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Satellite Communications

Sorin Adrian Barbulescu


Version 1.6

Copyright © 2012

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Satellite Communications This e-book gives an introduction to the Satellite Communications field with pointers towards critical issues that should be considered in the design of a satellite system. It introduces the basic orbital parameters, the space environment, followed by a detailed presentation of the link budget and various satellite access schemes. The ground station architecture and requirements are formulated. Channel coding and joint source-channel coding are introduced. The building blocks of the satellite platform and the satellite payload are discussed, bent-pipe versus on-board processing architectures are compared. Satellite services, installation in orbit, limitations and solutions for TCP/IP traffic over satellite are covered. Network dimensioning and MAC layer issues will help you in the system optimisation. Examples of how to achieve privacy at no extra cost, protection from jamming and inter-satellite links are examined. A brief history of Australian contributions in this area with a focus on the latest developments in satellite communications equipment (e.g., the S-TECTM codec and the Satellite Network Access Point - SNAP) is also included. The author is A/Prof Sorin Adrian Barbulescu with more than 20 years experience in the field (Email: [email protected]). He received his PhD from the University of South Australia in 1996 and the Graduate Certificate in Management in 1999. He has been working with the Institute for Telecommunications Research, University of South Australia, as a technical leader and project manager in projects applying the turbo coding technology in mobile and fixed satellite communications systems. This e-book is a general introduction to satellite communications in .ppt format. It is intended for those engineers and technicians working in the field who would like to get an overall understanding of the issues. Managers who need a sound understanding of the implications of the latest technology in improving the system efficiency and cutting costs will also benefit. It does not require a specific background although a basic knowledge of digital communications would be useful.

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Table of contents

Introduction (Slide 1)

Bits of history – Concepts Bits of history – Technology References

Orbits (Slide 49)

Overview Kepler’s and Newton’s Laws Orbital Parameters Inclined Orbits Geostationary Orbit

Space Environment (Slide 121) Mechanical Effects Atmospheric Effects (Rain Attenuation) Polarisation Propagation & Channel Models

Source Coding (Slide 201) Channel capacity Huffman coding Arithmetic / Ziv-Lempel coding JPEG/MPEG

Channel Coding (Slide 229) Block Codes Convolutional Codes Turbo-like Codes (STEC Codec) Joint Source and Channel Coding Turbo source coding Packet Layer Coding Network Coding

Link Analysis (Slide 305)

Received Signal Power, EIRP Noise power The Uplink & Downlink Station-to-station link, Capacity curves

Satellite Access (Slide 357) FDMA TDMA CDMA OFDM Random Access

Earth Stations (Slide 425)

Standards Earth Stations Antennas Radio Frequency Subsystem Communication Subsystem Network Interface Subsystem

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The Payload (Slide 481) Transparent Repeaters Multibeam Satellite Repeaters Regenerative Repeaters Generic Payloads Satellite Antenna Characteristics

The Platform (Slide 533) Attitude Control The Propulsion System The Power Supply Solar Power Satellites Solar Dish Engine, Laser Power Beaming Telemetry, Tracking and Command

Satellite Services (Slide 581)

Broadcasting Satellite Services (DBS, DVB-S2) Fixed Satellite Services (INTELSAT, VSAT) Navigational Satellite Services (NAVSTAR GPS) Earth Resource Satellite Services (Radarsat, NOAA) Mobile Satellite Services (IRIDIUM, INMARSAT) SCADA (Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition)

Satellite Installation (Slide 693)

Installation in Orbit Launch Vehicles Options Orbital Servicing Vehicles Reliability Issues Cost Issues Space Debris Mitigation

Satellite Internet (Slide 781)

TCP/IP over satellite issues Proposed Systems DVB: Multi-Protocol Encapsulation ATM connection handover in LEO networks

Satellite Network Design (Slide 865) Satellite Network Dimensioning Customer’s Requirements Traffic Data

Examples Cost of the Network “CONNECTS” – Australian satellite network

MAC layer optimisation (Slide 937) Cross-layer Issues Throughput Control Generic stream IP encapsulation Layer 2 Bridged Point-to-Multipoint

Specific issues (Slide 973) Inter-satellite links (ISL) Privacy for each of us Protect your satellite link Global Broadcast System MIL-STD-3011 SAR Satellites Dish installation

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New Trends (Slide 1049) Australian contribution: FedSat, Optus Broadband Satellite Links Australian Satellite Networks Key technology trends: space segment Key technology trends: ground segment Policies, regulatory and standard issues

SNAP (Slide 1149)

Definition of necessity Hidden assumptions Most important questions to ask Benefits of traffic aggregation Example of a Satellite-WiFi network


Digital Communications (Slide 1193) Time/Frequency representation of signals One single pulse A periodic signal Random signals Nyquist Theorems BPSK/QPSK modulation and BER Capacity

Digital Transmission (Slide 1249) Antenna Cancellation A/D & D/A Transmitter Linearisation Performance Degradation Phase Noise Effects

Tutorial Questions (Slide 1283) Link Budget Example (Slide 1325)


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Satellite Communications

A/Prof Sorin Adrian Barbulescu

[email protected]

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The first reference to a geostationary satellites is by Arthur C Clarke (1917-2008) in a letter to the editor titled Peacetime Uses for V2 published in the 1945

February issue of Wireless World (page 58).Sir Arthur C Clarke: 90th Birthday Reflections


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The first man made satellite: Sputnik 04/10/1957

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The geostationary orbit today

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This “Satellite Communications” course is a synthesis of many specific topics e.g., orbits, link budgets, space propagation, which also draws from highly specialised fields e.g., source and channel coding, digital communications, traffic networking, RF and optical communications, all of them brought together from the perspective of communication techniques that can be achieved via satellites.

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Digital Comms

Satellite orbits

channel & access

Satellite platform/payload

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Satellite Communications is about moving data or information across large distances under some specific resource constraints: bandwidth power mass size speed

The system optimization depends on the application, but it always aims towards minimizing the use of resources in the space segment given the difficulty to replace those resources. While mass and size are simple to understand, power, bandwidth and speed can always be traded off in order to achieve the target bit error rate required by a particular application.

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In satellite communications, bandwidth represents the range of frequencies that is occupied by an electromagnetic signal on a given transmission medium. It is the difference between the highest-frequency signal component and the lowest-frequency signal component. A typical voice signal has a bandwidth of approximately 3 kHz (one Hertz is one cycle of change per second). A high quality CD music can span a bandwidth of 20 kHz while an analogue television broadcast video signal has a bandwidth of 6 MHz. All communication signals are bandwidth limited. Every signal in time has an equivalent definition in terms of the occupied range of frequencies.

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The symbol rate (baud rate) is the rate at which the signal state changes in the communications channel. Units of symbol rate are symbols/second (baud). The number of symbol states needed to uniquely represent any pattern of n bits is given by the expression M = 2n

symbol states.The information rate is defined as the speed at which binary information (bits) can be transferred from source to destination. Units of information rate are bits/second (bps). The bandwidth efficiency of a communications link is a measure of how well a particular modulation format and coding scheme is making use of the available bandwidth. Units for bandwidth efficiency of a digital communications link are bits/second/Hz.

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Turbo Coded Modems


Channel modelling

Satellite Design


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If your business has a global reach in areas with no reliable or secure terrestrial communication infrastructure, you might need to consider a satellite based solution. The headquarters could be connected in a star architecture, via a hub, to all remote sites that would use very small aperture terminals (VSAT) links.

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Depending of the type of business, a mesh architecture in which each remote site can communicate with any other remote site as shown here could be used. These satellite communications can be terrestrial, maritime or aeronautical. There is wide range of solutions for these type of satellite links which allow voice, video and data communications across the whole network.

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Providing GSM services via satellite GSM backhaul in the emerging markets, in geographically challenged areas, or areas in which conventional terrestrial transmission solutions are either not available or not appropriate could open new business opportunities.

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Mobile Applications:- personal safety device- health monitoring which sends real time information back to doctors at health clinics (wearable technologies based on a permanent integration of clothing and technology).

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For sat-talk go to:

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Geocentric model of the solar system:

Aristotle (384 BC – 322 BC), Greek philosopher. In his work, Metaphysics, he describes the heavens composed of 55 concentric, crystalline spheres to which the celestial objects were attached and which rotated at different velocities, in an uniform circular motion, with the Earth at the centre.

Ptolemy (90 – 168), Roman citizen. In his Almagestastronomical treatise, planets moved on epicycles,

(circle with centre moving on concentric sphere)

It explained the retrograde movement of planets.

Later on the model evolved in epicycles on epicycles.

Bits of history - Concepts

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Heliocentric model of the solar system:

Nicolai Copernicus (1473 - 1543), Polish astronomer. In his book On the Revolutions of the Heavenly Bodies, he proposed that the Sun is at the centre of the Solar System. This can explain the retrograde motion and also the variance in brightness of planets who are not always at the same distance from Earth. Aristarchus of Samos - island off the coast of Turkey, proposed the same sun-centerd system in 200 BC!

Tycho Brahe (1546 – 1601), Danish nobleman. He devised instruments that allowed precise measurements of the movements of planets, Mars in particular. This allowed Kepler, his assistant, to prove later on that the planet’s orbit is an ellipse, not a circle.

Bits of history - Concepts

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Heliocentric model of the solar system:

Johannes Kepler (1571 - 1630), German astronomer. He believed in the Copernican theory and in his Astronomia nova and Harmonices Mundi works he used Tycho Brahe’s measurements to formulate his three laws of planetary motion (1602, 1605, 1618):

Bits of history - Concepts

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Heliocentric model of the solar system:

Giordano Bruno (1548 - 1600), Italian philosopher. Catholic Encyclopedia (1908) asserts that "Bruno was not condemned for his defence of the Copernican system of astronomy, nor for his doctrine of the plurality of inhabited worlds, but for his theological errors, among which were the following: that Christ was not God but merely an unusually skilful magician....”

Galileo Galilei (1564 – 1642), Italian physicist, used the telescope to observe the movements of the planets and challenged the Church view in his Dialogue Concerning the Two Chief World Systems work published in 1632. His observations of the phases of Venus disproved the Ptolemaic version of geocentrism.

Bits of history - Concepts

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Heliocentric model of the solar system:

Isaac Newton (1642– 1727, Julian calendar ), English physicist. His Philosophia Naturalis Principia Mathematicawork described among other things, the three laws of motion (an object at rest tends to stay at rest and an object in uniform motion tends to stay in uniform motion, an applied force on an object equals the rate of change of its momentum with time, for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction) and the gravitational law which is a universal law that applies to objects on Earth as well to celestial bodies. This was confirmed by the slow down of Saturn upon passing Jupiter, the shape of the Earth being an oblate spheroidal, the correctly predicted return of Halley’s Comet and the explanation of tides and lunar motion.

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The Earth moves around the sun:

James Bradley (1693 – 1762), English astronomer. In 1728, James Bradley, while searching for the elusive stellar parallax, detected the motion of the star Gamma Draconis over the course of the year caused by the yearly rotation of the Earth. This finding was the first direct evidence for the revolution of the Earth around the Sun. Aristarchus, Copernicus and Galileo were vindicated: “eppur si muove”... Friedrich Bessel (1784 – 1846), German scientist. In 1838 he was the first to use parallax in calculating the distance to a star (as you move, nearer objects will seem to move relative to more distant objects).

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The Earth moves around its axis:

Leon Foucault (1819- 1868), French physicist. In 1851 he used long and heavy pendulum suspended from the ceiling of the Panthéon in Paris to demonstrate the spinning of the Earth. He also named the gyroscope in 1852.

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Pierre Maurice Marie Duhem (1861 – 1916), French, and Willard Van Orman Quine (1908 – 2000), American, produced the Duhem-Quine thesis: empirical evidence cannot force the choice of a theory or its revision, or in other words, for any collection of empirical evidence, there would always be many theories able to account for it. In practice it is difficult to ever test a theory independently of other theories or assumptions. This means that when an experiment 'proves' a theory false it is really just proving the collection of theories and assumptions false, not necessarily the theory itself. Given that one cannot determine which theory is refuted by unexpected data, scientists must use judgements made according to the outcomes of the statistical hypothesis tests about which theories to accept or to reject.

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Albert Einstein (1879 – 1955), German physicist. In 1916 he published the general theory of relativity. The source of gravity for Newton was mass. Einstein’s field equations show the source of gravity as the energy-momentum tensor which includes matter, radiation and other force fields. Gravity corresponds to changes in the properties of space and time, which in turn changes the straightest-possible paths that objects will naturally follow: “spacetime tells matter how to move;

matter tells spacetime how to curve”The orbit is akin to an ellipse that rotates on its focus; a binary system will emit gravitational waves, so it loses energy, the orbital period will decrease – too small effect for the solar system.

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Some tests of general relativity theory:

the perihelion precession of Mercury: there is a 43 seconds of arc per century deviation from Newton’s theory which is explained by gravitation being mediated by the curvature of spacetime.

frame dragging - rotating bodies drag spacetime around themselves - was demonstrated by the launch in 2004 of the Gravity Probe B satellite, see also the 1997 LAGEOS satellite experiment.

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1749, American Benjamin Franklin invented the lightning rodwhich proved that lightning is a form of electricity which can move through air.

1819, Danish Hans Christian Oersted discovered that there is a relationship between electricity and magnetism ( a compass needle would move in the presence of an electric field).

1832, English Michael Faraday (& American Joseph Henry) invented the electromagnet based on the law of induction (a variable magnetic field produces an electromotive force).

1837, English Charles Wheatstone invented the telegraph in which a letter was literally pointed out by the current deflecting two of the needles towards it.

Bits of history - Technology

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1843 American Samuel Morse built a telegraph line from Washington to Baltimore and sent the first dots and dashes over the line.

1864 Scottish James Maxwell showed in “A Dynamical Theory of the Electromagnetic Field” that “light is an electromagnetic disturbance” propagated through the field at a velocity of 310,740 m/s.

1873 Maxwell’s “A Treatise on Electricity and Magnetism” defines the four mathematical equations which describe the relationship between electricity and magnetism.

1876 American Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone.

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Bell’s claim is disputed by the Italian Antonio Meucci who in 1860 published in a New York’s Italian language newspaper his invention of a paired electro-magnetic transmitter and receiver, where the motion of a diaphragm modulated a signal in a coil by moving an electromagnet.

1887 German Heinrich Rudolf Hertz demonstrated the existence of electromagnetic waves can travel a distance.

1895, Italian Guglielmo Marconi invented the first radio transmitter which was demonstrated across the English Channel and in 1901 across the Atlantic Ocean. In 1943 the US Supreme Court overturned Marconi’s patents in favour of Serbian Nikola Tesla’s patents (1891), credited now with the invention of radio.

Bits of history - Technology

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1900 Russian Constantin Perskyi introduces the word television at the World Fair in Paris.

1906 Russian Boris Rosing builds the first mechanical television combining a cathode ray tube with Paul Nipkow’sinvention which sends images over wires using a rotating metal disk calling it the electric telescope with 18 lines of resolution.

1927 American Philo Farnsworth, files for a patent on the first complete electronic television system, which he called the Image Dissector.

1929 Russian Vladimir Zvorykin shows the first practical electronic system for both the transmission and reception of images using his new kinescope tube.

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1937 BBC begins high definition broadcasting.

4 Oct 1957 first artificial satellite launched: Sputnik 1 meaning “Travelling companion”, ~100 kg, T = 96 min, a radio beacon and a thermometer. Solved legal challenges with respect to crossing the air space of a sovereign country.

1957 Sputnik 2 carried a dog named Laika.

1958 Explorer 1, first US successful launch; NASA established

Apr. 1960, US launched the first weather satellite, Tiros I, it sent pictures of clouds to the Earth.

Aug. 1960, US launched Echo I, which reflected radio signals back to Earth.

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Apr. 1961, Yuri Gagarin, the first man in space, for 1h48min.

Feb. 1962, John Glen circled the earth 3 times.

1962, Telstar, first LEO communication satellite.

1963, Syncom1 - Hughes, 240 telephone calls, first GEO communication satellite.

1964, Syncom 3, first live TV transmission (Olympic Games).

More than 100 satellites were placed in orbit every year.

July 1969, first man on the moon; there are around 600 satellites in Earth orbit and around 8,000 man-made objects.

1969 first TV broadcasting from the moon!

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The Internet was originally developed by the DefenseAdvanced Research Projects Agency in US; Paul Baran of RAND was assigned the task of creating a decentralized communication network that could survive a nuclear attack. The concept was developed starting in 1964, and the first messages passed were between UCLA and the Stanford Research Institute in 1969 over a link built by Larry G. Roberts. (Leonard Kleinrock of MIT had published the first paper on packet switching theory in 1961.)

The transmission communications protocol, (TCP), was developed by Vint Cerf and Robert Kahn in 1972.

Robert Metcalfe is credited with Ethernet which is the basic communication standard in networked computers.

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1979 IBM introduced a 'store and forward' network, now known as email.

1990 Tim Berners-Lee specified the linguistic construction of HTML while working at CERN, which meant that graphical websites started appearing and the world-wide-web became a reality. TCP/IP over satellite took off in early ‘00s.

February 10, 2009, the first ever satellite collision in space between the U.S. Iridium 33 satellite (560 kg) launched in 1997 collided with Russia's Cosmos 2251 satellite (960 kg), launched in 1993 and non-operational for a decade, at an altitude of ~800 km over Siberia, producing debris which flies at 7.8 km/s and will remain there for decades to come.

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Mobile phones took off in late ‘80s and satellites are now used to provide backhaul connectivity for any location on earth.

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According to the US Defense Department’s Cheyenne Mountain Operation Center, since the launch of Sputnik 1 by the Soviet Union in 1957, around 8000 satellites have made it to orbit.

There are over 2,500 satellites, ~1,000 operative, orbiting the Earth.

About 24,000 pieces of “significant” space junk are flying around, bigger than the size of a laptop. Another ~600,000 objects larger than 1 cm are hurtling round the earth at some 24,000 km/hour.

The definition of a satellite has changed: Surrey Satellite Technology Ltd (SSTL) is now building a prototype “palm-sat” –about the size of a Walkman – and is developing credit card size satellites. They will fly as a cloud, or swarm, talking to each other.

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Number of satellites launched since 1957– Russia/USSR: 1335– USA: 878– Japan: 72– Intelsat: 60– Globalstar: 52– Orbcom: 35– China: 32– European Space Agency: 32

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Number of satellites launched since 1957:– France 31 Brazil 10– India 22 Sweden 10– UK 21 Indonesia 9– Eur Telecom 20 Arab Sat Com 7– Germany 19 Australia 7– Canada 17 South Korea 7– Luxemburg 13 Spain 6– Italy 11 Mexico 6

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1. G. Maral and M. Bousquet, “Satellite Communications Systems”, John Wiley & Sons, New York, 4th Edition, 2002.

2. P. Fortescue, “Spacecraft Systems Engineering”, 3rd Ed, 2002.3. M. J. Miller, B. Vucetic and L. Berry, (Eds.), “Satellite

communications: Mobile and Fixed Services”, Kluver Academic Publishers, Boston, 1993.

4. D. Roddy, “Satellite Communications”, McGraw-Hill TELECOM Engineering, 3rd Edition, 2001.

5. M. E. Long, “The Digital Satellite TV Handbook”, Newnes, 1999

6. Edited by P. A. Swan and C. L. Devieux, Jr, “Global mobile satellite systems : a systems overview”, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2003.


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7. T. Pratt, C. W. Bostian and J. Allnutt, “Satellite Communications”, [New York, NY] : Wiley, c2003.

8. S. Lin and D. Costello Jr, “Error Control Coding: fundamentals and applications”, Prentice-Hall, 1983/2005

9. D. C. Palter, “Satellites and the Internet”, SatNews Publishers, 2003.

10. F. G. Stremler, “Introduction to Communication Systems”, Reading, Mass. Addison-Wesley Pub. Co, 3rd Edition, 1990.

11. J. G. Proakis and M. Salehi, “Communication system engineering”, N.J. : Prentice Hall ; London : Pearson Education, c2002.

12. J. G. Proakis, “Digital Communications”, McGraw-Hill, Edition 2005.


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13. International Telecommunication Union, “Handbook on Satellite Communications”, New York, NY : Wiley-Interscience ; Geneva , c2002.

14. M. R. Soleymani, Yingzi Gao and U. Vilaipornsawai, “Turbo coding for satellite and wireless communications”, KluwerPublishers, c2002.

15. R. E. Sheriff and Y. F. Hu, “Mobile satellite communication networks”, New York ; Chichester : Wiley, 2001.

16. J. R. Schott, “Remote Sensing”, Oxford University Press, 1997. 17. (e-book on turbo codes)18. Ed. Keattisak Sripimanwat, “Turbo Code Applications: a

journey from a paper to realization“, Springer, 2005


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19. Giovanni Giambene Editor, “Resource Management in Satellite Networks – Optimization and Cross-Layer Design”, Springer 2007.

20. E. Del Re, M. Ruggieri Editors, “Satellite Communications and Navigation Systems”, Springer 2008

21. fm.pdf23. “Global Mobile Satellite Communications”

24. A. Nejat Ince Editor, “Digital Satellite Communications –Systems and Technologies – Military and Civil Applications” Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1992

25. IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications


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26. IEEE Communications Magazine27. IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials28. IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking29. International Journal on Satellite Communications and


Computer-Science/6-450Fall-2006/CourseHome/index.htm (Principles of Digital Communications 1 – Robert Gallager)

31. (Principles of Digital Communications 2 – David Forney)


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References32. https://directory.eoportal.org33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42.
