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Samantabhadra's Essence Mantra

(copyright Dale E. Goodyear 2011)

We have already learned a mantra to reach out to and connect with Samantabhadra, the great

Bodhisattva of freedom, joy, and community--who is one of the four fundamental Bodhisattvas of

Mahayana Buddhism (the other three are Avalokiteshvara, Maitreya, and Manjushri--they rule the

"Four Immeasurables" of Compassion, Lovingkindness, Equanimity, and Joy).

This mantra, as I've taught, is simply his holy Name flanked by two OM's: Om Samantabhadra Om.

The final Om is for Vairocana who is Samantabhadra's Dhyani-Buddha and Teacher.

Now we can learn an even simpler mantra, as well:

Om Sam Om

Let's call this Samantabhadra's "Essence Mantra"--because this syllable SAM contains the Essence, the

essential Nature and Vibration, of this Bodhisattva.

So if you, or anyone, can't wrap your tongue around Om Samantabhadra Om, or if for any reason you

just need a shorter mantra, this Om Sam Om is another powerful option.

And it's extremely easy to teach to others!

The syllable Sam is Samantabhadra's Freedom. The rainbow-red Fire of Spirit ( + ) enters into and

compounds with the deep-blue Water of Matter ( - ). The result, Red and Blue combined, is the royal

Purple (or rainbow Violet) of Freedom, of Liberation.

Therefore, the code of the syllable is that the "S" represents Fire, the "M" (whether pronounced as "m"

or as a nasalized "ng") represents Water. Together they produce a Steam or "Sacred Fire Mist" ("A")

of Joy and Freedom.

When the Polarities, + and - , join in one flow, then all energy is set Free: no more constriction, no

more contortion or stagnation.

And furthermore, this syllable Sam is Samantabhadra's Joy. Bringing the spiritual Energies of Fire and

Water together and uniting them releases the supreme Joy and Bliss (Ananda) of Wholeness and


Finally, Sam is Samantabhadra's Community (Sangha, i.e., Sam-gha). In Sanskrit, the syllable sam

means "together."

So Samantabhadra brings us together in right communion and community so that we can help each

other become Bodhisattvas and finally Buddhas--and someday even bring down the heavenly Pure

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Land to express itself on earth, "Heaven on earth"!

Reciting Samantabhadra's full name in mantra is wonderful; and so is reciting his essential syllable.

Each has its right time and place.

The Chinese word 鬆鬆鬆鬆 Song is a form of this essence-syllable of Samantabhadra. It means "loosen,

set free."

Another Chinese word 僧僧僧僧 Seng means "Sangha" (Spiritual Community) or "member of the

Sangha"--Samantabhadra is the Bodhisattva who sponsors the Sangha.

In conclusion, let me teach one more useful method.

The first syllable of Samantabhadra's name is SA. It is the shortest form of Samantabhadra's essence-

syllable. In Chinese, this syllable can mean "let go," which is appropriate because Samantabhadra is

very much the Bodhisattva who helps us let go, and be free, of burdens.

So if you feel burdened--perhaps by an emotion such as anger, or nervous stress, etc.--you can first

breath in deeply, and then exhale while pronouncing the syllable Sa (SSSaaaa). You will find that it

helps you release the burdensome and negative energy, prana or ch'i. Try to both vocally and mentally

pronounce the Sa as you exhale--though if you are among people, you can certainly just do it mentally.

If you can also physically open your hands and relax your body, as though letting go of something, as

you breathe out with Sa, that will help even more!

Here is the Chinese character Sa that means to "let go."


There are other skillful ways of employing the sacred syllables of Samantabhadra and other

Bodhisattvas for wholeness and healing. I'll certainly share others with you in the future.
