

Employee Safety

National Patient Safety Goals

What is OSHA?

OSHA’s Role in Safety and Health

Hazard Communication Plan

Exposure Control Plan

Medical Waste Management Plan

Housekeeping Policy

Develop and enforce mandatory job safety and health standards

Maintain reporting and record keeping of job-related injuries

Encourage employers and employees to reduce hazards

Provide for research in occupational safety

Provide for state-level occupational safety and health programs

During an OSHA inspection- Initial meeting, Walk-through , Final

meeting. They do not discuss terms. OSHA includes mouthpieces as protective

equipment.    Some OSHA regulations include:

Exposure plan, Housekeeping policy,  Fire safety plans.       

Under federal law, OSHA can inspect in only 50 states. OSHA citations are categorized by: Repeat              Serious              Other

Check for posting of OSHA safety poster Review of OSHA log of injuries for the past 3

years Inspection for compliance with OSHA standards Commenting on and note obvious hazards

1st Priority – Imminent Danger 2nd Priority – Catastrophes and Fatal

Accidents 3rd Priority – Employee Complaints 4th Priority – Programmed Inspection 5th Priority – Follow-up Inspections

CHAIRS- Always purchase commercial grade material, Always purchase a contoured backrest , Always purchase a chair with casters.

Employees in wheelchairs- order stacking filing cabinets.

It is the office manager's responsibility to deal with an impaired physician.

A medical practice disaster plan must include an alternative site where patients can be treated

Creative leadership can be accomplished by directing the efforts of others

Which law forces the office manager to look at the big picture? Miles Law

Identify potential risk. Store computer backup tapes off-site Store emergency supplies off-site Develop an evacuation plan Develop a plan for patient care off-site Ensure that your insurance policy does

not exclude certain disasters Develop a plan for contacting patients,

vendors, employees’ families
