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Salvare Patent Products

By Chellis Holding Corporation

December 2014

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Product Description and Application .............................................................................................................................. 3

Market Study ............................................................................................................................................................................. 4

Salvare Plant Products for Animal Health ..................................................................................................................... 4

Salvare Plant Products For Humans ................................................................................................................................ 5

Salvare Plant Breakdown ..................................................................................................................................................... 7

Mission Statement ................................................................................................................................................................... 8

The Company ............................................................................................................................................................................. 8

Board of Directors, Management Team and Advisors.............................................................................................. 9

Target Market.......................................................................................................................................................................... 10

Competitive Advantages ..................................................................................................................................................... 10

Operational Facilities ........................................................................................................................................................... 10

Plant Capacity and Production Program...................................................................................................................... 11

Technology ............................................................................................................................................................................... 11

Marketing Plan and Sales Strategy ................................................................................................................................. 11

Patent Protection ................................................................................................................................................................... 12

Price Proposition ................................................................................................................................................................... 12

Medical Uses and Benefits ................................................................................................................................................. 13

Capital Requirements .......................................................................................................................................................... 15

Use of Proceeds ...................................................................................................................................................................... 15

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EXECUTIVE SUMMARY & PRODUCTION PLAN This profile envisages the establishment of a plant for the production of Salvare oil with a capacity of 280 tonnes per annum. The present demand for the proposed product is estimated at 3,500 tonnes per annum. The demand is expected to reach at 8,207 tonnes by the year 2017. The total investment requirement is estimated 1.5 million. The project is financially viable with an internal rate of return ORR) of 17 % and a net present value (NPV) 1.64 million


Salvare seed is harvested from its tree and contains 38.4% crude protein and 35 to 40 % fatty oil. Salvare oil is a non-drying oil with high oleic acid and used for many applications both medical and leisure, for humans, pets and animals.

Other uses of Salvare oil are for their antibiotic and anti-inflammatory properties to treat arthritis, rheumatism, and cramps etc. see list supplied. The expeller cake, which is produced by pressing the seed to extract oil, is used as fertilizer, coagulant (natural cationic polyelectrolyte) and animal toddler. The cake contains about 58.9% crude protein.

Salvare is a fast growing, aesthetically pleasing small tree adapted to arid, sandy conditions. The species is characterized by its long drumstick shaped pods that contain its seeds. Within the first year of growth it has been known to grow up to 4 meters and can bear fruit within the same first year. Depending on the purpose and quantity desired, it can be grown in a nursery as a community project or on a smaller scale at the family level.

Salvare oil has a number of applications including;

Edible oil Oils for cosmetics and soap Oilcake as animal feed, fertilizer and solid fuel Salvare-Leaf Powder as a food and nutrition supplement Pet health products

The edible oil is equivalent in every way to Olive oil with similar health benefits and will be produced at a price much less than Olive oil and therefore more affordable for the local population.

Cosmetic oils are utilized in skin care, massage preparations and pure natural soap is also made from its oil. The left over cake have a value as a fertilizer or solid fuel.

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Past Supply and Present Demand

The requirement for the product is being met through domestic production and import. Table below shows supply of edible oil both through import and local production.


Source: Customs Authority CSA, Statistical Abstract. As can be seen from table above, during the time under reference imports and domestic production averaged 59,313 and 7,416 tonnes respectively, while average supply stands at 66,729 tonnes. Thus on the average, about 15% of country's requirement for edible oil was supplied through domestic production.


The current global market for in-feed antibiotic use is estimated at USD$4-$5 billion The use of antibiotics in agriculture has been an everyday occurrence on most farms for decades but, for how much longer? The use of antibiotics for the purposes of livestock growth promotion is being questioned worldwide due to the potential risk it poses to human health. Some countries have already banned the use of prophylactic antibiotics in livestock. Sweden was the first nation to ban the use of antibiotics for growth promotion in 1986 with the EU following suit in 2006 In 2011 Korea imposed a similar ban. Other developed countries such as the US, Canada and Australia are under increasing pressure to consider imposing similar restrictions on livestock producers. In 2012, the FDA was ordered by a federal judge to take action to stop farmers from mixing popular antibiotics into animal feed. This resulted in the FDA releasing guidelines requiring a prescription for antibiotics to be used only in sick animals and not for growth promotion.

Traditionally, on farms, antibiotics have been used to treat not only existing illness in animals but also to prevent potential disease and often to increase the feed conversion ratio of animals; therefore improving the efficiency of the farm. From poultry and swine producers to dairy herds, feedlot beef cattle and aquaculture, antibiotics have become a tool

Year Domestic Share Import Total

2000 6579 8.50 70,789 77,368

2001 6,637 21.12 24,785 31,422

2002 8,329 19.59 34,196 42,525

2003 7,993 26.40 22,283 30,276

2004 8,027 6.18 121,812 129,839

2005 6,931 7.79 82,014 88,945

AVERAGE 7,416 15 59,313 66,729

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of choice for producers. The current global market for in-feed antibiotic use is estimated at USD$4-$5 billion. Chellis Holding Corporation has developed a natural, non-antibiotic, non-hormonal platform as an alternative to antibiotics in food animals, which represents a significant opportunity for future growth and profitability. Chellis Holding Corporation in collaboration with its academic, institutional, and industrial research partners is conducting on going applied research aimed at developing commercial applications in multiple livestock species. The rationale for the applied research program comes from laboratory based work demonstrating that Salvare Plant Products possess multiple immune modulating activities that could be harnessed to enhance productivity in the livestock industry. Trials with livestock show that Salvare Plant Products can enhance production and health parameters in hogs, poultry and cattle. An example of our current testing in cattle by our farmers/growers was that a cow has 4 stomachs yet 2 are used for storage of fodder consumed & after the cow re uses stored fodder/food by regurgitating it known as cud the nutrients it achieves is 50% of the food/fodder. With the use of Salvare patent fodder nutrition is increased to 90% with increases in milk production as a by-product and a healthy animal producing meat product for human consumption at much less cost than today’s practices & with a very natural alternative to medications or hormones now used. At the end of this the animal waste also becomes a very valuable fertilizer for the agriculture sectors as a whole be it flowers vegetables or animals. Pet chews are also in the making as this has vitamin & nutrient properties your pets need too.

SALVARE PLANT PRODUCTS FOR HUMANS Anti -cancer effects, anti-inflammatory, skin treatments for aging spots, wrinkles, sagging, and dry skin

Salvare plant protein isolate may possess superior quality to other proteins on the market. Salvare plant material contains ingredients that can become nutraceuticals /dietary supplements and can be sold in the growing $28 billion market. Funding for isolation, research studies, scale up and patent protection is required. Cytokinins have an anti-aging effect on human cells and tissues. Normal human cells, as they age, go through a progressive and irreversible accumulation of changes until they reach a stage at which they finally die. Young cells are plump, round, and smooth. As they age they become irregular in shape, flatten out, enlarge, and fill up with debris; cell division slows down and eventually stops, which is ultimately followed by death. When Cytokinins are added to the culture medium, cells don’t act their age. The normal sequence of aging slows down considerably. Cells do not undergo the severe degenerative changes that ordinarily occur. Although the total lifespan of human cells is not increased much, the cells remain significantly more youthful and functional throughout their lifetime. For example: treated cells after they have reached the final stage of their lifespan and no longer divide, look and function like untreated cells half their age. Treated cells never undergo the severe degenerative changes experienced by untreated cells. In all respects, their youth is extended into old age.

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Because of their effects on human cells, Cytokinins have been tested for the possible treatment for aging spots, wrinkles, sagging, and dry skin. One of the factors that cause wrinkles and sagging skin is the aging and breakdown of connective tissues in the skin. Connective tissues give the skin strength and elasticity. When Cytokinins are applied to the skin, they stimulate cell division of connective tissue which replaces older, damaged tissue with functionally younger tissue. The result is that on the surface of the skin, wrinkles tend to flatten out. Dry, aging skin is replaced with smoother, softer skin. This has led some cosmetic manufacturers to add Cytokinins to facial creams and lotions. Coconut water is the richest natural dietary source of Cytokinins. Researchers have suggested the possibility that consuming a rich source of Cytokinins, such as coconut water, may produce an anti-aging effect on the body, reducing risk of developing degenerative and age related diseases. In regulating cell growth, Cytokinins also prevent mistakes that may lead to the development of cancer. Normal cells are kept healthy while cancerous cells are programmed to die, preventing them from growing and spreading. Much of the early research on Cytokinins was funded by The American Cancer Society. Soon after the discovery of Cytokinins in the 1950s researchers quickly recognized their potential in fighting cancer. Subsequently, the anti-cancer effects of Cytokinins have been well documented. Chellis Holding Corporation is working on several Cytokinins / Salvare Plant Product combinations to achieve optimal results in anti-cancer treatments including cell rejuvenation treatments. Salvare patent Product leaves can be used like spinach, though they are far more nutritious. Sorry Popeye. The leaves can be used fresh or dried into a powder. The leaves are an excellent source of vitamin A and C, a good source of B vitamins, and among the best plant sources of minerals. The calcium content is very high, iron is good enough to treat anemia — three times that of spinach — and it’s an excellent source of protein while being low on fats and carbohydrates. Said another way, Salvare leaves have seven times the Vitamin C of oranges, four times the calcium of milk, four times the vitamin A of carrots, three times the potassium of bananas, and two times the protein of yogurt. That’s quite a line up. The leaves also have the sulfur-containing amino acids methionine and cysteine. Medically it is antibiotic and research shows it can be used to treat high blood pressure. A leaf tea is used by diabetics to help regulate their blood sugar. It is full of antioxidants, is anti-cancerous, and when eaten by mothers they give birth to healthier, heavier babies. A December 2007 study said a root extract is very anti-inflammatory. Salvare contains all amino acids needed for good human health in one plant product. Salvare can be mixed with other healthy plant products such as Hemp which has many natural benefits on its own yet when grown & infused with Salvare plant it contains amino acids, vitamins, antioxidant properties & anti-inflammatory healthy food groups & the same can be said of tomatoes to name a few vegetables that have been studied with incredible results.

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The nutritional contents of Salvare leaves compared very well to common nutritious foods


20.72–25.29% protein by dry weight (5.4% wet weight) which is higher than other vegetable leafs

Fatty acids 5.37-5.75% of dry weight (1.19–2.77% wet weight again higher than other vegetable leafs with at least one source stating 12.5% dry weight

Carbohydrates at 37.98% of which 12% (total weight) is sugars Dietary fiber at 13.71% An ash content in the range of 8.53-15.09% dry weight Calcium at 870-3,468mg/100g dry weight Phosphorus at 228-600mg/100g dry weight Magnesium at 300-831mg/100g dry weight

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Sodium at 0.05% leaf dry weight (50mg/100g) Potassium at 300mg/100g dry weight (0.3%) Copper at 960-1,170µg/100g dry weight Manganese at 11.28mg/100g Zinc at 2.04mg/100g Iron at 105mg/100g A phenolic content of 181.3–200.0mg/100g catechin equivalents Phytate (31.1mg/g dry weight) Oxalate (4.1mg/g dry weight)

The stem contains: Protein at 9.56-12.77% dry weight A 1.98-2.00% fatty acid content dry weight A 6.65-8.41% ash content dry weight Calcium at 780-1,562mg/100g dry weight 71.9–134.4mg/100g catechin equivalents (phenolic content)

The root contains:

Protein at 5.29-7.07% dry weight

Fatty acids at 1.00-1.38% dry weight

An ash content of 2.91-6.48% dry weight

Calcium at 761-2,247mg/100g dry weight

68.8–93.8mg/100g catechin equivalents


Our goal is to be the most integrity-focused and socially conscious research-based Biotech firm in Canada. The guiding principles will be to give back to the Health and Wellness of Society. Also developing and delivering non-antibiotic feed supplements for optimal livestock productivity. Guiding principle for our sustainability will be financial stewardship of our core revenue streams.


Our customer is our main focus. We want to effectively combat the negative effects of many of the medical conditions that our patients suffer. With the aid of a research laboratory and a team of highly-educated geneticists on staff, we are confident that we can advance the effectiveness of this form of natural medicines. Chellis Holding Corporation is a private Canadian company that acquires and develops novel, proprietary therapeutics with unique healing properties targeting incurable cancers and other diseases. The Company projects very large ongoing revenues from its pre-clinical partnering/licensing arrangements.

We have been working with doctors and Pharmacists for two years and have developed our own salves and we are working on trade marking and patenting these products as well as a tincture that was also created. We have also developed and are researching our own oil for

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ailments such as Dravet syndrome which is our equivalent to Phoenix Tears oil. These products are being lab tested and are being researched through some of our associates in Kelowna and Vancouver B.C. The research we are working on has the end goal of having products entered into medical journals such as the journal of medicine. We have had great success with these products in treating a variety of ailments like psoriasis, eczema joint pain, chronic back pain or arthritis just to name a few. Our end goal for these products is to be patented and sold through pharmacies and drug stores as well as pharmaceutical companies geared toward livestock.


Mr. Ficocelli brings over 30 years of senior business development expertise to the management team. Currently Mr. Ficocelli is President and CEO of Chellis Holding Corp. Mr. Ficocelli is a result orientated professional and possesses strong leadership ability within the financial community. Previously, he has assisted in positions with companies such as Albright & Wilson Canada now Erco Industries in production & streamlining with annual revenues exceeding many millions. Mr. Ficocelli has a keen sense of personal motivation toward market needs, customer service, and fiscal responsibility. In addition, Mr. Ficocelli has served as CEO of his own Specialty Automotive Facility Chellis Performance Enterprises for over 30 years serving such clients as NBC Studios & Warner Brothers Production Studios. He has skills in the areas of finance, marketing and business management involving private investments in the range of several million. Mr. Ficocelli has created and organized feasibility projects and successfully negotiated agreements involving projects ranging from $5 million to many millions currently being negotiated. Mike has several suppliers he is currently working with & has first-hand experience in vaporizer formulations for alternate drug delivery systems, particularly in smoking cessation with proven first-hand results. These methods are being put to practice to remove any possibility of lung damage due to smoking of dry herbs as a delivery practice for human medical treatment. An example would be our spray or tinctures which are used as a sublingual spray for immediate drug delivery to the patient. This delivery system is commonly being used by Doctors for their patients suffering from various heart conditions as are timed release patches using Nitroglycerin. Mike has first-hand knowledge & experience of these practices after working with his family doctor in treating his father who had suffered a heart attack which after examination was due to Congenital Heart Disease (CHD) which was non curable yet with proper treatments and care Mikes dad lived an additional 7 years (Mike looked at things as Every day was a gift). Chellis Group takes all efforts to avoid ingredients like Dactyl a popular flavoring causing conditions such as (popcorn lung) which is non reversible. Also we avoid Propylene glycol (a component in automotive antifreeze) although of USP grade is not used as we prefer vegetable glycerine USP as a preferred safe alternative.

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Anita May Boyles Director

Anita Boyles has been a registered and licensed Esthetic/Cosmetologist for 20 years. She has also trained under several physicians in skin care & various laser therapy clinics Anita ran her own successful salon in the trendy Yaletown district before training under former physicians to advance her skills. Anita is a registered Native Indian of Aboriginal Status from Cape Mudge Indian band on Vancouver Island. Anita has a keen interest in health care of all sorts & brings her knowledge & passion to the Chellis Group.

TARGET MARKET The fastest growing cancer market and second leading cause of death is currently over $50 billion, showing a compound annual growth rate of 12.6% is projected to reach over $80 billion by 2015 according to BCC Research. Global Data estimated the global brain tumor market to reach $2.1 billion by 2017 and the lung cancer drugs market is expected to reach about $13 billion by 2020. /Source: Markets and Markets. Salvare Plant Products possess multiple immune modulating activities that could be harnessed to enhance productivity in the livestock industry. Chellis will be targeting these industries.


Experienced management team Strategic partnerships with university labs and doctors No restrictions in growth worldwide Worldwide academia network for licensing Early access to novel pipeline of technologies Relationships with Pharma

o Target identification and technology receptor Focus on Pre-clinical / IND directed technology validation

o Cost effective development program

Pre-clinical Out-licensing to major Pharma o Clinical development cost/risk shifted to Pharma

Early revenue generation o ROI from pre-clinical licensing revenue plus potential long term royalties


10 Acre Property Located in Abbotsford British Columbia 4 Greenhouses will be constructed- with grow to yield potential on sight as profitability and order flow requires. The expected expansion to the neighbor lot adds 10 acres & separate

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power already in place. Due to contractors being prearranged, the projected time for the facility to be built and running is 3 months from capital injection.

PLANT CAPACITY AND PRODUCTION PROGRAM Plant Capacity The annual production capacity of the envisaged plant is 1,500 tonnes of refined edible oil and 2,447 tonnes of expeller cake, based on 300 working days and 3 shifts per day.

Production Programme Considering the gradual development of processing skill and marketing, the rate of capacity utilization during the 1st and 2nd year of production will be 70 and 90% respectively. Full capacity will be attained in the third year then after.


Process Description Edible oil processing can be classified in two groups of manufacturing stages: crude and refined oil production.

Salvare seeds first enter into cleaning unity where vibratory screens and pneumatic cleaners are involved. The cleaned seed then passes through conditioning process. The cooked and conditioned seed will be pressed to produce crude oil which shall be screened and filtered before entering the refinery unity.

In the refinery, there exists, three major operations: neutralization, leaching and deodorization. In the neutralizer the free fatty acid content of crude oil will be lowered by adding caustic soda. The colour of oil will be controlled in the bleacher using bleaching earth. Finally, the odors are removed by the deodorization process. The final refined oil is then dispatched for sales.


Our marketing strategy will primarily be through public relations and word-of-mouth. We foresee any capital raising initiative as increasing brand awareness and will be part of our overall PR campaign to create a buzz around our company and products. Suggested sales will be derived via internet based alliance, doctor/medicinal referral. We will collect royalty fees including milestone payments via our scientific and health advisor team. They have proven track records with pharmaceutical companies along with patent/ip experience.

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Direct To Consumer Salvare Plant Products will be marketed to patients in need of anti-cancer, anti-inflammatory, skin treatments for aging spots, wrinkles, and sagging dry skin. Veterinarian Division Salvare Plant product compounds targeted at big cattle farmers and meat producers. We will be providing medicines to cattle which are proven to have fewer side effects than traditional medicines. The mix of Salvare and its formulation is proven, Private and Confidential. Natural plant product will induce healthy tender meat from bovine and poultry industries without using chemical and hormone additives. This is a market targeted at Cargill and Tyson via our industry information on new upcoming trends.


Building and protecting the Company’s intellectual property is essential to the Company’s business. Chellis Holding Corporation will build an intellectual property portfolio by filing for patent protection, acquisition technologies through agreements with both academic and research institutions and by carrying out studies through collaboration with established CROs. Depending on the stage of the technology development, the Company shall undertake the appropriate studies to add commercial value and enhance its intellectual property by filing new patents and support the world-wide coverage. Chellis Holding Corporation anticipates paying for the filing, prosecution and maintenance of issued and provisional patents as well as patent applications. In addition, the Company will protect other intellectual property, such as trade secrets, trade names and copyrights by establishing an intellectual property program aimed at ensuring the protection of these valuable company assets.


Salvare Tea, USDA Certified Organic, 24 Potent Tea Bags, 100% Pure Antioxidant-Rich Energy Booster (Natural)- Price: $11.95 ($0.50 / bag)

Contains 24 Natural flavored tea bags USDA Certified Organic 47 Antioxidants and 36 Anti-inflammatories 25 Vitamins & Minerals All 8 essential Amino Acids

Salvare Oil **120ml** (4oz) 100% Pure Salvare Seed Oil "Cold Pressed" - Price $39.99

Anti-aging Vitamin A & C Natural skin cleanser Radiance boosting fatty acids Healthy skin

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Organic India Salvare Powder, 8 Ounce - Price $19.99 Gluten free, GMO free, kosher Energizing Leaf powder

Salvare Superfood (120 Veggie Capsules) - Price S39.99

90 Nutrients 46 Natural Antioxidants 17x more Calcium than that of Milk 15x the Potassium in a Banana 18 Amino Acids including all 8 of the essential Amino Acids

Salvare Powder Malungay - 1.1lb/17.6oz. 500 Grams 100% Pure Salvare Leaf Powder Superfood - Price $49.99

90 + Nutrients 46 Natural Antioxidants 17x more Calcium than that of Milk 15x the Potassium in a Banana 18 Amino Acids including all 8 of the essential Amino Acids

Salvare Super Tea Exotic Body Detoxifying Tea Blend 25 Tea Bags - Price $25.99

100% Pure & Natural, 100% Vegan, 100% Gluten Free 100% Natural & a safe supplement for daily use Highly Bioavailable Essential Nutrients From The "Miracle Tree" Salvare - The True

"Superfood" Detoxify The Body, Calming & Relaxing, Improves Blood Circulation Assists With Weight Loss Anti-Aging, Healthy Skin Improved Liver Function & Increased Energy Packed With Vitamins & Minerals Over 46 Natural Antioxidants 90+ Nutrients & 18 Amino Acids

Salvare Pure Seed Oil 100ml 100% All Natural Seed Oil - Price $39.99

Anti-aging Vitamin A & C Natural skin cleanser Radiance boosting fatty acids Healthy skin


Salvare Leaves Medicinal Uses and Benefits Leaves rubbed against the temple can relive headaches To stop bleeding from a shallow cut, apply a poultice of fresh leaves There is an anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory effect when applied to

wounds or insects bites

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Extracts can be used against bacterial or fungal skin complaints Leaf tea treats gastric ulcers and diarrhoea Eating Salvare food products is good for those suffering from malnutrition

due to the high protein and fiber content Leaves treat fevers, bronchitis, eye and ear infections, and inflammation of

the mucus membrane The iron content of the leave is high, and they are reportedly prescribed for

anemia in the Philippines Dried Salvare leaves treat diarrhoea in Malawi, Africa The powder ground from the seed s also used in the treatment of acury skin

diseases (common bacterial infections of the skin).

Salvare Flowers Medicinal Uses and Benefits: Flower juice improves the quality and flow of mothers; milk when breast

feeding Flower juice is useful for urinary problem as it encourages urination In Haiti, villagers boil the flowers in water and drink the tea a powerful cold


Salvare Pods Medicinal Uses and Benefits: If eaten raw, pods act as a de-wormer and treat liver and spleen problem

and pains of the joints Due to high protein and fiber content they can play a useful part in treating

malnutrition and diarrhoea

Salvare Seeds Medicinal uses and Benefits: Used for their antibiotic and anti-inflammatory properties to treat arthritis,

rheumatism, gout, cramp, sexually transmitted diseases and boils. The seeds are roasted, pounded, mixed with coconut oil and applied to the problem area. Seed oil can be used for the ailments

Roasted seed and oil can encourage urination They can also be used as a relaxant for epilepsy Salvare seeds are effective against skin-infecting bacteria Staphylococcus

aureus and Pseudomonas aeruginosa. They contain the potent antibiotic and fungicide terygospermin

Salvare Roots, Bark and Gum Medicinal Use and Benefit:

The roots and the bark have all the properties described above but are more concentrated. Therefore much more care should be taken if using them as medicine

The roots and bark are used for cardiac and circulatory problems as a tonic and for inflammation. The bark is an appetizer digestive

In Senegal and India, roots are pounded and mixed with salt to make poultice for treating rheumatism and articular pains. In Senegal, this poultice is also used to relieve lower back or kidney pain

Fodder-Branches The alkaloid spirachin (a nerve paralysant) has been found in the roots The gum is Diuretic, astringent and abortifacient and is used against asthma

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Salvare Oil Medicinal Uses and Benefits: Oil of Ben is used for hysteria, scurvy, prostate problems and bladder

troubles Villagers in Oman use the oil to treat stomach disorders. They also use it in

perfume and hair oil

Salvare and Ayurveda Medicinal Uses and Benefits: India uses every part of the tree and considers it one of the most valuable

and useful plants. The ayurvedic medicine of India has many uses for Tree products, such as a natural antibiotic, an aid in childbirth for treating liver disorders, and many other uses

Salvare and Siddha Medicinal Uses and Benefits:

In Siddha medicine says that the leaves are full of medicinal properties. The drumstick seeds are used as a sexual virility drug for treating erectile dysfunction in men an also in women for prolonging sexual activity.


Capital requirements are 1.5 million which covers the buyout of the property. Also covers the construction of 4 greenhouses for research and development of Salvare Plant Products.


The breakdown of the total initial investment cost and Manpower/labour requirement is shown in the tables below.


Cost Items Total cost

1 Land Value $900,000

2 Building and Civil Work $250,000 per building

3 Plant Machinery and Equipment $ 21,800

4 Office furniture and equipment $ 1,000

5 Vehicle $ 25,000

6 Pre-production Expenditures $ 33,000

7 Working Capital $ 50,000

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Mike Ficocelli Chellis Holding Corporation 1447 Rupert Street North Vancouver British Columbia V7J 1G1

Main Office: 604-985-6206 Secondary: 604-985-6207 Cell: 604-258-8359 Email: [email protected]

Manpower Req. Monthly Salary Annual Salary

I General Manager 1 $3,000 $36,000

2 Sales Officers 2 $2,500 $30,000

3 Accountant 1 $2,000 $24,000

4 Production Head 1 $2,000 $2,400

5 Operators 12 $8,400 $100,800

6 Laborers 20 $6,000 $72,000

7 Guards 3 $900 $10,800

8 Lab. Technicians 3 $3,000 $36,000

Total 43 $27,800 $333,600

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Salvare Patent Products

By Chellis Holding Corporation

December 2014