
SaintPatrickParishCrane Road

6N491 Crane Road St. Charles, IL


Parish Office: 630-338-8000 Office Hours: Monday — Friday

8:00 a.m. — 4:00 p.m. Mailing Address: 6N487 Crane Road, St. Charles, IL 60175

Downtown 400 Cedar Street St. Charles, IL 60174


Call the Parish Office to:

• Schedule a Wedding or Baptism

• Register as a New Parishioner • Let us know if you wish to

Discontinue Weekly Envelopes due to giving through GiveCentral.

Confession/Reconciliation SATURDAY

9:00—9:45 a.m. Downtown 3:00—3:45 p.m. Crane Road

TUESDAY 6:00—7:00 p.m. Crane Road

Parish Web site:

“The Mission of St. Patrick Parish is to encourage, form and inspire intentional disciples of Jesus Christ.”


8:30 a.m. Downtown 4:00 p.m. Crane Road 6:00 p.m. Downtown

SUNDAYS 7:30 a.m. Downtown 8:00 a.m. Crane Road 9:00 a.m. Downtown 9:45 a.m. Crane Road 10:30 a.m. Downtown 11:30 a.m. Crane Road 12:00 p.m. Downtown 5:00 p.m. Downtown Mass in Spanish

Weekdays: MONDAY — FRIDAY 7:00 a.m. Crane Road 8:30 a.m. Downtown

Dear Friends in Christ, HereIAmLordConferenceI’d like to invite the whole parish to participate in the upcoming HereIAmLord conference scheduled this week, Thursday, March 1 and Friday, March 2. We have many visiting priests, sisters and brothers from various religious communities who will be with us for the two days. This year we’ve condensed the conference so there will no longer be a weekend component. Although it is a vocations conference, there are speakers and activities for all ages. There are also volunteer opportunities for adults and young people. Please see the schedule on the following page in the bulletin. On Thursday and Friday we have potluck dinners at 5:00 p.m. each evening with a program following the dinner. On Thursday evening, we will have an opportunity to hear the vocation stories and spiritual experiences of a number of the religious who are present. That will be followed with praise and worship music and Eucharistic Adoration. On Friday evening, we have a special concert scheduled with Tony Melendez. Tony’s concerts are powerful experiences as he shares his music, spiritual in-sights and humor with his audience. He engages all ages, so this is a family friendly event which will take place in the gym at the Crane Road school. Please invite friends to join you. I would like to thank our youth minister Mike Zak for all his hard work on the conference. His assistant Juli Rasmussen, a team of young people and adults share their time and talent in a very generous way to make the conference happen. Let’s continue to pray that many young people will hear the call to the priesthood and the religious life. May God bless your Lenten Season! In Christ, Msgr. Steve Knox

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A Walk Through the Mass Led by Fr. Manno and Fr. Gonnella

Monday, March 12th

from 9:00 to 10:30 a.m. in the Downtown Church Or 6:45 to 8:15 p.m. in the Crane Road Church

♦ Ever wonder why we do what we do during Mass?

♦ Are you looking for a way to enter more deeply into the Mass?

♦ Are you looking for a greater understanding of the Holy Eucharist?

Fr. Manno and Fr. Gonnella will tag team and lead us on a walk through the Mass, exploring and explaining all the parts of the Mass to help us understand why the Mass is so important for our

spiritual health. Even if you are a life-long Catholic, you’ll learn some new things from this gathering.

There will also be plenty of time for your questions. Please feel free to invite family and friends, and those you know from other faiths to join you.

For more information please contact Fr. Gonnella at 630-338-8000 or [email protected].

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March 1 & 2 • HERE I AM LORD A St. Patrick Tradition for the last 16 Years on the Crane Road Campus!

You Won’t Want to Miss This Opportunity to Meet Our Religious Guests! This is one of the BEST Events for Family & for hundreds of others who join us for

meeting & speaking with the Religious Brothers & Sisters from various communities.

Come to the Parish Pot Luck Dinners & Visit with Religious at Vocations Fair!

Thursday Night is FAMILY NIGHT! Join Us to help Welcome Our Religious Guests.

Parish Pot Luck Dinner: 5:00 – 6:15 pm Parishioners Bring a side dish or dessert & Visit You are Called: 6:30 – 8:00 pm Priests, Brothers and Sisters share their stories Parish Holy Hour: 8:00 – 8:30 pm Praise and Worship and Eucharistic Adoration

Friday Daytime Program is for Middle & High School Students and Adults

Middle School Workshop: 8:00 am – 2:30 pm It’s A Day Off for Kane Co. Public School Students You Must Register your Middle & High School teens By Tuesday, February 27th for $20 each for a day filled with exciting speakers, lunch and a special Concert/presentation by Tony Melendez!


Friday Pot Luck Dinner: 5:00 – 6:30 pm We’ll provide Main Dish & drinks, fish & a pasta bar! Parishioners will bring a side dish or dessert to pass & dine with Religious.



7:00 TO 9:00 PM Held at St. Patrick School Gym

on the Crane Road Campus

Suggested FREE-WILL Offering $10 each/$20 per Family

Inv i te Fami ly & Fr iends to Jo in You! GYM Doors Open at 6:30 p.m. Held at 787 Crane Road, St. Charles, 60175

Any Questions, please contact Juli at 630-388-8050

“The man who plays his guitar with his feet”

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Light of the World Retreat

Respond to God’s call to grow closer

in relationship to Him!



intheRockfordDiocese. This parish retreat will help you deepen your relationship with God, with the Church, and help you ind more meaning in life. Many people have a hunger to draw closer to Jesus, and ind a closer connection with their parish community. Life is too short to put our relationship with God on the backburner. LightoftheWorldRetreatsaremeanttobethevehicletohelpparticipants indthatdeeperfriendshipwithGodand indmorepeaceofmindandpeaceofheart.


Friday,March9: 7:00p.m.—9:00p.m. Sunday,March11:8:00a.m.—6:00p.m. Saturday,March10: 8:00a.m.—6:00p.m. Monday,March12:6:30p.m.—9:00p.m. PleaseknowthatwhatyouwillgainfromattendingthisRetreatwillfaroutweighyour


SignUpbeloworonline&’dliketospeakwithsomeone,[email protected].

Light of the World Retreat PleasesignmeupfortheretreatonFriday,March9throughMonday,March12,2018.

PleasedropformintheSundayofferingbasket,mailorbringintotheparishof icebetween8am&4pmat6N487CraneRd,St.Charles,IL60175.Thereisnosetcost;therewillbeafreewilldonationattheendoftheretreat.

Name(s) _________________________________________________________________________________________________

Address _________________________________________________________________________________________________

City _________________________________________________________________________________ Zip _______________

Home or Cell Phone ___________________________________ E-mail ______________________________________________

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The Stations of the Cross are a traditional Lenten prayer form that helps us to walk with Christ and grow in our union with him. Plan on about a 45 minute prayer service.

Families and children are encouraged to participate.

Friday, March 2 7:00 p.m. Downtown Church Friday, March 9 7:00 p.m. Crane Road Church Friday, March 16 7:00 p.m. Crane Road Church Friday, March 23 7:00 p.m. Crane Road Church

The Respect Life Commi ee will be distribu ng baby bo les a er every Mass This weekend for the Annual “Baby Bo le Boomerang” Fund raiser.

We ask that each family take a bo le home and through the week fill the bo le with your spare change, cash, or checks (Payable to: Corbella Clinic) and then return to the Church in the following weeks and deposit in the bins near the entrances. The money collected through this fundraiser aids the Corbella Clinic (Formerly Fox Valley Pregnancy Center) in its mission to assist individuals who are unprepared for pregnancy to calmly and confidently explore their op ons, empowering them to make healthy, life-affirming decisions through educa on and compassionate support services.

Corbella Clinic’s free, confiden al services include MEDICAL SERVICES: Pregnancy Tes ng, Pregnancy Verifica on, Ultrasounds, STI/STD Tes ng &Treatment, Medical & Op ons Counseling

SUPPORT SERVICES: Prenatal and Paren ng Educa on, Sexual Health Educa on, Mentoring, Material Assistance, Resources and Referrals and Adop on Informa on

101 E. State Street, South Elgin 847-697-0200

Catholics Returning Home Begins Tuesday, April 3

From 7:00 to 8:15 p.m. At St. Patrick Crane Road Church Campus

• Were you raised Catholic… but do not come or seldom attend church anymore?

• Are you a Catholic who feels separated from your church? • Would you like to know about the Catholic Church as it is today?

• Would you like to feel at home in the Catholic Church again?

No matter how long you have been away or whatever the reason, we invite you to consider renewing your relationship with the Catholic Church.

For more information, please contact Jenny in the parish office at 630-338-8000 or email: [email protected]

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inthelowerlevel,Fr.CarseCenterSign Up Now for Every 3rd Monday of the month

WeNeedVolunteers&DonationsEveryMonth!Please visit the SignUpGeniusLinkto see where we need help, and/or the option to donate items and food.

If you have any questions, please contact Teri Hoscheit at 630-212-9929 or [email protected].


Theysaidtohim,“Wehaveonly iveloaveshereandtwo ish.”Hesaid,“Bringthemheretome.” Matthew 14:17-18 Servingthoseinneedbyprovidingahotmealandcompanionship.

Many Thanks to St. Charles

who has graciously donated enough

bread to feed everyone at the

dinners every month!

HowcanyoumakeadifferenceduringLent? The next 40 Days for Life campaign has started and continues untilMarch25...and it’s crucialthatwe putourspirituallives First. That’s the topic of one of the newest 40 Days for Life podcasts:

podcast-106/. It's called "FirstThingsFirst-Again." Simply put, when defending the unborn in a hostile culture… we must constantly be aware that wearecalledtogiveeverythingtoGodandputHimirstinourlives. So please be sure you’re spirituallyready for the new campaign! Findthelocationnearestyouandsignupnowtoprayandfastforanendtoabortion!It has never been more important.

All Women in the Parish are Invited to…Women at the Well

Friday, March 9th from 9:15 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. In Dempsey Hall at the Crane Road Campus

Our Speaker: Meg Bucaro Wojtas presents “Heaven Help Me! A Spiritual Journey Through Daily Life”

As a married parent of three young children, a college educator, communica on coach and a professional speaker, Meg has developed prac cal techniques to thrive amid the challenges of daily living. She will Remind women

WHY they need to lean on their spirituality to experience less stress and more peace. She will focus on: HOW to be your best…you are not on this journey alone! HOW your faith can help revitalize your daily rou ne!

HOW to say “no” without feeling guilty! HOW to find me for yourself! HOW to incorporate though ul reflec on into your day. And HOW to have a few laughs along the way!

“Gatherings are for all women to develop friendships while enhancing our mind, body and soul to glorify God”

Our Schedule: 8:30 a.m. — Early Registration & coffee 9:15 to 9:45 a.m. — Light Breakfast 9:45 to 10:45 a.m. — Speaker presentation 11:00 a.m. — Program concludes

Program donation is $7.00 each. Please call Patty to pre-register at 331-442-4043 or email us at: [email protected] and pay when you arrive. Visit for more monthly details.

Mail Registration to: Women at the Well, 4N897 Crane Road, St. Charles, IL 60175. Please include $7.00 for program.

Name(s): _________________________________________________ and _____________________________________________________ Address: ________________________________________________________________ City/Zip: ___________________________________ E-Mail: ______________________________________________________________________ Phone: ________________________________

You can pay in advance for remaining months you Attend: March 9: $7/April 14 Brunch: $8 /May 11: $7

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Enroll in Electronic Giving Do You want to transition away from envelopes & contribute electronically? It is SO EASY!

Visit our Website & click the “donate” button. You will be directed to Click on event to which you would like to contribute. Enter your profile & payment information. If you have questions or need help, call Patty Grueff at 630-338-8020 or [email protected].

~ Our Weekly Offering ~ Sunday, February 18: $47,450.17

This week our Sacrificial gift will go to

Cultivation Ministries to assist in their youth evangelization ministry.

The O’Brien


Who: Undergraduate juniors and seniors and graduate students. Candidates must be from rural areas of Michigan, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa or Wisconsin. They must be full me students with a minimum GPA of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale. How much: $3,000/year renewable for a second year. When: Deadline is April 15, 2018. Where: Visit website to apply

h ps://

Contact: Vicki Harder | Program Manager Scholarship America® (d) 507-931-0446 |(f) 507-931-2964

[email protected]

*Addi onal considera on given to applicants of the Catholic faith.

“Be Reconciled!” On Wednesday, March 21st The Sacrament of Reconciliation will be Available from 9:00 a.m. until 8:00 p.m. in the Crane Road Chapel. . . Please Consider Participating For the past 6 years, the Rockford Diocese has promoted “Be Reconciled” Day at all its parishes. The priests in every parish will be available from 9:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. Lent is a great time to receive this sacrament and to be set free from all our sins. Msgr. Knox, Fr. Manno and Fr. Gonnella will be hearing confessions in the Crane Road Chapel all day on Wednesday, March 21st. If it has been a long time for you, don’t worry about it. The priests will guide you in the reception of the sacrament. Please let others know about this diocesan initiative which is meant to help us experience the peace of Christ through reconciliation. If you have any questions, please contact Judy in the of ice at 630-338-8000.


W M I This week our Crane Road Church Tabernacle Candle burns

In Memory of: Juanito Gonzaga

And our Downtown Church Tabernacle Candle burns

Special Inten on for: Religious Voca ons

May this light which reminds us of Jesus’ presence in the Tabernacle

welcome them into His eternal presence.

Monday, February 26

7:00 a.m. Rita & Anthony Corry Crane Road Church 8:30 a.m. Richard Larsen Downtown Church Tuesday, February 27

7:00 a.m. Joan Reese Crane Road Church

8:30 a.m. Joseph & Mary Grzesiakowski Downtown Church

Wednesday, February 28 7:00 a.m. Thomas Meere Crane Road Church

8:30 a.m. Sadie & Andrew Lester Downtown Church 8:50 a.m. Steve Pianowski Crane Road Church Thursday, March 1 7:00 a.m. Special Inten on for Jus n Farrell Crane Road Church 8:30 a.m. Eileen & Edward Walsh Downtown Church 6:00 p.m. Mass in Spanish Downtown Church Friday, March 2 7:00 a.m. Special Inten on for Christopher Farrell Crane Road Church 8:30 a.m. Poor Souls in Purgatory Downtown Church

March 3 ~ Celebrants ~ 8:30 a.m. Patricia Manno Downtown Church

4:00 p.m. Jerry Volenec CR — Fr. Gonnella 6:00 p.m. Robert Geisen DT — Fr. Manno

Sunday, March 4 ~ Celebrants ~

7:30 a.m. Harriet & Lawerance Altgilbers DT Fr. Manno

8:00 a.m. Jason Weller CR — Msgr. Knox 9:00 a.m. Dianne Yauch DT Fr. Manno 9:45 a.m. Mary Lou Fink CR — Msgr. Knox

10:30 a.m. Ferdinand Klein DT— Fr. Gonnella 11:30 a.m. People of St. Patrick CR — Msgr. Knox 12:00 p.m. Cliff Kruse DT Fr. Gonnella

5:00 p.m. Mass in Spanish DT — Fr. Loaiza

Priest Celebrants for Weekend Masses are listed above.

7:00 p.m. Sta ons of the Cross Downtown Church

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Need Holy Communion brought to you at home? If you are unable to attend Mass because you no longer drive or have had surgery recently, we would be happy to bring Holy Communion to you at home. To schedule Eucharistic Minister visits, call Betty at 630-443-0161 or e-mail her at [email protected].

Pray the Chaplet of Divine Mercy at 3:00 p.m. Tuesdays at the Crane Road Church

Wednesdays at the Downtown Church Also a Chaplet is prayed weekly at 3:00 a.m. DT

Our Lord promised extraordinary graces to those who recite this special prayer. The chaplet is

prayed on rosary beads. It is appropriate to pray the Chaplet during the “Hour of Great Mercy”

at 3:00 pm each afternoon. This recalls the time of Christ’s death on the cross.

New!HolyHourandRosaryonSaturdaystoprayforanIncreaseinVocationstothePriesthoodandReligiousLifefrom9:00to10:00a.m.attheDowntownChurch.Our Vocations Ministry has initiated this new holy hour.

ExpositionoftheBlessedSacramentwilltakeplacerightafterthe8:30a.m.Mass. Twopriestsareavailableforthesacrament

ofreconciliationduringtheholyhour. All are welcome to pray that more young people will open their hearts to his call to serve his Church as a priest or a religious sister.

Low-Gluten Hosts Are Available Persons with Celiac disease are unable to consume communion hosts used at Mass because of an intolerance to gluten. A Low-Gluten Host was developed and has Vatican approval. Most people with celiac disease are able to consume these hosts. When receiving the low-gluten host, we ask that you receive from the priest; he will have a special pyx in his ciborium which will contain the special hosts. When you come up to the priest, simply say “special host,” and he’ll provide that for you. If you or someone you know is homebound and has celiac disease or gluten intolerance issues and they would like to receive communion at home, call Judy or Jenny in the Parish Office at 630-338-8000.

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*First to Sign Up will get the Open Spots When we release them April 1st. Then we will notify you.

Cost: $250 each (Includes a $50.00 Non-Refundable Deposit)

We Have 50 SPOTS Filled for kids Currently in Middle School Grades 6th, 7th or 8th For All the Details go to


This Conference brings together more than 2,000

Catholic teens from across the Midwest at Carthage College

in Kenosha, Wisconsin.

We will be taking a group of 50 which will include both teens & adult chaperones.

Open to Students in 8th Grade thru College and Adult Overnight Chaperones Needed.

To reserve a spot or ask questions email Mr. Zak at [email protected]. Go To for on-line Registration forms, cost & details.

YOUTH MINISTRY EVENTS...Contact: Mike Zak — Director 630-338-8050 • youthminist ry@stpatr ickpar •



with Fr. Manno & Mr. Zak IN DEMPSEY HALL! On Feb. 27th - Hot Breakfast, Bacon, Sausage, Donuts, Juice and More!!

Parent Help is ALWAYS Appreciated!!

NO High Sc hool FORUM

on Thursday

March 1st!

Come to HERE I AM LORD Instead! FORUM will Resume on Thurs, March 8th

D C Every Wednesday for 24 hours 9:00 a.m. Wednesday to 8:15 a.m. Thursday, Benediction at 8:15 a.m.

C R C Every Tuesday

7:30 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. Benedic on at 8:45 p.m.

BM2 Patrick Hogan LCpl Zac T. Kwasniewski* Sgt Dominick Lullo SrA Joe Lullo Pe y Officer Ian Masters 2nd Lt Shawn Meaney SPC Quincy Novak Sgt John M. Pa on Sgt Andrew Perry Captain Jillian Rigert SCPO Gary Ronzheimer *currently or soon to be deployed

Lt Col Mark C. Andres Specialist Kevin D. Bagrowski Captain Jonathan Barillas Cpl Trevor Brennan LTC Nicholas Bugajski 2nd Lt Jennifer Clay 1st Lt Jessica Clay* MMN3 John Cody 2nd Lt Frederick Dela Cruz Captain Patrick Dorsch Cpl Casey Duncan LCpl Riley Gorczynski

Pvt Joseph M. Serra 1st Lt Andrew Slade 1st Lt Michael Shares Amn Erin Nicole Shulfer 1st Lt Colin M. Snook A1C Anna Swanson* SRA Ryan Swanson Captain Peter Tate* Sea Jessica M. Tobolski Maj Eric Winkofsky Capt Chris ne Zoerlein Albertson

Please keep all of our military personnel and families in your prayers.

To include a parishioner or family member who is currently serving our country, has a change in rank or status, or needs help or support, contact Carla Weeks, 630-513-5776, or [email protected].

Marian Prayer Group on Tuesday Evenings, 7:15 p.m. in the Downtown Church

♥ To Jesus through Mary ♥ Join us! ♥

Remember the Prayer Circle when you or someone you know needs prayers. Contact Laura at 630-587-5707 or [email protected]

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Craig Skowron Gabriel Socha Gwendolyn Socha John Smith Vern Steffen Joseph Stiglianese Jennifer Stoeffer Les Stubblefield Lyndsay Sullivan Ronald Swanson Cynthia Szabelski Frank Thiel Roger Tippett Sue VanBosch John Vermaat Betty Voigt Gus Vonderheide Ken Ward Kevin Warfel Steve Watwood John Weller Christine Wiedemann Al Zak Diane Zak

Anthony Alagna Donald Arndt Micki Baran Sue Berg Lois Boduch Kim Bosch Peter Bosso Cliff Bottigliero Jack Boyd Chuck Brancato Dorothy Buchta John Bukovits Jason Cain Doug Candre Craig Cassidy Donna Catey Jeremy Charles Benjamin Chase Madeline Chimienti Jake Deutschman Sharon Diamond Ed DiGirolamo Elaine DiGirolamo

Dorothy [Dally] Johnson Rick Jungels Wally Kalaini Harriet Karall Dennis Karolewicz Michael Kayser George Kleinschmidt Rick Komar Gerald Konetzki Tim Korzen Barb Koskiewicz Don Koskiewicz Jarrod Kovanda Phillip LaFata Jessica Lang Stan LeMaire Brittany Lengyle Noah Joseph Lindsay Art Lloyd Jeremy Lloyd Margaret Lopez Margaret Lykens Janet Malkiewicz Teresa Maness

Brendan Maus Laura Matenko Bob Mayberry Barbara Mazurek James Mazurek Linda Mirabelli Dolores Mollenhauer Shirley Mueller Jimmy Mulheran Alexander Namie Paula Neybert Meri Notz-Johnson Jack Nowosielski Mary Olsen Bridget Page Frank Papa Alejandro Perez Anthony Placek, Jr. Ronald Polzin Carlo Raimondo, Jr. Ed Ray Zane Romero Philip Rovino Mariano Salvador Peter Serafin

Pray for the Sick Gay Marie Doherty Arlene Doran John Doran Karen Dorrell Rosella Ehl Gus Enzenbacher Rick Feichter Gilberto Fevreira Pat Fleming Rosina Garro Riley Gerwig Marie Ghio o Chuck Gruber Mike Gruszka Glenn Hammer Shirley Harrington Ty Hawkinson Audrey Heath Mark Herwaldt Mary Heselbarth Susan Hill Philip Holota Grace Marie Horton Adele Hubbe Elyece Hurley

If you or your loved ones no longer need our prayers, please let us know. Call the Parish Office: 630-338-8000

James Bokios Gerald Langenstrass

William Sheehan Rosario Sparacio, Sr.

ST. PATRICK CATHOLIC SCHOOL Where Faith and the Future Meet

February 14th proved to be an exci ng day at our Preschool! All grades joined Msgr. Knox in the Church to say prayers, learn about Lent and have

ashes placed on their foreheads.

A er returning to the school, each class held their own Valen ne’s Day

celebra on. It was a high energy day filled with excitement! Call to schedule a Visit at the Downtown Campus! Veronica Day, Preschool Director 630-338-8200 [email protected] • 118 N. 5th Street • St. Charles

Amazon Smile: Use amazonsmile and

St. Patrick will enjoy the benefits. Once you link your amazon account to

St. Patrick Church, 0.5% of every dollar you spend will go to support our school. Every time you shop make sure you go to There are the same

products and services but it allows for your

purchase to be counted for donation to

St. Patrick Home & School*.

*The Church and School share the same tax id

number, so all proceeds from amazonsmile

will go to the Home & School


Check out our website:

Like us on

St. Patrick Catholic School: Registra ons for the 2018-2019 School Year have begun. Call to schedule a tour Main Campus (K-8): 787 Crane Road, St. Charles, IL 60175 630-338-8100


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6th Grade Field Trip to the Challenger Science Center

P 12 S , F 25, 2018


Space Limited to 120 — 2ND GRADE COMMUNICANTS and their parent(s) / Guardian. Fee $25/Family ** Drop off check at RE Office – Payable to St. Patrick RE. **

Reserve Your Spot Now! Email [email protected] BY 3/11/18.

Sponsored by the Salesian Cooperators | Questions? Call or Txt Joyce Cromwell 630-962-6873 DO YOU HAVE THE DESIRE TO SERVE THE YOUTH? We need you! Consider Volunteering.

Welcome those who have been Baptized into our Church from October through December 2017

Margaret Elizabeth Tulley Gabriella Agnes Black

Logan Jacob Ras Mila Valentina Musial

Amelia Quinn Gentallan Naomi Josephine Millie Garcia

Hannah Faith Patronis Viva Faith Ortiz

Vasiliki Zoe Ortiz Claire Judith Campbell

Eric Alexander Diaz Amara Stone Triggiani-Hart Gwyneth Nicole Kozlowski

Michael Kent Wilkin Bella May Fisher

Carolina Ashlee Honey Carter Warren Hug Macy Joyce Cervone

Shepard Wayne Lawhorne Seraphina Antoinette Milazzo

Audrey Clare Ormsby Samantha Delgado Cynthia Delgado Kevin Delgado Emily Delgado

Francesco John Fabiano Harper Jean Pittenger Luke George Parsons Olive Nicole Bardahl

Nicolina Josephine Rose Coronato Alexander Isaac Rodriguez

Edward Joseph Krystal Caden Joseph Probst Mason Blaise Smidt Lilly Maie Albertsen

Landon David Swedrowski Haven Rose Harnish Mila Grace Ortega Tinley Ann Ortega

Robert Niko Reskey-James

Wyatt Allan Vandermast

Isabella Rosanna Calo

Emery Taylor Klosowski

Alexa Lynn Ricklefs

Maximus Allen Roden

Chloe Diane Ruback

Aubrey Lynn Johnson

Anne Dorothy Feldpausch

Victoria Rose Graziano

Logan Manuel Manrriquez

Paisley Hope Masuda

Salomeja Veda Grigaliunas

Antanina Danguole Grigaliunas

Scholwin Lillian

Colin Michael Brabeck

Grant Louis Brabeck

Ella Raine Rodewald

Benjamin Andrew Elliff

Oliver Krystian Randall

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Experience Pietra Fitness ® A fitness class that stretches, strengthens & tones the body while refreshing the soul with Christian prayer and meditation. In only 1 hour you will feel calmer, stronger, refreshed & renewed! Pietra Fitness Women's Class Schedule: > Monday Morning Classes are combination Gentle/Level 1 routines, 9:00 AM at St. Patrick

Crane Road Church, in the St. Peter Room. If you have kids at St. Pat's school, drop off and experience Pietra Fitness! > A Gentle Class for Women is offered on Thursdays from 6:15 – 7:15 PM in the Hoffman Center at St. John Neumann

Church, 2900 E. Main Street, St. Charles. Classes will be ongoing through December 2018.

Parish Events: February 26 – March 4 Monday, February 26 9:00 a.m.—Light of the World (DT) 9:00 p.m.—Pietra Fitness (CR) 12:00 p.m.—2nd Gr. Parents Meeting-1st Communion (CRC) 6:00 p.m.—Diocesan II Certification-Hispanic (DT) 7:00 p.m.—2nd Gr. Parents Meeting-1st Communion (CRC) 7:30 p.m.—Boy Scouts (CR)

Tuesday, February 27 7:00 a.m.—Transformation Tuesday (CR) 9:00 a.m.—Divine Mercy Group Retreat (DT) 1:00 p.m.—Senior Chair Exercise (DT) 4:30 p.m.—Religious Education K-5th (CR-School) 5:15 p.m.—R.E. Adoration (CRC) 7:00 p.m.—Divine Mercy Group Retreat (CR) 7:00 p.m.—Hope Takes Action St. Vincent de Paul (DT) 7:15 p.m.—Marian Prayer Group (DT)

Wednesday, February 28 4:30 p.m.—Religious Education K-5th (CR-School) 5:15 p.m.—R.E. Adoration (CRC) 5:45 p.m.—Children’s Choir Rehearsal (CR) 6:30 p.m.—Religious Education K-5th (CR-School) 7:15 p.m.—R.E. Adoration (CRC) 7:00 p.m.—Light of the World (CR) 7:00 p.m.— Schola Rehearsal (CR) 7:00 p.m.—St. Vincent de Paul (CR) 7:00 p.m.—RCIA (DT)

Thursday, March 1 9:00 a.m.—Coffee Klatch (DT) 5:00 p.m.—Parish Potluck with Religious Guests (CR) 6:30 p.m.—HERE I AM LORD: Parish & R.E. 6 & 7th Gr (CR) 7:00 p.m.—Parish Choir Rehearsal (St. Francis) 7:00 p.m.—Adult Confirmation (CR Parish Office Conf. Rm) 7:00 p.m.—St. Patrick Home & School (St. Joseph)

Friday, March 2 7:30 a.m.—HIAL Religious Breakfast (CR) 2:00 p.m.—AA Meeting (DT - Conf) 5:00 p.m.—Parish Potluck with Religious Guests (CR) 7:00 p.m.—Tony Melendez Concert (CR-School Gym) 7:00 p.m.—AA Meeting (DT-Preschl) 7:00 p.m.—Stations of the Cross (DT)

Saturday, March 3 8:00 a.m.—Lord Teach Me to Pray Prayer Series (CR) 9:00 a.m.—First Saturday Devotions (DT) 3:30 p.m.—First Saturday Devotions (CR)

Sunday, March 4 9:45 & 11:30 a.m.—Liturgy of the Word for Children (CR)

(CR) – Crane Road Campus; (DT) – Downtown Campus

Rosary Devotion Occurs the First Saturday of each month. Join us on March 3rd at the Downtown Church when devo onal prayers are recited following the 8:30 a.m. Mass and during confessions. And at the Crane Road Church at 3:30 p.m. when prayers begin promptly.

Next Weekend is the First Sunday of the Month!

The Society of St. Vincent de Paul is collecting non-perishable

food donations before All Masses.

Thanking you in advance for your continuing prayers and generosity.


Parish Office: 6N487 Crane Road, St. Charles, IL 60175 Phone: 630-338-8000, Fax: 630-338-8008

Pastor Rev. Monsignor Stephen J. Knox [email protected] Parochial Vicars Rev. Kyle Manno [email protected] Rev. Robert Gonnella [email protected] Permanent Deacons: William Johnson [email protected] William Gartland, Jim Mellin and Mike Smith Parish Seminarian John Kladar 630-338-8040 [email protected] Parish Secretary Judy Lynch 630-338-8000 [email protected] Parish Secretary Jenny Hansen 630-338-8013 [email protected] Financial Secretary Patricia Grueff 630-338-8020 [email protected] Music Ministry Director Cyndee Zbylut 630-338-8031 [email protected] Youth Ministry Director Mike Zak 630-338-8051 [email protected] Bulletin Editor, HIAL & Juli Rasmussen 630-338-8050 Youth Ministry Assistant [email protected]

St. Patrick School: 787 Crane Road, St. Charles, IL 60175 Phone: 630-338-8100, Fax: 630-338-8108

Principal Lisa Brown [email protected] Vice Principal Mary Carol Mignin [email protected]

School Secretaries: Debbie Scurte: [email protected] Mary Ellen Theriault: [email protected] Julie Moss: [email protected]

Preschool / Extended Care: 118 N. 5th Street, St. Charles, IL 60174 Phone: 630-338-8200, Fax: 630-338-8208

Director Veronica Day [email protected] Secretary Amy Blood [email protected] Secretary Theresa Mastrangeli [email protected]

Religious Education: in the Parish Office

Director, Grades P3—5 Deacon Jerry Ryndak 630-338-8164 [email protected] Director, J.R. High/H.S. Alyce Poziombka 630-338-8165 Confirmation [email protected] Secretary, Grades P3—5 Gail Brown 630-338-8162 [email protected] Secretary, J.R. High/H.S. Karen Delaney 630-338-8166 Confirmation [email protected]

Maintenance Director Sal Calderon 630-220-4950 [email protected] St. Vincent de Paul Society 630-338-8270 Convent: School Sisters of St. Francis 630-338-8240

Hispanic Ministry: 408 Cedar Street, St. Charles, IL 60174 Phone: 630-338-8290, Fax: 630-338-8298

Parochial Vicar Rev. Jorge Loaiza 630-338-8291 [email protected] Sr. Esperanza Reyes 630-338-8293 Secretary Maria Perez 630-338-8290 [email protected]

Lenten Fish Fries — All You Can Eat Saints Peter & Paul Church, Virgil

Rt. 64 & Meredith Rd, Virgil, 60151 ALL Fridays:

March 2 (Siberian Cod), 9, 16, 23 Serving from 5 to 8 p.m.

Adults: $12 to $15 Children: Ages 5 — 10: $4 to $7

Under Age 5 is FREE Carry-Out is available. For additional info or to

place a carry out order call 630-365-6618.

Mid-Life Singles (mid-30s to 50s): Looking for a Renewed

Sense of Purpose & Belonging?

REFLECT Weekend Retreat

on March 2nd through 4th, 2018. at the Cardinal Stritch Retreat House, Mundelein, IL (in the northern suburbs)

Take a chance and get involved... you won't regret it! Cost is $215 for meals and a single room.

Call 630-222-8303 or [email protected] or Visit for details.

Te c h T u t o r i n g. . . Get HELP with Your Devices!

Bring Your Devices to Tech Tutoring where students from St. Charles North & St. Charles East Key Club & Kiwanis Intl.

are Eager to HELP YOU! Stop by St. Charles Pottawatomie Community Center at 8 North Ave, St

Charles, 60174 from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. on the following First Thursdays of the Month:

March 1, April 5, 2018

Please RSVP to Margaret at [email protected]
