Page 1: Safe Driving Guidelines and Practices for the summer holidays



Driving Tips fromCar Leasing Made Simple

Page 2: Safe Driving Guidelines and Practices for the summer holidays

With the summer holidays now well upon us families nationwide will be setting off on long car journeys to the coast. However, what promises to be a joyous occasion is in danger of becoming a nightmare.

Research by road safety charity Brake and Direct Line has recently been published revealing that more than half of drivers do not take the appropriate amount of breaks during long journeys. With this in mind we felt it appropriate to put together our top 5 safe driving guidelines for the summer holidays.

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1) Don’t drive tired

Most important advice and some of the findings that came out of the study included the fact that “35% of the 1,000 drivers polled said they often continued a journey despite feeling sleepy” and also the fact that the “RAC Foundation said fatigue is reported as a factor in just 2% of accidents but it estimates the real figure is closer to 20%.

Advice :

Take regular brakes to avoid repetition fatigue.

Quick open windows to get some fresh air.

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2) Perform a vehicle check

Do a quick vehicle perform check think as F.L.O.W.E.R.This FLOWER stands for

F Fuel L Lights O Oil W Water E Electrics R Rubber

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3) Keep your distance

Remember “two second gap” between you and the vehicle in front.

This rule is still same as from last 20 years. By keeping safe distance ensure that you have an appropriate amount of time to respond to any sudden changes in the environment. 

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4) Pay attention to Laws and Warnings

In summer, people normally go faster than winter, enjoying sunshine and forget about the laws and warnings.

We would advice to keep an eye on signs and roads that avoids big risks.

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5) Think C.O.A.S.T

Remember “C.O.A.S.T” to drive safely. C Concentration O Observation A Anticipation S Space T Time

By concentrating, observing and anticipating correctly you will leave yourself enough space and time to react safely to dangerous situations that present themselves.
