

    President Steve Briggs

    Immediate Past President Endel Vallak

    President Elect /Club Administration Don Crewe

    Vice President Charlie Speirs

    Secretary Janet Wallis

    Treasurer Peter Wallis

    Youth Services Simon Schembri

    Rotary Foundation Rae Mackay

    Community Services John Caruana

    International Services Wayne Abblitt

    Vocational Services Geraldine Jones

    Membership Gavan Hodgson

    Public Relations Lorraine Paulet

    Rotary Club of Traralgon Serving Through Rotary for 76 Years

    District 9820 Victoria

    This Meeting 3 October 2017

    Next Meeting 17 October 2017

    Programme Lift the Lid on Mental Illness Regional Development &

    Coal Technology

    Speaker Vivienne Armstrong Ian Nethercote

    Speaker’s Chairman Janne Speirs Charlie Speirs

    Greeters John Paulet & Gloria Platt Andy Ringin & Michael


    Cashiers Sharon Briggs & Norm Butler John Caruana & Don Crewe

    Bulletin Don Crewe Sharon Briggs

    Sergeant Gavan Hodgson Lorraine Paulet

    Other Business

    President Steve’s Message 3 October 2017

    Later this month we have an evening barbecue at Bunnings (Norm will have the full SP) for which we will need about half a dozen volunteers. Please let Norm know if you will be able to help. I think I am right in saying that this is to be a bbq provided free by Bunnings rather than as a fund raiser for some worthy cause or other. However, there is certain to be something to our advantage in the deal. So, if you can help please do. Next month on the day of the Melbourne Cup, Sharon and myself will be opening our home for the usual Rotary gathering and we will be delighted to see Rotarians and partners/guests attending. (If you have a better offer which includes champers, caviar and mixing with stars from stage, screen, sport and politics you should take it, but only if it includes all three.) Please be planning your Cup Day in advance so that when we ask for numbers attending we will be able to estimate accurately what we need to provide. P.S. That reminds me: Did you hear the one about the cannibal who went on a self catering holiday?

    Regards, Steve B.

    3 October 2017

    The Club meets on the 1st

    , 3rd

    and 5th

    Tuesday each month at the Traralgon Golf Club Apologies to the Secretary on 0417 030 768 or [email protected] by 7.00 pm on Mondays please

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  • Meeting Report 19 September 2017. Latrobe Valley Mine Rehabilitation Commissioner Rae Mackay

    Rae began work in his new role at the end of June. It involves thinking about the process of rehabilitating the Coal Mines of the Latrobe Valley, considering what is happening, issues coming up, about not necessarily closing them, but keeping them running. The three mines in the Latrobe Valley will close at different rates, over the next 15-20 years. Yallourn will go out of production in 2032, Lay Yang in 2047. The rehabilitation project will run through to the end of the century and aims to keep the holes , left by mining, stable for several hundred years.

    As an example of the challenge, mines in Germany have approximately a metre of overburden and 5 metres of dirt left for every 1 meter of coal taken. There is very little left when to usable coal is taken from the Latrobe Mines. German mines can easily be filled with water, but Australia is a much drier country which presents an added challenge. Coal is barely heavier than water, and this can lead to slippage on surfaces below the water. Water still seems to be the most viable option, so the plan is to fill the mines with water and make an asset for the community. 2.2cubit km of water is needed to fill the mines - that's a pretty serious amount of water.

    Using water will impact river systems, flora, fauna, irrigators, all the way through to the lakes. Research is an important part of the equation.

    There are some 25 government departments involved – a serious number of people, involved including land and environment and heritage

    Objectives of commissioner

    Provide assurance to community and governments that planning is happening and implementation is possible.

    Promote participation of the community and stakeholders from the Latrobe Valley region in the development and implementation of the regional rehabilitation strategy.

    To promote the effective rehabilitation of coal mine land in accordance with the regional rehabilitation strategy.

    Act as an advocate for the community so it is not hindered, but is enhanced. Some want to keep mines, some to close all,

    Gavan thanked Rae for his presentation. President Steve then concluded the meeting, reminding us of the 2017-2018 theme

    Rotary Making a Difference..

    My Life as a Rotarian

    By Richard Jeffery


    The 1991/92 District conference held at Deakin University Geelong, was a great year for our club. Tom Boyle was District Governor and Jim Merrett President. The club had the responsibility of organising the Conference. Everyone had a job to do on the various committees. We put on a very successful conference which was attended by over 1000 people. Tasmania was part of our Rotary District for some years. I attending District conferences at Burnie and Launceston. The Rotary International Presidents special representative gave a very inspiring talk at the Burnie Conference. After the conference Clarrie Heron and I hiked over the Cradle Mountain to Lake St Clair National Park.

  • My Life as a Rotarian, By Richard Jeffery (cont.) The Rotary Bike Rides to Conference are very enjoyable. The annual events started in 2001 or 2002 and the cyclists ride over 600 kms during the 6 day event. The riders are sponsored and over $50,000 is raised each year for Gippsland Rotary Centenary House, Life Education and Shelter Box Australia. I participated in 8 or 9 rides – fellowship is first class and awareness of Rotary is created as the Cyclists ride through each town, wearing their Rotary ride shirts. Janet Wallis (our cycling Vicar) is now representing our club. Ride to Conference was the idea of Rotarian, the late Roy Knudsen. Roy was always brimming with enthusiasm and it was sad when he met his untimely death. Visits by the Russian, Japanese and Indonesian Ambassadors. These were arranged through our local M L A Peter McGauran and proved to be interesting meetings. The Russian Ambassadors dinner was during my year as President. After the dinner, members and wives/partners adjourned for a social get together at my house. During 1968/99 vodka was relatively unknown in Australia. At one stage the Ambassadors driver disappeared out to their car; he reappeared with a bottle. Several members tried it for the first time and found it rather strong. Group Study exchange, Foundation Scholarships and Exchange Students. During my time in Rotary our club has participated in these. During my year as President the District hosted a Group Study Exchange Team from Alabama USA. During the District conference one of the team members stayed at our house. That was a very interesting experience. The Exchange Students hosted by our club proved to be mostly successful and the students fitted in well with the host families. Now it is getting a little difficult for our club members to volunteer to host students. Most of our members do not have school age children. When you have been a member of Rotary for many years, you have the opportunity of doing most of the jobs in the club. I have found every position most satisfying and enjoyable. Like everything in life you gain as much out of it, as what you contribute. I believe the satisfaction and enjoyment from doing something for others, by far outweighs the time and effort it takes. I regret not being able to do as much as I used to. What I enjoy about Rotary is – Fellowship, Belonging to a worthwhile, worldwide organisation and the Opportunity to serve. If I did not believe this I would not still be a member of the Rotary Club of Traralgon. Richard Jeffery

    INVITATION The Rotary Club of Traralgon Central has taken on as its major project this year assistance to the local community resulting from the impacts on our region of our changing power industry, and especially the closure of Hazelwood Power and other industries.

    Our first task was to understand what areas are most in need, and how an organisation like Rotary can help. To do this we have embarked on a program to engage with local industry, Latrobe Council and other service providers. We are focusing on guest speakers who can help us better understand the issues and needs. With that knowledge we can formulate programs where we could best assist.

    On Thursday 5 October, we have been able to secure as guest speakers from Latrobe City Council the Mayor Cr Kellie O'Callaghan, CEO Gary Van Driel and Manager for Economic Development Phil Stone. This will be an important meeting, and of interest to anyone who has concerns for the future of our region. Accordingly we invite any members of your Rotary Club or other interested people to this meeting. Thursday is not our normal meeting night, but this was the only date that we could secure all the three representatives from Latrobe City. We will meet at 6.15 for 6.30pm at the Comfort Inn, just before the Traralgon Golf Club on the Princes Highway. Cost for the dinner is $20.00. Can you please RSVP to myself on 0407 918471 or [email protected] by latest 5.00pm Tuesday 3 October so that we can advise the venue. We look forward to seeing yourself or any of your members at the meeting.

    Regards, Ian Round, President 2017-18, Rotary Club of Traralgon Central

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  • Statistics for 19 September 2017 Apologies: Wayne Abblitt, Tony Boulton, John Caruana, Rose Gillow, Richard Jeffery, Ian Keith, Brian Lythgo, Gloria Platt, Andy Ringin

    Leave of Absence Helen MacDonald, Geraldine Jones

    Club Guest


    Celebrations and Anniversaries coming up:

    This is our Club’s 3542nd meeting.

    District Website: Information relating to Clubs within our District may be found via the following address:



    3 October John Caruana; 9 October Ray Scheffer & Ray Smith; 11 October Janne Speirs & Rodney Davies; 14 October Charlie Spiers; 17 October Li Azlin


    Members: 38 Apologies: 8 Late Apologies 1 Leave of Absence 2 AWOL: 1 Rotarians Present: 26 Visiting Rotarians 0 Partners: 0 Guests Total Present: 26 Booked for 25 meals

    Actual meals 26

    During Mental Health Month in October, Australian Rotary Health will encourage Rotarians and the general public to get involved in Lift the Lid on Mental Illness – ARH’s national mental health fundraising and awareness day.

    On World Mental Health Day (October 10), you’re also encouraged to celebrate Hat Day by holding an event, wearing a hat and raising money for mental health research. Other ways to help out include holding an event or asking a coffee shop nearby to donate $1 per coffee sold.

    We have a new website coming soon, but in the meantime you can find out more here: or

    • Follow us on Facebook:
