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Page 1: RSC Newsletter August

Visual Arts students 'lace it up' with a futuristic virtual excursion Year 11 Visual Arts students took part in a virtual excursion experience with the Powerhouse Museum on August 4. The Powerhouse is currently showing an exhibition entitled 'Love Lace,' a contemporary exploration of lace-making techniques in art, design, architecture and textiles. Students were given the opportunity to discuss the exhibition theme, ideas and layout with the curator Lindie Ward, using RSC's connected classroom. Year 11s also spoke with exhibiting textile artist Briohny Luhrmann about her concepts, art making process and techniques. They received a practical demonstration of how she creates abstract lace designs based on personal photographs. Students were then guided through the technique via video camera, experimenting with their own photos and lace designs, some examples can be seen here. It was confusing at first, but students quickly adapted to the strange, new communication process. Vivian Zhang's comment summed up the experience: 'I feel like I'm in the future!' Emma Mazzaferro Visual Arts

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Interview with Emily Carrick, Year 11 Q. What do you like about Ryde Secondary College? I love how all my friends are here. I live a fair distance away from the school, so this is where I get to see them. Everyone here is nice, it is not like that in every school. There are good teachers, and the classes are good. I find I can learn things easily here. Q. What is your origin? My mum is English and Irish, and my dad is Panamanian and Chinese. My great grandmother was native American Indian. Q. Do you know how they came here? My father and his sister moved here when they were young with $20 and built up careers in manufacturing. Q. What career would you like to have? I am good at Art and like reading, so perhaps a librarian or a career in art. Q. How would you improve the College? There is not really anything which needs improving. School starting later would be nice, and I could have a sleep-in! Q. Do you have any hobbies? Reading – all the time. I love drawing, especially realistic drawing. I could also be an illustrator later. Q. Do you have any pets? I have four goldfish, one called Sushi and the rest are called Fish 1, 2 and 3.

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Interview with James Richards, Year 11 Q. What do you like about Ryde Secondary College?

I like all the extra- curricular activities. I think we have great faculties all offering different activities with good equipment and resources. Drama is great, we have a good sound system and a nice performance space. I am doing Duke of Edinburgh and it is good to get outside school and do physical activities like canoeing and hiking up the Kangaroo River.

Q. What would you improve? I would have assemblies more regularly. I would like more regular updates on student activities and achievements.

Q. How would you feel about a school song?

A good idea as long as we keep the national anthem. I would like to see a song that describes why we are at school, and why we do not just learn on our own, and why we do it as a community. The music should use effectively our strong points like violin and piano.

Q. You performed outstandingly in an interesting role for Drama last week. It was an “anti-play”. What is that?

A play goes against mainstream theatre, and the opposite perceptions of society. It was Mrs Hunt‟s excellent choice of this play which really intrigued the audience. Mrs Hunt chose the play, and our director, Jenny Anagnostopoulos adapted the play for the group. The group of six actors and the director got really close spending so many hours together practising on the weekend.

Q. What impact do you think doing Drama has on your literacy and other skills?

I can now talk in front of other people more easily and am willing to be more creative. I have learned how to work together with other people in a team. Different people say things in different ways even though they speak the same language, so I also learned new vocabulary.

Q. What do you want to do in the future?

I was thinking of going into the police or becoming an actor. Q. Do you have any pets?

I have two dogs, called Misty and Bella. Bella is a cattle dog, and Misty is a kelpie. Cattle dogs are extremely energetic and playful, whereas kelpies are more self-reliant and loyal. They are very fast. Both are well trained and know all the commands. I also have six alpacas, thirty sheep, and two rabbits on a family farm. Alpacas are really cool, like sheep with long necks. They are really friendly and can be hand fed. They are really clever. Whenever it rains they come up near the house because they know we will put up shelter for them. The sheep just hide under the trees, which they prefer to their own shed.

Interview by Cassy Norris Principal

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SOCIAL SCIENCES/ LANGUAGES NEWS This month has seen the participation of many students in enrichment programs offered by the faculty. Year nine Commerce students attended a financial literacy seminar and enjoyed the whole day learning experience; Geography classes received a visitor from Kiribati to speak to them about climate change; Indonesian and French classes have enjoyed lunch at city restaurants; and two of our senior students, Nicole Liu and Tim Su of year 11, attended a Macquarie University financial studies course during the holiday break. Reports on these events will follow and I would like to thank teachers for organising these interesting programs and students for participating in them with enthusiasm. John Gilford Head Teacher HSIE

Geography Enrichment Day On Wednesday the 27th of July, Kateia Kaikai from the Pacific Calling Partnership gave a number of presentations to over 200 students about the effects of climate change on low lying Pacific atoll states. Kateia who hails from Kiribati gave students a first-hand account of the damage wrought by climate change which includes increasing drought, damage to crops and wells by intruding seawater and coastal erosion. Students saw videos of houses being destroyed by king tides and taro pits and coconut plantations damaged irreparably by salt water. Our students asked many thoughtful questions and seemed very concerned about the plight of our Pacific neighbours. As a practical response, students raised $150.00 on the day to donate to the P.C.P and a proposal was put forward and accepted that R.S.C develops a brother/sister relationship with a school in Kiribati so that closer links are formed between our respective communities. The overall message of the presentation is that the peoples of the Pacific want to be respected and

have their dignity preserved as they are most at threat from the ravages of climate change and yet they are ultimately the least responsible for emitting greenhouse gases which are warming our planet. Paul McCartan Teacher


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Year 9 Commerce Enrichment Day On Friday the 29th of July the year 9 commerce students spent the day in the Human Movement Studio taking part in the Money Savvy workshop. The guy running the course Ziad was very enthusiastic and through the use of songs, videos, interactive activities and quizzes he taught us about things like managing money, debt, credit, bad finance, budgeting, scams, superannuation, credit and debit cards and showed us the stories of 2 inspirational teen millionaires. Throughout the day we worked in the groups we were put into at the beginning so it was also a good exercise for teamwork with people you may not normally work with. Towards the end of the day we played the KA-CHING money game where each of the teams were given a chance to show off what they had learned throughout the day which was great fun. Here‟s what some of the students had to say about the workshop: Tina Wang-“It was a very interactive and fun way to show off what we learn in commerce.” Robert Ke-“It was awesome we learned a lot and the KA-CHING game was very fun.” Sarah Pak “It was awesome” By Laurentiu Unguroiu

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UBS Macquarie University Business School What did we know about finance? Absolutely nothing. We were scared we would be the only ones without a clue about finance, but the second we got there, we found 48 other clueless people just as anxious about the week ahead. We made awesome friends over a game of „speed dating‟ and had our personalities analysed in a Myer Briggs personality test. Soon we were shamelessly stuffing ourselves with the free delicious food and singing completely out of tune together. On the second day, we stood at the bottom of the 41 levels of Chifley Tower, ready to meet the business people that owned about four Blackberries and iPhones as well as four computer screens each, and that is not even exaggerated. They gave us a real insight into life in the finance industry and the economy. Afterwards we were treated to a fancy Italian dinner and a wacky bizarre theatrical performance at the Sydney Theatre. We could not even begin to explain what the play was about, even if we tried. The next day we suited up and went to a canapé function. Standing on the 16th floor, being spoiled with fancy finger foods while trying to talk professionally to the suited up business people- this was the glamorous life. We spent the fourth day dreading the next day for two reasons: 1. We had to present to a board of judges about the St George and Westpac takeover, which most of us had known nothing about, and……. 2. After tomorrow, we would all have to hop on our planes, taxis and trains and head back to our hometowns. Although we all had dreaded the last day, it was the best day of the week too. We had an early morning hard core workout session and then all rushed to shower, pack, rehearse our presentations, handprint a „thank you‟ canvas for UBS and dress up for our graduation dinner- it was one hectic morning but it was well worth it. The presentations went smoothly and everyone presented as if they were experts. The dinner came and the dinner went and it was time to say our „goodbyes‟. It was bittersweet moment when group by group left the building- we were sad that we may not see each other again, but glad that we met and spent this amazing week together. Altogether, it was an amazing week and we would stay there for another 10 weeks if we could. By Nicole Liu and Tim Su

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“I love the teachers. They love helping students in any possible way they can” Sharan Kaur, Year 11 Interview with Sharan Kaur, Year 11

Q What do you like about Ryde Secondary College? I love the teachers. They love helping students in any possible way they can. Last term I needed some help with my Maths. I asked for help last term with my Maths and Ms Sakthivel came down to the library in my free periods and was really happy to help me, and offered more. Ms Nash loves helping students with PowerPoint presentations or other technology applications too. In Science we get to do a lot of experiments which I really like. I love the garden, the trees and the Sport system. I am on the Volleyball team and we have won two years in a row, and it has been really exciting. We also get a chance to help out in the community, with the Social Justice program. You go out and meet disadvantaged people, who feel good when you just spend a bit of time talking to them. You feel really good because you are helping them and are doing something good for someone. We even play cards sometimes. We organized a great Xmas party for them which made everyone really happy! Q What career would you like to have? I would like to be a doctor, a surgeon. In India on a visit a few years ago I saw people dying as they could not afford surgery, which the rich could. I want to work in third world countries helping the poor get surgery. Q How would you improve the College? I would have more bins as that is probably a factor in people littering. Q Do you have any hobbies? I love playing Ultimate Frisbee and recently got selected for the Australian Team and will be playing New Zealand. I love watching movies and am interested in the environment. My dad and I like working in the garden, and planting vegetables and herbs and spices. Unfortunately, we have rabbits which eat them which is really sad, but we keep doing it! Q Do you have any pets? Two rabbits, Chillo and Ludo. They are father and daughter. Students interviewed by Cassy Norris

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Year 9 Indonesian Excursion On Wednesday August 3 our Year 9 Elective Indonesian Class went on an excursion to Randwick, the centre for the Indonesian community in NSW. After catching two buses, we visited the Oriental Supermarket, which is the biggest Indonesian supermarket in Sydney. Many of us purchased Indonesian delicacies such as krupuk (Indonesian type crackers), kue lapis (layer cake), sambal (chilli sauce) and jus lichee (lychee juice). After leaving the supermarket with lots of supplies we then enjoyed a three course lunch at the Java Restaurant. For entrée we all enjoyed lumpia (Indonesian spring roll), more krupk udang (prawn crackers) and sate ayam (chicken satay). As some members of our class are vegetarian, some students were able to try fish in a banana leaf. For main course there were lots of different choices such as ayam bakar (grilled chicken with various sauces), rending sapi (curried beef), bakso (meat ball soup) and mie goreng (fried noodles). Adrian‟s bihun goreng came last!!!! However, it was enak sekali (very delicious) and worth the wait! For desert we all were able to try es campur (mixed ice with jellies) and es krim durian (durian ice-cream).

Special Achievements

August 2011

Joon Hee Koh, selected to receive a highly Commended Award as part of the 2011 Minister‟s Awards for Excellence

in Student Achievement – Community Languages School.

The award will be presented by The Honourable Adrian Piccoli MP, NSW Minister for Education or his nominee on Monday, 5 September 2011 in the

Sir John Clancy Auditorium, University of NSW, Kensington.

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Fortunately the ice-cream didn‟t smell (or taste) as pungent as the fruit!! With full stomachs we then came back to school, where we enjoyed eating out purchases from the supermarket! Ms Wholohan couldn‟t believe that we still wanted to eat!! We all had a great time and are looking forward to enjoying more Indonesian food when we go to Indonesia in 2013 Gai Wholohan Languages -Indonesian

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Hirunee Sarathchandra of Year 8 has achieved some recent success in Badminton. Hirunee was a member of the NSW State „Under 13‟ Badminton team, which won the Australian under 13 Interstate Badminton Championships in Altona, Victoria. Hirunee will be representing the NSW Regional „Under 15‟ Badminton team in the Australian Team Championships to be held in Perth in October 2011. Her ambition is to represent Under 15 State Badminton team in 2012. We will keep you posted on her future achievements. Hirunee is one of the many Ryde Secondary College athletes whose achievements will be acknowledged at the annual Sports Assembly on Tuesday the 20th September. This year we have a special guest speaker in two times Olympic Diver Alexandra Croak.

Zone Athletics Carnival 2011 The Zone Athletics Carnival was held on Monday 20th June 2011 at Sydney Athletics Centre Homebush. Ryde Secondary College came in 3rd place, 20 points behind Hunters Hill High school and 1 point behind Fort St High School. Congratulations to our participants who did a fantastic job and especially to those who filled in for those students who were absent. Outstanding individual results in Age champions:

Koray Kirk, 12 years zone age champion. David Park, 14 years zone age champion.

Bryant Tan was runner up by 1 point and Ivan Tan was 3rd in the 13 years age group. Rebeka Gaspersic, runner up in the 13 years girls.

Jayden Young, 3rd in the 14 years boys.

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Kaela Sparre, 3rd in the 17+ years girls. The 13 years boys relay team came in first place and just missed out

on the record by 1 second. Dustin Auld just missed the record by 1cm for High Jump

Well done to our students who were successful at the carnival and will be participating in the Sydney North Athletics carnival on July 25th and 26th. The Following students will be representing Northern Suburbs Zone

Bethany Tay

Emily Chin

Sheldan Brown

Rebeka Gaspersic

Siva Filimoekava

Rose Jenkins

Dana McGrath

Kaela Sparre

Matalena Wilson

Raji Gill Misson

17 yrs girls relay team

Zeb Ha

Koray Kirk

Jayden Lamano

12 yrs boys relay team

Bryant Tan

Ivan Tan

Haydn Houssenloge

Dustin Auld

13 years boys relay team

Jayden Young

David Park

Laurentiu Unguriou


Alex Lingard

Josh Ahn

Arun Sharma

Christian Macatangay

16 years boys relay team

David Edwards

Arsen Nuka

Peter Linardos

Rod Zakarija

School points

POS School Points

1 Hunters Hill High School 819

2 Fort St High School 758

3 Ryde Secondary College 757

4 Concord High school 505

5 Marsden High school 461

6 Burwood Girls High School 396

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Boys Points

POS School Points

1 Hunters Hill High 448

2 Ryde Secondary College 437

3 Fort St High School 363

4 Marsden High school 354

5 Concord High School 292

Girls Points

POS School Points

1 Burwood Girls 396

2 Fort St 395

3 Hunters Hill High School 371

4 Ryde Secondary College 320

5 Concord High School 213

6 Marsden High School 156

Age Champions - Boys

Age Boy School

12 Koray Kirk Ryde Secondary College

13 Cooper Steen Concord

14 David Park Ryde Secondary college

15 Conor Rae Marsden

16 Lewis James Hunters Hill

17 Samuel Dicker Marsden

Age Champions - Girls

Age Boy School

12 Kate Cousins Fort St

13 Trinity Williams Hunters Hill

14 Leya Reid Fort St

15 Cassie Stoppa Hunters Hill

16 Alison Thompson Fort St

17 Marlee Barber Concord

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Event Name Event # Place Student School Time/distance

4 x 100 metre Relay Event 73


80 metre Hurdles Event 36



Discus Event 209




200 metres Event 47


800 metres Event 68


Discus Event 256



Javelin Event 242


Long Jump Event 246


Shot Put Event 222




1 KIRK Koray 23 ( 26/01/1999 RYDE SECONDARY COLLEGE )

2 HA Zeb 21 ( 19/03/1999 RYDE SECONDARY COLLEGE )


2 TAN Bryant 30 ( 5/01/1998 RYDE SECONDARY COLLEGE )

3 TAN Yvan 25 ( 5/01/1998 RYDE SECONDARY COLLEGE )


1 PARK David 31 ( 7/05/1997 RYDE SECONDARY COLLEGE )

3 YOUNG Jayden 21 ( 4/09/1997 RYDE SECONDARY COLLEGE )


=4 UNGUROIU Laurentiu 17 ( 6/09/1996 RYDE SECONDARY COLLEGE )


1 JAMES Lewis 20 ( 5/05/1995 Hunter's Hill High School )

2 WAREHAM Aaron Michael 17 ( 21/06/1995 Marsden High School )

=3 MACATANGAY Christian 16 ( 18/12/1995 RYDE SECONDARY COLLEGE )



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4 x 100 metre Relay Event 77


800 metres Event 69


90 metre Hurdles Event 32




100 metres


400 metres


90 metre Hurdles


High Jump



3000 Walk



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Sydney North Athletics Carnival. Congratulations to:

Bryant Tan – winning the 13 years 100 metre sprint.

The 12 years boys relay team Zeb Ha, Koray Kirk, Josep Park, and Mason Wong came in 2nd Place.

Rebeka Gaspersic placed 3rd place in the 1500 metre walk.

Good luck to these students who will be competing at the NSWCHS on 8th, 9th and 10th September, 2011.


“What is our Environment Team doing?”

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Water testing and weed removal activities with Ms Cunneen and Ms Payne from Ryde Council

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Students and parents are reminded that any Yellow Merit Awards handed in after Wednesday, 26 October, 2011 will not be processed during the remainder of 2011. Yellow Merit Awards can still be handed in after this date, but they will not be processed until 2012.

Year 7 – 11 students holding white Certificates of Achievement are required to bring them in batches of six to the office

NO LATER THAN Wednesday, 2 November, 2011.

Please, don’t hand in any Yellow Merits which have dates earlier than 2008, they cannot be accepted as they are too old.

When Year 7 – 11 students have 6 White Awards, please present

them to our College office for stamping and recording as soon as possible

Do not leave to the last minute, avoid disappointment!

Graduation Assembly and Year 12 Social Function Year 12 will complete their education at the college on Thursday 22nd September 2011. All students will attend a Graduation Assembly rehearsal during periods 2 and 3. Following this, Year 12 will proceed to the COLA where they will be served a lunch of pizza, fruit and a drink. Students with special dietary requirements should inform Mrs McGinn so that alternative arrangements can be made. Time will be available here for students to take photographs and sign year books. Year 12 students will then participate in their Graduation Assembly from 1pm. Families and friends are invited to the assembly. Additionally, students and parents are invited to an informal gathering at the Next Generation Gym function room (502A Victoria Road Ryde – next to Ryde Pool) from 3.30pm to 6pm. At this venue, the students will continue their farewells to the college celebrate with their parents, teachers and the Year 12 cohort and enjoy refreshments and finger food. Past students who have left the college are welcome to attend. While younger siblings may attend the Graduation Assembly, they will not be able to attend the function afterwards. The cost of the day for Year 12 students is $25, while parents and guests who wish to attend are asked to pay $10 a head.

In order to confirm numbers for catering purposes, please complete the slip on page 40 and return to our College office before Friday, 2nd September.

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Careering On July/August, 2011

BIG REMINDER to Year 12 (and Year 10 and 11s as well) to visit which is an excellent, up-to-date and detailed careers website. It is FREE to students and their families – Just visit the site and if you would like to see the latest news, login with either “student”, “parent”, “ca” or “other” and then type in the password “health”.

IN ADDITION Year 12, please check your portal email as daily I am forwarding emails to

you with opportunities of every kind i.e. job opportunities being advertised by large organizations, apprenticeships, traineeships, cadetships and scholarships. It is essential that you spend five minutes each week just scanning the info to see if there is anything at all that might interest you.

Year 10 I still have a large amount of Work Experience Certificates…please come and see

me if you have not received your Certificate.

APPRENTICESHIPS Are you thinking about applying for an apprenticeship? Illawarra Coal and Illawarra Group Training Apprenticeships Quality apprenticeships in Mechanical & Electrical trades. Closing date: 10 Aug 2011 at 5:00pm WesTrac Apprenticeships WesTrac has over 500 apprentices employed at any one time. Apply via the website - Further information: (02) 4935 7929. Applications close Sunday 7th August 2011 at 11:55pm Trivett Apprenticeships – Recruitment Program 2012 – applications open 1 August and applicants must apply through website: if you are interested in automotive for light vehicles, motor cycles and sales. Ausgrid (formerly EnergyAustralia) – Apprenticeship program for line workers, electrical mechanics, cable jointers and mechanical trades – online Australian Training Company – Traineeships and Apprenticeships across a broad range of workplaces…visit or phone 9704 1511 REMINDERS Reminder: University of Notre Dame Early Offer Program closes on 5 August SCHOLARSHIPS International College of Management, Sydney Early Entry & Scholarships Early Entry

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Scholarships Three National scholarships in 2011 valued at over $60,000. Applications close Friday 21 October 2011. International Student Scholarship value $25,000. Due Date: 19 August 2011 Open Day on 21st August. Scholarships Three National scholarships in 2011 valued at over $60,000. Applications close Friday 21 October 2011. International Student Scholarship value $25,000. Due Date: 19 August 2011 Open Day on 21st August. Macquarie University – check out – more info on scholarships is due to be received shortly from Macquarie. UTS Science Scholarships and prizes Information Session for years 11 and 12 students, and their parents: Date: 27 August 2011 Time: 10:00 - 14:30 (in conjunction with UTS Open Day) Location: City - Broadway CB04 Lecture theater 2.34, level 2, building 4 International College of Management, Sydney Early Entry & Scholarships Early Entry Scholarships Three National scholarships in 2011 valued at over $60,000. Applications close Friday 21 October 2011. International Student Scholarship value $25,000. Due Date: 19 August 2011 Open Day on 21st August. Year 12 - Interested in the University of Canberra? Please see me in Careers asap UTS Special admissions scheme: elite athletes or performers LOOKING FOR SOMETHING DIFFERENT? Young People Without Borders Sponsored Gap Year Placements are available for 17 to 19 year olds. The application deadline is Friday 2 September. Volunteering Opportunities at Sydney Children’s Festival 26th Sept - 8th Oct

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Projects Abroad Online Information Session Projects Abroad operates in 25 developing countries. Online Information Session - 9th August 6.00pm INVITATIONS

Macquarie University Events Business and Economics Information Evening Tuesday 16 August, 6.30pm - 8pm For parents and students in years 10 - 12 to learn about: Business and economics degrees and programs Aspiring professionals program Scholarships Graduate opportunities Macquarie Law School Information Evening Wednesday 31 August, 6.30pm - 8pm. For Year 10 - 12 students, Careers Advisers, Parents, & Teachers. Macquarie University -Modern History School Certificate Study Day Saturday August 27 2011, 9am – 2:30pm Tracy Sullivan – The Australian History Museum, Phone – (02) 9850 8870, Email – [email protected] MACQUARIE UNI - OPEN DAY Saturday 10 September 2011, 10am – 4pm Register now to: 1. Receive a free coffee or sausage sizzle on the day 2. Stay informed of event details 3. Receive notification when online planner is available 4. Stay informed of upcoming giveaways Macquarie University – Applied Finance and Actuarial Studies Saturday 10 September, 2011 – 11 am – 12 pm Where: Theatre 1 Building X5B..get the inside story about what an Actuary Does, what it’s like studying actuarial studies, and career options from teachers and current students and graduates. Excellent for students in years 11 and 12.Register online MACQUARIE – UNI IN A DAY Thursday September 29 2011, 8:30am – 3:30pm For Year 10, 11 and 12 students. Students will be able to choose their own subjects, plan their timetable and see what happens in a normal day on campus. Actors College of Theatre and Television Free Acting Workshop & Info Sessions Saturday 6 August 2011 - 10:30AM – 12:30PM Monday 22 August 2011 - 6:30PM – 8:30PM Main Pitt St Campus Australian College of Applied Psychology Information Evening

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Tuesday 9th August, 6pm – 8pm For more information or to RSVP call 1800 061 199 or email: [email protected] Level 5, 11 York Street, Sydney. Wesley Institute Course Information Day 20th Aug 2011, 11am-1:30pm Wesley Institute, 5 Mary St, Drummoyne For students, parents & careers advisers. Contact: Melissa Clarke, [email protected] or 02 9819 8824 INSEARCH Career Advisers Info Evening If you are concerned about your ATAR….go on-line and see if this opportunity would benefit you: Date : 11th Aug 2011 Time : 4:30 - 6:30pm Venue : Level 6, 187 Thomas St (Corner of Quay St and Thomas St) Contact : Maria Ospina : [email protected] St Patricks Institute of Education – OPEN DAYS for courses in business Admin, Business, Marketing and at all levels with VET Fee-help…Phone 8306 2333 or visit The University of Adelaide – OPEN DAY Sunday 21 August – visit New 2011 Information Guides available from the Careers Room

Lorna Quinn Careers Adviser

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17 August 2011

Dear Parents,

Expression of Interest Bushukan High School Homestay Program

One hundred and thirteen students and eight teachers from our Japanese sister school Kushiro Bushukan High School will be visiting the College on Wednesday, 16 November 2011. Forty Bushukan High School students have asked to participate in this year‟s Homestay program. The program has been very well received by both our visitors and homestay providers with everyone valuing the experience. Homestay will span two nights: Wednesday, 16 and Thursday, 17 November 2011. Homestay arrangements are: a family hosts 1 or 2 students (2 meals everyday), involving them in home life providing meals, entertainment and family social activities the family would normally undertake. Our Japanese students fit into your way of life, eating what you eat and speaking the English where possible. Homestay providers will receive a one off payment of approx. $106.00 per homestay student they accommodate. This payment will be made later in the year. The Japanese Consulate would prefer that our College families open their homes to double placements where possible. Students must have their own beds with boys in boy‟s room, girls in girl‟s room only. The Consulate has requested that male students be hosted with family‟s predominantly male and female students with predominantly female families. However, if you can only homestay for one student we would still like to hear from you. If you can help out and would enjoy this wonderful experience, please complete and return the attached form by Wednesday, 10 August 2011, returning it to the office as indicated. Should you require any further information please contact Mrs. Jennie Thorn on 9809-4894. Yours sincerely

J A Thorn Jennifer Thorn Bushukan Homestay Convener Administration



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I am interested in hosting a Japanese homestay student. Please return this form to Mrs Jennie Thorn at the College Office by Wednesday, 10 August 2011.

I can provide homestay beds on 16 and 18 November 2011 for: (Please indicate below)

This information below is important to the Japanese Consulate and Tour advisors

Host Father’s Name_____________________________________________ Fathers Age _______________

Host Mother’s Name ____________________________________________ Mothers Age ______________

Host Student’s Name ____________________________________________ Roll Call _______R ______

Home Phone No ___________________________________ Mobile No _______________________________

Home Address_____________________________________________________________________________

Active Email address _______________________________________________________ (please print clearly)

Do you have children or other family members living with you at home? YES / NO (please circle one)

Names, Gender and Ages of other children living at home?

Childs Name ________________________________________ Gender: Male / Female Age _________

Childs Name ________________________________________ Gender: Male / Female Age _________

Childs Name ________________________________________ Gender: Male / Female Age _________

Childs Name ________________________________________ Gender: Male / Female Age _________

Other Adults: ________________________________________ Gender: Male / Female Age _________


Homestay Provisions (Please give a brief description of the facilities /services the visiting student will have

access to)

Bedroom: Single or Shared (please tick one) Students must be in a single bed only

Tel /Internet: …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

Household rules: …………………………………………………………………………………………………………. (Are there specific rules in your home you would expect the visiting student to follow?) Transport: You will be required to transport your Homestay Student to and from Ryde Secondary College each day, will this be a problem for you? ………………………………………………………………….. Do you have a car: YES / NO (Please circle one) Note: Use of the Taxi Services are not permitted

Kilometres from Ryde Secondary College. How far do you live? Approx.: ______Suburb_______________

Pets: YES / NO …………………………………………………………………………………………………… (Please provide information about any household pets)

Reason for wanting to be host family ………………………………………………………………………………


Parent’s Name (1)………………..…………………… Parent’s Signature ……………….……………………..

Parent’s Name (2) ………….………………………..… Parent’s Signature ……………….…………………….

GIRLS - 2 students _______________ GIRLS - 1 student __________________ Please tick Please tick

BOYS - 2 students _______________ BOYS - 1 student __________________ Please tick Please tick

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Are you thinking about a Career in Sport, Fitness, Events or Leisure?

Is this you?

A Year 11 / 12 student thinking about a Career in Sport, Fitness, Leisure or Events A Careers Advisor or PDHPE Teachers who has to answer questions about various careers A Parent whose son or daughter needs to start thinking about what they want to do Anyone else even just thinking about a Career in the sports/ events / fitness industry. Why not do one of these? Come to a Careers workshops at Sydney Olympic Park–now with free guided Tour of ANZ Stadium! Visit<> under Education for more information and to register.

The dates are: Careers in Sport Workshops Monday, 18th July Sydney Olympic Park 10.15am - 2.30pm Wednesday, 3rd August Sydney Olympic Park 10.15am - 2.30pm Thursday, 11th August Sydney Olympic Park 10.15am - 2.30pm Wednesday, 24th August Sydney Olympic Park 10.15am - 2.30pm Monday, 29th August Sydney Olympic Park 10.15am - 2.30pm Monday, 5th September Sydney Olympic Park 10.15am - 2.30pm Or.. I could come to you and speak to your Class. I can speak about the range of careers in Sport, events, leisure and the fitness industry. Email me at [email protected]<mailto:[email protected]> and we‟ll see what we can do…. Or… Buy a Careers in Sport Book<> which gives an overview of 17 different careers plus Universities and courses to study. This costs only $14.95. Visit<> under Education for more information. Warm regards and happy sporting! Julie Stafford Education Manager

Year 12 Graduation Party

Please complete, detach and return with full payment to the front office by Friday 2nd September, 2011. Student‟s name: _____________________________________at $25 a head

Guest‟s name/s: _____________________________________at $10 per head



Total: $ ____________

Page 29: RSC Newsletter August

Your school SWOT analysis


At our school we:


At our school we would like to improve:


At our school we have the opportunity to:


Issues that may impact on our school include:

Please email form to [email protected] Attention: Leisha Hay,

Deliver form to the College Office, Attention of: Jennie Thorn or

FAX to 02 9808 2642 Attention: Leisha Hay
