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Ms. Boone’s English Class


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About Me

• I graduated from UK in 2008.

• I LOVE coffee, flowers, and animals.

• My favorite color before I came to Bryan Station: Purple

• My favorite colors now: Green and yellow

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Info Cards• On the front:

• Name• Class period• Phone number• Your email• Your parent/guardian’s email• Address• Birthday• Bus Route Number (or if you are dropped off or


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Info Cards

• On the back:– Who you live with (Mom, Dad, siblings,

grandparents, etc.)

– Your favorite subject in school– Sports you play at BSHS– What do you LOVE?– Most played artists on your Ipod/stereo– Do you have Facebook?

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Routines and Procedures

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Entering the Classroom

• Go to your assigned seat.• Take out your binder, pencil, and other

materials.• Put your backpack and all other materials

under your desk and out of the aisle.• Read the agenda for the day.• Promptly begin the day’s opening activity.• There should be no talking after the bell rings

unless instructed.

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When You Are Tardy

• If you have an excuse:– Follow procedures for entering the classroom.– Do not disrupt the class.– Place your hall pass/excuse on the corner of your


• If you don’t have an excuse:– Go directly to SAFE. Do not enter the classroom.

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If You Need Materials

• If you need a pencil, you can get one from a classmate, or I will give you one.

• I don’t give away pencils for free.• If you need paper, please get some

from a classmate.• If you forget your materials on a

consistent basis, I will have to enact consequences.

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When You Have an Excused Absence

• Check the “Missed Class?” basket to see if you have makeup work.

• Check the calendar for your class to see the agenda for the period you missed.

• Get notes about the class you missed from a classmate.– Ask 3, then ask me.

• For makeup assignments, you have the number of class periods you were absent plus one to complete work. Any work after this time will be considered late and the late work policy will apply.

• If you missed a test, see me after class.

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Late Work

• If you know you are going to turn in something late, please talk to me about receiving a One Day Extension.

• Each student will receive 2 Late Work Passes.

• If you do not have an assignment when it is due, you can use a Late Work Pass to turn it in 1 class period late.

• If you are out of Late Work Passes, you may not turn in your work.

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Leaving the Classroom• Each student will receive 2 Hall Passes per semester.• Hall Passes will not be issued to go to the bathroom.

Please use the bathroom before or after class.• Do not ask to leave the room during direct instruction

or a test. You may ask during independent or group work only.

• Students will not be allowed to leave the classroom during the first or last 15 minutes of class.

• After you use both of your hall passes, you may only leave class in emergency situations.

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Getting Out of Your Seat

• Students will not be allowed out of their seats during direct instruction or during tests. Raise your hand if you need a pencil during these times.

• Students may get out of their seats to sharpen a pencil during group or individual work.

• There is no need to get out of your seat to throw something away or for any other reason.

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End of Class Dismissal

• I dismiss the class, not the bell. The bell is simply a reminder for me to dismiss the class.

• Do not begin to put your materials away when the bell rings. You may put your materials away after class is dismissed.

• No one will be dismissed until everyone is in their seat and the area around your seat is picked up.

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Challenges• In this class, we will follow all school wide rules.• If there is a behavioral challenge during class, I may ask

you to stay after class to discuss it, or I may call your parent or guardian.

• If you put your head down or fall asleep, I will ask you to stand up for the rest of the period.

• If you have materials out during class that have nothing to do with class, I will take them for the rest of the period or day.

• If you write on your desk, I will ask you to clean all of the desks.

• You may not chew gum or eat or drink anything in my class.
