Page 1: SAINT ANDREW‟S CHURCH CHRISTMAS BAZAAR Northwold … · Stephanie Squires Tel. 728317 The views expressed in submitted items are not necessarily endorsed by Northwold & Whittington

NOV 2017 Last submissions date for Christmas issue:

18th Nov 2017 [email protected]

Tel. 727072


Another plea for unwanted plastic bags stashed away in the

cupboard! George & Mavis, the Village Life Circulation

Managers, are running very low and would love to have them!

Please email [email protected].

Next month is a double issue for Christmas and New Year

2018, so please remember to get your submissions to me by

18th Nov. First edition of the new year will be out 1st Feb.

Best Wishes, Jonathan

Saint Andrew’s Restoration Appeal(SARA)


present the film


New nations are rarely born in peace... India, 1947: Lord Mountbatten is

dispatched, along with his wife Edwina, to New Delhi to oversee the

country's transition from British rule to independence. Taking his place in

the resplendent mansion known as the Viceroy's House, Mountbatten

arrives hopeful for a peaceful transference of power. But ending centuries

of colonial rule in a country divided by deep religious and cultural

differences proves no easy undertaking, setting off a seismic struggle that

threatens to tear India apart.

Starring: Hugh Bonneville, Gillian Anderson, Manish Dayal, Huma Quershi , Lily Travers & Om Puri

Northwold Village Hall

Friday 17th November at 7.30pm

Doors open at 7.00pm

Tickets £6 at the door


£5 in advance from:

Ann Howarth (01366) 727772

Available online at SAINT ANDREW‟S CHURCH


Northwold Village Hall

Join us on Saturday 2nd December from 2.30pm

Stalls will include:

The Grand Draw,

Mystery Filled Boxes,

Water or Wine?

a lucky dip for the children,

Cakes, Plants and much, much more.

Tea and cakes will be available all afternoon.

CALLING ALL QUIZ ENTHUSIASTS!! As part of St Andrew‟s Bazaar this year we have

produced another quiz for you to try. There are 75 questions, including lots of picture clues and you can buy your copy from me, Ann Howarth, for £1. All

completed quizzes to be returned to me, at 3 Stablefields, by Wednesday 29th November. The winner will be announced at the Bazaar on Saturday

2nd December. There will be a prize of £10 for the person who gets the best score.

Ann Howarth 01366 727772

WANTED! Donations of wine for the Water or Wine stall

at the St Andrew‟s Church Bazaar on Saturday 2nd December.

Once again this popular stall will feature at the

Bazaar and we would be most grateful to receive any donations of wine.

Ann Howarth 727772

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The Village Life Team

Editor/Advertising Jonathan Clayton

[email protected] Tel. 727072

Deputy Editor


Circulation Managers Mavis & George Gillett

Tel. 727465


Chair Carol Sharp

Tel. 728227

Treasurer Stephanie Squires

Tel. 728317

The views expressed in submitted items are not necessarily endorsed by Northwold & Whittington

Village Life. Whilst we endeavour to ensure that all

information contained in the newsletter is correct, we cannot be held responsible for errors. The Editor

reserves the right to refuse or omit items without explanation.



The next meeting will be on

WED 8th NOV at 10.30am

at 55 Methwold Road -

Irene & Mike‟s place

and then every other Wednesday

same time, same place

Refreshments will be served

All very welcome.


St Mary‟s, Feltwell St James‟, Hockwold

St Andrew‟s, Northwold St Mary‟s, Southery St Mary‟s, Weeting




Plus HOLY COMMUNION and special services within the Benefice.

5th: Benefice Communion at St. Mary’s, Feltwell 10.00

12th: Remembrance Service at the War Memorial 15.00

19th: Service of the Word 10.00

26th: Holy Communion 09.15




The next PCC meeting is on 13th November at 2.30 pm.

If you have any questions or would like further information, please look at the

church notice board or website:

To discuss weddings, baptisms, funerals or any other pastoral matters, please

contact the Benefice Rector:

The Reverend Joan Horan

01842 828034 [email protected]



is always looking for new members.

We rehearse weekly and sing once a

month and for special festivals in


If you enjoy singing and would like

to join us, please contact

Carol Sharp Tel. 728227 NORTHWOLD



St. Andrew's Northwold gives all new

residents a pack full of useful

information about the church and the

village. If, by any chance, you have

not received one and would like to,

please contact:

Irene Quinn,

55 Methwold Road, Northwold

01366 728098

I will be pleased to visit you with a



Don‟t forget to buy your copy of the 2018 Northwold Village Calendar, featuring „Now and Then‟ photographs of various village locations, cost £5.50. Also available is the village tea towel featuring the Northwold poem, cost £5.00. Both items can be purchased from me, Ann Howarth, 727772. All proceeds go to the St Andrew‟s Restoration Appeal.

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Page 3

St Mary‟s, Barton Bendish St Mary‟s, Beachamwell All Saints‟, Boughton

St. George‟s, Methwold St. Andrew‟s, West Dereham

St. Margaret‟s, Wereham Christ Church, Whittington All Saints, Wretton with Stoke Ferry

Licensed Lay Minister Priest-in-Charge Licensed Lay Minister

Carol Nicholas-Letch Rev Ken Waters Janet Tanton

Honey Tree, Furlong Drove, Stoke Ferry 6 The Avenue, Brookville 6 Hilgay Road, West Dereham

01366 500704 01366 727220 01366 500031


Mrs Davina Eves & Mrs Jenny Elsey are in charge of the cleaning and flowers at Whittington Church this

month. Carol and Elaine will be doing the same at Wretton.

Every Wednesday: Café cre8 - Coffee Morning at West Dereham Village Hall 9.15 – 11am. Open to everyone ages 0 – 99. For information contact Janet

on [email protected].

Every Thursday: All Saint’s Lunch Club – The club meets in All Saints Academy for coffee at 10.30 am

and for a two-course lunch (£3.50) at 12.00 pm. For more details of this and Flexible Fellowship, contact Carol Nicholas-Letch on 01366-500704.

St George’s Church, Methwold - Tea, Coffee &

Homemade Cakes - Tuesday 7th November and 21st November from 10am until 12pm. Meet up with friends, make new friends or just enjoy the drinks &

cakes! Enjoy a drink & homemade cake for only £1.50

Thursday 2nd 6pm All Souls Service Whittington Carol Nicholas-Letch

Sunday 5th 9.30am Holy Communion Methwold Rev Ken Waters

9.30am Service of the Word Whittington Carol Nicholas-Letch

Thursday 9th 10am Holy Communion Boughton

Sunday 12th 10am Remembrance Service Methwold Rev Ken Waters

10.50am Remembrance Service Wretton & Stoke Ferry Carol Nicholas-Letch

Thursday 16th 5.30pm Compline Wretton & Stoke Ferry Michael Poole

Sunday 19th 9.30am Methodist Service Methwold Barbara Foster

9.30am Service of the Word Whittington Ray Burman

Thursday 23rd 10am Holy Communion Boughton

Sunday 26th 9.30am Service of the Word Methwold Ray Burman

10am All Age Service Wretton & Stoke Ferry Carol Nicholas-Letch

11am Holy Communion Boughton Rev Ken Waters



Plus other local services within the church group. N.B. Church Group Joint Services in BOLD CAPITAL ITALICS

Weeting Village Hall

Thursday 16th Nov


Come and enjoy fun, food, crafts and worship

Open to children of all ages

Volunteers always needed

For More Info, contact Rector Joan 01842 828034

Or Trish Willis 01842 828836

Page 4: SAINT ANDREW‟S CHURCH CHRISTMAS BAZAAR Northwold … · Stephanie Squires Tel. 728317 The views expressed in submitted items are not necessarily endorsed by Northwold & Whittington

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This month there are reports from two WI meetings! As reported last month, on 28 t h September

Northwold WI hosted the Autumn Group Meeting in the Village Hall. We arrived in plenty of time to set

up the hall – or so we thought! Unfortunately, some of our visitors started to arrive much earlier than

expected and we were still deciding the best way to arrange the tables and chairs for 50 ladies.

Not the easiest start to the evening. Our members had been very busy making various sandwiches and

cakes earlier in the day and, once everything was in the kitchen, someone had to make sure each

table had a similar selection of food. Brenda divided the cakes, I divided the savouries and Eileen set

up for the teas and coffees. We were very well organised!

While all this was going on in the kitchen the meeting was taking

place in the Hall and Beryl has given a flavour of the talk on „Influential Families in Norfolk‟. Mr

Peter Lawrence, an historian, told us about a number of Quaker families, all of whom were Bankers, who had

homes here in Norfolk in the late 18th Century. Amongst the famous Banking names were Gurney &

Barclay. Most seemed to have large families, including the famous Elizabeth Fry (nee Gurney), who

went on to support Wilberforce in his campaign to abolish slavery. The Bankers were extremely well

regarded and trusted people, honest men of integrity - how different to the Bankers of today.

Their great wealth was used in many philanthropic ways to benefit the local people here in

Norfolk. Some of their grand houses still exist, but unfortunately others have been demolished and

all that is left are sketches and lithographs. Fortunately, we are still able to appreciate some of

their parks and lands which have been left to the National Trust or directly to the people of England

in perpetuity.

After the speaker had finished we served the food and everyone could socialise between the

different WIs. Ultimately it was another successful evening for us.

October is the month we hold our Annual Meeting. Once the routine

business had been completed our Treasurer gave her Financial Report on another good year.

The Secretary gave the Committees Annual Report which was a comprehensive resume of

the last 12 months. Then it was time for the President‟s address and finally the new Committee

were introduced. Several members remain in their current roles; Sue is President, Rita is

Secretary, Sara is Programme S e c r e t a r y , B r e n d a i s Entertainments Co-ordinator and

Mitch is Lunch Club Co-ordinator. We have a new Treasurer and

Beryl has taken over the Refreshments rota (as well as remaining as Press Secretary).

Patricia is remaining on the Committee as a Co-opted member. The really good news is that we

have 3 brand new Committee members – Anita, Bex and Kath. Thank you and welcome to the


Peggy was presented with a lovely basket of potted cyclamen as a thank you for organising the

refreshments rota for so long! The President, Secretary and Treasurer were also presented with beautiful

azaleas as a thank you.

The final part of the evening was an amusing quiz compiled by Brenda on unusual place-names in

the British Isles – is there really a village called Booze? How about Good Easter? Or Clockface? The

winning team was Angela, Patricia, Sara and I with a score of 12 correct out of 17. Following the

delicious supper provided by Rosemary, Mitch and Monika it was time to go home.

Beryl Quilter and Rita Nickles




Thanks to all who contributed to

the Dog Show in Wretton on 1st

October, it was a brilliant first

attempt raising £283.50.

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A great lunch consisting of pork casserole, savoury rice and broccoli followed by fruit crumble and cream was served this month and

very much enjoyed by all who attended. Unfortunately, for various unavoidable reasons, our numbers have dropped recently

which is a huge shame. The meals are delicious and priced at just three pounds a person. They are on offer the second Monday of every

month in the Village Hall at Northwold and are available for anyone living in Northwold or Whittington. Its a great social event

and a chance, at a very reasonable price, to have someone else do the cooking for a change.

If you would like to book a lunch please telephone Ann Howarth on 727772 or myself on 727982 and I

will pass the message on to Ann. It would be lovely to see a few new faces as well as our lovely regulars.

Car Scheme continues to run pretty smoothly and has been less busy just lately so I am hoping that most

people are of good health at the moment!

November's lunch will be served in the Village Hall on Monday, November 13th at noon and will consist of fish pie, peas and carrots

followed by queen of puddings.

I look forward to seeing you all

there and some new faces too.

Chris Webb


Meet every other Friday

in the Village Hall, School Lane,

Northwold , Thetford IP26 5LL

7.30 pm start. Doors open at 7pm.

(Guests subject to change)


10th - Veronica Chan

24th - Jackie and Keith Parsons


10th - Christmas Reading Night


Text Faye 07523 866797


under Norfolk Events – Northwold


Donation per person:-

£2.00 Service nights

£4.00 Clairvoyant evenings


Northwold Village Hall, Surgery Room.

On the following Wednesdays:

22nd & 29th November

No Clinic in December

I also carry out home visits for treatment.

For appointments

Tel. 01366 728473

David Noble

WMSCh(Hons)., PSPract., MVR.




Van parks at Northwold Village Hall


The Dole will be paid on Saturday

16 December from the Vestry in St

Andrew's Church, between 10 and

11am, and at 11.15am at the

entrance to Norman Drive in

Whittington. Please collect in

person, or arrange for someone

else to collect on your behalf. The

Trustees are unable to deliver

cheques after the stated distribution

date and times. In the case of

married couples, cheques are

made out jointly unless otherwise

previously notified.

Qualifications for eligibility are at

least 5 years residency in the

Parish and recipients should be of

an age to receive the state pension.

New applicants should apply in

writing to the Clerk, Mrs H Wyett,

Pangle Cottage, Church Path,

Wretton, PE33 9QR, by 30th

November 2017.


The Trustees invite any resident in

the parish of Northwold, who is ill or

permanently disabled and might

like some financial help from the

Edmund Atmere Charity, to apply in

writing to the Clerk, Mrs H Wyett,

Pangle Cottage, Church Path,

Wretton, PE33 9QR.

Applications must be received by

30th November 2017.

Please note that previous recipients

must reapply.

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Fun & learning round every turning

The Norman Church of England Primary School [The Diocese of Ely Multi-Academy Trust (DEMAT)] School Lane, Northwold, Thetford, Norfolk IP26 5NB

Telephone: 01366 728241 E-mail: [email protected] Website:

Executive Head Teacher: Mrs Carole Reich Deputy Executive Head Teacher: Mr M King

Bulldog Barns ‘Shabby Chic To Antique’

Open 9am everyday except Wednesday.

30 plus dealers selling unique and beautiful

Shabby Chic Furniture & Home décor.

Set up in 3 big barns and 12 Summer houses.

Café serving Breakfast, Lunch, snacks, cakes,

fresh ground coffee and meat from local butcher.

Bulldog Barns,

14 Thetford Rd, Northwold, IP26 5LS.

Contact Julie 07904508444

Welcome dear reader to the news from the Norman section of the Village life newsletter.

In my last article I wrote about how the New Year for me starts in September. Well since September at the Norman there has been a very purposeful and pleasant atmosphere around the school over the last few weeks as people have returned to the day to day rhythm of school life. Part of my role is to go round the school and build a clear picture of what happens inside and outside of classes when you hand over your children into our care for the day. I count myself as being a very lucky person to have the opportunity to do this and be a part of such a lovely school.

Speaking of which we have already had some important events in the calendar including the Harvest festival, a Macmillan coffee morning, a cross country run and a residential trip away for many of the children in New York class. The Caythorpe PGL residential trip is something I would like to focus on to shed a little light on some of the things we try to achieve.

First, some background history: PGL for primary schools at Caythorpe Court, near Grantham Lincolnshire officially stands for Peter Gordon Lawrence, the person who started them in the 1950s, although children refer to PGL as 'Parents Get Lost!‟ . If you would like to find out more, or go

on a virtual tour, then Google

Caythorpe Court is the perfect adventure centre for primary school groups seeking an escape to the country. To give you an idea of how beautiful the area is the site is over 65 acres in size, set up high on a hill in the middle of the countryside. The main feature building is the impressive old hall, but around it has been constructed an adventure playground that looks like it‟s a film set with huge wooden structures set in woodland, two enormous lakes, and grounds which look like your classic country estate. There are a host of activities which although completely safe, look incredibly scary because they involve heights of over thirty feet!

So what‟s the point of the trip? The point of the trip is to help ten and eleven year-olds get used to being with people they don‟t know very well and is an important step on the path to moving from small primary to large high schools, where they might not know anyone in their tutor group or class. The children are what we call „protected-in‟ to this because Norman, Duchy and Weeting schools all go under the umbrella of the Trinity Partnership and they already know some of the staff and a few of the other children from clubs and

other school get-togethers. Indeed, we found from the first combined visit in 2015, that children from all three schools benefitted from the trip when they went to high school. It can be very unnerving for some children to find they don‟t have anyone from their school in their class because some children have gone from nursery to year 6 with the same people, year after year. Children in this situation felt better when they knew someone from Duchy or Weeting, who they had befriended on the Caythorpe trip, wound up in their class. So the whole point is for them to make new friends, challenge themselves in a totally different environment from school or home and, of course, have fun!

The build-up of nervous excitement amongst the children started days before the actual trip, but when the day came, and the coach arrived, it reached fever pitch. With everyone and their luggage (It‟s amazing how much luggage children take for two-and -a half days) safely on board, off we travelled.

There is hardly a moment to spare on this trip, so when we arrived our two leaders from PGL helped us unload, took us to where we were having lunch then put us into our groups and sent us off to our first activity. We didn‟t see our accommodation until tea time. It was a modern building which we had to ourselves. The children slept on bunk beds 4 to a room, all with an en-suite

Page 7: SAINT ANDREW‟S CHURCH CHRISTMAS BAZAAR Northwold … · Stephanie Squires Tel. 728317 The views expressed in submitted items are not necessarily endorsed by Northwold & Whittington

Page 7

Methwold Nursery Learning through Play!

15 Funded hours per week for 2*, 3 and 4 year olds. 30 Funded hours as of Sept*

A welcoming atmosphere by qualified, experienced staff who have been with the nursery over the past eleven years. Large modern setting with home cooked lunches prepared on premises. Stunning, naturally shaded garden where children like to play all day developing their confidence and communication skills in readiness for Primary School! Call: 01366 728419 Click:

Visit: 39 Stoke Road, Methwold, IP26 4PE *(subject to Status)

Bespoke Café and covered veranda offering a relaxing

environment for parents and a natural, fun, safe, shady garden

for your children to enjoy.

“It’s fun to play outside”!

Ideal for children’s birthday or small private parties

such as Anniversaries, Baby Shower, Family Gatherings.

Open School Holidays and Weekends from 12pm to 5pm

Call: 01366 727161 Visit: 39 Stoke Road, Methwold IP26 4PE

Garden Café Stay&Play



Northwold & Whittington

residents may be unaware that

they no longer need to use the

compostable caddy liners for

their food waste bins. Any

small bag e.g. carrier bags,

bread bags, fruit and veg bags

or freezer/sandwich bags can

now be used. (See internet link

detailed below for more


h t t p s : / / w w w . w e s t -

n o r f o l k . g o v . u k / n e w s /

a r t i c l e / 2 5 3 /





This leads to another

community information topic ...

the Borough Council offices at

Downham Market have closed

as from the end of Sept –

please see link below!

h t t p s : / / w w w . w e s t -

n o r f o l k . g o v . u k / n e w s /

a r t i c l e / 3 1 1 /



Sharron & Steve Freemantle

facilities! As a person speaking from experience of several residential trips the first night is always the longest because the children are so excited they find it hard to sleep. I find the best thing to do is sit on a chair in the corridor with a book or newspaper, as this means you can hear any giggling or see any movement form doors opening and children peeking out. Once everyone was settled staff went to bed about midnight and you kind of find yourself sleeping with one eye and one ear open, if that makes sense.

The planned timetable for a normal day was: get up at 615 in order to wake the children, get ready for breakfast and the day‟s activities (although some children would be awake from about 5am). Lunch at 12:15, more activities, dinner at 5:15, more activities and finish at 9pm.The activities were the key part of the trip because they are designed to get children working together, whether going down a long zip-wire, climbing what looked like a telegraph pole before jumping on to a trapeze (not for the faint-hearted), building a raft to sail on the lake, helping to fit helmets and harnesses or encouraging others to really push themselves further than they ever had before.

That was the whole point of the trip. The way we sat and ate together at mealtimes, being in activity groups of 12 with an equal share of children from Norman, Duchy and Weeting, constantly moving round onto the next thing. The whole thing is designed to replace fear with confidence, anxiety with reassurance and timidity with bravery: all within the context of one big team, encouraging each other and sharing in the various ups and downs of the day. The result was children who

grew levels of self-esteem and the number of friends they had before they started the trip. Tired and much quieter after lunch on Friday we said our farewells to the wonderful PGL staff who had looked after us and loaded onto the coach that would take us home.

Although other staff had done the hard work of organising every detail of this trip (special thanks goes to Mrs Bailey who did so much to make this trip a success) I was designated as group leader. Mine was a roving role between all the groups checking in to see everything was ok and this enabled me to see everything that was going on during the activities.

I am very proud of what I observed.

Children working together as a team,

having fun, encouraging others when

they were struggling, sharing,

laughing together, organising each

other and listening to what others

had to say. I can report in all honesty

that our children from all three

schools of the Trinity Partnership

were polite, well-behaved, courteous,

friendly, respectful, responsible, hard

-working, tidy and very pleasant to

be with. The two staff from PGL said

our children were some of the best

behaved they had experienced and,

as I witnessed moving round the site,

this could not be said of every school

there. Roll on next year, when

another set of children will have the

opportunity to do something so

special it will give them a permanent

memory of something they will

cherish for many years to come.

Mark King

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Let us turn your dream

room in to a reality

Newrooms, The Workshops,

Brandon Road, Methwold, Norfolk, IP26 4RH

01366 727417


Just a quick update on the hip situation: Having had my artificial hip removed 12 weeks ago, I have hopped on one leg and a Zimmer frame and have spent 10 weeks preparing and injecting intravenous antibiotics. As I write this, I am waiting to be admitted for removal of the gruesome concrete pillar after which yet another artificial hip will be inserted. The recent weeks have been made much more bearable by the GoGo electric scooter loaned to me by Giselle Sagar and her husband, Will. I can zoom around the house and garden and can even help with some of the chores. One fine day, I ventured out into the village and found lots of old patients and friends to chat with. Apart from crossing the roads and sharing my space with motor vehicles, the only unnerving feature of the journey involved crossing in front of the entrances to house driveways. To create the ramp for the cars, the tarmac has been sloped from the road up to the driveway. Fair enough, not worth a second thought until you hit one of these things sideways as you shoot along the pavement. Suddenly, everything veers to one side and you feel sure the buggy will fall over, tipping the driver into the road. I wondered how to determine the “tipping point” without courting disaster but I failed. However, I have spoken to seasoned buggy drivers who remember their initial alarm in this situation but reassure me that it would be difficult to fall over. However, the A1Mobility advice sheet is not so reassuring: „When going up or down a kerb on a scooter,

make sure to approach it at a right angle. Going up or down a high kerb at an acute or obtuse angle, one side of the scooter on the road and the other side on the pavement, is a sure-fire way to tip the machine over. If you go at right angles to the kerb, and use dropped kerbs only, every time, you will ride that scooter safely and with confidence. When going up or down a steep gradient, the same logic applies. Do not approach it at an acute angle, but straight on at a right angle.’

A 90-year-old man was caught doing 8mph in his mobility scooter on the inside lane of the M1 His life was in serious danger - particularly on the three occasions he pulled into the middle lane to overtake slower drivers.

A young hotshot lawyer went out and bought the fastest car in the world, the new SSC Ultimate Aero, for a cool $750,000. It was a nice day outside, so he took the car for it‟s first drive on the street. As he stopped at a red light, an old man on a mobility scooter pulled up next to him. The man on the scooter, who had to be at least 70 years old, leaned over at the driver‟s side window and asked “Nice car there

Sonny, what is it?” “Why, this is the Ultimate Aero, the fastest car in the world. It has 1183 horsepower and can go 257 miles per hour!” exclaimed the cocky attorney. “And” he continued, “it cost 3/4 of a million dollars!” “Wow,” replied the old

man, “mind if I take a look inside?” he asked. “Of course not,” the

lawyer said proudly. So the old man poked his head in the window and looks around. Then, sitting back down on his mobility scooter, says, “That‟s a pretty fancy sports car, all right… but I‟ll stick with my scooter!” Just then, the light changes and the lawyer decided to show the old man with his car was all about. The car went from 0-60mph in just 2.7 seconds and, before he realized it he was doing 220mph. Looking back, he noticed a small dot in his rear view mirror. It seemed to be getting closer! He slowed down to see what it could be and suddenly, whhhoooossh! Something whipped by him, going much faster! “What in the world could be possibly be going

faster than my Aero?” the young lawyer asked himself. Then, ahead of him, he saw a dot again… this time coming toward him. Whooooooossh! It flew by again, heading the opposite direction! And, it almost looked like the old man on the mobility scooter! “Couldn‟t be,” thought the lawyer. Again, he saw a dot in his rear view mirror, but before he could react… Whooosh Ka-BbblaaaaMMM! It ploughed into the back of his car, completely demolishing the rear end. The young lawyer jumped out and, to his surprise, it was the old man on the mobility scooter! He ran up to the mangled old man

and said, “Are you ok? Is there

anything I can do for you?” The old man groaned and moaned, finally he replied… “Yes, please unhook my

braces from your side-view mirror!”

Best wishes to you all Ian Nisbet

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Ray Gribble

Antique Restoration & Traditional Upholstery All aspects of antique furniture restoration including French polishing,

cabinet repairs and traditional upholstery


Traditional Upholstered Furniture Footstools, Sofas, Chairs made to commission


Picture Framing & Mirrors

An extensive range of mouldings including hand painted and gilded finishes

Antique and Reproduction Prints for sale

Vine House, Church Road, Wereham, King’s Lynn



Dave & Cheryl would like to say a

huge thank you to the loyal

customers that have supported us

over the last 11 years.

You have helped us raise over

£20,000 for various charities over

the years for which we have been

truly grateful.

Some of you have become good

friends and we shall be keeping in


Thanks again.




Our villages have lost this


If you would like to have a

newspaper delivered to your

home, please contact:-

McColl's in Swaffham

Tel: 01760 720610.

and inform them of your interest.

We need an uptake of at least

25-30 residents.


David Stancombe


Pauline and Ken Cundy

01366 727821 who will contact

them on your behalf.


“For your tomorrow, we gave our today…”

55210, Private,


1st Bn., North Staffordshire Regt

Born in Hemblington, 9th Feb 1899.

Died of Wounds, France, 8th Nov 1918, aged 19.

He is remembered with honour in the Cross Roads Cemetery, Fontaine-Au-Bois,

Nord, France, Grave Ref III. C . 4.

M/300551, Driver,


Royal Army Service Corps

Born in Northwold, 21st Nov 1898.

He died of tuberculosis of the right hip in the Surgical Hospital, Ducane Road,

Hammersmith, London on Sunday 10th November 1919, aged 20.

Edward is buried in the Cemetery, School Lane, Northwold.

He has no memorial in the cemetery, but is remembered on the Northwold War Memorial.

CH/18750, Private,


1st RM Bn., RN Div.,

Royal Marine Light Infantry

Born in Foulden, 18 Jun 1888.

Missing, Assumed Dead,

during the Battle of the Somme, on 13th Nov 1916, aged 28.

Issac has no known grave.

He is remembered on the Thiepval Memorial, The Somme, France, Pier and Face 1A.

“They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old:

Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn.

At the going down of the sun and in the morning

We will remember them.”

Extract from “For the Fallen” by Robert Laurence Binyon (1869-1943),

published in The Times newspaper on 21st September 1914.

Page 10: SAINT ANDREW‟S CHURCH CHRISTMAS BAZAAR Northwold … · Stephanie Squires Tel. 728317 The views expressed in submitted items are not necessarily endorsed by Northwold & Whittington

Page 10


Why not visit our walled-in garden Nursery

For all your ornamental & fruit trees,

shrubs, perennials and bedding plants

Also compost, bark and a large selection of

ornamental pots

Tel. (01842) 878288

Est. 1962

The Crown Affair

Calling a village meeting is a nerve

-wracking affair. You put posters

up, leaflet as widely as you can,

share it on Facebook and organise

the essential tea and biscuits. You

then open the door, sit…and hope

people come. Happily, come they

did. By the time Cliff Anderson

stood to open the last public

meeting the place was pretty much

full, and there was a buzz of

anticipation – and maybe even

hope. We even had Liz Truss, MP

as a bit of celebrity bling. Not quite

Kim Kardashian, but impressive

for a Friday night in Norfolk.

Mark Vanderstay then gave a

presentation on the story so far –

pretty much what I described in the

last edition but with a passion that I

think moved many. Having a pub

in the village IS important. Even

more important is having points of

community, places where we can

gather at various times of the day

to do nothing very much other than

meet and enjoy each other’s

company…well, maybe a good pie

and a pint too on occasion! Mark

painted that vision clearly, and the

challenges ahead, and shared

honestly the challenges in the

present. I think most people now

know what they mainly are.

He finished with a call to action.

He wasn’t quite Bob Geldof at

LiveAid, but the message was

just as clear. “Give us your

money!” The bottom line is,

nobody is coming to our rescue,

but people will help if we help

ourselves. We need to give what

we can to own a slice of village

life and maintain it for the future.

The fantastic news is that the

response to the request for people

to pledge money has resulted in

over £44,000 already being


That’s a fantastic start, and a real

sign to the Borough Council of

the seriousness of our intent. And

to possible funding partners, who

can gain tax benefits and a feel-

good factor by adding to and

matching our fund raising.

Abbie Panks, from The Kings

Arms in Shouldham – a pub that

is already operating as a

community venture and busy

every night, has very kindly

agreed to be a member of the

steering group and lend her vast

business experience to the

project. Her talk really

highlighted the potential, and the

benefits that await us at the end of

the hard graft. It sounded worth

the effort to me.

Finally, our MP Liz Truss rose to

speak. I’ve never met a politician.

Well, Margaret Thatcher waved

at me once, but that doesn’t

count. Thinking about it, I still

haven’t, but I have now heard one

speak. Liz talked of her previous

support for similar community

initiatives, and put her full support

behind this one. A common theme

throughout was the puzzlement at

the refusal by the Borough Council

to support our previous application

for the ACV (Asset of Community

Value). Something tells me our

latest is going to go better.

With pledge letters stuffed in their

pockets, the villagers departed into

the night, replete with tea, biscuits,

and, I hope, a desire to see this

vision for a revitalised Northwold

realised. It felt like a good start has

been made.

Over the coming months we’ll be

asking for your money, or your

time to help with fund-raising

activities. If everyone gave a little

of either, we could really do this.

If you have any questions, ideas or

offers of support please don’t

hesitate to contact us via….

Our Facebook page https://


Our Website www. http://

Or our Telephone Number : 01366


Trevor Michaels

01366 328879

Page 11: SAINT ANDREW‟S CHURCH CHRISTMAS BAZAAR Northwold … · Stephanie Squires Tel. 728317 The views expressed in submitted items are not necessarily endorsed by Northwold & Whittington

Page 11



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CONTACT 07742 109 113 AFTER 6.30pm


We would like to remind people to be vigilant when

walking their dogs; to bag up all mess and dispose of it

responsibly - either using the dog bins provided or

taking it home for disposal.

No dogs are allowed anywhere on the Northwold

Recreation Ground - not just the children's play area.

Northwold and Whittington Parish


Occupational therapists are health and social care professionals who help people of all ages - babies,

children, adults and older people - to carry out activities (or occupations) they need, want, or

are expected to do, but are prevented from doing so as a result of physical or mental illness,

disability, or as a result of changes in their lives as they get older.

Occupational therapists can suggest alternative ways of doing

activities, providing advice on learning new approaches, helping people to get the most from life.

For example, an occupational therapist can help people with the following activities:

Self-care - Getting dressed, preparing and eating meals.

Productivity - Going to or remaining in work, volunteering,

studying, or caring for others.

Leisure - Playing sports, shopping with friends, or doing hobbies.

How do you f ind an Occupational Therapist?

Ask your GP, nurse, social worker or other health or social care professional to

refer you to an occupational therapist.

You can self-refer to a social

services occupational therapist by contacting your local council to arrange an

appointment. To arrange a private

c o n s u l t a t i o n w i t h a n

independent occupational therapist, who will charge you a fee, please visit the Royal

College of Occupational T h e r a p i s t s w e b s i t e -

Occupational Therapy ‘Helping people to live not exist’



Keep your mind active by completing

the brain teasers below. Love Suduko?

Then this is for you! Not know the

rules? Every row, column and 3 x 3 box

must contain all the digits from 1 to 9.



Solutions in the next Issue!

9 4 3 2

8 7 5 1 4

9 7 6 3

5 1 8

9 1 6 8

6 2 5

5 3 7 4

2 6 7 1 9

1 2 3 8

1 3 8

9 6 2

2 3 8

4 6 2 8

1 9 5 6

2 9 1 7

6 4 2

2 8 7

3 6 9

Page 12: SAINT ANDREW‟S CHURCH CHRISTMAS BAZAAR Northwold … · Stephanie Squires Tel. 728317 The views expressed in submitted items are not necessarily endorsed by Northwold & Whittington

Page 12

and the Planning and Waste

Committee and can assist with any

queries in these areas, amongst


ii. Kings Lynn & West Norfolk

Borough Council: Cllr Peake

reported that he is in the process of

lobbying Ray Harding (CE,

BCKLWN) to support the Crown

Inn project.


Apologies were received from Cllr

Christopher Pointeer, Cllr George

Gillet and Cllr David Human. These

were accepted.


OF INTERESTS (for items on the

Agenda) – Issue of Dispensations

None declared.




5th September 2017.

The minutes were approved by all

Councillors present and the minutes

were signed by the Chairman as a

true record of the meetings held on

5th September 2017. The final

version will be available on the





Although Cllr David Human has

provided his apologies he has signed

his declaration of acceptance of

office as Councillor and is looking

forward to attending meetings from

next month. His commitment as

Councillor was formally welcomed

by the Chair.




There were none.


i. Response from Elizabeth Truss ref

traffic issues along the A134

confirming that she had contacted

Martin Storey about the traffic issues

and would be back in touch after his


ii.. Newsletters CPRE, Norfolk

Constabulary, Norfolk Association of

Local Councils

iii. BCKLWN Consultation on

Council Tax Support Scheme –

circulated to Cllrs for individual

response and placed on website. No

further comments raised.




Cllr Anderson explained that the

application had been submitted and

that a decision is expected by the 14th

November 2017.

Clerk to place on November agenda.


i. The Parish Partnership scheme

was discussed. Two schemes have

been costed by Highways. 1. In

Whittington a pathway to link the bus

stop on Methwold Road to a safe

crossing point is needed, this would be

installed as a Trod (informal pathway)

and would cost £4,800. 2. In

Northwold permanent 20mph signs

outside the school on School Lane

were costed at £13,700 incl. a 10 yr

commuted sum for maintenance and

solar power. A cost was also provided

on Cllr C. Pointeer’s request for a

SAM2 speed sign for both parishes at

£3,500. The Council agreed to

progress the trod at Methwold Road

only. The cost: benefit ratio of the

20mph sign was agreed to be too low.

This was proposed by Cllr C.Sharp

and Seconded by Cllr C.Anderson

Clerk to progress the Parish

Partnership application on this


ii. Northwold School Parking

Cllr C Anderson and Cllr C Sharp

have met with Carole Reich the

Executive Headteacher from the

Norman C of E Primary School. Mrs

Reich is in full support of the car park

proposal and has advised that she will

promote the use of it to parents if

successful. The Clerk has contacted

the Borough Council with regards to

Planning issues and Mr Richard Smith

is awaiting a call to set up a site visit

for pre-application advice. It was

mentioned that a survey to parents



PRESENT: Cllr R. Crisp

(Chairperson), Cllr C. Anderson, Cllr

S Gillet, Cllr M. Peake, Cllr S Leet,

Cllr N Nickles, Cllr C Sharp, Cllr

Susan Smith and Mrs N. Cooper,


Also present: Cllr Martin Storey –

Norfolk County Council

There were 3 members of the public.


A member of public present stated that

if a one-way system were to be

introduced in Church Lane,

Whittington it could cause confusion

and would introduce traffic safety

concerns. It was advised that this had

been discussed between Cllr Pointeer

and Highways and that the proposal is

a non-starter for financial reasons.

There is not a safe bus stopping point

on Methwold Road for pupils

returning home on the bus from Iceni

Academy. There is no clear place to

stop and there is an encroaching hedge

along the verge so that children have

to step onto the road. There are

approximately 10 children who use

this bus route and are affected by this

situation. Is it possible to have a

designated bus stop directly opposite

the existing bus shelter which serves

the opposite journey? The hedges are

the responsibility of the homeowners

and if addresses are supplied the Clerk

will send a letter to the owners to

request that their boundaries are

adequately maintained to reduce safety

issues for others.

The Councillors asked the Clerk to

contact Highways and request that a

proper bus stop be installed.



i. Norfolk County Council: Cllr Storey

advised that the County Council has

purchased agricultural land at

Terrington to provide opportunities for

agricultural tenants to rent farmland.

This is seen as an investment in a key

community asset. Details of all

additional NCC matters can be found

on the website. It was noted that Cllr

Storey is a representative on the

Pensions Committee, Police and

Crime Panel, Museums Committee,

Page 13: SAINT ANDREW‟S CHURCH CHRISTMAS BAZAAR Northwold … · Stephanie Squires Tel. 728317 The views expressed in submitted items are not necessarily endorsed by Northwold & Whittington

Page 13

Taylors Solid Fuels Ltd Family run since 1946

Regular fortnightly Solid Fuel deliveries in your area.

Competitive prices and a full range of products.

“Don’t Shiver We Deliver”

Quality top soils and aggregates. Bulk bags and Tipper loads from 1 - 20 tonnes

Tel: 01842890568 or see us on

before the project progresses too far

could be useful to determine support.

Cllr C Anderson to contact Mr

Smith. Clerk to place on November


iii. Whittington EAM Development

The Clerk has emailed EAM to follow

up on the Parish Councils request to

use the road name Maltings not Old

Mill Close with reference to previous

information and also to Kelly’s

directory for Cambridgeshire, Norfolk

& Suffolk, 1883. No response has

been received despite a chase up

email. The BCKLWN has confirmed

that they will keep the Parish Council

up to date on all naming applications

relating to the site.

iv. Speed Monitoring on the A134

The Norfolk Speed Camera

Partnership will attend the A134 along

Whittington Hill and the Methwold

Road / Northwold junction in early

October. A letter from Mr and Mrs

Rayner was also read out concerning

speeding and accidents along the

A134 and the risks of pulling out from

the Methwold Road and Church Lane

junctions. A request for support for a

reduction in the speed limit along the

Northwold stretch of the A134 was

requested. It was agreed that the

Clerk should contact Highways to

request a speed limit reduction to

40mph from West End to Hovell‟s

Lane and to also request a

reduction in the speed limit for

Whittington Hill to 30mph.

v. An update on the Church Lane

one-way system was provided in the

Public Forum and the proposal will

not be progressed at present.

vi. The list sent to NCC Rangers

was: The footpath outside No6

school lane Northwold requires

repair, strim along the verge along

the fence that divides the allotments

and School lane, Northwold,

Northwold Footpath No.6 - clear the

area the other side of the first gate

next to the riding school and

spraying of weeds along footpaths

throughout the Parish.


i. Whittington Church Lighting for

Defibrillator – Cllr S Smith advised

that the PCC will accept the bill to

run a light for the defibrillator as

long as it is not on all the time and

therefore proposed that if the Parish

Council funds the installation of a

sensor switch / unit then the running

costs would be covered by the

Church. The PCC will also adjust the

existing PIR sensor light to cover the

pathway to the defibrillator. Cllr S

Smith to progress.

ii. The Risk Assessment Report had

been circulated to Councillors prior

to the meeting. The following actions

were agreed:

Ask John Breheny to look at the

benches on Northwold Rec

Ground and the toddler bench

and suggest options for repair.


Arrange for removal of the old

village hall noticeboard (CA)

Dog bin Hovell’s Lane – access

inhibited by weeds and nettles.

To ask John Breheny to strim.


Cliff to remove metal drum from

allotment gardens (CA)

Village Sign needs cleaning (ask

John?) (CA)

Order a new noticeboard for Little

London Road the same as the

boards purchased for Northwold

Village Hall and Whittington.


Get a cost for a new litter bin liner

for Northwold High Street Church

wall (Clerk)

Closed cemetery very overgrown-

chase CGM on this (Clerk)

Rubber matting needed under the

swings at Whittington – cost

required. (Clerk)

Chalk Pit – brambles and

branches need clearing from path.

Ask CGM for a cost. (Clerk)

The cost for an outdoor gym at

Whittington was also queried.

Clerk to investigate.

iii. The bins for Northwold Rec

Ground have been delivered, John

Breheny will be asked to install. Cllr

C. Anderson to progress.

iv. Whittington bench has been


v. The Dog bin at Ingham’s Lane is

not large enough as is often

overflowing, it is emptied weekly.

Clerk to get a cost for a larger bin.

12. CEMETERIES It was noted that the cemetery path at

Whittington Christ Church has still

not been sprayed. Clerk to chase


13. TREES No new issues were raised.

14. GROUNDS MAINTENANCE i. A quote for the trimming of the

Northwold cemetery hedge is awaited

from CGM. Clerk to chase. A quote

of £35 plus vat to spray the

Page 14: SAINT ANDREW‟S CHURCH CHRISTMAS BAZAAR Northwold … · Stephanie Squires Tel. 728317 The views expressed in submitted items are not necessarily endorsed by Northwold & Whittington

Page 14

Northwold Playing field gravel drive

has been received from CGM. This

was agreed to. Clerk to progress.

ii. The Grounds maintenance schedule

was discussed. One extra cut for

Northwold Recreation Ground should

be added in for 2018. Clerk to

request three quotations for the

annual contract for discussion and


iii. The Clerk was also requested to

contact NCC to request a schedule

of highways grass cutting in the

Parish. Extra cuts can be requested at

cost to the Parish Council and this

should be included in the precept


iv. The appointment of J&M Pest

Control to catch moles on the

Northwold Recreation Ground was

agreed to at a cost of £15 per mole

caught. Clerk to instruct works to be

undertaken after the next scheduled

grass cut (Fri 6th Oct as advised by




It was agreed that Cllr C Sharp would

be the responsible Councillor for the

Sports and Social Club and Cllr R

Crisp for Trees.


AND UPDATES: The following Planning Applications

were discussed;

i. 17/01614/F New 2 storey extension

replacing single storey

extension at Watermill Stud

Farm Little London Road Northwold.

No objections raised.

Family Property Criminal Commercial Employment

Personal Injury Wills & Probate Dispute Resolution




01842 756100

Cage Lane, Thetford Norfolk, IP24 2DT

Convenient town centre


Home visits

may be available

Northwold & Whittington

Parish Council

2017 Meetings Dates

All meetings are held on the first

Tuesday of the month at 7.30pm in

Northwold Village Hall,

School Lane.

7th November

5th December


[email protected]




ii. 17/00148/TREECA Fell Two

Pine Trees, 9 Pinfold Lane,

Northwold. No Objections raised

(comment submitted to deadline

between meetings).

The following decision was noted

for information;

i. 17/01282/F Single Storey

Extension, The Laurels 3 High

Street Northwold. Application



i. The accounts to October 3rd 2017,

payments to be approved and

cheques to be signed were

considered and approved in

accordance with the table on the

next page.

ii. All Councillors were asked to

examine the budget carefully ready

for precept discussion in November.

iii. A submitted VAT refund request

of £4633.96 1.10.16-31.8.17 plus

photovoltaic panels (20.5.16) was


iii. The Constables Charity Annual

Return has been requested. It was

agreed that the Clerk should write

to NS&I to request a copy of the

latest bank statement and to bring

the contact details and signatories

up to date and then complete the

annual return when the details are


iv. Cllr R Crisp has agreed to the

annual funding of a memorial wreath

from the Parish Council under S137.



No additional new Councillor

Training dates have been announced.



November 2017, 7.30pm.

None noted.

At the close of the meeting Cllr

Stephen Gillet and Cllr Susan Leet

both tendered their resignations with

immediate effect, Cllr R Crisp thanked

them for the dedication and hard work

during their time as Councillors. With nothing more to discuss the

meeting closed at 8.55pm

Would you like to advertise in

Village Life?

Please contact the

Editor for available sizes & rates

[email protected]

Or Tel 01366 727072

Page 15: SAINT ANDREW‟S CHURCH CHRISTMAS BAZAAR Northwold … · Stephanie Squires Tel. 728317 The views expressed in submitted items are not necessarily endorsed by Northwold & Whittington

Page 15

PC Repair and Care 01842 810853 Mobile PC Service

Desktop, Laptop, Ipad & Mobile Phone Setups

Hardware Installations

Virus Checks & Removal Internet Security

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Call or email for a free quote 07526 627336 01842 829085

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Receipts for approval 03.10.17

Paying In slip From Description Amount



Payments/cheques for approval 03.10.17

Direct Debit Payee Description Amount

H14D5E0E62 EON Electricity 1.8.17 - 31.8.17 86.18 Cleared bank statement 98

8058752155 Anglian Water Water Sept Payment 5.50 Cleared bank statement 98

Subtotal Direct Debits 91.68

Cheque Payee Description Amount

2132 Broxap Bench for Whttington 744.00

2133 Westcotec Streetlighting Maint Sept17 19.10

2134 Northwold Care Group Car Scheme June Quarter 240.66

2135 CGM Christ Church Hedge Trim 135.00

" CGM Grounds Maintenance Sep 17 388.06

2136 Broxap Derby Wheelie Bin Container x 2 1055.88

2137 N Cooper Clerk Salary, Mileage & Expenses Sep17 352.71

Subtotal Cheques 2935.41


Cash sheet Balance and Bank Reconciliation 3rd Oct 2017

31st March 2017 YE Balance Brought Forward: £29,508.34

Add Total Receipts as of 3rd October 2017 £19,011.20 £48,519.54

Less Total Payments to date £14,974.69

CASHBOOK BALANCE 3rd October 2017 £33,544.85

Bank Balance @20/09/2017 Statement no.98 £36,998.26

Add uncleared receipts £0.00 £36,998.26

Minus uncleared approved payments as of 20th September 2017 £518.00

Minus new payments for approval cheques 2132-2137 £2,935.41 £3,453.41

Reconciled Balance 3/10/17 £33,544.85

MARK ROBERTS Plumbing & Heating

Plumbing & Heating • Boiler Re-placement

Central Heating Installation Bathrooms/Showers • Water Softeners


Telephone 01366 727344 Mobile 07887 646587

Page 16: SAINT ANDREW‟S CHURCH CHRISTMAS BAZAAR Northwold … · Stephanie Squires Tel. 728317 The views expressed in submitted items are not necessarily endorsed by Northwold & Whittington

Page 16

CBB Building Services

We can take care of all your building requirements

and have more than 50 years of experience in the building industry.

Extensions, renovations, painting and decorating, plastering, flint work, chalk work and drain work.

Please call for a free estimate

or to discuss your requirements on

01366 727789

or 07850 494279


Our next dance evening will be held on Saturday 18st

November in the Village Hall starting at 7.30pm.

The cost is £2.50 each to cover the cost of the hall, please

bring your own refreshments.

We dance a wide range of dances, ballroom, latin, rock,

sequence, old time, etc.

Everyone is very welcome even if you have never danced


For more information, please contact Carol Sharp on Tel.

728227 or email [email protected].


I hope I’m not the first person to mention the “C” word (how

everyone hates seeing the cards in shops in September etc.),

but from mid-November onwards people will be receiving

festive cards. Please don’t throw the stamps away –

“recycle” them by donating to Dogs Trust who can use them

for fundraising. Just drop them off to us at 17 Church Lane,

Northwold and we will forward them.

Thank you to everyone kindly dropping off their used

stamps throughout the year. It really is appreciated. As at

14 August 2017 the funds raised UK-wide were £19,705.29!

Sharron and Steve Freemantle

Able Community Care

The Old Parish Rooms, Whitlingham Lane, Trowse, Norwich, Norfolk, NR14 8TZ

Tel: 01603 764567

E-Mail [email protected] Web site:

Question - I am young at heart, a

wheelchair user and I would like to

consider going with my husband on a

cruising holiday. Are there cruising

companies which can accommodate

my situation?

Answer - Cruising is an ideal holiday

for people who have poor mobility

and for people who are wheelchair

users. It means that you can see a

variety of places without having to

continually repack your case and

check in.

It is possible to find cruise ships with

adapted cabins, toilet facilities,

facilities for guide dogs panic buttons,

and other helpful aids and equipment.

For disabled friendly cruises visit the

following website which

gives relevant details for several cruise


Question – Do you know if it is

possible to still buy smelling salts?

Answer – Yes it is. There are several

online retailers such as Amazon and

Ebay which sell them.

Question – My mother and father

emigrated to Spain a few years ago

and my father has since died.

Although in relatively good health

my mother is now in her late eighties

and somewhat isolated as the friends

they made are also now quite old

and many have died. My mother has

no intention of returning to the UK

and I am concerned that she will

become isolated should she become

less able than she is now. Do you

know of any organisations for older

people in Spain?

Answer – You do not say where in

Spain your mother lives but there is an

organisation, which she will probably

recognise from her time in the UK that

can help. Age Concern operates in

Spain and has several branches. If you

go to their website at http://

about.htm you can obtain further

details. They have English speakers

available to talk to you if you do not

speak Spanish.

Question – Is it possible to buy a cup

for a disabled person that is not plastic

and does not look like a baby feeding


Answer – You can purchase a ceramic

two handled cup from Complete care.

Either plain white or with a design

both under £10.00.

Page 17: SAINT ANDREW‟S CHURCH CHRISTMAS BAZAAR Northwold … · Stephanie Squires Tel. 728317 The views expressed in submitted items are not necessarily endorsed by Northwold & Whittington

Page 17

You've been on University Challenge...(maybe not recently) You've sat in the Mastermind chair…... You've had the Eggheads on toast…... What's left……..????????!!!


Saturday 11th November

Doors open at 7.00 Quiz starts 7.30

Teams of up to six people.

£5 per person including fish/chicken and chips.

Eight general knowledge sections (music, sport,

60's/70's, etc.) and you can play your joker.

A Super 7 plus Spot prizes.

A quiz to refresh the parts other quizzes cannot reach.

For tickets, contact:

Alan Briggs 01366 727258 David Lavender 01366 727111 David Gricks 01366 728174

**Advance Event Notice**

Back in the summer of 2016 we brought you ABBA NIGHT. Summer 2017 saw a fabulous Queen tribute act. We are excited to tell you that this coming Summer 2018 we are going back to the 1980’s with “The Wild Boys” Tribute Band on 7th Jul 2018. Described as the Top 80’s Tribute Band in the UK. Pop the date on your calendar's. More details to follow.

Membership is only £5.00 for the year - pop along to the club on an open evening or stop a committee member to sign up.

NORTHWOLD SPORTS & SOCIAL CLUB Hovell‟s Lane, Northwold.

** OPEN FRIDAY NIGHTS 7 - 11pm ** We are delighted to say that we will continue with our Friday openings. Thank you to our regular guests for your continued support, we enjoy your company very much.

Sport & Social Comedy Night Review

Another packed audience for the Comedy Night. What goodies did we have this time? Starting the night was Chris Trent Walker, an English Oddjob, but larger and without the bowler hat. He was followed by Keith Platt, a young lad from Yorkshire complete with flat cap and a ferret in his pocket. Finally, to provide a bit of charm and slightly more moderate language, Susan Murray. Three excellent comedians, each with a different style, introduced once again by Lewis Bryant.

How long before one of these appears on the TV and you can say “I remember him at the Sports and Social Club!” Where were the people from Northwold? Are they watching Strictly (surely not??) or when Lewis asks do they keep quiet, knowing what happens when he has you in the spotlight!!

Don't miss the next one !!!

Alan Briggs

Page 18: SAINT ANDREW‟S CHURCH CHRISTMAS BAZAAR Northwold … · Stephanie Squires Tel. 728317 The views expressed in submitted items are not necessarily endorsed by Northwold & Whittington

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There are more buses than those listed - check with

the driver, visit ; or contact the following:-

Coach Services 01842 821509

Eagle Coaches 01760 755641

Travel Line 08712 002233



Monday – Friday

Northwold @ 08.50 am - Pick-up Point: Old Tile Centre / Methodist Chapel (Methwold Rd/West End/High St)

St. Andrew’s Church

Whittington @ 09.06am – Pick Up Point: Bus Shelter

Leaves Thetford Bus Station @ 11.00am for Northwold only



Monday – Saturday

Northwold - Pick up point: 10.11am Only outside Old Tile Centre / Methodist Chapel as bus travels down

Methwold Road and turns left into High Street.)

Whittington - Pick up point: 10.15am A134 Bus Shelter Leaves King’s Lynn bus station @1.30 pm

PLEASE NOTE: There is an extra bus „No. 12‟ on Tuesdays - King‟s Lynn Market Day. (Coach Services - CS12)

Northwold - Pick Up Points: 9.22am Little London - opposite 5 Little London Road,

9.24am Opposite St. Andrew’s Church

9.26am Tile Centre/Methodist Chapel (T-junction: Methwold Rd/West End/High St)

Whittington – Pick up Point: 09.32am A134, Norman Drive

Leaves King’s Lynn bus station @ 1.10 pm (or you can leave on the 1.30 pm CS40 as above)



(Coach Services - CS40)

1st and 3rd Wednesday’s in the month

Northwold @08.55am Pick-up Points: Old Tile Centre (T-junction: Methwold Rd/West End/High St)

St. Andrew’s Church Leaves Norwich @ 1.30 pm Pick-up point: John Lewis Department Store.



Fridays only @ 09.20 am Pick-up Point: Opposite Glebe Close

Leaves Downham Market @ 11.40 am Pick-up Point: where the bus drops you when you arrive. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------



Page 19: SAINT ANDREW‟S CHURCH CHRISTMAS BAZAAR Northwold … · Stephanie Squires Tel. 728317 The views expressed in submitted items are not necessarily endorsed by Northwold & Whittington

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Classified Ads

Graham Smith & Sons

Pest & Vermin Control for homes,

farms and businesses.

24hr/7-day service.

Local family business

(Clover Farm, Mundford)

Tel. 01842 879904,

Mob. 07946 733188 __________________________________________

D.E.T. T.V. Service Repairs to TV’s, VCR’s and

Microwaves. Fast reliable service.

John Clifford. 01842 878486

D W Services

Gardening and TV Aerials, Grass

Cutting, Hedge trimming, Tree pruning

and general garden work. Also Digital

TW aerials fitted, CCTV, Signal

boosters etc.

Tel. 01366 728403,

Mobile 07752 587111 _________________________________________


3 Bedroom House in Attleborough for

2/3 bedroom bungalow / house in

Northwold or surrounding villages

Contact 07742 109113 after 6.30pm



The club is open for bookings for

social events, birthday parties,

weddings, christenings,

Funeral Wakes

The bar can also be made available.

All at very reasonable rates.

For information call:

Tony Waring 728455

David Gricks 728174

David Lavender 727111

Animal and Human Therapy Equine, Pets & Humans Too!

Clinical Hypnotherapy - Powerful Transformation Weight Control, Confidence, Insomnia, Depression, Pain Relief

Usui Reiki Gentle Massage Stress Relief, Relax One hour’s session is physiologically the equivalent of 3 to 4

hours' deep sleep. Helps you find true peace of mind and brings positivity to help you cope with life’s daily challenges.

Animal Healing

Healing treatments to help emotionally, mentally and physically. Empathetic, Professional, Experienced and Insured.

Email [email protected] Office 01366 728975 Mobile 07881 525969

Page 20: SAINT ANDREW‟S CHURCH CHRISTMAS BAZAAR Northwold … · Stephanie Squires Tel. 728317 The views expressed in submitted items are not necessarily endorsed by Northwold & Whittington

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Thank you for all your kind

donations to the foodbank.

Our Local Foodbank Our closest Foodbank is based in

Thetford, with a distribution point at Brandon. The

people at Brandon Harvest Centre are very welcoming.

The Foodbank office is open on a Tuesday between

1.30pm and 2.30pm at Fengate Drove, Brandon, IP27


Due to the restoration works in St Andrew’s Church,

Northwold, the foodbank drop-off point has been

temporarily removed. If you would like to donate to

your local Foodbank, there is a drop-off point at

St George’s Church, Methwold.

Any food stuff which does not require refrigeration and

is in date is ok.

If you need the Foodbank, please don‟t hesitate to

contact someone who can give you a foodbank voucher

- Doctors, health visitors, social workers, clergy, CAB

and police.

Thank you for all your donations, kindness and


Ness and Paul

([email protected])

If you would like to know more:



September 23 at the Magpie Centre, home of West Norfolk

Riding for the Disabled Association, saw a very successful

Equestrian Table Top Sale. The indoor arena was packed

with 32 stalls, and the event realised £815 profit for the


Stallholder bookings have now closed for the Magpie Art

and Craft Fair at Stowbridge Village Hall, Downham Road,

Stowbridge PE34 3PE, Saturday November 18. This means

that the hall will be filled with a vast range of artefacts: just

the place to do your Christmas shopping in warmth and

comfort, with refreshments on hand all day. The event runs

from 10.00 am to 4.00 pm.

Now the search is on for new trustees. The Magpie Centre,

based at Wallington Hall South Runcton, PE33 0EP gives

around 114 riding and carriage driving lessons every week

to people of all ages, and with all levels of physical and

learning disability.

We have an annual budget of around £120K, of which one-

third comes from grants, one-third from rider/carriage driver

donations (the price paid for lessons), and the remainder

from our own fund-raising efforts.

We are in urgent need of new trustees. Roles include:

Treasurer, Secretary, Grant Officer, Fundraising Officer and

Events Officer.

These roles would suit perhaps newly-retired people, or any

who have some time on their hands and who wish to keep

their skills up to date. Knowledge of horses or people with

disabilities is not essential. To find out more, just call the

Magpie Centre on 01553 810202 or, for an informal chat,

call WNRDA Chairwoman, Rosie O‟Grady, on 01366


I, Caroline Dudley, am now Voluntary Publicity Officer for

WNRDA. When I moved to Norfolk, on my own, with my four

horses, in 2004 I knew nobody. I went to a dressage

competition at the Magpie Centre, as a spectator, spoke to

the then Centre Manager, trained as a Group Instructor, and

have been involved with the Magpie Centre in various

capacities ever since.

Apart from using my existing skills, plus a lot I never knew I

had, I am privileged to be part of a fantastic team, and have

made some lifelong friends. However much I have given to

the Magpie Centre over the years, it has given even more to

me. Go on. Make that call! 01553 810202 or

01366 500104.



1st prize £20 # 26 Brian Waters

2nd prize £15 # 17 David Rice

3rd prize £10 # 96 Carrie Roberts

Roger Preston
