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Social NeurosciencePublication details, including instructions for authors and subscription information:

Social coordination dynamics: Measuring humanbondingOlivier Oullier ab; Gonzalo C. de Guzman b; Kelly J. Jantzen bc; Julien Lagarde bd;J. A. Scott Kelso ba Aix-Marseille Université, Marseille, Franceb Florida Atlantic University, Boca Raton, Florida, USAc Western Washington University, Bellingham, Washington, USAd Université de Montpellier I, Montpellier, France

Online Publication Date: 01 January 2007To cite this Article: Oullier, Olivier, de Guzman, Gonzalo C., Jantzen, Kelly J.,Lagarde, Julien and Kelso, J. A. Scott (2007) 'Social coordination dynamics:Measuring human bonding', Social Neuroscience, 1 - 15

To link to this article: DOI: 10.1080/17470910701563392URL:


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Social coordination dynamics:Measuring human bonding

Olivier Oullier

Aix-Marseille Universite, Marseille, France, and Florida Atlantic University,Boca Raton, Florida, USA

Gonzalo C. de Guzman

Florida Atlantic University, Boca Raton, Florida, USA

Kelly J. Jantzen

Western Washington University, Bellingham, Washington, USA, and Florida AtlanticUniversity, Boca Raton, Florida, USA

Julien Lagarde

Universite de Montpellier I, Montpellier, France, and Florida Atlantic University,Boca Raton, Florida, USA

J. A. Scott Kelso

Florida Atlantic University, Boca Raton, Florida, USA

Spontaneous social coordination has been extensively described in natural settings but so far nocontrolled methodological approaches have been employed that systematically advance investigationsinto the possible self-organized nature of bond formation and dissolution between humans. Wehypothesized that, under certain contexts, spontaneous synchrony*a well-described phenomenon inbiological and physical settings*could emerge spontaneously between humans as a result of informationexchange. Here, a new way to quantify interpersonal interactions in real time is proposed. In a simpleexperimental paradigm, pairs of participants facing each other were required to actively produce actions,while provided (or not) with the vision of similar actions being performed by someone else. New indicesof interpersonal coordination, inspired by the theoretical framework of coordination dynamics (based onrelative phase and frequency overlap between movements of individuals forming a pair) were developedand used. Results revealed that spontaneous phase synchrony (i.e., unintentional in-phase coordinatedbehavior) between two people emerges as soon as they exchange visual information, even if they are notexplicitly instructed to coordinate with each other. Using the same tools, we also quantified the degree towhich the behavior of each individual remained influenced by the social encounter even afterinformation exchange had been removed, apparently a kind of social memory.

# 2007 Psychology Press, an imprint of the Taylor & Francis Group, an Informa business

Correspondence should be addressed to: Olivier Oullier, Laboratoire de Neurobiologie Humaine (UMR 6149), Aix-MarseilleUniversite, Pole 3C ! 3, Place Victor Hugo, Case B, F-13331 Marseille cedex 03, France. E-mail: [email protected]

Work supported by the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH Grants MH42900 and MH01386 to JASK). The preparationof this manuscript was supported by the Programme Initiative from the Fondation de l’Academie des Sciences (to OO), the EnactiveInterfaces European Network (IST contract #002114 to JL) and the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke Grant(NS48229!01A1 to JASK).

The authors would like to thank Craig Richter (Florida Atlantic University), Thomas Stoffregen (University of Minnesota) andErwann Michel-Kerjan (The Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania) for helpful discussions on early versions of thismanuscript.

SOCIAL NEUROSCIENCE, 0000, 00 (00), 000!000 DOI:10.1080/17470910701563392

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Social interactions represent a substantial portionof many daily activities in human populations. Acommon and well-described consequence of thisinterpersonal activity is that an individual’s be-havior, whether intentional or not, is modifiedthrough interactions with others (Insel & Fernald,2004). Thus, from the very first months of life,individuals live vicariously through one another,adopting spontaneously, if only temporarily, asimilar posture or tempo during a conversationwith a peer, or imitating their favorite singer (e.g.,Bernieri, Reznick, & Rosenthal, 1988; Condon &Sandler, 1974; McGarva & Warner, 2003;Meltzoff & Decety, 2003; Peery, 1980). Altera-tions of the individual and collective behaviorsrange from imitation and mimicry to spontaneoussynchronization, and have been observed ingroups varying in size from dyads to thousandsof individuals (e.g., Barsalou, Niedenthal, Barbey,& Ruppert, 2003; Motter, Nishikawa, & Lai, 2003;Strogatz, 2003).

Synchronization is a form of spontaneouspattern formation that operates according togeneral principles of self-organization describedby nonlinear dynamics (Haken, 1983; Nicolis &Prigogine, 1977). Although different processescan underlie synchronization (see Pikovsky,Rosemblum, & Kurths, 2001; Strogatz, 2003, forreviews), spontaneous phase synchrony has beenobserved among very different entities in a broadrange of physical, biological and social systemsranging from Josephson junctions (Tsygankov &Wiesenfeld, 2002) to fireflies (Winfree, 1967),sinoatrial pacemakers (Michaels, Matyas, & Jalife,1987), columns in the visual cortex (Gray, Konig,Engel, & Singer, 1989) and firing neurons (Nunez,Panetsos, & Avendano, 2000). Following onHuygens’s analysis of two clocks synchronizingon a wall (Bennett, Schatz, Rockwood, & Wei-senfield, 2002; Hugenii, 1673), many studies havesince framed the problem of mutual synchroniza-tion in terms of a network of oscillators whoseindividual behavior is altered by nearest-neighborinteractions (Bottani, 1996; Kuramoto, 1984;Pikovsky et al., 2001; Strogatz, 2003; Winfree,1967, 1980).

The coordination dynamics of human brainand behavior has proven no exception to theprinciples of self-organized synchronization(Fuchs, Kelso, & Haken, 1992; Kelso, 1995; Kelsoet al., 1992, 1998). For instance, experiments

reveal that humans exchange information (uni-or multi-sensory in nature) to spontaneouslycoordinate and switch behavioral patterns (e.g.,Kelso, 1984; Lagarde & Kelso, 2006). A commonsocial illustration is the clapping of an audiencewhere sometimes applause occurs in unison, withmany individuals clapping as a single synchro-nized ensemble (Neda, Ravasz, Brechet, Vicsek,& Barbarasi, 2000a; Neda, Ravasz, Vicsek, Bre-chet, & Barbarasi, 2000b). Mechanisms governingthe phenomenon are highly context dependent,even within the same audience and depend onwhether people applaud in unison with or withoutmusic. From an experimental perspective, clap-ping in synchrony with the beat of the music isequivalent to intentional sensorimotor coordina-tion with an external event, such as a metronome(Kelso, 1995). Several studies have employed thesensorimotor coordination paradigm to investi-gate interpersonal coordination dynamics for thecase when an individual intentionally synchro-nizes his/her movements with another by meansof visual information exchange (e.g., de Rugy,Salesse, Oullier, & Temprado, 2006; Oullier, deGuzman, Jantzen, & Kelso, 2003; Schmidt, Car-ello, & Turvey, 1990; Temprado, Swinnen, Carson,Tourment, & Laurent, 2003). In such studies,however, it is not yet clear whether spontaneoussocial entrainment actually occurs, i.e., as a two-way interaction where people mutually influenceeach other, or whether one individual simply actsas a pacing stimulus or ‘‘driver’’ for the other(Kelso, DelColle, & Schoner, 1990). A differentscenario, however, is characteristic of the end of alive performance when each individual applaudsaccording to his/her preferred pace and in theabsence of driving stimuli from the stage. None-theless, the audience will quickly and sponta-neously entrain to a common rhythm such thateveryone claps in unison. Note that at thismoment, an individual’s clapping behavior isinfluenced solely by exchange of auditory (andpossibly visual) information (Neda et al.,2000a,b).1 Individual entities communicating viaa medium of information exchange constitutes aminimum requirement for self-organized coordi-nation to emerge (Kelso, 1995; Winfree, 2002).

1 A beautiful example of the same audience clapping insynchrony at two separate moments of a live musical show isseen in the world-famous New Year’s Concert given every yearby the Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra in Austria while andafter the Radetzky March by Johann Strauss Jr. is played. This


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In spite of an abundant literature addressingsocial coordination, many questions remain re-garding the nature of the behavioral and neuralprocesses mediating the formation and dissolu-tion of bonds between individuals and how suchprocesses may be quantified (Balaban, 2004;Konner, 2004). Three major problems existwhen trying to understand spontaneous synchro-nization in social settings.

The first is the challenge of complexity, both interms of the large number of units to analyze(e.g., thousands of pairs of clapping hands, cf.Neda et al., 2000b) and/or the nature of thebehavior itself (e.g., mother!infant synchroniza-tion, cf. Condon & Sandler, 1974). Such composi-tional and behavioral complexity has hinderedexperimental attempts to record and quantifyboth the individual and social dynamics. Eventhe reduction in dimensional complexity affordedin coordinated behavior can only go so far inelucidating the relationship between group beha-vior and the individual units of which it iscomposed.

Second, even when the source and nature ofthe coupling has been identified, it is difficult tomanipulate experimentally relevant variablessuch as the coupling intensity (e.g., Neda et al.,2000b). Almost by definition, spontaneous beha-vior is not externally goal directed or explicitlycontrolled. Most of the results reporting uninten-tional synchronization in humans are based onobservation and categorization methods that relyprimarily on the experimenter’s appreciation of agiven exemplar behavior rather than a quantita-tive measure of coupling and individual behavior(e.g., Barsalou et al., 2003; Condon & Sandler,1974; but see Richardson, Marsh, & Schmidt,2005).

A third problem comes from the possibilitythat any change in a person’s behavior induced byinteracting with another may persist even after

the encounter is over. We term this remnant of aprior social interaction social memory. Socialmemory implies at the very least, that the intrinsicparameters of the individual components havebeen altered by virtue of the social interaction.Social memory is thought to play an importantrole in human actions, and, to a larger extent, inthe way we live (Insel & Fernald, 2004). A deeperunderstanding of social memory may ensue if oneis able to quantify the strength and persistenceof prior social influences on an individual’sbehavior.

In the present study, we focused on a mostbasic unit of social interaction: a pair of indivi-duals interacting via visual information exchange.Focusing on the dyad constitutes a crucial firststep, allowing for experimental control of infor-mation exchange and a precise quantification ofthe nature and strength of the social interaction.Additionally, our paradigm circumvented some ofthe limitations of existing work on social coordi-nation and provided a more ecologically validmethodology. Previous work (e.g., Schmidt &O’Brien, 1997) hinted at the emergence ofspontaneous motor coordination between indivi-duals but the authors explicitly instructed eachmember of the dyad to try and maintain their ownrhythm (i.e., resist the interpersonal influence).Here, we turned the issue around and identifiedinstead the coordinative patterns that emergedonly as a function of visual information exchange.Pairs of participants executed rhythmic move-ments while in full view of each other’s and theirown ongoing actions without any other additionaltask to perform (see Sebanz, Bekkering, &Knoblich, 2006, for a review on joint actions).

We tested the hypothesis that even withoutinstructions to do so, spontaneous synchroniza-tion between partners would occur as soon asthey were coupled visually while performing therhythmic task. Further, we explored the possibi-lity that once the visual coupling was removed,individual movements, although no longer syn-chronized, might remain influenced by the socialencounter after it was over, thereby implicatingmemory as a distinguishing feature of human self-organizing systems. Just as kinematic studies haveelucidated the neural basis of motor control (see,e.g., contributions in Latash & Lestienne, 2006)the present work sets the stage and providesnew methods for neurophysiological investiga-tions of social interaction. So far the latter havetended to assess the behavioral actions of pairs

is an unusual piece of classical music in which the conductorleads not only the orchestra but also the audience. Upon avisual cue from the maestro, the audience claps in synchronywith the music. This collective clapping is intentionallysynchronized both with auditory and visual signals comingfrom stage. Although, at the end of the performance, pacingstimuli are no longer provided by the orchestra and conductor,the audience still applauds in unison. From an external pointof view both modes of synchronized clapping might looksimilar, however they are governed by two differentmechanisms: intentional and spontaneous synchronization,respectively.


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of individuals one at a time or through imita-tion after some delay. In many everyday socialsettings, as in the present paradigm, both mem-bers of a pair adjust in an ongoing fashion tothe other’s behavior in real time. Thus, thepresent paradigm had genuine potential toexpose the neural mechanisms of real-time socialcoordination. A step in this direction has alreadybegun with its replication while simultaneouslyrecording brain activity of each member of thedyad (Tognoli, Lagarde, de Guzman, & Kelso,2007).



Pairs of participants, sitting in front of each other(see Figure 1A) executed rhythmic finger move-ments, each at their own preferred pace andamplitude and without the benefit of externallyimposed pacing stimuli.2 A trial was partitionedequally into three time-contiguous phases duringwhich both participants either exchanged visualinformation or did not. The interaction wascontrolled by allowing (or not) visual contactbetween participants, coupling being mediated bythe exchange of visual information regarding theother’s actions. When visual interaction wasallowed, participants observed both their ownmotion and the motion of the other (Figure 1B).


Six pairs of participants (8 males and 4 females,pairs were either mixed or same gender) betweenthe ages of 22 and 55 volunteered for theexperiment. All participants (graduate studentsat Florida Atlantic University) provided informedconsent and were naive to the purpose of thestudy. The experiment received full approval fromthe IRB of Florida Atlantic University. Ourhypothesis states that visual coupling may induceparticipants to spontaneously synchronize theirmovements in space and time. The observations

of spontaneous adjustments in oscillation fre-quency necessary to achieve interpersonal syn-chrony required forming pairs in whichparticipants demonstrated different initial pre-ferred movement frequencies. To do so, thepreferred frequency of each participant (move-ment with eyes open and fixated on a stationaryobject) was recorded several days prior to theexperiment. Pairs were then formed using indivi-duals who differed in intrinsic frequency.

Setting, instructions and task

Two participants sat opposite each other andgrasped a plastic dowel in a pronated (palmsdown) position with a 30 cm separation betweentheir hands (Figure 1). Participants were in-structed to move their right index finger up anddown continuously at their preferred amplitudeand frequency ‘‘as if they were going to do it allday’’. It was emphasized to the subjects that thetrials were to be performed without interruptingongoing movement. No external metronome wasused to pace the movements to prevent possiblecoordination with respect to the auditory signalrather than with the other member of the dyad(cf. Schmidt et al., 1990). No specific instructionswere given as to how participants should moverelative to each other. In addition, participantswere told not to resist if they felt/realized thattheir coordination with respect to the otherchanged over a trial. Within each trial, partici-pants alternated eyes-open and eyes-closed seg-ments. Participants were further instructed tolook at each other’s finger (and thereby theirown, Figure 1B) during eyes-open segments. Tominimize distractions from the surroundings,large black panels were placed behind eachparticipant.

Experimental conditions

Each condition lasted 1 minute and was dividedinto three 20 s segments. Segments were definedby the presence or absence of visual contact,which was controlled based on a set of instruc-tions to participants to open or close their eyes.The beginning of each segment was signaled byan auditory beep. The order of presentation ofvisual information exchange (or the absence

2 This experimental feature is crucial since the presence ofa metronome creates the possibility that the pair willsynchronize primarily with the metronome and notnecessarily spontaneously with each other (see Schmidtet al., 1990).


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thereof) was alternated across trials resulting intwo experimental conditions (see Figure 1C):

1. Closed!Open!Closed (C!O!C): both par-ticipants’ eyes closed (0 to 20 s)*bothparticipants’ eyes open (20 to 40 s)*bothparticipants eyes closed (40 to 60 s); and

2. Open!Closed!Open (O!C!O): both parti-cipants’ eyes open (0 to 20 s)*both partici-pants eyes closed (20 to 40 s)*bothparticipants eyes open (40 to 60 s).

Compliance with the instruction to open or closethe eyes was monitored by an experimenterhidden from the participants’ view. Both experi-mental conditions were executed 10 times by each

pair of participants. The order of both theconditions and the trials was randomized.

Data acquisition

Finger movements were recorded on an OPTO-TRAK 3010 (Northern Digital Inc., Waterloo,Ontario, Canada) 3D acquisition system usingone infrared emitter (IRED) attached to the tipof the right index finger and three referenceIREDS fixed to the supporting apparatus. Thereference IREDs defined a vertical plane ontowhich the finger movements were projected. Theprojected angle formed by two vectors (thedirected line from a reference point to the finger

Figure 1. Experimental set-up and design. (A) Participants sat in front of each other and were instructed to look at each other’sfinger when they executed the task with their eyes open. (B) Note that the experimental set-up allows participants to see themovements of their own finger as well as the movements of the other person sitting in front of them. (C) Detail of the experimentalprocedure in the O!C!O (Open!Closed!Open) and the C!O!C (Closed!Open!Closed) conditions.


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and another directed line from the same refer-ence point to another reference point) was usedas the measure of finger movements. Data weresampled at 120 Hz.

Data analysis

In coordination dynamics, the behavior of agiven system can be captured by the value oflow-dimensional collective variables known asthe order parameter. In the vicinity of criticalpoints, emergent behavior is governed by thedynamics of these collective variables (e.g.,Haken, 1983; Kelso, 1995). In experimentalcases the order parameters are not known inadvance but have to be discovered. For thesituation of biological coordination an appro-priate order parameter describing the systemdynamics is the relative phase (f) between theelements to be coordinated (Haken, Kelso, &Bunz, 1985; Kelso, 1984).

The first quantity computed was the peak-to-peak relative phase (Kelso, 1984; Zanone &Kelso, 1992) between the index finger flexion-extension movements of participants A and B.The relative phase measure (f) allows for adimensional reduction of the system as it cap-tures the macroscopic spatiotemporal behavioralpattern. Hence, four degrees of freedom (posi-tion and velocity of each component) arecompressed onto a single value that summarizesthe organization of the (un)coupled systemformed by the dyad. Quantitative evaluation ofspontaneous synchrony was also provided by theFast Fourier Transform (FFT) power spectrumoverlap (PSO) between the movements of bothfingers. PSO measures the percentage of move-ment frequencies common to both partners in apair. Defined as the area of intersection betweeneach participant’s normalized spectral plots, thePSO is an indicator of the strength of thefrequency entrainment between the two partici-pants (Oullier, Bardy, Stoffregen, & Bootsma,2002). Finally, a third measure, the peak fre-quency, defined as the frequency at the max-imum of the (movement) FFT power spectrum,was computed for each participant in eachsegment of a trial.

The previously described analysis and theassociated linear statistics were performed withMatlab (The Mathworks, Inc, Natick, MA, USA).Circular statistics (Batschelet, 1981) applied tothe relative phase data were computed with

Oriana (Kovach Computing Services, Pentraeth,UK) and included Kuiper’s test to comparedistributions of f-values with the uniform dis-tribution and Watson’s U2 to compare onedistribution to another.


Interpersonal coordination pattern

Trajectory and relative phase. Evolution of therelative phase (between the movements of eachindividual of a pair) through the three segmentsof experimental trial indicates if and possiblywhen spontaneous synchronization emerges.Figure 2A shows the three segments of aClosed!Open!Closed (C!O!C) trial from arepresentative pair. The left, middle, and rightcolumns (labeled 1, 2 and 3) plot the movementtrajectories with the participants’ eyes closed,open, and closed again, respectively. When theeyes were closed (segment 1), each participantproduced movements independently at his/herown frequency (Figure 2A, segment 1). Due tointrinsic frequency differences, the relative phase(f) between the participants’ finger motionsexhibited phase wrapping (Figure 2C, segment1). Phase wrapping occurs when the componentsoscillate independently at different frequencies.In the first segment of a C!O!C trial, phasewrapping reveals the absence of synchronizationas it indicates that individual behaviors are notcoordinated.

Following a simple auditory cue to open theireyes and look at each other’s finger motion (whilebeing in full view of their own movements),participants spontaneously adopted in-phase co-ordination illustrated by the peak extension andflexion of movements of participants occurring(more or less) at the same time (Figure 2A,segment 2). This is also indicated by f stabilizingat around 08 constituting a clear measure of theirmovements being coordinated in an in-phasefashion (Figure 2C, segment 2, yellow overlay).On a signal to close the eyes again, the frequen-cies diverged and f fell back into phase wrapping(Figure 2C, segment 3) with movements of eachparticipants no longer being in phase (Figure 2A,segment 3). Similarly, spontaneous synchronized(in-phase) patterns also emerged during segmentsof the Open!Closed!Open (O!C!O) conditionwhen participants had their eyes open (Figure 2D,segments 1 and 3).


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These spontaneous behaviors during the eyes-open segments were very consistent in bothC!O!C and O!C!O conditions as confirmedby the distributions of relative phase-valuesacross all the trials (C!O!C: Figure 2E; O!C!O: Figure 2F). The distributions clearly exhibit apeak value of f around 08, revealing the sponta-neous adoption of a 1:1 synchronized coordina-tion pattern whenever eyes were open andparticipants were provided with vision of eachother’s movements (Figure 2, yellow overlays).Table 1 provides a statistical quantification of thedistributions of f-values across all subjects inevery segment of each experimental condition. In

eyes-closed segments, f-values are more uni-formly distributed compared to eyes-open seg-ments, regardless of the experimental condition(C!O!C or O!C!O). Statistical analyses alsorevealed a substantial decrease in the stability ofthe interpersonal coordination pattern sponta-neously adopted (illustrated by the circular var-iance of the relative phase) for segments whereeyes are open compared to closed. In addition, inthe C!O!C condition, a significant difference ofrelative phase distributions was found whensegments 1 (eyes closed) and 2 (eyes open;Watson’s U2"6.297, pB.001) and segments 2(eyes open) and 3 (eyes closed; Watson’s U2"

TABLE 1Circular statistics of relative phase for each segment of each experimental condition

C!O!C condition O!C!O condition

Segment 1Closed

Segment 2Open

Segment 3Closed

Segment 1Open

Segment 2Closed

Segment 2Open

Circular variance 0.95 0.56 0.85 0.50 0.88 0.53Circular standarddeviation

142.18 73.53 110.94 67.88 117.49 70.55

Kuiper’s test(uniform, V )

2.074 12.108 4.314 13.765 3.739 12.706

Kuiper’s test (p ) B.01 B.01 B.01 B.01 B.01 B.01

Figure 2. Relative phase between the participants’ movements. (A!B) Displacement of the index finger of both participants duringrepresentative trials in the (A) Closed!Open!Closed C!O!C and (B) Open!Closed!Open O!C!O conditions. (C!D) Peak-to-peak relative phase f between the movements of the index finger of the participants during C!O!C (C) and O!C!O (D). (E-F)Distribution of all the relative phase f-values in 208 bins across all pairs of participants (n"6) and all trials (10 per pair) during C!O!C (E) and O!C!O (F). The yellow overlays outline spontaneous synchronization.


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3.891, pB.001) were compared. Similarly, in theO!C!O condition, comparison of distributions insegments 1 (eyes open) and 2 (eyes closed;Watson’s U2"6.787, pB.001) and segments 2(eyes closed) and 3 (eyes open; Watson’s U2"6.265, pB.001) were highly significant.

Frequency overlap. We used the power spec-trum overlap (PSO) to gauge the relative strengthof movement coordination frequency between thetwo participants during the eyes-open and eyes-closed segments. The PSO was significantlyhigher when there was visual exchange in bothC!O!C (segment 2) and O!C!O (segments 1and 3) conditions (Figure 3; see also Table 2 fordetailed statistical comparisons). The power spec-trum overlap was significantly greaterduring eyes-open segments compared to eyes-closed segments of the same condition. Nodifferences were found when comparing betweeneyes open segments of the O!C!O condition(Table 2).

Overall, relative phase and frequency overlapmeasures led to the same conclusion: with visualinformation exchange, participants tend to mu-tually couple at a common phase and frequency,whereas in the absence of vision of each other’s

hand movements, the movement trajectoriesdiverge and behave independently. Importantly,no participant reported having intentionallytracked the finger movements of the other duringthe experiment. These results enable us to con-clude that the coordination was an emergentbehavior spontaneously brought about by infor-mation exchange. We note again that our results

Figure 3. Frequency overlap between the participants’ movements. (A!B) Representative trials for the C!O!C (A, same trial asFigure 1A and C) and the O!C!O conditions (B, same trial as Figures 1B and D). Each individual plot represents a 20 s segment.Power spectra of the movements of each participant are plotted as well as the frequency overlap. (C!D) Mean and standarddeviation of the power spectrum overlap, PSO, across all pairs of participants (n"6) and all trials (10 per pair) for the Closed!Open!Closed C!O!C (C) and the Open!Closed!Open O!C!O (D) conditions. The yellow overlays outline spontaneoussynchronization.

TABLE 2Statistical comparisons (Wilcoxon tests) of the percentage offrequency overlap (PSO) between segments of experimental


Segments compared Z pSignificance


OCO_1_Open vs. OCO_2_Closed 2.35 .018 *OCO_1_Open vs. OCO_3_Open 0.34 .731 nsOCO_2_Closed vs. OCO_3_Open 2.76 .005 **COC_1_Closed vs. COC_2_Open 6.29 .001 **COC_1_Closed vs. COC_3_Closed 4.30 .001 **COC_2_Open vs. COC_3_Closed 5.61 .001 **OCO_2_Closed vs. COC_1_Closed 4.19 .001 **OCO_2_Closed vs. COC_3_Closed 0.09 .926 ns

Notes : *pB.05; **pB.01; ns"non significant. OCO"Open!Closed!Open condition; COC"Closed!Open!Closedcondition; 1, 2 or 3"segment number within the condition;Open or Closed"Visual information exchange or not.


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may be distinguished from previous dyadic stu-dies in which one participant was explicitlyinstructed to track (or drive) the other (e.g., deRugy et al., 2006; Oullier et al., 2003; Schmidtet al., 1990; Temprado et al., 2003) or to resistthe mutual influence each member of thedyad exerted on the other (Schmidt & O’Brien,1997).

Social memory

Our results might be considered a remarkableexample of mutual entrainment between oscilla-tors coupled through a medium of informationexchange (Winfree, 2002). Such a view predictsthat once the coupling is removed, each oscillatorshould return to its own intrinsic frequency andany influence of the interaction should disappear.The situation between two people, however, is notso generic. A closer look at the frequencydistributions in the C!O!C condition revealedthat participants do not revert to their initial‘‘preferred’’ frequency and may carry a memoryof the previous rhythm (from hereon referred toas social memory), when visual exchange isremoved.

To quantify this social memory effect, weanalyzed the movement frequencies for theC!O!C condition in two ways.

Power spectrum overlap. First, using the powerspectrum overlap, we measured the similarity ofmovement frequency produced by the membersof the dyad before and after visual contact (i.e.,between segments 1 and 3 of the C!O!C condi-tion). The logic was that if the fingers were actingas classically coupled oscillators they shouldrevert to their respective intrinsic behaviors aftersevering visual contact. Empirically, therefore,the resulting PSO should be identical for thetwo eyes-closed time segments of the C!O!Ccondition. In contrast, the movement frequenciesof the members of the dyad showed significantlygreater overlap after spontaneous coupling(PSO"31.3%; SD"19.6) than before (PSO"17.6%; SD"15.2). A statistical comparison be-tween the PSO from the two eyes-closed seg-ments (1 and 3) of the C!O!C condition revealedsignificant differences in spite of the absence ofvisual exchange in both cases (Figure 3A; Table2). Instead of returning to their preferred fre-quency following the removal of visual informa-

tion, participants continued to be influenced bythe previous coupled state.

This observation is corroborated by whathappened during the second segment of the O!C!O condition (Figure 2D and 3D): the two eyesclosed segments that followed eyes open ones(O!C!O segment 2 and C!O!C segment 3)revealed no significant difference in frequencyoverlap but significantly differed with the seg-ment in which eyes closed did not follow visualexchange (C!O!C segment 1; see Table 2).3

Overall, the frequency overlap (PSO) provideda good quantitative measure of the ‘‘remnant ofattraction’’.

Peak movement frequency. Second, we trackedthe peak movement frequencies as a participanttraversed the three time segments of the 60 strial. Direct comparison of the two eyes-closedsegments of a C!O!C condition revealed asignificant difference between pre- (segment 1)and post-coupling frequencies (segment 3),t(119)"11.23, pB.001. After viewing eachother’s finger movements, participants did notrelax back to their initial frequency but adopteda new one as a result of their interaction. Effectsof visually induced social coupling were alsoclear in the sequence of relative phase plots,where the moderating effect of the coupledphase-locking state on the previous phase wrap-ping behavior was expressed by a reduction ofthe slope of f (compare segments 1 and 3 ofFigure 2C) and the concentration values of therelative phase and its circular variance in eachsegment (cf. Table 1).

To investigate how long this remnant endures,we ran a simple ancillary experiment that system-atically increased the length of the third segmentof the C!O!C trial. Whether the third segmentlasted 20, 30 or 60 s, similar results were observed:participants did not relax back to their initialmovement frequency as long as finger oscillationswere executed. Moreover, participants consis-tently started the new trial moving at theirpreviously determined preferred frequency.Hence, the social memory effect observed in theC!O!C trials appeared to disappear once theparticipants stopped moving or when a new trialbegan.

3 Although interesting, the latter result should beconsidered with caution since it reports a comparisonbetween two eyes-closed segments from two differentconditions.


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Dependence on initial conditions

Based on initial frequency screening, participantscould readily be identified as having the higher(H) or lower (L) preferred frequency of the pair.Sorting participants with respect to this criterionrevealed an unexpected directionality effect thatprovided greater insight into how initial condi-tions, in this case initial preferred frequency (L orH), in part determines how the individual move-ment frequencies evolve throughout the trial. In86.6% of trials, the participant with the lowestinitial frequency of movement (L) increased his/her frequency when switching from eyes closed toeyes open (from segment 1 to segment 2;Figure 4C) whereas the one with the higher initialfrequency (H) decreased in 75% of the cases,x12"109.10, pB.01 (Figure 4D). When closingtheir eyes again (from segment 2 to 3), Lparticipants slowed down toward their initial‘‘intrinsic’’ frequency (83.3% of the cases) and

H participants also slowed down away from theirown intrinsic frequency when vision was removed(75%; x12"34.10, pB.01).

During the C!O!C condition, there was there-fore a different directionality effect in peakfrequency change depending on whether a givenmember of the dyad initially had a higher (orlower) preferred frequency. Shifts in frequencyobserved across segments 1 and 3 of a C!O!Ctrial, resulted from the L participant increasingfrequency (78.3% of the cases) and the Hparticipant decreasing frequency (93.3%), asconfirmed by a x2 test (x12"137.08, pB.01).These results were confirmed by computation ofthe average frequency for each participant (L andH) in each segment of the C!O!C condition(Figure 4C and D). Importantly, participantsstarting the trial with the higher initial movementfrequency (H) were more affected by the inter-action, as the difference between their initialand final frequencies was significantly higher

Figure 4. Directionality effect in peak frequency changes in the C!O!C condition. Power spectrum of the movement of theparticipant with (A) the lowest (L) initial preferred frequency (red) and (B) the highest (H) initial preferred frequency (blue) foreach of the three time segments. For both participants, the effects of opening and closing the eyes is illustrated by green and blackarrows respectively. (C!D) Grand average of the peak frequencies for each kind of participant (L and H) in each time segment. T-test significance: *pB.05; **pB.01.


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(H: 0.21 Hz; SD"0.12) than for participants whostarted with lower initial frequency (L: 0.11 Hz;SD"0.09; see Figure 4).


The present research adopted the theoreticaland experimental framework of coordinationdynamics to investigate elementary forms ofsocial interaction. A notable feature of thisframework is its ability to uncover generic me-chanisms common to different kinds of systems atdifferent levels of observation. For instance, thesame basic patterns of coordinated behavior andpattern dynamics (multistability, critical fluctua-tions accompanied by a temporary loss of stabi-lity, phase transitions, hysteresis and criticalslowing down) have been observed within anindividual in studies of bimanual and single limbmovement coordination, studies of sensorimotorcoordination between an individual and the en-vironment or between individuals (see Jantzen &Kelso, 2007; Kelso, 1995; Swinnen, 2002, forreviews). Here we investigated how the natural(uninstructed) social influence of one person onanother evolves in real time and we report twokey findings. The first is that humans immediatelyand spontaneously coordinate their actions witheach other when provided with vision of themovements of the other’s hand together withtheir own. The second is that an individual’sintrinsic behavior is altered by the social interac-tion: that is, the effect of the previous socialencounter persists when vision of the other’smovements is no longer available. Dynamicalmeasures such as relative phase and powerspectral overlap proved to be adequate quantifi-cations of the spontaneous coupling betweenindividuals, the transition to loss of entrainmentand the persistence or ‘‘social memory’’ of theencounter.

What features of the visual information ex-change might have facilitated such spontaneoussocial coordination? Human movements can beaffected unintentionally by the vision of an objectoscillating in their environment as illustrated byexperiments using a moving-room paradigm (e.g.,Lee & Lishman, 1975; Oullier et al., 2002;Stoffregen, 1985). In addition, experimental datashow that the mere observation of the movementsof another person interferes with one’s executionof a similar action (Kilner, Paulignan, & Blake-more, 2003). Interestingly, such interference is

less noticeable when the movement being ob-served is generated by human-figured robots (seealso Castiello, 2003). Recent work in our labora-tory has examined the degree of coordination thatoccurs when a single individual performs thepresent task in front of a computer-generatedhand that moves along a sinusoidal or a pre-recorded realistic trajectory (de Guzman, Tog-noli, Lagarde, Jantzen, & Kelso, 2005). Sponta-neous synchronization was most likely whenparticipants moved while viewing the computer-generated hand driven by a realistic trajectory.However, unlike the present results, synchroniza-tion was not observed in 100% of the trials and,when present, was supported by a significantlylower frequency overlap (de Guzman et al., 2005).One may invoke a one-way coupling to explainthese latter findings, since*unlike the presentwork*the motion of the computer-generatedhand could not be influenced by the movementof the participant.

Taken together, the foregoing results suggestthat biological relevance, and biological motion inparticular, play a key role in the formation ofsocial coupling. One explanation of our findingsmay be found at the neurophysiological level. Forinstance, some areas of the brain are known to beassociated with the perception (but not theexecution) of biological motion including theposterior superior temporal sulcus or STS (Alli-son, Puce, & McCarthy, 2000; Grezes, Armony,Rowe, & Passingham, 2003; Grezes et al., 2001;Iacoboni et al., 2005). STS is also known to be asource of afferent input for the so-called human‘‘mirror system’’ (Rizzolatti & Craighero, 2004).Originally identified in monkeys, mirror neuronsare discharging both when one performs a givenaction and when one sees the same actionperformed by someone else (Gallese, Fadiga,Fogassi, & Rizolatti, 1996). They have beenlocated primarily in the ventral premotor cortexand the rostral region of the inferior parietallobule (Rizzolatti & Craighero, 2004). The humanmirror system constitutes a neural mechanismallowing matching between visual perception andthe execution of a given action (Rizolatti, Fogassi,& Gallese, 2001) and may also provide a basis forunderstanding the intentions of others (Iacoboniet al., 2005). Since participants in our experimentwere both producing and observing rhythmiccoordination, it seems possible that the humanmirror neuron system at least partially underliesthe spontaneous coordination observed. Thishypothesis is supported by the conclusions of a


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study that replicated our C!O!C condition whilebrain activity of each member of the dyad wasrecorded using a dual-EEG system (Tognoli et al.,2007). These authors identified a cortical rhythmthat distinguished synchronized and unsynchro-nized interpersonal coordination whose topogra-phy was consistent with neuro-anatomical sourceswithin the human mirror system. In addition,other neural systems are likely to be required forour task to be performed. Among them is thecerebellum, which has been reported to play akey role in perceiving (Leube et al., 2003) andtiming one’s movements (Ivry & Spencer, 2004;Jantzen, Oullier, Marshall, Steinberg, & Kelso,2007).

A serendipitous finding in our study was theconsistent and persistent influence of socialinteraction on subsequent rhythmic behaviordespite the lack of information exchange be-tween the pair. Such a finding suggests that theconnectivity and dynamics of the network en-gaged in the generation of spontaneous rhythmi-cal movement is modified by social interaction,and that this new organization is retained afterthe completion of the social visual exchange.Recent evidence in support of this hypothesissuggests that two people engaging in a commontask share a representation of each other’smovement dynamics, including trajectory ampli-tude and frequency (Bosbach, Cole, Prinz, &Knoblich, 2005; Decety & Sommerville, 2003;Sebanz, Knoblich, & Prinz, 2005; see also Saxe,Jamal, & Powell, 2006). Dual-EEG measurementof people involved in a joint task revealed that astimulus referring to someone else’s actionelicited a similar electrophysiological responselocated in frontal sites as a stimulus referring toone’s own action (Sebanz, Knoblich, Prinz, &Wascher, 2006). Sebanz and colleagues (2006)therefore provided evidence that individualsacting in a social context might form sharedneurophysiological action representations. Tosome extent, such a (shared) representationmay persist in working memory when vision isremoved, i.e., when information exchange is nolonger possible (Goldman, Levine, Major, Tank,& Seung, 2003; Seung & Chapman, 2003; Seung,Lee, Reis, & Tank, 2000). This notion isbolstered by evidence showing that observationof another person performing rhythmic move-ments generates a kinematically specific memorytrace of the observed motions in primary motorcortex (Stefan et al., 2005). Moreover, represen-tations at the neural level have been shown to be

highly flexible and context dependent (Jantzen,Steinberg, & Kelso, 2004, 2005), influenced bothby environmental (Wheeler, Peterson, & Buck-ner, 2000) and task demands (Oullier, Jantzen,Steinberg, & Kelso, 2005).

Clearly, the extent and duration of the carry-over or remnant effects found here may reflectmany factors, including the strength of the bondthat is formed between people, their place in thesocial hierarchy, the willingness of each partici-pant to cooperate, gender differences, personalitycharacteristics and the significance each partici-pant attaches to the social encounter (Insel &Fernald, 2004). Our result showing that the initialconditions (who starts with the higher or lowerpreferred movement frequency) determine beha-vior after the social encounter is over hints thatsuch issues may be precisely quantified in well-defined experimental situations such as thoseafforded by the present paradigm.

In conclusion, one may well ask why this kindof spontaneous interpersonal coordination oc-curs in the first place? Compelling examplesstretching from human evolution through reli-gious ritual and sports to political, war andeconomical strategy suggest that keeping to-gether in time is one of the most powerfulways to create and sustain communities andcommunication (McNeill, 1995). Moreover, notmoving in synchrony may be too costly for thedyad (see, e.g., Kording Fukunaga, Howard,Ingram, & Wolpert, 2004). Coordination dy-namics serve as a natural framework for studyingsocial and biological coordination in real time(Kelso & Engstrøm, 2006). Although observa-tional methods have elucidated various forms ofsocial behavior (Condon & Sandler, 1974; Meltz-off & Decety, 2003), the present study offers anovel perspective and new metrics to exploresystematically a fundamental form of humanbonding (or lack thereof), and the self-organiz-ing processes that underlie its persistence andchange. In this respect it complements recentdevelopments in several fields such as socialcognitive neuroscience (e.g., Singer, Frith, &Wolpert, 2003; Sommerville & Decety, 2006).In addition, behavioral economics and gametheory (e.g., Camerer, 1999, 2003; Sally, 2003),socioeconomics (e.g., Vinkovic & Kirman, 2006)and neuroeconomics (e.g., Camerer, Lowenstein,& Prelec, 2005; Oullier & Kelso, 2006; Zak,2004) could also benefit from this paradigm asdecision making is often studied in a disembo-died fashion, i.e., with little consideration for the


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role played by the ‘‘bodily dimension of at-traction!repulsion’’ in the way people decide tobehave with respect to others.

Manuscript received 12 May 2006Manuscript accepted 26 July 2007

First published online day/month/year


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