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  • HistorySanterian is translated from spanish: Worship of the Saint. Santeria developed in Cuba by Africans from Benin and Nigeria who were sent to Cuba because of the slave trade. They mixed their Yoruba religious traditions with elements of the Catholic faith of the plantation owners who were trying to convert the enslaved Africans. The Africans accepted some of the Christian traditions, but mainly adhered to their own religion. Thus, Santeria was created. It was a secret religion for decades, but has since revealed itself. Santeria is most popular in Cuba, but has spread to other countries especially since the 1959 Cuban Revolution. In the past, Santeria was regarded a religion of the uneducated and poor in the Caribbean, but now it also has a middle-class professional following in countries like the United States. The revolutionary Cuban government was critical of Santeria at first, but eventually started to tolerate the religion.The founder of Santeria is not knownThe religion was founded in about 1515 C.E.

  • Initiation Rituals

    Because this in an initiatory religion, ones membership in a religious community is dependent upon the initiation rituals one has received. In this section, I will discuss five of these rituals: Necklaces, Warriors, Hand of Orula, Crowning, and Knife. Participation in each of these rituals requires a different level of participation in the religion, but each also has a public or semi-public portion that non-initiates may attend, and that is what I will be describing.

  • NecklacesAmong Santera practitioners and many other Orisha communities, the imposition of necklaces is often the first ritual undertaken by a new devotee. The ritual of Necklaces (also known by the Spanish name Los Collares or the Yoruba Elekes) brings the inquirer into a religious family and puts them under the authority and protection of a priest or priestess. The ritual involves a spiritual bath and the presentation of a set of brightly colored beaded necklaces. Most commonly, one receives five necklaces representative of the Orisha Eleggua, Obatala, Shango, Yemaya, and Oshun, however, some houses may present more or fewer necklaces. Each necklace is a single continuous strand of beads without clasps or fasteners that is long enough to slip over the head and hang down to just above the navel. The necklaces are made in the colors and numbers of the Orisha they represent: red and black for Eleggua, white for Obatala, red and white for Shango, blue and white or crystal for Yemaya, and yellow or gold for Oshun. The actually design of the necklaces are house-specific and may include additional accent colors.

    The ritual begins with a purification bath that strips the initiate of their old life and prepares them to receive the protection of the Orisha and their priest. The head, as the seat of the persons destiny, is the focus of special ritual attention as it is washed in cool healing water. The initiate is instructed to wear old clothes, which are ripped and cut from his or her body in the style of the rompimiento ritual, and to bring fresh white clothes to wear for the following ceremony.

    After the initiate has been bathed, he or she is seated in front of the primary godparents Orisha and presented with each of the necklaces. The Orisha associated with each necklace is briefly described, although often the initiate has already been learning about them and their attributes. Afterwards, the godparents will explain how to wear and care for the necklaces. They may be worn individually or in combination with each other. As each represents a specific Orisha, many people choose the Necklace associated with the Orisha whose power or support that feel that they need at the moment. The necklaces must never be worn while bathing, sleeping, or during sexual activity, and the necklace of Obatala must be removed before drinking or taking other types of recreational drugs.

  • Many Santerian beliefs are not freely discussed outside of the faith. In addition there are many religious leaders whose beliefs and practices differ significantly. The following is a general outline of what is known:

    Deities: God is referred to as Olorun, or Oldmar, the "owner of heaven". He is the supreme deity, the creator of the universe, and of the lesser guardians, called Orisha. Each of the latter has an associated Christian Saint, a principle, important number, color, food, dance posture and emblem. The Orishas need food in the form of animal sacrifice, and prepared dishes, as well as human praise in order to remain effective.

  • BooksAlthough the religion is very old and spiritual there are no sacred books, most of the religions stories have been passed down orally. There are many books about the religion and rituals, none of which are considered sacred though.

  • Basic Beliefs of SanteriaSanteria encourages building relationships with orishas or spirits that are manifestations of God or Olodumare. Orishas help people throughout their daily lives. They also help people reach their fates which have been pre-planned by Olodumare. In turn, people must worship orishas so that the spirits would keep on existing, because orishas are not immortal. The Roman Catholic elements of Santeria are associated with the belief in Catholic saints and symbols. Saint Barbara in Santeria is connected to fire and lightening.

  • Basic Beliefs of Santerians

    The Santeria faith teaches that every individual has a destiny from God, a destiny fulfilled with the aid and energy of the orishas. The basis of the Santeria religion is the nurture of a personal relation with the orishas, and one of the principal forms of devotion is an animal sacrifice. According to Santeria teaching, the orishas are powerful but not immortal. They depend for survival on the sacrifice.

  • Rituals of SanteriaThe orisha is vital to rites and magic that is preformed in SanteriaRituals involve the use of herbs, roots, flowers, plants and animalsRitual supplies can be purchased in stores known as botanicasOne major ritual is abemb. This ceremony invites the Orisha to join the community in drumming, singing and dancing.

  • Rituals continuedSanteria rituals also requires sacrificing birds and a variety of animalsSaints are fed their favorite animal The blood of roosters, turtles and goats are the most common offerings to orishasSanteria rituals are performed to resolves conflicts within and between peopleRituals are said to be able to heal physical, emotional and social disabilities

  • Bembe

  • Figures of Santeria Figures and idol worship are not as common as spiritual worship. It is, however, allowed. Below are a few examples of iconic worship

  • Symbols of Santeria
