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March 17, 2019


5 1 9 K N A P P S T R E E T & 1 2 2 5 O R E G O N S T R E E T

O S H K O S H , W I S C O N S I N









HOURS: 8 AM-4:30 PM M-TH 8 AM-2:30 PM FRI

(920) 235-7412


PASTORAL STAFF Deacon ........................................ Pat Gelhar Pastoral Associate ....... Marianne Sheahan Adult Faith Formation Minister ... Rob Saley Coordinator of Liturgy & Music Director .............................................. Randy Weddig

FAITH FORMATION STAFF Elementary & Middle School & High School RE ...................................... Michele Spanbauer

ADMINISTRATIVE STAFF Business Manager ............ Brad Gallenberg Bookkeeper .................................. Jan Fendt


Tom Mentele ............................... 426-5682

PARISH COUNCIL Bill Behlman, Chair

Shawn Kettner, Vice-Chair Beth Geffers, Secretary

Jeff Ambrosius Chuck Axelsen Pam Baier Ruth Marx Patty Schaefer Carrie O’Connor

FINANCE COUNCIL George Benz Nancy Hackbarth Dave Putzer

TRUSTEES Mike Scharff ................................. Secretary Dave Putzer .................................. Treasurer

LOURDES ACADEMY President, John Dinegan .............................. 426-3626 Principal Lourdes Academy, (6-12) David Mikesell ............................ 235-5670 Associate Principal Lourdes Academy (6-12) Andrew Hicks ................................... 235-5670 Principal Lourdes Academy Elementary Mrs. Amy Geffers ........................ 235-4060


Administrator Randy Wertz ...................... (920) 216-3268

email: [email protected] Sexton Jan Fendt………………………(920) 235-7412

email: [email protected]

Live the Gospel, Share the Good News, Bring others to Christ - all for the glory and honor of God.


Weekday Wednesday & Friday .............. 7:30 am (SH) Monday & Tuesday ................ 7:30 am (SV) **With rosary starting at 7:00 am**

If Oshkosh schools are closed due to the

weather, we will not have morning Mass.

PK-Children’s Liturgy of the Word During Mass on Sundays ...... 9:30 am (SV) *No class on Holiday Weekends *Classes run October through May

Spanish Mass 1st and 3rd Sunday………12:15 pm (Omro)


Most Blessed Sacrament: St. Peter’s Site Tuesday .......................................... 6:30 pm Thursday ......................................... 7:30 am Saturday ......................................... 8:00 am St. Mary’s Site Wednesday & Friday ...................... 7:00 am St. Raphael’s Thursday & Friday .......................... 7:15 am Confessions Saturday .............. 7:05 am (MBS-St. Peter)


Please join us at the Divine Mercy Adoration Chapel located at Most Blessed Sacrament-St. Mary Site

605 Merritt Avenue

Don’t forget to set your

hearing aid to “T Coil”


SACRAMENT OF MARRIAGE Couples planning marriage should contact the parish office at least six months to one

year prior to their wedding date.

BAPTISM Baptisms are celebrated at the Saturday, 4:30 pm Mass and the

Sunday, 11:00 am Mass, most weekends. (We do not have Baptisms during the

season of Lent.) A pre-baptismal class is required for all parents. Baptism preparation classes are held on the second Tuesday of the month for 1st time parents and on the third Tuesday of the month for parents

baptizing their second, third...child. Class must be completed 4-6 weeks before the

date of the baptism. Parents are welcome to take the class

before their baby is born also. Call the parish office for available dates

and to register.

MINISTRY OF THE SICK Please notify the parish office if family members are seriously ill, confined

or hospitalized. Anointing of the Sick will be administered on request.

Communion will be brought to those who cannot attend Mass.

RCIA- RITE OF CHRISTIAN INITIATION The RCIA is a formational process that helps lead people to explore the Catholic faith through prayer, study and discussion.

Please call the parish office.

PARISH REGISTRATION New members are invited to join by contacting the parish office.

PASTORAL VISITS Care Ministers are available for

Pastoral Visits, if you or a loved one are in need of a listening presence or spiritual companionship. We can also bring Holy Communion to anyone who cannot get to Mass. Please let us know if you are home-bound or have recently moved into a care facility so that we may continue to meet

your ministerial needs.

PRAYER CHAIN REQUESTS Call Jim or Paulette at: ............... 688-3237

Randy Reflection

It is easy to give up hope when things around us seem to be getting out of control. We need to find something that gives us the strength to carry on. What can bring us back to the peace and serenity that calms or soul? What is it that gives hope, peace, and serene joy to the Christian life? We see today that, for a brief moment, it is the vision of glory. It is a glimpse into the Promised Land of Heaven, which the Lord can and does give to His people. Today’s Gospel shows forth a kind of process through which the Lord lays the foundations of hope, peace, and joy. Herein lies the paradox: peace, joy, and hope are often the products of struggles, climbs, and difficulties. These things are often the prelude to seeing and experiencing glory. Yes, there is a paradoxical prelude to glory and it can only come through God’s wisdom. As human beings we just don’t think this way a lot of the time. An old hymn says, “Trials dark on every hand. And we cannot understand, all the ways that God will lead us to that blessed promised land. But he guides us with his eye and we follow till we die and we’ll understand it better by and by.” There are three things that we can do that will lead us to the true hope and peace if a Christian life. First, we need to see. The text speaks first of the event itself that they see. The text supplies some information, telling us of a brightness that shone through the Lord, a kind of dazzling light. But we ought not get lost in speculation and miss the point: that Peter, James, and John are given a glorious vision, beams of Heaven! Yes, this is Jesus. This is who He really is. The magnificence of His glory so astounds them that they fall down in reverence. Have you ever seen or experienced glory? Maybe it was at the birth of a child, or upon hearing some other wonderful news. Perhaps it was a profound experience of relief, or a deep vision in prayer, or at the Liturgy. Yes, look for glory and rejoice when it comes! We must learn to see things as they really are. Regardless of the trials and struggles, we must endure on the way. If we are faithful our end is glory. So look for glory and expect to find it. The Lord can and does give us glimpses of glory in our life, beams of Heaven as we go! Do not minimize glories when they are revealed. Cultivate a spirit

of wonder and awe at what God has done and continues to do in creation and in your life. Glory is all around us. Learning to see this glory is one of the ways God produces peace in us. We also need to be scriptural. Father Louis touched on this a bit last week if you remember. Notice that the text says that Moses and Elijah appeared with Him. Why Moses and Elijah? Because Moses and Elijah represent the Law and the Prophets, which is a Jewish way of speaking of the Bible. Thus another way of having peace produced in us is to search the Scriptures. We have to stay rooted in our story. If we stay with Jesus, glory is at the end of our story. Know your Scriptures and thereby know your story, a story that ends with glory. I also think that we need to savor the “AHA” moments of Glory that we experience. We want to stay on the mountaintop, to pitch tents and stay put so we do not lose this feeling or experience. Some may see this as wrong, but I see it as a good thing, even if it is a bit excessive. The point is to savor glory, to store good memories and experiences deep in our soul, to cultivate a deep gratitude for the wonderful things the Lord has done for us, to savor deeply our experiences of glory. This prescription for peace, joy and hope couldn’t be simpler. Listen to Jesus! In other words, carefully ponder every word of His teaching and begin to base your life on what He says. See and savor the moments of glory that you experience in your daily life. How much pain, anxiety, and strife come into this world and our lives simply because we do not listen to the Lord and obey His teachings! Our stubbornness, our lack of forgiveness, our greed, our lack of concern for the poor, our idolatry, our lack of and the fact that we are often just plain mean, bring enormous suffering to us and to others. If we would but give our life to the Lord and ask Him to conform us to His word, so much suffering would vanish. We would have so much more peace and would experience greater joy and hope. Randy

Second Sunday of Lent page 3

Our warmest welcome to all who cele-brate with us, whether visitors, long-time residents, or newly arrived in the Parish. If you would like to join St. Jude the Apostle Parish please call the parish office at 235-7412.

If you are already a registered parish member and need to make changes, you may use this form to update your records. Please complete this form and place in the collection basket or return to the parish office. Thank You.

NAME _________________________________________

PHONE ________________________________________

EMAIL _________________________________________


CITY________________________ ZIP CODE __________

□ New Address □ New Phone # □ Moving

Parish Life

page 4 March 17

Becoming our Best Selves One Step at a Time

Almost every night before supper, Paula and I sit to-gether for awhile. We chat, or play a word game, or just hold hands and relax. Once in awhile I make up some silly song. One recent evening I started singing the song, “Lonesome Polecat,” from the fifties, doing my best imitation of a love-starved young cowpoke stuck alone on the night shift watching over the herd. Suddenly the sound of a stampede down the hallway raced toward us. It turned out to be our cat. She dove onto my lap, rubbed her nose on mine very ur-gently, seeming to ask, “Are you OK, Daddy? Are you sick, Daddy?” Then she crawled around my head several times, stopping on each round to re-peat the nose thing. She finally decided I was going to live and sat on a footstool just glaring at me for scaring her. We both had a good laugh at poor Smoky’s expense.

So what’s all that got to do with becoming our best selves? Well, despite being retired, we lead busy lives, that little while spent sitting together each eve-ning is a shot of emotional adrenalin, the highlight of our day. No stress. No reason to hurry. Nothing to do but enjoy each other’s company. Each of us be-comes just a little bit better version of ourselves. I’ll bet lots of couples do similar things. If you’re not among them, give it a shot. You’ll like it.

Roger LeBouton, Lay Minister


Please join us one half hour before Mass this Lent

to pray the Rosary. All are welcome!


4:30 pm Clarice Warnke 7:30 am Sue Walsh 9:30 am Barb Richmond 11:00 am Katie Geffers


4:30 pm Lori Metzler 7:30 am Sue Walsh 9:30 am Barb Richmond 11:00 am Kathie Geffers


4:30 pm Clarice Warnke 7:30 am Ashley Garner 9:30 am Barb Richmond 11:00 am Mark Poeschl


4:30 pm Lori Metzler 7:30 am Sue Walsh 9:30 am Barb Richmond 11:00 am Katie Geffers

OUR PARISHIONERS Welcome New Parishioners

Please join us in welcoming the

following new members to our

St. Jude’s parish family

Angela Schlaeger,

Alexander & Isabelle Carroll, and their daughter Elphaba

Thank you for choosing St. Jude

in your journey of faith.

St. Jude’s 2019 Goal is $77,019 Current Registered Members 1591 Appeal Contributors to date 366 Amount collected to date $69,078.11 Percent 90 %

We are almost there!

Second Sunday of Lent page 5



I would like to thank everyone who supported myself and the other seniors from Lourdes Academy financially and prayerfully for the recent March for Life in Washing-ton DC. Our pilgrimage was a wonderful and faith filled experience! Along with 160 other students and plenty of chaperons from all over the Green Bay Diocese, we traveled by bus to join other pro-life voices from all over the United States.

During our time in Washington DC, we had the opportu-nity to visit several memorable places such as the Holo-caust Museum, the White House, and the Basilica of the Immaculate Conception. We also had the humble yet powerful experience of handing out food at the Little Sisters of the Poor Convent and prayed with the elderly Sisters. Being in the Holocaust Museum and listening to the voices of millions of innocent Jewish children whose lives were ended by hatred, my already strong pro-life believe WAS strengthened even more as I stood to protect life from conception without exception.

With approximately over 650,000 other pro-life pilgrims from all over the United States and beyond, we gath-ered as “one” at the National Mall where we listened to passionate pro-life speakers and musicians including President Trump, Vice-President Mike Pence, Ben Shapiro and The Sidewalk Prophets.

I am so thankful for the opportunity to speak for those who cannot speak up for themselves and you made it happen! On behalf of Adam, Sera, Charleigh and Jacob, my fellow Lourdes Academy students who attended the recent March for Life, I want to say THANK YOU and


Clarisse Muterateka - Class of 2019


On the Fourth Sunday of Lent (March 30-31), we will sponsor a special collection for the World’s Poor. This collection combines an appeal for four Catholic agen-cies who serve the poor and those living on the edge of society all over the world. This collection includes Catholic Relief Services, the Catholic Campaign for Human Development, Peter’s Pence, and the Pastoral Solidarity Fund for the Church in Africa. In this collec-tion you have a choice to contribute to any one of all four funds, by designating an amount for each.


The Caring for God’s Creation committee extends an invitation to all parishioners to consider joining our ef-forts to aspire and live by the mandate of Catholic So-cial Teaching which encourages our parish to take steps toward fostering the care of creation through edu-cation, modeling and advocacy. From turning in old cell phones to purchasing LED lights for the parish build-ings, to promoting Eco palms. These are but a few ways we can show appreciation for and take steward-ship of our environment. Our largest event is the fall rummage sale in which we try to nurture the idea of reuse and recycle. All the proceeds go to parish activi-ties, education/awareness and outreach/charitable works. We meet on the first Tuesday of each month at 6:30 pm at the parish center. Pease call Marilyn at 233-5382 or email her at [email protected] for more information. God created this world and it was very good. He led us to be caretakers and protectors of His creation. Come and make a difference.

On March 2nd members of St. Jude Parish attended a Wisconsin Herd game to watch some basketball and cheer on our own Voix Angelicus choir that led the National Anthem" and received thunderous applause after! If you missed out on this event please make plans this summer to attend Randy's Brewer trip. Watch upcoming bulletins for more information on this yearly fun-filled event!


For our parish to have a great photo directory we

need all parishioners to be a part of it—what would

St. Jude be without each and every one of you?

Please sign up soon to have the opportunity to so-

lidify the best possible time for you and your family.

Remember, we are only 1 week away from the

photographers being here—every second counts!

page 6 March 17


Check out our redesigned website,!

• Formatted for viewing on

desktop or mobile devices

• Clean, simple interface

• Calendar of events

• Easy to view or

download bulletins




Liturgy of the Word - PreK classes will be held on Sun-days at the 9:30 am Mass at St. Jude, St. Vincent Church. This wonderful program is open to all chil-dren from age 3-2nd grade starting October 7. Chil-dren must be potty trained to attend. There is no fee for this class.

March 20 Class 6 - 7:30 pm

April 3 Class 6 - 7:30 pm

April 10 Class 6 - 7:30 pm

April 17 Class 6 - 7:30 pm

Our Parish 2nd Graders have begun preparation for their First Communion. Please keep them and their families in your prayers+


WAY of the CROSS

Lenten Soup and Stations


5:30 pm Stations SH Church

6:00 pm Soup Supper—Leannah Hall


12:15 pm Stations SV Church

12:45 pm Soup Lunch—Heritage Room

Second Sunday of Lent page 7


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EASTER MEMORIAL DONATION We are accepting donations for our Easter decorations. These are traditionally offered in memory of a deceased loved one. Please fill in the form below and put it with the donation in an envelope

Marked “Flower Memorial-Attn: Jan”


IN MEMORY OF:________________________________


Report: Parish Mission Planning

The Parish Mission Planning Team of St. Jude had

its first meeting on Monday March 4, 2019. Prior to

this meeting, the ministry leaders, parish and

school staff, board members, council members and

committee members completed the “Health of

Leadership Survey” regarding parish, school and

their own efforts in reference to Evangelization,

Leadership, Discipleship and Community impact.

The results of the surveys were shared with the en-

tire Parish Ministry Planning (PMP) team. These re-

sults indicated areas for improvement in the four

areas above. A list was compiled of the areas of

concern and 10 items were selected to be retained

for future processing and synthesizing.

The second item discussed by the PMP Committee

were the “Operational and Ministry Checklists”.

Prior to this meeting, the appropriate personnel

and school personnel filled out various checklists

associated with parish and school operations. The

purpose being to point out areas for improvement.

The PMP team reviewed and discussed the results

of all checklists and then listed the recommended

areas that needed Improvements. A list of top 10

areas was put together by the team and will be re-

tained for future processing and synthesizing.

Our next Parish Mission Planning Committee meet-

ing will be March 18th, after which another report will

be published in the bulletin for you to be kept in-

formed of our progress and any updated information.

Please continue to keep us in your prayers as we

strive to enrich our parish with goals to serve our

parish community and to bring all to the Kingdom

of God. We are missionary “Disciples on the Way”.


Kathie Geffers Parish Mission Planning Communication Liaison

page 8 March 17

The Season of Lent

Loving Father,

I invite you into my life today and make myself available

to you. Help me to become the-best-version-of-myself

by seeking your will and becoming a living example of

your love in the world. Open my heart to the areas of

my life that need to change in order for me to carry out

the mission and experience the joy you have imagined

for my life. Inspire me to live the Catholic faith in ways

that are dynamic and engaging. Show me how to best

get involved in the life of my parish. Make our commu-

nity hungry for best practices and continuous learning.

Give me courage when I am afraid, hope when I am

discouraged, and clarity in times of decision. Teach me

to enjoy uncertainty and lead you Church to become all

you imagined it would be for the people of our times.

Jay Schaefer - Grand Knight - Council 614

(920) 410-1284 [email protected]

If you are a widow and would like more information on how to serve your Parish, our world-wide Catholic Church and our God please consider joining us in this Diocese Aposto-late of Prayer dedicated to our Priests, Deacons, Seminari-ans and faithful. Please see our website for more information or feel free to call Carlotta Stricker, General Servant Leader, at 920-734-8308 for more literature and brochures!

You may also email us

at:[email protected]

Second Sunday of Lent page 9


We are currently accepting applications for the position of Grounds Maintenance for the 2019 season.

Interested individuals must be 18 years of age and available for work five (5) days per week 8:00 AM until 4:00 pm. The position offers $11.00 per hour and does not offer any benefits.

Interested individuals should forward a letter of interest to the address listed below or call the cemetery office for further information.

Catholic Cemeteries of Oshkosh c/o St. Jude Parish 1025 W. 5th Avenue Oshkosh, WI 54902 (920) 235-7412

LITURGICAL ROLES FOR MARCH 23 & 24 Eucharistic Ministers 4:30 pm (SV) J. Geffers, S. Knobloch, T. McEnroe, P. Paulik, K. Schoenrock, A. Sedlachek, M. Sedlachek 7:30 am (SH)Sr. Angela, T. Doughty, B. Knobloch, S. Kos, J. Marx, S. Uselman, 1 NEEDED

9:30 am (SV) A. Gross, R. Kettner, J. Krueger, P. LeBouton, A. Nitz, J. Potratz, K. Ritschke 11:00 am (SH)Sr. Grace, L. Jungwirth, L. Lehmann, S. Schroeder, J. Steiner Lectors

4:30 pm (SV) B. Behlman, M. Sedlachek 7:30 am (SH)R. Lepianka, D. Putzer 9:30 am (SV) J. Bauer, L. Welch 11:00 am (SH)L. Jungwirth, S. Sullivan Servers

4:30 pm (SV) J. Geffers, M. Geffers 7:30 am (SH)E. Scharff, I. Thompson 9:30 am (SV) B. Boelter, J. Housworth 11:00 am (SH)M. Dobbins, J. Mollenhauer Ushers

4:30 pm (SV) F. Mathe, J. Nichols, A. Sedlachek, S. Sturm 7:30 am (SH)A. Martin, M. Marx, M. Scharff, T. Suszek 9:30 am (SV) J. Boyce, JJ Boyce, S. Griffin, D. Kellogg 11:00 am (SH)P. Pickart, B. Vajgrt, 2 NEEDED


4:30 pm (SV) R. Weddig, R. Weddig 7:30 am (SH)T. Marin, R. Weddig 9:30 am (SV) K. Isham, R. Weddig 11:00 am (SH)M. Poeschl, J. Martin Sacristans

4:30 pm (SV) Patricia Paulik 7:30 am (SH)Julie Marx 9:30 am (SV) Tim McEnroe 11:00 am (SH)Liz Lehmann Greeters

4:30 pm (SV) F. Bauer, S. Knobloch, 2 NEEDED

7:30 am (SH)I. Derus, D. Dumann, A. Garner, 1 NEEDED

9:30 am (SV) M. Bernhagen, A. Nitz, P. Seibold, 1 NEEDED

11:00 am (SH)J. & C. Ambrosis, 2 NEEDED

WEEKLY COLLECTION FOR MARCH 9 & 10 Actual $14,275.60 Budget $14,292.00

MASS INTENTIONS Saturday, March 16 4:30 pm (SV) †Becky Baehman Sunday, March 17

7:30 am (SH)†Lawrence & Helen Piller, & Becky Baehman 9:30 am (SV) †Tony & Flo Blechl †Ken & Barb Thompson †Steven Stadler 11:00 am (SH) St. Jude Parish Monday, March 18

7:30 am (SV) †Dorothy Pable Tuesday, March 19

7:30 am (SV) †Pat Penzenstadler 10:45 am (Bethel) LOW Wednesday, March 20

7:30 am (SH)†Catherine Frances Fendt Thursday, March 21

9:00 am (SV) †Rolland Deitte Friday, March 22

7:30 am (SH)†Paula & Archie Baier, Elmer & Pat Poeschl Saturday, March 23 4:30 pm (SV) St. Jude Parish Sunday, March 24

7:30 am (SH)†Clarence Frank Family 9:30 am (SV) †Ronald Krueger 11:00 am (SH)†Sean Hamill †Fr. Casmir Kutiuk †Stan Spanbauer

(SV)-St. Jude Parish, St Vincent Church

(SH)-St. Jude Parish, Sacred Heart Church

IN LOVING REMEMBRANCE The Hosts and Wine Memorial Our Hosts & Wine for Masses this week are being given in loving memory of

Ken & Barb Thompson

The Sanctuary Candle Memorial The Sanctuary Candle is burning this week in memory of

Robert Sheahan

Florence Blechl

WEEKLY CALENDAR Monday, March 18

8:45 am Bible Study (PC) Tuesday, March 19

1:00 pm Legion of Mary (PC) 3:00 pm Care Ministry (PC) 5:30 pm Soup and Stations (SH/LH) 6:30 pm Marian Prayer (SH) Wednesday, March 20

5:30 pm Oremus (LH) Thursday, March 21

9:00 am Book Group (PC) Friday, March 22

12:15 pm Soup and Stations (SV/HR)


March 17 Clarice Warnke March 24 Greg Wuest March 31 John Geffers April 7 John Beck


Gn 15:5-12, 17-18/Ps 27:1, 7-8, 8-9, 13-14[1a]/Phil 3:17-4:1 or 3:20-4:1/Lk 9:28b-36 Monday, March 18

Dn 9:4b-10/Ps 79:8, 9, 11 and 13 [cf. 103:10a]/Lk 6:36-38 Tuesday, March 19

2 Sm 7:4-5a, 12-14a, 16/Ps 89:2-3, 4-5, 27, 29 [37]/Rom 4:13, 16-18, 22/Mt 1:16, 18-21, 24a or Lk 2:41-51a Wednesday, March 20

Jer 18:18-20/Ps 31:5-6, 14, 15-16 [17b]/Mt 20:17-28 Thursday, March 21

Jer 17:5-10/Ps 1:1-2, 3, 4 and 6 [40:5a]/Lk 16:19-31 Friday, March 22

Gn 37:3-4, 12-13a, 17b-28a/Ps 105:16-17, 18-19, 20-21 [5a]/Mt 21:33-43, 45-46 Saturday, March 23

Mi 7:14-15, 18-20/Ps 103:1-2, 3-4, 9-10, 11-12 [8a]/Lk 15:1-3, 11-32 Sunday, March 24

Ex 3:1-8a, 13-15/Ps 103:1-2, 3-4, 6-7, 8, 11 [8a]/1 Cor 10:1-6, 10-12/Lk 13:1-9

CHILDREN’S BULLETIN We have a Children’s Bulletin printed, in two different age groups, available in the back of each of our worship sites each week. Check it out!

LARGE PRINT WORSHIP AIDS We have large print worship aids available at the back of church. Please ask an usher if you need help finding one.


page 10 March 17
