEERS!!! VOLUNTEERS!!! VOLUNTEERS!! Field day is set for JUNE 1st ! We are doing an all school field day in the AM only and are looking for parents to run activities from 8:30 – 11:30! Those not practicing for celebrations will continue the afternoon outside too! I am looking for parent helpers to run stations for the morning only! If you can come and run a fun game, please let me know! HELP!!: JUNE 1 SET UP FOR FIELD DAY 7:45 AM volunteers: I need about 6 STRONG parents to help set up bounce houses. I have two coming and they need to be PULLED OFF TRAILERS and set up. This should only take 15 minutes!!!!!!! Can you come help before work? 3:00 PM Volunteers: I need STRONG parents to come help put bounce houses back on trailers! Summer is Here: Lots of information is coming out for summer programs. Elementary school children need to be exposed to a lot of different activities! Try to look at our local YMCA or recreation departments for activities that your child would enjoy! Family bike rides and walks are also a must! The more you move the better! Everyday every body needs 60 minutes of exercise and play!

Stay Active and Healthy!

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