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Page 1: Romanticism

RomanticismBy: Jed Ransdell, Tyler Calvert,

Chrissy Browning, Jasmine Whalen, Isaiah Stovall

Page 2: Romanticism

Define the experience of the Mormons in the early 19th century. Map their trek to Utah.

• The Mormon’s moved from New York after Joseph Smith was murdered, they moved all over to attempt to escape persecution. Brigham Young gathered thousands of Mormons to move farther south west across the Rockies in 1847 they stopped at the edge of the desert near the great salt lake which is today salt lake city.

Page 3: Romanticism

Define transcendentalism. What beliefs are central to transcendentalist philosophy?

• Transcendentalism- emphasized that truth could be discovered intuitively by observing nature and relating it to one’s own emotional and spiritual experience. Their core beliefs was to inherent goodness of both people and nature.

Page 4: Romanticism

Identify two examples of utopian reform communes in the antebellum period.

• Brooke Farm• Oneida in New York

Page 5: Romanticism

Define the second great awakening. What were the big results of this religious revival?

• A wide spread Christian movement to awaken religious sentiments that lasted from the 1790’s to the 1830’s. revivalism had a strong impact on the American public.

• Church membership rose dramatically

Page 6: Romanticism

Some evangelicals were strong abolitionists and anti slavery reformers. Provide examples to

prove this.• Later, in the 17th century, English Quakers and

evangelical religious groups condemned slavery as un-Christian; in the 18th century, abolition was part of the message of the First Great Awakening in the Thirteen Colonies; and in the same period, rationalist thinkers of the Enlightenment criticized it for violating the rights of man.

Page 7: Romanticism

Define the temperance movement of the early 19th century. What role did Women play? Why

did they see this as an area for reform?• The temperance movement of the 19th and early

20th centuries was an organized effort to encourage moderation in the consumption of intoxicating liquors or press for complete abstinence. The movement's ranks were mostly filled by women who, with their children, had endured the effects of unbridled drinking by many of their husbands.

Page 8: Romanticism

Women were active in a variety of reform movements. Does that affect the rise of feminism during the

antebellum period?

• Yes, because women were getting more active and involved in politics and laws.

Page 9: Romanticism

What reform work was undertaken by Dorothea Dix?

• Dorothea Dix was an activist for the mentally insane. She created insane asylums and pushed to take better care of the mentally ill.

Page 10: Romanticism

Which reform movement seemed to be more urgent in the antebellum period, women's rights

or abolition movement?

• In the antebellum period, a woman's status and rights depended on the law, economics, culture, custom, education, ethnicity, and race. By 1860, the efforts of reformers had begun to expand the boundaries of women's concerns, challenge the cultural prejudices that limited their experiences, and set them on the road toward suffrage.