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2. SANWR is a2088 acre refuge situated alongthe banks of the Rio Grandesouth of Alamo,Texas. It was established for the protectionof migratorybirds in 1943. 3. We live in a very uniquelocation of the world wherethese 4 different climatezones meet.We are home to plant andanimal species foundnowhere else in the UnitedStates. The climate of the Lower Rio Grande Valley is subtropical and the combination of western desert, northern, coastal and tropical plants found here make the region among the most unique in Texas. 4. SA 5. Santa Ana NWRs management program mimics thehistorical flooding of the Rio Grande, maintaining thebottom land hardwood forest and providing crucialnesting and feeding habitat for birds, watering holesfor animals, and homes for countlessamphibians, reptiles, crustaceans and insects. 6. Along the banks of thefinal stretch of the RioGrande lies the Santa AnaNational Wildlife Refuge(NWR), appropriatelyrecognized as the jewelof the National WildlifeRefuge System. Plainchachalacas, greatkiskadees and green jaysare just three of the manybird species that bringvisitors from across theUnited States and 35countries flocking toSanta Ana NWR. 7. Ana NWRs managementprogram mimics the historicalflooding of the Rio Grande,maintaining the bottom landhardwood forest and providingcrucial nesting and feeding habitatfor birds, watering holes for animals,and homes for countlessamphibians, reptiles, crustaceansand insects. 8. 9. CELEBRATE NATURE!!!!
