
8/12/2019 Saga13 Charming Steppes and Don Delta 5days Naturel Tour 1/2

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Truly our world is filled with fascinating and wonderful places of natural

wonder. The Southwest of Russia is no exception and is among the most bi-

ologically diverse regions of Russia well known for the rich flora and fauna.The variations in geography from the mountain ranges to the sea account

for the seasonal and moderate climate, creating environment and habitat

in abundance. Landscapes of forest, meadow and desert steppes stretch

from the coasts and river wetlands to the foot hills and high Caucus ranges

adding to the great variety of habitat for plants and wildlife.Among the most unique environments are the high altitudes and slope

habitats of the Caucasian Mountain Range. The high peaks of Elbrus,

Dikhtau, Kashtantau, and Kasbek rise from the foot hills to tower over the

plains to the north and south. The southern slopes abound with subtropi-cal forests while the northern face meets the plains, the grassland steppes

that roll to the shores of the Black Sea and the Sea of Azov in the west.

Along the way are the arid and semi-arid environments of the Manych Val-

ley and fragments of the Nogay Desert.

One of the most unique and culturally interesting areas in the North Cau-

casian Mountains is the remote, tiny region of North Ossetia-Alania.

The Ossetians descend from the Alans, a Sarmatian tribe who became a

serious threat to the Romans at one time. They became Christians duringthe early Middle Ages from Georgian and Byzantine influence and in the

B n century a consolidated Alanian kingdom emerged in this North Cauca-

sus Mountain area. The traditional way of life, unchanged for centuries is

still found here, giving valuable insight into ancient farming methods and

traditional skills.

Combined with the mountain environments and wildlife habitats of the

forested slopes, the ancient cultural and ethnic character adds to the inter-est of this region in the North Caucasian Mountains.

Our Rostov Region is in the topographical zones ofthe forest-steppe and

steppe country. The steppe zone includes the grassland or meadow-steppesthat rise from the wetlands along the coast ofthe Sea ofAzov region. These

steppes also expand in all directions from the banks and marshes of the

Don River basin. To the southeast in the Rostov region, are found more arid

areas, desert steppes with fragments of semi-desert steppe habitats near

the border of Kalmykia Oblast (RegionJ.

At Saga Voyages we have developed modules which may be combined

as tour packages to take the traveler into the depth of Russia s natural en-

vironments. We are happy to work with you to offer tour packages and

modules for planning and organizing tailor-made nature trips or combine

nature and cultural tours into the Deep South of Russia.

Module one: The Don River Delta. (1-3 days)

After the Volga, the Don is the largest river system in Southern Russia. Thedelta ofthe Don River is located in the southwest part ofthe region oftheRostov Oblast (Region). The delta spreads out where the Don flows into the

Taganrog Gulfofthe Sea ofAzov.

To the east, it begins where the narrow un-navigable branches separate

from the present day Don ship channel. The length of the delta is 30 kil-ometers and is 22.5 km across. The mix of fresh water from the river and

salt water incursion from the tidal flow of the Azov combine to form the

unique delta and coastal wetland ecosystem, abundant with aquatic life

and waterfowl.More than 120 species of birds nest in the Don Delta. The most notable

nesting colonies are those of the Great Cormorant and waders numbering

hundreds and thousands of nesting pairs. In the trip to the Don Delta we llsee the wide variety of avarian species.

Among these are:

The Order of Grebes (Podicipediformes); Little grebe Podiceped ruficol-lis (Pall.), Black-necked grebe Podiceped nigricollis, Horned grebe Podi-

ceped auritus, Red-necked grebe Podiceped griseigena and Great Crested

Grebe Podiceps cristatus.

The Order of Cormorants (Phalacrocoracidae); The Great Cormorant

Phalacrocorax carbo and Lesser cormorant Phalacrocorax pygmaeus.0

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The Order of Cicogniformes [Ciconiiformes); The Great Bittern Botaurusstellaris, Little Bittern Ixobrychus minutus, Black-crowned Night HeronNycticorax nycticorax, Squacco Heron Ardeola ralloides, The Little Egret

Egretta garzella, The Grey EgretArdea ciner, The Purple Heron Ardea pur-purea, The Glossy Ibis Plegadis falcinellus and Common Spoonbill Platalea


The Order of Waterfowl (swans, geese, ducksJ Anseriformes; Mute Swan

Cygnus olor; Whooper Swan Cygnus cygnus, Graylag Goose Anser anse4White-fronted Goose anser albifrons, Lesser White-fronted Goose anser

erythropus, The Bean Goose anser fabali, The Red-breasted Goose Rufi-brenta ruficollis, Ruddy Shelduck Casarca ferruginea, Common Shelduck

tadorna tadorna and the Mallard anas platyrhynchos.

Module 2: The Manych valley. (2-3 days)

This trip may be a 2 or 3 day visit to the Western Manych valley, to a largesaltwater lake, Manych-Gudilo, in the Rostov region. This Lake as well as

the Don Delta was included into the Ramsar List of Wetlands of Interna-tional Importance.

Lying along one of the major migratory flyways in Russia, the Don Delta

and the Manych Valley is seasonally the home of numerous waterfowl and

bird species. Cranes, Herons, and birds of prey of several species are foundalong the Manych valley landscape.

We will start our trip with observing these fascinating landscapes ofmostly dull, muted but expressive natural colors of the steppes. The wild-life naturally blends into the landscape as a part of the survival patternof nature. In this ecosystem, with care, we may see many of the diversevariety of fowl in their natural habitat. We will continue the trip with an ex-

cursion to Vodniy Island to observe the colony of wild horses in the naturepreserve <Rostovskiy Zapovednik>.

This is a tour full ofrare opportunities.

Module 3: Aleksandrovskiy forest. (1 day)

The forests of the steppes and the world of flood plains and water reser-voirs is what we find in the Aleksandrovskiy forest about

100 km fromRostov-on-Don.

The forest Aleksandrovsky, in the Rostov Region, is well-known for a

large population of deer; wild boar and fallow-deer. This interesting place

is much about sounds as it is about sights. In September and October visi-tors to this forest will bring the sound of roaring male deer. In season, wewill see the tournament of the bucks and the rattle of antlers that will de-

cide the season s breeders. Always an adventure waits in nature s world inthe wild of the <Unexpected Russia>.

Day 1

Day 2

TouR Pacxecr

Rostov-on-DonArrjval at tbe airport [train station] Transfer to your hotel Welcomedrink.

Optional excursion to the Rostov Zoo or tour to the city central area

Breakfast in the hotel.

The excursion on the motor boat over the Don delta starts (birdwatchingthe nest of cormorants, heron,ernesJ

Return to the hotel, lunch.

ln the afternoon rest or fishing, observing the sunset.

Departure [or the settlement Orlovskiy.

Breakfast Departure for the settlement Orlovskiy.Accommodation in the hotel <Tulip> Lunch.

Evening excursion before the Sunset along the Settlement Orlovskiy,Volochaevskiy, the shore ofthe Lake Manych-Gudilo. Birdwatching (the

migration of sandpiper, geese, cranes]

Return to the hotel Dinner.

Breakfast in the hotel

Trip to the Kurnikov s estuary [itinerary: Settlement Orlovskiy,

settlement Volochaevskiy, khutor Manych, Kurnikov s estuary - appr.150 xml.

Birdwatching fgeese, ducks, cormorants, cranes, little bustard probablyJ.

Packed lunch. Return to the hotel Dinner.

Breakflast. Back to Rostov Transfer to the airport (train statlon] and


Day 3

Day 4

Day 5

