Page 1: SAINT NICHOLAS OF TOLENTINE PARISH · Leticia Liboon Bienvenido Macabali Ermito Maluto Maluto Family Norberto Dangan Olson, Sr. Fay Monica Wallace Please remember to let us know if


150-75 Goethals Ave. Jamaica, NY 11432

(718) 969-3226 - Office (718) 380-0345 - Fax WWW.IAMSNT.ORG ALL ARE WELCOME!

Eleventh Sunday in ordinary time June 14, 2015 WEEKEND SCHEDULE/HORARIO DE MISAS

Saturday Eve: 5:00 P.M. Sunday Masses: 7:30 A.M. 9:15 A.M. (ESPAÑOL) 10:45 A.M. 12:15 P.M. 5:00 P.M. Daily Mass - Monday to Saturday 7:45 A.M. & 12:05 P.M. BAPTISMS Parents must first make an appointment at the rectory 2 months before the date and present the original birth certificate. English: Usually the 2nd Saturday and 4th Sunday of each month at 2:00 pm ceremony and at Sunday Mass by arrangement. Instruction class is the first Tuesday at 7:30 pm Spanish: Upcoming dates: July 12th & September 13th at a 2:00 pm ceremony. Instructions are the Friday before at 7:00 pm.

RECONCILIATION (CONFESSIONS) Monday through Saturday: 11:45 A.M.-12:00 Noon - Chapel Saturday: 4:00-4:45 P.M. - Church. And by appointment.

MARRIAGE According to Diocesan regulations, arrangements must be made at least six months in advance at the rectory.

CARE OF THE SICK Communion is regularly brought to the sick by the priests and Min-isters of Communion. Please let us know if someone is confined at home because of illness or age.

RECTORY OFFICE HOURS Monday to Friday: 8:30 A.M. - 12 Noon & 1:00 - 9:00 P.M. Saturday: 9:00 A.M. to 7:00 P.M. Sunday: 9:00 A.M. to 2:00 P.M.

ST. NICHOLAS OF TOLENTINE SCHOOL (Pre-K to 8) 80-22 Parsons Blvd. Phone: 718-380-1900

RELIGIOUS EDUCATION CENTER 150-85 Goethals Ave. Phone: 718-591-6536

OUTDOOR FLEA MARKET Phone: 718-591-1815 Email: [email protected]

EUCHARISTIC ADORATION Most Sundays from 1:30 - 4:45PM and First Fridays.

Mark 4:32

Page 2: SAINT NICHOLAS OF TOLENTINE PARISH · Leticia Liboon Bienvenido Macabali Ermito Maluto Maluto Family Norberto Dangan Olson, Sr. Fay Monica Wallace Please remember to let us know if

The Bread and Wine this weekend are in

Honor of Merle C. Nazares’ Birthday.

Masses for the Week


Saturday, June 13 5:00p Manuel Fernandez Sunday, June 14 7:30 Purgatorial Society 9:15 People of the Parish Hilda Muñiz Maureen Rizzo Lucrecia Pineros Gabrielina Pantano 10:45 Clemente & Elena Reyes Sidorela Lleshi (L) Fidel Ocoro 12:15 Constance Greco 5:00p Scott Weiner Monday, June 15

7:45 Simon C. Casal 12:05 Julita Sanjorjo (L) Tuesday, June 16 7:45 Merle Nazares (L) B’day 12:05 Thanksgiving for Children (L) Wednesday, June 17 7:45 Louise Daunor 12:05 Souls in Purgatory Thursday, June 18 7:45 Pedro Lantin 12:05 Carlos Flores Friday, June 19 7:45 Simon C. Casal 12:05 Souls in Purgatory Saturday, June 20

7:45 Reylina Leviste 12:05 Robert Sears 5:00p Aurora Rodriguez Sunday, June 21 7:30 Father’s Day Novena 9:15 Angel Muñiz, Sr., Angel Muñiz, Jr., and Deceased Fathers of the Muñiz Family Roberto Vazquez Jorge Eduardo Tapia Léon Segundo Pizarro Julia Vintimilla 10:45 People of the Parish Michael De Santi Raul Armesto Guillermo Pinos Thomas Finnerty Santiago Ordona, Sr. Nicholas Catanello Bishop Catanello Thanksgiving to Jesus 12:15 Tiburcio Pingol 5:00p Thanksgiving for St. Silverio

SUNDAY, JUNE 14 - FLAG DAY 9:00 am - 4:00 pm - Outdoor Flea Market 10:30 am - Evangelization for Adults/Spanish - Cafeteria 12:00 pm - Youth Group - Youth Center 12:15 pm - Blessing of the Flags - Church 3:00 pm - Chaplet of the Divine Mercy - Chapel

MONDAY, JUNE 15 7:00 pm - N.A. - Cafeteria 7:00 pm - Spanish Evangelization Team - Seton Hall

TUESDAY, JUNE 16 10:30 am - Active Retirees - Tolentine Hall 6:00 pm - Self Help - Seton Hall 7:15 pm - A. A. - Cafeteria 7:30 pm - Ultreya - R/E Center 7:30 pm - Young Adult Prayer - Youth Center

WEDNESDAY, JUNE 17 6:30 pm - ESL - Cafeteria/Seton Hall

THURSDAY, JUNE 18 6:00 pm - Self Help - Seton Hall 7:00 pm - Grupo de Oracion - Chapel 7:30 pm - Light of Christ - R/E Center 8:00 pm - Fil /Am - Tolentine Hall

FRIDAY, JUNE 19 7:00 pm - Cubs Scouts - Gym 7:00 pm - Boy Scouts - Cafeteria 7:00 pm - Girls Scouts - Seton Hall 7:00 pm - Heartshare Fashion Show - Tolentine Hall 7:30 pm - Youth Recreation - Youth Center

SATURDAY, JUNE 20 9:00 am - 4:00 pm - Outdoor Flea Market 9:30 am - ESL - Cafeteria/Seton Hall 9:30 am - Zumba Fitness - Tolentine Hall 1:00 pm - Couples for Christ - Cafeteria 7:15 pm - A.A. - Cafeteria

SUNDAY, JUNE 21 9:00 am - 4:00 pm - Outdoor Flea Market 12:00 pm - Youth Group - Youth Center


The Sick: Theresa Alleva, Chris Caceres, Nick

Cataldo, Jr., Amanda Cuck, Joseph Dugan, Max Fernandez, Donna W. Fodera, Juan Gutierrez, Meryl Ka-

lensky, Judy Michelli, Maria Luz Navarez, Lucy Perez, Alfon-so Rivera, Blanca Zapata, Piedad Zapata and Pilar Zapata.

Deceased: Juan de la Cruz, Anthony Fries, Thérese Co

Thi Hanh, Reylina Leviste, John J. McGann, Fidel Ocoro, Jr. and Rafael Ruiz. Mass intentions available

Since we inaugurated our “collective intention” Masses on

Sundays, there are now more weekday Announced Masses available for your intentions. You are welcome to reserve

them at the rectory.


Page 3: SAINT NICHOLAS OF TOLENTINE PARISH · Leticia Liboon Bienvenido Macabali Ermito Maluto Maluto Family Norberto Dangan Olson, Sr. Fay Monica Wallace Please remember to let us know if

Next Weekend’s Readings

Eleventh Sunday in ordinary time

Parish Stewardship



June 21st - The Second Collection will be for Monthly Maintenance.

June 28th - The Second Collection will be for Peter’s


Weekend Mass Presiders June 20 & 21, 2015

Saturday 5:00 pm - Fr. John 7:30 am - Fr. John

9:15 am - Fr. John Diacano Lizama 10:45 am - Fr. Peter

Deacon Catanello 12:15 pm - Fr. Tom

5:00 pm - Fr. Tom

(Subject to Change)

Week Ending: June 7, 2015

Total Regular Collection: $ 8,854.00 Last year same weekend: $ 8,985.00

Religious Retirement Fund: $ 3,524.00

Thank you for your generous support.

Mass Schedule Change on Summer Sundays

The Sunday morning Mass schedule will be different during July and August. This adjustment is being made because many travel during the summer months

and Masses during this time have lighter attendance.

The 10:45 am and 12:15 pm Masses will be combined into one Mass at 11:30 am. The Sunday Mass schedule from July 5th through September 6th will be:

Saturday Eve: 5:00 pm Sunday: 7:30 am 9:15 am (Spanish) 11:30 am 5:00 pm

“The kingdom of God is like a mustard seed.” Christ

has sown the seed of your vocation within you. Might it be

to grow in holiness as a priest, deacon or in the consecrat-ed life? Call the Vocation Office at 718-827-2454, or email:

[email protected].

Job 38:1, 8-11

God declares to Job that mortals are not the ones who set limits and determine outcomes.

Psalm 107:23-24, 25-26, 28-29, 30-31

God’s authority is made known to sailors tossed

by sea and storm.

2 Corinthians 5:14-17

Christ defines the new creation. In him the old passes away and the new arrives.

Mark 4:35-41

Wind and sea respond to the voice of Jesus, to the amaze-ment of his disciples.


The following names were enrolled in the Purgatorial

Society in the month of May.

Manuelito Alejandro Carmelita Alejandro

Cesar Abanes Letty Liboon Carbonell Julia D’Sa Laura Finamore

Jerwain Gorman Antoinette Johns Mary D. Leutich Reylina Leviste

Leticia Liboon Bienvenido Macabali

Ermito Maluto Maluto Family Norberto Dangan Olson, Sr. Fay Monica Wallace

Please remember to let us know if you have moved. It is important to keep our records updated. Thank you.



Is scheduled for Sunday, July 12th, from 8:00 am to 2:00 pm in Tolentine Hall. Once again, we ask for your help to save lives. Please remember to eat and sleep well and as always, to take good care of your-self.

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June 14, 2015 4

Reprinted with permission from Prepare the Word (©2015),

From the Pastor’s Desk…. We walk by Faith and not by Sight (2 Cor 5:7) God wants us to learn to walk by faith. Walking by faith involves knowing, believing and obeying our Lord and seeking always to do the right thing. It means to be changed and transformed from the love of sin to the love of God. Paul reminds us that we must build our lives around that which has eternal significance. Jesus has shown us the way. Walking by faith means honoring God more than any human being, choosing righteousness over sin, no matter what the cost, and believing in and trust-ing God’s divine Mercy. In the Gospel, Jesus teaches us through the parables, that no one can stop the kingdom of God from growing. It reminds us that even our smallest and simplest word, deed, or gesture can be the good ground for God’s kingdom to grow. We only sow the seed but it is the Lord who causes the growth. God grants the increase. The seeds of the kingdom of God are being sown when parents teach their children to make the sign of the Cross or catechists teach their students about the importance of the Church and the Sacraments in our lives and when each of us place ourselves at the service of God and God’s people. As the family of St. Nick’s we are called to grow into more lov-ing, and Christ-like persons and to plant and sow the seeds of faith in our neighborhood. I thank all of you who have shared in the many and varied gather-ings and ministries which nurture and grow this community of faith. It is those such as you who cause our Parish Family to grow and bear witness. We offer a special word of Congratulations to the Class of 2015! St. Nick’s graduation took place this past Friday, June 12th. May the graduates and their families continue to celebrate this milestone with joy and may God bless them always. Dear parents, thank you for your trust, sacrifice and encouragement. You have given your sons and daughters a great start as they begin to grow into adulthood. Dear Graduates, we are proud and happy for you as you move on to High School! Remember the words of Pope Francis: “Young people! The Church needs you. Don’t be afraid of Christ.” Continue to be part of the SNT family because we need you and love you. A special thank you to Mr. Robert Lowenberg, Mrs. Monica Gonzalez and all our teachers, catechists and staff, as our Parish School and Par-ish Religious Education Programs come to a close for the summer. Your shar-ing of your gifts and talents are a blessing to us all. God bless you, Fr. John Francis

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Annual Catholic Appeal Update

(As of June 9, 2015) Parish Goal $75,301.00

Total Pledged: $66,050.00 Received: $41,496.50

# of Donors: 274

Please take some time to reflect on what sacrifice you can make this year for the Appeal. Thank you for your gener-


RECTORY Rev. John Francis Pastor Rev. Thomas G. D’Albro Parochial Vicar Rev. Peter A. Mahoney Weekend Assistant Rev. Saint Martin Estiverne In Residence Deacon Joseph Catanello Permanent Deacon Deacon Jose Lizama Permanent Deacon

STAFF Mrs. Elena Turull Administrative Assistant Mr. Steven Acosta Maintenance Manager Music Director Sr. Karen Cavanagh, C.S.J. Family Minister Ms. Christina Rosado Youth Minister Mrs. Rose Ruesing Youth Minister

ST. NICHOLAS OF TOLENTINE SCHOOL Mr. Robert Lowenberg Principal Mrs. Ethel Cofresi Administrative Assistant Mrs. Lorraine White Secretary Mrs. Sonya Vidal Tuition Manager


Mrs. Monica Gonzalez Coordinator Mrs. Joyce O’Brien Secretary

St. Nick’s is a welcoming community in the Catholic Tradition, enriched by many cul-tures, rooted in God’s Word and the Eu-

charist, offering loving service.

Eleventh Sunday in ordinary time 5

Zumba Fitness

Lose the pounds.

Save your life!

Saturdays: June 20, & 27, 2015

9:30 - 10:30 am in Tolentine Hall

Donation $5.00

FATHER’S DAY is Sunday, June 21, 2015. Father’s Day Novena cards are available in the

Rectory Office.

Rosary For Life Inc. invites all parishioners to A Day of

Retreat at Resurrection Parish, 2331 Gerritsen Avenue, Brooklyn, NY 11229 on June 27, 2015. The presenter is

Rev. Rodnev P. Lapommeray, Parochial Vicar, St.

Sebastian, Woodside, NY 11367.

For reservations, contact Wyn (718-377-6920) by June 24th at Rosary for Life, Inc., 3309 Avenue P, Brooklyn, NY

11234. Registration fee of $30.00 (which includes lunch) must accompany the reservation.


The following students from our Parish have successfully completed their four-year course of study at:

St. Agnes Academic High School

Natalie Villacis

Katherina Cardenas


When: Tuesday, June 16th

Time: 11:30 am Where: Austin Hall

All are welcome!

Please call Alice Kaufman with any questions at


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June 14, 2015 6

Page 7: SAINT NICHOLAS OF TOLENTINE PARISH · Leticia Liboon Bienvenido Macabali Ermito Maluto Maluto Family Norberto Dangan Olson, Sr. Fay Monica Wallace Please remember to let us know if

BAUTISMOS - 2015 En Español - Julio/12, Septiembre/13 - a las 2:00 p.m. Los padres y padrinos deben de asistir a una clase de preparación el Viernes anterior a las 7:00 PM. En Inglés el segundo Sabado y cuarto Domingo de cada més a las 2:00 p.m. Los padres y padrinos deben de asistir a la clase de preparación el primer Martes a las 7:30 PM. Los padres deben de hacer una cita con uno de los Sacer-dotes y presentar el certificado de nacimiento del niño. Los padrinos deben ser católicos practicantes.

MATRIMONIO De acuerdo a las regulaciones Diocesanas, la pareja necesita una preparación con seis meses de anticipación. Por favor llamen a la rectoria para fijar una cita con uno de los Sacerdotes.

LA SAGRADA COMUNION Los Sacerdotes o Ministros de la Comunión Sagrada llevan la Co-munión a las personas que se encuentran enfermas en su hogar.

Por favor avísenos si sabe de alguien en necesidad de éste ser-vicio. En caso de emergencia puede llamar a la rectoria a cualquier hora.

RECONCILIACION/LA CONFESION Lunes a Sabado de 11:45 a 12:00 del mediodía en la Capilla. Sabados de 4:00 a 4:45 P.M. en la Iglesia. O por cita previa.

HORARIO DE LA OFICINA PARROQUIAL Lunes a Viernes: 8:30 A.M. a 12:00 Mediodia. y 1:00 P.M. a 9:00 P.M. Sabado: 9:00 A.M. a 7:00 P.M. Domingo: 9:00 A.M a 2:00 P.M. Por favor tengan en cuenta que a veces el Sacerdote se encuen-tra en la Iglesia, en alguna reunión, etc. Si desea o necesita hablar con uno de éllos es conveniente que llame con anterioridad

para fijar una cita.

ESCUELA DE SAN NICOLAS DE TOLENTINO 80-22 Parsons Boulevard - Jamaica, Nueva York 11432 (718) 380-1900 - Fax (718) 591-6977 Clases desde el Pre-Kinder hasta el octavo grado. Programas antes y después de la escuela.

CENTRO DE EDUCACION RELIGIOSA 150-85 Avenida Goethals - Jamaica, Nueva York 11432 (718) 591-6536. Clases desde el Kinder hasta la escuela superi-or, los Domingos de 8:45 a 10:30 am. Preparación para los niños y sus padres para los Sacramentos del Bautismo, Confesión, Eu-caristía y Confirmación.



FE PARA ADULTOS Será ofrecida hoy después de nuestra Misa en la Cafetería Escolar; todos están



Padres se celebra el próximo Domingo, honremos a los nuestros ivivos o fallecidos incluyéndolos en la Novena!

Las tarjetas están disponibles en la Rectoría.

EL GRUPO DE INTERCESION Se reunirá mañana a las 7:00 de la noche en el Salón Seton para rezar el Santo Ro-

sario; Nos esperan a todos! EL GRUPO DE LOS AÑOS DORADOS Se reunirá el Martes a las 11:30 am. en el Salón Austin para su Barbacoa Anual!

El grupo de oración Carismática “Unidos en el Amor de Dios”

ofrece su SEMINARIO DE LA VIDA EN EL ESPIRITU SANTO el Jueves de 7:00 a 9:00 de la noche en la Capilla. Para mayor información pueden llamar a: Lili (347)-409-1671, Maria (347) 358-3676, Leybi (347) 681-1815 o Pedro (347) 605-7815 En celebración de EL DIA DE LA BANDERA , nuestra Ben-dición Anual de Las Banderas tendrá lugar hoy Domingo durante la Misa de 12:15 pm. La bandera Papal, la Nacional y las banderas de ustedes serán bendecidas!

LLAMADO ANUAL CATOLICO 2015 Con el lema “Compartiendo la Alegría del Evangelio”

Nosotros aquí en San Nicolás hemos comenzado nuestra campa-ña con mucho éxito gracias a sus oraciones! Hasta la fecha del 9 de junio hemos recibido $66,050.00 en promesas de lo cual ya se han recibido $41,496.50 de 274 familias! Los sobres de com-promiso se encuentran en la Iglesia. Recuerde, su ofrenda debe estar de acuerdo a sus condiciones y circumstancias actuales.

LAS CLASES DE INGLES COMO SEGUNDO IDIOMA Yá co- menzaron y hay cupo disponible! Si está interesado, venga a la Cafeteria el Miercoles a las 6:00 pm. o el Sabado a las 9:00 am. para matricularse y empezar sus clases! Si por casualidad desea colaborar como “instructor” o necesita mayor infor-mación, por favor comuníquese con la Señora Mª Cristina Quiro-ga al (718) 380-0343.

EL MERCADO DE LAS PULGAS Opera en el estacionamien-

to de nuestra parroquia de 9:00 am. a 4:00 pm. todos los Sa-

bados y Domingos! Para mayor información pueden llamar al (718) 591-1815.

La Sociedad Hispana se complace en anunciar su:



Los boletos yá están a la venta!

LA SEGUNDA COLECTA DE HOY Está destinada para El

Mantenimiento Mensual de nuestra Parroquia; agrade-cemos inmensamente su generosidad!


Comunidad Parroquial, Hilda Muñiz, Maureen Rizzo, Lucrecia Piñeros y Gabrielina Pantano



Durante los meses de Julio y Agosto la asistencia a las Misas es menor que de costumbre ya que muchas familias viajan,

por ésa razón las Misas de 10:45 am. y 12:15 pm. serán combinadas en una Misa a las 11:30 am. El horario domini-cal del 5 de Julio al 6 de Septiembre será:

Sabado: 5:00 pm. Domingo: 7:30 am. 9:15 am. (Español) 11:30 am.

Y 5:00 pm.
