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South East Diamonds NL

EPM 13506, Annual/Final Report for period ending 25 February 2004

Brigooda Diamond Project, SE Queensland

30 March 2004

By D.Z. Royle

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Table of Contents

1. Summary 12. Introduction 13. Rational & Objectives 24. Previous Exploration 35. Geological Setting 46. Gem Occurrences 57. Work Program – Year One 6

7.1 Geological Mapping 67.2 Petrography 87.3 Ground Magnetics 87.4 Soil Geochemistry 97.5 Indicator Mineralogy 117.6 Aeromagnetics 137.8 Remote Sensing 14

8. Work Programme – Year Two 158.1 Geological Mapping 158.2 Soil Geochemistry 15

9. Conclusions & Recommendations 1910. References 2011. Keywords 20

List of Figures

Figure 1 Brigooda Project Location Figure 2 Brigooda Project Tenement MapFigure 3 Brigooda Project – Regional airborne magneticsFigure 4 Brigooda Project Location – on Bouguer Gravity Image, with diamond

occurrences and known kimberlites/lamproitesFigure 5 Garnet Gully – Detailed Geology (Fact Map)Figure 6 Brigooda Ground Magnetics Non-linear Filtered TMI Upward Continued 50 m

with corresponding geologyFigure 7 Brigooda MMI Soil Orientation Figure 8 Brigooda Garnet AnalysisFigure 9 Aeromagnetic TMI image covering EPM 13506 Figure 10 Landsat 7 TM image covering EPM 13506 Figure 11 Garnet Gully MMI Soil ResultsFigure 11 Garnet Gully Geology and MMI Soil GridFigure 12 Garnet Gully MMI Soil Results, Response Ratios – Mg, Ni, and Pd Figure 13 Garnet Gully MMI Soil Results, Response Ratios – Co, Cr, and Rb

List of Appendices

Appendix 1 Brigooda Project Tenement Details Appendix 2 Garnet Gully MMI Soil Results

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1.0 Summary

Over the last 24 months South East Diamonds NL (SED) has undertaken an exploration programme for diamonds comprising ground magnetics, MMI geochemistry, indicator mineral micro-probe chemistry, petrology and geological mapping focused the Brigooda target area.

Work outside of this target area within EPM 13506 has been confined to office-based generative studies aimed at identifying similar targets to the ultra-basic breccia pipe exposed in Garnet Gully (see Royle, 2003).

2.0 Introduction

David Royle was granted Exploration Permit for Minerals (EPM) number 13506 on 25 February 2002 for a period of two years (refer to Appendix 1). The original tenement consisted of 52 sub-blocks, covering approximately 156 km² of Freehold Land in SE Queensland. The property lies about 200km NW of Brisbane. The nearest town and service centre is Proston, located 20km to the northeast (Figure 1). An application to transfer EPM 13506 to South East Diamond N.L. was granted in February 2003. Tenement details are presented in Appendix 1 and Figure 2 below.

Figure 1 Project Location Map

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Sub-blocks retained18901890


Sub-blocks relinquished







3 1963A B



963J H


1962 1962 1963 19N




1962 1963 1963W




2034 2035 203 2035203520352036CDEA

2034 2034K


2035 2035 20352036KF


Block identification map: BRISBANE








Sub-block relinquished

Sub-block retained

Figure 2. Brigooda Project Tenement Map

On 20 February 2002 an application was lodged with the DNRM for an interim reduction of 43 sub-blocks out of the original 52 granted sub-blocks as detailed in Figure 2 (see Royle, 2003(b)).

The area has subdued topography, and comprises both open farming and wooded country. There is good road access to the main target areas. The area is covered by the 1:100,000 Boondooma and Murgon topographic maps.

This report documents all work carried out by South East Diamonds N.L. during the 12 months ending 25 February 2004 and summarises the total programme completed to date.

3.0 Rational & Objectives

Recently released Queensland Government high-resolution aeromagnetics for the Kingaroy region that post-dated the previous investigations over the area subject to EPM 13506 has highlighted at least three bulls eye magnetic features associated with a major NNW trending fault zone and close to the areas previously drill tested by BHP. Two

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magnetic lows in the vicinity of Brigooda and Ballogie have the shape and size of potential diamond-bearing breccia pipes concealed under shallow cover.

The objective of the program completed by SED was to test the potential of the Garnet Gully pipe for diamonds and to investigate other regional magnetic anomalies with mapping and sampling as appropriate.

4.0 Previous Exploration

The report by Alan Robertson (1994) of diamonds being discovered at Brigooda, led to the application for two exploration permits by BHP Minerals (BHP: EPM’s 10048 and 10049) in 1995 covering the Brigooda and Ballogie targets respectively. Australian Kimberley Diamonds N.L. (AKD) subsequently surrounded the BHP tenements with a much larger exploration permit, EPM 10192.

Earlier, Robertson (et al, 1985) reported on the occurrence of upper mantle xenoliths and megacrysts at Brigooda. They also commented on the origin of the Brigooda basalt and breccia. Robertson (1994) reported on a macro diamond recovered from a “maar” breccia at Brigooda, but no classical diamond indicator minerals typical of kimberlites were present. Diamonds have only been reported from the Brigooda area. Hollis (et al, 1983) reported on the origin of the Tertiary breccia pipe at Ballogie.

Limited shallow percussion drilling was undertaken by BHP. Four holes were drilled in a line across the main breccia pipe at Brigooda, showing that in the area drilled the breccia is a sub-horizontal blanket of lapilli tuff averaging 10 metres thick. Three holes were drilled at Ballogie but failed to intersect breccia. In addition, two bulk samples of approximately 100 tonnes each were excavated in shallow pits at Brigooda and Ballogie and treated at Inverell, NSW by trommel and jig. The Brigooda sample consisted of a composite of brecciated granitic material, with clasts of basalt and minor ultramafic from two different breccia bodies. The Ballogie sample, by contrast, consisted mainly of vesicular basalt, with clasts of ultramafics, and minor fine breccia matrix. No new diamonds were recovered and the tenements were relinquished in 1996. Samples of ultramafic xenoliths from breccia were processed for indicator mineralogy but were never observed or analysed.

AKD undertook heavy mineral stream and loam sampling program focusing on structural and circular anomalies generated by interpretation of Landsat images. Chromites and picroilmenites of possible kimberlitic affinity were detected in 6 out of 51 samples (Figure 3). Detailed air photo interpretation was carried out over anomalous sample sites to define possible kimbertitic intrusive targets. A follow up sampling program of the anomalous sites returned negative results except for one stream sediment sample (No.023), which returned three possible kimberlitic chromites from downstream of Garnet Gully. It is not known if the chromites are derived from the Brigooda diatreme

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340 000 E 360 000 E


7 100 000 N 7 100 000 N

BrigoodaGarnet Gully



7 080 000 N 7 080 000 N

340 000 E 360 000 E

0 50 100km

REFERENCESample Site Target Area



breccia itself or another source. A subsequent technical review of the exploration results obtained by AKD during 1994-1996 downgraded the prospectivity of the tenement.

Figure 3 Brigooda Project – Regional airborne magnetics, tenement outline, previous sample sites, possible anomalous chromites (orange triangles) and target areas

5.0 Geological Setting

The pre-Cainozoic rocks of the region were part of the accretionery wedge of the New England fold Belt and are assigned to the Yarraman Subprovince (Cranfield et. al., 2001). These rocks are intruded or overlain by Permian to Triassic rocks of the Southeast Queensland Volcanic and Plutonic Province (SEQVP). Major intrusive elements of the SEQVP include the Boondooma Igneous Complex that forms basement to the Brigooda area.

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Argyle Merlin

& Brigooda




The SEQVP is overlain and intruded by Tertiary volcanics and minor sediments of the Main Range – Lamington Province of Miocene age. A major deep weathering profile of presumed Miocene age mantles all older rocks.

Interpretation of gravity images of Australia suggest that Brigooda lies at the intersection of two major lineaments – the northeast trending Darling River Lineament and a major continental scale west- northwest trending lineament.

Figure 4 Brigooda Project Location – on Bouguer Gravity Image, with diamond occurrences (red stars) and known kimberlites/lamproites (yellow diamonds).

6.0 Gem Occurrences

Gem quality red almandine garnets are reported from two main areas within the tenement area at Brigooda and Ballogie. Fossicking has been conducted over a period of more than 30 years in the area with current activities focused on ML 6602 at Garnet Gully where stones up to 100ct are commonly found. Other gemstones present with the garnet include peridote (gem quality olivine), rare zircon, sapphire, anorthoclase and diamond.

During a study of the Garnet Gully area, Alan Robertson (1994) recovered two diamonds of about 0.2 to 0.3ct weight. One of the stones, a rounded yellow crystal, was directly related to the main diatreme breccia making this one of the most important occurrence in eastern Queensland. Since the initial discovery, as many as 20 diamonds have been found by fossickers in trap sites downstream from the breccia (Les Koy pers. com). It is the

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Residual soil after laterite

Residual soil after basalt


Sandstone, grit


Oli vine basalt



MMI geochem. sample site

Mining Lease

344000mE 346000mE


0 0.5kilometers




only place in Queensland where diamonds can be directly linked with source rocks consisting of alkali basalt and its pyroclastic derivatives. Robertson (1992 and 1996) noted the close spatial association of diamond, sapphire and zircon with Cretaceous- Cainozoic volcanism elsewhere in eastern Queensland. The surface morphology (e.g. resorption/corrosion features), physical properties and colour of some of the diamonds from Brigooda match those seen on diamonds from Copeton (Meyer, 1997).

7.0 Work Program – Year One

7.1 Geological Mapping

The author undertook a detailed airphoto geological interpretation of the Brigooda Prospect covering an area of approximately 14km² during May 2002 (see Figure 5 below).

Figure 5 Garnet Gully – Detailed Geology (Fact Map)

Basement rocks are various phases of the Permo-Triassic Boodooma Igneous Complex comprising mostly weathered biotite granite, diorite and porphyritic biotite-hornblende granite. Scattered remnants of Eocene and Oligocene gravels and grit from an early Tertiary land surface survive on granite hilltops. Several clusters of circular features





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identified on both air photos and landsat images represent Miocene volcanic eruptive centres. The main vent, located on the north side of the Brigooda – Proston Road, has been studied in detail by the Geological Survey of Queensland and the Australian Museum (Robertson et al, 1985). It is associated with a string of NNW trending mafic bodies. Lava from the main vent forms a sequence of at least five flows of alkali basalt and ankaramite. The basalt includes anorthoclase, amphibole and augite megacryst types, most of which are chemically akin to basanite and nephelinite. Most of the lava flowed southwards in a series of tongue-shaped bodies that now form black soil covered terraces. Both granite and basalts have in places been subject to lateralization represented by deep weathering and ferricrete developed on hilltops and ridges.

Several volcanic breccias have been mapped at Brigooda. They appear to belong to a younger episode than the bulk of the basalts in the prospect area and are not lateritized. A crescent shaped body exposed around the southern side of the main vent (referred to above) contains pulverised granite and basalt fragments. A much larger breccia body is exposed at the southern end of the main basalt flow in the vicinity of Garnet Gully. It contains abundant unsorted lithic and crystal fragments from upper mantle as well as crustal sources (see photograph below). Drilling by BHP along the eastern flank of the pipe indicated that in this area the breccia formed a sub-horizontal layer of lapilli tuff, typical of a diatreme breccia rim phases. The postulated centre of the breccia pipe is 100m to the southeast of the BHP drilling based on increasing size and density of breccia clasts. Recent mapping has extended the known limits of the breccia to over 300m in diameter.

Plate 1 Brigooda diatreme breccia exposed in old BHP exploration pit.

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Volcanic eruptions within the Brigooda area have been dated at 17.8 Ma (Roberson et al 1985). The age of the diatreme breccia from which Alan Robertson recovered a diamond is placed at 0.46 Ma (K-Ar on orthoclase feldspar). However, more recently, BHP Minerals conducted K-Ar dating on fresh amphibole in breccia from both Brigooda and Ballogie returning dates of 19 Ma and 43 Ma respectively. The latter is far older than a previously reported date of 16 Ma from an anorthoclase megacryst in basalt at Ballogie (Hollis et al, 1983). BHP Minerals pointed out it is possible that all the amphibole for dating came from clasts of volcanics of 43 Ma, which were incorporated into a breccia event of 16 Ma (Torr, 1996).

7.2 Petrography

Dr Jane Barron examined a sample of the Brigooda breccia and concluded that the rock resulted from an explosive event associated with diatreme formation (Barron, 2002a). It is dominated by disaggregated granitic minerals and aggregates from mid- to high-level crustal source, and also contains subordinate material from a disaggregated spinel lherzolitic upper mantle source (refer to Royle, 2003(a)).

7.3 Ground Magnetics

A small ground magnetic survey was read over the area surrounding the Garnet Gully diamond occurrence. The survey objective was to achieve improved definition of an airborne magnetic anomaly thought to coincide with the Garnet Gully diamond occurrence. However, it was later found that these third-party data were mis-located, and the target anomaly lay approximately 1.5km to the north of the location defined by the airborne survey. Consequently, the ground magnetic survey planned using the airborne data did not cover the anomaly, but did cover the diamond occurrence and the surrounding area.

Details of survey specifications, processing and interpretation have been previously reported (Royle, 2003(a)).

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Figure 6 Brigooda Ground Magnetics Non-linear Filtered TMI Upward Continued 50 m with corresponding geology (see Figure 4 for geological legend). Red denotes

diatreme breccia.

The survey successfully mapped the gross geology, defining locations of mafic intrusive and extrusive rocks (see Figure 6 above). The mafic/ultramafic diatreme breccia thought to represent the primary source of the diamonds did not have a distinguishable magnetic response, although there is a negatively-polarised response spatially associated with the breccia, which may relate to either an underlying intrusive or to the younger lava flows. It is recommended that further geophysical work focus on the possible application of electromagnetic methods to map the breccia, exploiting its expected high conductivity in comparison to the country rocks.

7.4 Soil Geochemistry

The Mobile Metal Ion (MMI-D) leachant was trailed across the main Brigooda (Garnet Gully) diatreme breccia to investigate its applicability as a lithological discriminator for diamond exploration in Eastern Australia. Numerous case studies of known diamondiferous kimberlite or lamproite intrusions in Australia and Canada comparing





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MMI and conventional geochemistry have shown that the MMI technique can effectively highlight kimberlites under variable thicknesses of younger cover and can even discriminate between different intrusive breccia phases within the same body (Russell Birrell, pers com., 2002).

Soil samples were collected at 50m intervals along a 950m east-west orientated line. After removing about 10cm of soil and organic matter a sample of sieved –2mm mesh soil was taken and submitted to ALS Chemex, Perth for analysis for “MMI suite D” including, Mg, Nb, Cr, Ni, Co, Pd, Y, Rb. Details of sample locations and analytical results can be found in Figure 5 and 6 and Royle, 2003(a).

Data Treatment

The geochemical data generated by MMI is very precise and is best interpreted using “response ratios” to identify anomalous trends and patterns. Response ratios have been calculated for each element within the data set, involving calculation of a background for each element using the following methodology:

Each element was selected individually and the lowest 25% of the data for all the samples analysed was identified.

Any value less than the detection limit was included by allocating a value half of thedetection limit an estimate value.

After determining the lowest quartile (25%) of the data, the average of these values was then calculated. This was assigned as the background value for that element within the specific data set of the survey area.

Response ratios were calculated for individual samples by dividing each raw value by the predetermined background value for that element. The numbers were then rounded to give whole numbers greater than or equal to one. Essentially a Response Ratio value is a simple measure of ‘times background’ response at each sample site.

Data Presentation

To assist with interpretation, stacked bar charts presenting MMI response ratios along the orientation traverse, were produced to highlight trends and anomalous patterns as shown in Figure 7.

Data Verification

A review of check and duplicate MMI assay data showed that the responses were within acceptable limits for interpretation. Laboratory repeats are good with all assays at significant levels showing good repeatability and thus acceptable precision.

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Rb Mg CoNi






The graph presented in the figure below demonstrates the most significant responses in the geochemical data set.

Figure 7 Brigooda MMI Soil Orientation; vertical scale response ratio values, horizontal scale sample numbers. The partially exposed breccia is represented by samples P60707 to P60716

Review of the analytical data shows a significant geochemical response over the known breccia body. The levels of Ni are very significant and generally they would represent Ni sulphide mineralization in greenstone terrains. Rb and Y are identifying granite terrains and clearly the breccia is not a typical kimberlitic intrusive as they are usually associated with characteristic anomalous Nb, Rb, Y responses. However, the strong coincidence of anomalous Co-Ni-Mg indicates that there is capacity in the MMI geochemistry to discriminate and possibly prioritise buried basanite pipes in the region.

7.5 Indicator Mineralogy

A representative heavy mineral concentrate sample (PCB 1) of the fine fraction (-2mm + 1mm) of gravel from the current Garnet Gully workings, located 50m downstream of the western edge of the diatreme breccia was supplied to Dr B.J. Barron for electron

1 3 5 7 9

1 1 1 1 1 2

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microprobe analysis. Results have previously been reported (Royle (a), 2003). The Brigooda garnets (<22 wt % FeO) are plotted in terms of TiO2 versus Na20 in Figure 8 (below). This plot distinguishes the compositional fields for mantle eclogite (eclogite II); diamond eclogite (eclogite I); and constrains the Cr-poor megacrystic garnet field. The plot shows that one grain, and possibly four more plot in the diamond eclogite (Group 1 eclogite) compositional field. These are discriminated from a moderate garnet population (11 grains) of non-diamondiferous eclogite II, and abundant low Cr-megacrysts (>44 grains). Barron (2002b) concluded that the garnet compositions in the Brigooda diatreme breccia confirmed that diamond eclogite facies rocks exist at depth and are most probably the source of diamonds.

Brigooda, Garnet Analyses 21/8/2002











0.000.00 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.10 0.12 0.14

Na2O wt%

Figure 8 Brigooda Garnet Analysis

Review of historical AKD results of regional heavy mineral stream and loam sampling and sampling by BHP at Ballogie failed to identify diamonds. Several chromites interpreted by AKD to be of possible kimberlitic affinity are now thought not to be significant. Jane Barron (pers com) has pointed out that heavy mineral concentrates from eastern Australia generally are swamped by peridotite minerals such as olivine, clinopyroxene, orthopyroxene, and chrome spinel (chromite). These minerals, which come from abundant degraded spinel lherzolite mantle xenoliths in Mesozoic-Tertiary basaltic rocks and diatremes, cannot be used for indicator minerals. The subduction diamonds typical of eastern Australia are +90% eclogitic. Accordingly, the prospective indicator minerals suite should be ultra-high-pressure eclogitic minerals, mainly garnet together with corundum, kyanite, staurolite, sapphire, ilmenite, picroilmenite, and magnetite.



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7.6 Aeromagnetics

Digital grided aeromagnetic data for the DNRM Kingaroy Airdata survey has been processed by Geoimage including the production of TMI, VD1 and VD2 images. Interpretation of these data covering EPM 13506 showed the underlying Boondooma Igneous Complex rocks are magnetically subdued. Discrete dipolar magnetic anomalies that initially attracted SED to the area have been field checked and found to be volcanic plugs with no evidence of ultra-mafic breccia as seen at Brigooda (Figure 5). The area is also criss-crossed by numerous narrow E-W, N-S, NNE and NNW trending magnetic linear features interpreted to be basalt dykes.

Figure 9. Aeromagnetic TMI image covering EPM 13506

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7.7 Remote Sensing

Examination of Landsat 7 TM (bands 1, 4 & 7) imagery covering EPM 13506 demonstrates that the area has well-developed drainage suitable for heavy mineral stream sampling (Figure 10).

The structural pattern observed on the Landsat images and supported by aeromagnetics shows primary fractures and faults trend NNW with a subsidiary northeast and east west tends. The Brigooda volcanic centres are aligned along the prominent NNW trend and appear to form close to the intersection point of this trend and subsidiary east west and northeast cross fractures. Elsewhere in the tenement clusters of circular features associated the main fracture trend are interpreted as possible other centres of basaltic eruption. This is supported by the coincidence of some circular structures with thumb print aeromagnetic anomalies either normally or reversely polarised.

Figure 10. Landsat 7 TM image covering EPM 13506

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8. Work Programme – Year 2

8.1 Geological Mapping

Detailed geological mapping of the Brigooda (Garnet Gully) breccia pipe was undertaken concurrently with grid soil sampling. The outline of the diatreme breccia pipe was refined, however the overall geological framework remained more or less the same (Figure 11).

8.2 Soil Geochemistry

After the apparent success using MMI geochemistry at Garnet Gully to discriminate the ultra-basic pipe and map geology under shallow soil cover, a systematic soil MMI sampling programme was completed over the breccia pipe on a 50 x 50m grid.

A total of 90 samples were collected along 9 x 500m long north-south oriented lines in an attempt to differentiate the ultra-basic breccia from the overlying and surrounding basalt lava flows. Samples were submitted to MMI Technology, Perth for multi elements analysis (MMI-M leachant) including, Mg, Ni, Nb, Rb, Co, Cr, Pd, Y, La, Ce, Nd, Ti, Zr, Sr, Th, Li, Sc, Pd and U. Details of sample locations and analytical results can be found in Figure 11 and Appendix 2. Response ratios have been calculated for each element within the data set in attempt to identify anomalous trends (refer to Section 7.4 for methodology). Thematic maps for selected elements are presented in Figure 11.

Merging of the original east-west orientation soil line with the new MMI data suggests that there is a levelling problem. As there were no common sample points between the two data sets the only way to reconcile the data would be to re-sample the grid. It should also be noted that two different leachants were used in the two sampling programmes (MMI-D and MMI-M respectively) which could also have introduced differences in the reposes.

Review of the analytical data shows the granite basement and the overlying basalt lava can be readily discriminated. Granite is defined mainly by elevated Rb, Ti, Th, Sc, Y, U and Pb while basalt is enriched in Mg, Ni, Cr, Co, Pd and Zr, Nd, Sc, Ce and La. There is a suggestion that different phases of granite and separate lava flows may be discriminated by multi-element patterns. Unfortunately the new MMI soil data has not discriminated the breccia from the basalt. This may be due to the fact that the diatreme breccia clasts and basalt possibly accessed the same pipe and therefore would tend to give a similar geochemical signature (J Barron, pers. com., 2004). It is also now speculated that the ultra high pressure minerals such as garnet, sapphire and diamonds found associated with Tertiary volcanics in Eastern Australia can be brought to surface by normal basaltic eruptions.

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Figure 11

Page 1

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Figure 12

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Figure 13

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9.0 Conclusions & Recommendations

Work by SED over the last 24 months has involved:

a) geological mapping and MMI geochemistry which has better defined the limits of the diamond-bearing diatreme breccia at Garnet Gully, and

b) sampling at Garnet Gully which has recovered diamond-eclogitic garnets shedding from the Brigooda diatreme breccia and confirmed this as the most likely source of alluvial diamonds recover by fossickers.

Brigooda is one of the rare locations in Queensland where diamonds can be directly linked with a hard rock source. For this reason the Garnet Gully diatreme breccia became the focus of SED’s exploration programme.

The surface morphology, physical properties, size and colour of the recovered diamonds match those seen in diamonds from the Copeton area of New South Wales.

Diamonds are spatially associated with ultra-basic breccia pipes and Tertiary basaltic volcanic rocks and ultra-high pressure garnet and sapphire. They are non-conventional occurrences and quite different to kimberlite- and lamproite-hosted diamonds that produce almost all economic diamonds in the world.

Based on the results of the programme carried out by SED and previous sampling by BHP Minerals, it is concluded that the Brigooda diatreme breccia has been partially tested. Considering all the evidence at hand SED has concluded that an economic concentration of alluvial and/or hardrock-sourced diamonds within EPM 13506 is unlikely.

Other regional targets identified by previous exploration companies failed to produce evidence of diamonds.

Work by SED over the last 24 months in the Brigooda target area has therefore downgraded its prospectivity for economic concentrations of diamonds. Consequently a decision has been made to relinquish EPM 13506.

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10.0 References

Cranfield, L.C., Donchak, P.J.T., Randall, R.E., & Crosby, G.C., 2001: Geology and Mineralisation of the Yarraman Sub-province, Southeast Queensland. Queensland Geology 10, Queensland Department of Natural Resources and Mines: 1-182.

Hollis, J.D., Sutherland, F.L., & Pogson, R.E., 1983: High pressure minerals and the origin of the Tertiary breccia pipe, Ballogie Gem Mine, Proston, Queensland. Records of the Australian Museum, Vol 35: 181-194.

McIntyre, D., & Sas, Z.A., 1995: EPM 10192 Brigooda Diamond Project, Australian Kimberley Diamonds N.L. Annual Report for Year 1, to the Queensland Department of Minerals and Energy.

Robertson, A.D., Sutherland, F.L., & Hollis, J.D., 1985: Upper mantle xenoliths and megacrysts and the origin of the Brigooda basalt and breccia, near Proston, Queensland. University of Queensland, Department of Geology Paper, 11 (3): 58-71.

Robertson, A.D. & Sutherland, F.L., 1992: Possible origins and ages for sapphire and diamond from the central Queensland gem fields. Record of the Australian Museum Supplement, 1992/16.

Robertson A.D. & Robertson, C.M. 1994: The Brigooda diamond enigma. Queensland Government Mining Journal, 95 (1115): 32-33

Robertson, A.D., 1996: Diamonds in Queensland. Mesozoic 96. Mesozoic Geology of Eastern Australia Plate Conference. Geological Society of Australia Inc. Extended Abstracts No. 43: 485-488.

Royle, D, Z, 2003(a): EPM 13506 Brigooda Diamond Project, SE Queensland, Annual Report to 24 February 2003.

Royle, D, Z, 2003(b): EPM 13506 Brigooda Diamond Project, SE Queensland, Partial Relinquishment Report for period ending 25 February 2003.

Torr, G., 1995: EPM’s 10048 & 10049 Proston Queensland, BHP Minerals, Annual Report to 14 April 1995.

Torr, G., 1996: EPM’s 10048 & 10049 Proston Queensland, BHP Minerals, Annual Report to 14 April 1996 & Final Report.

Keywords: Alkali basalt, Ballogie, breccia, Brigooda, Boondooma Igneous Complex, diamond, diatreme, garnet, areomagnetics, remote sensing, Tertiary volcanics.

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Appendix 1 Brigooda Project Tenement Details

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Part 5Form Number 2


(Section 137)

Exploration Permit No. EPM 13506

1. Holder: South East Diamonds N.L.2. Minerals Sought: All minerals other than coal3. Term: 2 years4. Date Granted: 25 February, 20025. Date Expires: 24 February, 20046. Minimum Expenditure: Year Expenditure

1 $30,0002 $50,000

7. Rental: Year Rental 1 $5,426.202 As Prescribed

8. Original Exploration Area:


Total: 52 Sub-Blocks

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9. Areas Surrendered 24 February 2003:


Total 43 Sub-Blocks

1. Areas for Surrender 24 February 2004:

BIM Block Sub-Blocks BRIS 1890 VWXBRIS 1962 ABCFGH

Total 9 Sub-Blocks

Page 26: · Web viewLimited shallow percussion drilling was undertaken by BHP. Four holes were drilled in a line across the main breccia pipe at Brigooda, showing



Appendix 2 Garnet Gully MMI Soil Results

(All raw MMI results in ppb)

Page 27: · Web viewLimited shallow percussion drilling was undertaken by BHP. Four holes were drilled in a line across the main breccia pipe at Brigooda, showing



Sample No. x y Mg MgRR Ni NiRR Nb NbRR Rb RbRR Co CoRR Cr CrRRB5-01 344698.97 7095349.11 359 1 8040 2 -0.1 1 131 6 220 3 4 1B5-02 344700.11 7095298.6 429 1 6840 2 -0.1 1 109 5 148 2 17 3B5-03 344700.17 7095249.3 473 1 7280 2 -0.1 1 49 2 201 3 16 3B5-04 344699.68 7095200.5 221 1 8020 2 -0.1 1 265 12 120 2 7 1B5-05 344700.28 7095150 200 1 2900 1 -0.1 1 65 3 133 2 -1 1B5-06 344699.87 7095050.2 348 1 3920 1 -0.1 1 37 2 341 5 6 1B5-07 344701.02 7094999.7 573 2 5310 1 -0.1 1 13 1 354 6 1 1B5-08 344698.34 7094955.1 441 1 9530 3 0.2 4 67 3 1300 21 17 3B5-09 344699.53 7094900.4 410 1 6170 2 -0.1 1 35 2 233 4 11 2B5-10 344701.74 7094849.9 689 2 4380 1 -0.1 1 14 1 163 3 -1 1B6-01 344749.86 7095350.3 436 1 8620 2 -0.1 1 150 7 314 5 18 3B6-02 344749.4 7095299.8 195 1 6870 2 -0.1 1 204 9 283 4 8 1B6-03 344749.98 7095251.1 286 1 8790 2 -0.1 1 139 6 345 5 11 2B6-04 344749.52 7095200 261 1 7070 2 -0.1 1 169 7 69.4 1 24 4B6-05 344750.66 7095150 482 2 5850 2 -0.1 1 28 1 114 2 14 3B6-06 344750.8 7095049 365 1 5130 1 -0.1 1 78 3 272 4 9 2B6-07 344750.31 7095000.9 608 2 6370 2 -0.1 1 25 1 624 10 11 2B6-08 344765.94 7094948.8 558 2 6290 2 -0.1 1 19 1 987 16 20 4B6-09 344750.45 7094899.8 374 1 6350 2 -0.1 1 98 4 261 4 24 4B6-10 344749.98 7094849.3 550 2 4030 1 -0.1 1 30 1 296 5 8 1B7-00 344801.32 7095349.8 589 2 5580 2 -0.1 1 40 2 471 7 4 1B7-02 344799.24 7095299.8 519 2 4740 1 -0.1 1 90 4 463 7 13 2B7-03 344799.83 7095250.5 453 1 5660 2 -0.1 1 73 3 279 4 11 2B7-04 344800.43 7095200.6 462 1 11600 3 -0.1 1 47 2 378 6 4 1B7-05 344799.43 7095149.4 193 1 7470 2 -0.1 1 181 8 225 4 14 3B7-06 344799.55 7095050.2 521 2 6890 2 -0.1 1 75 3 177 3 37 7B7-07 344800.67 7095001.5 432 1 5310 1 -0.1 1 67 3 355 6 17 3B7-08 344799.69 7094949.2 456 1 8190 2 -0.1 1 85 4 666 11 21 4B7-09 344799.73 7094901.6 340 1 6040 2 -0.1 1 213 9 115 2 12 2B7-10 344800.33 7094851.1 459 1 4140 1 -0.1 1 74 3 316 5 7 1B8-01 344850.08 7095350.3 636 2 3560 1 -0.1 1 22 1 487 8 1 1B8-02 344849.61 7095299.8 491 2 2250 1 -0.1 1 21 1 268 4 -1 1B8-03 344849.68 7095249.9 511 2 2470 1 -0.1 1 39 2 172 3 16 3B8-04 344850.28 7095199.4 361 1 8490 2 0.2 4 142 6 435 7 39 7B8-05 344849.26 7095150.6 433 1 3540 1 -0.1 1 45 2 389 6 5 1

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Sample No. x y Pd PdRR Y YRR La LaRR Ce CeRR Nd NdRR Ti TiRRB5-01 344698.97 7095349.11 33.5 1 764 1 58.8 2 120 2 311 2 772 2B5-02 344700.11 7095298.6 65.9 3 1590 3 119 4 329 5 583 3 767 2B5-03 344700.17 7095249.3 44.6 2 1080 2 45.5 1 109 2 276 2 1060 3B5-04 344699.68 7095200.5 22.4 1 407 1 32.5 1 117 2 161 1 1010 3B5-05 344700.28 7095150 7.3 1 135 1 26.9 1 74.2 1 93 1 609 2B5-06 344699.87 7095050.2 17.3 1 367 1 30.3 1 64.3 1 162 1 812 2B5-07 344701.02 7094999.7 19.8 1 372 1 18.5 1 29.5 1 106 1 574 2B5-08 344698.34 7094955.1 43.7 2 916 2 23.3 1 69.1 1 143 1 855 2B5-09 344699.53 7094900.4 45 2 1070 2 76.5 2 96.7 2 416 2 780 2B5-10 344701.74 7094849.9 27.5 1 382 1 14.7 1 13.2 1 82 1 815 2B6-01 344749.86 7095350.3 38.6 2 961 2 64.1 2 161 3 328 2 979 3B6-02 344749.4 7095299.8 38.9 2 823 2 27.8 1 104 2 168 1 1190 3B6-03 344749.98 7095251.1 27.4 1 541 1 24.6 1 88.3 1 145 1 1070 3B6-04 344749.52 7095200 74 3 1900 4 205 6 569 9 843 5 853 2B6-05 344750.66 7095150 64.8 3 1340 2 79.4 2 143 2 417 2 899 2B6-06 344750.8 7095049 20 1 387 1 17.5 1 40 1 88 1 1060 3B6-07 344750.31 7095000.9 37.3 1 678 1 29 1 44.9 1 143 1 988 3B6-08 344765.94 7094948.8 37.9 1 790 1 40.7 1 129 2 174 1 699 2B6-09 344750.45 7094899.8 59.1 2 1590 3 122 4 318 5 594 3 787 2B6-10 344749.98 7094849.3 70.3 3 1730 3 95.7 3 67.8 1 569 3 864 2B7-00 344801.32 7095349.8 40.6 2 887 2 60.3 2 54.4 1 355 2 720 2B7-02 344799.24 7095299.8 49.6 2 1140 2 78.2 2 129 2 490 3 823 2B7-03 344799.83 7095250.5 24.9 1 466 1 31.3 1 67.2 1 185 1 883 2B7-04 344800.43 7095200.6 27.1 1 415 1 15.3 1 15.7 1 95 1 1160 3B7-05 344799.43 7095149.4 38.1 1 913 2 73 2 236 4 304 2 1030 3B7-06 344799.55 7095050.2 104 4 2410 4 284 8 587 9 1190 7 718 2B7-07 344800.67 7095001.5 35.8 1 675 1 57.8 2 104 2 242 1 1080 3B7-08 344799.69 7094949.2 60.6 2 1560 3 141 4 402 6 626 4 678 2B7-09 344799.73 7094901.6 66.2 3 1620 3 236 7 1260 20 932 5 650 2B7-10 344800.33 7094851.1 69.4 3 1540 3 134 4 210 3 677 4 663 2B8-01 344850.08 7095350.3 46.6 2 1030 2 52 2 45.3 1 338 2 699 2B8-02 344849.61 7095299.8 16.7 1 309 1 14.3 1 18.2 1 84 1 706 2B8-03 344849.68 7095249.9 58 2 1340 2 105 3 216 3 615 4 626 2B8-04 344850.28 7095199.4 124 5 3020 6 103 3 189 3 428 2 864 2B8-05 344849.26 7095150.6 32.7 1 755 1 35.9 1 43.9 1 212 1 879 2

Page 29: · Web viewLimited shallow percussion drilling was undertaken by BHP. Four holes were drilled in a line across the main breccia pipe at Brigooda, showing



Sample No. x y Zr ZrRR Sr SrRR Th ThRR Li LiRR Sc ScRR Pb PbRR U URRB5-01 344698.97 7095349.11 10 2 11500 2 5.6 2 1.1 2 9 2 -10 1 16 2B5-02 344700.11 7095298.61 13 3 11400 2 1.3 1 1.9 3 26 5 -10 1 8 1B5-03 344700.17 7095249.28 9 2 13510 2 0.6 1 0.9 1 27 5 -10 1 3 1B5-04 344699.68 7095200.54 17 3 11100 2 1.9 1 0.5 1 12 2 -10 1 8 1B5-05 344700.28 7095150.03 6 1 5560 1 21.7 7 -0.2 1 9 2 49 6 41 4B5-06 344699.87 7095050.18 6 1 8350 1 14.6 5 -0.2 1 10 2 -10 1 19 2B5-07 344701.02 7094999.68 3 1 10700 2 2.5 1 0.9 1 7 1 -10 1 7 1B5-08 344698.34 7094955.07 7 1 13310 2 3.7 1 2.6 4 6 1 15 2 4 1B5-09 344699.53 7094900.41 7 1 11100 2 15.8 5 2.5 4 6 1 24 3 3 1B5-10 344701.74 7094849.92 3 1 21600 4 1.4 1 2.7 4 -3 1 14 2 3 1B6-01 344749.86 7095350.32 12 2 16500 3 10.1 3 1 2 12 2 15 2 20 2B6-02 344749.4 7095299.8 12 2 13700 2 5.4 2 0.7 1 9 2 -10 1 18 2B6-03 344749.98 7095251.07 14 3 17100 3 8.7 3 0.6 1 7 1 -10 1 15 1B6-04 344749.52 7095199.95 31 6 10510 2 1.9 1 1.9 3 22 4 -10 1 14 1B6-05 344750.66 7095150.04 9 2 13400 2 1.3 1 0.8 1 23 4 -10 1 6 1B6-06 344750.8 7095049.01 5 1 12700 2 3.2 1 0.9 1 7 1 -10 1 6 1B6-07 344750.31 7095000.86 4 1 21410 3 2.6 1 2 3 5 1 17 2 15 1B6-08 344765.94 7094948.75 9 2 14500 2 6.9 2 3.6 6 6 1 34 4 13 1B6-09 344750.45 7094899.83 12 2 18400 3 24.1 8 1.5 2 8 1 49 6 29 3B6-10 344749.98 7094849.31 5 1 16510 3 15.9 5 1.8 3 6 1 21 3 13 1B7-00 344801.32 7095349.75 5 1 12300 2 9.1 3 1.3 2 10 2 15 2 25 2B7-02 344799.24 7095299.8 10 2 12100 2 13.4 5 1.5 2 10 2 26 3 40 4B7-03 344799.83 7095250.48 31 6 13910 2 13.6 5 1.8 3 9 2 30 4 41 4B7-04 344800.43 7095200.56 9 2 18600 3 3.8 1 1.4 2 -3 1 -10 1 34 3B7-05 344799.43 7095149.44 27 5 15200 2 2.8 1 -0.2 1 10 2 -10 1 31 3B7-06 344799.55 7095050.19 19 4 20200 3 19.2 7 5.2 8 9 2 37 5 28 3B7-07 344800.67 7095001.47 11 2 17900 3 10.4 4 2.1 3 4 1 19 2 27 3B7-08 344799.69 7094949.16 10 2 9520 2 27.8 9 1.4 2 15 3 46 6 94 9B7-09 344799.73 7094901.61 19 4 7390 1 49 17 1.8 3 12 2 200 25 127 12B7-10 344800.33 7094851.1 5 1 13810 2 30.7 10 1.4 2 8 1 63 8 49 5B8-01 344850.08 7095350.33 4 1 11800 2 5.3 2 1.1 2 7 1 20 2 18 2B8-02 344849.61 7095299.81 3 1 9610 2 3.5 1 0.5 1 -3 1 12 1 15 1B8-03 344849.68 7095249.89 9 2 9880 2 16.4 6 0.5 1 8 1 30 4 28 3B8-04 344850.28 7095199.38 47 10 12800 2 7.9 3 1.6 3 10 2 10 1 35 3B8-05 344849.26 7095150.63 7 1 17700 3 3 1 2.8 4 6 1 51 6 9 1

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Sample No. x y Mg MgRR Ni NiRR Nb NbRR Rb RbRR Co CoRR Cr CrRRB8-06 344850.5 7095050 340 1 6550 2 -0.1 1 23 1 862 14 51 9B8-07 344850.5 7095000 371 1 9580 3 -0.1 1 110 5 50.2 1 35 6B8-08 344850.1 7094950 396 1 5280 1 -0.1 1 157 7 131 2 20 4B8-09 344850.1 7094900 357 1 4410 1 -0.1 1 187 8 38.3 1 13 2B8-10 344849.7 7094850 358 1 3440 1 -0.1 1 89 4 102 2 10 2B9-01 344899.9 7095350 461 1 6510 2 -0.1 1 84 4 165 3 16 3B9-02 344902.1 7095299 507 2 7690 2 -0.1 1 92 4 308 5 17 3B9-03 344899.5 7095250 510 2 10200 3 -0.1 1 85 4 212 3 34 6B9-04 344899.1 7095199 353 1 9410 3 0.5 10 177 8 747 12 19 3B9-05 344899.1 7095149 659 2 2990 1 -0.1 1 18 1 216 3 1 1B9-06 344900.3 7095050 323 1 16900 5 -0.1 1 120 5 416 7 38 7B9-07 344899.8 7095000 428 1 10600 3 -0.1 1 17 1 19.5 1 32 6B9-08 344899.9 7094950 426 1 6620 2 -0.1 1 64 3 64.5 1 36 6B9-09 344900 7094900 475 1 4650 1 -0.1 1 42 2 32.4 1 22 4B9-10 344900 7094851 565 2 5000 1 -0.1 1 27 1 497 8 17 3B10-01 344948.7 7095349 484 2 7540 2 -0.1 1 65 3 23.9 1 43 8B10-02 344950.4 7095300 606 2 8520 2 -0.1 1 22 1 520 8 21 4B10-03 344949.9 7095249 685 2 8240 2 -0.1 1 28 1 441 7 14 3B10-04 344949.4 7095199 440 1 11200 3 -0.1 1 76 3 244 4 28 5B10-05 344949.5 7095150 550 2 9970 3 -0.1 1 49 2 328 5 25 5B10-06 344950.7 7095050 642 2 12200 3 -0.1 1 36 2 37.8 1 19 3B10-07 344949.7 7095000 500 2 11300 3 -0.1 1 15 1 42.5 1 13 2B10-08 344949.7 7094950 381 1 3500 1 -0.1 1 98 4 99 2 24 4B10-09 344949.8 7094900 460 1 3470 1 -0.1 1 30 1 117 2 32 6B10-10 344949.3 7094851 465 1 2860 1 -0.1 1 42 2 23.1 1 24 4B11-01 344999.1 7095349 507 2 5400 1 -0.1 1 33 1 136 2 10 2B11-02 345000.7 7095300 473 1 7220 2 -0.1 1 101 4 74.7 1 41 7B11-03 344999.7 7095249 489 2 6510 2 -0.1 1 28 1 147 2 38 7B11-04 344999.3 7095200 525 2 7490 2 -0.1 1 20 1 140 2 18 3B11-05 344999.3 7095149 705 2 6090 2 -0.1 1 18 1 304 5 8 1B11-06 344998.9 7095050 764 2 8120 2 -0.1 1 26 1 235 4 17 3B11-07 344999.5 7095000 632 2 13700 4 -0.1 1 100 4 77.5 1 33 6B11-08 345000.1 7094950 460 1 6450 2 -0.1 1 64 3 25.8 1 17 3B11-09 344999.6 7094900 530 2 5410 1 -0.1 1 93 4 38.2 1 11 2B11-10 345000.2 7094851 569 2 2670 1 -0.1 1 38 2 53.8 1 13 2

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Sample No. x y Pd PdRR Y YRR La LaRR Ce CeRR Nd NdRR Ti TiRRB8-06 344850.5 7095050 126 5 3220 6 455 14 1430 22 1440 8 430 1B8-07 344850.5 7095000 66.2 3 1750 3 87.4 3 224 4 453 3 755 2B8-08 344850.1 7094950 42.2 2 1180 2 152 5 609 10 618 4 675 2B8-09 344850.1 7094900 69.5 3 1850 3 296 9 1360 21 1190 7 453 1B8-10 344849.7 7094850 30.6 1 696 1 97.1 3 351 6 401 2 846 2B9-01 344899.9 7095350 18.6 1 450 1 48.8 1 97.2 2 233 1 502 1B9-02 344902.1 7095299 32.3 1 845 2 94.7 3 263 4 455 3 522 1B9-03 344899.5 7095250 57.5 2 1610 3 308 9 627 10 1010 6 565 2B9-04 344899.1 7095199 16.5 1 409 1 56.2 2 91.5 1 187 1 644 2B9-05 344899.1 7095149 14.8 1 289 1 12 1 12.6 1 63 1 546 2B9-06 344900.3 7095050 167 7 4650 9 508 15 2010 32 1870 11 537 1B9-07 344899.8 7095000 50.5 2 1470 3 210 6 599 9 694 4 580 2B9-08 344899.9 7094950 43.3 2 1300 2 269 8 919 14 752 4 351 1B9-09 344900 7094900 38.2 1 1220 2 392 12 1240 19 1010 6 279 1B9-10 344900 7094851 74.6 3 2510 5 543 16 1430 22 1810 10 350 1B10-01 344948.7 7095349 48.7 2 1110 2 306 9 652 10 897 5 620 2B10-02 344950.4 7095300 38.1 1 1140 2 200 6 403 6 716 4 578 2B10-03 344949.9 7095249 122 5 3260 6 198 6 170 3 976 6 494 1B10-04 344949.4 7095199 50.4 2 1420 3 251 7 590 9 789 5 723 2B10-05 344949.5 7095150 74.3 3 2030 4 416 12 1050 17 1390 8 387 1B10-06 344950.7 7095050 30.3 1 792 1 185 5 280 4 612 4 578 2B10-07 344949.7 7095000 49.7 2 1460 3 321 10 535 8 1010 6 482 1B10-08 344949.7 7094950 60.1 2 1640 3 234 7 794 12 806 5 348 1B10-09 344949.8 7094900 87.5 3 2530 5 440 13 1570 25 1460 8 298 1B10-10 344949.3 7094851 44.3 2 1330 2 205 6 662 10 705 4 300 1B11-01 344999.1 7095349 33.9 1 919 2 157 5 277 4 509 3 613 2B11-02 345000.7 7095300 37.8 1 948 2 229 7 578 9 678 4 551 2B11-03 344999.7 7095249 37 1 1040 2 285 8 676 11 838 5 593 2B11-04 344999.3 7095200 37.9 1 1090 2 253 8 486 8 825 5 578 2B11-05 344999.3 7095149 36.9 1 1090 2 354 11 327 5 1130 7 435 1B11-06 344998.9 7095050 41.3 2 1280 2 252 7 430 7 1070 6 390 1B11-07 344999.5 7095000 88.2 3 2480 5 500 15 1350 21 1770 10 381 1B11-08 345000.1 7094950 55.5 2 1630 3 230 7 472 7 778 4 518 1B11-09 344999.6 7094900 70.7 3 1950 4 201 6 674 11 730 4 336 1B11-10 345000.2 7094851 37.7 1 1090 2 205 6 616 10 850 5 401 1

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Sample No. x y Zr ZrRR Sr SrRR Th ThRR Li LiRR Sc ScRR Pb PbRR U URRB8-06 344850.5 7095050 17 3 8710 1 32.2 11 3.9 6 144 26 147 18 74 7B8-07 344850.5 7095000 19 4 10400 2 3.3 1 1.9 3 12 2 40 5 58 6B8-08 344850.1 7094950 14 3 6890 1 26.1 9 2.8 4 15 3 261 32 84 8B8-09 344850.1 7094900 14 3 4570 1 47.3 16 2.5 4 20 4 562 70 119 11B8-10 344849.7 7094850 9 2 9330 2 52.2 18 1.5 2 9 2 103 13 65 6B9-01 344899.9 7095350 12 2 8580 1 25.3 9 0.5 1 5 1 19 2 23 2B9-02 344902.1 7095299 10 2 11100 2 16.5 6 0.8 1 8 1 29 4 22 2B9-03 344899.5 7095250 19 4 11100 2 18.3 6 2.4 4 9 2 47 6 20 2B9-04 344899.1 7095199 25 5 12000 2 5 2 -0.2 1 6 1 -10 1 29 3B9-05 344899.1 7095149 2 1 13800 2 1.4 1 1.3 2 -3 1 13 2 15 1B9-06 344900.3 7095050 41 8 8990 1 8.7 3 2.2 3 19 3 53 7 41 4B9-07 344899.8 7095000 9 2 9680 2 6.1 2 4.4 7 35 6 182 23 71 7B9-08 344899.9 7094950 23 5 5240 1 43.2 15 4.3 7 112 21 618 77 94 9B9-09 344900 7094900 15 3 4230 1 55.8 19 1.5 2 31 6 288 36 63 6B9-10 344900 7094851 8 2 5790 1 28.4 10 3.9 6 27 5 424 53 64 6B10-01 344948.7 7095349 19 4 10300 2 9.9 3 1.7 3 12 2 45 6 26 3B10-02 344950.4 7095300 13 3 10700 2 19.2 7 0.5 1 10 2 30 4 36 3B10-03 344949.9 7095249 6 1 7870 1 17.1 6 1.1 2 12 2 16 2 22 2B10-04 344949.4 7095199 11 2 11510 2 22.8 8 1.5 2 9 2 33 4 27 3B10-05 344949.5 7095150 10 2 8510 1 34 12 2.3 4 15 3 68 8 27 3B10-06 344950.7 7095050 6 1 10910 2 3.9 1 2.3 4 11 2 37 5 10 1B10-07 344949.7 7095000 7 1 13700 2 1.9 1 2.8 4 11 2 47 6 15 1B10-08 344949.7 7094950 27 5 5620 1 26.4 9 3.2 5 130 24 151 19 19 2B10-09 344949.8 7094900 12 2 5580 1 52.6 18 2 3 133 24 322 40 78 8B10-10 344949.3 7094851 8 2 5730 1 16.4 6 1.1 2 126 23 368 46 80 8B11-01 344999.1 7095349 5 1 17600 3 5.2 2 0.3 1 13 2 28 3 29 3B11-02 345000.7 7095300 14 3 13100 2 12.9 4 1.7 3 9 2 54 7 34 3B11-03 344999.7 7095249 11 2 12500 2 25.2 9 1.7 3 10 2 56 7 46 4B11-04 344999.3 7095200 5 1 11400 2 13 4 1.5 2 15 3 48 6 31 3B11-05 344999.3 7095149 3 1 9010 1 27.1 9 3.5 6 13 2 83 10 27 3B11-06 344998.9 7095050 6 1 8820 1 11 4 3.4 5 21 4 27 3 18 2B11-07 344999.5 7095000 15 3 8200 1 7.4 3 6.4 10 26 5 83 10 18 2B11-08 345000.1 7094950 21 4 10600 2 2.9 1 1.4 2 19 3 118 15 61 6B11-09 344999.6 7094900 12 2 5470 1 19.7 7 3.1 5 86 16 249 31 48 5B11-10 345000.2 7094851 8 2 7060 1 41.2 14 3.3 5 20 4 -10 1 5 1

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Sample No. x y Mg MgRR Ni NiRR Nb NbRR Rb RbRR Co CoRR Cr CrRRB12-00 345049.4 7095350 526 2 4740 1 -0.1 1 46 2 83.7 1 20 4B12-02 345049.5 7095300 490 2 7960 2 -0.1 1 68 3 67.9 1 55 10B12-03 345050.6 7095251 432 1 5540 2 -0.1 1 74 3 129 2 34 6B12-04 345049.6 7095199 386 1 7110 2 -0.1 1 129 6 98.6 2 47 8B12-05 345050.2 7095149 592 2 8310 2 -0.1 1 72 3 217 3 38 7B12-06 345050.4 7095051 613 2 10800 3 -0.1 1 69 3 303 5 33 6B12-07 345049.9 7095000 790 2 10200 3 -0.1 1 31 1 263 4 18 3B12-08 345049.9 7094950 483 2 9660 3 -0.1 1 123 5 1010 16 37 7B12-09 345050.5 7094900 307 1 9030 2 -0.1 1 201 9 796 13 20 4B12-10 345050.1 7094851 344 1 5200 1 -0.1 1 39 2 97 2 24 4B13-01 345099.3 7095350 332 1 5950 2 -0.1 1 127 6 312 5 35 6B13-02 345099.9 7095300 532 2 2600 1 -0.1 1 52 2 302 5 21 4B13-03 345099.4 7095250 524 2 3760 1 -0.1 1 15 1 302 5 32 6B13-04 345100.6 7095199 602 2 5340 1 -0.1 1 54 2 216 3 32 6B13-05 345100.1 7095150 673 2 6750 2 -0.1 1 56 2 200 3 26 5B13-06 345099.1 7095050 613 2 8420 2 -0.1 1 60 3 193 3 26 5B13-07 345099.2 7095000 548 2 10300 3 -0.1 1 90 4 309 5 34 6B13-08 345099.8 7094950 433 1 8660 2 -0.1 1 134 6 212 3 22 4B13-09 345099.3 7094900 391 1 6170 2 -0.1 1 125 5 234 4 10 2B13-10 345098.8 7094853 422 1 4210 1 -0.1 1 60 3 537 9 1 1

Page 34: · Web viewLimited shallow percussion drilling was undertaken by BHP. Four holes were drilled in a line across the main breccia pipe at Brigooda, showing



Sample No. x y Pd PdRR Y YRR La LaRR Ce CeRR Nd NdRR Ti TiRRB12-00 345049.4 7095350 63.4 2 1320 2 266 8 654 10 810 5 567 2B12-02 345049.5 7095300 47 2 1080 2 328 10 1350 21 872 5 533 1B12-03 345050.6 7095251 40 2 1050 2 351 10 992 16 1030 6 455 1B12-04 345049.6 7095199 60.1 2 1660 3 535 16 2540 40 1640 9 413 1B12-05 345050.2 7095149 72.7 3 2080 4 546 16 2050 32 1950 11 327 1B12-06 345050.4 7095051 54.9 2 1550 3 323 10 1010 16 1160 7 463 1B12-07 345049.9 7095000 51.1 2 1250 2 217 6 435 7 925 5 463 1B12-08 345049.9 7094950 212 8 5990 11 312 9 1130 18 1300 8 426 1B12-09 345050.5 7094900 145 6 4570 9 680 20 3310 52 2140 12 297 1B12-10 345050.1 7094851 84.4 3 2750 5 577 17 2250 35 1700 10 282 1B13-01 345099.3 7095350 58.6 2 1700 3 461 14 2040 32 1330 8 396 1B13-02 345099.9 7095300 45.4 2 1420 3 373 11 1170 18 1170 7 332 1B13-03 345099.4 7095250 42.3 2 1170 2 376 11 993 16 1110 6 391 1B13-04 345100.6 7095199 56 2 1590 3 423 13 1120 18 1400 8 386 1B13-05 345100.1 7095150 63.3 2 1780 3 363 11 917 14 1440 8 382 1B13-06 345099.1 7095050 64.6 3 1730 3 373 11 1170 18 1360 8 537 1B13-07 345099.2 7095000 82.4 3 2240 4 468 14 1740 27 1500 9 536 1B13-08 345099.8 7094950 94 4 2450 5 589 18 2180 34 1760 10 455 1B13-09 345099.3 7094900 34.6 1 855 2 148 4 347 5 502 3 773 2B13-10 345098.8 7094853 27.1 1 614 1 103 3 112 2 369 2 870 2

Page 35: · Web viewLimited shallow percussion drilling was undertaken by BHP. Four holes were drilled in a line across the main breccia pipe at Brigooda, showing



Sample No. x y Zr ZrRR Sr SrRR Th ThRR Li LiRR Sc ScRR Pb PbRR U URRB12-00 345049.4 7095350 7 1 17700 3 7.4 3 0.8 1 14 3 107 13 29 3B12-02 345049.5 7095300 20 4 11800 2 16.5 6 3.3 5 11 2 105 13 48 5B12-03 345050.6 7095251 13 3 9250 2 38.4 13 2 3 12 2 78 10 40 4B12-04 345049.6 7095199 26 5 6310 1 28.3 10 3.5 6 27 5 130 16 51 5B12-05 345050.2 7095149 15 3 5760 1 27.9 9 4.1 7 24 4 88 11 31 3B12-06 345050.4 7095051 15 3 10500 2 9.4 3 2.7 4 18 3 63 8 27 3B12-07 345049.9 7095000 5 1 8380 1 7.3 2 2.1 3 19 3 24 3 18 2B12-08 345049.9 7094950 20 4 7410 1 13.6 5 2.4 4 11 2 59 7 31 3B12-09 345050.5 7094900 52 11 4960 1 57.7 20 2.7 4 104 19 250 31 79 8B12-10 345050.1 7094851 41 8 4440 1 43.6 15 2.8 4 56 10 117 15 87 8B13-01 345099.3 7095350 33 7 7770 1 23.8 8 0.6 1 19 3 71 9 44 4B13-02 345099.9 7095300 9 2 6970 1 31 11 1.2 2 18 3 129 16 48 5B13-03 345099.4 7095250 9 2 7290 1 34.1 12 1.9 3 17 3 144 18 51 5B13-04 345100.6 7095199 8 2 6950 1 25.4 9 1.9 3 22 4 105 13 37 4B13-05 345100.1 7095150 8 2 6820 1 22.8 8 2.7 4 28 5 55 7 22 2B13-06 345099.1 7095050 9 2 12500 2 14.5 5 2.1 3 18 3 58 7 20 2B13-07 345099.2 7095000 28 6 10800 2 11.2 4 2.8 4 17 3 63 8 44 4B13-08 345099.8 7094950 51 10 10610 2 7.7 3 4.6 7 23 4 49 6 40 4B13-09 345099.3 7094900 16 3 12900 2 15.1 5 2.9 5 5 1 20 2 48 5B13-10 345098.8 7094853 5 1 15300 2 11.8 4 1.3 2 4 1 21 3 21 2
