Page 1: Rubisco Catalytic Properties and Temperature Response in ...Rubisco Catalytic Properties and Temperature Response in Crops1 Carmen Hermida-Carrera, Maxim V. Kapralov, and Jeroni Galmés*

Rubisco Catalytic Properties and TemperatureResponse in Crops1

Carmen Hermida-Carrera, Maxim V. Kapralov, and Jeroni Galmés*

Research Group on Plant Biology under Mediterranean Conditions, Universitat de les Illes Balears,07122 Palma, Balearic Islands, Spain (C.H.-C., J.G.); and School of Natural Sciences and Psychology,Liverpool John Moores University, Liverpool L3 3AF, United Kingdom (M.V.K.)

ORCID IDs: 0000-0003-3272-3054 (C.H.-C.); 0000-0001-7966-0295 (M.V.K.); 0000-0002-7299-9349 (J.G.).

Rubisco catalytic traits and their thermal dependence are two major factors limiting the CO2 assimilation potential of plants. Inthis study, we present the profile of Rubisco kinetics for 20 crop species at three different temperatures. The results largelyconfirmed the existence of significant variation in the Rubisco kinetics among species. Although some of the species tended topresent Rubisco with higher thermal sensitivity (e.g. Oryza sativa) than others (e.g. Lactuca sativa), interspecific differencesdepended on the kinetic parameter. Comparing the temperature response of the different kinetic parameters, the Rubisco Kmfor CO2 presented higher energy of activation than the maximum carboxylation rate and the CO2 compensation point in theabsence of mitochondrial respiration. The analysis of the Rubisco large subunit sequence revealed the existence of some sitesunder adaptive evolution in branches with specific kinetic traits. Because Rubisco kinetics and their temperature dependencywere species specific, they largely affected the assimilation potential of Rubisco from the different crops, especially under thoseconditions (i.e. low CO2 availability at the site of carboxylation and high temperature) inducing Rubisco-limited photosynthesis.As an example, at 25°C, Rubisco from Hordeum vulgare and Glycine max presented, respectively, the highest and lowest potentialfor CO2 assimilation at both high and low chloroplastic CO2 concentrations. In our opinion, this information is relevant toimprove photosynthesis models and should be considered in future attempts to design more efficient Rubiscos.

The reported stagnation in the annual gains of cerealyields in the last decade clearly indicates that the ex-pected demand for increased yield, at least 50% by2050 (, will not be met by conventional breeding (Zhuet al., 2010). Future improvementswill come from novelbioengineering approaches specifically focused onprocesses limiting crop productivity that have not beenaddressed so far (Parry and Hawkesford, 2012; Ortet al., 2015). A number of specific modifications to theprimary processes of photosynthesis that could in-crease canopy carbon assimilation and productionthrough step changes include the modification of thecatalytic properties of Rubisco (Murchie et al., 2009;Whitney et al., 2011; Parry et al., 2013; Ort et al.,2015). First, biochemical models indicate that CO2

fixation rates are limited by Rubisco activity underphysiologically relevant conditions (Farquhar et al.,1980; von Caemmerer, 2000; Rogers, 2014). Second,Rubisco’s catalytic mechanism exhibits importantinefficiencies that compromise photosynthetic pro-ductivity: it is a slow catalyst, forcing plants to ac-cumulate large amounts of the protein, and unableto distinguish between CO2 and oxygen, starting awasteful side reaction with oxygen that leads to therelease of previously fixed CO2, NH2, and energy(Roy and Andrews, 2000). These inefficiencies limitnot only the rate of CO2 fixation but also the capacityof crops for an optimal use of resources, principallywater and nitrogen (Flexas et al., 2010; Parry andHawkesford, 2012).

Rubisco kinetic parameters has been described invitro at 25°C for about 250 species of higher plants, ofwhich only approximately 8% are crop species (Yeohet al., 1981; Bird et al., 1982; Sage, 2002; Ishikawa et al.,2009; Prins et al., 2016). These data revealed the exis-tence of significant variability in the main Rubisco ki-netic parameters both among C3 species (Yeoh et al.,1980, 1981; Bird et al., 1982; Jordan and Ogren, 1983;Parry et al., 1987; Castrillo, 1995; Delgado et al., 1995;Kent and Tomany, 1995; Balaguer et al., 1996; Bota et al.,2002; Galmés et al., 2005, 2014a, 2014c; Ghannoumet al., 2005; Ishikawa et al., 2009) and between C3 and C4species (Kane et al., 1994; Sage, 2002; Kubien et al., 2008;Perdomo et al., 2015b). The existence of Rubiscoswith different catalytic traits implies that the success,

1 This study was supported by the SpanishMinistry of Science andInnovation (project nos. AGL2009–07999 and AGL2013–42364R toJ.G.) and the Spanish Ministry of Education (FPI fellowship no.BES–2010–030796 to C.H.-C.).

* Address correspondence to [email protected] author responsible for distribution of materials integral to the

findings presented in this article in accordance with the policy de-scribed in the Instructions for Authors ( is:Jeroni Galmés ([email protected]).

J.G. conceived the project; C.H.-C. and J.G. designed the experi-ment; C.H.-C. performed the experiments; C.H.-C., M.V.K., and J.G.analyzed the data and wrote the article.

Plant Physiology�, August 2016, Vol. 171, pp. 2549–2561, � 2016 American Society of Plant Biologists. All Rights Reserved. 2549

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Page 2: Rubisco Catalytic Properties and Temperature Response in ...Rubisco Catalytic Properties and Temperature Response in Crops1 Carmen Hermida-Carrera, Maxim V. Kapralov, and Jeroni Galmés*

in terms of photosynthetic improvement, of Rubiscoengineering approaches in crops will depend on thespecific performance of the native enzyme from eachcrop species. Nevertheless, our knowledge of the ac-tual variability in Rubisco kinetics is still narrow, notonly because of the limited number of species thathave been examined so far but mainly because com-plete Rubisco kinetic characterization (including themain parameters) has been performed in very fewspecies.

Recent modeling confirmed that Rubisco is not per-fectly optimized to deliver maximum rates of photo-synthesis and indicated that Rubisco optimizationdepends on the environmental conditions under whichthe enzyme operates (Galmés et al., 2014b). In particu-lar, Rubisco catalytic parameters are highly sensitive tochanges in temperature. For instance, the maximumcarboxylase turnover rate (kcat

c) increases exponentiallywith temperature (Sage, 2002; Galmés et al., 2015).However, at temperatures higher than the photosyn-thetic thermal optimum, the increases in kcat

c are nottranslated into increased CO2 assimilation because ofthe decreased affinity of Rubisco for CO2 (i.e. higherMichaelis-Menten constant for CO2 [Kc] and lowerCO2-oxygen specificity [Sc/o]) and the decreased CO2-oxygen concentration ratio in solution (Hall and Keys,1983; Jordan and Ogren, 1984). These changes favorthe ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate (RuBP) oxygenation byRubisco relative to carboxylation, increasing the fluxthrough photorespiration and, ultimately, reducing thepotential growth at high temperatures (Jordan andOgren, 1984).

Beyond the discernment of the existing variability inRubisco kinetics at a standard temperature, the knowl-edge of the temperature dependence of Rubisco ki-netics and the existence of variability in the thermalsensitivity among higher plants are of key importancefor modeling purposes. The number and diversity ofplant species for which Rubisco kinetic parametershave been tested in vitro at a range of physiologicallyrelevant temperatures are still very scarce (Laing et al.,1974; Badger and Collatz, 1977; Badger, 1980; Monsonet al., 1982; Hall and Keys, 1983; Jordan and Ogren,1984; Lehnherr et al., 1985; Uemura et al., 1997; Zhuet al., 1998; Sage et al., 2002; Galmés et al., 2005;Haslam et al., 2005; Yamori et al., 2006; Perdomo et al.,2015a; Prins et al., 2016) and mostly restricted to a fewkinetic parameters; actually, there is no study exam-ining the temperature dependencies of the main ki-netic constants in the same species. The limited datareported so far suggest the existence of interspecificdifferences in the temperature dependence of someRubisco kinetic parameters, like kcat

c (Chabot et al.,1972; Weber et al., 1977; Sage, 2002) or Sc/o (Zhu et al.,1998; Galmés et al., 2005). Actually, differences in theenergy of activation of kcat

c and Sc/o seem to be ascribedto the thermal conditions typically encountered by thespecies in their native habitat (Galmés et al., 2005) aswell as to the photosynthetic mechanism (Perdomoet al., 2015a).

The variability in the response of Rubisco kinetics tochanges in temperature, if confirmed, is of paramountimportance. The mechanistic models of photosynthesisat leaf, canopy, and ecosystem levels are based on thekinetic properties of Rubisco (Farquhar et al., 1980; vonCaemmerer, 2000; Bernacchi et al., 2002), and the ac-curacy of these photosynthetic models depends onknowing the Rubisco kinetic parameters and thespecies-specific equations for the Rubisco-temperaturedependencies (Niinemets et al., 2009; Yamori and vonCaemmerer, 2009; Bermúdez et al., 2012; Díaz-Espejo,2013; von Caemmerer, 2013; Walker et al., 2013). Theneed for estimations of the temperature dependenciesof Rubisco kinetic parameters becomes timely as mod-elers try to predict the impact of increasing tempera-tures on global plant productivity (Sage et al., 2008;Gornall et al., 2010). Ideally, surveying variations inRubisco kinetics and their temperature dependenceshould incorporate a correlative analysis with varia-tions in the large (L)-subunit and/or small (S)-subunitamino acid sequence. Such a complementary researchwould permit deciphering what residue substitutionsdetermine the observed variability in Rubisco catalysis.

In this study, we examined Rubisco catalytic prop-erties and their temperature dependence in 20 cropspecies, thereby constituting the largest published dataset of its kind. The aims of this work were (1) to com-pare the Rubisco kinetic parameters among the mosteconomically important crops, (2) to search for differ-ences in the temperature response of the main kineticparameters among these species, (3) to test whethercrop Rubiscos are optimally suited for the conditionsencountered in plant chloroplasts, and (4) to unravelkey amino acid replacements putatively responsible fordifferences in Rubisco kinetics in crops.


The Variability in Rubisco Kinetics at 25°C among theMost Relevant Crop Species

When considering exclusively the 18 C3 crop species,at 25°C, the Rubisco Michaelis-Menten constant forCO2 under nonoxygenic (Kc) and 21% O2 (Kc

air) variedapproximately 2-fold and 3-fold, respectively, and thekcat

c varied approximately 2-fold (Table I). For Kc andKc

air,Manihot esculenta presented the lowest values (Kc =6.1 mM and Kc

air = 10.8 mM) and Spinacia oleracea pre-sented the highest (Kc = 14.1 mM and Kc

air = 26.9 mM).Values for kcat

c varied between 1.4 s21 (M. esculenta) and2.5 s21 (Ipomoea batatas). The Rubisco Sc/o was the ki-netic parameter with the lowest variation among the C3species (Supplemental Fig. S1) and ranged between92.4 mol mol–1 (Solanum lycopersicum) and 100.8 molmol–1 (Beta vulgaris and M. esculenta; Table I). Brassicaoleracea and Glycine max presented the lowest value forthe Rubisco carboxylase catalytic efficiency, calculatedas kcat

c/Kc (0.17 s21 mM21), and Coffea arabica presented

the lowest value for the kcatc/Kc

air ratio (0.08 s21 mM21).

With regard to the oxygenase catalytic efficiency

2550 Plant Physiol. Vol. 171, 2016

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Page 3: Rubisco Catalytic Properties and Temperature Response in ...Rubisco Catalytic Properties and Temperature Response in Crops1 Carmen Hermida-Carrera, Maxim V. Kapralov, and Jeroni Galmés*

(calculated as kcato/Ko), S. oleracea displayed the lowest

value (1.76 s21 nM21). Hordeum vulgare presented the

highest values for the Rubisco carboxylase and oxy-genase catalytic efficiencies (kcat

c/Kc = 0.28 s21 mM21,


air = 0.17 s21 mM21, and kcat

o/Ko = 3.01 s21 nM21).

When data from the two C4 species (Saccharum 3officinarum and Zea mays) were included in the com-parison at 25°C, the range of variability increased for allparameters (Table I). Rubisco from the two C4 speciespresented higher kcat

c but lower affinity for CO2 (i.e.higher Kc and Kc

air and lower Sc/o) than Rubisco fromC3crops. On average, kcat

c/Kc and kcato/Ko of C4 Rubiscos

were 62% and 70% of those of C3 crop Rubiscos, re-spectively.

The Temperature Response of Rubisco Kinetics in Cropsand Tradeoffs between Catalytic Traits

Both the range of variation and the species showingthe extreme values of Rubisco kinetics at 15°C and 35°Cwere similar to those described at 25°C, with someexceptions. As at 25°C, among the C3 crops, RubiscofromM. esculenta presented the lowest values forKc andKc

air at 15°C and 35°C, while the highest values weremeasured on Rubisco from S. oleracea (SupplementalTable S1). The lowest and highest values for kcat

c at 15°Cwere those of Rubisco from Cucurbita maxima and H.vulgare, respectively. The degree of dispersion of the

data and the range of variation between the maxi-mum and minimum values for Kc, Kc

air, and kcatc in-

creased with the increment in the assay temperature(Supplemental Table S1; Supplemental Fig. S1). Re-garding Sc/o, values ranged between 116.1 mol mol21

(B. oleracea) and 132.2 mol mol21 (C. maxima) at 15°C andbetween 74.2 mol mol21 (Oryza sativa) and 85 mol mol21

(M. esculenta) at 35°C (Supplemental Table S1). As for Sc/o,the range of variation for kcat

c/Kc and kcato/Ko also was

narrowed with the increase in the assay temperature(Supplemental Table S1; Supplemental Fig. S1).

Integrating all data across three assay temperatures,kcat

c correlated positively with Kc for both C3 species (r2 =

0.82, P , 0.001) and C4 species (r2 = 0.94, P , 0.001),with Rubisco from C4 species showing higher Kc for agiven kcat

c than that from C3 species (Fig. 1A). The lowinterspecific variability in Sc/o within each assay tem-perature determined a nonlinear relationship betweenkcat

c and Sc/o when considering data from all tempera-tures together (Fig. 1B). At each temperature individ-ually, Pearson’s correlation coefficients (PCCs) betweenkcat

c and Kc and Sc/o were highly significant (Table II)when considering both C3 and C4 together. The resultsfrom the PICs analyses were in general more conser-vative compared with PCCs (Table II), and some sig-nificant correlations were lost with PICs (e.g. Sc/oversus Kc or Kc

air at 25°C). Notably, when excludingthe two C4 species, PCCs decreased in almost all

Table I. Kinetic parameters of crop Rubiscos measured at 25˚C

Parameters included Kc and Kcair, kcat

c, Sc/o, and the carboxylation (kcatc/Kc and kcat

c/Kcair) and the oxygenation (kcat

o/Ko) catalytic efficiencies. Thekcat

o/Ko ratio was calculated as (kcatc/Kc)/Sc/o 3 1,000. For each species, data are means6 SE (n = 3–9). Group averages were obtained from individual

measurements in each species. Different letters denote statistical differences (P , 0.05) by Duncan analysis between C3 and C4 groups.

Species Kc Kcair kcat

c Sc/o kcatc/Kc kcat

c/Kcair kcat


mM mM s21 mol mol21 s21 mM21 s21 mM

21 s21 nM21

C3 speciesAvena sativa 10.8 6 0.9 18.1 6 2.0 2.3 6 0.3 99.9 6 3.0 0.21 6 0.01 0.13 6 0.03 2.14 6 0.06Beta vulgaris 10.8 6 1.2 18.6 6 1.1 2.0 6 0.3 100.8 6 2.0 0.19 6 0.02 0.10 6 0.01 1.94 6 0.31Brassica oleracea 11.8 6 0.1 19.2 6 0.3 2.1 6 0.3 96.2 6 1.3 0.17 6 0.03 0.11 6 0.02 1.81 6 0.28Capsicum annuum 9.6 6 0.3 19.8 6 1.5 1.9 6 0.1 96.0 6 4.5 0.20 6 0.01 0.10 6 0.01 1.98 6 0.15Coffea arabica 11.0 6 0.4 22.9 6 2.4 2.1 6 0.2 98.7 6 3.8 0.19 6 0.02 0.08 6 0.01 1.98 6 0.18Cucurbita maxima 9.0 6 0.5 19.2 6 1.0 2.2 6 0.2 98.4 6 0.4 0.25 6 0.04 0.12 6 0.01 2.45 6 0.31Glycine max 8.6 6 0.2 16.2 6 0.7 1.5 6 0.1 97.0 6 1.1 0.17 6 0.02 0.09 6 0.01 1.76 6 0.21Hordeum vulgare 9.0 6 0.6 14.9 6 1.6 2.4 6 0.2 99.2 6 3.8 0.28 6 0.02 0.17 6 0.03 3.01 6 0.19Ipomoea batatas 12.0 6 0.7 21.1 6 1.0 2.5 6 0.1 98.5 6 6.6 0.20 6 0.00 0.12 6 0.01 1.96 6 0.08Lactuca sativa 11.1 6 0.3 18.2 6 1.4 2.2 6 0.1 94.0 6 1.9 0.19 6 0.00 0.12 6 0.01 2.06 6 0.07Manihot esculenta 6.1 6 0.2 10.8 6 0.6 1.4 6 0.1 100.8 6 0.9 0.23 6 0.02 0.13 6 0.01 2.24 6 0.17Medicago sativa 9.7 6 1.6 16.4 6 1.9 1.7 6 0.1 95.6 6 2.2 0.20 6 0.02 0.11 6 0.01 2.23 6 0.36Oryza sativa 8.0 6 0.4 17.3 6 2.4 2.1 6 0.3 93.1 6 1.2 0.26 6 0.04 0.14 6 0.03 2.73 6 0.43Phaseolus vulgaris 7.8 6 0.3 14.0 6 1.0 1.7 6 0.2 99.7 6 2.7 0.22 6 0.02 0.13 6 0.02 2.11 6 0.17Solanum lycopersicum 9.7 6 0.4 16.6 6 1.4 2.3 6 0.2 92.4 6 2.3 0.24 6 0.02 0.14 6 0.01 2.48 6 0.20Solanum tuberosum 9.6 6 0.2 18.0 6 0.8 2.0 6 0.3 95.4 6 2.3 0.22 6 0.05 0.12 6 0.03 2.32 6 0.46Spinacia oleracea 14.1 6 0.8 26.9 6 0.8 2.4 6 0.1 97.0 6 1.2 0.18 6 0.01 0.09 6 0.01 1.76 6 0.13Triticum aestivum 11.3 6 0.4 16.0 6 0.6 2.2 6 0.2 100.1 6 1.8 0.20 6 0.02 0.14 6 0.01 2.08 6 0.24C3 average 10.0 6 0.3a 18.0 6 0.5a 2.1 6 0.1a 97.5 6 0.6a 0.21 6 0.01a 0.12 6 0.01a 2.17 6 0.07a

C4 speciesSaccharum 3 officinarum 26.3 6 4.0 31.7 6 2.1 3.9 6 0.3 82.2 6 1.8 0.15 6 0.02 0.13 6 0.01 1.82 6 0.35Zea mays 31.6 6 1.8 42.0 6 2.8 4.1 6 0.6 87.3 6 1.4 0.11 6 0.02 0.07 6 0.01 1.22 6 0. 20C4 average 27.6 6 2.3b 36.1 6 2.6b 4.0 6 0.5b 84.4 6 1.5b 0.13 6 0.02b 0.10 6 0.01a 1.52 6 0.23b

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Variability of Rubisco Kinetics in Crops

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Page 4: Rubisco Catalytic Properties and Temperature Response in ...Rubisco Catalytic Properties and Temperature Response in Crops1 Carmen Hermida-Carrera, Maxim V. Kapralov, and Jeroni Galmés*

correlations (Table II). Hence, the PCC between kcatc and

Kc was no longer significant at 15°C, and the PCCbetween kcat

c and Sc/o was significant only at 15°C.Furthermore, when considering only C3 species, theunique significant PICs between kcat

c and Kc and Sc/owere those found between kcat

c and Sc/o at 15°C and 25°C.The energy of activation (DHa) for Kc varied between

38.2 kJ mol21 (Solanum tuberosum) and 83.1 kJ mol21

(O. sativa; Table III). I. batatas (40.7 kJ mol21) and M.esculenta (75.4 kJ mol21) were the species showing thelowest and highest values for DHa of Kc

air. As for kcatc,

DHa varied between 27.9 kJ mol21 (H. vulgare) and60.5 kJ mol21 (Medicago sativa). Although the range ofvariation across C3 species was similar for the energies

of activation of both Kc and kcatc (2.2-fold), nonsignifi-

cant correlation was observed between DHa for Kc andDHa for kcat

c in both conventional and phylogeneticallyindependent analyses (r2 = 0.11 and 0.15, respectively,P . 0.05). The lowest and highest values for DHa of theCO2 compensation point in the absence of mitochondrialrespiration (G*; calculated from Sc/o) were measured inB. vulgaris (19.8 kJ mol21) and G. max (26.5 kJ mol21),respectively. On average, Rubisco from C3 crops pre-sented significantly higherDHa forKc (60.96 1.5 kJmol21)and kcat

c (43.76 1.5 kJmol21) thanRubisco fromC4 species(Kc = 52.46 5 kJ mol21 and kcat

c = 30.66 1.6 kJ mol21). Bycontrast, nonsignificant differences were observed in theaverage DHa for G* between C3 species (22.9 6 0.4 kJmol21) and C4 species (25 6 0.7 kJ mol21).

The CO2 Assimilation Potential of Rubisco Kineticsin Crops

The CO2 assimilation potential of Rubisco (ARubisco)was modeled at varying temperature and CO2 avail-ability at the catalytic site (chloroplastic CO2 concen-tration [Cc]) using the species-specific kinetic datameasured at each temperature (Table I; SupplementalTable S1). The simulated value of Cc = 250 mbar isrepresentative of that encountered in the chloroplaststroma of C3 species under well-watered conditions(Bermúdez et al., 2012; Scafaro et al., 2012; Galmés et al.,2013). Under mild to moderate water stress, when nometabolic impairment is present, the decrease in thestomatal and leaf mesophyll conductances to CO2provokes a decrease in the concentration of CO2 in thechloroplast (Flexas et al., 2006). We selected a value of150 mbar to simulate the Cc in water-stressed plants.

Differences in ARubisco across species were largely de-pendent on the temperature and the availability of CO2for carboxylation (Fig. 2). This fact was due to the dif-ferent prevalence of RuBP-saturated (Ac) and RuBP-limited (Aj) CO2 assimilation rates governing ARubiscounder the contrasting temperature and Cc, assuming aninvariable concentration of active Rubisco sites of25mmolm22 for all species. At 15°C,Ac limitedARubisco at

Figure 1. Relationship of kcatc with Kc (A) and the Sc/o (B). Black symbols

correspond to C3 species at 15˚C (triangles), 25˚C (circles), and 35˚C(inverted triangles); white symbols correspond to C4 species at 15˚C(triangles), 25˚C (circles), and 35˚C (inverted triangles). Each symbol rep-resents the average value of a single species per temperature interaction.

Table II. PICs (top part of the diagonals) and PCCs (bottom part of the diagonals) between the Rubisco kinetic parameters Kc, Kcair, kcat

c, and Sc/o at15˚C, 25˚C, and 35˚C when considering the 20 C3 and C4 species together and the 18 C3 species alone

Significant correlations are marked with asterisks: ***, P , 0.001; **, P , 0.01; and *, P , 0.05.

15˚C 25˚C 35˚C

Kc Kcair kcat

c Sc/o Kc Kcair kcat

c Sc/o Kc Kcair kcat

c Sc/o

Data from C3 and C4 species analyzed together

Kc 0.826*** 0.502* 20.314 0.913*** 0.819*** 20.202 0.960*** 0.710*** 20.775***

Kcair 0.927*** 0.036 20.099 0.946*** 0.683*** 0.037 0.962*** 0.707*** 20.660**

kcatc 0.810*** 0.645** 20.660** 0.941*** 0.890*** 20.450* 0.894*** 0.858*** 20.634**

Sc/o 20.498* 20.361 20.673** 20.772*** 20.699*** 20.749*** 20.806*** 20.737*** 20.736***

Data from C3 species alone

Kc 0.900*** 0.194 0.120 0.646** 0.256 0.057 0.907*** 0.363 20.357

Kcair 0.892*** 20.118 0.394 0.829*** 0.173 20.006 0.816*** 0.401 20.155

kcatc 0.268 0.137 20.787** 0.698*** 0.587* 20.470* 0.613** 0.476* 20.285

Sc/o 0.025 0.145 20.496* 20.049 20.162 20.083 20.386 20.157 20.259

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Cc of 150 mbar in nine species (indicated by asterisks inFig. 2). At 15°C and Cc of 250 mbar, only six species wereAc limited (Capsicum annuum, C. maxima, M. sativa, O.sativa, S. tuberosum, and S. oleracea). At 25°C and 35°C,ARubisco was Ac limited in all C3 species irrespective of Cc.At 25°C, the best Rubisco was that from H. vulgare at

both Cc values, while Rubisco from G. max yielded thelowest ARubisco (Fig. 2). Rubisco from B. vulgaris pre-sented the best performance at 35°C irrespective of CO2availability, while C. annuum and S. officinarum Rubiscogave the lowest ARubisco at Cc of 250 and 150 mbar, re-spectively. At 15°C and Cc of 250 mbar, the highestpotential for CO2 assimilation was found in Rubiscofrom G. max, M. esculenta, and Triticum aestivum, whileRubisco from M. esculenta gave the highest ARubisco at15°C and Cc of 150 mbar. Rubisco from C. maxima dis-played the lowestARubisco at 15°C, regardless of the CO2availability. It is interesting that Rubisco from the twoC4 species, in particular from S. officinarum, performedbetter than the average C3 Rubiscos when ARubisco wassimulated according to the photosynthesis model for C3leaves (Farquhar et al., 1980), at 15°C and 25°C under Ccof 250 mbar (Fig. 2A). At lower Cc (150 mbar), the C4Rubiscos yielded higherARubisco values than the averageC3 Rubiscos at 15°C and lower values at 35°C, beingsimilar at 25°C (Fig. 2B).

To test the performance of the different Rubiscos inthe context of C4 photosynthesis, Ac was also modeledassuming Cc of 5,000 mbar and concentration of activeRubisco sites (E) of 15 mmol m22. Under these condi-tions, the advantage of C4-type Rubisco kinetics of S.officinarum and Z. mays, characterized by higher kcat


and Kcair, became evident as providing higher Ac values

at the three temperatures (data not shown). On average,at saturating CO2 and lower concentration of Rubiscocatalytic sites, C4 Rubiscos yielded Ac of 35, 49, and60 mmol m22 s21 at 15°C, 25°C, and 35°C, respectively,compared with the C3 Rubisco averages (10, 23, and42 mmol m22 s21, respectively).

Positively Selected L-Subunit Residues: Relationship withRubisco Kinetics

The phylogeny obtained with rbcL, matK, and ndhFgenes matched the currently accepted angiosperm clas-sification (Supplemental Fig. S2; Bremer et al., 2009).When considering all species together, 10 L-subunit resi-dues were under positive selection: 94, 262, 281, 309, 439,446, 449, 470, 477, and amino acid insert between resi-dues 468 and 469. Moreover, positive selection wasidentified in specific L-subunit residues along branchesleading to specieswith high and lowKc, high kcat

c, and low

Table III. DHa (kJ mol–1) and c (dimensionless) values of Kc (mmol mol–1) and Kcair (mmol mol–1), kcat

c (s–1), and G* (mmol mol–1) for the 20 cropspecies

For each species, data are means 6 SE (n = 3–9). Group averages were calculated from individual measurements in each species. Different lettersdenote statistical differences (P , 0.05) by Duncan analysis between C3 and C4 groups. Parameter concentrations of Kc (mM) and Kc

air (mM) in liquidphase (Table I; Supplemental Table S1) were converted to gaseous phase partial pressures (Kc and/or Kc

air [mmol mol–1] = parameter [mM] 3 Kh 3 airvolume [L]/RT]. Kh is the hydrolysis constant (15˚C = 22.2, 25˚C = 29.4, and 35˚C = 38.2). For the air volume (L): 15˚C = 23.7, 25˚C = 24.5, and 35˚C = 25.4. The term G* (mmol mol –1) is derived from 0.5O/Sc/o, where O is the oxygen concentration.

Species Kc Kcair kcat

c G*

c DHa c DHa c DHa c DHa

C3 speciesA. sativa 31.3 6 0.7 63.4 6 2.0 26.0 6 0.4 48.9 6 1.2 17.6 6 2.2 41.5 6 5.5 13.3 6 0.5 23.6 6 1.4B. vulgaris 28.7 6 1.7 57.0 6 4.4 27.2 6 0.7 51.8 6 1.8 21.5 6 3.7 51.2 6 9.6 11.7 6 0.4 19.8 6 1.0B. oleracea 28.1 6 1.1 55.3 6 2.8 26.5 6 0.9 50.1 6 2.4 18.8 6 2.6 45.7 6 6.5 12.6 6 0.2 21.8 6 0.5C. annuum 26.6 6 1.5 51.8 6 3.7 27.0 6 1.6 51.2 6 3.7 16.3 6 2.8 39.2 6 6.9 13.4 6 0.7 24.1 6 1.8C. arabica 34.7 6 0.3 71.5 6 0.9 27.6 6 1.8 52.2 6 4.3 16.5 6 2.6 39.0 6 6.1 13.1 6 0.5 23.4 6 1.1C. maxima 28.6 6 0.8 57.0 6 1.8 29.2 6 1.1 56.8 6 2.8 20.2 6 1.0 48.7 6 2.7 12.2 6 0.9 21.1 6 2.2G. max 34.2 6 0.5 71.1 6 1.4 28.4 6 1.2 55.3 6 2.9 22.7 6 2.5 55.2 6 5.8 14.4 6 1.7 26.5 6 4.1H. vulgare 31.1 6 1.1 63.4 6 3.0 30.7 6 1.9 60.9 6 5.0 12.2 6 1.6 27.9 6 4.0 12.3 6 0.2 21.2 6 0.6I. batatas 23.0 6 0.7 42.4 6 1.6 22.7 6 1.2 40.7 6 3.1 14.3 6 1.5 33.4 6 3.8 13.0 6 0.3 22.8 6 0.8L. sativa 28.3 6 1.3 55.8 6 3.2 29.0 6 2.1 56.5 6 5.2 14.1 6 0.7 33.3 6 1.7 12.3 6 0.3 21.2 6 0.9M. esculenta 33.7 6 1.4 70.8 6 3.4 36.1 6 1.1 75.4 6 2.8 19.8 6 1.6 47.4 6 4.1 12.2 6 0.2 21.1 6 0.5M. sativa 29.2 6 1.3 58.8 6 3.6 26.1 6 0.4 49.5 6 1.0 24.8 6 1.1 60.5 6 2.8 11.8 6 0.2 20.1 6 0.4O. sativa 38.9 6 0.8 83.1 6 1.8 30.5 6 1.2 60.5 6 3.1 19.2 6 1.8 46.4 6 4.7 13.7 6 0.5 24.6 6 1.3P. vulgaris 31.5 6 0.8 64.6 6 2.0 30.9 6 2.7 61.7 6 6.8 19.8 6 2.1 47.7 6 5.3 13.4 6 0.6 24.1 6 1.5S. lycopersicum 30.8 6 2.5 62.1 6 6.3 36.0 6 2.5 73.8 6 6.4 14.7 6 1.4 34.6 6 3.6 12.5 6 0.2 21.8 6 0.5S. tuberosum 21.1 6 0.2 38.2 6 0.5 24.4 6 0.8 44.9 6 1.9 19.2 6 0.5 46.2 6 1.1 13.7 6 0.9 24.7 6 2.2S. oleracea 34.3 6 0.8 69.9 6 2.2 25.1 6 0.5 45.6 6 1.1 20.2 6 0.7 48.0 6 1.8 13.5 6 0.3 25.2 6 1.0T. aestivum 30.1 6 0.5 60.4 6 2.2 34.4 6 2.2 70.1 6 5.4 17.4 6 1.7 41.2 6 4.3 13.5 6 0.2 24.2 6 0.4C3 average 30.2 6 0.6a 60.9 6 1.5a 28.8 6 0.6a 55.9 6 1.5a 18.3 6 0.6a 43.7 6 1.5a 13.0 6 0.2a 22.9 6 0.4a

C4 speciesS. officinarum 30.2 6 1.9 58.3 6 5.0 32.0 6 1.0 62.3 6 2.7 13.6 6 1.5 30.2 6 3.5 14.3 6 0.6 25.8 6 1.4Z. mays 24.7 6 3.4 44.5 6 8.5 24.7 6 3.4 44.5 6 8.5 14.0 6 0.9 31.0 6 1.9 13.6 6 0.1 24.3 6 0.2C4 average 27.9 6 2.0a 52.4 6 5.0b 28.9 6 0.8a 53.7 6 1.9a 13.7 6 0.7b 30.6 6 1.6b 14.0 6 0.3a 25. 0 6 0.7a

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Sc/o at 25°C and low DHa for Kc (Table IV). The residuesunder positive selectionwere located at different positionswithin the Rubisco tertiary structure and included func-tionally diverse sites participating in L-subunit intradimerand dimer-dimer interactions and interactions withS-subunits and with Rubisco activase (Table IV). No res-idue under positive selection was associated with DHa forKc

air, DHa for kcatc, or DHa for Sc/o.


Main Crops Possess Rubiscos with Different Performanceat 25°C

The kinetic data reported in this study are consistentwith the range reported previously for higher plants at

25°C (Yeoh et al., 1980, 1981; Bird et al., 1982; JordanandOgren, 1983; Kent and Tomany, 1995; Galmés et al.,2005, 2014a, 2014c; Ishikawa et al., 2009; Prins et al.,2016; Table I) and showing the existence of significantvariation among species in the carboxylase catalyticefficiency under nonoxygenic conditions (kcat

c/Kc) andatmospheric conditions (kcat

c/Kcair). Recent reports re-

lated kcatc/Kc variation with the growth capacity in a

group of closely related species with similar ecology(Galmés et al., 2014a), suggesting that improving thisratio would be an effective way to engineer a betterRubisco. Nevertheless, such an improvement becomesconstrained by the tradeoffs between kcat

c, Kc, and Sc/o(Tcherkez et al., 2006; Savir et al., 2010; Galmés et al.,2014a, 2014c). Here, we demonstrate that these trade-offs, in particular kcat

c versus Kc, hold when considering

Figure 2. Simulated ARubisco for C3 and C4 species at 15˚C, 25˚C, and 35˚C and at Cc values of 250 mbar (A) and 150 mbar (B).Equations used to calculateARubisco were those described in the biochemicalmodel of C3 photosynthesis (Farquhar et al., 1980), asexplained in “Materials and Methods.” Bars represent minimum values of Ac- and Aj-limited ARubisco. Asterisks beside the barsindicate Ac-limited ARubisco, and the absence of asterisks indicates Aj-limited ARubisco. The rates of electron transport were 60, 150,and 212 mmol m22 s21 at 15˚C, 25˚C, and 35˚C, respectively. The concentration of active Rubisco sites was assumed to be in-variable at 25 mmol m22 for all species and environmental conditions. The values used for the Rubisco kinetic parameters (kcat

c,G*, and Kc

air) are those shown in Table I and Supplemental Table S1.

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C3 and C4 species together, even after accounting for thephylogenetic signal in the data, and that they generallystrengthen at increasing assay temperatures (Table II).However, most of these tradeoffs were lost when con-sidering exclusively the C3 species (Table II), indicativethat the broad-scale patterns of covariation between theRubisco kinetic parameters may not hold at smallerscales, as observed previously in other angiospermspecies (Galmés et al., 2014c).The kcat

c from Z. mays and S. officinarum was 2-foldhigher than that of the C3 species, albeit at the expenseof 3 times less affinity for CO2 (Table I). This findingagrees with previously described trends between C3and C4 species (Ghannoum et al., 2005; Kubien et al.,2008; Ishikawa et al., 2009) and with the fact that C4species present lower kcat

c/Kc (Kubien et al., 2008;Perdomo et al., 2015a).Unlike other reports (Sage, 2002; Ishikawa et al.,

2009), the observed variation in the kinetic parametersat 25°C among C3 species was apparently not related tothe thermal climate of their respective domesticationregions (data not shown). It should be noted that theorigin, and hence the climatic conditions, of the selectedvarieties could be different from the species center ofdomestication and that the different crop varieties mayhave accumulated adaptive changes to local conditionsby means of artificial selection (Meyer et al., 2012). In-traspecific variability in Rubisco catalytic traits hasbeen reported in T. aestivum (Galmés et al., 2014c) andH. vulgare (Rinehart et al., 1983), but how this variability

among genotypes is related to the adaptation ofRubisco to local environments remains elusive.

The Rubisco Kinetic Parameters of the Main Crops PresentDifferent Thermal Sensitivities

The observed temperature response of the Rubiscokinetic parameters confirms well-described trends ofincreases in kcat

c and Kc and a decrease in Sc/o with in-creasing assay temperature (Table I; SupplementalTable S1; Jordan andOgren, 1984; Brooks and Farquhar,1985; Uemura et al., 1997; Galmés et al., 2005; Prinset al., 2016).

The temperature dependency of full Rubisco catalyticconstants was first provided forNicotiana tabacum usingin vivo-based leaf gas-exchange analysis (Bernacchiet al., 2001). After that report, all studies dealing withthe temperature response of photosynthesis assumedthe temperature dependency parameters of N. tabacumRubisco, irrespective of the modeled species, from an-nual herbs to trees and from cold- to warm-adaptedspecies (Pons et al., 2009; Keenan et al., 2010; Yamoriet al., 2010; Galmés et al., 2011; Bermúdez et al., 2012;Scafaro et al., 2012). Importantly, our data set consti-tutes the most unequivocal confirmation that differenttemperature sensitivities of Rubisco kinetic parametersexist among different species and that extrapolatingthe temperature response of a unique model speciesto other plants induces errors when modeling the

Table IV. Amino acid replacements in the Rubisco L-subunit identified under positive selection by Bayesempirical Bayes analysis implemented in the PAML package (Yang et al., 2005; Yang, 2007) alongbranches of the phylogenetic tree leading to species with particular Rubisco properties

Residuea Amino Acid Changes Location of Residue Interactionb

Branches leading to species with Kc $ 26 mM and kcatc $ 3.9 s–1 at 25˚C (C4 species)

94** D, E, K → P ID, RA446** R → K C terminus469** Insert of G or T before residue 469 C terminus IDBranches leading to species with kcat

c $ 2.5 s–1 at 25˚C281** A → S Helix 4 DD, SSBranches leading to species with Kc $ 10.8 mM at 25˚C439*** A → T, V Helix G469* Insert of G or T before residue 469 C terminus ID470* A, E → K, P, Q C terminus ID477** S → E, G, P, Q C terminusBranches leading to species with Sc/o # 94 mol mol–1 at 25˚C309** M → I bF-strand IDBranches leading to species with DHa for Kc # 56 kJ mol–1

262** V → A, T Loop 3 S-subunit439* R → T, V Helix G449** C, S, T → A C terminus477** K → E, G, P, Q C terminus

aResidue numbering is based on the S. oleracea sequence. Values for Bayesian posterior probabilitiesare as follows: *, .0.90; **, .0.95; and ***, .0.99. bInteractions in which the selected residuesand/or residues within 5 A of them are involved: DD, dimer-dimer interactions; ID, intradimer interactions;RA, interface for interactions with Rubisco activase; SS, interactions with small subunits (Ott et al., 2000;Spreitzer and Salvucci, 2002; Du et al., 2003).

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Page 8: Rubisco Catalytic Properties and Temperature Response in ...Rubisco Catalytic Properties and Temperature Response in Crops1 Carmen Hermida-Carrera, Maxim V. Kapralov, and Jeroni Galmés*

temperature response of photosynthesis. In this sense,the in vitro results of this study support in vivo datashowing different temperature dependencies of Rubiscocatalytic constants in Arabidopsis thaliana and N. tabacum(Walker et al., 2013).

In general, the Rubisco constant affinities for CO2 (Kcand Kc

air) were more sensitive to changes in the assaytemperature (i.e. presented higherDHa) than kcat

c and G*(Table III), in agreement with a recent study (Perdomoet al., 2015a). This fact is explained by the increase in theoxygenase catalytic efficiency (kcat

o/Ko) at increasingtemperature. However, it should be remarked that thekcat

o/Ko ratio was calculated from the measured pa-rametersKc, kcat

c, and Sc/o and that direct measurementsof the oxygenase activity of Rubisco (e.g. by massspectrometry; Cousins et al., 2010) should be under-taken to confirm this trend.

As at 25°C, the differences in the temperature de-pendencies of Rubisco kinetic parameters among C3specieswere not related to the thermal environment of aspecies’ domestication region (data not shown). Thisfinding contrasts with previous evidence suggestingthat the temperature sensitivity of Rubisco kineticproperties has evolved to improve the enzyme’s per-formance according to the prevailing thermal environ-ment to which each species is adapted (Sage, 2002;Galmés et al., 2005, 2015).

Although only two C4 species were included in thisstudy, they presented lower DHa for Kc and for kcat

c thanmost of the C3 species, in close agreement with trendsobserved recently by Perdomo et al. (2015a) in Flaveriaspp. (Table III). A larger number of C4 species need to besurveyed to verify the existence of differences in thetemperature dependence of Rubisco kinetics betweenC3 and C4 species.

How Do the Species-Specific Properties of RubiscoKinetics and Their Temperature Sensitivity Impact thePotential Capacity of Rubisco to Assimilate CO2?

Modeling the effect of the species-specific Rubiscokinetics and temperature dependencies of Rubisco ki-netics resulted in significant differences in ARubiscoamong the studied C3 crops (Fig. 2). This modelingexercise highlighted which species would most benefitfrom the genetic replacement of their native version ofRubisco by other foreign versions with improvedperformance. Notably, the modeling results clearlyindicate that the performance of specific Rubiscoscannot be evaluated without considering the envi-ronmental conditions during catalysis, specifically thetemperature and the Cc. This fact results from thedifferent temperature dependencies of Rubisco kinet-ics among crops and from the different impacts thatRubisco kinetics have on the Ac and Aj governingARubisco. Hence, at 15°C and Cc of 250 mbar,ARubisco waslimited by Aj in most C3 species (12 out of 18), while itwas limited by Ac in all C3 species at 25°C and 35°Cirrespective of the Cc value.

Detailed examination of modeled ARubisco suggeststhat future efforts to enhance Rubisco efficiency shouldbe directed at the following C3 species displaying thepoorest performance: C. maxima and M. sativa at 15°Cand both Cc values; G. max, C. annuum, and C. arabica at25°C and 250mbar;G.max, S. oleracea,C. annuum, andC.arabica at 25°C and 150 mbar; C. annuum, S. lycopersicum,and L. sativa at 35°C and 250 mbar; and C. annuum andS. lycopersicum at 35°C and 150 mbar.

In order to focus on the Rubisco catalytic traits,the modeling assumed invariable values for E (25 mmolm22 s21) and specific values for the rate of photosyn-thetic electron transport (J) and Cc. However, speciesadapt and plants acclimate to the prevailing thermalenvironment through changes in the concentrationand/or activation of Rubisco and J (Yamasaki et al.,2002; Yamori et al., 2011). Similarly, stomatal and leafmesophyll conductances to CO2 also vary in response totemperature (von Caemmerer and Evans, 2015). Thegrowth temperature effects on these parameters wouldhave altered the equilibrium between Ac and Aj and,indirectly, the consequences of different Rubisco kinetictraits on the CO2 assimilation potential. In the future,we aim to increase the accuracy of the present simula-tion by examining and including the species-specificvalues for stomatal and leaf mesophyll conductances,E, and J at varying environmental conditions.

The Analysis of Positive Selection in Branches Leading toSpecific Rubisco Traits May Reveal Lineage-SpecificAmino Acid Substitutions

We found 10 Rubisco L-subunit residues under pos-itive selection (94, 262, 281, 309, 439, 446, 449, 469, 470,and 477; Table IV). With the exceptions of residues469 and 477, these residues have been reported previ-ously in other groups of plants, implying a relativelylimited number of residues responsible for the Rubiscofine-tuning (Kapralov and Filatov, 2007; Christin et al.,2008; Iida et al., 2009; Kapralov et al., 2011, 2012;Galmés et al., 2014a, 2014c). However, despite wide-spread parallel evolution of amino acid replacements inthe Rubisco sequence, solutions found in particulargroups of plants may be quite different. For instance,there are only two common residues under positiveselection out of 10 between this study and methodo-logically similar work with a different sampling designpublished earlier (Galmés et al., 2014c). This fact raisesquestions of epistatic interactions and residue coevo-lution within Rubisco (Wang et al., 2011) as well asresidue coevolution and complementarity betweenRubisco and its chaperones (Whitney et al., 2015),which both may prevent the evolution of identicalamino acid replacements because of different geneticbackgrounds.

We have not examined the species differences in thesequence of the Rubisco S-subunit. Some of the speciesincluded in this survey, like T. aestivum, possess a largenumber of S-subunit genes (rbcS) encoding different

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S-subunits (Galili et al., 1998). Previous reports haveshowed that species with identical L-subunits mighthave different Rubisco kinetics (Rosnow et al., 2015)and directly demonstrated that differences in theS-subunits might affect Rubisco catalytic traits (Ishikawaet al., 2011;Morita et al., 2014). Therefore, we cannot rejectthe idea that the observed differences in Rubisco kinetics,and their temperature dependence, among the studiedcrops are partially due to differences in the S-subunits.


This study confirms the significant variation in car-boxylation efficiency and parameters that contribute toit among plant species and, to our knowledge, for thefirst time, provides full Rubisco kinetic profiles for the20 most important crop species. Our data set could beused as an input for the next generation of species-specific models of leaf photosynthesis and its responseto climate change, leading to more precise forecasts ofchanges in crop productivity and yield. These datacould help to decide in which crops the CO2 assimila-tion potential and carboxylation efficiency of Rubiscomight be improved via reengineering of native en-zymes or by replacement with foreign ones, as there isno a one-size-fits-all solution. The design of future at-tempts at Rubisco engineering in crops should be basedon surveys of Rubisco catalytic and genetic diversitywith a particular stress on relatives of the crops inquestion. Growing knowledge of the Rubisco catalyticspectrum combined with existing engineering toolkitsfor Rubisco (Whitney and Sharwood 2008) and itschaperones (Whitney et al., 2015) give us hope that theRubisco efficiency, and hence the photosynthetic ca-pacity, of crops could be improved in the near future.


Species Selection and Growth Conditions

The following 20 crop specieswere selected for study:Avena sativa ‘Forridena’,Beta vulgaris ‘Detroit’, Brassica oleracea var italica ‘Calabres’, Capsicum annuum‘Picante’, Coffea arabica ‘Catuaí Vermelho IAC 44’, Cucurbita maxima ‘Totanera’,Glycine max ‘Ransom’, Hordeum vulgare ssp. vulgare ‘Morex’, Ipomoea batatas‘Rosa deMálaga’, Lactuca sativa ‘Cogollo de Tudela’,Manihot esculenta,Medicagosativa ‘Aragón’,Oryza sativa ‘Bomba’, Phaseolus vulgaris ‘Contender’, Saccharum3officinarum (hybrid between Saccharum officinarum and Saccharum spontaneum),Solanum lycopersicum ‘Roma VF’, Solanum tuberosum ‘Erlanger’, Spinacia oleracea‘Butterfly’, Triticum aestivum ‘Cajeme’, and Zea mays ‘Carella’. These speciesrepresent the most important crops in terms of worldwide production ( C. arabica was selected as being the most important com-modity in the international agricultural trade (DaMatta, 2004). Plants weregrown from seeds under natural photoperiods in a glasshouse at the Universityof the Balearic Islands (Spain) during 2011 and 2012. Plants were grown in soil-based compost supplemented with slow-release fertilizer and frequentlywatered to avoid water stress. The air temperature in the glasshouse during thegrowth period was maintained between 15°C and 30°C.

Determination of Kc and kcatc

Rubisco Kc and Kcair were determined in crude extracts obtained as detailed

by Galmés et al. (2014a). Rates of 14CO2 fixation were measured at 15°C, 25°C,and 35°C using activated protein extracts in 7-mL septum-capped scintillation

vials containing reaction buffer (100 mM Bicine-NaOH, pH 8, 20 mM MgCl2,0.4 mM RuBP, and about 100 W-A units of carbonic anhydrase) equilibratedpreviously with either N2 or a mixture of oxygen and N2 (21:79). Nine differentconcentrations of H14CO3

– (0.1 to 9.4 mM, each with a specific radioactivity of3.7 3 1010 Bq mol21) were prepared in the scintillation vials as described pre-viously (Galmés et al., 2014a). Assays at 35°C using Rubisco from C4 speciesrequired increasing H14CO3

– up to 17.7 mM to reach saturating CO2 concen-tration in the aqueous phase. Assays were started by the addition of 10 mL ofprotein extract and stopped after 1 min by injection of 0.1 mL of 10 M formicacid. Acid-stable 14C was determined by liquid scintillation counting (LS6500 Multi-Purpose Scintillation Counter; Beckman Coulter) following the re-moval of acid-labile 14C by evaporation. Kc and Kc

air were determined from thefitted data as described elsewhere (Bird et al., 1982). Replicate measurements(n = 3–6) were made using different biological replicates for each species.

To obtain kcatc, the maximum rate of carboxylation was extrapolated from

the Michaelis-Menten fit and divided by the number of Rubisco active sites insolution, quantified by [14C]CABP binding (Yokota and Canvin, 1985). Addi-tional control assays undertaken as detailed by Galmés et al. (2014a) confirmedthat the observed acid-stable 14C signal was uniquely the result of Rubiscocatalytic activity.

Determination of Sc/o

Rubisco Sc/o was measured on purified extracts obtained as described byGago et al. (2013). On the day of Sc/o measurement, highly concentratedRubisco solutions were desalted by centrifugation through G-25 Sephadexcolumns equilibrated previously with CO2-free 0.1 M Bicine (pH 8.2) containing20mMMgCl2. The desalted solutions were made 10mMwith NaH14CO3 (1.8531012 Bq mol21) and 4 mM NaH2PO4 to activate Rubisco by incubation at 37.5°Cfor 40 min. Reaction mixtures were prepared in oxygen electrodes (Oxygraph;Hansatech Instruments) by first adding 0.95 mL of CO2-free assay buffer(100 mM Bicine, pH 8.2, 20 mM MgCl2, containing 0.015 mg of carbonic anhy-drase). After the addition of 0.02 mL of 0.1 M NaH14CO3 (1.853 1012 Bq mol21),the plugwas fitted to the oxygen electrode vessel and enough activated Rubisco(20 mL) was added. The reaction was started by the injection of 10 mL of 25 mM

RuBP to be completed between 2 and 7 min depending on the assay tempera-ture. RuBP oxygenation was calculated from the oxygen consumption, andcarboxylation was calculated from the amount of 14C incorporated into PGAwhen all the RuBP had been consumed (Galmés et al., 2014a). Measurementswere performed at 15°C, 25°C, and 35°C, with three to nine biological replicatesfor each species and assayed temperature.

Forall Rubisco assays,pHof the assaybufferswas accurately adjustedat eachtemperature of measurement. The concentration of CO2 in solution in equilib-riumwith HCO3

2 was calculated assuming a pKa for carbonic acid of 6.19, 6.11,and 6.06 at 15°C, 25°C, and 35°C, respectively. The concentration of oxygen insolution was assumed to be 305.0, 253.4, and 219.4 nmol mL21 at 15°C, 25°C,and 35°C, respectively (Truesdale and Downing, 1954).

Temperature Dependence Parameters of Rubisco Kinetics

To determine the temperature response of the Rubisco kinetic parametersfrom each species, values for Kc, Kc

air, and Sc/o were first converted from con-centrations to partial pressures. For this, solubilities for CO2 were considered tobe 0.045, 0.034, and 0.0262 mol L21 bar21 at 15°C, 25°C, and 35°C, respectively.In turn, solubilities for oxygen of 0.0016, 0.0013, and 0.0011 mol L21 bar21 wereused at 15°C, 25°C, and 35°C, respectively. The G* was obtained from Sc/o asdescribed by von Caemmerer (2000) using the above solubilities for oxygen.Thereafter, values of Kc, G*, and kcat

c at the three temperatures were fitted to anArrhenius-type equation (Badger and Collatz, 1977; Harley and Tenhunen,1991):

Parameter ¼ exp�c2




where c is a scaling constant,R is themolar gas constant (8.314 J K21 mol21), andTk is the absolute assay temperature.

CO2 Assimilation Potential of Crop Rubiscos at VaryingTemperatures and CO2 Availability

According to the biochemical model of C3 photosynthesis (Farquhar et al.,1980), ARubisco is defined as the minimum of Ac and Aj:

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ARubisco ¼ min�Ac;Aj

�; ð2Þ

Ac¼ kccat :E : ðCc 2G�ÞCc þ Kair


Aj ¼ ðCc 2G�Þ J4Cc þ 8G� ð4Þ

ARubisco was obtained for each species at three different temperatures (15°C, 25°C,and 35°C) and two different Cc values (150 and 250 mbar), simulating situa-tions of moderate water-stress and well-watered conditions in C3 plants, re-spectively (Flexas et al., 2006). The Rubisco catalytic traits kcat

c, G*, and Kcair

were taken from the species- and temperature-specific data obtained in thisstudy. E was assumed to be invariable at 25 mmol m22. Values of J were as-sumed to be 60, 150, and 212 mmol m22 s21 at 15°C, 25°C, and 35°C, respec-tively, for all species. At 25°C, J = 150 mmol m22 s21 matches very well with aJ/(kcat

c 3 E) ratio of 1.5 (Egea et al., 2011). Values for J at 15°C and 35°C wereobtained from the J temperature response described for Nicotiana tabacum byWalker et al. (2013).

Analysis of Rubisco L-Subunit Sites underPositive Selection

Full-length DNA sequences of the Rubisco L-subunit-encoding gene, rbcL(Supplemental Fig. S3), and two additional chloroplast genes (matK and ndhF)were obtained from GenBank ( forthe 20 studied species.

DNA sequences were translated into protein sequences for alignment usingMUSCLE (Edgar, 2004). The software MODELTEST 3.7 (Posada and Crandall,1998; Posada and Buckley, 2004) was used to check for the best model beforerunning the phylogenetic analyses. The species phylogeny was reconstructedusing concatenated alignment of all three chloroplast genes and maximum-likelihood inference conducted with RAxML version 7.2.6 (Stamatakis, 2006).

Amino acid residues under positive selection were identified using codon-based substitution models in comparative analysis of protein-coding DNAsequences within the phylogenetic framework (Yang, 1997). Given the conser-vative assumption of no selective pressure at synonymous sites, codon-basedsubstitution models assume that codons with a ratio of nonsynonymous to syn-onymous substitution rate (dN/dS) , 1 evolve under purifying selection to keepprotein function and properties, while codons with dN/dS . 1 evolve underpositive Darwinian selection to modify properties of the given protein (Yang,1997).

The codeml program in the PAMLversion 4.7 package (Yang, 2007)wasusedto perform branch site tests of positive selection along prespecified foregroundbranches (Yang et al., 2005; Yang, 2007). The codeml A model allows 0# dN/dS# 1 and dN/dS = 1 for all branches. dN/dS . 1 is permitted only along pre-specified foreground branches, and 0# dN/dS# 1 and dN/dS = 1 is permitted onbackground branches. Branches leading to species with high or low Kc, kcat

c,Sc/o, and DHa were marked as foreground branches. For the purpose of thesetests, high or low Kc, kcat

c, and Sc/o ranges were taken only at 25°C, because ofhigh correlation between values for these kinetic parameters obtained at threedifferent temperatures. DHa for these kinetic parameters also was considered.The A model was used to identify the amino acid sites under positive selectionand to calculate the posterior probability of an amino acid belonging to a classwith dN/dS . 1 using the Bayes empirical Bayes approach implemented inPAML (Yang et al., 2005).

The Rubisco L-subunit residues were numbered based on the S. oleraceasequence. The location of sites under positive selection was done using theRubisco protein structure from S. oleracea obtained from the RCSB Protein DataBank (; file 1RCX; Karkehabadi et al., 2003).

Statistical Analysis

Statistical analysis consisted of one-way ANOVA and correlation for linearregressions. For all the parameters studied, a univariate model of fixed effectswas assumed. The univariate general linear model for unbalanced data (Proc.GLM) was applied, and significant differences among species and groups ofspecies were revealed by Duncan tests using IBM SPSS Statistics for Macintosh,version 21.0. The relationships among the kinetic parameters and the temper-ature dependence parameters were tested with the square of the correlationcoefficient observed for linear regressions using the tool implemented in R 3.1.1

( All statistical tests were considered significant atP , 0.05.

The PCC was calculated between pairwise combinations of the kinetic pa-rameters Kc, Kc

air, kcatc, and Sc/o at the three temperatures of measurement.

However, correlations arising within groups of related taxa might reflectphylogenetic signal rather than true cause-effect relationships, because closelyrelated taxa are not necessarily independent data points and could violate theassumption of randomized sampling employed by conventional statisticalmethods (Felsenstein, 1985). To overcome this issue, tests were performed forthe presence of phylogenetic signal in the data, and trait correlations werecalculatedwith PICs using the AOTmodule of PHYLOCOM (Webb et al., 2008)using the species phylogeny based on the three chloroplast genes (see below).All these tests were considered significant at P , 0.05.

Accession Numbers

Sequence data from this article can be found in the GenBank/EMBL datalibraries under accession numbers.

Supplemental Data

The following supplemental materials are available.

Supplemental Figure S1. Box-plot depiction of Rubisco kinetic parameters(Kc, Kc

air, kcatc, and Sc/o) at 15°C, 25°C, and 35°C when considering the

18 C3 species alone.

Supplemental Figure S2. Maximum-likelihood phylogeny created usingrbcL, matK, and ndhF for the selected crop species.

Supplemental Figure S3. Rubisco L-subunit amino acid alignment for the20 crop species used in this study.

Supplemental Table S1. Rubisco kinetic parameters measured at 15°C and35°C for the selected crop species.


We thank Trinidad Garcia for technical help and organization of theradioisotope installation at the Serveis Científico-Tècnics of the Universitat deles Illes Balears (UIB) while running these experiments; Miquel Truyols andcollaborators of UIB Experimental Field and Greenhouses; Dr. Arantxa Molins(UIB) for experimental help; Dr. Cyril Douthe, Dr. Josep Cifre, Patricia González,andDr. Jorge Gago (UIB) for help in improving different parts of the article; andJaume Jaume and Dr. Sebastià Martorell (UIB) for providing some plant mate-rial used in the experiments.

Received April 19, 2016; accepted June 17, 2016; published June 21, 2016.


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