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SARRP Gating Compatible Mount Upgrade Kit

This document is intended to be a walkthrough to upgrade a SARRP 3 with brass block columnator mount to the Gating Compatible Mount


To upgrade a SARRP Type 3 from the brass block style columnator mount to the Gating Compatible Mount, the brass block, its attached proximity sensors, and the proximity sensor cables must first be removed. The GCM uses two prox sensors initially, and two more with the installation of the complete shutter assembly. These additional sensors necessitate the installation of four prox cables, two additional relays, and two additional three-level terminal blocks.

By removing the brass block and installing the GCM, bore sighting, focal spot alignment, and calibration of the SARRP will need to be redone.

Removal of Brass Block

There are two prox sensors attached to the brass block. These sensors have 8” pigtails that attach to cables at the rear of the x ray tube. Start by disconnecting the prox sensors from the prox cables. The brass block can then be detached from the x ray tube by removing its two 4mm mounting screws.

Removal of Original Proximity Sensor Cables and Installation of New Cables

The two yellow prox cables that went to the brass block must be removed. They are routed from the drawer at TB8, through the floor of the SARRP, up through the trough at the inside rear of the cabinet, inside the leather, and around the gantry. To remove these cables, the trough cover and leather cable cover must be removed.

Start by detaching the prox cables from around the back of the gantry (right side of gantry as seen from the rear). They are held in place by two or three zip-ties with mounts. It is helpful at this point to leave the cables where they are and not pull them down through the gantry. This will allow you to later use them to pull the new cables through the gantry and into position. You will need to be able to identify these cables, so pulling them upward a few inches will allow you to find them when viewing the cable bundle through the rear door of the SARRP (there are only three yellow prox cables attached to the gantry, the two for the brass block and one for portal camera prox).

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Gantry cable bundle attachment point inside rear door

Detach the bundle of cables from behind the gantry (inside the rear door). Disconnect the three leads from each cable at their landing points at TB8. These two cables are to be replaced with four new ones, so at this point you can use them to fish the new cables through the SARRP floor. Tape the prox sensor ends of two new cables to the drawer-end of each of the original cables and carefully pull them up from inside the SARRP. You can use this same method to pull the prox cables up to the rear of the gantry.

Continue to pull the yellow prox cables up through the gantry while feeding the new prox cables from below. Once the new prox cables are through the body of the gantry they can be detached from the original yellow cables.

The new cables can then be placed around the rear of the gantry following the same path as the cables that were removed. The cables should be run under the x ray tube strap, between the strap and the tube. ‘Gate In’ and ‘Standard Col’ on the right (from front of machine) and ‘Gate Out’ and ‘Var Col’ on the left. Leave about 8” of each cable extending out past the tube. Once the GCM is installed, these cables can be set to the proper lengths.

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Installation of Gating Compatible Mount

The GCM will be install in two steps. First, the base plate (Fig 1) will be attached to the x ray tube using four modified FHSC screws (Fig 2).

Secondly, the square collimator (Fig 3) is set on the GCM, and the GCM (Fig 4) is attached to the base plate using four M5 x 12 hex bolts (Fig 5).

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This is the complete GCM. The base plate will be attached to the tube before it attached to the GCM, so you should never see it in this state. This picture is included just to give an overall view of how the pieces fit together.

After the GCM is installed, the two prox sensors can be installed and the prox sensor cables pulled to their proper lengths. The two cables used initially are ‘Var Col’ and ‘Standard Col’. ‘Gate In’ and ‘Gate Out’ will be used only if the full shutter assemble is installed. The two unused cables should be left approximately 8” shorter than the two used.

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The prox sensors attach at either side on the bottom rear of the GCM.

At this point, you should make sure the new prox cables are ran properly so that when you install the drawer components, you can trim excess cable lengths, heat shrink the cables, and land them properly.

Drawer Upgrade

To upgrade the drawer, a total of four new parts must be added. Two relays (Fig 6) will be added to the left of FL1 (Fig 7) on the lower DIN rail all the way to the left. If there is no room on the DIN rail, a small section of DIN rail (included with this kit) must be added to the drawer. To install, you must drill and tap two 5/32” holes to hold the included screws.

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Fig 7

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Two three layer terminals (Fig 8) must also be installed. They will be installed at TB8 (Fig 9), next to the Galil.

Fig 9

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The parts in the kit are pre-wired. Once they are placed in the drawer, simply land the attached wires at the appropriate locations.

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The prox cables contain three wires each, for a total of twelve connections. They are all landed at the rear of TB8. The proper heat shrink is included to label these wires.

Standard Col – Black TB8-K

Standard Col – Brown TB8-M3

Standard Col – Blue TB8-N3

Var Col – Black TB8-L

Var Col – Brown TB8-M4

Var Col – Blue TB8-N4

Gate In – Black TB8-W

Gate In – Brown TB8-X2

Gate In – Blue TB8-Y2

Gate Out – Black TB8-V

Gate Out – Brown TB8-X1

Gate Out – Blue TB8-Y1


The functionality of the new components can be tested using Galil Tools. Place a metal object, such as a screwdriver, against the end of each prox sensor. The sensor should light up, and the green indicator light in the cable end attached to the sensor should illuminate. In Galil Tools, the corresponding analog input line should change from red to green. The Standard Col line runs to analog input 5, Var Col line runs to analog input 6, Gate In runs to analog input 7, and Gate Out runs to analog input 8.

In the ‘File’ menu, select ‘Preferences’. Check all four boxes here to make use of all crash protection sensors. Put a collimator in the GCM and attempt to perform a CT. If the SARRP software is reading the sensors properly, it will not allow you to do this. It should display an error asking you to remove the collimator before continuing.

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Kit Contents

Four proximity sensor cables, designated Gate In, Gate Out, Standard Col, and Var Col

Two sets of heat shrink labels for proximity cables

Two 24V relay holders, designated RL16 and RL17

Two 3 level terminals, designated V through Y

One 1.5” DIN rail

Two 10/32 x 5/16 button head screws

Two proximity sensors

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