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Russia-CERN Joint Working Group on LHC Computing

Russia-CERN Joint Working Group on LHC Computing, 19 March, 2004, CERN

V.A. Ilyin

1. Some about JWGC2. Russia in LCG3. Russia in EGEE4. DataChallenges in Experiments (presentations from Exps)5. Financial aspects6. Networking

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• to fix problems (technical/organization/financial) and report them to the Russia-CERN JWG• to discuss tasks/milestones/results of Russian participation in LHC computing• to discuss plans

Meetings twice per year. (attached to the JWG meetings in April and October).Change of the place: CERN – Moscow

Membership: • chairs S. Belyaev (deputy V. Ilyin) and L. Robertson• each of four LHC experiments nominates 2 members, from CERN and Russia• specialists from CERN and Russia on fabric, data management and connectivity

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Russian Tier2-Cluster

Cluster of institutional computing centers with Tier2 functionality and summary resources at 50-70% level of the canonical Tier1 center for each experiment (ALICE, ATLAS, CMS, LHCb):

analysis; simulations; users data support.

Participating institutes:Moscow ITEP, SINP MSU, RRC KI, LPI, MEPhI…Moscow region JINR, IHEP, INR RASSt.Petersburg PNPI RAS, …Novosibirsk BINP SB RAS

Coherent use of distributed resources by means of DataGrid technologies.

Active participation in the LCG Phase1 Prototyping and Data Challenges (at 5% level).

2002 2004 (Q1) 2004 Q4 2007

CPU kSI2000 50 140 200-250 410

Disk TB 7 22.5 50-70 850

Tape TB (10) 17.5 50 1250

Network Mbps


20 100 155/… Gbps/…

FTE: 12 (2002), 20 (2004 Q1), 25-30 (2004 Q4)

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Resource Publication for Q2 2004














0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000


United States

Czech Republic










Sw itzerland

FTEtape space TBdisk space TBCPU KSI2000

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Russian HEP InstitutionsRussian HEP Institutions

Skobeltsyn Inst. Nucl. Physics of Moscow St. Univ

Moscow, Russia

Institute of Theoretical and Experimental Physics

Moscow, Russia

Moscow Engineering Physics Institute St.

Univ of RussiaMoscow, Russia

Joint Institute of Nuclear Research

Dubna, Russia

Inst. for Nucl. Res. of Russian Acad. Of Science Troitsk,


Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institute of Russian

Acad. of SciGatchina, Russia

Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics of the Siberian Branch

of Russian Acad. of Sci Academgorodok, Russia

Institute of High Energy Physics

Protvino, Russia

Russian Research Center "Kurchatov Institute

Moscow, Russia

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Moscow city map. Location of HEP centers are indicated, as well location of M9-Internet-Exchange Point M9-IX

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Moscow Region Map. Location of HEP centers: JINR (Dubna), INR RAS (Troitsk) and IHEP (Protvino)

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St.-Petersburg Region Map. Location of PNPI (Gatchina) is indicated

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Novosibirsk Region Map. Location of BINP (Akademgorodok) is indicated

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Russia in LCG• We have started activity in LCG in autumn 2002.

• Russia joined to the LCG-1 infrastructure (CERN press-release 29.09.2003). Goal now – to join to LCG-2, to be an operational segment of world-wide LCG infrastructure and participate in DC04’s.

• Manpower contribution to LCG (started in May 2003):the Protocol is signed by CERN, Russia and JINR, in total 3 FTEs per year: 3 months visits to IT to work on tasks agreed, budget for 2003 is approved, 3 tasks for our responsibility, work started in April 2003: 1) testing GRID mw to be used in LCG (3x3months – IHEP, JINR, PNPI) 2) evaluation of new GRID mw (OGSA/GT3, 9 months – SINP, JINR) 3) common solutions for event generators and event data bases (9 months – SINP, ITEP)

• The Protocol on Russia participation in experiments at LHC has been signed in November 2003- frameworks for period from 2007:

M&O regional center in Russia and LCG computing in Experiments (on-line, off-line)

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LHC Computing GRIDLCG-1 (Autumn 2003)

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Externally Funded LCG Personnel at CERN

Diff. FTESource SUM SUM Cost C-RRB

of Funding 2002 2003 2004 2005 FTE Years Head Years kCHF Apr-03EU DataGrid 7.2 6.7 1.0 14.8 15.3 1775 0.7LCG Assoc.1 2.2 3.0 2.3 3.0 10.5 11.4 1320 -0.1France 2.8 6.1 6.3 4.8 20.0 40.0 2230 4.9Germany2 0.3 2.3 4.0 3.1 9.6 9.6 1150 -6.4Hungary 0.4 1.6 0.7 0.7 3.3 4.5 295 -0.3Israel 2.0 2.2 2.1 2.0 8.3 7.8 595 0.0Italy-INFN2 1.4 6.8 11.2 10.0 29.3 31.2 3495 -1.6Portugal 2.1 2.1 1.1 5.3 6.1 530 1.7Russia+JINR 2.2 3.0 3.0 8.2 8.3 985 1.9Spain 1.6 2.5 0.8 4.9 7.4 490 -3.5Sweden 0.6 1.1 1.2 1.2 4.1 3.4 263 -0.1Switzerland 0.5 1.8 1.6 1.2 5.1 6.0 470 -0.9Taipei 0.3 2.6 1.3 4.2 4.2 500 2.2UK-EPSRC 0.8 1.0 0.2 2.0 2.0 226 0.0UK-PPARC 10.8 24.1 21.8 12.3 69.0 68.5 9650 -3.1UK-Expts 1.7 1.7 1.7 1.7 6.8 8.0 720 6.8USA 6.0 6.1 6.1 6.1 24.4 59.9 2930 9.9SUM 38.5 73.6 67.3 50.2 229.6 293.4 27624 12.0

India3 0.6 8.0 10.0 10.0 28.6Russia+JINR4 3.0 6.0 6.0 15.0

Personnel in FTE

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Information System testing for LCG-1

Elena SlabospitskayaInstitute for High Energy Physics, Protvino, Russia


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It was designed and realized OGSA/GT3 testbed (named 'Beryllium') on the basis of PCs located at CERN and SINP MSU modelling a GT3 based Grid system.

Created software for common library of MC generators, GENSER, New project MCDB (Monte Carlo Data Base) for LCG AA is proposed with Russia responsibility, as common solution for storing and providing access cross the LCG sites to the samples of events at partonic level.

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The simplified schema of Beryllium testbed (CERN-SINP)

The resource broker plays a central role:

Accepts requests from the User Using the Information Service

information, selects the suitable computer elements

Reserve the selected Computing Element

Communicates to the user a “ticket” to allow job submission

Maintains a list of all jobs running and receive confirmation

messages of the ongoing processing from the CEs

At job end, it updates the table of running job/CE status

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In 2001-2003 we had CERN-INTAS grant 00-0440 (60 Keuro per year): Russia teams: SINP MSU, ITEP, IHEP and JINR INTAS teams: CERN IT, IN2P3In July 2003 this grant is finishing. Final meeting was in May at CERN.

New CERN-INTAS grant 03-52-4297 will start in April 2004. Main goals: on the base of LCG infrastructure to study some key R&D problems (advanced algorithms for task dispatching, managing chaotic set of analysis tasks etc). Russia teams: SINP MSU, JINR, ITEP, IHEP, BINP and PNPI INTAS teams: CERN IT, INFN-Padua, FZKBudget again 60 Keuro per year.First working meeting – today (19.03.04) at CERN.

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Six Russian HEP institutes participate in the EGEE project (Enabling Grids for E-science in Europe – EU FP6 Contract 508833).

EGEE will start in April 2004, for two years.

This is an infrastructure project: distributed ROC (24x7 service) – IHEP, JINR, ITEP, PNPI CIC (from the end of 2004) – SINP, plus some functions by JINR, RRC KI

Budget of Russian institutes - 1 MEuro for two years.

Major application – LHC computing (some 100%, at least in 2004). Thus, CIC-ROC infrastructure will serve both for EGEE and LCG.

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Distribution of Service Activities over Europe: • Operations Management at CERN; • Core Infrastructure Centres in the UK, France, Italy, Russia (PM12) and at CERN, responsible for managing the overall Grid infrastructure;• Regional Operations Centres, responsible for coordinating regional resources, regional deployment and support of services. Russia: CIC – SINP MSU, RRC KI (security and CA), JINR (monitoring)

ROC – IHEP, PNPI, IMPB RAS Dissemination&Outreach – JINR,

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Financial situation

Main points:2003: Ministry of Atomic Energy (IHEP, ITEP and RRC KI) - 250 Keuro. Local sources of the institutes - ~150 Keuro CERN-INTAS – 60 Keuro MoIST&JINR - manpower contribution to LCG - 63 (42+21) KEuro

2004: EGEE- 500 Keuro (EU budget) MoAE – 200 Keuro (to match EGEE EU budget) MoIST – 400 Keuro (to match EGEE EU budget) CERN-INTAS - 60 Keuro (plus 35 Keuro on networking – INTAS infrastructure project RuGNet) Local sources of the institutes - ~150 Keuro MoIST&JINR - manpower contribution to LCG - 98 (65+33) KEuro

This level of financial support will allow us to continue participation in DC04’s and in LCG-2.

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Connectivity with CERNInternational links for Russian science are (RBNet): 4 STM1 (4x155 Mbps) links Moscow-Stockholm

Today three 155 Mbps links operate:1. one for NaukaNet 155 Mbps connectivity with StarLight in Chicago 2. second 155 Mbps for commodity Internet3. 155 Mbps to GEANT4. 4th 155 Mbps – plan to establish backup link to GEANT and pan European GRID


Actual problem: get few-to-few connectivity with GEANT (GRID motivation) – MPLS (infrastructure INTAS project RuGNet)

RunNET (Moscow-St-Petersburg-Helsinki (NorduNET) – GEANT) 622 Mbps (soon 2.4 Gbps). Some bandwidth can be used for HEP (LCG/DC04) applications.

Some prospocts: Project GLORIAD (global f/o ring Chicago-Amsterdam-Moscow-Novosibirsk-

Khabarovsk-Beijing-Japan-Chicago), initiated by USA (NSF+DoE). Protocol was signed at official level by USA, Russia and China.

In 2005 10 Gbps - LHC needs are recognized as major application!

Now littleGLORIAD has started in January 2004 – (the circle of) 155 Mbps.

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Note 10 Gbps

Connections to Poland,

Czech Republic, Hungary

Pan-European Multi-Gigabit Backbone (33 Countries)

January 2004

Planning Underway for “GEANT2” (GN2) Multi-Lambda Backbone, to Start In 2005

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DEVELOPMENTRussia-China-USA Science & Education Network

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S.E. Europe, Russia: Catching Up Latin Am., Mid East, China: Keeping Up India, Africa: Falling Behind

ICFA SCIC Feb 2004,

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Moscow 1 Gbps

IHEP 8 Mbps (m/w), under construction 100 Mbps fiber-optic (Q2-Q3 2004?)

JINR 45 Mbps, 100-155 Mbps (Q2 2004?), Gbps (2005?)

INR RAS 2 Mbps+2x4Mbps(m/w)

BINP 1 Mbps, 45 Mbps (2004 ?), … GLORIAD

PNPI 512 Kbps (commodity Internet), and 34 Mbps f/o but (!) budget is only for 2 Mbps

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LHC Data ChallengesTypical example – transferring of 100 Gbyte of data from Moscow to CERN for one working day 50 Mbps of bandwidth !
