Page 1: Safety alert!  work at height, near site machinery

Is it Protected/safe condition?

What you think!

Safe to clib up????

*Safety Alert!

Page 2: Safety alert!  work at height, near site machinery

Is it safe to work like that?

Anticipate the risks?

* Has he WINGS?

Page 3: Safety alert!  work at height, near site machinery

In any unsafe condition, never ever work until it is protected

* Working at your OWN????

Page 4: Safety alert!  work at height, near site machinery

What is “work at height” ?????

A place is “at height” if a person could be injured falling from it, even if it is at or below ground level.

*Safety Alert!

Page 5: Safety alert!  work at height, near site machinery

General Principles

1) Avoid: If you don’t have to go up there DON’T

2) Prevent:

Use an existing place or means of access

Use the most suitable way of working

Select the most suitable equipment

3) Minimise: Minimise the distance

Take other measures to prevent injury

(instruction, information, training and supervision)

*Safety Alert!

Page 6: Safety alert!  work at height, near site machinery

Keep safe distance ,

* Safety Alert
