Page 1: Saint Elizabeth Catholic School · Elizabeth School is committed to the creation of a faith community educated to achieve academic success and to reach out to all people in faith

Saint Elizabeth Catholic School

Operational Plan for Re-Opening

Fall 2020

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St. Elizabeth School Fall 2020 Re-Opening Plan 2

Guiding Principles of the Plan’s Development Re-Opening Development Stakeholders: This document was prepared with the assistance of the COVID-

19 Task Force of St. Elizabeth School, the Archdiocese of Washington, and input from members of Saint

Elizabeth School faculty and families. It includes any orders, directives, and/or clarifications from the

Maryland Department of Education, the Governor’s Office, and the Montgomery County Health

Department. It is understood that this is a fluid document that will be edited as necessary as

circumstances and/or government or diocesan directions change.

Student and Faculty Safety & Well Being: When developing this plan, the safety and well-being of our

students, families, and faculty remain our top priority. We are committed to providing a safe learning

environment for our students and faculty rooted in our Catholic faith. We have planned for multiple

scenarios—in person and virtual—that safeguard the integrity of our academic program while making

sure that we re-open in a safe, deliberate manner that allows for real time feedback and adjustments so

that we protect the well-being of our entire school community.

Catholic Identity & Academic Mission: The mission of St. Elizabeth Catholic School is to provide the

highest quality spiritual formation in an environment that is rooted in the Gospel of Jesus Christ and the

teachings of the Roman Catholic Church. Toward this end, the administration, faculty, staff, and parents

endeavor to live and learn in a community of faith where each individual is recognized, respected, and

encouraged to grow. We strive for academic excellence through the creation of a strong curriculum. St.

Elizabeth School is committed to the creation of a faith community educated to achieve academic

success and to reach out to all people in faith and compassion to bring the message of Jesus Christ.

*Please note that all schedules referenced in this document will be adjusted should there be state, county, or ADW mandates that delay our in-person start date.

TABLE OF CONTENTS Overview of Academic Instruction Plan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

Structure of the Blended Learning Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

Phased-In Re-Opening Plan Calendar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6

Arrival and Dismissal Plans (Appendix A) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

Daily Health Screening for Employees and Students (Appendix B) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10

Protocols for COVID-19 Suspected or Confirmed Cases (Appendix C) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11

Updates to Handbook: Social Distancing Policies and Mask Wearing (Appendix D) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12

Parent and Visitor Policies (Appendix E) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13

Mass and Extracurricular Policies (Appendix F). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14

Cleaning and Safety Measures (Appendix G). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15

Facilities Accommodations (Appendix H) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16

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Overview of Blended Learning Plan for Virtual Learning and In-Person Instruction In following health and safety guidelines as issued by the CDC and the ADW, St. Elizabeth School will

begin the school year on August 25, 2020 to students by providing maximum in-person instruction as

approved while still adhering to social distancing recommendations. It should be noted that in order to

maintain social distancing recommendations in our classrooms, the school cannot welcome all students

back to campus for full in-person instruction. However, St. Elizabeth School can safely provide in-person

instruction to Preschool Monday through Friday and to Junior Kindergarten through 6th grade Monday

through Thursday while keeping 7th and 8th grade students on an A/B virtual/in-person schedule. On

Fridays, Preschool, 7th and 8th grade students would all attend in-person instruction while 1st through 6th

grade students would learn virtually.

This blended learning model supports our sentiment that in-person learning is a priority for our students

and parents while still recognizing the limitations and challenges of the current pandemic. In

implementing a blended learning academic schedule, we are committed to providing students with a

“classroom” experience that meets their needs through the following ways:

• Enhanced technology in the classroom to integrate virtual students into the classroom

experience & instruction.

• Clear guidelines for parents and students on expectations in the virtual classroom.

• Virtual learning schedules that largely mimic the traditional school day.

• A continued focus on instruction delivery that uses the technology to enhance student learning.

Distancing Learning Option Parents may choose to opt for full virtual learning for their children even if the school is approved to re-

open with in-person instruction. For those families who choose this option, there will be a separate

virtual orientation to address those families’ specific questions and needs.

Transition to Distance Learning

Given the fluid nature of this health crisis, this preferred hybrid plan was developed with smooth

transitions in mind. Our goal is to provide all of our students with a holistic and rigorous academic

experience grounded in our Catholic faith. In order to fulfill this mission, our faculty and students must

be ready to transition to a fully virtual model should current health circumstances, government or ADW

directives dictate such a move. Within the proposed hybrid model, students will be set up for success in

the virtual classroom. Unlike the remote-learning that was instituted in March 2020, in the sudden crisis

of an emergency situation, St. Elizabeth faculty and administrators, who kept our students learning last

spring, have an even better understanding of how to teach, engage, interact, and collaborate within a

fully virtual environment. With additional Chromebooks, full school Google Classroom training and

implementation, Zoom, recording equipment, and innovative instructional strategies, St. Elizabeth

School teachers are both equipped and trained to conduct effective distance learning. Should the school

need to switch to a fully distance learning environment for longer than 2 weeks, a consistent and robust

remote schedule will be implemented taking into account the unique grade-level needs of our learners.

Transition to Full Re-Opening

Should social distancing restrictions be lifted, we are prepared to welcome all of our students back to

campus for full in-person instruction. Enhanced cleaning schedules and other safety measures to

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safeguard the health of our students and faculty will remain in place as long as deemed necessary during

the COVID-19 pandemic.

Key Points to Blended Learning Model Homerooms

• In order to follow social distancing recommendations, St. Elizabeth School has provided plans for

3 homerooms for the following grades: Kindergarten, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th,6th

• 5th, 7th, 8th grades will remain in 2 homerooms since schedules and various class sizes can be


• There will be one homeroom for Junior Kindergarten in a school space (APR) that can

accommodate social distancing.

• Preschool Rooms will remain in their spaces with social distancing recommendations met.


This schedule overview is reflective of the school having reached full in-person instruction capacity for the blended learning plan. Please see the next section for the phased-in re-entry calendar. All students will be assigned to a Blue Team or White Team in addition to their homeroom at the beginning of the year.

Preschool We understand that virtual learning is most difficult for our youngest students and so this

blended learning plan offers full in-person instruction for Preschool 3’s and Preschool 4’s

Elementary: Junior Kindergarten through 5th Grade All students in these grades will be offered in-person instruction Monday though Thursday.

Friday will be a virtual day that may include teacher check-ins, small group meetings, or special

virtual events/activities for our students. Middle School 6th Grade: As new students to middle school, they will have the option to attend school Monday

through Thursday in 3 separate homerooms 7th and 8thGrade: students will remain in 2 homerooms with each class split into two groups:

Blue and White. Each group will receive 2 full days of in-person instruction each week, 2 full

virtual instruction days, and a partial day of in-person school attendance on Fridays.

7th/8th Grade Schedule Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday White In-Person Virtual In-Person Virtual In-Person

(1/2 day) Blue Virtual In-Person Virtual In-Person In-Person

(1/2 day)

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Safety Measures for Students: Implementing Pods

The CDC recommendations as well as the Archdiocese of Washington guidelines direct schools to keep small groups of students together as much as possible while following social distancing rules in order to create a safe environment and limit exposure while at school. For this reason, the following safety measures have been put in place as they specifically pertain to classroom space and student movement:

• There will be at least 6 feet between desks for students.

• Students will not switch classrooms except for math class in Grades 5 to 8 and Resource

students. No students from other classrooms will be introduced into math classes, and math

groups will move to a separate space that has been cleaned as necessary to leave homeroom

classroom. Resource students will travel to meet with their Resource teacher in the Resource

Room. That space will be cleaned between any groups and students will only stay with students

from their homeroom.

• Students and staff will be eating lunch in their assigned classrooms, offices, or outdoors.

• Students will be asked to bring in two water bottles per day. Water fountains will not be in use,

but the school has bottle filling stations that can be used.

• Teachers will don appropriate PPE (masks, shields when appropriate)

• Students will wear masks according to ADW guidelines.

• Staggered arrival and departure times through different entrances will allow students to quickly

enter their classrooms without prolonged exposure to other classes. (See page 10) • Temperature/ health checks will be performed before entering the building (See page 13) • Outdoor spaces would be used for additional instructional breakout space, P.E., and


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Phased Approach to Re-Opening* Under the Blended Learning Model *Please note that this schedule will be adjusted should there be state, county or ADW mandates that delay our in-person start date.

Should that be the case, the first day of school will still be August 26, 2020 for students, but we will begin our school year virtually until we are approved for in-person learning. When we are approved to begin in person learning, this phased-in schedule to reach the blended model full in-person instruction

capacity will begin.

Virtual Parent Orientations

School Wide Virtual Parent Meeting: August 3, 2020 at Noon with Mrs. Penny

Grade Level Parent Meetings: Week of August 10th

Please see most recent updated calendar in separate link.

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Appendix A: Arrival and Dismissal Plans

In order to mitigate the risk of COVID-19 exposure before entering the building, students arriving at St. Elizabeth School will utilize multiple entrances and staggered arrival times to minimize large groups forming during morning carpool and maintain social distancing protocols. Parents/guardians will receive additional information regarding these protocols prior to the re-opening of campus.

General Guidelines & Procedure:

• Students will arrive in carpool line no earlier than 10 minutes before their assigned building

entrance time. Parents who have children assigned to different entrance times may pull around

and drop their first child off through carpool line (if applicable) and then wait in a designated

parking area until it is time to pull around into the carpool line for designated arrival time of

their next child.

• Preschool, Junior Kindergarten and Kindergarten students will park in designated areas. The

student accompanied by a parent/guardian wearing a mask, will walk to the socially distanced

homeroom drop off area, outside of the building, where a staff member will temperature check

the student. The students are watched or socially distanced escorted, to their classroom by a

staff member.

• Students in 1st -8th grade will pull through the carpool line. Everyone in the vehicle over 2 years

old is expected to wear a face mask. A staff member wearing a mask will approach the vehicle

to temperature check and visually check the student for COVID19 symptoms as the student exits

the vehicle. Students who pass the temperature check process will proceed to enter the

building through their assigned door which will be open. The student will walk straight to their

classroom while maintaining social distancing and wearing a mask. School chaperones will be in

place to help with this process beginning 10 minutes before each assigned entrance time. If a

student does not pass the temperature check process they will be sent home with the


(Teachers and staff will also be checked into the building with temperature scans no later than 7:30 each morning.)

7:45 AM: Middle School Students (6-8th grades)

Entrance #1: Portable Classrooms – 7th and 8th grade (approx. 60 students)

Entrance #2: Middle School Hallway using door by stairwell 6th grade (approx. 60 students)

Procedure: Upon arrival wearing masks, school students are checked for their temperature and any

COVID-19 symptoms as they depart their vehicle. If they pass, they will proceed in a socially distanced

manner to their assigned door and walk straight to their classroom. If they do not pass, they will remain

in the car and be sent home with their parent/guardian. School chaperones will be present to help

ensure social distancing during the arrival process.

8:05 AM: Grades 1-5

Entrance #1: Walkers Lobby for 4th and 5th grade students (approx. 110 students)

Entrance #2: Main Entrance for 1st and 2nd grade students (approx. 110 students)

Entrance #3: Main floor left wing entrance for 3rd grade students (approx. 55 students)

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Procedure: Upon arrival wearing masks, school students are checked for their temperature and any

COVID-19 symptoms as they depart their vehicle. If they pass, they will proceed in a socially distanced

manner to their assigned door and walk straight to their classroom. If they do not pass, they will remain

in the car and be sent home with their parent/guardian. School chaperones will be present to help

ensure social distancing during the arrival process.

8:40 AM: Preschool, Junior Kindergarten, Kindergarten

Entrance #1: Main Entrance for Kindergarten (approx. 50 students)

Procedure: Upon arrival wearing masks, school students are checked for their temperature and any

COVID-19 symptoms as they depart their vehicle. If they pass, they will proceed in a socially distanced

manner to their assigned door and walk straight to their classroom. If they do not pass, they will remain

in the car and be sent home with their parent/guardian. School chaperones will be present to help

ensure social distancing during the arrival process.

Entrance #2: Gym for Junior Kindergarten students (approx. 25 students)

Procedure: Upon arrival wearing masks, school students are checked for their temperature and any

COVID-19 symptoms as they depart their vehicle. If they pass, they will proceed in a socially distanced

manner to their assigned door and walk straight to their classroom. If they do not pass, they will remain

in the car and be sent home with their parent/guardian. School chaperones will be present to help

ensure social distancing during the arrival process.

Entrance #3: Main floor left wing entrance for Preschool students (approx. 25 students)

Procedure: Upon arrival, students will be walked by their parents to the left wing entrance. Parents

must wear masks during this check-in time to limit exposure. Markers will guide students/parents

where to line up at the entrance. Students will be admitted one at a time after temperature/COVID-19

symptoms are checked. Students will then meet their teacher in the hallway and proceed directly to

their assigned classrooms.


All classes will end at 2:30 pm. 2:30 pm to 3 pm will be a study hall to work on homework and prepare for dismissal. This time can be used to regroup with students too, especially younger students. In order for students to exit as quickly as possible directly into cars, teachers need to ensure that students are ready to be dismissed as soon as their family/carpool name is called while maintaining social distancing. For some, that will be as early as 2:35 PM.

2:35 PM: First Dismissal: Preschool, JK, K students

Option 1: Fair Weather Option

Teachers walk students to outside designated area and parent/guardian walks to group to pick up. If

there is an older sibling, parent or designated carpool informs teacher and teacher radios front desk so

that front desk can put out a call for that family. Older students exit through their assigned exit door

and walk to designated parking lot to meet their parent/carpool.

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Option 2: Poor Weather Option:

Preschool/JK: Parent/guardian/carpool pick up at same entrance door assigned to grade in the morning.

If there is an older sibling in this group, chaperone radios front desk so that front desk can put out a call

for that family. Older students exit through assigned exit door and walk to designated parking lot to join

their carpool.

In this scenario, one teacher or aid must be at door taking carpool names so that students can remain in

classrooms until called. Carpool tag system will work with Kindergarten families, which will help speed

up process.

Regular Carpool Line: Begin Dismissing at 2:45 PM--Carpool system will be used.

Further Guidelines:

• System lets school know order of arrival for cars.

• To limit number of students waiting outside, students shouldn’t be called down from classrooms

until carpool car is in L-line in front of school. Similarly, a family name shouldn’t be “called” for

dismissal until they reach the L-shaped line.

• Faculty members will be outside for safety of dismissal and to watch for social distancing.

• Back lot carpool: For those spaces purchased, those students will be released at 3 pm every

day. A chaperone will be sure that students go directly to cars. Parents must notify the school if

they are running late so that their children aren’t released.

• Walkers: There will be no walkers for at least the first semester of this school year.

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Appendix B: Daily Health Screening for Employees & Students

Daily Health Screenings Begin at Home: Parents/guardians will complete a daily health screening for

their child before dropping off their student(s).

All parents, guardians, and St. Elizabeth School Staff must become familiar with COVID-19 symptoms:

● Fever or chills

● Cough

● Shortness of breath, difficulty breathing

● Fatigue

● Muscle or body aches

● Headache

● New loss of taste or smell

● Sore throat

● Congestion or runny nose

● Nausea or vomiting

● Diarrhea

(Symptoms may appear 2-14 days after exposure)

Arrival at School: All faculty and students arriving at St. Elizabeth School will be temperature checked

and complete a health screening based on symptoms related to COVID-19 before entering the building.

Please refer to Appendix B for details of how this process will be managed and staffed. The staff

performing the wellness checks will don the appropriate P.P.E. equipment (masks and gloves).

Detection of Fever or Symptoms Before Entering the Building Protocol: If staff or students have a

temperature at or above 100.4°, signs/symptoms of COVID-19, or answer “yes” to any of the daily arrival

screening questions , they will be asked to not enter the building and return to their

parents’/guardian’s/carpool car.

Detection of Fever or Symptoms While at School Protocol: If staff or students have a temperature at or

above 100.4°, signs/symptoms of COVID-19, or answer “yes” to any of the daily arrival screening

questions , the faculty member or student would be escorted to the school’s designated isolation area

until they can return home and the Catholic Schools Office will be contacted for further guidance.

Records: The Health and Safety Team will keep records of abnormal screenings. Confidentiality will

always be maintained.

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Appendix C: Protocol for Possible or Confirmed COVID Cases

St. Elizabeth School will follow the CDC guidelines outlined in the ADW plans for re-opening when presented with a case of suspected COVID-19. More detailed health procedures and an updated sick policy will be communicated to parents before the beginning of in-person instruction.

The school has taken the following pro-active measures in preparation:

• An isolation room with proper ventilation in the school has been identified to meet the

requirements set forth by the CDC.

• Our health team and staff will receive training on how to don P.P.E. equipment and sanitize


• P.P.E. equipment and cleaning supplies have been purchased for the school.

• A recording system to document COVID-19 suspected cases has been established.

• Emergency health forms for students and faculty members will be updated by the first day of


Reporting Requirements:

• The reporting requirements outlined by ADW will be followed with all suspected or confirmed

cases of COVID-19. The Principal will immediately gather information and call the CSO.

• The school understands that all communication with the community regarding suspected or

confirmed COVID-19 cases will be coordinated through CSO. Confidentiality of all students and

staff will be maintained.

• The school encourages all families and staff to self-report so that we can work to keep our

community safe by engaging in accurate contact tracing.

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Appendix D: Updates to Handbook

Mask Wearing Policy (adapted from ADW Guidelines)

Staff must wear a face covering at all times while in the building. Face coverings do not have to be

worn outdoors providing social distancing is feasible and maintained. Any individual entering the

school must wear a face covering.

All students must wear a face covering or mask when moving through the building regardless of

grade. (Children under 2 years old should not wear face coverings.) All students should wear face

coverings at all times. (This procedure will be evaluated at a later date.) Students do not need to

wear a face covering during outdoor recess and when socially distanced outside.

Mask Uniform Policy: Mask patterns must be school appropriate. Masks with messages should not

be worn.

● Masks must fit snugly to cover the nose bridge, mouth and chin

● Wash hands before putting on mask and when removing mask

● Only touch mask by its straps

● Avoid touching the mask while it is being worn

● Change mask if it becomes wet

● Place mask in a container when not in use

● Bring an extra mask to school

Social Distancing/Mask Policy Violations:

First and foremost, St. Elizabeth School administration and faculty are committed to proactively

educating students about the importance of social distancing and mask wearing during this pandemic to

keep our community safe. Faculty will plan and implement grade-level appropriate activities to help

students achieve this understanding and awareness. A virtual meeting with students to educate them on

these new procedures before they return to campus will also be a part of this education plan.

For students who consistently need reminders about these rules, the following warning system will apply:

1. Verbal reminder of rules within the classroom.

2. Classroom break for the student in the hallway.

3. Student visits the principal/vice-principal for further discussion.

4. Unresolved issues or repeated defiance of rules will be reported to parents in an effort to

address underlying stresses, anxieties, challenges with compliance. Parents will be required to

come and pick up their child.

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Appendix E: Parent Volunteers, Essential Visitors, Deliveries

1. A record of visitors who enter into the building - date, time, nature of visit- will be maintained

at all times.

2. No one is allowed inside the building without a face covering.

3. Any essential visitors entering the building for an extended period of time when school is in

session must complete a health wellness self-assessment.

4. Parent Volunteers will not be permitted in the school building at the start of the school year.

This rule will be evaluated after the first quarter or if the health situation changes.

5. If a parent must enter the building at the request of the administration, nurse, or teacher, a face

covering must be worn at all times.

6. For deliveries, the school will work to handle most outside of the building to limit exposure.

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Appendix F: Catholic Identity, Mass, and Extracurricular Policies

Prayer, Worship, Service: Our Catholic Identity is at the root of who we are as a school community. Our

administration and faculty is committed to our mission and providing students with regular religious

instruction as well as opportunities to attend Mass—socially distanced small group in person and virtual.

Our morning will always start in communal prayer and all of our classes (virtual and in-person) will begin

in prayer, as well, as is our tradition here at St. Elizabeth School. We will continue to work with our

families to provide opportunities to practice our faith and participate in outreach.

Extra Curricular and Extended Care Activities: For the Fall of 2020, there will be no Extended Care, band or extra curricular activities scheduled until deemed safe to do so.

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Appendix G: Cleaning, Health, and Safety Measures

Encouraging Good Hygiene: All faculty and students will be encouraged to take general health safety

precautions like frequent hand washing with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. CDC Hand Hygiene

Recommendations will guide school practices.

Healthy hygiene includes social distancing (6 feet apart) and wearing a face covering (see section on

Face Coverings). Exemptions for wearing a face covering must be determined by 2 people at the school:

Principal and Nurse.

In an effort to maintain a safe and healthy environment, the school is committed to:

• limiting shared supplies

• proactively educating students on how to stay healthy and maintain good hygiene

• providing extra outdoor time each day for students through outdoor classroom space and

extended recesses.

• Increasing the times that students can wash their hands

Disinfecting Wipes: Children must not use disinfecting wipes due to exposure to chemicals. Students

must wash hands thoroughly with soap and water if they come in contact with wipes. For protection,

gloves should be worn whenever using a cleaning agent including wipes.

Facilities Updates and Cleaning Purchases:

PPE equipment- Masks, gloves, face shields, and temporal thermometers have been purchased. Staff

and students will be temperature checked before entering the building and will be required to wear

masks. Staff and students will provide their own masks; purchases have been made to ensure there is no

time when an individual is denied access due to a lack of PPE equipment.

HVAC equipment- The final stage of replacing all HVAC units in the original building (Preschool through

3rd grade classrooms) was put on an advanced schedule so that all units will have been replaced by the

beginning of the school year. The new units draw and release air directly from and to the outside. In the

newer building (Grades 4-8), we are purchasing HEPA filters to ensure all school spaces are well

ventilated. ·

Electrostatic sprayers- The School/Parish have purchased two Viking Electrostatic Sprayers that can

effectively disinfect areas in a short amount of time. According to Gurreri, co-founder of Minneapolis-

based Victory Innovation, “A single person using one of the sprayers could sanitize an average-size 100-

person office in about 10 minutes.” For an overview of these machines, please visit

Cleaning/Sanitizing supplies- Hand Sanitizer, soaps, and disinfecting wipes have been purchased in bulk


Cleaning Schedules: The school has developed robust cleaning schedules with the Facilities team that

include the following:

• Daily cleanings of all spaces,

• Bathroom cleanings between groups

• Consistent sanitizing of high touch surfaces

ADW procedures will be followed.

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Appendix H: Facilities

Modifications and Safety Measures

Office Set-Up

The layout of the front office provides for social distancing and health & safety of office personnel.

• The front desk has a physical barrier of protection (plexi-glass) that is created with material that

is easily sanitized and assists with social distancing, especially for visitors/deliveries. • Hand sanitizer is available at the front office. • Floor markers provide a safe distance to ensure social distancing . • Office personnel will physically sign in/out students, visitors, or employees to minimize the

spread of germs. If parents or visitors are required to sign anything, pens or pencils will be



• Plans have been created to ensure the safe and efficient use of the hallways that incorporate

social distancing for the safety of students and staff. • Transitions of students are limited. • Students will not switch classrooms except for math class in grades 6 to 8 and Resource

students. No students from other classrooms will be introduced into math classes, and math

groups will move to a separate space that has been cleaned as necessary to leave homeroom

classroom. Resource students will travel to meet with their Resource teacher in the Resource

Room. That space will be cleaned between any groups and students will only stay with students

from their homeroom. • Students will keep their books/lunch in backpacks at their own desk. Lockers will not be used.

Classroom Setup

All classrooms are set up with the following social distance recommendations:

• Students will remain at least six feet apart while in their classroom. • Desks will not be clustered together; desks face the same direction. • Students will not share classroom equipment (pencils, books, etc.). If items are shared, they will

be disinfected between use. • Students will keep their books/lunch in backpacks at their own desk. Lockers will not be used.
