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  • 5/20/2018 Sat sandesh


    March 2013

    Volume 46 | Number 3The Message ofScience of Spirituality

  • 5/20/2018 Sat sandesh


    Front cover photo: Sant Rajinder Singh Ji Maharaj.

  • 5/20/2018 Sat sandesh


    MARCH 2013

    VOLUME 46 | NUMBER 3


    SAT SANDESH is published monthly in English

    by SK Publications, U.S.A. to disseminate the

    teachings of Sant Rajinder Singh Ji Maharaj,

    Sant Darshan Singh Ji Maharaj (1921-1989),

    Sant Kirpal Singh Ji Maharaj (1894-1974),

    and Hazur Baba Sawan Singh Ji Maharaj

    (1858-1948), and Masters who preceded them.

    The English edition is printed in the U.S.A.

    and distributed from 4S175 Naperville Road,Naperville, IL 60563. Editor: Dr. Art Stein. An

    online edition is available to initiates who have

    registered on the Science of Spiritualitys

    internal web site,

    Recent articles by the Masters adopt gender-

    neutral language. Articles taken from works

    published by the Masters before widespread

    use of gender-neutral language may refer to

    God and humanity using masculine pronouns;

    however, the Masters intended those references

    to encompass women and men.


    $40.00; Mexico and Canada: $50.00. Air mail

    to all other countries: $55.00. Make checks

    or money orders payable to SAT SANDESH.All payments from outside U.S. should be in

    U.S. funds on an International Money Order

    or a check drawn on a New York Bank. For

    subscriptions write: SAT SANDESH, 4S175

    Naperville Road, Naperville, IL 60563, U.S.A.

    Send editorial correspondence and manuscripts

    to: Art Stein, Sat Sandesh, 680 Curtis Corner

    Rd., Wakefield, RI 02879.

    Listen to the Music Within ...................................Sant Rajinder Singh Ji Maharaj

    Questions and Answers ......................................... Sant Rajinder Singh Ji Maharaj

    He Is the Doer ........................................................... Sant Kirpal Singh Ji Maharaj

    Recast Your Life .....................................................Sant Darshan Singh Ji Maharaj

    Meditation: The Highest Form of Prayer ......... Sant Rajinder Singh Ji Maharaj

    When Our Hearts Blossom .................................. Sant Rajinder Singh Ji Maharaj

    Lesson of the Hands ............................................. Sant Rajinder Singh Ji Maharaj








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    Often when we observe the talentof someone else, we become envious.

    We wonder how they are so gifted

    in an area in which we feel we are

    lacking. Sometimes when we have a

    special interest in a eld in which we

    wish we were skilled, we feel sad that

    we are not as good as others are in

    that endeavor. Sometimes we forgetthat it is God who has granted us

    a special talent in life, and for that,

    we should be grateful. Everyone has

    something that God has granted for

    which we should be happy, rather than

    feeling depressed that we lack what

    someone else has.

    In this connection there is a truestory that took place in the middle of

    the 1600s in Italy about three young

    boys who were good friends. They

    shared an interest in music. One boy

    could sing opera-style music with his

    incredibly beautiful voice. The secondboy was a virtuoso at playing the

    violin. The third boy, named Antonio,

    loved music, but had a squeaky voice.

    Others laughed at him when he tried

    to sing, which made him embarrassed

    and sad. He wished he could produce

    music as well as his one friend who

    sang and the other who played aninstrument.

    However, Antonio had a special

    gift of his own. He was great at

    woodcarving. He had a little knife

    with which he would whittle pieces

    of wood and create lovely works

    of art. Because he so badly wanted

    to sing and make music as his twofriends could do, he did not feel his

    gift of whittling wood was special at

    all. Although he would create lovely

    little artifacts and artwork with the

    wood, he did not consider that to be

    Listen to the


    Everyone in life has a talent or skill at which he or she excels.

    Some people are talented in a sport or physical activity. Othershave a talent for the arts, such as painting, sculpture, music, or

    poetry. Some have a gift for intellectual activities such as writing,

    speaking, teaching, science and technology, engineering, or

    inventing. Some have a talent for caring for others, and excel in

    helping professions like medicine or nursing.

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    by Sant Rajinder Singh Ji Maharaj

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    anything special, as he yearned to have

    beautiful sounds of music come from

    him as they came from his friends.

    One day the two boys came to

    Antonio and told him that they

    wanted to perform for the annual

    spring festival in the city. It was a big

    festival where everyone came from

    all over the city to enjoy the food,

    performances, and exhibitions set up

    in the streets. The streets would be

    beautifully decorated for the fair.

    Antonio knew he would be

    embarrassed again if he tried to sing

    along with his friends. His friends

    said it did not matter if he could not

    sing, but that he would have fun with

    them. As he did not want to miss this

    festival, he agreed to go with them.

    The boys dressed in their best clothes.

    They decided to play in front of the

    cathedral where the largest crowds

    would be gathering.

    While there, Antonio was sad in

    his heart that even his friends had

    said that he could not sing. More than

    anything, he wished he had a good

    singing voice and was broken-hearted

    that he did not.

    In front of the cathedral his two

    friends performed, one singing,

    and the other playing the violin. An

    elderly gentleman came forward

    from the crowd, put something into

    Antonios hand, and walked away.

    When Antonio looked, he saw it wasa valuable gold coin. He showed his

    friends, who checked it out to see if

    it was real. When they saw it was an

    actual coin, they were excited about

    receiving the money. One of the boys

    said, For that man it is no big deal, as

    he is rich.

    Antonio asked how his friends

    knew the man. The boys said, You

    do not know him? Oh, of course, you

    would notyou just know how to

    carve wood with your whittling knife.

    Everyone involved with music knows

    him. His name is Amati, and he is

    known for making violins. In fact, he

    is the best violin maker, not only in

    the city, but in all of Italy and possibly

    in the world. Antonio felt sad that

    his friends made fun of his only real

    skill, which was carving wood. They

    had made fun of his voice, and now

    they were making fun of him being a


    Antonio decided to visit the home

    of Amati and show him his work the

    next day. The boy gathered all the

    items he had carved, such as a bird,

    statues, a ute, and a little boat.

    At Amatis home Antonio knocked,

    and a servant opened the door. He

    asked for Amati. Amati remembered

    the squeaky voice from the day before

    when he had put a gold coin into thelads hand.

    Amati came to the door and asked

    him what he wanted. The boy said,

    I wanted you to look at these things

    I carved from wood. Amati took

    them and looked at them. Antonio

    then said, Can you tell me if I have

    enough talent to learn how to makeviolins?

    Amati invited the boy in and asked

    him why he wanted to make violins.

    Antonio said, I want to make violins

    because I love music, but cannot sing.

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    My voice is as squeaky as a squeaking

    door. Yesterday, when you gave us that

    coin, you heard how beautifully my

    friends sang and played violin. I also

    want to make music that people will


    Amati could see the pain inthe boys eyes and could feel the

    disappointment in his heart in lacking

    the skill to sing, and warmly told him,

    What matters most is not the music

    that comes out of our lips or hands,

    but the song that comes out of our

    heart. There are many ways of making

    music. Some people sing, while othersplay an instrument. Some people paint

    lovely pictures. Everyone has a talent

    that makes this world more beautiful.

    Your talent is carving or whittling

    wood, but your song shall be as noble

    and beautiful as anyone elses music.

    Antonio was thrilled to hear

    that there was hope for him also to

    produce something beautiful. This

    gave him the hope and encouragement

    to keep going and not give up.

    Amati took Antonio on as a

    student. Antonio watched this

    amazing artist each day in his

    workshop. He observed how Amati

    took pieces of wood and turned

    them into exquisitely beautiful and

    melodious violins. Antonio studied

    with him for many years and learned

    all the secrets to the craft of making

    violins. There were seventy-two

    different parts to a violin.

    By the time Antonio was twenty-

    two years of age, he had mastered the

    art of carving and putting together

    Let us meditate regularly, so wenot only can see inner coloredLights, but we can see the

    glorious Light of God within usas well as in all others.

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    violins. His teacher, Amati, allowed

    Antonios name to be engraved on

    a violin to show he had made it all


    Antonio continued to make violins

    for the rest of his life, totaling around

    one thousand one hundred violins.

    He strived to make each one more

    beautiful and more melodious than

    the previous one, improving all the

    time. The name he engraved on each

    violin was his full name, which was

    Antonio Stradivarius. He is known

    today as the best violinmaker in

    history. The Stradivarius violin is

    considered a treasure and work of art,

    and every violinist wishes to own one.

    This example from history shows

    how we all can make beautiful music.

    We may not be talented in one thing,

    but we all have gifts given to us by

    God. We need to nd our gifts and

    maximize them. Each of us is special

    and unique. We all have something to

    offer the world.

    When we think we are the doer,

    either we become egotistical about

    what we can do or fall into the

    doldrums for what we lack. If we

    remember that God is the Doer

    and God is the Giver, then we can

    appreciate what talents we have.

    Within each of us is the Divine.

    The Divine created everything, from

    the smallest ant to the largest planet.

    God created the stars, moon, and sun.Besides this physical galaxy and the

    entire universe, God created many

    realms of creation. Surely, that same

    God who made everything and who

    resides within us also has a treasure

    house of gifts for us. When we tap

    inside, we nd that everything is

    within. No one is lacking and no one

    is worthless. We all have something

    special. We need to go within to see

    what awaits us.

    A frequent question asked by

    disciples is, How do we know how

    far we are on the spiritual journey? or

    If we see this colored Light or that

    colored Light does that tell us how

    far we are on the spiritual journey?

    People are concerned about the

    meaning of what color Light they

    see inside, but another real measure

    of spiritual progress is when we see

    Gods Light shining in all.

    In this connection there is an

    anecdote about a holy man who

    had spent many years in meditation.

    He was regular and devoted to his

    spiritual practices and never missed a

    day of meditation.

    Because his attention was deeply

    absorbed in the love of God, he only

    talked to people when necessary. He

    did not engage in gossip. He did not

    engage in criticizing others. He didnot engage in backbiting. Since that is

    what most of the people around him

    were talking about, he did not enter

    into their conversations.

    He would talk only if people

    had something positive to say about

    others, but as the people around him

    hardly engaged in that positive talk, hedid not have much chance to join into

    their conversations.

    He would talk if people asked

    him for advice, but since most of the

    people around him preferred to give

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    advice even when not asked, he hardly

    had a chance to share his own ideas to

    help others. Since no one asked him

    for his advice, and he did not want to

    offer it if no one wanted it, he was

    quiet on those matters, too.

    If someone praised God and

    spoke of Gods gifts to the world,

    the holy man would have certainly

    joined in, but few people around him

    ever spoke about God. The people

    in his life spoke a great deal about

    famous people, but few talked of the

    One who gave those famous people

    their talents. Since no one spoke of

    God, the holy man did not engage

    in conversations about this famous

    person or that famous person, as he

    did not feel that that type of talk was

    either helpful or inspiring.

    As a result, the holy man had

    a reputation in his neighborhood

    of not talking. No one bothered

    to nd out why he did not engage

    in conversations, so a rumor went

    around that the man was a lunatic. His

    choice not to engage in conversations

    unless they had lofty and positive

    thoughts was misinterpreted by others

    who thought that he was a crazy


    One day as the holy man was

    walking through the town, he decided

    to sit down in a park area to eat some

    of the lunch he was carrying with

    him in his sack. As he sat down, a dog

    came up to him and watched the man

    as he began eating his food.

    The holy man wanted to share

    the food with the dog. He took

    some bread, broke off one piece for

    himself, and broke off another piece

    People who find the Light of Godwithin themselves have love for all.

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    for the dog. The dog eagerly ate the

    bread. The man broke off another

    piece for himself, and then broke off

    a piece for the dog and put it into the

    dogs mouth.

    People passing by thought this

    was a strange sight since during

    those times people did not keep dogs

    as pets, and considered them wild,

    unclean animals. Seeing a manand

    a holy man no lesssitting and

    sharing food with a dog like this was

    considered lowly and base, yet here

    was this holy man and the dog sitting

    together as if they were close friends.

    Word went around that the holy

    man had really gone out of his mind,

    and people from all over the town

    came to see this strange sight of the

    holy man sitting as if he were friends

    with the dog. People laughed and

    jeered at him and spread the word that

    he was truly crazy.

    Finally, the crowds who came to

    stare at him became so large that he

    felt his peace was shattered.

    The holy man decided to speak up,

    and asked the crowd, Why are you

    laughing at me? They told him that

    his behavior of sitting and eating food

    with the dog was strange. The holyman then said, Dont you know that

    God is seated with God? This answer

    made them really positive that this

    man was crazy.

    The holy man said, Dont you

    People who find the Light of God within themselvesdo not see any difference between people who are richand those who are poor.

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    know that God is feeding God? The

    crowd nally asked him, What are

    you talking about? The holy man

    said, I see God within me and I see

    God in the dog. Therefore, God is

    sitting with God, and God is feeding


    Then they realized that this holy

    man had reached a high state of

    enlightenment in which he could see

    God in all.

    Someone said, We are sorry for

    laughing at you. We hope you are not

    mad at us. The holy man said, No,

    not at all. I just take it that the God

    in you is laughing at the God in me,

    and if God is enjoying this, then I am


    This story shows that the true

    measure of our progress is when wesee the Light of God within ourselves

    and then see it in all others. We are

    worried about seeing this color Light

    or that color Light within, but real

    progress comes when we see the Light

    of God in its full effulgence. These

    colored Lights we see in meditation

    are but a reection of a reection ofa reection of the Light of God that

    permeates all creation.

    As we meditate and progress, we

    come to see the Light of God shining

    within our soul. We then see that same

    Light shining in all other souls. We see

    that Light in all human beings. We see

    that Light in all animals. We see thatLight in all forms of life.

    People who nd the Light of

    God within themselves have love for

    all. They do not see any difference

    between people of one background

    or the other. They treat all people as

    children of one God.

    People who nd the Light of God

    within themselves do not see any

    difference between people of one

    country or another. They feel all are

    brothers and sisters.

    People who nd the Light of God

    within themselves do not see any

    difference between people who are

    rich and those who are poor.

    Similarly, people who nd the Light

    of God within themselves feel that

    all animals, birds, reptiles, sh, and

    insects are also younger brothers and

    sisters in the Lord. This is why the

    holy man in the story could sit with a

    dog as if it were his younger brother.

    People who felt that a dog was a lowly

    creature in those times could not

    understand his closeness to the dog,

    even though, today, people keep dogs

    as pets. However, in olden times, no

    one would treat a dog with such love

    and kindness. Yet, this holy man saw

    the Light of God shining in that dog.

    If we truly want to see how far we

    have progressed on the spiritual path,we can analyze how much love we

    have in our hearts for others. We can

    ask ourselves whether we love people

    of all backgrounds and social status as

    if they were part of our own. We can

    ask ourselves whether we have love

    for all living creatures, whether birds,

    sh, mammals, or reptiles. Do we lookat these creatures, with their different

    shapes and forms, and see the Light

    of God shining in them? If we can

    answer yes to all these questions, then

    we have made great advances on the

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    spiritual path.

    The diary is not just asking us to

    note what color Lights or inner vistas

    we see or what inner Sounds we hear

    in meditation. That is one part of it.The front part of the diary is asking

    us how far we have advanced in ethical

    living. Ethical living is a stepping-

    stone to spirituality. Each column in

    the diary is designed to help us weed

    out our own hypocrisy.

    Ethical living includes leading a

    nonviolent life. Before our wordsand actions can be nonviolent, our

    thoughts must be nonviolent. Words

    are the result of our thoughts. If

    we can control our thoughts, then

    we can control our words and our

    deeds. Mahatma Gandhi almost

    single-handedly brought down the

    entire British Empire to liberate India

    because of the quality of nonviolence.

    He taught that one could only benonviolent if one has strict control

    over ones thoughts. He taught his

    followers to keep a steady watch

    on their thoughts, keeping their

    mind on the Lord, as the root of

    behaving nonviolently. It was through

    nonviolent action that India gained

    independence.Similarly, if we wish to nd God,

    we must develop spiritual qualities.

    Nonviolence is a prerequisite to

    gaining admission to the kingdom

    of God. Do you think the spiritual

    If we truly want to see how far we have progressed onthe spiritual path, we can analyze how much love wehave in our hearts for others.

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    realm of God is lled with violence

    and hatred as is seething on our earth?

    No. The spiritual realms are places

    of peace and kindness. If we wish to

    become residents of that kingdom,

    we have to make sure that we do not

    contaminate it with violence. The task

    of purifying ourselves begins with

    nonviolent thoughts. The diary helps

    us keep a vigilant guard over thoughts

    that sneak in that cause us to be angry,

    hateful, and violent. Let us replace any

    violent thoughts with nonviolent ones.

    Many people think nonviolence

    begins with telling others to be

    nonviolent. If we are going to speak

    about the benets of a nonviolent

    life, we must also lead a nonviolent

    life. If we tell others to be nonviolent,

    we must rst be nonviolent our-

    selves. Spreading the branches of

    nonviolence, while the roots of our

    ahimsa are weak will not convince

    anyone of the value of such a life. We

    must rst strengthen our roots and

    become peaceful ourselves before our

    advice to others about leading a calm

    life will have any effect.

    We must also develop the quality

    of truthfulness. All lies begin in our

    mind. If our words and actions are

    deceitful and dishonest, it is because

    they stem from our thoughts. We

    start thinking that we want to get

    the better of others, cheat, or gain

    for ourselves through dishonestmeans. Those thoughts lead us to say

    words that are untruthful or commit

    deceitful and dishonest actions. If we

    observe our thoughts throughout the

    day and reect on them each evening,

    they present to us an early warning

    system of actions that may arise from

    them. If we do not nip a dishonest

    thought in the bud, it can blossom

    into dishonest words and actions. Let

    us weed out those thoughts that may

    cause us to go astray in the area of

    honesty. Similarly, if we want others

    to be truthful, we must be truthful

    in our own lives. We must rst build

    the roots of truthfulness in our lives

    and then we can share its value with


    Seless service is another quality

    that will strengthen us. Our words

    and actions arise from our thoughts.

    If we have thoughts in which we

    want to help others, then our words

    and actions will reect that. If we are

    going to talk of the need for seless

    service, we must practice it ourselves.

    If we tell everyone else to serve

    selessly, but do not do so ourselves,

    someone is bound to question our

    own service, and we will be found

    wanting. Let us be an example, rather

    than telling everyone else to serve.

    Each night we should observe ifwe were truly nonviolent. Did we tell

    others to be nonviolent, while we hurt

    the feelings of others, slandered others,

    hurt others physically, or even thought

    ill of others? Did we tell others to be

    truthful, while we lied to others or

    cheated them out of something that

    was rightfully theirs? Did we tell othersto be pure, while we were impure? Did

    we tell others to be humble, while we

    were egotistical, bossed others around,

    or put others down?

    Did we tell others to be vegetarian,

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    avoiding meat, sh, fowl, and eggs,

    both fertile and infertile, while we did

    not observe the diet ourselves?

    Did we tell others to serve

    selessly, while we only served to get

    something for ourselves? Did we tell

    others to meditate, while we never

    put in a minute ourselves? These are

    a few examples to show how we can

    introspect into our behavior and weed

    out our own hypocritical behavior.

    If we wish to be one with God,

    we have to develop qualities that are

    compatible with the spiritual realms

    of God. God is love, so we have to

    become love itself to enter Gods

    realm. God is truth, so we have also

    to inculcate truth to be one with God.

    God is purity, so we have to be pure

    to merge back in God. God is seless,

    so we have to be seless so we can

    become a part of Gods kingdom.

    God created all living things, and as

    such, what right do we have to take

    the life of any of Gods creatures?

    Thus, we need to develop nonviolence

    and a nonviolent diet in order to

    return to God. This is the reason for

    the vegetarian diet. God is conscious,

    so we need to be conscious in order to

    merge back in God. We need to avoid

    hallucinogenic and recreational drugs

    and alcohol. Drugs and alcohol lower

    our consciousness and do not help us

    raise our consciousness to the level

    required to attain God-consciousness.

    We can use the introspection

    diary developed by Sant Kirpal Singh

    Ji Maharaj as a tool to see which

    habits we persist in keeping that are

    As we meditate and progress, we come to see theLight of God shining within our soul.

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    not helpful. Then, we can make a

    resolution to change those habits. We

    can keep track daily through negative

    marking of our failures and resolve to

    do better by decreasing those failures

    the following day. We can pray to the

    Master for grace in helping us change

    our bad habits.

    We can go to satsang where we can

    hear discourses about the value of

    developing good behaviors so we can

    progress spiritually. Satsang provides

    one-third of the teachings through

    word of mouth. We can also gain the

    other two-thirds benet of satsang

    through the spiritual radiation owing

    from the Masters attention. If we are

    in the physical presence of the Master

    in satsang, that radiation is owing

    to us through his eyes and physical

    presence. If we are in satsang where

    the Master is not physically present,

    the same charging is owing into us

    through his attention even though

    he is thousands of miles away. We

    merely have to be open and receptive

    to receive that radiation owing to us

    from satsang.

    We can also benet from the

    physical presence of the Master,

    where his spiritual radiation is bathing

    us to wash away our negative qualities.

    If we are receptive, then the higher

    spiritual values of the Masters life

    are models that we can emulate. His

    spiritual radiation washes away ournegative habits so we can become

    puried to return to God.

    Part of ethical living is having love

    for all. We can truly do so when we

    see the Light of God in all. Meditation

    is the pathway by which we can come

    to recognize God within us and God

    within all others.

    When we recognize God in

    everyone, then we know that this

    whole world is a play of God meeting

    God in all forms, God eating with

    God in all forms, God laughing withGod in all forms, and God playing

    with God in all forms. We see the

    world as one lila, or play, of God whotakes on all forms in all living beings.

    When we have that angle of vision, we

    will truly become one with God.

    Let us meditate regularly, so we not

    only can see inner colored Lights, butalso can see the glorious Light of God

    within us, as well as in all others.

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    It seems as if every me I buy something

    I have really been wanng, within a

    short me I am wanng something

    more. How can I learn to be sased

    with what I have?

    Sant Rajinder Singh Ji Maharaj

    As long as we are intrigued with the

    ashy jewels of the outer world,

    we will connue in the wheel of

    disappointment. We have forgoen

    that the true jewel awaits us within.

    True happiness does not lie outside;

    true happiness lies within. The souls

    real nature is pure joy. It is, in fact, bliss

    itself. It is only when we idenfy with

    our real self that we become moving

    drops of bliss on earth. We are moving

    about on the desert of the earth,

    becoming more and more parched,

    looking for the ocean. We need to

    realize that a reservoir of refreshing

    waters is lying within. The way to tap

    into this pool is so simple. It is only a

    maer of our aenon. We can direct

    our aenon wherever we wish. We

    can place it on the body. We can focus

    it on our mind. Or we can concentrate

    our aenon on our soul. Unfortunately,

    since our childhood, we have been

    trained to focus ourselves on our body

    and mind.

    When the soul is withdrawn to the

    third eye, it can then travel on the Light

    and Sound through the higher realms,

    back to its Source in the purely spiritual

    realm. The process by which the soul is

    brought into contact with the current

    of Light and Sound reverberang within

    is called meditaon. The reason we

    are not aware of the Light and Sound

    within is due to our aenon. The outer

    expression of the soul is known as the

    aenon. Presently our aenon is

    scaered throughout our body and

    goes out of our body into this world

    through the ve senses: sight, hearing,

    smell, taste, and touch. We have to

    withdraw our aenon from the world

    outside and collect it at the seat of the

    soul. Meditaon, pure and simple, is

    withdrawing our aenon from the

    outer world and focusing it at the third




    SantRajinderSingh JiMaharaj

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    Somemes I lose my zeal for making

    spiritual progress. I stop trying and just

    assume I will see or experience God

    when I die.

    Sant Rajinder Singh Ji Maharaj

    The path of Surat Shabd Yoga is the

    path of experience. It is not a path in

    which a person thinks that one will be

    emancipated only at the me of death.

    Sant Kirpal Singh Ji termed it a scienc

    path. Todays world is a scienc world.

    He used to say that as we experiment

    in a physics or a chemistry laboratory,in the same way, in our body, we must

    experiment with our soul by taking

    it to the inner regions. When we rise

    above this body and transcend the inner

    realms, we pass several stages. We can

    recognize these stages with the help

    of a competent spiritual Master. If we

    pracce meditaon in the correct way,

    we will be able to progress forward in

    the right direcon.

    If we have a sincere desire to

    progress on the spiritual path and

    to know God, we should not let any

    obstacle stop us from our goal. Whether

    we are healthy or we have physical

    challenges, nothing should stand

    between us building a bridge between

    our soul and God. No maer how many

    hardships come our way, no maer

    how much negave cricism towards

    us comes our way for even trying to

    nd God, we should not let those things

    deter us. We can experience God in this


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    16 / Sat Sandesh

    He Is the Doer

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    You can throw away someone elses

    wealth earned by somebody elseI am

    not responsible; it is his grace. This is howI see it. Perhaps you may be mistaken...

    you people may be mistaken. But I see

    quite clearly it is like that. He sends you

    here; he gives you contact; he guides you

    further. So long as you are in the physical

    body you require physical guidance.

    So I am ashamed at mes to see thatGod gives me fame for which I am not due.

    So I pass it on. During that Diamond Jubilee

    that was celebrated, [Ed. in Delhi on the

    occasion of the Masters seventy-fifth

    birthday on 6th February, 1969] people

    of all religions, heads of all religions came

    up; everybody highly praised me. I was

    asked at the end to give a talk. I told them,

    Look here, whatever you have said about

    me is not due to me but to the Master at

    whose feet I sat. So I have been passing all

    your remarks to him. This is what I said. I

    have been passing everything he passed

    on, to you. I only work at the post oce.

    Really, it is so. How can I say otherwise?

    You tell me. If I am not true to myself then

    why should I say these things? I am true.

    With his grace I see it is right. I give out

    the same thing but people dont believe

    me. Strange enough, the fact remains like

    that. And sll they say, No, no, no, no!Is it not a fact? Then why are you misled?

    You see, bodies come and go; that power

    never leaves you.

    When one is very highly spoken of by

    others one becomes pued up. It is only

    acng and posing. When I see that he is

    doing everything, how can I say it is my

    work? His grace brings you here; his grace

    gives you a contact with him withinwell,

    how can I be there? Hundreds of people

    sit... all get the contact. I simply give them

    some instrucons and go away on my job.

    When I come back I ask, How many have

    seen this form within, or this? So this is

    my duty. It is my duty to do all that. My

    Master told me, you see, I confer this

    thing on you. I was in tears. He added,

    Well, I wish it to be... distribute it... go out

    into the world! Then I said, All right. A

    dog barks. I will be barking too. It is for you

    to accept them. So I do that. If I am there

    I must be exerng to give you some fruit. I

    never exert because I do not do it. It is he

    who does it. I am saved all this burden.

    Iwas a very spendthri man, you see, who gave awayeverything. My Master found me like that. He said,

    Give it to them... all right... distribute! So I can see

    it is not my wealth. It is His wealth.

    by Sant Kirpal Singh Ji Maharaj

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    18 / Sat Sandesh

    In this worldeach ofus thinks that his or her sorrows are

    greater than those of any other, but

    the truth is that the whole world is

    plunged in sorrow. As Guru Nanak

    said, He alone is happy who isanchored in Naam. Baba Farid tells

    us: At rst I thought I alone was

    plagued by sorrow. I thought that

    I alone was subject to disease, to

    poverty, to humiliation. I believed

    that I alone knew these pains, while

    the rest of the world went on living

    a life of happiness and plenty. At

    rst I thought my tragedy peculiar

    to me, but when, through the grace

    of a living Master, my vision wastransformed, I saw the truth. I realized

    that my disease was part of a universal

    disease. I realized that the whole world

    was plunged in sorrow. I thought I

    alone had gone astray; I alone had

    by Sant Darshan Singh Ji Maharaj


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    moved away from God. I thought I

    alone had been caught up in the world

    and in its snares. Now I see that the

    rest of the world is no different.

    From the proper vantage point,

    one can see the whole world aame in

    torment. So long as we think that wealone suffer, we are caught up in our

    own misery and are always desiring

    what others possess, thinking they

    have found the key to happiness. But

    once we realize that unhappiness is

    universal, we then try to seek a path

    that leads to freedom from sorrow. We

    then seek the road that leads to eternal

    bliss and happiness.

    One of my friends used to say,

    God has everything, and He can

    give us all that we want. Indeed He

    gives us almost everything, but He

    withholds one thing. And just because

    He withholds that one thing, our

    lives are spent in anguish seeking

    after that which we do not have. His

    words are simple, but they contain

    much truth. What is the cause of our

    suffering? We think that by possessing

    this or having thata car, a house,

    an airplane, one item of luxury or

    another we will gain contentment. We

    think that by satisfying our desires

    for material objects we can be happy.

    But how can we obtain happiness and

    contentment from such things? We

    can only attain lasting happiness by

    coming in contact with that which is

    conscious, that which is permanent

    and lasting. Unless we acquire the

    right understanding of life, unless we

    go to someone who teaches us to rise

    above the material world and contact

    that which is immortal within us,

    we cannot know true happiness and


    All saints have stressedthat life is an illusion. Whatever youwish to do, do it right away. There is

    no room for waiting, for life cannot be

    trusted even for a moment.

    This material body is the root cause

    of falsehood. The trouble begins

    LIFEHaving found a

    saint we have todevelop love and

    devotion and recastour lives accordingto his teachings.

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    20 / Sat Sandesh20 / Sat Sandesh

    when we identify ourselves with the

    body. We do not think of it as a house

    to which we have come as a tenant;

    we think we are the house itself. Such

    is the power of illusion in this world

    that we fail to distinguish between the

    tenant and the tenement! What was

    given us merely for temporary use, we

    believe is ours forever. In their own

    way, the wise have always reminded

    us that this life of ours is a bubble.

    Who knows when it may burst? It is

    based on the precarious balance of

    ve elements which may disintegrate

    at any moment. But while life in this

    world is transient, the soul is eternal. It

    is forever treading the road that leads

    back to God. Divided from its Creator

    from time immemorial, the soul is

    ever journeying towards Him. What is

    death? The Sus say it is the name we

    give to the intermission between two

    stages of the long journey of the soul.

    We are lostin theattractions of this world to a point

    that we have totally forgotten the goal

    that lies before us. While we continue

    to be lost in the world of the senses,

    the drum heralding the morning is

    beaten, and we have to be off again,

    off on the journey for which we

    have failed to prepare ourselves. We

    are indeed lost in the world and its

    relationships, and we have forgottenthe Lord who created us. It is only

    when the bell is tolled signaling the

    end of our life that we suddenly wake

    up to the truth. As Kabir says: We

    only awaken when the Lord of Death

    stands before us with his iron rod.

    Generally, it is only when we are

    faced with death that we realize how

    we have wasted our lives in vain

    pursuits. Sant Kirpal Singh Ji used to

    relate the story of an atheistic teacher.

    On the wall of his room he had a

    sign which read: God is nowhere.

    When he was dying, a child entered

    the room and began reading the sign

    out loud. The child haltingly read out

    the words: God is now here. And

    the dying man said, Yes, my child,

    God is here. It was only at the point

    of death that he realized the presence

    of God. But at that point, such

    realization is too late.

    We have come into this world to

    engage in the business of returning

    to the Lord, but instead we have

    squandered most of our resources.

    We have failed to turn our steps

    Homeward. Instead of seeking the life

    eternal, we are lost in the ephemeral

    world of the senses. This indeed is

    the grand delusion from which we

    suffer. We waste away the great gift

    that the Lord has given us. We came

    into this world to resolve the mystery

    of life and death and we can do so by

    going to a spiritual teacher who has

    himself resolved the mystery. Having

    found such a saint we have to develop

    love and devotion and recast our lives

    according to his teachings. In this

    way, we can rise above the physicalbody, traverse the inner realms of the

    stars, the moon, and the sun, cross the

    higher planes, and ultimately merge

    with the Lord.

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    Prayer is an effective means of communing with God.

    There are many kinds of prayers that people do. Some

    people pray for things of this world. For example, you

    might want a better job. You might want a new houseor a new car. There are others who pray for wellness, so that they

    or their family can be physically well. There are others who pray for

    their personal relationships to be better. Yet, mostly people pray for

    objects of this world.

    MEDITATION The HighestForm of Prayer


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    22 / Sat Sandesh

    Generally, as we pray, it is asking

    God to give something to us. As one

    who is praying, we are always trying to

    ask for those things that we think will

    help us. At that time, our knowledge

    of the big picture of our lives is

    limited. At times, we might pray for

    something that we may think will

    help us but it might not be the right

    thing in the whole scheme of our

    lives. We may pray for something and

    receive it, but nd that it is not good

    for us in the long run. Therefore, to

    me, I believe the right way of praying

    is for Gods will to happen in our

    life. This is why there is a saying in

    many traditions that states, Not my

    will, but Thy will be done. Why?

    Because God is aware of each and

    every thing that is happening with

    us. God knows what is truly best

    for us. For example, we might think

    that winning a lottery of ten million

    might be good. However, little do we

    realize that after getting the money,

    two different things can happen. We

    can go on such a big buying spree that

    our attention from God is diverted.

    Or maybe all our friends want a piece

    of what we gained and if we do not

    give it to them, we lose our friends

    and our life becomes lonely. So we

    really do not know what is truly good

    for us. In our own limited vision, we

    ask for whatever we think is good.

    But if we leave it up to God to giveus whatever is best for us, then we are

    truly praying.

    The highest form of prayer is to

    know God and have communion with

    God. Other prayers may be sincere,

    but they are often with the end to

    gaining something that will help our

    material existence. Praying to know

    God is to seek out the one who

    created us. Praying to know God is

    to turn ones face to the one who was

    the cause of our existence. When the

    desire to know God enters our heart,

    it becomes a continuous prayer that

    does not stop until we nd the Lord.

    Such prayers to know God are

    known as meditation. Meditation is

    called the highest form of prayer. In

    prayer, we are telling God what we

    want. In meditation, we are listening

    to what God wants for us.

    Meditation is not just a state of

    sitting in quiet calm. Meditation

    is focusing ones whole being on

    searching for the Lord. It is setting

    aside all other purposes in life to sit

    in readiness for Gods grace to enter

    into us.

    Meditation is not just a mechanical

    act, as some of the mechanical prayers

    are. Meditation is a state of intense

    longing and yearning that arises from

    ones mind, heart, and soul to mergeback in God. It is the yearning of the

    soul for its Creator. It is being in a

    spontaneous state that comes naturally

    from deep within us to meet God and

    become one with God.

    In Science of Spirituality, we

    practice Shabd Meditation, or

    Meditation on the inner Light andSound. We also teach an introductory

    technique called Jyoti Meditation,

    which can be practiced in the

    comforts of your own home. To

    do this, select a pose that is most

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    March 2013 / 23

    answers sincere prayers. When we feel

    so much pain and suffering in Gods

    absence, God feels the cries and does

    something to remedy our situation.

    God is so moved by the suffering and

    pain of the soul to know the Lord and

    to be one with the Lord that grace is


    We can analyze our own con-

    dition to see that we are not just

    mechanically praying or meditating.

    If we truly want the Lord, then that

    desire will become so strong that it

    will permeate our being. Then, when

    we meditate, we will have that one-

    pointed passion and zeal to reunite

    with God. This will help accelerate our

    journey back to God. Meditation is an

    effective form of prayer that leads us

    to have the ultimate gift, knowledge

    and communion with God.

    convenient, in which you can sit the

    longest. Close your eyes. Your eyes

    should be relaxed, as they are when

    you go to sleep. Focus your attention

    into the middle of the eld of

    darkness lying in front of you. Your

    eyes should be focused about ten to

    twelve inches in front of you in the

    horizontal plane. As you x your gaze,

    mentally repeat any name of God

    with which you feel comfortable. As

    you continue to meditate, experience

    the inner peace and bliss.

    True meditation is in a state of

    total concentration, intensity, and

    passion for ones prayer to know God

    to be answered. When we begin to

    meditate in such a state of intensity,

    God will know that we are really

    passionate about knowing the Lord.

    Saints and mystics have said that God

    Meditation is not just a mechanical act, as some of themechanical prayers are. Meditation is a state of intenselonging and yearning that arises from ones mind, heart,and soul to merge back in God.

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    delight in the signs of the outer spring

    with its owers and fragrances, let us

    take a poron of our day and enjoy

    the springme of the heavenly realms

    within. We can be like the woman saintwho found that there is an eternal

    springme within that far exceeded

    the joy of being in the springme of

    the outer world. The outer owers

    and joyous sounds of spring are but

    a reecon of the sights and sounds

    within us. If we think the lovely sights

    of the springme on this planet are

    beauful, we cannot dream of how

    much more wondrous are the sights

    of the eternal springme awaing us

    within. There are regions aer regions

    of extraordinary beauty in realms

    beyond this world. We can frolic in

    those meadows and gardens anyme

    we wish through meditaon.

    Let us discover eternal spring forourselves. We will then know there is

    God and we are soul, and will enjoy

    eternally divine love and union with God.

    We can make the most of this

    spring by capturing it within our eyes.

    Whatever me we have with the source

    of spring physically, we can contain

    within ourselves and re-experience that

    me and again through meditaon. Let

    us enjoy these moments of spring. By

    meditang, we can bask in the joy of

    spring whenever we want, as the gentle

    breezes of the eternal springme within

    ll us with ecstasy.


    any parts of the world

    are experiencing the

    season of spring when

    the weather warms up,

    trees get their rst buds, and owerssprout from the earth. The sounds

    of chirping birds ll the air as they

    return from their migraon to warmer

    climates. Small animals emerge from

    their hibernaon holes heralding the

    return of spring. However, For those

    on the spiritual path, spring truly takes

    place when they get the life-inspiring

    glimpses of the spiritual realms within

    through meditaon. Spring ocially

    arrives when our hearts blossom with

    the owers of love that are nourished

    by the intoxicang vistas within. When

    we come in contact with the love of God

    within us, that is true beauty and that

    beaues the world.

    Springme can come outwardly or itcan come from within during meditaon

    when we experience the Divine within.

    The inner regions have one season.

    It is a perpetual season of springme

    with beauful colors of the inner

    Light, upliing music from the inner

    Sound Current, and the all-embracing

    experience of union with the soul and

    God. Joyousness resounds through the

    atmosphere as souls frolic in the playful,

    loving games with the Divine within.

    As spring arrives, let us not only

    enjoy its outer glories, but let us also

    nd me to sit in meditaon. While we



    Sant Rajinder Singh Ji Maharaj

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    26 / Sat Sandesh

    Lesson of the Hands

    There is a story about an angel who was training a group of

    new arrivals to heaven on how to be angels. In conductingthe training, the angel was trying to teach them how to assist

    any humans they were assigned to watch over.

    The angel said, It is very easy to tell whether a human being isabout to do good or about to do harm. Let us go to earth and watch

    them and you will see the clues to their behavior.The angel took them on a eld trip to earth to show them the ways

    of human beings.

    The angel pointed out, The key to how they act lies in their hands.The other angels asked, What do you mean?

    She said, Observe.

    First, the angel took them to see a mother with her young infant.The baby was lying in its crib while the mother was standing over her.

    The mother was holding out her hands with the palms upwards andopen, gesturing for the child to come to her arms.

    See that? said the angel. She is giving love to the child and wants

    the child to come to her, so the hands are open. The other angels

    noted this in their angel journals of notes.Next, the angel took them to see a mother of an older child. The

    mother was in a store with her child and the child wanted a toy. When

    the mother said no, the child began to beg and whine for the toy. The

    mother then closed her hand into a st and raised it in a threateningway.

    See that? said the angel, The mother is angry at the child and

    has clenched her st. It is a gesture of aggression. The angels noted

    it in their angel journals.

    by Sant Rajinder Singh Ji Maharaj

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    The angel continued to tour the earth. She showed many examples

    of people holding their hands open. She showed them people who

    were helping others, by holding out their hands. She showed thempeople who were nurses and doctors who held out their hands in an

    open way to their patients. She showed them teachers who were

    lovingly holding their hands open to help their students. She showedthem paintings and sculptures of the great saints and enlightened be-

    ings with their hands open to bestow blessings on others.The angel then showed them examples of closed sts. She

    showed people ghting in a boxing ring who were trying to win a com-

    petition of who could bring the most damage to the other boxer. She

    showed children ghting over a toy with sts clenched. She showed

    Master Darshans hands, on the Indian festival of Raksha Bandhan.

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    28 / Sat Sandesh

    people of different cultures ghting each other with closed sts. She

    showed them people at war and how they held their guns or weapons

    with clenched hands.The angel said to the other trainees, You can see that by watching

    the hands of a person, you can tell that if their hands are open theyare in a loving and giving mood and they are in the process of doing

    good. If the persons hand is clenched into a st towards someone

    else, it is a sign of aggression, anger, or holding back. Let all of yourgestures be of open hands. When you encounter humans, steer them

    away from the path of violence and hatred expressed by a closed st

    and instead guide them to the path of love with an open, giving hand.This is a lesson for each human to learn. Are we passing through

    the roadways of life with an open hand or a clenched st?

    When we clench our sts, it shows that we are stopping the owof love. It means that we are holding back from loving one another. A

    clenched st means that we are lled with anger. We are in the pose

    to strike out at someone. Even if we do not follow through with physi-cal violence, it means that in our mind and heart we are angry and

    violent towards others. If we nd ourselves clenching our st, it meanswe need to pull back, stop our negative thoughts, think of God, and

    then open our hands in a spirit of love.

    We can resolve our anger by opening our hands in love. Insteadof stopping love with our closed st, we can let it ow from us. By

    opening our hands, we are also opening our hearts. It means that we

    recognize the Light of God in everyone and share love with others.It means we have respect and tolerance for others and hold out our

    hands in love and appreciation for our differences. We do not have toagree with everyone, but we can respect and love them for who theyare and for their differences. An open hand shows that we love people

    and keeps us in a state of peacefulness.As we walk through life, let us observe whether our hands are

    mostly open in a gesture of giving and receiving love, or whether our

    hands are closed off in a st where we block love. The spiritual path isone in which the hands are open to give love and receive love. If we

    observe our hands, we will nd that we will be able to choose whetherwe want to stay in an angry state or stay in a loving and peace-ful state. It is through being in a loving state that we will speed our

    progress back to God.

  • 5/20/2018 Sat sandesh


    Science of Spirituality Literature

    by Sant Rajinder Singh Ji MaharajMeditation as Medication for the Soul $18.00Spark of the Divine 18.00Spiritual Pearls for Enlightened Living 15.00Silken Thread of the Divine 15.00Spiritual Thirst 20.00Empowering Your Soul through Meditation 15.00Inner and Outer Peace through Meditation 15.00Echoes of the Divine book $10.00 desktop 10.00Ecology of the Soul and Positive Mysticism 3.00Education for a Peaceful World 3.00

    Journey of the Phoenix (for children) 10.00Jyoti Meditation for Children (for children) 10.00The Kings Mascot (for children) 10.00 (Buy all three childrens books for $25.00)about Sant Rajinder Singh Ji Maharaj

    Joy in Africa: Sant Rajinder Singh Ji Maharajs First Visit 8.00Flowering of Grace: Lives Touched by the Love and Compassion 20.00 of Sant Rajinder Singh Ji MaharajBeloved Journey 8.00Brief Biography of Sant Rajinder Singh Ji Maharaj* 2.00

    A New Generation of Peacemakers 5.00Sant Rajinder Singh at the 1993 Parliament of the Worlds Religions 1.00Illumine Every Heart: Tours & Activities of Sant Rajinder Singh Ji Maharaj 5.00by Sant Darshan Singh Ji MaharajLove Has Only a Beginning: Autobiography of Darshan Singh Vol.I $10.00; Vol. II, Part I 15.00Love at Every Step: My Concept of Poetry 10.00

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    A Tear and a Star paperback $7.00 hardcover 13.00The Challenge of Inner Space* 2.00Soulergy: The Source of All Energy* 2.00

    Ambassadors of Peace* 2.00by Sant Kirpal Singh Ji Maharaj

    The Spiritual Path: Anthology of the Writings of Kirpal Singh 20.00The Crown of Life: A Study in Yoga 10.00Morning Talks 10.00

    The Jap Ji: The Message of Guru Nanak 10.00The Teachings of Kirpal Singh (compiled and edited by Ruth Seader) 13.00Spirituality, What It Is 8.00Spiritual Elixir I 8.00

    Spiritual Elixir II 8.00Prayer: Its Nature and Technique 10.00Godman: Finding a Spiritual Master 10.00

    Wheel of Life 5.00Man! Know Thyself * 2.00by Other AuthorsNourished by Divine Love: My Life with Four Great Masters, by Harbhajan Kaur 10.00Science of Spirituality: Vision and Work 5.00Love, Unity, and Peace: Souvenir of Sant Kirpal Singhs Centenary 10.00Divine Darshan, by Sharan Malhotra 10.00Greek Vegetarian Cooking 17.00

    Vegetarian Creations 17.00

    Kirpal Singh: The Story of a Saint (for children, with illustrations) 13.00

    To Order: Science of Spirituality Distribution, 4 S. 175 Naperville Rd., Naperville, IL 60563, USA. Postage:$3.00 for the rst book and $1.00 for each book thereafter. Outside North America: double the above rates

    for foreign surface delivery; multiply the above rates by eight for foreign airmail. *No postage for pamphlets.Sant Rajinder Singh Ji Maharaj may be contacted at Kirpal Ashram, Sant Kirpal Singh Marg, Vijay Nagar,Delhi110009, India; Tel.2-7117100; Fax: 2-7214040. Further information and literature about the Mastersare available from Science of Spirituality, 4 S. 175 Naperville Rd., Naperville, IL 60563, USA. Tel. (630) 955-1200; Fax: (630) 955-1205; For information and availability of photographs of the Masters inthis and other issues, contact the SK Photo Service at [email protected].

  • 5/20/2018 Sat sandesh


    s long as we are intrigued with the ashy jewels of the

    outer world, we will continue in the wheel of

    disappointment. We have forgotten that the true

    jewel awaits us within. True happiness does not lie

    outside; true happiness lies within. The souls real nature is pure

    joy. It is, in fact, bliss itself. It is only when we identify with our

    real self that we become moving drops of bliss on earth. We aremoving about on the desert of the earth, becoming more and

    more parched, looking for the ocean. We need to realize that a

    reservoir of refreshing waters is lying within.

    Sant Rajinder Singh Ji Maharaj
