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Monday-Friday………….6:30am, 12:05pm


Sunday……………Vigil: Saturday 5:30pm;

8:00am, 9:30am, noon,

1:45pm Español,

3:30pm Extraordinary Form/

Traditional Latin,

& 5:30pm

SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION Monday-Friday………….11:00am-11:50am


& 4:30pm-5:20pm

CLERGY AND STAFF Most Rev. Joe S. Vásquez, STL, DD,

Bishop of Austin

Very Rev. Daniel Liu, Rector

Rev. Everardo Cazares, Parochial Vicar

Rev. Adrian Chishimba, Parochial Vicar

Rev. Antony Savarimuthu, Priest in Residence

Deacon Héctor Ortiz and

Deacon Guadalupe Rodriguez

Louis Barron……………Director of Development/

Facility Operations

Yvonne Bedell…….Director of Operations/Finance

Jessica Burrola……..Receptionist (church calendar)

Jaeson Drummond

Director of Catholic Faith Formation

Judy Henschen

Administrative Assistant (church bulletin)

Dr. Jeffrey Jones-Ragona…Director, Sacred Music

Robert LeGros………...Cathedral School Principal

Jeremiah Reyna………………….Facility Services

Yvonne Saldaña…………Sacramental Coordinator

Kathy Thomas

Liturgical Coordinator & EIM Administrator

Dr. Brooks Whitmore………….Cathedral Organist

OFFICE HOURS Monday-Friday 8:30 am-5:00 pm

(512) 476-6182 Fax (512) 476-8799

203 E. 10th Street, Austin, TX 78701

BAPTISMS: Parents should visit the Cathedral website:,

for Baptism guidelines; then submit completed application with required documents to schedule Baptism.

Bautizos: Si usted desea bautizar a su hijo, lea los requisitos detallados en nuestro sitio web: Luego, para fijar una fecha para el bau-tizo, entregue el formulario de solicitud con los documentos necesarios.

MARRIAGE: See Cathedral website:, for detailed


NEW PARISHIONERS: Registration forms are available on the table at the

entrance of the church; in the Cathedral office, or on our website.


910 San Jacinto Blvd., Austin, Texas 78701

(512) 476-1480 ●

Enrolling PreK3-Grade 8

AVE MARIA GIFT SHOP Hours of Operation

Tuesday-Friday 12:30 pm-4:30 pm Saturday 9:00 am-5:30 pm

Phone 512-617-5880

Saint Mary Cathedral volunteer ministry

Page 2: SAINT MARY CATHEDRAL · 2020-03-11 · Saint Mary Cathedral, Austin, Texas March 15, 2020-D--

Third Sunday of Lent



MONDAY, MARCH 16 CSSM Spring Break 6:30pm.. Cathedral Book Study, Library 7:00pm Austin Rosary Crusade, DC Cafeteria

TUESDAY, MARCH 17 10:00am-1:00pm.Visiting Catholic School Lunch, Bishops Hall 6:00pm... RCIA Class, DC Cafeteria

WEDNESDAY, MARCH 18 5:00pm... Schola Concert Rehearsal, Bishops Hall 5:00pm... Legatus Austin Chapter Board Meeting, Library 5:30pm... Gala Committee Meeting, School Upstairs Conference Room 6:00pm... Legatus Conf & Mass, Cathedral 6:30pm... Pastoral Council Meeting, Library 7:00pm... Prayer & Life Workshops, DC Cafeteria 7:30pm... St. Augustine Choir Rehearsal, Sheehan

THURSDAY, MARCH 19 Solemnity of St. Joseph, Husband of Mary 9:00am-noon.Tour of Mexico Rehearsal, Bishops Hall 6:30pm.. Solemnity of St. Joseph Mass & Reception, Cathedral, Bishops Hall 6:45pm.. Catholic Scripture Study, Bishops Hall 7:00pm.. Altar Server Rehearsal for Holy Week

FRIDAY, MARCH 20 11:30am-1:15pm..Lenten Lunch, Bishops Hall 5:00-7:00pm.Knights’ Fish Dinner, Bishops Hall 7:00pm.. Stations of the Cross, Cathedral


9:00am-noon.CSSM New Student Assessments, DC Cafeteria 9:30am…Baptisms, Cathedral 10:00am-3:00pm. Catholic Daughters Monthly Meeting, Bishops Hall 10:30am.. Legion of Mary, Library 1:00-5:00pm.Opus Angelorum Study Group, DC Cafeteria

SUNDAY, MARCH 22 Fourth Sunday of Lent 8:00am….Sunday Breakfast (Knights of Columbus) Bishops Hall 8:00am….RCIA Scrutiny, Library 10:15am ...CFF Holy Rosary, DC Cafeteria 10:45am..CFF Sessions (English) 10:45am ...CFF Scripture Study, Library 12:00pm..CFF Santo Rosario, DC Cafeteria 12:20pm.CFF Sesiones (español) 5:00pm…St. Augustine Youth Choir Rehearsal, Sheehan & CSSM Music Room 5:00pm…SJLMS Community Coffee, Bishops Hall 7:00-8:30pm.CYA Lenten Series, Bishops Hall


We give the definition of ourselves over to so many things. We allow our society, friends, family, work, social groups, ethnicity, and even institutions define, classify, and color how we perceive ourselves. When we listen predominantly to the voices of others, we lose touch with what is happening within our own inner voice. If we listen carefully within, we can easily discover that we are in want and need. We know our incompleteness and also know that loneliness, sadness, and self-images can propel us outward in attempts to fill those gaps. We can become not only victims of our own prejudices but can find ourselves overly self-indulgent in things that can only satisfy for a short time, if at all.

It is no wonder that money and power are things that are so fervently sought after. As long as we can keep a steady supply going, the illusion of fulfillment and satisfaction can falsely persuade us as craftily as a master magician’s act. We live with illusions not truth. It is no wonder, then, that some of the wealthiest folks are also really the unhappiest. Whether we admit it, the lies we live and pursue will ultimately expose our superficiality. We all have to wrestle with who we are and what gives our lives purpose and meaning. Learn to listen more deeply, not to what others are saying about you, but to what God is echoing in your heart.

We can easily get confused and misunderstand, not only about who we are but who God is. Even the disciples and the Samaritan woman at the well missed the point Jesus was trying to make. There is only one Person who can satisfy the deepest yearnings and longings of our hearts — Jesus the Messiah. It is not the work of corporate America that will lead us to happiness or greatness but the work of the soul. We continue to resist acknowledging this and are happier in our world of misunderstanding and illusion. The life-giving water we truly need doesn’t come from the source of a well but from the Source of Life. Only God can reveal the truth of our sinfulness, the superficiality of our pursuits, and the illusions we hold so dear. Only Jesus can save us from ourselves and give us what we really need. If only our heads can catch up with where our hearts know they need to be, then will we find real contentment and life! ©LPi ________________________________________________________

En este tercer Domingo de Cuaresma, Jesús es el pozo de agua viva que guía a la mujer samaritana a profundizar en el Espíritu y en la verdad. También, guía a los discípulos a profundizar en su misión para recibir la cosecha que ya está lista. Alabanza, misión y creer que Cristo es el camino hacia la vida eterna. ¡Todos, este Domingo necesitamos de tomar de esa agua viva que es Cristo! “Señor, dame de esa agua, y así ya no sufriré la sed ni tendré que volver aquí a sacar agua.” (Juan 4:15)

El Papa Francisco nos ilumina con la siguiente homilía:

“Jesús, habla de un agua diversa…el agua que dona la vida eterna fue infundida en nuestros corazones en el día de nuestro bautismo, ahora Dios nos ha transformado y llenados de su gracia. Pero puede darse que hayamos olvidado este gran don, o reducido a un mero dato, y quizá vamos en busca de ‘pozos’ aunque no nos sacian la sed. [El Evangelio es para nosotros.] Jesús nos habla como a la samaritana. Ciertamente nosotros ya lo conocemos, pero quizá no lo hemos acogido personalmente, y no lo hemos todavía reconocido como nuestro Salvador. Este tiempo de Cuaresma es la ocasión buena para acercarse a él, encontrarlo en la oración en un dialogo corazón a corazón, ver su Rostro en el rostro de un hermano o de una hermana sufriente. De este modo podemos renovar en nosotros la gracia del bautismo, saciarnos en la fuente de la Palabra de Dios y de su Santo Espíritu, es así descubrir la gloria de convertirnos en artífices de reconciliación instrumentos de paz en la vida cotidiana.”

¿Qué piensas de esta homilía del Papa? ©LPi

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Saint Mary Cathedral, Austin, Texas March 15, 2020



Monday, March 16 6:30am……………………Michael Forsley 12:05pm.………….. ………...Anna Ko†

Tuesday, March 17 6:30am………………...Michael Forsley 12:05pm………………….Catherine Ko

Wednesday, March 18 6:30am……………….Faithful Departed 12:05pm…………………….Kathy Diaz

Thursday, March 19 6:30am……………….Faithful Departed 12:05pm…………………Madere family 6:30pm…………………….James Harris

Friday, March 20 6:30am……….………….Madere family 12:05pm………………..Grace Parshall†

Saturday, March 21 12:05pm….......Martin Esteban Aleman† 5:30pm……………...Virginia Marchan†

Sunday, March 22 8:00am……………………...Thomas Ko 9:30am.…………………………….Matt Noon …………...Cathedral Parishioners 1:45pm…………………Chester Claire† 3:30pm…………………....Madere family 5:30pm……………...Shauna McBrearty


Third Sunday of Lent

Offertory Collection (week of 3-8-20)

Sunday Coll. Last Month Year to Date

3/8/20 Jan. 2020 7/1-3/9/2020



Budget Excess/(Deficit)

Second Collection Cathedral School of Saint Mary $ 1,837 St. Killian’s Candles (a/o 3/9/2020) .. $ 318

Attendance............................................... 1,572

Saint Mary Cathedral Catholic Endowment (as of 1/31/2020) $ 53,380

For questions, concerns, or comments, contact the Director of Advancement, Louis Barron, 512-476-6182 ext. 172; email [email protected].

those who have died: Cesarea Villanueva, Diane Boehm Riley

those in need of healing: * Paul Ancira, Steve Boney, Jim Boyles, Juan Burrola, Sr. & Yolanda Burrola, Catarino Castillo, Judith Constantine, Kenneth Craig, Sr., Carmel DiCarlo, John Donatucci, Abel Duarte, Ronald Erickson, J. C. Ernst, Joshua Escalona, Pedro Flores, Jr., Deyanira Garcia, Margaret Harrison, Claire Hernandez, Sonia Irizarry, Chuck Jehlen, Hee-Jung Kim, Maria Guadalupe Ledesma & family, Jesús Amaro Lopez, Anyssa M., Clarisa Marcée, Alicia Martinez, Vanessa Matocha, Lauren & Graham Miller, Matthew Mwenya and Astridah Chishimba, Marjorie King Parker, Gary Porfirio, Marrlene Sato, Bill Scott, Sharon family, Marlene Siering, Tim Sullivan, Vicente Zavala

and those serving in the military: HR Shelby D. Aparicio HN5 Jinuel Jehlen LCPL Eric E. Muñoz 1LT Kyra Barone 1 LT Patrick Kuiper Capt. Nicholas Naquin Capt. Mary E. Boyle Major David McGuire 1SG Kenneth A. Saffell A1C Paige Derry Capt. Lawrence McNamara Capt. Sean Snook PFC Andrew DiCarlo Christopher Mercado, USAF Sgt. William Speer PFC Rick German Capt. Chris Morrow Spec 4 Chris Trevino 1LT Cory Houck Ensign Evan Moses Christopher Ty Trevino

Lt. Sigifredo Homero Huerta, Jr. LT Shane Moses

*Unless requested otherwise, names will appear for three weeks.


$ 19,933 $ 138,529 $ 1,106,861

$ 24,822 $ 107,742 $ 893,595

($ 4,889) $ 30,787 $ 213,265

We have a new giving platform called Pushpay, which is currently active. It is a simple to use, and we ask that you begin to use this new platform in making your dona-tions. You can get access to the new system by going to which will take you directly to the portal, or text smcaustin to 77977. You will then receive a link to access the portal. You can also access Pushpay by going to the website, click on Donation, next click on Giving (new). The current platform we are using, Vanco, is still active and can receive your donations but we are encouraging everyone to begin to use Pushpay. If you have any questions, please contact Louis Barron or Yvonne Bedell in the parish office, 512-476-6182.


March 22, 2020 Catholic Relief Services


Martin Esteban Aleman March 15—March 28, 2020

Easter flowers envelopes are

available in the pews. Remember a living or deceased loved one with a dedication. Donations help offset the cost of Easter liturgy flowers. Thank you in advance for your generosity.

Ashes to Easter Lenten Mission

project supports local missionary efforts in and outside our diocese. Take one home during Lent, place your alms inside and pray for missions worldwide. Boxes to be collected Easter Sunday.

La Campaña Misionera diocesana De las Cenizas a la Pascua ha comenza-do. Cada familia está invitada a recoger una cajita. Deposite algunas monedas durante la Cuaresma, y ore por las misiones en todo el mundo. Devuelve tus cajitas el domingo de Pascua.

Lenten Fridays—Join us for:

Lunches from 11:30am to 1:15pm, in Bishops Hall;

Fish fry dinners—5:00-7:00pm, in Bishops Hall;

Stations of the Cross—7:00pm, in the Cathedral.

Los viernes de la cuaresma:

Almuerzos de 11:30 a.m. a 1:15 p.m. en el Salón de los Obispos;

3:30-7:00pm Cena de pescado frito, en el Salón de los Obispos;

7:00pm Las Vía Crucis en la catedral.

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Third Sunday of Lent



Catholic Scripture Study: Thursdays, 7:00-9:00pm, For questions email [email protected].


You are invited to pray, learn, and grow as disciples in Catholic Faith Formation. Join us Sundays in the Donahue Center Cafeteria for the Holy Rosary at 10:15am, plus sessions for parents and youth at 10:45am. For more information, call 512-476-4801.

Su familia está invitada a rezar, aprender y crecer como discípu-los en la Formación de la Fe Católica. Nos reunimos la mayoría de los domingos en la cafetería del Donahue Center comenzando con Santo Rosario a las 12 PM, más sesiones para padres y jóvenes a las 12:20 PM. Para más información, llame al 512-476-4801. CFF Scripture Study: Par ishioner Frank Fuentes offers an in-depth and meaningful examination of Holy Scripture, backed up by his yearly participation in the renowned Steubenville Conferences, Sundays, 10:45am-11:45am, in our library.


Would you like to know more about the Catholic Faith? Although RCIA is designed to teach the Catholic faith to those wishing to enter the Church, it is also one of the best ways for Catholics to learn the faith more deeply. Therefore, all those seeking to know Jesus and His Church are invited to attend RCIA every Tuesday, beginning Sept 3rd, in the school cafeteria at 6:00 p.m. Email [email protected] or call the parish office at 512-476-6182 for more information.



is currently enrolling for the 2020-2021 school year. We offer the enduring wisdom of the classical Catholic education to students PK3 to 8th grade. Our school provides our students with a fully accredited curriculum, a competitive athletics program and an active sacramental life. We invite you to tour our campus to witness the

beauty and charm of our Cathedral School community and ask questions. Contact us at 512-476-1480 ext. 303, to speak to Lupe Garcia or visit our website at for more information.

Book Study: An Introduction to the Devout Life by St. Francis de Sales is the subject of our current study Mondays, at 6:30pm, in the Library. For questions email [email protected]


Are you a Cathedral young adult? Join us for a 6-part Lenten series every Sunday in Lent (March 1-April 5) from 7:00-8:30pm, in Bishops Hall. We will be unpacking the sorrowful mysteries of the rosary. Contact with any questions. Join us also for a holy hour of Adoration Thursday Mar. 26, from 7:30-8:30pm, followed by a reception in Bishops Hall.

Total Consecration to Jesus through Mary: Join the

faithful of our diocese to collectively make or renew our consecration at a special Mass on the Annunciation of the Lord. Rosary and Mass offered Wednesday, Mar. 25, 6:30pm. More information at

Rosario y Misa para la Consagración Total—Únete a los fieles en toda nuestra diócesis para hacer o renovar colectivamente nuestra “Total Consagración a Jesús a Través de Maria” durante una Santa Misa especial el día de la Anunciación del Señor. El rosario y la Misa serán ofrecidos el día miércoles, 25 de marzo a las 6:30 p.m. Visite para mayor información.

Movie Night: "The Passion of the Christ,” Saturday,

March 28, at 7:00pm, in Bishops Hall. The Legion of Mary invites you to watch this amazing movie to contemplate the meaning of the redemptive sufferings of our Lord for our lives. The USCCB Office for Film & Broadcasting classification is rating is A-III—adults. (R)

La Legión de Maria le invita a una noche de película: "La Pasión del Cristo" en el Sábado, Marzo 28 a las 7:00 p.m. en el Salón de los Obispos. Usted esta bienvenido a mirar esta película extraordinaria en arameo y latín con subtítulos en inglés para contemplar el significado sobre los sufrimientos reden-tivos de nuestro Señor en nuestra vida. La clasificación de la Oficina de Cine y Radiodifusión de la USCCB tiene una clasificación A-III adultos. (R)

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Saint Mary Cathedral, Austin, Texas March 15, 2020


Six Characteristics of an Everyday Stewardship for Lent – Grateful Happy Birthday! It may or may not be your birthday now, but I know it will be coming up at some point. I hope you receive many cool presents and get to spend quality time with friends and family. On special days like birthdays, Christmas, and anniversaries, it is good to celebrate. After all, we need some fun and celebration in our lives.

But what about the day after? Presents remain, but the presence of others may be over, and it is back to the daily grind. Yesterday, you were filled with gratitude. You hold the memory of yesterday still close so that fuels you for the day. However, how about 2, 3, or 4 days from then? The truth is that many joys in this life cannot stay with us forever. They belong to a certain place in time. We will have our memories, yet those thoughts will never be a suitable substitute for the real thing.

There is one joy that remains throughout all our days: the joy we find in Jesus. What he gives us does not fade. The amazing thing about what he offers us is that it also provides a lens through which we see all things. Now we can see the smallest reasons to be grateful. We no longer have a life where we go from one celebration to another with the ordinary in between. All life and time are extraordinary! All gifts, great and small, are precious. This offering seems too good to be true, so what’s the catch? Like all gifts given to us, for the gift to have meaning, we must be willing to receive it. The choice is yours. You can live in the ordinary, or you can revel in the extraordinary, now and forever. -Tracy Earl Welliver ©LPi


READINGS FOR WEEK OF MARCH 15: Sun ........... Ex 17:3-7/Ps 95:1-2,6-9/Rom 5:1-2,5-8/Jn 4:5-42 Mon ....... 2 Kgs 5:1-15b/Pss 42:2-3;43:3-4/Lk 4:24-30 Tues ....... Dn 3:25,34-43/Ps 25:4-5ab,6-7bc,8-9/Mt 18:21-35 Wed ....... Dt 4:1,5-9/Ps 147:12-13,15-16,19-20/Mt 5:17-19 Thurs ..... 2 Sm 7:4-5a,12-14a,16/Ps 89:2-5,27,29/ ............... Rom 4:13,16-18,22/Mt 1:16,18-21,24a or Lk 2:41-51a Fri .......... Hos 14:2-10/Ps 81:6c-11b/Mk 12:28-34 Sat .......... Hos 6:1-6/Ps 51:3-4,18-21b/Lk 18:9-14 Sun ......... 1 Sm 16:1b,6-7,10-13a/Ps 23:1-6/Eph 5:8-14/Jn 9:1-41

OBSERVANCES FOR WEEK OF MARCH 15: Sun ......... 3rd Sunday of Lent Tues ....... St. Patrick, Bishop; St. Patrick’s Day Wed ....... St. Cyril of Jerusalem, Bishop & Doctor of the Church Thurs ..... St. Joseph, Spouse of the Blessed Virgin Mary Fri .......... 1st Day of Spring Next Sun ..4th Sunday of Lent ©LPi


Las 6 Características de una Corresponsabilidad Diaria para la Cuaresma – El Agradecimiento ¡Feliz cumpleaños! Puede o no ser tu cumpleaños ahora, pero sé que llegará en algún momento. Espero que recibas muchos regalos geniales y pases tiempo de calidad con amigos y familiares. En días especiales como cumpleaños, Navidad y aniversarios, es bueno celebrarlo. Después de todo, necesitamos algo de diversión y celebración en nuestras vidas.

¿Pero qué pasa al día siguiente? Los regalos permanecen, pero la presencia de otros puede haber terminado, y es tiempo de regresar a la rutina diaria. Ayer, estabas lleno de gratitud. Man-tienes el recuerdo del ayer aún cerca, así que eso te da energía para el día. Sin embargo, ¿qué tal 2, 3 o 4 días después? La verdad es que muchas alegrías en esta vida no pueden quedarse con nosotros para siempre. Pertenecen a cierto lugar en el tiempo. Tendremos nuestros recuerdos, pero esos pensamientos nunca serán un sustituto adecuado de lo real.

Hay una alegría que permanece durante todos nuestros días: la alegría que encontramos en Jesús. Lo que Él nos da no se desvanece. Lo sorprendente de lo que nos ofrece es que también proporciona un lente a través del cual vemos todas las cosas. Ahora podemos ver las razones aún más pequeñas para estar agradecidos. Ya no tenemos una vida donde vamos de una celebración a otra con lo ordinario en el medio. ¡Toda la vida y el tiempo son extraordinarios! Todos los regalos, grandes y pequeños, son preciosos. Esta oferta parece demasiado buena para ser verdad, entonces, ¿cuál es el truco? Como todos los regalos que se nos dan, para que el regalo tenga sentido, debemos estar dispuestos a recibirlo. La decisión es tuya. Puedes vivir en lo ordinario, o puedes deleitarte en lo extraordinario, ahora y para siempre. -Tracy Earl Welliver ©LPi

Missionary works of Cross Catholic Outreach: Fr. Antony Savarimuthu, our resident priest, will be speaking on behalf of Cross Catholic Outreach and its ministry around the world the weekend of March 28-29. Cross Catholic Outreach is a Catholic organization whose mission is to mobilize the global Church to transform the poor and their communities materially and spiritually for the glory of Jesus Christ. It reaches out to the poorest of the poor countries in Asia, Central America, South America, and, more specifically, Caribbean countries such as Haiti.

There are excellent and committed bishops from the U. S. as board members. More than 100 bishops from the U. S. have written a letter endorsing Cross Catholic Outreach, including our Bishop Joe Vásquez. Cross Catholic Outreach works in collaboration with the Dicastery* for Promoting Integral Human Development’s Section for Service of Charity and it received pontifical approval from the Pontifical Council Cor Unum, the Holy Father’s outreach to the developing world. For more information, visit:

Brochures will be distributed during the weekend of March 28-29, at all Masses; Fr. Antony will preach at all the Masses and explain in depth about Cross Catholic. There will be no second collection. It is up to the generosity of parishioners to support this valuable ministry, extending your love towards the poor around the world during this time of Lent. Feel free to reach Fr. Antony by his phone: 551-697-9564, or email [email protected] for further details.

* Dicastery: one of the official congregations of the Holy See through which the Pope conducts the regular administration of the Universal Church.

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Third Sunday of Lent


Come experience the ancient traditions and music of the Church. Propers for the Mass are in the Saint Edmund Campion Missal & Hymnal located in the pew.

2020 Traditional liturgical wall calendars available for $7.50. To purchase, please see an usher before or after Mass.

Thursday, March 19, 6:30pm—Sung Mass—St. Joseph, Spouse of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Sunday, March 22, 3:30pm—Solemn Mass—Fourth Sunday of Lent/Laetare Sunday.

Latin phrase of the week: Qui pro salute nostra prolem unicam Pati in terram misisti sine culpa, sed ob nostra delicta.—Who for our salvation hadst sent thine only child to suffer on earth without sin, but for our faults.

To receive news and updates about the TLM, visit our website: Be social, “Like” us on Facebook: St. Joseph Latin Mass Society.


Tony Morris, Cathedral Guitarist Sunday Evening liturgies are accompanied by the beautiful classical guitar playing of Tony Morris, who joined the Cathedral music staff in 2015. Tony produces a popular NPR program, "Classical Guitar Alive," presently carried by over 200 stations in North America and around the world. He is also producer of film and television, and his most recent project, “Marfa Ghost Stories,” has begun film-ing on location in West Texas. Release date announced soon!


Join the women of St. Louis King of France Church for a morning reflecting on the Passion of Jesus Christ. Using the Passion section of the “Son of God” movie as a visual guide, we’ll recite the Stations of the Cross. Prayers have English and Spanish handouts, and the movie will have Spanish subtitles. Louis IV Hall on the St. Louis campus, 7601 Burnet Road, Austin, Saturday, Mar. 21, 9:00am-12:30pm. Suggested donation $5.00.

Acompañe a las Damas de la Iglesia St. Louis King of France para una mañana de reflexión en la Pasión de Jesucristo. Utilizando como guía visual la sección de la Pasión de la película “Hijo de Dios”, recitaremos las Estaciones de la Cruz. Todas las oraciones serán disponi-bles en Inglés y Español. La película será presentada en Ingles con subtítulos en Español. Vengan a la Iglesia St. Louis al edificio Louis IV, 7601 Burnet Road, Austin, Sábado, 21 de Marzo, 9:00 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Donación Sugerida $5.00.

Regina Caeli Academy Spring Touring Event! Monday, Mar. 30, 10:30am, 11819 Interstate Hwy 35 S, Austin 78747. Join our mission to form the next generation of Catholics! Regina Caeli Academy provides a classical, hybrid education in the Catholic tradition. Pre K3-12th grade students attend Socratic, hands-on classes two days a week and home-school on the remaining days. Touring event includes a tour, classroom observation, and Q&A; HS Info Session includes a presentation and Q&A; children welcome! RSVP to [email protected] or call 512-524-6764,


The St. Vincent de Paul Society: Would you like to participate in our annual campaign from Mar. 1-Apr. 30, to help alleviate hunger by stocking our food pantry? Here’s how you can help—

Use the PINK envelopes marked ST. VINCENT de PAUL “HELP FIGHT HUNGER” CHALLENGE, and place your donation in the church collection or return the envelope to the church office.

Checks may be written to: “St. Vincent de Paul Fight Hunger” or “SVdP Fight Hunger” and dropped in the collection basket or mailed to the Cathedral office,

or you may give electronically by accessing the Cathedral website at Click on Donation, then click on Giving (new) and use PUSHPAY.

Designate your funds by typing “St. Vincent de Paul Fight Hunger” or “SVdP Fight Hunger” in the Special Giving Opportunities.

Be a sponsor this year and your monetary contributions will enable us to stock our food pantry throughout the year.

Enthronement to the Sacred Heart: The Legion of Mary invites parishioners to bring Christ into the home through the Enthronement to the Sacred Heart of Jesus. This prayer brings unity, peace and blessings to your family life. You can email Steve Dickman at [email protected] or Edisson Guevara at [email protected]

La Legión de Maria ofrece a nuestros feligreses para hacer el coronaciondel Sagrado Corazón de Jesús en casa a lo largo de este año.. Este tipo de oración trae unidad, paz, y bendiciones a su Familia. Por favor email a Steve Dickman al [email protected] y Edisson Guevara a [email protected].

Married Couples: Prepare for Easter in a special way this

year. The Marriage Encounter Weekend offers every couple the insights, tools and the confidence to strengthen and enrich their marriage with a new closeness to each other and God, April 3-5 Cedarbrake Renewal Center, Belton. Apply online: or contact Michael and Shani Cowart: 512-677-WWME (9963) or email [email protected]. Call early to ensure a space. Para información en español llamar al 512-844-0785.

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Saint Mary Cathedral, Austin, Texas March 15,. 2020



40 Days for Life - Join us as we pray for the innocent lives of the unborn. Saint Mary Cathedral, along with hundreds around the world, will take 40 days to concentrate on prayer. We invite you to sign up online and join in prayer for one hour, Saturday, March 21. The faithful will be at the two locations listed throughout the day (7:00am-7:00pm). Hope to see you there!

North Austin (Whole Women's Health) signup South Austin (Planned Parenthood) signup -40days 40days1

The Father’s Heart: A Silent Retreat for Young Adults—Wednesday, Mar. 18, 3:00pm, to Sunday, Mar. 22, 2:00pm,

Eagle’s Wings Retreat Center, 2805 Ranch Road 2341, Burnet, TX. 78711. Deadline to register is 11:59pm, Sunday, Mar. 15. To sign up for this retreat, complete the registration form at

Diocesan Vocations and Youth, Young Adult & Campus Ministry offices will host a five-day retreat March 18-22

for single young adults, 18-35 years old that will focus on the silence of prayer, reflection and rest. It will include experiences with the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius of Loyola, teachings on prayer, three days of silence and individual spiritual direction. Visit

Spiritual Adoption I came so that they might have life and have it more abundantly… John 10:10 Initiated in 1991, this program provides an opportunity for children, teens, adults and senior citizens to prayerfully intercede on behalf of moms and unborn babies threatened by abortion. Participants spiritually adopt a baby at risk of abortion by pledging to pray daily for nine months.

Beginning March 25, we ask you to pray daily for your spir itual adopted baby and the baby’s parents. This child of yours is known to God and in the world to come it is hoped that you will meet this child whose life was saved by your prayers.

Adopción Espiritual He venido para que tengan vida y la tengan en abundancia ... John 10, 10 Iniciado en 1991, este programa simple pero eficaz ofrece una oportunidad para que los niños, adolescentes, adultos y personas de la tercera edad para interceder en oración en nombre de las madres y los bebés no nacidos amenazados por el aborto. Los participantes adoptan espiritualmente a un bebé en riesgo de aborto mediante la promesa de rezar la oración Arzobispo Fulton J. Sheen al día durante nueve meses.

A partir del 25 de marzo le pedimos que oren diariamente para su bebé adoptado espiritual y los padres del bebé. Este hijo suyo se conoce a Dios y en el mundo futuro se espera que se encontrará con este niño cuya vida fue salvada por sus oraciones.

Daily Prayer for Priests & Religious God our Father, through the Immaculate Heart of Mary, I ask You to bless and

strengthen the spiritual renewal and vitality of all priests and religious so that your Church may shine more resplendently and bear witness to Your presence in our world today. I recommend to You the priests and religious dearest to me especially (N.). O Jesus, keep them all close to Your Sacred Heart and bless them abundantly in time and in eternity. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.
