
Soheila Abachi- page 1  

Dear committee,

I studied food science, its microbiology and process design as well as pharmaceutical

technology because I always thought what we eat or ingest matters most. Our diet affects our

physical and mental wellbeing and it regulates our body’s functions in destroying the invading

pathogenic bacteria, chemical agents and removing the toxins. I have always been passionate

about designing and developing new products of plants’ bioactive origin as natural preservative-

additives and natural health products that can prevent and treat chronic diseases like obesity,

cancer or a condition as simple as strep throat or even depression. Increasing demand for

therapeutic drugs derived from natural products especially edible plants and fruits have grown

throughout the world since these products are environmentally sustainable, economically and

nutritionally wise and discoveries of such products certainly will shed light on the path to

improving global health and will make exploring the new avenues of fighting terminal diseases


My aim has always been helping human live a healthier life whether by attempting to

develop a nutraceutical product or discovering the antimicrobial activity of medicinal plants. I

have, in the past, successfully developed naturally flavored breath tablets, with natural active

ingredient to decrease the symptoms of inflammatory bowel disease and I have investigated the

selected medicinal plants antimicrobial effects against two of the most pathogenic bacteria,

vancomycin resistant Staphylococcus epidermidis and Helicobacter pylori.

S. epidermidis is a major pathogenic bacterium and is the main cause of infections in

urinary system, dermal infection, septicemia, and bone and joint infections leading to variety of

nosocomial infections. S. epidermidis is known for its resistance to natural factors such as

dryness, antibiotic, and antiseptic treatments and recently vancomycin-resistant or intermediate-

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resistant strains have been reported. Vancomycin is the last resort for treatment of many

infections. H. pylori is a major contributor to chronic gastritis, and peptic and duodenal ulcers,

and is also strongly associated with distal adenocarcinoma.

I have exceptional interest in doing research on polyphenols because they are known for

their antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, antiviral, antiallergic, antitumor, and vaso-

dilatory activities. My proposed research will explore the possibility of employing fruit

phytochemicals of Nova Scotia to prevent and relieve the symptoms of throat infection, strep


All being said is to express that I have good working knowledge of medicinal plants and

hands-on experience on microbiology, pharmaceutical and food analysis methods. I am eager to

take part in improving global health. I am very enthusiastic on studying the Nova Scotian fruits,

discovering, and characterizing antimicrobial compounds. The most effective bioactive(s) could

be incorporated into lozenges, gargle or in the form tablet. With further analysis, such

compounds also could be mixed with the already in use antibiotics to improve their efficacy.

Proposed research might offer solution to strep throat and also would attract investors to Nova

Scotia and Atlantic Canada.


Soheila Abachi.