Page 1:€¦  · Web viewIntroduction to the Book of Revelation. Introduction: Unlike the book of Daniel of which he was commanded by God to “seal it up” until a designated

Introduction to the Book of Revelation


Unlike the book of Daniel of which he was commanded by God to “seal it up” until a designated time (Daniel 12:9), the Book of Revelation is a Book that “reveals” as the name implies, an “unsealing” or a “opening up” of the previously sealed vision, articulated by Daniel, 600 years earlier.

The Greek word is, Apokalupsis and broken down, “apo” (tear away) and “Kalupsis” (veil) literally meaning, an unveiling or “a disclosure.”

It is written by John, the brother of James and an original disciple of Jesus and the only apostle who had not died a martyr’s death.

He did not identify himself in the Gospel except as the “the disciple whom Jesus loved”. However, in Revelation the “revelation” itself is sandwiched between him identifying himself in 1:4 & 22:8.

Written to: The seven (7) churches of minor Asia (modern Turkey) and was probably is circular letter that would have been passed on from one church to another.

The key verse of the book is noted in Revelation 1:19, identifying the breakdown of the book.

Chapter 1 ... The Things that was ...

Chapters 2-3 ... The Things that are ...

Chapters 4-22 ... The Things that shall come to pass ...

The Date: Near the end of the first century, probably around 95 A.D. under the reign of Emperor Domitian, a Caesar bent on the destruction of both Jews and Christians alike.

Those who argue for an earlier date of writing, look around 68 A.D. placing Nero as the Emperor and see the Book of Revelation, not as primarily futuristic, but rather as speaking to that age and time with the idea being promoted that the events described are of the 1st Century Church and the destruction of Jerusalem. However, there are too many issues that complicate that date as we will see shortly.

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Major Viewpoints in Interpretation:

Historical - It is primarily describing the fulfillment of the Book of Revelation unfolding throughout the church age. Those who take this standpoint, believe, “we are living the Book of Revelation” every day since the Church began.

Spiritual / Allegorical - It is written in an figurative sense, using symbols mostly familiar to the Christians and describes their battle against the Roman Empire and in trusting God’s power in helping them to live victoriously in the midst of persecution and death.

Futuristic - The book is written mostly about the future work of God in terms of salvation for the world as a whole, through Jesus Christ and for the nation of Israel.

In spite of a lot of Old Testament symbols being used, I believe that to properly understand the book of Revelation, it is to be interpreted as literally as possible except for those cases when it is clearly meant to be taken symbolically.

Within the futuristic viewpoint, it is divided into several viewpoints as well:

Amillennial - NO Millennial Reign of Christ. (Revelation 20 is thought to be symbolic).

Pre-millennial - There will be a millennial reign of Jesus Christ as noted in Revelation 20 and other passages.

This is also broken down into three possibilities in terms of when the rapture takes place:

Pre-millennial, pre-tribulation rapture ... My Viewpoint. Premillennialism, mid tribulation rapture ... church goes through the first half of the tribulation period, prior to Christ’ Return to establish the 1,000 year reign of Christ on earth before eternity begins.

Post-millennial, post tribulation ... The church will go through the entire Tribulation Period and and will be ushered in the Millennial Reign of Jesus Christ’ physical return to the earth.

Where is John when he receives the Revelation? Revelation 1:10 ... the Isle of Patmos ... as punishment by Rome for his preaching of Jesus Christ.

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He is an elderly man, sentenced to hard labor and when released will go back to the Church Ephesus and builds the church there.

Now, we shall move on and begin our journey into the book of Revelation, chapter one.

Terms to Understand:

Eschatology- The Study of End Time Events.

Rapture - The “Snatching Away” of the saints as Paul mentions in (1 Thessalonians 4:17).

Tribulation Period - Also called, the 70th Week of Daniel and it will take place between the Rapture of the Church and the Millennial Reign of Christ lasting for a 7 year period and initiated by the signing of a Peace Accord between the Antichrist and the Nation of Israel. (Daniel 9:24-27)

Millennial Reign - The time frame noted in Revelation 20 and confirmed in other texts that Christ will literally reign on the Earth, following the Tribulation Period for 1,000 years, after which a New Heaven and a New Earth will be established as noted in Revelation 21-22.


Introduction: “What you Have Seen” (Chapter 1)

A. Prologue (1:1-3)B. Greeting (1:4-8)C. The Vision on the Isle of Patmos (1:9-18)D. The Command to Write, the blessing associated with it and the KEY

VERSE to understanding the rest of the book. (1:19)Revelation, Chapter One

The pathway of Revelation: The Father to the Son to the Angel (some believe him to be Gabriel perhaps, but that is only speculative) to John (a bond servant) to the angels (messengers, probably referring to the local pastors) and then read to the local congregations.

The word, “soon” (verse 1) refers, not so much to an action that will occur immediately, but rather to actions that, when they occur, will happen in rapid succession. It is something you can count on as happening in God’s time table. It also implies a “certainty” of an event taking place in God’s timing, than the event happening, as noted above, in the immediate future.

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For example, both Peter and Paul believed that Jesus would return within their lifetime, yet, He didn’t. The idea of “soon” is obviously from the standpoint of God’s time frame, not our own. Peter describes it like this, “A day with the Lord is as a thousand years and a thousand years as a day.”

In verse three (3), we are promised a blessing IF we read, hear and keep the sayings of this book.

One has noted that there are seven (7) “beatitudes” (blessings) in the book of Revelation that starts here in 1:3. The others are mentioned in, 14:13; 16:15; 19:9; 20:6; 22:7 and 22:14.

We have the normal greetings with a twist (verses 4-6). Grace (God’s attitude toward believers) and Peace (both in our standing with God and in our experience of divine peace.

However, the added feature is the inclusion of the Trinity. He Who is, who was and who is to come speaks to the Heavenly Father. The seven spirits speak of the Holy Spirit and the faithful witness speaks to Jesus, the Son.

The “firstborn” from the dead is not to imply that Jesus is the FIRST to resurrect, as to the First who resurrects, never to die again. MacArthur notes that Jesus is not first in sequence but in preeminence!

God has made us into “Kingdom of Priests” who serve to represent Christ to the world as we share the message of the cross! He loved us and died for us, shedding His blood for our redemption.

The Theme of the Revelation: Verses 7-8

Behold, He is coming ... John gives us a glimpse into the end.

Hear the truth that is mentioned in this passage. He Is Coming! When he does all shall see him … all the guilty of humanity will have to acknowledge the Truthfulness of God’s Word. Read John 14:1-3; Acts 1:8-11; 1 Corinthians 15:51-58. Why should we trust Him? (Titus 1:2) He cannot lie! He was there in the beginning and He will be there in the end … just like the Father, so is He.

Verses 9-11 The circumstances surrounding the writing of this Book.

He has been imprisoned for his ministry to the world. His testimony for Jesus Christ and His belief in the resurrection combined with his unwillingness to renounce the Truth of the Bible placed him on an Island used for those prisoners who have committed a crime against the state.

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The Lord’s Day tells us it is Sunday (called this because Jesus’ resurrected on this day) and John falls into a “trace – like” state of mind. While awake, the Holy Spirit captivates his mind and Jesus begins to reveal to John … The Revelation!

He is commanded by Christ to Write these words down and place them into a Book (scroll) to be sent to the seven churches noted in verse 11.

Verses 12-16 The Glorified Christ

This may not be anything new to John. In Matthew 17:1-9, He, Peter and James (His now martyred brother (Acts 12:1-2)) had seen Christ for a brief moment changed instantly right before their eyes, from His earthly to His heavenly body.

John is turned away from the voice initially and the voice is like that a trumpet (verse 10) which calls you to attention. Notice the word, “like” that is used. In English, we call that a Simile which gives us a comparison picture of what John is experiencing. The Voice was “like” a trumpet, (10), One “like” the Son of Man (13), His head and hair were “like” wool etc.

Voice like a Trumpet (10) speaks to His call to attention.One like the Son of Man (13) speaks to the Ancient use of the description for Jesus and He himself used it throughout the Gospels speaking to His humanity i.e. God in the flesh.

The Robe is descriptive of His role of High Priest.

His head and hair were like wool, as white as snow (14) speaks to His Age and Wisdom.

His eyes like a flame of fire (14) is in reference to his “all knowing” ability. He penetrates the depths of our soul.

His feet like fine brass (15) speaks of Judgment.

His voice like the sound of many waters. (15) Speaks of power and authority like the ocean’s waves crashing against the shore.

We skipped a couple of items on purpose. Now it is time to make note of them.

When John turned to see the voice, (12) he saw the “Son of Man” in the middle of seven lampstands (candlesticks in KJV). The seven lampstands

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are the seven (7) churches he is writing to (verses 11 and 20) and Jesus is the “central focus” of worship in these churches … initially.

In His right hand (the right hand speaks of authority) are seven (7) stars who represent the seven “angels” of these seven churches.

The word used for angel is in the Greek “Angelos” and could be in reference to either an heavenly or an earthly messenger. I believe it is more logical to see John sending these letters to earthly messengers, hence the pastor’s or spiritual eldership of the churches of his day. Out of his mouth proceeded a two-edged sword (16) which is reference to the Word of God (The Bible) . Read Hebrews 4:12 and Ephesus 6:17 and the similar reference is used in all of these cases. The world will be judged by the Word of Christ!

His countenance (appearance) shown like the Sun in its brilliance. (16) Again, this refers to Christ’s glory as John had previously seen in Matthew 17.

Verses 17-20 John’s response and Jesus’ Encouragement

Like any man would do, John collapses at such a glorious sight. He was in this trance-like state as noted in verse 10 and now the overwhelming brilliance of this appearance leaves him breathless, as fear overcomes him.

Once again, the “right hand” of authority lifts him up and reminds John who is in charge and that He will be His support! Jesus is the same one John has been serving now for 60 years or more! He is the One who IS ALIVE. And, although, He once died for the sins of the whole world, He has now resurrected once and for all and has taken away the “Key” (Keys spoke of the one who held the rights to entrance into a place … Christ has total authority) from Satan and now holds the authority over death and hades (the abode of the wicked dead).

THE KEY VERSE IS FOUND IN VERSE 19. It is here we have the outline of the Book. The things you have seen (The Past; Christ’ Glorified … Chapter One); The things that are (The Present, The Church Age … Chapters Two and Three); The things which shall be after this (The Future … Chapters Four through Twenty Two).

Revelation Chapter TwoIntroduction:As noted above, Revelation 1:19 gives us the breakdown of the book with chapters 2-3 representing the church age. After chapter 3, there is a clear absence of the church being mentioned! From chapters 1-3, the church is alluded to at least 19 times, but after chapter 3??? … (except for John

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stepping back into the present and the invitation of the church (bride) for people to accept Christ in Revelation 22:17) … nada! Why? The obvious answer is that the rapture takes place in chapter 4:1 and the church has been taken away … how wonderful that will be.

However, in chapters 2-3, we have Jesus giving a word to John about seven churches. Why JUST these seven churches, as there were others in the other besides these seven? Let us take note of a few observations:

1. The number seven (7) in Hebrew numerology is a prominent number symbolizing “completion.” Therefore, these seven churches give us a complete overview of the church age itself. (Noted in point 3)

2. These seven churches were actual churches that “fit the description” of characteristics that will be found in specific churches in “all eras” of the church age.

3. Some may argue this point, but I do find some valid observations that lend to the truthfulness of this statement, and that is that these seven churches represent a “panoramic” view of the entire church age from its beginning under the leadership of the Apostles themselves until the latter days of which will ultimately bring on the “Rapture” of the Christian Church and usher in the “Tribulation Period.”

The are a few more things to note about the format in which Jesus addresses these seven churches:

Each letter is sent to the angel (Revelation 1:16, 20) (Pastor/Bishop) of the local congregation through John as Jesus revealed the message to him.

1. Jesus KNOWS about each church … He knows you and me and he knows both our good and bad points. He “’knows’ our works” and so it behooves us to seek to do those things He desires. He addresses them each, separately.

2. We note that each church letter gives a description of the Savior as noted in Revelation 1:12-16.

3. Each letter has a word of commendation (Except for Sardis and Laodicea).

4. Each letter has a word of condemnation (Except for Smyrna and Philadelphia).

5. Each letter has an exhortation (Counsel).6. Each letter has a warning.7. Each letter gives a promise to the overcomers.8. Each letter ends with an appeal … “He who has an ear, let him hear

what the Spirit says to the churches.”

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One final point before we move into each of these seven churches is that in Revelation 1:13, Jesus is in the midst of the churches, but by the time we get to Revelation 3:20, He is “standing at the door, knocking” He is shut out of the very organization He founded (Matthew 16:18) … the church of Laodicea speaks to the overall condition of the church age just prior to the Rapture of the church.

Revelation 2:1-7 To the Church of Ephesus (Desirable One)Apostolic Church A.D. 30-95

This represents the church during the first century, the Apostolic Era (AD 29 – AD 100) It was founded by the Apostle Paul around AD 54-57 while on his 3rd Missionary journey noted in Acts 19 (although, he was there for a short period of time during his 2nd Missionary Journey noted in Acts 18:19-21). It will later be pastored by Timothy (1 Timothy 1:3) and later superintended by John, the writer of the gospel of John, the letters of 1 John, 2 John and 3 John and this Book, the Revelation of Jesus Christ.

Verses 1-2: Jesus controls the pastors (holds them in His right hand) and He is in their midst (1:13). He praises them for the purity in doctrine and their boldness and stance in keeping “false doctrine” from infiltrating the church.

Verses 3, 6: It’s not been easy, they have had to go through great hardship and for some, even martyrdom, but they have persevered and remained pure in their morals and lifestyle. (Galatians 6:9) They have also, in spite of their loss of love, (verse 4) maintained a strong stance against a false teaching trying to get a foothold in the church.

Verse 4: Yet, as often happens in churches and families alike, over time, while we may take a hard stance on doctrine, we may lose our “Love” for Christ and for others accordingly. TRUTH and LOVE must go hand and hand and when they are out of balance, one way or the other, we open ourselves up to heresy.

Verses 5-6: The doctrine of the Nicolaitans is unclear as to what exactly is being referenced. However, some believe that this was an unbiblical separation between the Eldership and the Laymen of the church leading to a hierarchy not meant to be.

1. A teaching, some connect to one of the early deacons, Nicolas (Acts 6:5) that led to a hierarchy in the church that is unbiblical; the separation of the “Clergy” and the “Laity”. The bible teaches us that we have been made a “kingdom of priests” which is to say, that all of us all called to share the gospel with any and all who will hear us. The idea that it’s the “preacher’s job” to share the gospel and the rest to simply,

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“sit back and soak it in” (laymen) is unfounded! (1 Corinthians 3:9; 1 Peter 2:5,9; Revelation 1:6) We are all given gifts, and certain roles that God uses to build up the body of Christ, but we are all equal in our spiritual footing, in terms of our salvation in Christ.

Steps to Restoration:

Remember, Repent and Repeat (your first works … the basics of the faith, reading your bible, praying, worship, ministry to others, etc.)

Verse 7: A word to the overcomers … remember, there will always be a remnant of faithful believers in all time frames.

Revelation 2:8-11 To the Church of Smyrna (Crushed)Persecuted Church (A.D. 100-313)

This represents not only the church existing during John’s day, but also a progression of the Church Era as a whole (my opinion, in agreement with many scholars much smarter than me, though I am not overly dogmatic on this, I believe it has substance.)

This is a “Suffering Church” who’s spiritual fragrance is revealed, liken to when the aroma of “myrrh” is only realized when it is crushed. This church will suffer under the persecution of the Roman Empire. It is located about 35 miles north of Ephesus and is probably founded by one of Paul’s helpers.

Verses 8-9: To the “angelos” (the pastor/bishop) of the Smyrna Church, God knows what you are going through. They are and will suffer from those who claim to be true followers of God but are NOT! (Compare John 8:33-40 and Romans 2:28-29)

Verse 10: Jesus informs them of what to expect, “about to suffer” and tells them that it will be for a period of 10 days. But, “be faithful” and God will reward you. The 10 days could just be a idiom meaning, “an extended, albeit, limited period of time” of persecution, or it may be a prophetic statement, as some suggest, to 10 Roman Emperors who will bring heavy persecution on the church prior to the arrival on Emperor Constantine who makes Christianity the “State Sponsored Religion”

One thing to note here is that, liken to the Church of Philadelphia, there is no words of condemnation … why? Persecution often does two (2) things: 1) Suffering tends to drive out the hypocrites and 2) suffering drives the true believers closer to God.

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Verse 11: The promise to overcomers is that “Hell” cannot hurt them! Praise the Lord for that! (Revelation 19:20; 20:13-15)

Revelation 2:12-17 To the Church of Pergamos (Married & Elevated/Compromised) Papal Church A.D. 313-590

This church was situated on a hill, and became, overtime a “tolerant” church that opened their doors to heresy by allowing some to “hold to” two doctrines which overtime, would lead to spiritual death if not addressed quickly.

It is located in among many false religions / cults, of which, they seemed to be opened to some of their teachings. Notice the praise Jesus gave to the church Ephesus (2:6) but now, He is critical of this church for allowing it to remain among them without addressing it (2:14-15)

Verses 12-13: Written to the Pastor/Bishop of the local church, Jesus is identified with the “two-edged sword” noted in 1:16 that speaks to the Word of God and the judgment He will hand out to those who reject truth. There are in a tough situation, but Jesus is there to give them all they need. The devil has a strong-hold in the city … evil abounds … false religion / cults tried to stop the mouths of the true believers in Christ, yet they were faithful and refused to reject the faith even though one of their own died for the faith. Antipas (name meaning “against all”) stood against the evil of the day and died, but became an encouragement to other believers to remain true to the faith.

Verses 14-15: That dreaded “but” gets us every time. While there is praise for the faithful, there is a warning to those who “give in to temptation” and fall prey to false doctrine. I see so many today, who claim to believe in the absolute authority of the bible, God’s holy Word, yet, are willing to accept some errant teachings of cultic religions, watering down what they claim to believe as truth.

“Pergamos is a picture of the Church joined in an unholy union with the world!” (M. R. De haan)

Two references are made here:

1) Doctrine of the Balaam referring back to the book of Numbers 22. It was a doctrine of “COMPROMISE with the world”. Jews were encouraged to intermingle in marriage with the Moabites and over time, they would begin to accept some of the Moabite teachings and begin living a “mixed/carnal” lifestyle.

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Often we hear a teaching that when we are saved, it is our soul (spiritual man) that has been saved and our body awaits redemption. Therefore, what we do with our body has nothing to do with our salvation. In other words, this teaching suggested that while we may sin with our body, (anything external) our soul remains in tact and does not affect our salvation. This goes against the concept of our “body being the Temple of the Holy Ghost” (1 Corinthians 6:19) and “Dying daily” to sin. (1 Corinthians 15:31) We neither have the liberty, nor the license to sin as some suggest, but rather, as one seeking to please God, we must strive to “be holy, for I am holy.” (1 Peter 1:15-16).

2) Doctrine of the Nicolaitans, as explained in 2:5-6. The desire of some to seek positions of power to lord over the congregation and thus abusing their position. While Eldership is biblical, in terms of leadership, as to their calling, giftedness and the roles they play in leadership, Elders lead the congregation, but are never to abuse their authority. The congregation, also is to work with the eldership as God leads them, but are part of a team that equally carries on the responsibility of sharing the gospel!

Verse 16: WARNING: Repent (to have a change of mind) to God or else God will “fight against them” and nobody wants that!!!

Verse 17: PROMISE TO OVERCOMERS: Eternal provision and a new name (Showing intimacy with God).

Revelation 2:18-29 To the Church of Thyatira

(A Continual Sacrifice: Reformed Church 590-1517)

Verses 18-19: Compare with Revelation 1:14-15 “eyes like a flame of fire” and “His feet like fine brass.” As we look the symbolism of this imagery, we can see the penetrating eyes (all seeing, compare with v.23b) and bronze (judgment) feet (action) that speak to the judgment of God upon those who rebel against Him.

He KNOWS the works … note the positive points; “love, service, faith, and your patience…”

Verse 20: Nevertheless … I have a few things AGAINST you …

“You allow …” Compare this with 2:6 “You hate” & 2:14 “You have those who hold” & 2:15 “You have those who hold” … and now in this verse, “You allow … to teach.”

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Jezebel figuratively speaks to a person who is a total heretic and is probably not the name of this teacher.

False Religion is often mixed with sexual promiscuity and sinful compromises.

Verses 21-23: God always gives us a “time” to repent but like many noted here, they refuse to repent (true repentance 2 Corinthians 7:10) and God promises that this church (false church), due to their lack of repentance, will be thrown into “GREAT TRIBULATION!”

Verses 24-25: The Remnant of this time (Panoramic View of the Church Age) and the church of that day, God just tells them that just need to “hang-on” to the truth. It will be hard enough for those who are true believers to stand firm in the truth while the majority fights against them, all in the name of God, so Jesus says … “hold fast what you have till I come.”

Verses 26-28: From the 14th – 16th centuries, we enter into a time of “rebirth” otherwise known as the Renaissance. It leads us from the dark ages prior to the Reformation which is to come. Here we have the promises given to those who are overcomers:

Positions of authority in the Millennium. The “Morning Star” seems to be in reference to Christ Himself.

Those who are overcomers will have Christ with them as He will reign and rule during the Millennium.

Verse 29: The same advice is given as it is to all of the churches … If you have an ear to hear (spiritually attuned to Christ voice), hear what Christ is saying and obey it.

Revelation 3:1-6 To the Church of Sardis

(“A Remnant” or “That which remained”: Reformed Church (A.D. 1517-1790)

Coming out of time of great corruption, the dark ages of the Church, the reformation rises with the beginnings of “revival” which started with right doctrine which in turn, leads to right living.

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Verses 1-2: A recognition of another trait of the glorified Savior, Jesus Christ as noted in Revelation 1:4,16 Who is giving His message to this church who has a reputation of life, but by God’s knowledge, is, in fact, dead.

Verses 2-3: Now, Christ gives us a remedy to their “deadness” … Wake up, Strengthen what remains, (which implies that there was a little life left!) Remember what you have received and heard and return to it, Obey the right doctrine, and repent. With the rise of the reformation, a multitude of denominations rose up in opposition to the “hold” that Catholicism had on the world. With the discovery of America, and the development of the printing press, the Bible was made available to the common man in a language he was able to read. Yet, with the rise of truth, also came the rise of heresy. IF the church is to rise up out of this rubble, it must be the result of the true preaching and teaching of true doctrine and indeed, God began to raise up a group of individuals who would lead to Revivalism of which we’ll discuss in the next Church Era … The Church of Philadelphia!Verses 4: In spite of the overall condition of this church and the church – age it represents, there will always be a few, in every church and every church-age that will remain doctrinally, and morally pure and they will be rewarded.

Verses 5-6: Overcomers are mentioned again and their reward will be that they will be robed in white and their names will NOT be blotted out of the Book of Life, but Jesus will indeed confess them before the Father and all of heaven.

Revelation 3:7-13 To the Church of Philadelphia

(Brotherly Love: Missionary Church (A.D. 1790 until ?)

We come to the “Loving Church” of John’s day and the church – age it represents, the ERA in which great revivals broke out in Europe, Britain, Scotland, and in America. Giants of the faith step into the arena of Evangelism and God uses them to turn the world back to Christ. As Sardis came out of Thyatira, so the Philadelphia Age comes out of Sardis! ONE THING OF NOTE is that there are no words of condemnation given to this church as with Smyrna as well.

It seems to me, that this church, as it did in John’s day, will coincide with the false church of Laodicea having both represented in the church era prior to the “Rapture” taking place.

Verse 7: Jesus, the “True and Faithful Witness” (1:5), the Holy One of God, possesses the keys that opens and shuts the doors of opportunity and no one can keep it from happening

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Verse 8: As this church remained faithful to Christ, though weak within themselves, Jesus opened the door for them to accomplish great victories for the Kingdom of God’s sake. Opportunities abound, that allow the Church to reach the masses with the gospel; through the use of Books, Radio, TV, Internet, Social Media, Satellite Churches, etc. What can often be used for evil, can, most certainly, be used for the good of God’s kingdom and many churches are effectively using these as tools of outreach and praise the Lord for their ingenuity and creativity.

There are two (2) reasons for the Missionary Movement. 1) the Printing of the bible in the language of the common man, and 2) a revived interest in the doctrine of the second coming of Christ.

Verse 9: Here we are reminded of God’s power to bring down the opposition to the gospel message. The Goliaths’ who attack the Davids’ will have to deal with Almighty God. There are those who put on a pretense of being a friend to the believer (Compare with Romans 2:28-29) but are inwardly ravenous wolves seeking the destruction of the Church. God will cause them to become submissive to those who truly fight for the cause of Christ.

Verses 10-11: Because of their willingness to persevere, Jesus promises to keep them from the judgment day to come, the Tribulation Period. (1 Thessalonians 5:9; 1 Thessalonians 4:17)

Notice Jesus’ reminder, “Behold, I come quickly” As noted previously, the idea is that when these events begin to unfold, they will happen with quickness but also with absoluteness, in terms of them certainly coming to pass. Our command is to, “Hold fast…”

Verses 12-13: The overcomers’ rewards are noted once again with a little more detail. The overcomer will have a “Pillar” (Like a pew in the church with the family’s name plate on it) and a “New Name” that will be revealed to the saints; one that is special between Christ and His Bride. Only the intimate ones will know this special name of Christ.

Revelation 3:14-21 To the Church of Laodicea

(The Apostate Church: The end of the age (???)

This is a false church, as noted in Revelation 3:20, and though it has the outward characteristics of a ‘caring’ organization, it is no longer Christian in nature. Secular Humanism has replaced Christianity and the passion of the

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lost souls of mankind has succumbed to a practice of sympathetic programs to address the ills and struggles of those in society.

Verse 14: Jesus’ traits, once again take us back to chapter 1:5 and He knows all about them. Nothing good to say about this church. With the Church of Philadelphia, nothing bad was said, but to the Church of Laodicea, nothing good can be said.

Verses 15-16: Jesus knows all about the general condition of this church and the Era it represents and its NOT GOOD! He is the Witness to their spiritual apathy. They have neither spiritual fervor, nor a coldness towards God; they are liken to ‘lukewarm’ water that fails to quench a thirsty and parched throat nor does it bring warmth to chilly bones.

One writer, in speaking about the water that flows through that area says, that up on the mountain where the snows melts as it moves downward, provides ice cold water and on the far side of the city of Laodicea, where the water flow ends, it becomes “hot spring” that one can dip in and find great warmth and thought to also have healing mineral capabilities. But, as it passes the city itself, it is neither hot nor cold, but tepid.

Verse 16: This picture of apathy makes God sick to His proverbial stomach. Jesus teaches us that we are either with Him or against Him, we either gather together or scatter abroad. This church was driving people away from Christ, while all along pretending to be one of His own!

Verse 17: Compare this with Sardis in Revelation 3:1 and notice the reputation of both of the almost dead and dead churches. The church of Laodicea doesn’t even KNOW THAT ITS WRETCHED, POOR, BLIND AND NAKED! Notice the difference between what “they say” … versus, the ONE WHO KNOWS … and “you do not know you are” …!

Verse 18: The answer is always found in Jesus Christ! Isaiah 1:18 “Come now, let us reason together saith the Lord ….” Here, Jesus says, “I counsel you to buy from ME …” He is pleading with a “lost church” a people who claims to know Christ but in reality, doesn’t KNOW HIM AT ALL!

The symbolism used here, all speak to what happens in the salvation of one’s soul. Gold (Spiritual wealth in the multiple blessings of God) refined in the fire (purity); White garments (righteousness of Christ) that covers up the nakedness of our sins; eye salve (cure for the infected eyes that keep one from seeing and recognizing truth).

Verse 19: God’s tough love … when we go astray, He will come after us with a loving, yet strict, and correctional deterrent to the path we’re taking. It

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may be the removal of blessings in one form or another. It most certainly comes with conviction through the work of the Holy Spirit upon the rebellious soul. However He chooses, His objective is clear … to give one an opportunity to repent (have a change of mind about our sins, about Christ’ death and resurrection and of the judgment to come) with eagerness.

Verse 20: Oh, the grace of God! Even when the overall condition of this church and period of church history it represents, God will always open up the altar for people to come to Him and find true salvation! Christ’ speaks, we must listen up and hear what He has to say! We must open up ourselves to Him and invite Him into our lives so that we may enjoy an eternity of Fellowship with God the Father and His Son, Jesus Christ. (Compare 1 John 1:3)

Verses 21-22: Once again, the overcomer will be rewarded in the Millennium and throughout eternity as we get to rule with Christ! He who is willing to open up his/her spiritual ears, and HEAR what the Holy Spirit says to the churches. NOTE: Compare Revelation 3:20 with Revelation 22:17 … the TRUE CHURCH is always evangelical in inviting others to know Christ on a personal level, but this so-called church has a need to invite Jesus to, once again (Revelation 1:13, 20) come into their midst!

Revelation 4:1-11

“Up, Up and Away!”

This chapter “opens the door” to the next section of this book. (Revelation 1:19) We are looking at the church being removed and a view of God’s throne from which the decision making process takes place, in terms of the future events that are about to fall upon the world. This is the first of several interludes we take in Revelation. Often, God gives John a break from the horrific event that will come to pass on the earth and takes him to heaven o his name sake.

In chapters 4 & 5, are a heavenly background to the earthly events about to take place. We are given a helping hand in seeing and understanding what’s happening in heaven, preceding what will take place on the earth in the ushering in of the Tribulation Period. (Chapter 6:1-19). However, for now, we see John is “caught up” to heaven in this vision and what he sees and hears, so shall we! He is our representative, a “type” of the raptured saint.

Verse 1: Have in finger on 1 Thessalonians 4:13-17 and another on 1 Corinthians 15:51-52). “After these things” … after what things? Chapter 1:19 … After the things which you have seen, and the things which are,” lead

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us to the “things which will take place after this.” The Greek word is, “meta tata” and is the same word in Revelation 1:19. We are moving forward to the future!

Noice the similarities to those statements noted in the other scriptures noted above of which refer to the rapture: “A door standing open” (ready to receive the raptured saints), “a voice like a trumpet” 1 Corinthians 15:52 & 1 Thessalonians 4:16 (The trumpet is used to symbolize the call to saints to come to their Savior but as we shall see as the other trumpets sound, a warning to the wicked in the Tribulation Period.) The message is “come up her” (the call homeward) Philippians 3:14).

Verse 2: “Immediately” … quickness of speed … the rapture will be so quick that the world will find themselves in a state of shock, not realizing what has taken place. One day, we will be standing, sitting, driving, sleeping (you get the picture) and in an instant, we are in heaven!!! The first thing that caught John’s attention was the Throne of God and God Himself sitting on it.

Verse 3: John can’t really describe the magnificence of what he sees. God is a brilliance of the most precious gems known to mankind. The Jasper (Diamond) and the Sardius (Ruby) speak to the redemptive blood of Christ and the rainbow he sees around the Throne is like an emerald. (Green like the grass on the earth), revealing His mercy to those who have trusted in the blood of Christ.

THE THRONE is the Center from which all commands will issued and is mentioned 12 times in chapter 4 and 5 more times in chapter 5. AT THIS TIME, THE THRONE REPRESENTS MERCY (Compare with Hebrews 4:16), but soon it will become the THRONE OF JUDGMENT!

Verse 4: Now we see 24 “little” thrones on which 24 elders sit upon them. These, though probably elevate by the simple fact they are in heaven, are not comparable to the Throne the God the Father sits upon. Who are these 24 elders? Three suggestions are given …

1) The priesthood of Israel was divided up into 24 sections and when they would meet together, it was a total representation of all of Israel, God’s chosen people.

2) The 12 tribes of Israel and the 12 apostles of the New Testament … put together representing all of God’s people.

3) The 24 elders represent the glorified church as a whole, taking into account the 1st suggestion, but eliminating the Old Testament Saints as

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they are not resurrected until after the Tribulation Period is over as they will rule with Christ in the Millennial Reign.

4) There is a fourth suggestion that it represents angels, but I disregard that thought completely due to the description given.

They have robes of white, which speaks to the righteousness of Christ that has been bestowed upon them.

They will also have on their heads, “crowns” of gold as a part of their reward which has been granted to the “overcomer” noted in chapters 2-3.

Verse 5: John sees, proceeding from the Throne of God, symbols of judgment (lightnings & thunder) and collaboration (voices) between the Father, Son (noted in the next chapter) and the Holy Spirit. (1:4e)

Verse 6: John notes two (2) more things in His observance:

1) A sea of glass like crystal. It is not a reference to the material itself, but what it represents: The holiness and righteousness of God and some say, the calmness and peace of heaven.

2) Four (4) living creatures full of eyes in front and back. They are the Cherubs before the throne of God. Similar to the description found in Ezekiel 1:4-25; 10:15. They clearly are not omniscient, as God alone is, yet, they certainly have very good skills of observation. Since these are worshiping angels, they speak to the qualities of the God they serve.

Verses 7-8: The angels are liken unto a lion, a calf (ox), a man and finally an eagle flying. These are all qualities that speak to the person of Jesus Christ. This is how Christ is represented in the 4 gospels, Matthew (Lion, King of the Jews); Mark (Ox, the Burden Bearer); Luke (the Son of Man revealing Jesus in his humanity) and John (Flying Eagle, The Son of God).

Liken to Ezekiel, and also Isaiah 6, they have six wings, full of eyes and never rest. They are a picture of God in all of his holy attributes.

Verses 9-11: When the angels begin the worship service, the 24 elders (church in its totality) also knell in worship to the Lord of all creation.

Take note: They are given crowns of reward, yet, they cast them down as their gift back to God for His wonderful redemption.

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Revelation 5:1-14 “The Worthy Lamb”

We (John representing the raptured Christians) are still in heaven and we get to see Jesus, the One who will be handed the “title deed” to the world. Satan has been occupying Earth’s space since Adam and Eve, now, Jesus will start the process of claiming back what rightfully belongs to Him.

Verse 1: The right hand speaks of authority and the Father has all authority over all the Universe and all that happens. There is a scroll that has seven (7) (number of completion) seals that are only revealed and subsequently opened as the scroll is gradually opened revealing the contents within. A seal represents the signet of the Author who sent it and only the person, to whom it is sent, is authorized to break the seal and reveal its contents. But, what is this sealed scroll?

Verse 2: A strong angel, an angel with great authority, calls throughout the Universe, a question that requires a response. “Who is worthy to open the scroll and to loose its seals? Literally, “Who [has the right and authority] to open this document up?” It’s like a person handing out mail, looking for the recipient of each piece of mail, but in this case, the “top-secret” document, sealed under Daniel, (Daniel 12:4) is about to be revealed to the world! Yet, remember this is yet futuristic. We know in part, to the best of our understanding, but in that day, all will become perfectly clear.Verse 3: No one answers the call!

Verses 4-5: John weeps … He knows that this document is of the utmost importance and the very reason, God is allowing him to be here, in heaven, for the “GRAND OPENING EVENT!”

Now, one of the 24 elders speaks up, no doubt as the spokesman for them all … they know what John doesn’t know as yet. John is informed that there is the LION OF JUDAH (reference to the Messiah) who has earned the right to open the book. The idea of “prevailing” is an interesting thought. It implies that something had to be overcome and what did the LION OF JUDAH overcome? Death, Hell and the Grave!

Verses 6-7: John’s attention is brought back to the Throne of God. He sees the cherubim before the Throne, he notes the 24 elders as well, with all of their attention drawn to one focal point in the midst of them all … A Lamb as though it had been slain … Past Tense! This is Jesus, the One Who alone was able to provide redemption for sinful man. He is the REDEEMER KING who will now lead His people to Total Victory!

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It has 7 (number of completion) horns (Speaks of authority) and seven eyes (representing the Holy Spirit).

He takes the scroll from the right hand of His Father and heaven erupts in a time of praise and worship, an experience no one would ever forget!

As He will begin to break the seals we see the future of world, God’s judgment on the rebellious foes of Christ and the the return of Israel, as a people, to Christ. They rejected Him the first time (John 1:11) but they will accept Him during the Great Tribulation Period. We further see, multitudes of people turning to Christ, both Jews and non-Jews as evangelism will be kicked into high gear. (cf Matthew 24:14)

The book, as some suggest, is the title deed to the world, as Christ takes back what the devil stole.

Verses 8-10: The 24 elders representing the totality of all Christians as noted before, after seeing their Redeemer/Lamb take back what has always belonged to Him, fell down in humble worship, with a harp (instrument in praise) and a bowl of incense which symbolized the “prayers of the saints” before God.

They will now “Sing” a new song. A song of redemption. This helps us to understand who the 24 elders represent, as the Old Testament believers were covered by the sacrificial practices of the Mosaic System. Therefore, the 24 elders must represent the redeemed ones are the New Testament saints. One needs only to go back to 1 Chronicles 24 to see how the priesthood was divided into 24 sections and when their representatives met, it was, as if, all the priest were in one place.

Finally, in verse 10, the elders recognize what being redeemed provides, not only salvation but also the position he has placed us in, specifically we have been made a “kingdom of priest” and the guarantee that we shall rule with Christ on the earth during His Millennial Reign.

Verse 11: Then “I” looked … Remember, what John sees, we too will see! It surely must have been overwhelming! Angels, the 24 elders, the Cherubs that seemed to be innumerable!

Verse 12: The song seems to continue, as they move from “What” Christ has done for them (redemption) making us a “kingdom of priests” to “What” Christ, eternally, deserves. He is “worthy” (note verse 9) as the rightful heir, to receive all the power, riches, wisdom, strength, honor, glory and blessings from all of His creation!

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Verse 13: It seems that we move to the future and see all of creation granting to God what He deserves.

Verse 14: Back to worship!

Revelation 6

By looking at Revelation 1:19, we note the breakdown of this book into three (3) sections: the things which “was” (chapter 1), the things that “are” (chapters 2-3) and starting in chapter 4, we enter the into the 3rd and final section of the Book of Revelation, the things which “shall be hereafter.” Now, we will see the scene turn from heaven back to the earth.

While John has represented the raptured saint in chapters 4-5, time seems to have slowed down, while things continued to happen on the earth as time has continued on. How much time? It’s unknown, but we can hypothesize based on what the Bible tells us, has to happen, before the Tribulation begins.

FIRST, let’s turn to Daniel 9:24-27 and get a basis understanding of what initiates this time frame.

“Seventy weeks are determined For your people and for your holy city, To finish the transgression, To make an end of sins, To make reconciliation for iniquity, To bring in everlasting righteousness, To seal up vision and prophecy, And to anoint the Most Holy.

“Know therefore and understand, That from the going forth of the command To restore and build Jerusalem Messiah the Prince, There shall be seven weeks and sixty-two weeks; The street shall be built again, and the wall, Even in troublesome times. “And after the sixty-two weeks Messiah shall be cut off, but not for Himself; And the people of the prince who is to come Shall destroy the city and the sanctuary. The end of it shall be with a flood, And till the end of the war desolations are determined.

Then he shall confirm a covenant with many for one week; But in the middle of the week He shall bring an end to sacrifice and offering. And on the wing of abominations shall be one who makes desolate, Even until the consummation, which is determined, Is poured out on the desolate.” Daniel 9:24-27 NKJV

The Tribulation Period is referred to over 50 times in the Old Testament and over a dozen times in the New Testament. In the Old Testament, it is called, “The Day of Calamity”, “Day of Wrath”, “the day of the Lord’s

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Wrath”, “the day of Jacob’s trouble”, “the day of vengeance of our God”, “time of trouble” and “the trouble”.

In the New Testament, it is called, “The Tribulation”. (Matthew 24:21) and for such a short period of time (7 years), it is given quite a bit of coverage, especially in the Book of Revelation. (Revelation 6-19)

Its purpose to bring Israel back to God by believing in Jesus Christ as their Messiah and Savior and it will begin when a peace pact is signed by the Anti Christ and the Nation of Israel.

There are Six Things Christ will do in the Tribulation Period.

1. To Finish the Transgression.2. To Make an End of Sins. (literally, “to seal up sins”)3. To Make Reconciliation for iniquity.4. To Bring in everlasting Righteousness.5. To Seal up the Vision and Prophecy.6. To Anoint the Most Holy.

It is broken up into three time frames. The first and second periods run consecutively while the third period of time is postponed until the future.

I. 7 X 7 = 49 years This starts with the decree by King Cyrus of Persia after the Babylonian Captivity of Israel that allowed them to return to Jerusalem and rebuild their homeland. The decree went out in 444-445 b. c. and was concluded with the completion of the walls around Jerusalem under Nehemiah.

II. 7 X 62 = 434 years. This time frame follows immediately following the first period and is completed when Christ is slain on the Cross. A break now occurs with what is called the “Church Age” and once this ends the third period of time in which God deals with Israel will take place. Therefore, it is futuristic.

III. 7 X 1 = 7 years. This is what we call the Tribulation Period broken into two evenly divided sections. The first half, though terrible will be initiated by a peace pact between the Anti Christ and the Nation of Israel. (Daniel 9:27) and the second half is called the “Great Tribulation” as the fury of evil will unleash itself on the planet like never before in human history.

Some terms to become acquainted with:

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The “Time of the Gentiles”: Started with the fall of the Israel starting in 606 b. c. and completed in 587 b. c. by the Babylonians. It will continue until the Tribulation starts.

The “Church Age”: This is the time from the Day of Pentecost mentioned in Acts 2 and continuing until the Rapture in Revelation 4 and 1 Thessalonians 4:13-17.

The Tribulation Period: The Seven year (7) Period following the Rapture of the Church in which God’s Judgment will be poured out in an effort to bring Israel in particular and the world as a whole to Christ, as Savior, Lord and Messiah. (Note: There will be a transition period in which the Antichrist will begin to establish himself as the world leader that go in between the Rapture and the beginning of the Tribulation Period).

The Millennial Reign: The 1,000 years following Christ’ bodily return to Earth where He will rule as Monarch of the Planet from the Throne of David in Jerusalem. It will be a time of unparalleled peace.

Introduction: Now its time for the beginning of the most horrendous time in all of human history (Matthew 24:21). It is called the Tribulation Period described in Matthew 24:9-44 and other places as well but the greatest of details can be found from chapters 6-19:10 of the Book of Revelation. In fact, it will be limited in time as noted in Matthew 24:22 due to the awfulness of what will take place during this time frame.

Chapter six reveals to us the contents of the Scroll that is held in the hand of the “Lamb” of God, Jesus Christ. As you recall, He was the ONLY ONE who is WORTHY (i.e. has the right to claim the “Title Deed” to the world.) to both claim the Scroll and to open up and reveal its contents. Unlike most deeds, rather then to describe the boundary lines of the owner’s possession (since God owns everything) it describes God’s plan in the re-claiming of His possession, both the earth and humanity itself.

The seven (7) seals are gradually opened up, initiating the beginning stages for what will become Satan’s Final Attack against God and His Creation. It is not an total onslaught, all at once, but rather a gradual release of God’s wrath upon the rejecting, rebellious world.

Certain factors are brought into focus which increases the intensity and ferocity of the Great Tribulation.

1. The Holy Spirit restrains evil no longer. (2 Thessalonians 2:5-10)

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2. The True Church, as light and salt, is removed. (Revelation 4:1)3. The devil knows he has but a short time. (7 years)4. Evil men are free to carry out their nefarious plans; e.g., the

Antichrist. 5. God is directly sending judgment from heaven. (Revelation 6:17)

Verses 1-2: John watches the future unfold, as Jesus (He is given the power [authority] to bring judgment upon the rebellious [John12:48]) breaks the first seal of the scroll and the words on the page become a reality on the earth below.

The first seal reveals a “rider” upon a “white” horse which seems to indicate (by the white horse) the rider to be a peaceful King, particularly the Messiah of the Jews, the Prince of Peace. However, as the context reveals, he is a “counterfeit” or fake Messiah … He is the Anti-Christ. The True Messiah, the Lord Jesus Christ

He has a bow, but no arrow suggesting diplomacy and he is given a crown, (he will rule) but his intention is world domination. He seeks to be the KING of the World; a world dictator!

He comes with a message of peace, but it is a false peace. (1 Thessalonians 5:3; Daniel 9:27)

Verses 3-4: The 2nd seal is broken and John sees a “red” horse it reveals the next step in the process of world domination and that is war. When diplomacy fails, he will seek to ‘force’ an alliance of nations and as Daniel 7:7-8 suggest, he will take control of a federation of 10 nations and it will become his base for a world conflict to ensue. (WW3 if we haven’t had one already by the time these events unfold).

Verses 5-6: The 3rd seal is broken and John sees a “black” horse which is a picture of the famine that results from the devastation of war. It affects the common man particularly while the rich and affluent are pretty much left unscathed! Inflation leads to recession and depression, crops are destroyed, homes are wiped out, people are displaced, all of which are the attempts by the Anti-Christ to gain control over the populace of surrounding nations while he placates to the wealthy, needing their financial support ... for now.

Later, in chapter 13, we find out that those who have turned to Christ and have rejected the ‘mark’ of the beast (the anti-Christ) will not be permitted, by law, to buy or sell in the open market. It is my opinion, that this will open up an “under-ground” movement; a “black-market” in which the old system of bartering may return, as God, (like he took care of

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Elijah when the wicked King Ahab sought for his destruction, 1 Kings 17-19) makes provision for His people through other means. (Philippians 4:19)

Verses 7-8: The 4th seal is broken and John sees a fourth horse but this time the color of the horse is “pale,” the picture of death. Due to War and Famine, many will die! As we move through the different symbols, (Seals, Trumpets, Thunders and Vials of Wrath) we see God’s punishment being dished out gradually, methodically and strategically.

He will come against the wicked regime of the anti-Christ and all those who have rejected Jesus with a diversity of attacks from different angles: their finances, their physical bodies, the earth itself (water & land), the oceans and seas and from Space with comets and meteorites. Not to forget, the wars of nations that will be continuous throughout these horrible years with the ulterior motive (satanically induced) to wipe our Israel and all followers of Christ, in particular!

Verses 9-11: The 5th seal is broken and John is very close to the action as it takes place in heaven itself!!!

It’s so bad that even those who have already died due to the attacks of the anti-Christ and are now in heaven, will be overtaken by grief, by what is happening to believers on earth. Notice, they are ‘under’ the altar, possibly in reference to the sacrificial altar upon which animals were slain in the Old Testament, shedding their blood for the covering of the sins of the people. These slain saints have given up their lives for the cause of Christ as they had stayed true to the Word of God and their testimony of what Jesus Christ has done for them in the salvation of their souls.

Notice further, they are not described as “bodies” but as “souls”, further implying they are no longer on earth but in heaven. The sacrificial altar on earth is but a replica of the altar in heaven and Christ being the ultimate sacrifice for sin. Their sins are under the blood of Jesus Christ.

Finally, a point of much disagreement, but nevertheless, one I hold to rather strongly. These heavenly saints are “PRAYING” to Jesus for those who are battling down on the earth for their very lives. However, HOW would they KNOW to pray for such if not being able to SEE what is happening to those still fighting the battle on earth? It will be later, after the final judgment and reward that God will wipe away all tears from their eyes. (Revelation 21:1-7)

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They are told to wait until the ‘rest’ that should be killed are killed. The worst is yet to come. But, a robe is given to them and encouragement that they will see justice before all is said and done!

Verses 12-17: The 6th seal is broken and an massive earthquake hits the earth as we see the sun turns black and the moon red (pro and the stars (probably referring to meteorites or asteroids) fall from the sky, it seems to be a global, cosmic event which sends humanity into a panic, AND JESUS is calling the shots from heaven! Up to this point, seals 1-4 speak of how God, providentially used mankind to accomplish His goal but in the 6th seal, He is causing the judgments directly from heaven!

Four final points to wrap up this chapter:

1. Fear overwhelms the unbelieving world as they had rather die from the falling rocks than to have to face the wrath of God! Read Matthew 10:28 and read what Jesus has to say about fear. Then turn to 2 Timothy 1:7 and know that when you have Jesus as your Savior, you need not fear the future!

2. The wicked ask a pertinent question in verse 17, “Who is able to stand?” The answer is quite obvious to Christian believers, Only those who willingly put their faith and trust in Jesus Christ.

3. There are two doctrinal fallacies that are addressed in the last two (5th and 6th) seals, the first is the doctrine of Soul Sleep which some have taught that when you die, your soul sleeps until Jesus wakes you up in the end time …. We see that those praying for the living believers are not sleeping but are “busy” praying on behalf of their fellow believers on earth! (Compare with Hebrews 12:1)

The second fallacy that seems to be amiss in the thinking of those who are seeking death to “escape” the judgement of the wrath of God, is their failure to realize that just because you die in the here and now, doesn’t mean its over! Hebrews 9:27 says, “It is appointed for all men, once to die and after this the judgement.”

4. The last lie we need to take note of, is the idea that a God of love would never punish the wicked. Here, we see that this is definitely NOT the case. God offers salvation today, but if one rejects Christ, there will be a judgement to face at the end of life of which will have eternal ramifications!

Chapter 7

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We come to a break between the 6th and 7th seal which is the common practice in John’s writing to “pause” between the unveiling of the 6th and 7th events and give us some added details into what else is taking place in the background. These “interludes” are sometimes referred to “parenthetical visions” which takes us back from the events on earth back to heaven where John. John needs a break and God’s gives him one.

We shouldn’t think of these interludes as being, necessarily, in Chronological order, although, some suggest that it is. But, the phrase, “AFTER THESE THINGS” can be going back to our reference point of Revelation 1:19 and to Revelation 4:1, or some suggest it is what happens before the next set of judgements (Trumpets) begin. Either way, we take a break to address the question asked in Revelation 6:17, “Who is able to stand?” And the answer is found here in chapter 7.

I am not dogmatic about the events whether these are chronologically in order as in 1st the Seals, 2nd the Trumpets, 3rd the Thunders (not revealed) and concluded with the Vials/Bowls of wrath, or if each one speaks of this same 7 year period from a different perspective. I can see both sides, but lean mostly toward each set of symbols representing the same period of time or at least a portion thereof from a different perspective. I thing of it liken to a Kaleidoscope where you are looking through it and although they are all the same “rocks” as you turn the bottom lens, you see it from a different perspective and so it seems to me as we look at the different symbols started in chapter six and the chapters that follow.

Verse 1: We are introduced to four (4) very strong angels who are able to hold the forces of nature in check, until the “sealing” of the 144,000 individuals from each tribe of Israel has been completed.

Verses 2-3: Another angel (in the Greek, “another” implies another of the same kind, inferring that this angel is liken to the other 4 strong angels) comes from the east with greater authority and tells the 4 strong angels to hold the winds in check, and particularly the judgements which will follow, (that will affect the earth) until a group of 144,000 persons from the tribes of Israel are “sealed” (super-naturally set aside and protected by God from death) and set apart as witnesses for Christ to the nation of Israel, but the ramifications of which will affect the entire world.

Verses 4-8: It is worth noting, that these are from the 12 tribes of Israel and that two of the original tribes are omitted and replaced (Dan is

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replaced with Levi and Ephraim is replaced with Joseph) … This will open up the door, as Dr. J. Vernon McGee suggest, to the greatest revival this world has ever seen! Read: Genesis 49:17; Judges 18:30; 1 Kings 12:28-30; Hosea 4:17 and 1 Kings 11:26.

Verses 9-12: Now, we jump ahead, to the end of the Tribulation Period to see the results of the 144,000’s Evangelists’ efforts. Now we see, “a great multitude, of all nations” … Jew and Gentile’ believers before the Throne! (Compare with 7:15-17) Earlier, in Revelation 6:9-11, we saw the Martyred saints from the 1st part of the Tribulation and now we see them victorious before the Throne.

The white robes are symbolic; first speaking to their purity and second, to the righteousness of Christ. The ‘palms’ in their hands represent joy, celebration and victory.

The redeemed saints cry out in praise to Father God and to the Lamb of God, the Lord Jesus Christ. They recognize from Whom Salvation comes from … God the Father and our Lord Jesus Christ! What follows is awe inspiring! (Verse 10)

All of heaven’s inhabitants, (The angels, the 24 elders, the 4 living creatures (Cherubim)), fall down in worship to God for the wonderfulness of His salvation shown to those of us who are so unworthy of His grace!

Note the 7-fold praise unto God: blessing, glory, wisdom, thanksgiving, honor, power and might. WHY? Because He is worthy!

Verses 13-14: One of the 24 elders asked John if he realizes who these individuals are that are wearing the white robes? John says, you know … tell me!

John is told that these are the “overcomers” from the Great Tribulation Period; the martyrs who were redeemed by the blood of Jesus Christ!

Verses 15-17: Now, the Elder informs John of their reward. They will enjoy the worship of God in service to the Him day and night in the Millennial Temple. He can’t be referring to His throne in heaven as there is no night in heaven. But we are looking past the Tribulation Period and seeing the reward granted to those who remained faithful to Christ and true to the Word of God. They will never have a need for anything. They will not be bothered by the heat of the sun as climate will be totally changed during that time, brought back to the conditions of the Garden of Eden, flourishing as Christ rules on the Throne of David as

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prophesied in the Old Testament.

Jesus will lead them and unlike the experiences of the Great Tribulation Period, they will be comforted as Christ eases their pain and wipes away the tears of heartache and sorrow from their eyes.

Chapter 8

Introduction: What God revealed to us in the breaking of the seals was his judgments upon mankind as they have rebelled against God and the mandates from His throne.

Now, we move to the next set of symbols as God brings His judgments upon planet earth. So many today have become so enthralled with “mother earth” that they have turned “her” into a god. But there is but One True and Living God and its not this earth and any other part of nature. God created it and all the universe and He can do with it what he wishes. NaTuRe is NOT God and although we are commanded to take care of it, and to enjoy it, we are never commanded to worship it.

So, while the tribulation saints are sharing Christ with all who will believe (chapter 7; Matthew 24:14) God is proving to the masses, He is still God and He is still in control, in spite of what the anti-Christ and false prophet have been promoting!!!

Verse 1: “Silence is golden” except when its not. John is wondering what’s going to happen next. What is it that God is going to reveal to him. The 7th seal is about to be broken and one thing to note is that the 7th of all the symbols noted in the book of Revelation is an unveiling of the 1st of the next set of symbols.

Back in Revelation 4:5, John saw the Throne of God and from it proceeded “lightnings, thundering, and voices.” This spoke of the judgement that is soon to come upon the earth. The voices spoke to the TRINITY as they laid out their plans of judgement upon the rebellious, and as John has already been shown God’s judgement upon the unbelievers, he will now see God’s wrath as it relates to this earth. This may bother the ecologist and those who have turned the earth into a god to be worshiped. However, since God created the Earth and all the Universe, He can do what he wishes to it and so He shall!

The ½ hour of time is to suggest a quick moment between the one set of judgements unto the next. And, as no one likes to sit in anticipation, John is waiting, with his eyes fixed on the earth, as to what God will do

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next.Verses 2-6: John sees seven (7) angels with seven (7) trumpets in their hands, ready to blow the warning sound, acknowledging what the Commander in Chief has ordered to take place next. (Compare with Joshua 6, as trumpets are blown to announce to the troops, that its time to move forward).

Another Angel: Who is this angel? Some suggest that its just “another of the same kind” as noted in the previous verse. Yet, others believe that it could be a reference to Christ Himself as the One who serves as our High Priest as is seen here, taking the incense, which represents the prayers of the saints (Tribulation Saints, Revelation 6:9-11) and then, in response for justice for those killed, he casts the “fire pan” of ashes to the earth, abruptly breaking the silence and initiating the start of the next set of judgements.

John MacArthur believes that in every other place, Christ is clearly identified, and that this is not Christ. However, as He is the One who is initiator of the judgements, and He is the One who hears and responds to our prayers. Therefore, I lean towards this Angel representing Christ.

NOTE: There is a great similarity between these judgements and the plagues God put upon the unbelieving Egyptians under the leadership of Moses. One major difference is that, in Egypt, it was a local plague, but in the context of the Revelation, it is a worldwide event.

Verse 7: Like the first four seals, (White, Red, Black & Pale horses) which spoke of the Anti-Christ efforts to force mankind into following him, what we see now, is in the first four trumpet judgements, as God attacks the Earth’s ecology, bringing great devastation, proving His power over nature. 1/3 of the earth’s trees is destroyed and all the green grass, by a hail storm with fire (lightning) and blood (meaning the color itself was like blood or if it is actual blood is not clear). Some suggest that a comet’s tail could easily come so close to the earth to cause such devastation. Also, worth noting, is that in the 5th trumpet (Revelation 9) we see the grass being mentioned again, but if its destroyed now, how could that be so?

There are two (2) possibilities: 1) The distance of time between the 1st trumpet and the 5th judgement, allows the grass to grow back or 2) the earth is rotating, resulting in different seasons in different parts of the world, therefore, the word, “green” grass could suggest that only that part where the grass has already sprouted is the reference here.

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Verses 8-9: A meteorite or an Asteroid, is what the picture seems to suggest, hits the earth’s oceans resulting in the killing of 1/3 of sea life, resulting in the destruction of ships from direct hit and/or the after affects, such as tidal waves, etc. The first trumpet brought devastation on the land and the second trumpet brings devastation to the oceans. The trees and oceans provide oxygen and many other benefits to mankind, so this will cause many many shortages, and have a heavy financial impact on the world as a whole.

Verses 10-11: Now, the third trumpet sounds and another cosmic projectile hits the earth, again, possibly a comet of meteorite, and as it comes into earth’s atmosphere, burning and falling apart, it strikes the “fresh” waters of the earth, poisoning them and making it undrinkable, resulting in the death of many.

“Wormwood” is a shrub whose leaves are used in the manufacturing of absinthe, a liqueur so toxic, it is banned in many countries. It is mentioned eight (8) times in the Old Testament and only here in the New Testament and it is used to symbolize, bitterness, poison and death. Again, like the seals, the trumpets are showing us God’s judgement upon the unbelievers and it will be devastating. But, it’s not over yet!!! Will people see the error of their ways and repent of their sins? It doesn’t seem to drive them to God, but rather, they remain angry, fearful, and unrepentant! (2 Thessalonians 2:11)

Verse 12: The fourth trumpet results in the output of the sun being reduced by 1/3. A partial eclipse, though temporary, will send the earth into a “quick chill” with many ramifications, which will no doubt lead to a greater demand for heating sources, driving up the price of oil as the earth faces “real” climate change brought on by God Himself.

Verse 13: Another angel appears flying in the midst of heaven, warning John (representing all raptured believers) that there is MORE TO COME! Three “woes” are noted, representing the final three trumpet judgements, and are shouted out so all could hear. The term, “woe” is used throughout scripture to imply judgment, destruction, and condemnation. It will be to the “inhabitants of the earth” which is a phrase that denotes those who have rejected Christ.

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Chapter 9

As the trumpet judgements continues, a five (5) month plaque falls upon the earth and war is on the horizon out of the east.

Verses 1-2: “A star fallen” is clearly symbolic of Satan who is described in Isaiah 14:12 as a “fallen” one from heaven. He is given a key to open the “abyss” (a place which Satan himself will be “bound” into according to Revelation 20) which houses demonic beings who shall go throughout the earth and bring a 5 month terror or pain upon non-believers in Jesus Christ. Where there’s smoke, there’s fire … the pit of the Abyss sends forth into the atmosphere of the Earth such darkness that the sun and even the air itself becomes “smoky” which is no doubt literal but may in fact show the darkness of this evil activity.

Verses 3-4: Locusts come out of the pit but unlike the “normal” insects, they are given the “power” (demonically endowed) of scorpions and they do not even attempt to eat the grass or trees but are only permitted to attack those NOT SEALED by God through faith in Jesus Christ.

Verse 5: Once again we learn that the devil and all of his forces are limited in what they are able to do. They are NOT PERMITTED to Kill anyone but only bring excruciating pain for a period of five months.

Verse 6: Though the demon locust are not allowed to kill these unbelieving people the people who are attacked by these creatures beg for death but they will be “unable” to die … suicide is not an option made available to them.

Verses 7-10: Now we come to a description of these demon locusts. Though locusts, they are “liken unto horses” prepared for battle, probably referring to their speed, warlike, defiant, pawing the ground … ready to do battle. They wore what seemed like “crowns of gold.” The word for crown is, “stephanoi” or the victor’s crown … showing their invincibility. “Faces like men” speaks of intelligence. “Hair like a women” may refer to its tentacles or some suggest to emphasize its seductiveness. “Teeth like lion’s teeth” speaks of the fierceness of attack. “Breastplates like iron” … speaks to their invulnerability. “Their wings were like the sound of chariots” … you can hear them coming … but you can’t hide … talk about fear! “Tails like scorpions” … their painful sting makes it clear that this is not your everyday locusts … their job … to hurt the unregenerate of mankind!

Once their time of infliction is over, they will be sent back into the abyss until their master (Satan) and themselves will be cast into the Lake of Fire.

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Verses 11-12: Again, this emphasizes that these are not regular insects but are demons who have a king and in this case, their king is Satan. The term given here, in both the Hebrew and Greek, which describes their leader, is Abaddon (Heb) and Apollyon (Gk) which means, “destroyer” and “I destroy”. Satan is described by Jesus as a thief who has come to steal, kill and destroy. (John 10:10) He loves no one and hates God and all who stand with Him. The first “Woe” is past … oh, but it will only get worse.

Verses 13-14: The 6th Trumpet sounds and the “voice” probably of Christ, (the Commander in Chief) orders the next judgment “From the four horns of the Altar.” As noted earlier, this place represents the prayers of the saints but now, in answer to their prayers, we see Jesus ordering His judgments upon the world, from the Altar of Incense. He, once again, takes us to the Altar of Incense where he orders the release of four “bound” angels, which have been held around the Euphrates River. This is close to the location of the origin of life (Genesis 1-2). It is also the place from which false religion began in Genesis 11. This tends to suggest the concept of “territorial” spirits, i.e. spiritual forces responsible to oversee different parts of the world and obviously reporting to their Chief (demons to Satan and angels to God).

Verses 15-19: These four angels are actually demons who have been held in reserve due to some wicked deed done near the beginning of time. They will fulfill God’s intentions, though they figure, they will be doing the devil’s bidding. They will kill 1/3 of the world’s population. We have now seen the world’s population being decimated, as God brings judgement on the world.

John then sees and hears the number of horsemen who will prepare their wicked attack … 200 million! There are two chains of thought as to this group. Some suggest this is referring to mankind and can be related to the army crossing the Euphrates River in Chapter 16 under the Bowl Judgments while others suggest that this could be in reference to demonic forces released to attack the Earth.

A description of the horses is unlike any other creature we know of. The riders of the horses are described as having breastplates with the colors of red, blue and yellow. The heads of the horses were lion-like and from their mouths came fire, smoke and brimstone.Obviously we don’t have any creatures like this on earth so either these horses are demonic or as some suggest they could be in reference to some modern technology of our day (assuming the Lord’s Coming is real soon and I think it very well might be) and could be referring to something like a tank. After all, John was describing what he saw and without any kind of knowledge of modern technology, he would use the analogy of a horse

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(used in past wars) to that of a tank (used in modern wars).

Verses 20-21: In spite of God’s judgments, “mankind” (referring to those who are non- believers) rejects the opportunity to repent and choose to face God’s judgments instead. How amazing it is to me, that after hearing and seeing the truth of the gospel and the judgments of God upon an unbelieving society, that they still reject Christ and doom themselves to a devil’s hell … why????

Chapter 10

Introduction: From Chapter 10:1 through 11:14, we experience another interlude (Parenthetical Vision) to give us some more detail into the Tribulation Period. Here we hear about the “Thunder” Judgments and John’s re-commissioning.

Verse 1: Another “mighty” angel speaks of someone of high rank but who? Some would suggest that this angel speaks of Jesus and indeed there are strong support for that. Others believe that it is another angel (the Greek word used for another infers that another of the same kind) is an angel which is clearly of high rank and therefore of much power.

“clothed with a cloud” speaks of majesty; rainbow about his face suggest promise; “face like the sun” speaks of God’s glory and “feet like pillars of fire” speak of judgment.

Verses 2-3: This angel has a “little book” in his hand which like the sealed scroll of chapter 5 is given to John to eat. It will have both “good news and bad news”. It will go in sweet but become bitter to his stomach. (verse 9)

Note the SIZE of this angel. One foot on the Earth and the other foot on the Sea speaks of the power of this angel. This speaks of the global repercussions and of the POWER of this angel. When He spoke, it came out like the roar of a lion, yet not simply as “noise” but rather a comprehensive statement to John but with such force that John couldn’t help but both hear and understand what the angel had to communicate.

Verse 4: From the angel came “Thunders” that spoke of further judgments. These thunders had “voices” (verse 3) (intelligence) and as with the “Seals” and the “Trumpets”, John is ready to write down the words coming from the “Thunders” only to be silenced by a voice from heaven which could only be the voice of God.

Why did God NOT REVEAL the words of the Thunders? We do not know. Perhaps the judgments were so intense that God chose to keep these words quiet. We have enough information in the “revealed” symbols that

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would suffice to bring about a proper decision for one to turn to Jesus Christ and accept His saving grace.

Verses 5-7: In verses 5 and 6 the angel swears an oath to God to complete the judgments of God. He recognizes the authority of supremacy of God over all the world.

Verses 8-11: The “Voice” from heaven now commands John to take the open book out of the angels hand. The act of eating the scroll symbolized the absorbing and assimilating of God's Word (cf. Ps 19:10; Jer 15:16; Ezek 3:1-3). (MacArthur). He took the book and ate it and though it started sweet, it became bitter as it revealed more detail into the upcoming judgments of God. The “Voice” becomes “He” in verse 11 and he is commanded to continue the prophesy.

Revelation 11:1-19

Introduction: We continue on with the interlude between the 6th and 7th Trumpets. We are introduced to two more characters who will become major spokesmen during the Tribulation Period.

Verses 1-2: John is given a reed (measuring rod approximately 15 – 20 feet in length) to measure the temple prior to the announcement of the two super natural witnesses. But why is John asked to measure the temple and its contents? Because God is identifying that which belongs to Him. God is saying, Israel is my possession and I will take care of her.

BUT, in verse 2, we are clearly told that the outer court which is NOT MEASURED because they Gentiles will come into the holy city of Jerusalem and cause great havoc in her for 42 months (3 ½ years) probably referring to the last half of the Great Tribulation Period in which the Anti-Christ will break his treaty with Israel and turn on Israel. (Daniel 9:27)

Verse 3: Now we are introduced to Two Witnesses who will become the Major Prophets of the concluding years of the Great Tribulation Period. Like it was in the Old Testament, these spokesmen will speak loud and clear regarding the wickedness of the Leadership and call people and Israel to a state of repentance.

Note also that not only are they given the power to be witnesses, but they will prophesy (preach) for 1260 days. 1260/360=3.5 Again, this represents the last half of the Tribulation Period with the Jewish year

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having 360 days coming out to 3 ½ years.Verses 4-5: These two witnesses are the prophesied ones mentioned in Zechariah 4:8-14 and will what power is given to them. Fire proceeds from their mouths killing those who would attempt to harm them. The Fire speaks of Judgment. In Numbers 16 and in 2 Kings 1, we see two separate incidents when God used Fire to bring judgment upon unbelievers and in the end, he will do it again. (Revelation 21:8)

Verse 6: Boy, who could these two witnesses be? Power to shut up the heavens … (I Kings 17, Elijah?) and Power to turn water to blood and bring plagues upon the Earth …(Exodus 7-12, Moses?) Many argue other possibilities, but I think these two are the most probable.

Verses 7-10: For the first time, we are introduced to the Anti-Christ. More detailed information will come in chapters 13 and 17. He CANNOT harm these two witnesses until God says so! Once their purpose is fulfilled, He will “overcome” them and claim power over these 2 Prophets.

The Antichrist will leave their corpses in the streets to rot for 3 ½ days. All the world will be encouraged to watch the rotting bodies of these super natural witnesses lying in the hot sun. Perhaps this is through the use of satellite television (we watch police chases across the U.S. and wars on the other side of the word). It was common in biblical times for a victorious army to leave the dead lying in the streets as a show of defeat but Israel was forbidden to do that! (Deut. 21:22-23)

Verses 11-12: It will be a very short celebration for the Antichrist! Resurrection Day occurs right on TV! (The world dictator doesn’t expect this to happen) Their bodies are filled with “God’s Air … the breath of life” and they stand to their feet. Fear (terror) strikes the heart of the enemies who are watching.

A voice calls to them from heaven and instantly they rise into the clouds (a type of mini rapture) and disappears before the eyes of the enemy. Just think, those who missed the glory of the Rapture will see it on a much smaller scale and see what believers have been proclaiming for the last 4 to 5 years is absolutely true. That is, Jesus Christ raptured His Church away.

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Verse 13: In that same hour, i.e. right after the resurrection took place there occurred a major earthquake in Jerusalem. 10% of the City is destroyed and 7,000 people are killed. John MacArthur suggests that the Greek word for “people” literally means, “names of men” andmaybe referring to 7,000 persons who were Leaders in Jerusalem were killed perhaps even of the Antichrist’ regime. The result is that the “rest” probably referring to the Jews were afraid, seems to have become convinced about accepting Jesus Christ and give glory to God, exhibiting one of the qualities of True Conversion.

Verse14: The end is almost here. The time has come for the blowing of the 7th trumpet and so it will be. We are coming to the conclusive acts of God in the Tribulation period and Christ will bring in his final judgments (bowls of wrath) and will establish His Kingdom. But keep in mind, Revelation is not to be taken in Chronological order, as John is now given an overview of the 7 personages that make up the major characters of this time period. Between the 6th and 7th judgments of each symbol (Seals, Trumpets, Bowls), there is an interlude to give more detailsnot covered in the narrative story. When you think of WW2, names such as, Churchill, Roosevelt, Stalin, Hitler, Mussolini etc., make up the characters of that period but in the end, much worse than Hitler and Stalin will come to power … and lose!

Verses 15-17: Another worship scene! The kingdoms controlled by man and the Antichrist will become our Lord’s who is, King of Kings and Lord of Lords. The 24 elders representative of the redeemed, fall in worship to God recognizing his Awesome Power, His Eternalness and His Right to Rule.

Verses 18-19: The world (dead) was angry against God (without reason) and God will judge them for their rejection. The righteous have been faithful and God will reward them. The heavens are open and John sees the Heavenly Temple reminding believers of their eventual reward.
