
Sex Estimation

Necropolis 2011 Session 5

Kevin Woestman

Sexual Dimorphism

More evident in adults.Sexual Hormones kick in during puberty leading to

secondary sexual characteristics evident in skeletal remains

Based on:Morphology: size difference

Function related differences


Males generally bigger, more robust. Females generally smaller, more gracile

But varies within populations and between populations

Pelvis and Skull

Pelvis: Accuracy generally 95% Skull: 90%

With Both: 98%

Most Important


Supraorbital Ridge: More pronounced in Males

Orbits: Males squarish with roundish margins whereas Females roundish with sharp margins.

Zygomatic: More pronounced in males, robust, extends beyond external auditory meatus

Skull Cont’d

Mastoid Proces: Larger and blunt in males, smaller and pointier in females

Mandible: Males are square whereas females are more pointed.

Nuchal Crest: Males come to a point, almost a hook whereas females are smooth.


Most sexually dimorphic region of the skeleton

Obturater Foramen: Heartshaped in males, larger, more circular in females for birthing.

Sacrum: Long and narrow in males but short and wide in females

Pelvis cont’d

Body of Pubis: Triangular in males, more quadrangular, squarish in females.

Subpubic Angle: > 90 degrees in females, <90 degrees in males.

Greater Sciatic Notch: Broad and Shallow in females, deep and narrow in males.
