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Roman cism test - 2

1. Keats's which epic poem is modeled on Milton's "Paradise lost " ?

A. Lamia B. Hyperion

C. Ode to skylark D. La Belle Dame sans Merci

2. P.B Shelly's pastoral elegy "Adonais " laments the death of

A. Wordsworth B. John Keats

C. S. T. Coleridge D. Southey

3. P. B. Shelly's "Adonais" is modeled on John Milton's...

A. Paradise Lost B. Paradise Regained

C. Comus D. Lycidus

4. "If poetry comes not as naturally as the Leaves to a tree it had better notcome at all" is a notable remark by

A. John Keats B. William Wordsworth

C. P. B. Shelly D. S. T. Coleridge

5. Who was criticized for his rhyming "thorns/fawns" in his poetry ?

A. P. B. Shelly B. John Keats

C. William Wordsworth D. S.T.Coleridge

6. Among these poets, who does not belong to "cockney school of poetry " ?

A. Leigh Hunt B. William Hazli

C. John Keats D. S. T. Coleridge

7. The term "cockney school of poetry " was coined and first used in

A. Blackwood's magazine B. Edinburgh review

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C. Quarterly review D. London magazine

8. Who contributed essays to Blackwood's magazine, under the pseudonymof Christopher North?

A. John Gibson Lockhart B. Leigh Hunt

C. John Wilson D. William Maginn

9. La Belle Dame sans Merci by John Keats is a

A. Ballad B. Sonnet

C. Elegy D. Ode

10. The sonnet "On First Looking into Chapman's Homer" is thework of

A. P. B. Shelly B. William Wordsworth

C. Leigh Hunt D. John Keats

11. "His poetry is the reality,... his philosophy is the illusion" is a commentby Mathew Arnold about

A. William Wordsworth B. John Keats

C. S. T. Coleridge D. P. B. Shelly

12. The Romantic poet who left England in 1816 and did not return forthe last eight years of his life.

A. John Keats B. Lord Byron

C. P. B. Shelly D. William Wordsworth

13. Samuel Taylor Coleridge's Dejection: An Ode expresses his love for

A. Sara Hutchinson B. Fanny Brawne

C. Isabella Jones D. Claire Clairmont

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14. "Visions of the Daughters of Albion" is a poem by

A. Wordsworth B. Lord Byron

C. S. T. Coleridge D. William Blake

15. The epic poem "Milton " written by

A. William Blake B. John Keats

C. Wordsworth D. P.B.Shelly


1.B 6.D 11.A

2.B 7.A 12.B

3.D 8.C 13.A

4.A 9.A 14.D

5.B 10.D 15.A

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