  • 8/11/2019 SAP SD Pricing Fundamentals


    SAP SD Pricing Fundamentals

    Fundamentals of SAP SD PricingRelated Trainings

    SAP Access

    SAP Training SAP SD Training

    ConceptsPricing is one of the core concepts in SAP SD and all SD consultants need to know pricing. Just as the name

    says, SAP SD Pricing is configuring the system to effectively determine the price of a product under differentcircumstances. The most easiest example to explore pricing is to take a simple grocery bill and expand on it.

    Consider this as an extract of a grocery bill. You have purchased some items from the Produce section and

    some from the stationery section. Your Produce sub-total is 18.00 and your stationery sub-total is 10.00. You

    have been taxed 10% and your total comes to 27.00 as shown in the picture above.
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    Let s just explore on how the pricin g is calculated on line item No. 10 Milk. However, they might not be shown

    on the bill but are internal to the company selling the product. Let s explore how a potential bill could be

    created. As you can see from the picture below, there is a Base Price from the price list 5.00 . And since the

    bill is for a retail customer , there is a retail discount of 1.00. So the sub-total for the line item 10 is 4.00.

    Condition Type :

    The types of calculation ( whether its a price, discount or a tax calculation, and in price if its a retail price or a

    wholesale price or a variant price etc ) are called condition type. Normally, condition types of a particular kind

    are not cumulative Meaning if there are more than 1 Pricing condition type, they don t add up instead the

    last pricing condition type is taken by the system. There are some exceptions to this however. For example

    when pricing a car, its the sum of the different pricing condition types that gives you the Price. They are called

    variant condition types.

    RequirementA requirement is a piece of code that calculates if a particular condition type should be evaluated or not. This is

    not necessarily the only way to check if. However, since this involves hard-coding the logic in the system, this

    functionality should be used sparingly.

    For example, the following piece of code says, If the item is not relevant for pricing do not price it.Functional consultants should be aware of the final result SY-SUBRC. SUBRC stands for SUB Routine Return

    Code. Typically in SAP, a return code of 0 signifies a success. Otherwise its a failure.

    * Pricing is turned on in item category configuration (TVAP)

  • 8/11/2019 SAP SD Pricing Fundamentals


    For more details, visit us at SAP Training and SAP Access

    * Pricing is turned on in item category configuration (TVAP)

    form kobed_002.

    sy-subrc = 4.

    if komp-kposn ne 0.

    check: komp- prsfd ca BX .

    check: komp-kznep = space.


    sy-subrc = 0.


    * Prestep

    form kobev_002.

    sy-subrc = 0.


    Similarly, the following picture shows a simple requirement. There are 2 types of discount condition types Retail and Wholesale. If the customer is retail, then apply that discount. If the customer is wholesale, then apply

    the other discount. So the actual total depends on who the Order s customer is. The same can be achieved

    using many different ways, but this is sure one hard-coded way to do it.
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  • 8/11/2019 SAP SD Pricing Fundamentals


    Alternative Calculation TypeThe value 5.00 for the Base Price ( shown in the picture above ) is derived based on condition records which

    we will see much further in the discussion. However, if the condition type should NOT be calculated based on acondition record, but should be calculated based on an external or internal logic, then an alternative calculation

    routine should be used. Each alternative calculation routine is a 3 digit number between 1 and 999 that

    contains a piece of code that does some calculation either internally or externally and returns a value. That

    value will be used to calculate the condition type as opposed to a condition record. A simple example for thesame is US Taxes. Taxes in the US and Canada are based on Jurisdiction code. There are around 50000+

    jurisdiction codes in the US alone ( Based on all possible variations of City, County, State and District ). And

    they change continuously. So it is not practical for companies to keep track of the changes in tax rates. Thereare external tax companies ( Called Tax Vendors ) that only does this. So it is wiser for companies to just call

    an external tax vendor using a remote function call, get the tax rate as relevant for the corresponding

    jurisdiction code and return that value to the pricing procedure.

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    Account KeyWhen an invoice is created, the finance departments wants the corresponding Sales, expenses, tax accountsetc to be updated on the f ly. The account key in the pricing procedure ( with the help of Account Determination

    ) helps in identifying which G/L account this should the amount flow into. A simple example could be

    Account Key Description Customer A/C Group Material A/C Group G/L AccountERL Sales Wholesale Consumables 1000040ERL Sales Wholesale Stationery 1000050ERS Discounts Wholesale Consumables 1100040ERS Discounts Wholesale Stationery 1100050

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    StatisticalThis is a flag ( A Check mark ) that is used to signify if the pricing condition type is being used in the calculation

    or not. For example, the actual cost of the material ( not the price but the cost price ) is available in all pricingprocedures, since this is used by Controlling ( CO ) to evaluate profitability. However, the value should not be

    relevant when pricing to the customer. So, if you need informational condition types for further analysis set

    them up in the pricing procedure as statistical.

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    Print FlagThe print flag is another check mar that is used to tell SAP if the particular pricing condition type should be

    printed on the final bill or not. As discussed in the previous example, the cost condition type should not be

    printed on the invoice. With the advent of advanced technologies like SmartForms, Adobe Forms etc, this flag

    has almost no use ( Since what is printed and what is not is decided mostly by these programs ).

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    SAP Pricing ConfigurationNow that we have understood the basic terminology used in Pricing, let s dig deeper into the configuration. The

    configuration is very similar to SAP Condition Technique . We will only discuss the rest of the pricing relevant

    stuff going forward.Maintain Condition RecordsA condition record is actually a row in a database table. The actual database table is defined in the Condition

    Table assigned to the Access Sequence . Let s start by creating an condition record for a condition type PR00.

    The transaction code to create the same is [VK11]. The menu path is [ Logistics -> Sales and Distribution ->

    Master Data -> Condition -> Select Using Condition Type ]. Enter the pricing condition type, and select the right

    Condition Table.
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    Enter the values and save the record. There are some advanced concepts like rebate functionality, conditionsupplements, scales etc which will not be discussed here.

    SAP Pricing DEMOLet s start by creating a new sales order for the customer and material that we have created condition records

    for and see the effect of the condition records on the sales order pricing. A sales order is shown below for

    Customer 1400 and for the material M-01 that we created the condition record for with a price value PR00 of

    50. Select the line item and click on the Nickel button in the bottom ( Pricing button ) to view the pricing details

    for that line item.

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    You will be taken to the Line Item s Condition tab where the pricing details can be viewed specific to that line

    item. As you can see, the PR00 value is set as 50.00 which is exactly what we have set in the pricing conditionrecord.

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    Let s say somebody else has entered the condition record for that material and you have just created the sales

    order. Now if you want to analyze and backtrack why the pricing is coming up as 50.00 click on the Analysis

    button as shown below.

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    A new screen opens up where if you explore the particular condition type ( PR00 in this case ) you will see for

    which combination ( customer material in this case ) that pricing has been picked up.

    You can just click on the area highlighted above to see further details of the condition record. For example, if

    you click on PR00 above, you will be taken to a new screen that shows you the actual condition record, itsvalidity ( Valid From and Valid To dates ) along with the value for PR00.

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    This concludes SAP SD Pricing Fundamentals.

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