  • 2 | Introduction Salzburg 2010

    Introduction Introduction

    The worlds greatest winter sports festival requires the combi-nation of a spectacular international stage, the worlds mostexperienced stage managers and the finest and most inter-national cast ever assembled for Olympic Winter Games.

    Salzburg, for centuries the shining jewel of a city in the heartof the Alps has become a highly sophisticated internationalcentre at the crossroads of the expanding New Europe. Acity rich in culture and at the top of technology and interna-tional business. No city is better suited to be awarded theopportunity to host this greatest of all sporting occasions.

    This bid has been put together by a hand-picked team ofyoung, energetic professionals, with the whole support of thepeople of the city of Salzburg, the region of Salzburg and thefull financial and emotional backing of all the political partiesin the Austrian Parliament.

    The people of Austria have a burning desire to demonstrateto the world their passion for winter sport, their unchallengedcapabilities in the organisation of major international eventsand their ability to integrate their own very special culture intoan impressive global event.

    The Olympic Winter Games in Salzburg would not only bringthis great event of winter sports back to its cradle in the heartof the Alps but would elevate the Games to new heights.

    No other country in the world can offer the wealth of experi-ence that Austria can. No other country in the world hasmore professional ski instructors working in all corners of theglobe than Austria. Utilising this experience and expertise theSalzburg bid will, over the next seven years, ensure that 20%more countries will be capable of competing at the Olympic

    Winter Games in 2010. Salzburg Olympic Winter Gameswould offer more for the Games and for the Olympic move-ment than any Games that have gone before.

    In this volume we will look in detail at the competition andtraining schedules for the Games and will once again confirmthe wealth of world class winter sports venues that thisregion is able to offer.

    Two weeks following the completion of the Games, Salzburgwill be able to host the most spectacular Paralympic WinterGames ever. Our close working relationship with the IPC andthe experience gained by Austria from hosting two previousParalympic Games (Innsbruck 1984 and 1988) will ensure amemorable Paralympics in Salzburg, raising these Gamesalso to a new level.

    First and foremost though, the Olympic and ParalympicGames are about the stars of these spectacular stages theathletes. The Salzburg bid has chosen to create three sepa-rate villages to accommodate the athletes, thereby ensuringthat no competitor needs to travel for more than 20 minutesto reach his or her training or competition site. These Gameswill put the athletes at the centre.

    Le plus grand festival de sports dhiver au monde a besoinde lalliance de trois lments clefs: une scne internationalespectaculaire, les metteurs en scne les plus exprimentsau monde et la distribution la plus internationale jamais runiepour les Jeux Olympiques dhiver.

    Salzbourg, pendant des sicles un joyau lov au coeur desAlpes, est devenue une cit internationale dun grand mo-dernisme, la croise des chemins dune nouvelle Europe.Une ville o la culture est omniprsente et pourtant lapointe de la technologie et des affaires internationales.Aucune autre ville nest mieux adapte que Salzbourg pourse voir confrer la possibilit daccueillir la plus grande desmanifestations sportives. La candidature de Salzbourg a t labore par une quipede jeunes professionnels nergiques, choisis avec soin, quiont derrire eux tous les habitants de la ville et de la provincede Salzbourg et qui bnficient du soutien total, financier etmotionnel, de tous les partis politiques reprsents au par-lement autrichien.

    Le peuple autrichien dsire ardemment montrer au mondeentier sa passion pour les sports dhiver, son aptitude sansgale organiser des manifestations sportives internationalesde grande ampleur et sa facult dintgrer sa culture originaledans une manifestation plantaire.

    A Salzbourg, les Jeux Olympiques dhiver ne se contenteraientpas de revenir leurs origines authentiques, au coeur des Alpes, mais ils acquerraient une nouvelle dimension.

    Aucun autre pays au monde ne peut offrir la richesse dex-prience qui caractrise lAutriche. Aucun autre pays aumonde nenvoie autant de moniteurs professionnels de ski

    aux quatre coins de la plante que lAutriche. En puisantdans cette exprience et ce savoir-faire, le comit de candidature de Salzbourg sassurera, au cours des septprochaines annes, que le nombre de pays pouvant participer aux Jeux Olympiques dhiver augmentera de 20 %en 2010. Des Jeux Olympiques dhiver Salzbourgapporteraient plus aux Jeux et au Mouvement Olympiqueque les ditions passes des Jeux dhiver.

    Dans le prsent volume, nous allons passer en revue, dans ledtail, le calendrier des comptitions et des entranementslors des Jeux Olympiques dhiver et nous allons montrer, unefois de plus, la richesse de notre rgion en sites sportifs deniveau mondial.

    Deux semaines aprs la clture des Jeux Olympiques,Salzbourg sera en mesure daccueillir les Jeux Paralympiquesdhiver les plus spectaculaires jamais organiss. Notre relation troite avec le CIP et lexprience de notre pays qui a dj, par deux fois, accueilli les Jeux Paralympiques(Innsbruck 1984 et 1988) feront de ldition de 2010 Salzbourg, une dition mmorable et dun niveau de qualitjamais atteint.

    Mais avant tout, les Jeux Olympiques dhiver et les JeuxParalympiques dhiver ne seraient rien sans les toiles quibrillent leur firmament: les athltes. Le comit de candida-ture de Salzbourg a choisi damnager trois villagesolympiques spars pour hberger les athltes et veiller ainsi ce quaucun concurrent nait plus de 20 minutes de trans-port parcourir pour atteindre son site dentranement ou decomptition. Les athltes seront au coeur des Jeux deSalzbourg.

    Introduction | 3

  • Salzburg 20104 | Salzburg 2010 Salzburg 2010 | 5








    U A

    M K









    / P











    T /









    T /


























    Disciplines olympiquesOlympic disciplines





    Hockey sur glaceIce Hockey


    Patinage de vitesseSpeed Skating

    Short TrackShort Track

    Patinage artistiqueFigure Skating

    Danse sur glaceIce Dance

    Ski de fond Cross-Country

    Saut ski Ski Jumping

    Combin nordiqueNordic Combined


    Super GSuper G

    Slalom gantGiant slalom



    Ski acrobatiqueFreestyle

    Hockey sur glace sur lugeIce Sledge Hockey


    Super GSuper G

    Slalom gantGiant slalom


    Ski de fond Cross-Country


    Stade olympiqueOlympic Stadium

    Remises des mdaillesMedal ceremonies

    Village olympiqueOlympic Village

    Htel du CIOIOC Hotel

    Htel du CIPIPC Hotel



    Gare chemin de ferRailway station

    NavettesBus shuttle

    ParkingParking space

    Parking de dlestagePark & Ride



    Jeux ParalympiquesParalympic Games


    Curling en chaise roulanteWheelchair Curling

    Code couleur Colour code

    Infrastructure existanteExisting infrastructure

    Infrastructure prvue Planned infrastructure

    Infrastructure supplmentaire Additional infrastructure

  • Le programme et les sites des preuves ainsi que les sites dentranement ont dj t dfinis. Dans la mesure o tous les sites en plein air existent dj et servent,depuis des annes, accueillir de grandescomptitions internationales, leur utilisationaprs les Jeux nest pas source dinterrogations et laccord des FdrationsInternationales ne fait pas de doute.

    The competition programme, the competitionvenues and the training venues have beenconfirmed. Since all outdoor venues alreadyexist and have been used for large international events for years, everything is settled for post-Games use or with theagreement of international Sports Federations.


    Salzburg 2010

  • 7.1. Calendrier des comptitions 7.1. Competition schedule

    Nom du site/Name of site

    Stade olympique/Olympic StadiumCrmonie d ouverture - de remises des mdailles - de clture/Opening - Medal - Closing ceremony

    Patinoire I/Arena I - Salzburg LieferingHockey sur glace Messieurs et Dames/Ice Hockey Men and Women

    Patinoire II/Arena II - Salzburg VolksgartenHockey sur glace Messieurs/Ice Hockey Men

    Patinoire III/Arena III - Salzburg StadtarenaHockey sur glace Dames/Ice Hockey Women

    Ovale/Oval - Hallein/RifPatinage de vitesse/Speed Skating

    Keltenarena - HalleinPatinage artistique/Figure SkatingShort-track/Short Track Speed Skating

    Kitzbhel - HahenkammSki alpin Messieurs/Alpine Skiing MenSauts, Bosses/Aerials, Moguls

    Kitz Arena - Kitzbhel/TyrolCurling/Curling

    FlachauSki alpin Dames/Alpine Skiing WomenTechnical Events/Technical Events

    Altenmarkt/ZauchenseeSki alpin Dames/Alpine Skiing WomenEpreuves de vitesse et combin/Speed Events and Comb.

    St. Johann i. Pg.Snowboard/Snowboard

    Radstadt/AltenmarktBiathlon/BiathlonSki de fond/Cross-Country

    Salzburg HellbrunnSki de fond sprint/Cross-Country Sprint

    BischofshofenSaut ski K 120/Ski Jump K 120Combin nordique/Nordic Combined

    Ramsau a. D.Saut ski K 90/Ski Jump K 90Combin nordique/Nordic Combined

    Schnau am KnigsseeBobsleigh/BobsleighLuge/LugeSkeleton/Skeleton




    Crmonie d`ou-





    Crmonie de remises

    des mdailles/Medal


    Hockey sur glace M/

    Ice Hockey M

    Hockey sur glace M/

    Ice Hockey M

    5,000 m M

    Patinage artistique

    Couples court/Figure

    Skating Pairs Short

    Super-G M

    Ski de fond M 30 km/

    Cross-Country M 30 km

    Biathlon D 15 km/

    Biathlon W 15 km

    Saut ski K 120

    Qualification/Ski Jumping

    K 120 Qualification

    Combin nordique

    K 90 + 15 km/Nordic

    Combined K 90 + 15 km

    Luge M manche 1+ 2/

    Luge M, heat 1 + 2




    Crmonie de remises

    des mdailles/Medal


    Hockey sur glace M/

    Ice Hockey M

    Hockey sur glace M/

    Ice Hockey M

    3,000 m D/W

    Super-G D/

    Super-G W

    Ski de fond D 15 km/

    Cross-Country W 15 km

    Biathlon M 20 km/

    Biathlon M 20 km

    Saut ski K 120 Finale/

    Ski Jumping K 120 Final

    Luge M manche 3 + 4/

    Luge M, heat 3 + 4




    Crmonie de remises

    des mdailles/Medal


    Hockey sur glace M/

    Ice Hockey M

    Hockey sur glace M/

    Ice Hockey M

    Hockey sur glace D/

    Ice Hockey W

    500 m M

    Patinage artistique

    Couples libre/Figure

    Skating Pairs Free

    Bosses M Qualification

    + Finale/Moguls M

    Qualification + Final

    D1 M1 D2/

    W1 M1 W2

    Halfpipe D Qualification

    + Finale/Halfpipe W

    Qualification + Final

    Luge D manche 1+ 2/

    Luge W, heat 1 + 2




    Crmonie de remises

    des mdailles/Medal


    Hockey sur glace M/

    Ice Hockey M

    Hockey sur glace M/

    Ice Hockey M

    Hockey sur glace D/

    Ice Hockey W

    500 m M

    Patinage artistique

    Messieurs court/Figure

    Skating Men Short

    Bosses D Qualification

    + Finale/Moguls W

    Qualification + Final

    M2 D3 M3/

    M2 W3 M3

    Halfpipe M Qualification

    + Finale/Halfpipe M

    Qualification + Final

    Ski de fond M

    10 km + 10 km/

    Cross-Country M

    10 km + 10 km

    Saut ski K 90


    Jumping K 90


    Luge D manche 3 + 4/

    Luge W, heat 3 + 4




    Crmonie de remises

    des mdailles/Medal


    Hockey sur glace M/

    Ice Hockey M

    Hockey sur glace M/

    Ice Hockey M

    Hockey sur glace D/

    Ice Hockey W

    500 m D/W

    Short-track/Short Track

    M Relais (prlim.)/

    M Relay (prelim)

    M 1,000 m (prlim.)/

    M 1,000 m (prelim)

    D 1,500 m (Finale)/

    W 1,500 m (Final)

    D4 M4 D5/

    W4 M4 W5

    Ski de fond D

    5 km + 5 km/

    Cross-Country W

    5 km + 5 km

    Saut ski K 90

    Finale/Ski Jumping

    K 90 Final




    Crmonie de remises

    des mdailles/Medal


    Hockey sur glace M/

    Ice Hockey M

    Hockey sur glace M/

    Ice Hockey M

    Hockey sur glace D/

    Ice Hockey W

    500 m D/W

    Patinage artistique

    Messieurs libre/Figure

    Skating Men Free

    M5 D6 M6/

    M5 W6 M6

    Combine D descente

    + slalom/Combined W

    Downhill + Slalom

    Biathlon M 10 km +

    D 7.5 km/Biathlon

    M 10 km + W 7.5 km

    Luge doubles/

    Luge doubles




    Crmonie de remises

    des mdailles/Medal


    Hockey sur glace M/

    Ice Hockey M

    Hockey sur glace M/

    Ice Hockey M

    Hockey sur glace D/

    Ice Hockey W

    Patinage artistique

    danse impose/

    Figure Skating Dance


    Combin descente

    + slalom M/Combined

    Downhill + Slalom M

    D7 M7 D8/

    W7 M7 W8

    Snowboard PSG/PGS

    D Qualification +

    Finale/W Qualification

    + Final

    Ski de fond

    D 10 km + M 15 km/


    W 10 km + M 15 km

    Combin nordique

    K 90 par quipes

    4 x 7.5 km par


    Combined K 90 Team

    4 x 7.5 km Team




    Crmonie de remises

    des mdailles/Medal


    Hockey sur glace M/

    Ice Hockey M

    Hockey sur glace M/

    Ice Hockey M

    Hockey sur glace D/

    Ice Hockey W

    1,000 m M

    Short-track/Short Track

    D Relais (prlim.)/

    W Relay (prelim)

    M 1,000 m (finale)/

    M 1,000 m (final)

    D 500 m (finale)/

    W 500 m (final)

    Sauts D Qualification +

    M Qualification/Aerials

    W Qualification +

    M Qualification

    M8 D9 M9/

    M8 W9 M9

    Descente D/

    Downhill W

    Snowboard PSG/PGS

    M Qualification + Finale/

    M Qualification + M Final

    Biathlon D 10 km P

    + M 12.5 km P/

    Biathlon W 10 km P

    + M 12.5 km P

    Bobsleigh M

    2 Messieurs manche

    1 + 2/Bobsleigh M

    2 M heat 1 + 2




    Crmonie de remises

    des mdailles/Medal


    Hockey sur glace M/

    Ice Hockey M

    Hockey sur glace M/

    Ice Hockey M

    Hockey sur glace D/

    Ice Hockey W

    1,000 m D/W

    Patinage artistique

    danse originale/

    Figure Skating Dance


    Descente M/

    Downhill M

    Partage ex aequo

    D + M/Tiebreakers

    W + M

    Ski de fond

    M Relais 4 x 10 km/


    M Relay 4 x 10 km

    Saut ski K 120 par

    quipes/Ski Jumping

    K 120 Team

    Bobsleigh M

    2 Messieurs manche

    3 + 4/Bobsleigh M

    2 M heat 3 + 4




    Crmonie de remises

    des mdailles/Medal


    Hockey sur glace M/

    Ice Hockey M

    Hockey sur glace M/

    Ice Hockey M

    Patinage artistique

    danse libre/Figure

    Skating Dance Free

    Sauts Finale D/

    Aerials Final W

    Semifinales D + M/

    Semifinal W + M

    Ski de fond D Relais

    4 x 5 km/Cross-Country

    W Relay 4 x 5 km




    Crmonie de remises

    des mdailles/Medal


    Demi-finales D/

    Semifinals W

    Places 5 8 D/

    Place 5 - 8 W

    1,500 m M

    Patinage artistique

    Dames court/Figure

    Skating Women short

    Sauts Finale M/

    Aerials Final M

    Bronze D + M/

    Bronze W + M

    Finale D + M/

    Final W + M

    Slalom gant D/

    Giant Slalom W

    Biathlon D Relais

    4 x 7.5 km/Biathlon

    W Relay 4 x 7.5 km

    Bobsleigh D/

    Bobsleigh W




    Crmonie de remises

    des mdailles/Medal


    Quarts de finale M/

    Quarterfinals M

    Quarts de finale M/

    Quarterfinals M

    1,500 m D/W

    Short-track/Short Track

    D 1,000 m (prlim.)/

    W 1,000 m (prelim)

    M 1,500 m (Finale)/

    M 1,500 m (Final)

    D Relais (Finale)/

    W Relay (Final)

    Slalom gant M/

    Giant Slalom M

    Biathlon M Relais

    4 x 7.5 km/Biathlon

    M Relay 4 x 7.5 km

    Ski de fond D + M

    1.5 km sprint/

    Cross-Country W + M

    1.5 km Sprint




    Crmonie de remises

    des mdailles/Medal


    Finale D/

    Final W

    Bronze D/

    Bronze W

    Patinage artistique

    Dames libre/Figure

    Skating Women Free

    Comb. nordique K 120

    + 7.5 km/Nordic Comb.

    K 120 + 7.5 km

    Skeleton M + D/

    Skeleton M + W




    Crmonie de remises

    des mdailles/ Medal


    Demi-finales M/

    Semifinals M

    10,000 m M

    Patinage artistique


    Skating Exhibition

    Slalom D/

    Slalom W

    Biathlon dpart group

    D 12.50 km/

    Biathlon mass start

    W 12.50 km

    Bobsleigh M

    4 Messieurs manche

    1 + 2/Bobsleigh M

    4 M heat 1 + 2




    Crmonie de remises

    des mdailles/Medal


    Bronze M/

    Bronze M

    5,000 m D/W

    Short-track/Short Track

    D 1,000 (Finale)/

    W 1,000 (Final)

    M 500 m (Finale)/

    M 500 m (Final)

    D + M Relais (Finale)/

    W + M Relay (Final)

    Slalom M

    Ski de fond D 30 km/

    Cross-Country W

    30 km

    Biathlon dpart group

    M 15 km/Biathlon

    mass start M 15 km

    Bobsleigh M

    4 Messieurs manche

    3 + 4/Bobsleigh M

    4 M heat 3 + 4




    Crmonie de



    Finale M/

    Final M

    Ski de fond M

    50 km/Cross-Country

    M 50 km


    Salzburg 20106 | Sports Sports | 7

  • Sports | 98 | Sports Salzburg 2010

    7.1.2. Garanties 7.1.2. Guarantees

    The city of Salzburg and the sports federations involved guarantee that there will be no major events in the vicinity of the Gameson the dates of Olympic events or shortly before or after the Games. The required guarantees are listed under theme 18.

    La ville de Salzbourg et les fdrations de sports concernes garantissent quaucune comptition majeure ne sera organise proximit des Jeux et aux mmes dates que les preuves olympiques ou que des preuves soient tenues peu avant ou peuaprs les Jeux. Les garanties requises sont numres au thme 18.

  • Salzburg 201010 | Sports Sports | 11

    7.2. Sites sportifs 7.2. Venue sites

    Nom du site/Name of site


    Piste de glace/Ice runSchnau am Knigssee

    Kitz Arena - Kitzbhel/Tyrol

    Patinoire I/Arena I - Salzburg Liefering

    Patinoire II/Arena II - Salzburg Volksgarten

    Patinoire III/Arena III - Salzburg Stadtarena

    Piste de glace/Ice run Schnau am Knigssee

    Ovale/Oval - Hallein/Rif

    Keltenarena - Hallein


    Salzburg Hellbrunn


    Ramsau a. D.


    Ramsau a. D.

    Kitzbhel Hahnenkamm



    Kitzbhel Hahnenkamm

    St. Johann i. Pg.

    Nom du prop. actuel/Current owner


    District/Landkreis Berchtesgadenerland


    Ville de Salzbourg/City of Salzburg

    Ville de Salzbourg/City of Salzburg


    District/Landkreis Berchtesgadenerland




    Ville de Salzbourg/City of Salzburg

    Club de ski/Skiclub Bischofshofen

    Transports urbains/Public transport services

    Club de ski/Skiclub Bischofshofen

    Transports urbains/Public transport services

    Tlfriques/Mountain railwaysPriv/Private

    Tlfriques/Mountain railwaysPriv/Private

    Socit des remonts mcaniques/Ski lift operatorsPriv/Private

    Tlfriques/Mountain railwaysPriv/Private

    Tlfriques/Mountain railwaysPriv/Private

    Utlilisation actuelle/Current use

    Ski de fond/Cross-Country

    Bobsleigh, Luge, Skeleton/Bobsleigh, Luge, Skeleton


    construire/to be built

    Hockey sur glace/Ice Hockey


    Bobsleigh, Luge, Skeleton/Bobsleigh, Luge, Skeleton

    construire/to be built

    construire/to be built

    Ski de fond/Cross-Country

    Ski de fond/Cross-Country

    Saut ski/Ski Jumping

    Sports nordiques/Nordic sports

    Saut ski/Ski Jumping

    Sports nordiques/Nordic sports

    Ski alpin/Alpine Skiing

    Ski alpin/Alpine Skiing

    Ski alpin/Alpine Skiing

    Ski alpin/Alpine Skiing

    Ski alpin/Alpine Skiing

    Futur propritaire/Future owner


    District/Landkreis Berchtesgadenerland

    resoudre/to be determined

    Ville de Salzbourg/City of Salzburg

    Ville de Salzbourg/City of Salzburg


    District/Landkreis Berchtesgadenerland

    Gouverement et pays/Government and provinces

    Ville de Hallein/City of Hallein


    Ville de Salzbourg/City of Salzburg

    Club de ski/Skiclub Bischofshofen

    Transports urbains/Public transport services

    Club de ski/Skiclub Bischofshofen

    Transports urbains/Public transport services

    Tlfriques/Mountain railwaysPriv/Private

    Tlfriques/Mountain railwaysPriv/Private

    Socit des remonts mcaniques/Ski lift operatorsPriv/Private

    Tlfriques/Mountain railwaysPriv/Private

    Tlfriques/Mountain railwaysPriv/Private

    Nombre et nom de/Number and name of

    No./No. Sports/Sports

    1 Biathlon/Biathlon

    1 Bobsleigh/Bobsleigh

    1 Curling/Curling

    1 Hockey sur glace/Ice Hockey

    Hockey sur glace/Ice Hockey

    Hockey sur glace/Ice Hockey

    1 Luge/Luge

    1 Patinage/Skating



    1 Ski/Skiing








    No./No. Disciplines/Disciplines

    1 Biathlon/Biathlon

    1 Bobsleigh/Bobsleigh

    1 Skeleton/Skeleton

    1 Curling/Curling

    1 Hockey sur glace/Ice Hockey

    Hockey sur glace/Ice Hockey

    Hockey sur glace/Ice Hockey

    1 Luge/Luge

    1 Patinage de vitesse/Speed Skating

    1 Short-track/Short Track Speed Skating

    1 Patinage artistique/Figure Skating

    1 Ski de fond/Cross-Country

    1 Ski de fond/Cross-Country

    1 Saut ski/Ski Jumping

    1 Combin nordique/NordicCombined

    1 Ski alpin/Alpine Skiing

    1 Ski alpin/Alpine Skiing

    1 Ski acrob./Freestyle

    1 Snowboard/Snowboard

    No./No. Epreuves/Events

    10 D 7.5 km/W 7.5 km; D 15 km/W 15 km;D 10 km P/W 10 km P; D 12.5 km dpart group/W 12.5 km mass start; D relais 4 x 7.5 km/W relay 4 x 7.5 km; M 10 km/M10 km; M 20 km/M 20 km; M 12.5 km P/M 12.5 km P; M 12.5 km dpart group/M 12.5 km mass start; M relais 4 x 10 km/M relay 4 x 10 km

    3 2 messieurs/2 men4 messieurs/4 men2 dames/2 women

    2 Messieurs/MenDames/Women

    2 Messieurs/MenDames/Women

    2 Hockey sur glace Messieurs + Dames/Ice Hockey Men + Women

    Hockey sur glace Messieurs/Ice Hockey Men

    Hockey sur glace Dames/Ice Hockey Women

    3 Luge Dames/Luge WomenLuge Messieurs/Luge MenLuge doubles/Luge doubles

    10 Messieurs/Men 500m; 1,000 m; 1,500 m;5,000 m; 10,000 mDames/Women 500m; 1,000 m; 1,500 m;3,000 m; 5,000 m

    8 Messieurs/Men 500m; 1,000 m; 1,500 m;Relais/RelayDames/Women 500m; 1,000 m; 1,500 m;Relais/Relay

    4 Couples, court/Pairs shortCouples libre/Pairs freeMessieurs court/Men shortMessieurs libre/Men freeDames court/Women shortDames libre/Damen freeDanse libre, original/Ice Dance free, originalExhibition/Exhibition

    10 Messieurs/Men 10 km; 15 km; 30 km; 50 km; Messieurs relais/Men relay 4 x 10 kmDames/Women 5 km; 10 km; 15 km; 30 kmDames relais/Women relay 4 x 5 km

    2 Sprint Messieurs et Dames/Sprint Men and Women

    2 Messieurs/Men K 120Equipes/Team K 120

    1 Messieurs/Men K 90

    1 Messieurs/Men K 120; 7.5 km

    2 Messieurs/Men K 90; 15 kmEquipes/Team K 90; 4 x 7.5 km

    5 Messieurs slalom/Men SlalomMessieurs slalom gant/Men Giant SlalomMessieurs Super G/Men Super GMessieurs descente/Men DownhillMessieurs combin/Men Combined

    2 Dames slalom/Women SlalomDames slalom gant/Women Giant Slalom

    3 Dames Super G/Women Super GDames descente/Women Downhill Dames combin/Women Combined

    2 Messieurs bosses/Men MogulsDames bosses/Women Moguls

    2 Messieurs sauts/Men AerialsDames sauts/Women Aerials

    2 Messieurs halfpipe/Men HalfpipeDames halfpipe/Women Halfpipe

    2 Messieurs PSG/Men PGSDames PSG/Women PGS

    Utilisation aprs les Jeux/

    Post-Games use

    Ski de fond/Cross-Country

    Bobsleigh, Luge, Skeleton/Bobsleigh, Luge, Skeleton



    Hockey sur glace/Ice Hockey


    Bobsleigh, Luge, Skeleton/Bobsleigh, Luge, Skeleton

    Patinage de vitesse/Speed SkatingComptition dathltisme/Track and Field



    Ski de fond/Cross-Country

    Ski de fond/Cross-Country

    Saut ski/Ski jumpingComb. nordique/Nordic Comb.

    Combin nordique/NordicCombined

    Combin nordique/NordicCombined

    Combin nordique/NordicCombined

    Ski alpin/Alpine Skiing

    Ski alpin/Alpine Skiing

    Ski alpin/Alpine Skiing

    Ski alpin/Alpine Skiing

    Ski alpin/Alpine SkiingSnowboard/Snowboard

  • Salzburg 201012 | Sports Sports | 13

    7.3. Epreuves tests

    Le COJO est dispos organiser des preuves tests dans toutes les disciplines olympiques au cours des deux annes prcdant les Jeux Olympiques dhiver, en collaboration avec les fdrationsnationales concernes.

    Dans la mesure o ne seraient pas dj prvues des preuves de Coupe du monde, les diverses fdra-tions nationales sefforceront dorganiser des preuves importantes sur les sites nouveaux, au cours desannes prcdant les Jeux.

    7.4. Ressources humaines

    La source principale de recrutement de personnel ayant lexprience des sports sera assurepar les comits dorganisation des nombreux vnements de la Coupe du monde.

    Lintgration des directeurs techniques des fdrations nationales olympiques de sports dhiver pendantles phases de candidature et de planification permet de disposer trs tt de la comprhension desncessits de chaque discipline sportive. Pour la ralisation des diverses tches, il sera galement mis la disposition des sites sportifs un grand nombre de spcialistes comptents issus des nombreusesfdrations et associations spcifiques.

    En collaboration avec luniversit des sports de Salzbourg, le bnvolat en faveur du sport deviendrapartie intgrante de la formation. Grce cette collaboration, ds la phase de la candidature, ces diversgroupes sont sensibiliss ds maintenant au projet olympique de 2010 et transmettre toute lampleurdes Jeux Olympiques dhiver.

    Additional training slopes:

    Aside from the training sites for alpine skiing, 23 additional slopes in the vicinity of the venues will beavailable. In the Amad region, a total of 15 slopes, in detail one in Filzmoos, one in Eben, two inRadstadt, four in Zauchensee, three in Reitdorf, one in Kleinarl, one in Wagrain and two in St. Johann imPongau will be ready for use.

    The other 8 slopes are around the venue of Kitzbhel/Tyrol and located as follows: five in Kirchberg, twoin St. Johann in Tirol and one in Westendorf.

    Two additional existing rinks will be available for ice-hockey within a 20 minutes drive to and from theOlympic Village. Training rink 1 will be in Bad Reichenhall, training rink 2 is located in Berchtesgaden. Allthe other sports have training possibilities at the different competition sites.

    7.2. Training Sites

    Pistes supplmentaires pour l'entranement:

    Pour l'entranement de ski alpin, outre les sites numrs, il y aura galement les 23 pistes suivantes,toutes faible distance des sites: une Filzmoos, une Eben, deux Radstadt, quatre Zauchensee,trois Reitdorf, une Kleinarl, une Wagrain, deux St. Johann i. Pongau, soit un total de 15 dans largion d'Amad.

    Les 8 autres pistes se trouvent Kitzbhel/Tyrol: cinq Kirchberg, deux St. Johann i. Tirol et une Westendorf.

    Deux patinoires existantes seront disponibles de plus moins de 20 minutes du village olympique pourl'entranement du hockey sur glace. La patinoire d'entranement 1 se trouve Bad Reichenhall, la pati-noire d'entranement 2 est Berchtesgaden. Tous les autres sports ont des possibilits d'entranementsur les lieux de comptition.

    7.2. Sites dentranement

    7.3. Test Events

    The OCOG confirms that in the 2 years prior to the Winter Games it will carry out test events in allOlympic disciplines in cooperation with the respective national sports federations.

    In case no World Cup competitions have been scheduled, the respective national sports federations willendeavour to attract additional big events in the years prior to the Olympic Winter Games to be held onthe new venues.

  • Sports/Sports

    Championnats du monde/World Championships

    Ski alpin/Alpine Skiing

    Bobsleigh et Skeleton/Bobsleigh and Skeleton

    Patinage de vitesse/Speed Skating

    Hockey sur glace (Championnats du monde - B)/Ice Hockey (B - World Championships)

    Bobsleigh (Championnats du monde}/Bobsleigh (World Championships)

    Ski acrobatique DM/Freestyle WM

    Hockey sur glace(Championnats du monde - A)/Ice Hockey (A - World Championships)

    Vol ski/Ski Flying



    Short-track patinage de vitesse/Short Track Speed Skating


    Ski nordique/Nordic Skiing

    Bobsleigh et Skeleton/Bobsleigh and Skeleton

    Ski alpin/Alpine Skiing

    Championnats d'Europe/European Championships



    Patinage artistique/Figure Skating

    Coupe du monde/World Cup

    Ski alpin messieurs/Alpine Skiing Men

    Saut ski/Ski Jumping

    Combin nordique/Nordic Combined

    Ski de fond/Cross-Country

    Saut ski/Ski Jumping

    Patinage de vitesse/Speed Skating




    Finales de Coupe du monde D et M/World Cup Finals Men and Woman

    Tableau/Table 7.5 Exprience sportive/Sports experience

    Site sportif/Venue site








    Bad Mitterndorf




    Schnau am Knigssee

    Ramsau am Dachstein


    St. Anton


    Schnau am Knigssee








    Schnau am Knigssee

    Schnau am Knigssee

    Schnau am Knigssee

    Flachau and Zauchensee




















    chaque anne depuis 1931/annual since 1931

    chaque anne depuis 1992/annual since 1992

    1998, 2002

    1992, 1998, 2002


    1994, 1995

    1995, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2001

    1993, 1996, 1997, 1998, 2000, 2002



    Salzburg 201014 | Sports Sports | 15

    7.5. Exprience sportiveSports experience

    7.4. Human resources

    The main source for recruiting experienced sports personnel will be through the organising committees of the many World Cup events.

    Integrating technical directors of national Olympic winter sports federations during the bidding and planning phase provides an early understanding of the necessities of each type of sport.

    Furthermore, a large number of qualified specialists from the numerous sports federations and associations are available to carry out the various tasks at the venue sites. In collaboration with the SportUniversity Salzburg, sport volunteering will be an integrated component of the educational programme.

    The early collaboration that is already taking place during the bidding phase will help this group to become familiar with the Olympic project in 2010 and convey the dimensions of the Olympic Winter Games.

  • Site: Parcours de biathlon Radstadt/Altenmarkt

    Disciplines: Biathlon

    Epreuves:Messieurs 10 km, 20 km, 12.5 km poursuite, 15 km dpart group, relais 4 x 7.5 km; Dames 7 km, 15 km, 10 km poursuite, 12.5 km dpart group, relais 4 x 7.5 km



    village principal

    village annexe


    site dentran.

    7.7. Construction du site de comptition

    Le parcours de ski de fond de lpreuve de biathlon existe enpartie et sera reli au rseau existant de ski de fond de largion. Le stade de biathlon et le stand de tir seront desinstallations provisoires pour la dure des XXImes JeuxOlympiques dhiver. Les nombreux kilomtres de pistes deski de fond offrent suffisamment de possibilits dentrane-ment et sont directement relis au parcours de comptition.

    7.8. Discussions avec les FI

    Le concept du biathlon a t dfini en collaboration troiteavec les experts de la fdration autrichienne de biathlon.LUnion internationale de biathlon (UIB) la qualifi doptimalpour lorganisation des preuves olympiques.

    LUIB confirme que la zone envisage se prte lorganisa-tion dpreuves de biathlon et, par ailleurs, donne son accordpour le calendrier prvu pour les preuves olympiques debiathlon (voir dclaration de la FI numre au thme 18).

    7.9. Utilisation aprs les Jeux

    Le rseau de pistes de la rgion qui est utilis de faon inten-sive tant par le sport de masse que par le sport dlite va treamlior loccasion des Jeux et pourra accueillir, lavenir,les comptitions de tous les niveaux. La technologie spcifiqueau biathlon pourra servir amliorer les quipements des cen-tres autrichiens de sports de haut niveau.

    7.10. Calendrier des comptitions

    16 | Sports

    7.6. Planification spcifique des sportsSites de comptition et dentranement

    7.6. Sport specific planningCompetition and training sites

    Sports | 17



    km min

    - -

    69 40

    1 5

    72 45

    site de comp.



    km min

    69 40

    - -

    68 40

    3 5

    69 40



    km min

    1 5

    68 40

    - -

    71 45

    1 5


    km min

    72 45

    3 5

    71 45

    - -

    72 45



    km min

    site de comp.

    69 40

    1 5

    72 45

    - -

    Site: Piste de glace Schnau am Knigssee

    Disciplines:Bobsleigh, Skeleton



    village principal


    site d'entran.

    Epreuves: Bobsleigh: 2 messieurs, 4 messieurs, 2 dames; Skeleton: messieurs, dames

    7.7. Construction du site de comptition

    La piste de glace existe depuis 32 ans et fait lobjet dajuste-ments et damliorations constants. Les Championnats dumonde de bobsleigh et de skeleton qui se tiendront en 2004seront un grand moment de plus dans son histoire et leszones de dpart et darrive seront entirement rnoves.

    Il est galement prvu, pour les preuves olympiques, de revoirla conception du poste darrive et dagrandir ainsi lespace lintrieur de la courbe finale. Les Championnats du monde de2004 doivent servir de galop dessai de nouvelles adaptations.



    km min

    - -

    27 25

    30 30

    site de comp.

    village principal

    km min

    27 25

    - -

    3 5

    27 25


    km min

    30 30

    3 5

    - -

    30 30

    site dentran.

    km min

    site de comp.

    27 25

    30 30

    - -

    Site:Biathlon course at Radstadt/Altenmarkt

    Disciplines: Biathlon

    Events:Mens 10 km, 20 km, 12.5 km pursuit, mass start 15 km, 4 x 7.5 km relay; womens 7 km, 15 km, 10 km pursuit, mass start 12.5 km, 4 x 7.5 km relay



    main Village



    train. venue

    7.7. Competition site construction

    Part of the cross-country course for the biathlon eventsalready exists and will be linked to an existing cross-countrynetwork in the region. A biathlon stadium and shooting rangewill be temporarily constructed for the XXI Olympic WinterGames. The cross-country networks many kilometres willprovide sufficient training opportunities that are closely relatedto competitive cross-country courses.

    7.8. IF negotiations

    The biathlon concept has been prepared in close collabora-tion with experts from the Austrian Biathlon Federation andthe International Biathlon Union (IBU) has found it to be opti-mum for carrying out Olympic events.

    The IBU confirms that the proposed area is suitable for hold-ing biathlon events and also agrees to the planned competi-tion schedule for the Olympic Biathlon events (see IF state-ment listed under theme 18).

    7.9. Post-Games use

    Due to the Games, the regions cross-country network, whichis intensively used for popular and high-performance sports,will experience an improvement in quality enabling competi-tions in all classes to be held in the future. The existingAustrian performance centres can benefit from biathlon-spe-cific technology as an upgrade.

    7.10. Competition schedule



    km min

    - -

    69 40

    1 5

    72 45

    comp venue

    main Village

    km min

    69 40

    - -

    68 40

    3 5

    69 40


    km min

    1 5

    68 40

    - -

    71 45

    1 5


    km min

    72 45

    3 5

    71 45

    - -

    72 45

    train. venue

    km min

    comp venue

    69 40

    1 5

    72 45

    - -

    Site: Ice run at Schnau am Knigssee

    Disciplines:Bobsleigh, Skeleton



    main Village


    train. venue

    Events: Bobsleigh: 2 men, 4 men, 2 women; Skeleton: men, women

    7.7. Competition site construction

    The ice run has been in existence for 32 years and is constant-ly being adapted and improved. The bobsleigh and skeletonWorld Championships in 2004 will be another highlight and thestarting and finishing areas will be completely renovated for thisevent.

    Redesign of the building in the finishing area is also beingplanned for the Olympic events along with increasing the innerspace of the final curve. The 2004 World Championshipsshould also serve as a test run for other adaptations.


    Fri, 05th Opening

    Sat, 06th W 15 km

    Sun, 07th M 20 km

    Mon, 08th

    Tue, 09th

    Wed, 10th

    Thu, 11th M 10 km, W 7.5 km

    Fri, 12th

    Sat, 13th W 10 km P, M 12.5 km P

    Sun, 14th

    Mon, 15th

    Tue, 16th W relay 4 x 7.5 km

    Wed, 17th M relay 4 x 7.5 km

    Thu, 18th

    Fri, 19th W mass start 12.5 km

    Sat, 20th M mass start 15 km

    Sun, 21th Closing

    Salzburg 2010


    km min

    - -

    27 25

    30 30

    comp venue

    main Village

    km min

    27 25

    - -

    3 5

    27 25


    km min

    30 30

    3 5

    - -

    30 30

    train. venue

    km min

    comp venue

    27 25

    30 30

    - -

    ven, 05 Ouverture

    sam, 06 D 15 km

    dim, 07 M 20 km

    lun, 08

    mar, 09

    mer, 10

    jeu, 11 M 10 km, D 7.5 km

    ven, 12

    sam, 13 D 10 km P, M 12.5 km P

    dim, 14

    lun, 15

    mar, 16 D relais 4 x 7.5 km

    mer, 17 M relais 4 x 7.5 km

    jeu, 18

    ven, 19 D dpart group 12.5 km

    sam, 20 M dpart group 15 km

    dim, 21 Clture

  • 7.8. IF negotiations

    With World Cup events regularly held in Schnau amKnigssee, there is broad acceptance of the venue site in theinternational sporting scene. The International Bobsleigh andTobogganing Federation agrees to the planned modificationsand improvements on the existing track for the Olympic bob-sleigh and skeleton competitions. Furthermore, the proposedcompetition schedule is suitable (see IF statement listed undertheme 18).

    7.9. Post-Games use

    The ice run will also be available in the future for use as acentre for international bobsleigh events.

    7.10. Competition schedule7.8. Discussions avec les FI

    Grce aux preuves rgulires de la Coupe du monde Schnau am Knigssee le site jouit de la faveur du monde dusport international. La Fdration internationale de bobsleigh etde toboggan donne son accord pour les modifications etamliorations envisages sur la piste existante o seront organ-ises les preuves olympiques de bobsleigh et de skeleton. Parailleurs, elle estime convenable le calendrier provisoire descomptitions (voir dclaration de la FI numre au thme 18).

    7.9. Utilisation aprs les Jeux

    La piste de glace restera lavenir un centre international dubobsleigh.

    7.10. Calendrier des comptitions

    Site: Kitzarena Kitzbhel/Tyrol

    Disciplines: Curling

    Epreuves: Messieurs et dames



    village principal

    village annexe

    annexe mdias


    site d'entran.

    7.7. Construction du site de comptition

    La salle de curling va tre construite spcialement pour lesJeux Olympiques dhiver de 2010 et sintgrera parfaitementdans lambiance olympique en raison de sa proximit parrapport au centre de la ville de Kitzbhel/Tyrol. Le villageolympique annexe, le centre de la ville et les aires darrivedes comptitions alpines messieurs et des preuves de skiacrobatique sont accessibles pied.

    7.8. Discussions avec les FI

    Lors de leur visite, les reprsentants de la Fdration mondi-ale de curling ont donn leur accord pour le concept prvu

    pour leur sport, loccasion des Jeux Olympiques dhiver de2010 (voir dclaration de la FI numre au thme 18).

    7.9. Utilisation aprs les Jeux

    La ville de Kitzbhel/Tyrol a besoin dune salle de manifesta-tions et de sport polyvalente; en consquence, il pourra trefait une utilisation optimale dune salle de cette dimension,aprs les Jeux. Par sa conception mme, la salle ne ncessit-era que peu de travaux pour tre transforme aprs les Jeux.

    7.10. Calendrier des comptitions

    Salzburg 201018 | Sports



    km min

    - -

    72 65

    1 5

    1 5

    75 70

    site de comp.



    km min

    72 65

    - -

    72 65

    72 65

    3 5

    72 65



    km min

    1 5

    72 65

    - -

    1 5

    75 70

    1 5


    km min

    75 70

    3 5

    75 70

    75 70

    - -

    75 70



    km min

    site de comp.

    72 65

    1 5

    1 5

    75 70

    - -



    km min

    1 5

    72 65

    1 5

    - -

    75 70

    1 5

    Site:Kitz Arena at Kitzbhel/Tyrol


    Events: Men and women



    main Village


    submedia c.


    train. venue

    7.7. Competition site construction

    The curling arena will be newly built for the 2010 OlympicWinter Games and with its proximity to Kitzbhels town cen-tre, it will be optimally integrated into the Olympic atmosphere.The Olympic Subvillage, the city centre and the finishing stadiums for the mens alpine and freestyle events will all bewithin walking distance.

    7.8. IF negotiations

    During their visit, representatives of the World Curling Federationagreed to the proposed curling concept for the 2010 OlympicWinter Games (see IF statement listed under theme 18).

    7.9. Post-Games use

    With the need for a multi-use sporting and events arena forthe town of Kitzbhel/Tyrol, there will be optimal post-Gamesuse for the arena. The concept will enable the arena to beadapted, with only minor alterations, for post-Games use.

    7.10. Competition schedule


    ven, 05 Ouverture

    sam, 06

    dim, 07

    lun, 08 D1 M1 D2

    mar, 09 M2 D3 M3

    mer, 10 D4 M4 D5

    jeu, 11 M5 D6 M6

    ven, 12 D7 M7 D8

    sam, 13 M8 D9 M9

    dim, 14 Partage ex aequo D + M

    lun, 15 Semifinale D + M

    mar, 16 Bronze D + M, Finale D + M

    mer, 17

    jeu, 18

    ven, 19

    sam, 20

    dim, 21 Clture


    km min

    - -

    72 65

    1 5

    1 5

    75 70

    comp. venue



    km min

    72 65

    - -

    72 65

    72 65

    3 5

    72 65



    km min

    1 5

    72 65

    - -

    1 5

    75 70

    1 5


    km min

    75 70

    3 5

    75 70

    75 70

    - -

    75 70



    km min

    comp. venue

    72 65

    1 5

    1 5

    75 70

    - -


    media c.

    km min

    1 5

    72 65

    1 5

    - -

    75 70

    1 5

    ven, 05 Ouverture

    sam, 06 Luge M manche 1 + 2

    dim, 07 Luge M manche 3 + 4

    lun, 08 Luge D manche 1 + 2

    mar, 09 Luge D manche 3 + 4

    mer, 10

    jeu, 11 Luge doubles

    ven, 12

    sam, 13 Bobsleigh 2 M manche 1+2

    dim, 14 Bobsleigh 2 M manche 3 + 4

    lun, 15

    mar, 16 Bobsleigh D

    mer, 17

    jeu, 18 Skeleton M + D

    ven, 19 Bobsleigh 4 M manche 1+ 2

    sam, 20 Bobsleigh 4 M manche 3 + 4

    dim, 21 Clture

    Fri, 05th Opening

    Sat, 06th Luge M heat 1 + 2

    Sun, 07th Luge M heat 3 + 4

    Mon, 08th Luge W heat 1 + 2

    Tue, 09th Luge W heat 3 + 4

    Wed, 10th

    Thu, 11th Luge doubles

    Fri, 12th

    Sat, 13th Bobsleigh 2 M heat 1 + 2

    Sun, 14th Bobsleigh 2 M heat 3 + 4

    Mon, 15th

    Tue, 16th Bobsleigh W

    Wed, 17th

    Thu, 18th Skeleton M + W

    Fri, 19th Bobsleigh 4 M heat 1 + 2

    Sat, 20th Bobsleigh 4 M heat 3 + 4

    Sun, 21th Closing

    Fri, 05th Opening

    Sat, 06th

    Sun, 07th

    Mon, 08th W1 M1 W2

    Tue, 09th M2 W3 M3

    Wed, 10th W4 M4 W5

    Thu, 11th M5 W6 M6

    Fri, 12th W7 M7 W8

    Sat, 13th M8 W9 M9

    Sun, 14th Tiebreakers W + M

    Mon, 15th Semifinal W + M

    Tue, 16th Bronze W + M, Final W + M

    Wed, 17th

    Thu, 18th

    Fri, 19th

    Sat, 20th

    Sun, 21th Closing

    Sports | 19

  • Sites de comptitions: Patinoire I Salzburg Liefering; Patinoire II Salzburg Volksgarten; Patinoire III Salzburg Stadtarena

    Disciplines:Hockey sur glace

    Epreuves: Messieurs- tournoi; Dames - tournoi


    7.7. Construction du site de comptition

    Patinoire I Salzburg Liefering:La patinoire principale de hockey sur glace sera construite ct de lautoroute et pourra accueillir 15,000 spectateurs. Lefutur propritaire, la ville de Salzbourg, est aussi le propritairedu terrain et, long terme, vise proposer sur ce site un lieudentranement pour tout un ventail de fdrations.

    Lors des XXImes Jeux Olympiques dhiver, cette patinoire quiaccueillera les tours prliminaires et les finales du hockey surglace, sera le ple dattraction des preuves de ce sport.

    Patinoire II Salzburg Volksgarten:Ce centre de glace qui existe dj au coeur de Salzbourg seralincarnation dun site urbain, lors des Jeux. La patinoire va treagrandie et modernise, sa capacit passant de 3,500 8,000spectateurs et sera ainsi, pendant longtemps, la hauteur desambitions que nourrissent la ville et son club de hockey.

    Patinoire III Salzburg Stadtarena:Cette salle de sports et de manifestations polyvalente seratermine en octobre 2003; elle mettra ses 5,000 places ladisposition des comptitions de hockey sur glace dames.

    7.8. Discussions avec les FI

    Le concept de Salzburg 2010 pour le hockey sur glace,prsent au sige de lIIHF Zurich, a fait lobjet duneapprobation large de la part des responsables de la Fdration internationale de hockey sur glace. En plus, une

    inspection sur lieu a t effectue par les dlgus IIHF Salzbourg (voir dclaration de la FI numre au thme 18).

    7.9. Utilisation aprs les Jeux

    Patinoire I Salzburg Liefering:Aprs les Jeux, cette salle deviendra une salle multisports.Avec ses 2 niveaux (niveau infrieur pour le curling, le judo, lagymnastique et les sports de bton et au niveau suprieur, une salle divisible en 4 pour les jeux de ballon) et ses tribunesmodulaires, elle pourra accueillir les entranements et lescomptitions dun grand nombre de disciplines.

    Patinoire II Salzburg Volksgarten:Cette salle servira uniquement aux sports sur glace.

    Patinoire III Salzburg Stadtarena:Construite indpendamment des Jeux Olympiques dhiver,cette salle municipale est de conception polyvalente etaccueillera des grandes manifestations aprs les Jeux.

    Salles dentranement:Les deux salles dentranement de Bad Reichenhall et deBerchtesgaden sont en rserve et seront adaptes auxnormes de la Fdration internationale de hockey sur glacepour servir de salle dentranement.

    7.10. Calendrier des comptitions de hockey sur glace

    Patinoire I Salzburg Liefering:

    Salzburg 201020 | Sports Sports | 21

    Site:Arena I at Salzburg Liefering; Arena II at Salzburg Volksgarten; Arena III at Salzburg Stadtarena

    Disciplines:Ice hockey

    Events: Men - tournament; women - tournament


    7.7. Competition site construction

    Arena I Salzburg Liefering:A 15,000-seat main ice hockey arena will be built acrossfrom the Main Media Centre (MMC) directly next to the high-way. The future owner the city of Salzburg is also thelandowner and proposes to provide a long-term training facility there to a number of professional sports federations.

    During the XXI Olympic Winter Games, the arena will be usedfor the ice hockey preliminaries and the Finals, the core of thehockey events.

    Arena II Salzburg Volksgarten:The existing ice facility in the centre of Salzburg will providethe perfect example of a city venue. The current 3,500-seatarena will be renovated into a modern 8,000-seat ice arenaand thus will also be suitable for the ice hockey ambitions ofthe city and its clubs.

    Arena III Salzburg Stadtarena:The multi-use sports and events arena will be completed inOctober 2003; it will provide 5,000 seats for the womens icehockey competition.

    7.8. IF negotiations

    The responsible representatives of the International IceHockey Federation widely agreed to the Salzburg 2010 icehockey concept, which was presented at the headquarters of

    the IIHF in Zurich. Additionally an on-site inspection was car-ried out by IIHF delegates in Salzburg (see IF statement listedunder theme 18).

    7.9. Post-Games use

    Arena I Salzburg Liefering:After the Games, the arena will be converted into a multi-sports arena. This will provide training and competition possi-bilities for a large number of sports on 2 levels (lower level forcurling, judo, gymnastics, stick sports and a ball sports hallon the ground level that can be divided into 4 sections) with aflexible grandstand design.

    Arena II Salzburg Volksgarten:The arena should be exclusively dedicated to ice sports.

    Arena III Salzburg Stadtarena:The arena built independent of the Olympic Winter Games isdesigned to be a multi-use city arena and will also be avail-able for large events after the Olympic Winter Games.

    Practice arenas:The practice arenas in both Bad Reichenhall andBerchtesgaden already exist and will be adapted for OlympicGames training purposes according to IIHF standards.

    7.10. Competition schedule

    Arena I Salzburg Liefering:

    Fri, 05th Opening

    Sat, 06th Ice Hockey M

    Sun, 07th Ice Hockey M

    Mon, 08th Ice Hockey M

    Tue, 09th Ice Hockey M

    Wed, 10th Ice Hockey M

    Thu, 11th Ice Hockey M

    Fri, 12th Ice Hockey M

    Sat, 13th Ice Hockey M

    Sun, 14th Ice Hockey M

    Mon, 15th Ice Hockey M

    Tue, 16th Semifinals W

    Wed, 17th Quarterfinals M

    Thu, 18th Final W

    Fri, 19th Semifinals M

    Sat, 20th Bronze M

    Sun, 21th Final M, Closing

    ven, 05 Ouverture

    sam, 06 Hockey sur glace M

    dim, 07 Hockey sur glace M

    lun, 08 Hockey sur glace M

    mar, 09 Hockey sur glace M

    mer, 10 Hockey sur glace M

    jeu, 11 Hockey sur glace M

    ven, 12 Hockey sur glace M

    sam, 13 Hockey sur glace M

    dim, 14 Hockey sur glace M

    lun, 15 Hockey sur glace M

    mar, 16 Demi-finales D

    mer, 17 Quarts de finale M

    jeu, 18 Finale D

    ven, 19 Demi-finales M

    sam, 20 Bronze M

    dim, 21 Finale M, Clture

    arena III

    km min

    1 5

    7 15

    - -

    3 5

    1 5

    12 20

    28 30

    main Village

    km min

    3 10

    7 15

    3 10

    - -

    3 5

    10 17

    24 25


    km min

    1 5

    7 15

    1 5

    3 10

    - -

    12 20

    28 30

    training venue I

    km min

    12 20

    17 25

    12 20

    10 17

    12 20

    - -

    16 20

    training venue II

    km min

    28 30

    23 25

    28 30

    24 25

    28 30

    16 20

    - -

    arena II

    km min

    7 15

    - -

    7 15

    7 15

    7 15

    17 25

    23 25

    arena I

    km min

    - -

    7 15

    1 5

    3 5

    1 5

    12 20

    28 30

    arena I

    arena II

    arena III

    main Village


    training venue I

    training venue II

    Ice Hockey

    patinoire III

    km min

    1 5

    7 15

    - -

    3 5

    1 5

    12 20

    28 30

    village principal

    km min

    3 10

    7 15

    3 10

    - -

    3 5

    10 17

    24 25


    km min

    1 5

    7 15

    1 5

    3 10

    - -

    12 20

    28 30

    site dentran. I

    km min

    12 20

    17 25

    12 20

    10 17

    12 20

    - -

    16 20

    site dentran. II

    km min

    28 30

    23 25

    28 30

    24 25

    28 30

    16 20

    - -

    patinoire II

    km min

    7 15

    - -

    7 15

    7 15

    7 15

    17 25

    23 25

    patinoire I

    km min

    - -

    7 15

    1 5

    3 5

    1 5

    12 20

    28 30

    patinoire I

    patinoire II

    patinoire III

    village principal


    site dentran. I

    site dentran. II

    Hockey sur glace

  • Patinoire II Salzburg Volksgarten: Patinoire III Salzburg Stadtarena:

    Site:Oval at Hallein/Rif; Keltenarena - Hallein

    Disciplines:Short track speed skating; figure skating

    Events:Speed skating men: 500 m, 1,000 m, 1,500 m, 5,000 m, 10,000 m; women: 500 m, 1,000 m, 1,500 m, 3,000 m, 5,000 m; short track speed skating men: 500 m, 1,000 m, 1,500 m relay; women: 500 m, 1,000 m, 1,500 m relay; figure skating men: short, free; women: short, free; pairs: short, free; ice dance: compulsory, original, free; exhibition

    Site: Ice run at Schnau am Knigssee


    Events: Luge: men and women and double


    7.7. Competition site construction

    The ice run has been in existence for 32 years and is constant-ly being adapted and improved. The bobsleigh and skeletonWorld Championships in 2004 will be another highlight and thestarting and finishing areas will be completely renovated for thisevent. Redesign of the building in the finishing area is alsobeing planned for the Olympic events along with increasing theinner space of the final curve. The 2004 World Championshipswill also serve as a test run for other adaptations.

    7.8. IF negotiations

    With World Cup events regularly held in Knigssee, there isbroad acceptance of this venue site and with the plannedmodifications and construction the International Luge Federation recommended it as a venue site for the OlympicWinter Games (see IF statement listed under theme 18).

    7.9. Post-Games use

    The ice run will in the future also function as a centre forinternational luge sports. The XXI Olympic Winter Games willplay an important role in enhancing the traditions of luge,which will benefit the sport for many years.

    7.10. Competition schedule

    Sites de comptitions: Ovale Hallein/Rif; Keltenarena/Hallein

    Disciplines:short track; patinage de vitesse; patinage artistique

    Epreuves: Patinage de vitesse messieurs: 500 m, 1,000 m, 1,500 m, 5,000 m et 10,000 m; dames: 500 m, 1,000 m, 1,500 m, 3,000 m et 5,000 m; short-track messieurs: 500 m, 1,000 m et relais 1,500 m; dames: 500 m, 1,000 m et relais 1,500 m; Patinage artistique messieurs: programme court, libre; dames: programme court, libre; couples: programme court, libre; danse sur glace court, original, libre; exhibition

    Salzburg 201022 | Sports Sports | 23


    Site: Piste de glace Schnau am Knigssee

    Disciplines: Luge

    Epreuves: luge: messieurs et dames et double


    7.7. Construction du site de comptition

    La piste de glace existe depuis 32 ans et fait lobjet dajuste-ments et damliorations constants. Les Championnats dumonde de bobsleigh et de skeleton qui se tiendront en 2004seront un grand moment de plus dans son histoire, aussi leszones de dpart et darrive seront entirement rnoves. Il est galement prvu, pour les preuves olympiques, de revoirla conception du poste darrive et dagrandir ainsi lespace lintrieur de la courbe finale. Les Championnats du monde de2004 doivent servir de galop dessai de nouvelles adaptations.

    7.8. Discussions avec les FI

    Le site de Knigssee reoit rgulirement des preuves deCoupe du monde, il bnficie donc dune acceptationgnrale de la Fdration internationale de luge qui le recommande galement comme site des Jeux Olympiquesdhiver, avec les modifications et constructions prvues (voirdclaration de la FI numre au thme 18).

    7.9. Utilisation aprs les Jeux

    A lavenir, la piste de glace sera un centre de la glisse. Les XXImes Jeux Olympiques dhiver seront un pisode important de la tradition de cette piste. La notorit quelle en retirera pour ses qualits sportives et techniques persisterapendant de nombreuses annes.

    7.10. Calendrier des comptitions

    ven, 05 Ouverture

    sam, 06 Luge M manche 1 + 2

    dim, 07 Luge M manche 3 + 4

    lun, 08 Luge D manche 1 + 2

    mar, 09 Luge D manche 3 + 4

    mer, 10

    jeu, 11 Luge doubles

    ven, 12

    sam, 13 Bobsleigh 2 M manche 1+2

    dim, 14 Bobsleigh 2 M manche 3 + 4

    lun, 15

    mar, 16 Bobsleigh D

    mer, 17

    jeu, 18 Skeleton M + D

    ven, 19 Bobsleigh 4 M manche 1+ 2

    sam, 20 Bobsleigh 4 M manche 3 + 4

    dim, 21 Clture


    Fri, 05th Opening

    Sat, 06th Luge M heat 1 + 2

    Sun, 07th Luge M heat 3 + 4

    Mon, 08th Luge W heat 1 + 2

    Tue, 09th Luge W heat 3 + 4

    Wed, 10th

    Thu, 11th Luge doubles

    Fri, 12th

    Sat, 13th Bobsleigh 2 M heat 1 + 2

    Sun, 14th Bobsleigh 2 M heat 3 + 4

    Mon, 15th

    Tue, 16th Bobsleigh W

    Wed, 17th

    Thu, 18th Skeleton M + W

    Fri, 19th Bobsleigh 4 M heat 1 + 2

    Sat, 20th Bobsleigh 4 M heat 3 + 4

    Sun, 21th Closing

    Arena II Salzburg Volksgarten: Arena III Salzburg Stadtarena:

    Fri, 05th Opening

    Sat, 06th

    Sun, 07th

    Mon, 08th Ice Hockey W

    Tue, 09th Ice Hockey W

    Wed, 10th Ice Hockey W

    Thu, 11th Ice Hockey W

    Fri, 12th Ice Hockey W

    Sat, 13th Ice Hockey W

    Sun, 14th Ice Hockey W

    Mon, 15th

    Tue, 16th Place 5 - 8 W

    Wed, 17th

    Thu, 18th Bronze W

    Fri, 19th

    Sat, 20th

    Sun, 21th Closing

    Fri, 05th Opening

    Sat, 06th Ice Hockey M

    Sun, 07th Ice Hockey M

    Mon, 08th Ice Hockey M

    Tue, 09th Ice Hockey M

    Wed, 10th Ice Hockey M

    Thu, 11th Ice Hockey M

    Fri, 12th Ice Hockey M

    Sat, 13th Ice Hockey M

    Sun, 14th Ice Hockey M

    Mon, 15th Ice Hockey M

    Tue, 16th

    Wed, 17th Quaterfinals M

    Thu, 18th

    Fri, 19th

    Sat, 20th

    Sun, 21th Closing



    km min

    - -

    27 25

    30 30

    comp venue

    main Village

    km min

    27 25

    - -

    3 5

    27 25


    km min

    30 30

    3 5

    - -

    30 30

    training venue

    km min

    comp venue

    27 25

    30 30

    - -


    main Village


    training venue



    km min

    - -

    27 25

    30 30

    site de comp.

    village principal

    km min

    27 25

    - -

    3 5

    27 25


    km min

    30 30

    3 5

    - -

    30 30

    site dentran.

    km min

    site de comp.

    27 25

    30 30

    - -


    village principal


    site dentran

    ven, 05 Ouverture

    sam, 06 Hockey sur glace M

    dim, 07 Hockey sur glace M

    lun, 08 Hockey sur glace M

    mar, 09 Hockey sur glace M

    mer, 10 Hockey sur glace M

    jeu, 11 Hockey sur glace M

    ven, 12 Hockey sur glace M

    sam, 13 Hockey sur glace M

    dim, 14 Hockey sur glace M

    lun, 15 Hockey sur glace M

    mar, 16

    mer, 17 Quarts de finale M

    jeu, 18

    ven, 19

    sam, 20

    dim, 21 Clture

    ven, 05 Ouverture

    sam, 06

    dim, 07

    lun, 08 Hockey sur glace D

    mar, 09 Hockey sur glace D

    mer, 10 Hockey sur glace D

    jeu, 11 Hockey sur glace D

    ven, 12 Hockey sur glace D

    sam, 13 Hockey sur glace D

    dim, 14 Hockey sur glace D

    lun, 15

    mar, 16 Places 5 8 D

    mer, 17

    jeu, 18 Bronze D

    ven, 19

    sam, 20

    dim, 21 Clture

  • Sites: Ski de fond sprint Salzburg-Hellbrunn; Ski de fond Radstadt/Altenmarkt; Saut ski K 120 Bischofshofen; Saut ski K 90 Ramsau; Combin nordique Bischofshofen et Ramsau; Ski alpin messieurs

    Kitzbhel/Tyrol; Ski alpin dames Flachau et Altenmarkt/Zauchensee; Ski acrobatique Kitzbhel/Tyrol;Snowboard St. Johann i. P.

    Disciplines: Ski de fond, saut ski, combin nordique, ski alpin, ski acrobatique, snowboard

    Salzburg 201024 | Sports Sports | 25

    Ski alpin


    7.7. Construction du site de comptition

    Ovale:La patinoire de patinage de vitesse dune capacit de 7,000spectateurs doit tre construite sur la vaste esplanade ducentre fdral des sports haut niveau de Rif et sera apte satisfaire les exigences du patinage moderne.

    Keltenarena:Encore au stade du projet, cette patinoire sinscrit bien dansle concept de dveloppement rgional (Tennengau) et, par saproximit immdiate de lautoroute A10, restera un symboleolympique lorsque les jeux auront pris fin. La salle pourraaccueillir 10,000 spectateurs et leur proposera tous les atoutsdun site olympique neuf (technologie de pointe, vue sur les Alpes).

    7.8. Discussions avec les FI

    Le concept des deux sites est le fruit de la collaboration avecla Fdration autrichienne; lUnion internationale de patinagela trouv excellent, la fois pour lorganisation des preuvesolympiques et pour lutilisation aprs les Jeux.

    7.9. Utilisation aprs les Jeux

    Ovale:Cette patinoire de vitesse doit devenir partie intgrante ducentre des sports haut niveau de Hallein/Rif connu danstoute lEurope. Aprs les Jeux, cette salle servira au patinagede vitesse, lathltisme et au football, en fonction de la demande.

    Keltenarena:Cette patinoire est conue pour devenir une structure polyva-lente la disposition de toute la rgion, aprs les Jeux. A unemoindre chelle, cette salle doit remplacer la salle Salzberg-halle, une salle de ftes suranne. A titre de symbole olympique,sera conserv le toit suspendu dorigine qui offrira ainsi unespace couvert pour les loisirs et la culture (Keltenpark).

    Les deux structures temporaires pour lentranement etlchauffement denviron 200 300 places seront mises ladisposition des fdrations concernes pour le centre dessports haut niveau. Aprs les Jeux Olympiques, despreuves de lUnion internationale de skating (UIS) serontorganises dans ces deux patinoires (Ovale, SalzburgVolksgarten).

    7.10. Calendrier des comptitions

    Ovale - Hallein/Rif: Patinage de vitesse

    Keltenarena - Hallein: Patinage artistique, Short-Track

    Site: Cross-country, sprint course at Salzburg-Hellbrunn; Cross- country course at Radstadt/Altenmarkt; Ski jumping K 120 at Bischofshofen; Ski jumping K 90 at Ramsau; Nordic combined at Bischofshofen and Ramsau; Alpine skiing men

    at Kitzbhel/Tyrol; Alpine skiing women at Flachau and Altenmarkt/Zauchensee; Freestyle at Kitzbhel/Tyrol;Snowboard at St. Johann i. P.

    Disciplines: Cross-country, ski jumping, nordic combined, alpine skiing,freestyle, snowboard



    7.7. Competition site construction

    Oval:The speed skating arena for 7,000 spectators will be newlyconstructed on the large area of the Rif national training centreand will meet the most modern requirements of the sport.

    Keltenarena:The Keltenarena will be newly constructed. It fits well into theregional development concept (Tennengau) and will (with itslocation by the highway (A10) become an Olympic symbolafter the Games. The arena will hold 10,000 spectators andgive them all the advantages of a new Olympic venue site(state-of-the-art technology, view of the Alps).

    7.8. IF negotiations

    The concept for both venue sites has been developed incooperation with the national federation; the InternationalSkating Union has considered both for the organisation of theOlympic Winter Games as well as for post-Games use.

    7.9. Post-Games use

    Oval:The speed skating arena should be an integrated part of theBundesleistungszentrum (BLZ) Hallein/Rif, the national train-ing centre that is well-known throughout Europe.

    Depending on the capacity, post-use will include using thearena for speed skating, track and field, and soccer.


    The concept of the figure skating arena provides for a multi-use facility for the entire region following the Games. Thearena should be a replacement in smaller form for the obso-lete Salzberghalle events arena. Moreover, the original sus-pended ceiling will remain as an Olympic symbol identifying acovered amusement park and cultural area (Keltenpark).

    Both temporary training and warm-up arenas with about 200-300 seats are to be made available to the ice skating federa-tions for use as Austrian training centres. International SkatingUnion (ISU) events in Salzburg after the Olympic WinterGames will take place in both ice arenas (Oval, SalzburgVolksgarten).

    7.10. Competition schedule

    Oval - Hallein/Rif: Speed Skating

    Keltenarena - Hallein: Figure Skating, Short-Track

    ven, 05 Ouverture

    sam, 06 5,000 m M

    dim, 07 3,000 m D

    lun, 08 500 m M

    mar, 09 500 m M

    mer, 10 500 m D

    jeu, 11 500 m D

    ven, 12

    sam, 13 1,000 m M

    dim, 14 1,000 m D

    lun, 15

    mar, 16 1,500 m M

    mer, 17 1,500 m D

    jeu, 18

    ven, 19 10,000 m M

    sam, 20 5,000 m D

    dim, 21 Clture

    ven, 05 Ouverture

    sam, 06 Couples court

    dim, 07

    lun, 08 Couples libre

    mar, 09 Messieurs court

    mer, 10 M relais, M 1,000 m,

    D 1,500 m (Finale)

    jeu, 11 Messieurs libre

    ven, 12 Danse impose

    sam, 13 D relais, M 1,000 m

    (Finale), D 500 m (Finale)

    dim, 14 Danse originale

    lun, 15 Danse libre

    mar, 16 Dames court

    mer, 17 D 1,000 m, M 1,500 m

    (Finale), D relais (Finale)

    jeu, 18 Dames libre

    ven, 19 Exhibition

    sam, 20 D 1,000 m (Finale), M 500 m

    (Finale), D + M relais (Finale)

    dim, 21 Clture

    Fri, 05th Opening

    Sat, 06th 5,000 m M

    Sun, 07th 3,000 m W

    Mon, 08th 500 m M

    Tue, 09th 500 m M

    Wed, 10th 500 m W

    Thu, 11th 500 m W

    Fri, 12th

    Sat, 13th 1,000 m M

    Sun, 14th 1,000 m W

    Mon, 15th

    Tue, 16th 1,500 m M

    Wed, 17th 1,500 m W

    Thu, 18th

    Fri, 19th 10,000 m M

    Sat, 20th 5,000 m W

    Sun, 21th Closing

    Fri, 05th Opening

    Sat, 06th Pairs short

    Sun, 07th

    Mon, 08th Pairs free

    Tue, 09th Men short

    Wed, 10th M relay, M 1,000 m,

    W 1,500 m (Final)

    Thu, 11th Men free

    Fri, 12th Dance compulsory

    Sat, 13th W relay, M 1,000 m

    (Final), W 500 m (Final)

    Sun, 14th Danse original

    Mon, 15th Danse free

    Tue, 16th Women short

    Wed, 17th W 1,000 m, M 1,500 m

    (Final), W relay (Final)

    Thu, 18th Women free

    Fri, 19th Exhibition

    Sat, 20th W 1,000 m (Final), M 500 m

    (Final), W + M relay (Final)

    Sun, 21th Closing



    km min

    10 13

    15 20

    - -

    3 5

    15 20

    15 20


    km min

    13 15

    18 25

    3 5

    - -

    18 25

    18 25


    venue I

    km min

    - -

    - -

    15 20

    18 25

    - -

    - -


    venue II

    km min

    - -

    - -

    15 20

    18 25

    - -

    - -



    km min

    5 10

    - -

    15 20

    18 25

    on site

    on site


    km min

    - -

    5 10

    10 13

    13 15

    - -

    - -



    main Village


    training venue I

    training venue II



    km min

    10 13

    15 20

    - -

    3 5

    15 20

    15 20


    km min

    13 15

    18 25

    3 5

    - -

    18 25

    18 25


    dentran. I

    km min

    - -

    - -

    15 20

    18 25

    - -

    - -


    dentran. II

    km min

    - -

    - -

    15 20

    18 25

    - -

    - -



    km min

    5 10

    - -

    15 20

    18 25

    sur site

    sur site


    km min

    - -

    5 10

    10 13

    13 15

    - -

    - -



    village principal


    site dentran. I

    site dentran. II

  • Salzburg 201026 | Sports Sports | 27

    Events: Cross-country men: Sprint, 10 km + 10 km, 15 km, 30 km, 50 km, 4 x 10 km relay; Women: Sprint, 5 km + 5 km, 10 km,15 km, 30 km, 4 x 5 km relay; Ski jumping men: K 120, K 90, team K 120; Nordic combined men K 120 +7.5 km, K 90 + 15 km, team K 90 + 4 x 7.5 km; Alpine skiing men: slalom, giant slalom, Super G, downhill, combined; Women: slalom, giant slalom, Super G, downhill, combined; Freestyle men: arials, moguls;Women: arials, moguls; Snowboard men: parallel giant slalom, halfpipe; Women: parallel giant slalom, halfpipe


    7.7. Competition site construction

    Cross country:Part of the cross-country course for the cross-country eventsalready exists and will be linked to an existing cross-countrynetwork in the region. The sprint even will take place on theoutskirts of the city at Hellbrunn Park where the Baroqueambience provides the optimum conditions for an Olympicevent.

    Ski jump:Both the K 120 and the K 90 ski jumps are already in exis-tence and have been World Championships (WC) tested.With the annual WC events that take place, the sports ven-ues are permanently maintained to the highest standards inaccordance with the guidelines of the international federation.

    Alpine Skiing:All the slopes for the Olympic alpine skiing events inKitzbhel/Tyrol, Flachau and Altenmarkt/Zauchensee arealready in existence and have the most modern ski lifts. All ofthe venues have extensive experience in holding world classalpine events, in fact international standards are set here.

    Freestyle:With only minimal changes, both the moguls slope and thefreestyle jumping facility can be created close to the Kitzbhelcity centre. The joint use of a large part of the mens alpineskiing overlay would create strong synergies.

    Snowboard:With the compactness of the venue at Alpendorf in St.Johann, a fitting atmosphere will be created for the trendysnowboard events. A cluster of high quality hotels around thesnowboard slopes offers the best conditions for spectators,officials and athletes alike. The building plans at the venuesites, such as underground parking and a new lift, are alreadyplanned for the near future and will greatly improve the areaof the venue sites.

    7.8. IF negotiations

    Experts from the International Ski Federation (FIS) haveinspected the different sites proposed for staging the FIS dis-ciplines and the FIS confirms that the same are suitable forthe Olympic Winter Games under the condition that all prom-ised modifications are completed on schedule.

    7.9. Post-Games use

    The venues holding the events for cross-country, ski jumping,Nordic combined, alpine skiing, freestyle and snowboard arealready being used for these sports and events in these disci-plines and will become even more attractive after the stagingof the Olympic Winter Games.

    7.10. Competition schedule

    See following pages.

    Epreuves: Ski de fond messieurs: Sprint 10 km + 10 km, 15 km 30 km, 50 km, 4 x 10 km relais; Dames: Sprint 5 km + 5 km, 10 km, 15 km, 30 km, 4 x 5 km relais;Saut ski messieurs: K 120, K 90, quipes K 120; Combin nordique messieurs: K 120 + 7.5 km, K 90 + 15 km, quipes K 90 + 4 x 7.5 km; Ski alpin messieurs: slalom, slalom gant, Super G, descente, combin; Dames: slalom, slalom gant, Super G, descente, combin; Ski acrobatique messieurs: sauts, bosses; Dames: sauts, bosses;Snowboard messieurs: slalom gant parallel, halfpipe;Dames: slalom gant parallel, halfpipe


    7.7. Construction du site de comptition

    Ski de fond:Le parcours des preuves de ski de fond existe en partie etsera reli au rseau existant de ski de fond de la rgion. Lesnombreux kilomtres de pistes de ski de fond offrent suf-fisamment de possibilits dentranement et sont directementrelies au parcours de comptition. Les preuves de sprint sedrouleront la lisire de la ville, dans le parc de Hellbrunn,o le dcor baroque offrira des conditions optimales unepreuve olympique.

    Saut ski:Les tremplins K 120 et K 90 existent dj et ont dj subilpreuve des Championnats du monde avec succs. Cesstructures reoivent chaque anne des preuves de la Coupedu monde et sont constamment adaptes aux exigences lesplus rcentes des Fdrations internationales.

    Ski alpin:Toutes les pistes prvues pour les preuves olympiques deski alpin Kitzbhel/Tyrol, Flachau et Altenmarkt/Zauchenseeexistent dj et sont dotes des remontes les plus mo-dernes. Tous les sites possdent une vaste exprience delorganisation dpreuves alpines de niveau mondial et participent ltablissement de les nouvelles rfrences inter-nationales.

    Ski acrobatique:La piste de bosses et les tremplins de saut ski peuvent treamnags sans grands travaux, proximit du centre deKitzbhel. Une bonne synergie est possible dans la mesureo une grande partie des travaux damnagements nces-saires au ski alpin messieurs servira galement au ski acroba-tique.

    Snowboard:La compacit du site dAlpendorf St. Johann procure uneambiance sensationnelle aux preuves de snowboard. Lesspectateurs, employs et athltes jouiront des meilleures con-ditions grce la prsence dun ensemble htelier de grandequalit tout autour de la piste de snowboard. Il est prvu deconstruire trs prochainement un parking souterrain et unenouvelle remonte ce qui accrotra sensiblement la superficiedisponible pour le site sportif.

    7.8. Discussions avec les FI

    Les divers sites de comptition envisags pour les disciplinesde la Fdration Internationale du ski (FIS) ont t inspectspar ses experts; la FIS confirme quils sont adapts aux JeuxOlympiques dhiver condition que toutes les modificationsprvues soient ralises dans les dlais.

    7.9. Utilisation aprs les Jeux

    Les sites o se drouleront les preuves de ski de fond, saut ski, combin nordique, ski alpin, ski acrobatique et desnowboard sont dj utiliss pour ces sports et leurspreuves et ne deviendront que plus attractifs aprs l'adapta-tion pour les Jeux Olympique d'hiver.

    7.10. Calendrier des comptitions

    Voir pages suivantes.

    cross country sprintSalzburg-Hellbrunn

    cross countryRadstadt/Altenmarkt

    ski jumping K 120Bischofshofen

    ski jumping K 90Ramsau

    nordic combinedBischofshofen

    nordic combinedRamsau

    alpine menKitzbhel/Tyrol

    alpine womenFlachau

    alpine womenAltenmarkt/Zauchensee


    snowboardSt. Johann



    km min

    63 35

    1 5

    23 15

    22 15

    23 15

    22 15

    - -

    10 12

    12 10

    - -

    27 25



    km min

    - -

    - -

    - -

    - -

    - -

    - -

    1 5

    - -

    - -

    1 5

    - -


    km min

    10 25

    72 45

    56 35

    90 65

    56 35

    90 65

    75 70

    73 50

    81 60

    75 70

    66 45

    main Village

    km min

    14 15

    69 40

    53 30

    87 60

    53 30

    87 60

    72 65

    70 45

    78 55

    72 65

    64 40

    ski de fond sprintSalzburg-Hellbrunn

    ski de fondRadstadt/Altenmarkt

    saut ski K 120Bischofshofen

    saut ski K 90Ramsau

    combin nordiqueBischofshofen

    combin nordiqueRamsau

    ski alp. messieursKitzbhel/Tyrol

    ski alp. damesFlachau

    ski alp. damesAltenmarkt-Zauchensee

    ski acrobatiqueKitzbhel/Tyrol

    snowboardSt. Johann

    village annexe


    km min

    63 35

    1 5

    23 15

    22 15

    23 15

    22 15

    - -

    10 12

    12 10

    - -

    27 25

    village annaxe


    km min

    - -

    - -

    - -

    - -

    - -

    - -

    1 5

    - -

    - -

    1 5

    - -


    km min

    10 25

    72 45

    56 35

    90 65

    56 35

    90 65

    75 70

    73 50

    81 60

    75 70

    66 45



    km min

    14 15

    69 40

    53 30

    87 60

    53 30

    87 60

    72 65

    70 45

    78 55

    72 65

    64 40

  • 28 | Sports Salzburg 2010

    cross-country - Radstadt/Altenmarkt and Salzburg Hellbrunn

    ski jumping K 120 - Bischofshofen

    ski jumping K 90 - Ramsau am Dachstein

    nordic combined - Bischofshofen

    nordic combined - Ramsau am Dachstein

    alpine men - Kitzbhel/Tyrol

    alpine women - Flachau

    alpine women - Altenmarkt/Zauchensee

    freestyle - Kitzbhel/Tyrol

    snowboard - St. Johann im Pongau

    Sports | 29

    Fri, 05th Opening

    Sat, 06th

    Sun, 07th Super-G W

    Mon, 08th

    Tue, 09th

    Wed, 10th

    Thu, 11th Comb. Downhill + Slalom

    Fri, 12th

    Sat, 13th Downhill W

    Sun, 14th

    Mon, 15th

    Tue, 16th

    Wed, 17th

    Thu, 18th

    Fri, 19th

    Sat, 20th

    Sun, 21th Closing

    Fri, 05th Opening

    Sat, 06th

    Sun, 07th

    Mon, 08th Moguls M Qual. Final

    Tue, 09th Mobuls W Qual. Final

    Wed, 10th

    Thu, 11th

    Fri, 12th

    Sat, 13th Aerials W + M Qualification

    Sun, 14th

    Mon, 15th Aerials Final W

    Tue, 16th Aerials Final M

    Wed, 17th

    Thu, 18th

    Fri, 19th

    Sat, 20th

    Sun, 21th Closing

    Fri, 05th Opening

    Sat, 06th

    Sun, 07th

    Mon, 08th Halfpipe W Qual. Final

    Tue, 09th Halfpipe M Qual. Final

    Wed, 10th

    Thu, 11th

    Fri, 12th PGS W Qual. + Final

    Sat, 13th PGS M Qual. + Final

    Sun, 14th

    Mon, 15th

    Tue, 16th

    Wed, 17th

    Thu, 18th

    Fri, 19th

    Sat, 20th

    Sun, 21th Closing

    Fri, 05th Opening

    Sat, 06th Super-G M

    Sun, 07th

    Mon, 08th

    Tue, 09th

    Wed, 10th

    Thu, 11th

    Fri, 12th Comb. Downhill + Slalom

    Sat, 13th

    Sun, 14th Downhill M

    Mon, 15th

    Tue, 16th

    Wed, 17th Giant Slalom M

    Thu, 18th

    Fri, 19th

    Sat, 20th Slalom M

    Sun, 21th Closing

    Fri, 05th Opening

    Sat, 06th

    Sun, 07th

    Mon, 08th

    Tue, 09th

    Wed, 10th

    Thu, 11th

    Fri, 12th

    Sat, 13th

    Sun, 14th

    Mon, 15th

    Tue, 16th Giant Slalom W

    Wed, 17th

    Thu, 18th

    Fri, 19th Slalom W

    Sat, 20th

    Sun, 21th Closing

    ski de fond - Radstadt/Altenmarkt et Salzbourg Hellbrunn

    saut ski K 120 - Bischofshofen

    saut ski K 90 - Ramsau am Dachstein

    combin nordique - Bischofshofen

    combin nordique - Ramsau am Dachstein

    ski alpin messieurs - Kitzbhel/Tyrol

    ski alpin dames - Flachau

    ski alpin dames - Altenmarkt/Zauchensee

    ski acrobatique - Kitzbhel/Tyrol

    snowboard - St. Johann im Pongau

    ven, 05 Ouverture

    sam, 06

    dim, 07 Super-G D

    lun, 08

    mar, 09

    mer, 10

    jeu, 11 Comb. Descente + Slalom

    ven, 12

    sam, 13 Descente D

    dim, 14

    lun, 15

    mar, 16

    mer, 17

    jeu, 18

    ven, 19

    sam, 20

    dim, 21 Clture

    ven, 05 Ouverture

    sam, 06

    dim, 07

    lun, 08 Bosses M Qual. Finale

    mar, 09 Bosses D Qual. Finale

    mer, 10

    jeu, 11

    ven, 12

    sam, 13 Sauts D + M Qualification

    dim, 14

    lun, 15 Sauts Finale D

    mar, 16 Sauts Finale M

    mer, 17

    jeu, 18

    ven, 19

    sam, 20

    dim, 21 Clture

    ven, 05 Ouverture

    sam, 06

    dim, 07

    lun, 08 Halfpipe D Qual. Finale

    mar, 09 Halfpipe M Qual. Finale

    mer, 10

    jeu, 11

    ven, 12 PSG D Qual. + Finale

    sam, 13 PSG M Qual. + Finale

    dim, 14

    lun, 15

    mar, 16

    mer, 17

    jeu, 18

    ven, 19

    sam, 20

    dim, 21 Clture

    ven, 05 Ouverture

    sam, 06 Super-G M

    dim, 07

    lun, 08

    mar, 09

    mer, 10

    jeu, 11

    ven, 12 Comb. Downhill + Slalom

    sam, 13

    dim, 14 Descente M

    lun, 15

    mar, 16

    mer, 17 Slalom gant M

    jeu, 18

    ven, 19

    sam, 20 Slalom M

    dim, 21 Clture

    ven, 05 Ouverture

    sam, 06

    dim, 07

    lun, 08

    mar, 09

    mer, 10

    jeu, 11

    ven, 12

    sam, 13

    dim, 14

    lun, 15

    mar, 16 Slalom gant D

    mer, 17

    jeu, 18

    ven, 19 Slalom D

    sam, 20

    dim, 21 Clture

    Fri, 05th Opening

    Sat, 06th

    Sun, 07th

    Mon, 08th

    Tue, 09th

    Wed, 10th

    Thu, 11th

    Fri, 12th