Page 1: Safe clinical practices (bev)

Safety In Our ClinicSafety In Our Clinic

Focus on and commit to

•Infection control•Safe Clinic working conditions

•Safe Handling practices•Safe storage and handling of

hazardous materials Beverley Hazlewood - Student ID 2326207

Page 2: Safe clinical practices (bev)

Responsibilities of Responsibilities of Business OwnersBusiness Owners

To appoint a Workplace Health and Safety (WHS) Committee, and a Health and Safety Representative (HSR)

To write policies and procedures for safe workplace practices To provide Workplace Health and Safety induction and

regular training for staff To provide a safe working area for all staff• To store hazardous materials safely according to manufacturer’s

directions; appropriate placement of Safety Data Sheets (SDSs); and recording of all in a Register with copies of SDSs.

To provide appropriate Personal Protection Equipment (PPE) To regularly monitor the practices of staff for compliance

with Government and Workplace policies and procedures To consult with staff re WHS practices and risk

reduction To provide First Aid equipment

(Google Images – First Aid signage; SDS; Workplace Health and Safety Queensland. 2011)

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Responsibility of Staff membersResponsibility of Staff members To understand that Workplace Health and Safety is

everybody’s responsibility To practically follow WHS policies

and procedures To watch out for hazards, and practice

risk management To report observed hazards to Health &

Safety Representative (HSR) To record/report incidents and

near-misses appropriately(use Injury / Incident report forms – found in Office WHS drawer – submit to HSR) To collaborate with Clinic management and Health & Safety

personnel concerning reduction of risks, safe practices, and your workplace design

To attend WHS meetings and WHS Training To familiarise yourself with Health & Safety signage and

symbols (viewed throughout this presentation)

(Google Images – (WHS signage; Indcident report forms); Workplace Health and Safety, Queensland., 2011)

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WHS Committee and HSRWHS Committee and HSR Health and Safety

Representative (HSR)(Name of HSR) - “give workers a voice in health and safety matters at the workplace - involve workers through participation and consultation.”(Workcover QLD, 2015)

(Names of Health and Safety Committee members)

(Google Images – WHS Committees)

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What is Hazardous?What is Hazardous? Anything that is a potential danger or risk of danger.

Substances that are chemically toxic / corrosive / contaminated, or in any way potentially harmful to humans

Oil and water on the floor risk of slipping and falling

Infectious disease / wounds uncovered Sharp objects / sharp corners of tables etc. Heavy / awkward to carry objects

drums of oil; bags of linen; boxes of herbals & supplements; massage tables….

Repetitive movements & force; sustained/awkward posture; exposure to vibration…

Long times without breaks Stress

(Google Images - WHS signage; Queensland Government, 2011)

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Risk management Risk management Hierarchy of ControlHierarchy of Control

Google Images > Hierarch of control of risk

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Example of Risk Management using Example of Risk Management using Hierarchy of ControlHierarchy of Control

Control Measure Examples of questions to ask

1. Elimination Is the activity really required? 2. Substitution Can item/load be changed?3. Isolation N/A4. Redesign/ Engineering controls

How is the layout of the workplace impacting the physical strain?Is it feasible to introduce mechanical lifting / massage methods?

5. Administration Controls

How can we support staff to employ safe body mechanics during tasks? E.g. Training, supervision, appropriate policies and procedures. Enforced rest breaks, implement job rotation strategies where appropriate

6. Personal Protection Equipment

What safety equipment could reduce the incidence of manual handling incidents?e.g. gloves, non-slip shoes; non-slip floor

Considering Management of Manual Handling Risk

(AIAS Study Smart, 2016 – SCP – Manual Handling).

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Levels of RiskLevels of RiskRisk Matrix – for assessing the level of risk

Google Images – Risk Matrix

The Health and Safety Representative (HSR) will regularly and randomly monitor clinic rooms, linen registers, etc. for compliance with all WHS policies and procedures.

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Hazardous substancesHazardous substancesCleaning Products/ Chemicals Safe Storage

RiskCorrosive / toxic /

carcinogenic / harmful to skin / harmful fumes Management of Risk

- Requires Safe Handling practices- PPE

(Wear rubber gloves, protective apron)

Store away from public and children’s access

Store in original and labelled containers

Store in accordance with manufacturers instructions

Keep lids on containersSDSs kept close to


Google Images – Cleaning Products; WHS signage,; SDSAIAS Study Smart, 2016 – Hazardous substances

Page 10: Safe clinical practices (bev)

Infection Infection Prevention Control

Wash hands before and after touching a client

Change linen after every client Keep broken skin covered If you are sick – stay home

risk of infecting others Use PPE (gloves, breathing

mask; Safety glasses) in presence of risk E.g. a client who has Hepatitis

A,B,or C / AIDS / Influenza• Safely dispose of contaminatedmaterial (tissues,Gloves, masks, linen…)

(Google Images – infections control; AIAS Study Smart, 2015 - - Infection)

Page 11: Safe clinical practices (bev)

Personal ProtectivePersonal ProtectiveEquipment (PPE)Equipment (PPE)

For protecting hands Safe removal of Clinical rubber gloves

Wear rubber gloves for safe protection from harmful substances and infected persons

Wear breathing masks and Safety glasses in presence of risk of inhaling / being sprayed with harmful substances or pathogens.

(Google Images – rubber gloves; infections control; safe removal of rubber gloves)

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Safe Storage of PPESafe Storage of PPE With hazardous substances – rubber gloves, breathing masks, aprons - To be stored in a labelled

cupboard nearby substancesHeavier rubber gloves to be washed, dried and placed within the PPE cupboard Within clinic rooms – clinical rubber gloves,

breathing masks

Practice safe disposal of gloves and masks

(Google images – PPE signage; safe waste disposal)

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Evacuation PlanEvacuation Plan

Familiarise yourself with the Evacuation Plan for the building, and the location of First Aid Equipment, Emergency Equipment, and PPE

(Google Images – Evacuation Plans)

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(Google Image - emergency equipment; emergency alarm)

Refer to the Evacuation Plan and Evacuation instructions (re emergency alarms, and response times)Familiarise yourself with the location and the working of Emergency Equipment in case of fire, collapse, heart attack, or injury.

Page 15: Safe clinical practices (bev)

Safe Manual HandlingSafe Manual HandlingLifting/ carrying Safe Ergonomics Risks◦ Lifting and carrying heavy/awkward

loads◦ e.g. drums of massage oil, bags of

linen, boxes of herbals/supplements, massage tables

DO practice Safe lifting techniques Foster teamwork /Mechanical helpto help lift / carry

STRESS reduction• Take adequate breaks• Monitor time constraints• Report workplace bullying /

violence / harassment• Practice assertive communication

and conflict resolution strategies

Furniture and equipment which reduces risk of strain and injury

Monitor your working positioning and posture

Adequate workspace Non-slip floor – clean up

oil/water spills Comfortable temperature

control Adequate lighting Noise level control Adequate airflow

Google Images – Safe lifting; ergonomics; AIAS Study Smart, 2016 – Manual Handling

Page 16: Safe clinical practices (bev)


AIAS Study Smart, 2016, Safe Clinical Practices (various modules mentioned on slides).

Google Images. Located at – using various search terms which are indicated on slides.

Queensland Government. (2011). Workplace Health and Safety Regulation 2011. Retrieved from

 WorkCover Queensland. (2015). Health and safety representatives and health and safety committees. Retrieved 09/23/2016 from

Workplace Health and Safety Queensland. (2011). Work health and safety consultation, cooperation and co-ordination: Code of practice 2011. Retrieved from

