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Mobility and Recognition: the Flemish Case

Prof. dr. Luc François, Flemish Bologna-expert

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Recognition of foreign diploma’s

Full recognition Flemish government:

authorized for professional recognition Flemish government: authorized for academic recognition (NARIC) together with

Flemish HEI’s HEI’s: authorized for academic recognition in so far an (equivalent) education is offered

by that particular HEI

Partial recognition Flemish government: certificate of equivalence on the level of education (ba-ma) HEI: exemption of courses

Current situation in Flanders


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April 11th 1997

Set up of “Committee on the Recognition of Qualifications concerning Higher Education in the European Region” Recommendations

LRC has two characteristics Change of paradigm: focus on ‘recognition’ not on ‘equivalence’ Focus on procedures and criteria

Lisbon Recognition Convention (LRC)


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11 basic principles

1. Adequate access re recognitionyes

2. No discriminationyes

3. Refusal of full recognition must be based on substantial differences (equivalence based on Learning outcomes)

No real instructions BUT practice learns that equivalence still prevails in a lot cases ( Learning Outcomes)

4. Possibility of partial recognition (recommendation)Not automatically (new application workintensive!

Lisbon Recognition Convention (LRC)


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5 Transparent, coherent and reliable procedures and criteria

Procedures: yes Coherence between procedures: ?6 Delivery of adequate and appropriate information by the applicant

and its institution of originYes

7 Onus of proof for refusal of recognition rests with competent recognition authority

Yes oblıged by law8. Onus of Motivation in case of refusal

OK but must be made explicit in Flemish recognition rules

9. Reasonable time limit for decisions on recognition

Theoretical: yes In practice: not always.

Lisbon Recognition Convention (LRC)


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LRC versus Flemish Case

10 Appeal


11 Specıal procedures for refugees


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Suggestions in three ‘categories’:


General suggestions regarding: Content Organization and procedures

Central or decentral approach

Suggestions for reformation of Flemish recognition procedures


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Reformation of existing procedures and practice must consist of 5 principles:

1. Fair assesment must be guaranteed

2. Reformation must be assure and stimulate quality process

3. Promotion/stimulation of mobility

4. “One stop shop”: coherence between procedures

5. Increase economic effiency

Reformation re Principles


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Content Substantial differences = decision criterium

Output approach is necessary: focus on learning outcomes, not on equivalence

Toolkit of best practices will be helpful in this approach

Input approach can however be useful in order to reach the output approach!

Reformation suggestions on content


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Organisation One covering regulation determined by decree The procedures in this regulation must be applicable to every

applicant ‘One stop shop’ Decision on recognition must count for all Flemish institutions Reasonable time limit Procedure free of charge for applicant Level of applicant must be evaluated by tests/exams if credential

evaluation is not the answer Shift focus away from diploma and education: focus on Learning


Reformation suggestions on organization


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Three levels of recognition: 1. Full equivalence2. Equivalence to a level of education3. Equivalence to a certain ‘domain’ of education (not to a

diploma or education) Evidence lies with qualified authority Quality of advises must raise Attention for joint/double diploma’s One qualified authority for appeal Governmental investment

Reformation suggestions on organization


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Central Pro’s:

Increase quality of advice Increase procedural expertise Consistent approach Decision on recognition: valid for the whole region No shopping for applicants

Con’s: Treshold Time limit would not go down Cost for applicant? Danger of bureaucracy

Central or decentral approach


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Decentral Pro’s:

Institution’s principle of subsidiarity Lower threshold HEI’s (and its staff) are highly involved Reasonable time limit

Con’s: Harder to ensure consistent approach Applicants must know the HEI’s Recognition decisions are individually based Shopping Increase staff time Cost for applicant

Central or decentral approach


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It’s up to you now:1. Input – output approach ?2. Central –decentral ?3. Three levels of recognition: solution or barrier?

Thank you for your attention!

Luc François

Food for thought…