
Rubbish and recycling

Group membersChoi Tung KuenLam Kin WahLeung Ho CheongTse Tak KeungWu Man Yu

What is Land pollution?Waste, rubbish produced by the activities like domestic

households, commercial and manufacturing business and industry sires in Hong Kong.

There are vary types of solid pollutants in Hong Kong -plastic bags -construction waste -

garbage -sewage treatment solids -industrial waste -aluminum cans -ashes -mining waste -agricultural waste

Most solid waste is buried in sanitary landfills. A small percentage of municipalities incinerate their refuse, while composting is rarely employed.

SituationRubbish produced are mainly ends up dumped in the landfills-In 2008, 1.35kg of solid waste/person in Hong Kong

Rubbish is a common social problem. People become more and more wealthy than before, so they tends to buy new things and throe the old one away.

The Government introduced the construction waste disposal charging scheme and the quantity of construction waste disposed of at landfills deceased from 6,560 tonnes per day in 2005 to 2,660 tonnes per day in 2008. This figure fluctuates depending on the economic situation and the number of construction projects underway.

Hong Kong’s land pollution problem is improving and we should work harder on it!!

Society:• Inadequate area to settle down the rubbish

•A large number of disease are easily spread

•The living standard will be encumbered with the

rubbish problem

•The prestigious image of Hong Kong will be tarnished

•It wastes a lot of resources and money to deal with

the rubbish

Environment:Induce to all types of pollutions (land, sea, air,


Water pollution lower the water supply

Soils are damaged

Plants and animals will loss their habitats

A deleterious effect to ecological system

Problems it brings to


Effects of too much rubbishIncrease the need of more land to pile the

rubbish up

Inducing the need of building incinerators

Causing social dispute

Creating more greenhouse gases by incinerators

Lowering the visibility of HK

Effects of too much rubbish

Bad smell from landfills lower the rent of building nearby

Large rubbish trucks create noise pollution around the region

Good effects

Getting methane by appropriate methods can create energy

Greenpeace, Greenpower are the green organizations in HKTheir activities:• No plastic bags day started in public housing on 30/9/2009.

1. cooperated by the Hong Kong Public Housing Association and the WWF.

2. encourages people to use less plastic bags.

• Talks or exhibitions for the public or the schools.

1. raise up the eco-awareness and educate the people to pay close attention on the environment.

Green revolution• Express their viewpoints to the go

vernment1. In some serious cases,they will

also hold demonstrations or sit still with a peaceful mind to announce their feelings.

• provide update information to suggest some new living methods through their websites , leaflets and newspaper articles.1. hope the people can protect an

d live more friendly to our environment.

Personal behaviorsWhat we can do is only to reduce the amount of rubbish.The followings are the suggestions:

• Replace plastic bags by recycling bag as plastic bags will release toxic gases and poison to the land.

• Don't buy too much package products and unnecessary materials.

• Use more recyclable and decomposable prodcuts

• Sort out the types of rubblishes and put into the recycling bans.

• Use recyclable bottles and lunch boxes to replace EpS lunchboxes and plastic tools

• Introduction of a Producer Responsibility Scheme for electrical and electronic equipment

• Construct Integrated Waste Management Facilities (IWMF)

1. extend the landfills2. adopt advanced incineration technology.

• Construct a recycling centre1. recycle food waste into useful resources

• Invite all schools to sign a “green lunch”1. adopt the central portioning approach2. encourage schools to stop using

disposable containers

• Our 3 major landfills will be full in 5 to 9 years• The No. of tones of solid waste increasing• Only the intervention of government cannot tackle the

waste problem• Taipei is an good examples for us to follow

1.Taipei ‘s rubbish bags scheme reduce 40% of refuse

• The waste problem is the rush issue1.All the individual and organizations have

responsibility• Let’s take action and look before you leap when you

purchase anything

The end