

Romania is a unitary semi-presidential

republic located in southeastern-central

Europe, north of the Balkan Peninsula and

on the western shore of the Black Sea. It

borders Hungary, Serbia, Ukraine, Moldova

and Bulgaria.

Bran Castle (Dracula)


The capital, Bucharest, is the 6th

largest city in the European Union.

Romania, old arts, pole of infinite-Brancusi, and Danube delta


Caracal is a city in Olt county,

situated in the historic region of Oltenia.

Caracal has been the trading center of

the region’s agricultural output. Caracal

has a population of 34.000 and is the

second largest city in the region.


The Theatre of Caracal represents the town’s architectural

pride. It was designed by Franz Billek in an eclectic style with a

neobaroque touch in the 19th century. In 2009 it was reopened

and it revived the cultural thirst of the people of Caracal and

attracted the curiosity of several famous Romanian actors.

CONSTANTIN POROINEANU Park is one of the most beautiful

natural parks in Romania, being recognized as the third largest

natural park in Europe. The name comes from the man who donated

the land and his entire fortune to the town. The park was designed

by the architects Redont and Pinard and required extensive work.

Now you can enjoy the beautiful restaurants and bars set on the lake,

little islands and leisure facilities. The park is home to numerous

species of local plants and trees, but also to exotic species.

ROMANATIULUI Museum was opened in 1949 and it initially had

three displays, which were later enriched by valuable archaeological

discoveries or by donations and acquisitions. It is also an architectural

monument dating back from the second half of the 19th century.

The museum offers you the opportunity to see marvelous archaeological

displays: axes, human figurines, pottery belonging to the Neolithic, cult

tables, pottery and objects from La Tene, inscriptions, documents,

jewellery from the Middle Ages, the coin treasure discovered in Vladila,

documents of the 1848 Revolution, weapons, medals and uniforms.



Opening its gates in 1888 as a secondary school for boys, IONITA

ASAN National College is now one of the best and most

appreciated high schools in Olt County. Its building is a beautiful

architectural monument with a one-of-a-kind picture gallery, an

impressive library, a large, elegant amphitheater, three IT

laboratories, two science laboratories and a modern gym. No less

than 1350 students have chosen to receive their education here,

guided by 100 qualified and well-trained teachers.



Voluntary Work-Planting trees in a forest

near the town

Looking forward to your visit